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Redpill me on this vs stuff like VScode or jetbrains
Use it and form your own opinion
use vim. vscode is super bloated and not even foss
VSCode can do anything vim/neovim can do, but without the abhorrent default keybinds and 2 hour config setup every time you want to try a new language.
What do you use right now?
people who have jobs
retards who somehow have jobs
Without going in to the technical details, it's basically just vim but with better out of the box support.
If you're a semi-heavy vim user and wants to save time, it's worth a try.
If your terminal text editing needs boil down to occasional config file editing through ssh, just use normal vim, or better yet, nano.
Besides, it's not default on most OSes, so if you're a casual user and you get used to any neovim pratice that's "non-standard", it may be annoying to use a machine that's not fully configured to your needs.

I don't use neovim myself. I don't hate it, I acknowledge it's uses, but I don't think it's for everyone, at least not at this stage.
To expand, the best thing nvim has going for it is that it supports lua config, so you don't have to use the abomination known as vimscript.
if you are on low end hardware, it might be better to use a cli editor than a bloated IDE, even when using LSP plugins it will be much faster
Why would I want to form my own opinion when I could use someone elses' as a proxy opinion and not feel bad when someone challenges it?

I am a neovim user because vim was the editor they taught us in college.

If you’re not already using vim, don’t start now.
>taught in college
are you from uganda?
erm it looks so sexy though
I can't use any other editor besides neovim. I'm slow on them. I'm literally faster on vanilla vim extensionless with default config than in VSCode (with language completition) and JetBrains IDEs.

Noted, I don't code in Java neither C#. My opinion could change if I worked on those. I write mostly C and Go.
Isn't Neovim just VSCode but in a terminal with Lua support?
Studied at a private university in New York and they literally made us learn vim in the first 2 weeks of the program. God bless that professor
Holy clueless.
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Vim is fairly intuitive once you understand the logic of modal editing. Your inane OP also tells me that you're not too familiar with the shell and the UNIX philosophy, so you would need to learn a whole suite of new tools to be able to match the functionality of an IDE. Think of neovim as a bare-bones text editor which you can customize according to your needs and aesthetic preferences. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes not. If I want to code Java and I want linting, project discovery, tags, debugging, and I only have to touch Java once in a while, there's no point trying to bend neovim to meet my needs when I can just install one of the available IDEs. If I'm coding web shit and want linting, tags, dependency control, live preview, I'd just use VSCode or something. If I'm on Windows and need to code C++, I'd likely use Visual Studio instead of fucking around with the editor for hours.

The real redpill is that you can learn to use more than one editor, and different editors can be more useful in different situations. There's nothing wrong with monolithic IDEs, and other editors might have have loads of features that might be useful, like macros, buffers, undo trees...

It's a tool. All the fuss around editors, operating systems, phones, etc. is at worst the product of some grimy marketer's wet dream and at best some vain attempt at culture from the rabble. Rise above it.
Emacs is the real red pill, Ive switched away from neovim about a year ago. Vim bindings are a must though.
I think it matters to how we feel about the tool we use. There is no one-size-fits-all, no canon on what we should be following. For instance, I
like the completion framework of Emacs, orderless pattern matching, the previews of consult, etc., but am not huge on in-buffer
completion and concomitant “smartness” (e.g. auto-inserting closing brackets). Those extras impose a mode of working that contradicts my
way of thinking/editing. I have corfu installed but mostly use the generic dabbrev or just type out the whole thing. False positive text
expansions annoy me. I don’t use anything that auto-inserts texts and actively dislike popups and such embellishments—they distract me.
Just looking at an IDE, I think to myself how terrible that experience would be for me with all those icons, bars, popups… Emacs can be
sufficiently powerful yet visually austere. For me this is a requirement, as I otherwise feel overwhelmed and become unproductive (or at
least feel that way).
> why would i want to test it myself when someone already did the work and can communicate his experience?
It just werks.
>Normal mode
>Insert mode
>Press the "j" key
install emac sir!!!!!!
I unironically just installed NVChad and I'm satisfied
ed(1) is the standard editor.
i unironically use vim because it makes me feel cool
ultra zvsed. might hop on that train just to feel cool and look like im doing something more important than I am.

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