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Fish edition

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Previous: >>100914198
I actually want to say something witty about your webm, but I just can't.
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>I actually want to say something witty about your webm, but I just can't.

A picture is a thousand words. OP's webm is worth about 780,000 so either get to steppin or use an engine.
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I would love to work on my 3D engine written entirely in C again, but I'm busy making a living.
Flying fish have fins like wings. Uours does not.
You failed
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Blob duck and one slice of its SDF texture
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My custom engine I've been working on for 5 or so years. It has a form of ray tracing I invented that uses depth cubemaps to find ray hits.
We just call those BVHs
what the hell is happening
>wtf Death Stranding is looking great
>It has a form of ray tracing I invented that uses depth cubemaps to find ray hits.
How does that work and what are the advantages/disadvantages?
Also your game looks very good visually. Gameplay looks chaotic but similar to Devil Daggers which I haven't played. Good job
Don't, cry
I'm just a
It's basically screen space reflections, but done with a cubemap of depth values instead of a plane of them. You scatter these depth cubemaps throughout the scene and give them bounding volumes for what part of the scene they should influence. I use importance sampling to pick ray directions, and a temporal filter to get non mirror-like reflections (GGX BRDF). The advantage to doing this is that you can get correct looking reflections of static geometry in about 95% of cases without doing real ray tracing. The only downsides are some visual artifacts where the cubemaps represent geometry poorly (I can live with this) and the fact that all dynamic objects cannot create reflections (but they can receive them). So you wont get explosions or particles or enemies in the reflections, but you can go up to a wall and see the geometry behind you being reflected (impossible if you use SSR).
I think Blender's Eevee does something similar. Wouldn't it be totally tractable to update the cubemaps in real-time? How many are there? Could maybe even have two layers, one for dynamic geometry.
Does anyone have experience implementing singular value decomposition? I'm currently following the method outlined in Solving Least Squares Problems by Charles Lawson and Richard Hanson, yet I encounter numerical instability issues which prevent convergence during the iterative application of Givens Rotations to produce the finalized decomposition.
what does that have to do with gamedev
It's engine dev. I'm implementing a linear solver for a constraint-based physics system.
Never implemented SVD, but I guess just make sure the algorithm is actually stable with whatever matrices your throwing at it. If it's failing with well-conditioned matrices then you've probably just implemented it wrong. Also, I recommend a more modern resource for numerical analysis.
anyone wants to discuss 32 bit float color space with a non gamedev? It makes light pop up
love the way it looks, how about some real levels?
The human eye does not work the same way a camera works, the eye has receptors that respond to light on an exponential scale called gamma, and the details are not too important, what what it means is that we can usually throw away like 90% of the color information and get a realistic looking image, that's what 8-bit per channel color is. But the thing is, if you want to modify or enhance the image with some kind of post processing effect you need access to that information that is usually thrown away, you can store that extra information in a float or 16-bit per channel, etc.
you summed it up pretty good, what I experimented with as a beginner in video VFX, is work in 32 bit float, but "render" to one of those weird formats that can actually render that and reimport to 8 bit, cause apparently you can't just video 32 bit float or you couldn't back then, anyways, adding to what you said, light does indeed look badass in 32 bits, things like layer blend modes like add, multiply, linear light, glow, even levels and curves are on another level with 32 bit, they call it non destructive modifications, all you need is the modifier to actually be able to work in 32 bits, cause if it doesn't you are indeed trashing info and you're not getting the full benefits
Should be trivial, just grab an off the shelf numerical library and then throw numbers at it and tweak yours until they match
Are you referring to 32 bits per color channel or HDR with 10-11 bits per channel and no alpha?
I'm talking specifically about 32 bit "project" in video editing/VFX. But I recently saw a webgpu presentation and they said "this is 32 bit float natively" which I assume is it's the very same thing, aka, you can apply non destructive image modification, like curves and levels, if you do curves on top of curves in 8 bit you lose mad info and the image looks weird, but if you do the same in 32 bits, you get non destructive modification, the info of the image is preserved, useful for example to apply color grading, for example, but where it really shines is in light/shadow effects, it's not the same to apply an add layer mode on 32 bits than on 8, same it's not the same to apply a glow effect under the same circumstances
HDR is the same concept it all comes down to authoring formats vs transfer formats. Working in 32 is like a master tape and the transfer formats are downsampled.
>Working in 32 is like a master tape and the transfer formats are downsampled.
very well put
>t. the VFX fag
It's not non-destructive, it's just more precise
Jim in Marketing disagrees
Ah so it is more about authoring content then displaying, I was gonna say 32 bits sounds like overkill
monitors cant display 32 bit, only 8 bit
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Starting on a terrain system, going with a Chunked LOD method, since it appears that's what WoW, Battlefield, and RDR2 use. Geometry Clipmapping seems like a meme for infinite procedural shit, which I don't care about. Just want to make a single good-looking continent.
Any anons with experience in terrain have any tips?
Work in progress...
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>SDL2 has no built-in function to draw circles
I should never have listened to /g/
It doesn't have a lot of things. You should think of SDL as a cross-platform windowing/input/audio library. If you use SDL_Surface and related functionality, expect to write your own image manipulation functions, because all SDL really gives you is blending two surfaces and filling rectangles with a solid color.
I can't find a single example of how to create a camera using quaternions AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I wouldn't bet my life on it, I'd say it is indeed non destructive, as long as the operations are made in the same line, if you add 8 bit modifiers then no magic happen, but if you apply curves on top of curves you get all the info in there and you didn't miss a bit
it's about making light effects and image post processing, vfx, color grading, etc.
eventhough, if I suspect that if you make a trick there, in 32 bits, you might get sick hdr control and results, something as simple as rendering lgihts, mids and shadows in different passes and compossing later on with layer blending modes, for example, that'll give you a nice range to play with
>is it overkill
it might be
You don't need anything more than lines and rectangles.
nvm I think i figured it out but now the camera "rolls" when moving it in circles...
has anyone here actually sold a game before? I mean where you received actual money in return for a copy of your game? Or is everyone here just publishing free games on itch.io?
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When you paint with the walls down, the wall under the cursor now pops up.
Looks annoying when you want to mouse over the wall in the back. Can you use the tile instead of the wall itself?
It's a trade off. use the tile and now selecting a wall is a more precise action vs selecting a wall which yeah it can be annoying when walls overlap.
I'll reduce the bounding box around the walls and see how it feels.
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I tweaked it so that when the walls are down it only detect the wall on the tile.
You're right it's better than how it was.
Thank you
cute game anon
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Added dunes and a skybox. Currently refactoring renderer.
You better be making sims 1, but with blackjack and hookers
It's sims 1 but with sharts and marts
Rectangle is redundant if you have lines, you need arcs and lines.
I like to have variable names in camelCase, but I have no idea how to handle abbreviations here, espeicially at the beginning. Would the proper way be `iDList`? `IDList` `idList`? Something else?
nice one
except no capital on the start of course lmao
gib 32 bit cinematic sunset and a normal dof pass and a extra dof that is supposed to simulate a mix of dof map but applied to horizon color instead, it works best with a few levels of depth in the scene
var names are liekThis, constants are LIEK_THIS
basically, google code conventions and java for example
unless your numbers are of infinite precision then operations are destructive
this is basic logic
destruction is a relative term though so it's stupid of you to try and make a point out of infinite precision
>destruction is a relative term though
its not
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Added JSON support to my Level editor. Each entity has a configuration file that defines the properties available to them and their types, so the barrel has


