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So what are /g/'s prefer custom pronouns to show solidarity with different movements and be appreciated in the GitHub community?
principal is my preferred pronoun.
my title is principal software engineer or principal engineer.
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>Repository default branch
>type in "master"
>click update
>New repositories you create will use 'master' as their default branch name.
>Why main?
>main is the most popular replacement for master that we're seeing across GitHub. We like it because it's short, it keeps your muscle memory intact, and it translates well across most languages. We're using main for our newly-created repositories and for the repositories we're moving now, like dependabot-core.

Yeah... that's totally why... Why are they like this?
slacktivism, it's a way of doing nothing while pretending you're changing something
Someone in my company actually tried to start a movement to ban the word "black hole".
>most based
define based
Why? Because it's totally meaningless and can mean whatever I want it to mean. So I can be a totally cis-het white male (which I am), yet still farm social points by claiming to be "non-binary" (whatever the fuck that means).
I want to farm negative social points in the most efficient way possible without getting banned.
What are the most based repos one can contribute to? My old account had a contribution to /g/'s famous NGRCoin.

You know what I mean, anon...
this guy gets it. You're supposed to upset redditors, not get banned. There's a difference. a good example of this is posting pictures of real women on r/transgender and claiming the surgery was a success
Both the individual morons get to feel like they're a part of something, and the corporate masters get to distract the morons with shiny without having them actually change something that could harm corporate interests.

At the same time master vs main was playing out on GitHub there was a brief and swiftly killed movement to have GitHub stop putting brown kids in cages as part of their contracts with the DHS. Everything for slacktivism and positioning your marketing stance, but zero for actual real change.
I just put in my actual pronouns he/him
>You know what I mean, anon...
no i don't, and you don't either. that's why im asking you, because you have no fucking clue what you mean. what the fuck is a based repo, retard
A repo that triggers those types of 'folks' by its mere existence.
example: https://desuarchive.org/g/search/text/ngrcoin/
are you a little kid? you sound fucking retarded
My pronouns are
>/'); DROP TABLE names; --
And I will complain to HR if you use a space with width or include any escape sequences when entering it into databases
>show solidarity with different movements
you mean faggots? i hate faggots, they should die
Your not my pal, friend.
>main is the most popular replacement for master that we're seeing across GitHub.
maybe because it's the default? god do i hate these people
you're not my friend, nigger
can anyone explain this zoomer meme?
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Oh, we got a badass over here.
There's a fat, hairy guy who occasionally posts webms of himself rubbing his penis on a Steam Deck here.
we/us. My precious.
Im not a nigger, goy
My pronouns are fuck/you
>keeps your muscle memory intact
>by changing the default
Remember that gamer gate was absolutely correct about everything.
They destroy everything around them and you should not relax if there's one nearby.
the Emperor/his Majesty
you dont "have pronouns" you stupid fucking american. identifying yourself object or concepts is tranny illness
>you don't "have pronouns"
The irony. But in case you are genuinely retarded
>A pronoun is a word that refers to either the people talking ("I" or "you") or someone or something that is being talked about (like "she", "it", "them", and "this").
Idk maybe it doesn't matter to you if someone refers to you as a she but it'd bother me.
again, its not possessive, pronouns are a concept (of which there are two, once for the sex male and once for female), you dont """have""" pronouns
I always create a master branch, set it as default and delete main.
Younger devs have asked me why because they only know "main".
I don't know what the fuck you are babbling. In English and many other language they use a masculine pronouns for dudes and feminine pronouns for women. He/she are pronouns. When someone writes to me in English I'd like them to refer as a "he" since I'm a dude. What's the big deal
You're being deliberately obtuse. Obviously when someone says they don't like "pronouns", they're referring to forced/compelled pronoun disclosures, mandatory usage of "preferred pronouns", etc. You're being disingenuous and acting like we aren't allowed to criticize you because we didn't explicitly define exactly what you are doing and the only reason you're doing this is to bog us down in semantics.

Forcing me to put "he/him" everywhere is fucking bad. forcing me to use "she/her" when a man comes in wearing a dress with a beard is bad. Forcing people to use "they/them" to refer to people whose sexes we know is bad. You know as well as we do what our issue is and it isn't with grammar.

Also this entire thread is off topic.
or just put master as the default in your git config file and github account settings
Jesus fucking Christ with you fragile snowflakes. If there's some shit where they want me to put in my pronouns I just put in my pronouns because I don't give two shits. Cry about it to someone else.
"I get to cry and bitch and scream until I get what I want but if you complain you're a crybaby and should get a life."
And what have I been crying and bitching about?
The entire concept of "preferred pronouns" is a result of Team LGBTQ+ crying and bitching.
And what does that have to do with me? I don't even speak English as my first language you fucking retard. We don't have this shit
If you really don't care, why are you upset that we're annoyed at it?
Because I get some dumbass snowflakes crying to me about it when I only said I'd just put in my pronouns. That's some vegan tier crap
I'm not crying, I'm saying it's bad. I stopped crying about it a long time ago once it became clear that wasn't helping.
Basement Gauleiter
they/them not because i'm an ally but because shakespeare used them and its a good way to know if someone is wasting my time.
if they're not messaging me to talk about dev shit then 9 times out of 10 the first thing they will do is question the pronouns and i can just tell them to fuck off and block them
works on both the RGB+ weirdos and the annoying faggots who can't go two seconds without vomitting some nonsense about vaccines and culture wars
"I participate in forced behavior because the side forcing me to do it leaves me alone and the side objecting sees me as a lost cause" does not make yourself sound like the individualist you think it does.

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