that results in vid related
this looks sick but turn it into an arena shooter
When you think about it, what's the use case for melee weapons in a shooter?
high risk / high damage weapons
You guys use special keyboards for coding? Just seems like it be useful to not need multiple key strokes to get underscores or ->. I guess you could also get real fancy with is and have keys mapped to typing out "if", "else", "for", "return" etc
I would if I knew where to get a "special coding keyboard" from
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When loading GLTFs via cgltf, should I:
>Use gltfs in-engine, and directly use cgltf's data structures for rendering and scene graphs and shit
>Use gltfs in-engine, but write my own model structures/classes that the gltf data cgltf loads gets loaded into
>Convert gltfs to my own hypothetical custom format
I'm torn.
The meme images are gone. It's the end of an era.

I do the second. And by that is that I just rip off the vertices and indices data and nothing more. For now at least.
it depends on how spongy the player is. If you die in one or two shots, then melee weapons are worthless. If you can tank multiple shots, then it's
ammo conservation
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>The meme images are gone.
I am not sure I will be able to cope with this fact.
(The brick texture looks nice though)
Did you implement a scene graph for the loader/renderer? Or can that also be optional?
No I don't. I just load the file, iterate through the scene's nodes and take what I need from the vertices data and the indices. Then I store this info elsewhere where I then use to render the walls.

But I'm not making an engine, so take my opinion with a BIG grain of salt.
and thus a new age has begun..
is that odin? How do you like it so far does it have mature dev (fmt, lsp, debugger) tooling yet?
>fmt, lsp
these are for brainlet webdevs
That's nice looking, I really struggle with making a gui.
it's pretty great. The tooling is okay. ols does the job as an fmt and lsp. And for debugging I use gdb but I think you can use any visual debugger. I'll be honest, I'm a printf monkey.
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My obsession of wanting to be able to write games and play said games on my phone just might be approaching unhealthy levels.
Picrel is me setting up lua scripting; my next goal is writing a small text editor so i could write programs on it.

NTA, but
> formatter
Glanced through the source, doesn't have a built in formatter yet, but has a unneeded semicolon stripper.
> lsp
Yes, https://github.com/DanielGavin/ols
> debugger
Can't vouch for the unixes but on windows you could output a .pdb and use VS to debug odin on the source level.
How do you even go about it? Can you really install a compiler on a phone?
My knowledge of mobile development is old and was all done from the desktop and uploaded to the phone afterward. Seeing you do it from the phone itself is impressive.
Do you have to be good at math to make your own game + game engine from scratch? I'm shit at math and have forgot even high school level math at this point.
you need to know basics of linear algebra. fairly easy stuff, but we don't learn that in high schools where I live. you can try without it, but you will struggle on many occasions, especially in 3d.
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They are desirous of vengeance for their fallen comrades. But they are not yet wise enough to seek it.
you can be bad at math and still get things to work it will just be much harder
what are those?
also I like the bevel on your blocks.
not much math you can learn most of it in under a day/week depending on how lazy you are. Just this should be enough https://minireference.com/static/tutorials/linear_algebra_in_4_pages.pdf . Also engines can be pretty basic https://deepnight.net/tutorial/a-simple-platformer-engine-part-1-basics/
on android at least, termux gives you access to a sandboxed non-root terminal, a bunch of linux packages, access to a bunch of android APIs if you know where to look, access to /storage/emulated/0 which is the user-visible part of the filesystem, and with addons, an X11 server you can use to run graphical applications, delegated access to android apis not originally supported like usb and sensors, including native gui elements though there's some latency there
you can even install distros into chrooted environments

you can do development in it but it's more useful for utilities, small servers, and network stuff
during a pretty serious internet service outage i found out the hard way there was a data limit for hotspot usage despite having "unlimited" data and i was able to bypass it via tunneling tcp over usb and using my phone as a reverse proxy
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It is supposed to be a shrew. Right now every body is naked & textureless until we earn clothing.
If there's a will, there's a way
Unfortunately to save time (and my sanity) I had to cheat in the regard of fully doing this using nothing but my phone (by using RayMob as a convenient base to start typing code from, but coping with the penalty of having to wait a couple of seconds to uninstall the app, build my code and reinstall said app.)
The other reason building from the device itself is inconvenient because google decided, in their infinite wisdom, to limit the tooling required to create .apk files to run only on x86/x64 devices; Running an emulator on the target device through termux would then be necessary to use said tooling.
At the moment I'm using Raylib (through RayMob) for I/O and Lua to do scripting, though with enough effort it just might be possible to include LLVM as a dependency and use it to compile and hot-load C/C++/llvm-language-of-the-month whenever needed.
>hardship foster innovation
cool stuff for sure
Holy shit https://x.com/devon_artmeier/status/1802120394091966601
Ancient knowledge
Not clicking your link Elon
learn to type
copilot types 95% of my code
I have no idea for a game and no motivation to do anything.
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The keyboard app named "Unexpected" I've found useful for attempting technical-ish work on a phone. But hopefully you use a real keyboard.
would be interesting if it was possible to gaze upon it, but where are you meant to get VS97 Disc 3 in the current year?

clang now has an included library for embedding an instance of the compiler as an interpreter/incemental compiler at runtime, you don't even need to do anything complicated
nevermind, i forgot the internet archive carries abandoned software
>nevermind, i forgot the internet archive carries abandoned software
For now. Unfortunately, big book publishers are trying to destroy the site. Preservation will be illegal. Yay for corporations and their shitty lobbyists!
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Thanks anon, didnt know about this before; having an opportunity to save time doing stuff like this is a relief.
And thank you, anon, for my new favourite virtual keyboard (Unfortunately I wont have access to a physical keyboard, superior as it is)
Errm those corporations are losing money because like a hundred people downloaded a 20 year old book off of Archive.org. Listen and learn stupid fucking CHUD
It's kinda amazing and terrifying how corpos got leftists, which should by all accounts rightfully be against corporations, to mostly side with corporations and turn into corpo-cocksucking neolibs all because of identity politics
Is someone here making a platformer?. I'm trying to make the collision response for mine with only ray to AABB detection. But I'm shitting the bed when including movable platforms. Mainly because I have to check for collisions before moving the platform, and after that I put the player in the position the platform has moved.
But, when a collision happens in a corner, then I get a collision for both axis. Kinda easy to solve for static collisions (I just check if there is a collision X after setting dy to 0, if not we have a collision in Y), but I cannot wrap my head for moving platforms.
Idk if I should just ditch the code and just do AABB vs AABB collisions in multiple steps
I was the platformer guy, I didn't make it to the point of movable platforms but I copied Maddy Thorson's movement code (with some modifications) to get it working; the FAQ even mentions moving platforms
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still compiles too, with VS2022
corporations are progressive but not leftist. You will not see a corporation advocating for unions and breaking up monopolies. They just advocate for gay rights or whatever socially progressive thing.
The only reason you think the left is entirely composed of nothing but trans things is because the right is obsessed with it.
Exactly, I'm just saying I've noticed corpos playing leftists, who are against them, like a fiddle, turning them into consoomers. Well, the most of them anyway.
Yeah, I've read that one. just going step by step until the player hits something doesn't seem to be a bad idea. At least seems to work perfectly
3D? Sure.
Only for 3D, there's basically no math involved for 2D
it's exactly the same math
There's no need to use matrices or quaternions for 2D games and most colllisions can be simple AABB or pixel checks
Depends on the kind of game you're making.
obviously, most 2D games will require a little bit of trig and that's it
Coding complex mechanics with minimal bugs usually requires some intuition for geometry. That's about it, I don't consider it hard since you can almost always bruteforce it with trial and error.

Pixel checks are pretty terrible. Just use lines and shapes, it's not only faster, but also much more dynamic and intuitive once you get used to them.
Pixel checks are faster and simpler unless your shapes are really big
You do you know you can check 64 pixels at once right
Pixel checks are going to be annoying if you ever need to rotate your shapes, or stretch them, or try to access their corners and ledges. The silver lining is that they are still probably simpler to handle than shapes and lines, which require more math.

Pixel checks will also fall apart if you try dealing with very small shapes or with very fast movement because of tunneling. With shapes you can have continuous collision detection.
Obviously they're more limited, but they're simpler and faster
And you can do CCD with pixel shapes too, why are you even replying without thinking about the problem for 5 seconds
If I already have a working Dijkstra's implementation and want to change it to A*, do I just need to change the priority queue sort value to the heuristic function and then call it a day? Is it really that easy?
Hy guys, i'm having a problem with this gdscript code...
func _on_body_entered(body):
if body.get_collision_layer_value(5)==true: #check if it's an enemy
body.health_check(bulletDamage) #call enemy's damage function

it crashes whenever it hits the tilemap(layer 2), it's supposed to check if the area hit is an enemy(layer 5) but it probably doesn't, how do i fix this?
So apparently tilemaps don't play nice with body_entered(), area2d collisions with a tilemap must be checked with raycasts2d
I really like Godot, do I really have to go learn Unity or Unreal instead?
Only if you're doing 3D, there's many 2D Godot games out there
Already looks a lot better
cool thanks
Looks like an engine to me, if it's not an engine then what is it?
holy shit i love ray marching please make a ray marching game
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ok :)
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god i hate rand(), its giving me the same fucking value for the first fucking column every time
did you seed it?
do you see the output for the first column
Looks like perhaps you aren't filling the column correctly rather than a rand() issue
Yep even if I try writing incrementing values it still doesnt work, its actually insane i told it to increment by 1 and after the first row it resets and starts incrementing by 2 for no reason. I have no fucking idea whats going on
post code buddy
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ok sorry for sperging out, gonna rewrite some code since i must have missed something obvious and now im too blind to catch it
looks like the issue is with your output rather than input
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ye it works now
whats a good language to implement game play code/graph traversal etc.? C++ becomes were quickly unreadable to me and debugging it takes days/weeks sometimes. Writing a eco system sim.
Honestly C# or something like it
C++ backend and Lua frontend is something you'll see a lot of people say but Lua sucks for anything bigger than small scripts
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>Added resources
It was literally int to dict but I feel happy.
Now I'm going to add 'processing' and 'crafting'
>More dicts? Lets find out
your problem sounds like logic organization, and it's going to be a mess no matter what it is you're doing
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Being realistic? C#. Being pessimistic? C++. Being optimistic? Nim.
>Being optimistic? Nim
that's not optimistic, that's being absolutely high on copium
for me its godot
i have a strange problem, 5-6 seconds after changing from fullscreen borderless to windowed, my fps crashes to 10% or less
nothing ive tried has worked, no errors, no status indicators, no gpu validation messages, nothing
anyone else experienced similar?
>would you like sugar in your tea?
>gives you sugar anyhow
fucking nimfags.
>Making up situations in your mind to feel victimized
The absolute state of emasculation.
I'm going to make my own game so that I have a little world that I control away from my job of working for stupid corporations
Got the flow-field thing debugged. Did none of the optimizations I tried to mention, but I did optimize loading the mask buffer with voxel info. Got the shrew doing a nice job of hunting me down. But unfortunately the shrew thinks flight is a valid option, and there doesn't seem to be any reasonable way of cutting that out... so I should just switch to A*. Hoo-ray.
I've so far built my Vulkan engine by just looking stuff up as I go, but I want to study some math on the side. But only would have probably an hour or 2 per day since I'm working on my engine most of the day.

Khan Academy work good for you guys? Seems I'll be able to test out of the things I already know.
Anyone know a variant of Quake/Source's BSP format that doesn't use wads for textures and can instead allow you to search textures in an "open" directory (i.e with files not packed in any archive)? I tried using QBSP with trenchbroom but it complains that it can't find my textures (they're in a textures folder instead of a wad)
Khan is very beginner friendly but it helped me a lot at the beginning. The issue is to define the goals (since there's a lot to learn).
The absolute minimum is basic linear algebra, but since you already did your first engine you perhaps already know about it.
Anyway I would do these courses:
-linear algebra
-multivariable calculus
thank you for the response.
Do you guys do the physics too for your engine or use some library like PhysX?
I'm thinking I wanna do physics too but scared cause I'm thinking it's even harder than the rest
I'm just going to have it built in-house. Whether by me or my brother, but point is, custom solution.

I need something tailored to my specific use case since I'm making a voxel game.
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every time I see this language it looks like it was made by someone with brain damage
Depends on your requirements.
Don't have any heavy requirements
Looking to make a classic CRPG
But then again I could do this in Unity but I chose not too because I think it's more fun making my own engine
So I'd like to try my own physics too and maybe learn something if it's not extremely hard
>Looking to make a classic CRPG
They have the most rudimentary physics possible
Anyone who makes action games (FPS, platformers, etc), how do you make your levels? Do you use an existing format (i.e BSP) and design your levels in a third party editor (i.e trenchbroom)? Or do you have a custom format with a custom editor that uses custom tech?
I've worked with pretty much every method
1) Making levels in your 3D art tool like Max or Blender
You can create whatever you want, it's easy to write custom export scripts. But 3D art tools aren't great for making levels, so the iteration time is slow which is pretty crucial
2) Making levels with third party level editors
There aren't many good options on the market. CSG tools like Trenchbroom mean your levels will look blocky and angular like Quake, if this is what you want then fine
3) Making your own level editor
This is what I settled on doing after working with the first two. It's not hard to make a custom level editor where you can place down existing prefabs and edit their properties, but if you want mesh generation tools for example terrains it can get complicated
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In fluid simulation I don't get it:
The reference paper says that we assume a constant density:
>"A fluid is incompressible if the volume of any subregion of the fluid is constant over time. A fluid is homogeneous if its density, ρ, is constant in space. The combination of incompressibility and homogeneity means that density is constant in both time and space. These assumptions are common in fluid dynamics"

Yet the first fucking thing they do is to update the density of each cell of the grid.
no, you just suck at reading, the underlying assumptions can only be estimated with a model
Maybe they mean the density of the whole fluid , not the local density.
How do I suck at reading?
This paper from gpu gem

is referring to this paper from Jos Stam which talks about density half of the time.
>"However, the density of such a substance should not be confused with the density of the fluid—air, in this case—we assume to be constant."
I don't get the fucking difference. There's density and density.
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Jos stam paper:

Also, apparently eventhough the density is supposed to be the same everywhere according to gpu gems, advection can be used to simulate density flow
It's updating pressure not density.
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Sup nerds.

Been designing my own text adventure script for chat gpt to run. Am I the only one doing this or is there somewhere I can find other work like this?
>if you want mesh generation tools for example terrains it can get complicated
Maybe it'd be cool to use Blender as a 'live' editor running a script that uploads the mesh to the game every time you switch between windows or out of edit mode.
Thanks. I got the general algo but that will help me to sleep better thinking it like that.
Also I'm ESL so that's not helping.
I like that idea.
Also, I just had another one of my own, maybe you could use some script shenanigans to turn blender into a glorified level editor; i.e you could make an addon that allows defining the placement of certain objects in the level along with the standard geometry, and export it to the custom level format.
That's hilarious, and looks like fun too.
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Added basic loot filter system, you can create a new filter by creating a new lua table and dropping it in data/lootfilters, that looks like this:
return {
name = 'Default',
rules = {
-- Hide all items
match = function (item)
return false
-- Show all currency items & display them as blue
match = function (item)
-- Just for testing
if item.baseName == 'Orb of Alteration' then
return true
-- Nil to skip match otherwise
return nil
look = {
color = Colors.Blue,
borderSize = 10,
-- Show all currency items with stack size > 3 as green with 18pt font
match = function (item)
-- Just for testing
if item.baseName == 'Orb of Alteration' and item.count > 3 then
return true
-- Nil to skip match otherwise
return nil
look = {
color = Colors.Green,
fontSize = 18,

Then it ends up looking like pic related according to the filter rules.
Do you guys design your game on paper first and then build it, or do you start building it with only a notion of what mechanics will be there and you flesh it out as you go?
I draw on napkins and then use them to wipe sauce off my face
all in my head
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Buggy vi-like text editor written (and hooked up to the underlying rat's nest of a system horribly)
Note to self: never interact with the android keyboard if you value your sanity (vidrel)
Fortunately writing a keyboard from scratch is easy when Raylib provides the following functions:
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2); // Check collision between two rectangles
RLAPI int GetTouchX(void); // Get touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
RLAPI int GetTouchY(void); // Get touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)
I'm making a physicsy game with little characters you can throw around and stuff. It's fun but I can't really think of any level goals.
Most games you don't manipulate the characters directly, instead you manipulate the environment e.g. build a bridge/whatever to get the characters to a destination.
But if I make it so you can directly pick up the characters and throw them anywhere obviously I can't have goals like "get x characters to y location".
what other level goals could there be?
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color banding is bad there's only 256 shades of grey on 32 bit depth
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Shrews are now proper boids, and I am satisfied with their simple pathing. They avoid each other. They avoid voxels. They seek the player, but they are still innocent of their true purpose, which I shall reveal to them tomorrow.
There was this neat bug: they were all heading south and crossing the despawn area, and more would spawn on the north end. Migratory herds.

Depends really how far you wanna go
Flying, jumping, moving objects etc.
Spells and actions that push back
Look at modern iterations like BG3 or Solasta
I mean I don't particularly like BG3 but graphics and animation wise it shows how far you can go on the classic template and with a bit of imagination you can go further
They didn't implement flying well for example
Now that's a meme I haven't seen in a long time.
when will we have shew sex videos?
I'm still hung up on how I should do level editing.
I've yet to figure out how to make an in-game level editor with easily-editable geometry that isn't CSG (imo CSG would be hard for me to do). I've considered >>101026603 and >>101026242 but I've determined it still wouldn't be a fast enough iteration time that in-game level editors would allow.
Bros I want to make a sport management sim, purely text-based, no fancy graphics. What engine do I use?
It needs to hold a database of all teams, players, and other people, and also be able to let me build a match-engine.

GPT suggested Godot. Is it good for this?
It's basically a zero-grahics GUI-intensive project
>purely text-based, no fancy graphics. What engine do I use?
Use the terminal or html
I know a few mentally ill twitter users who'd coom their pants if they saw this
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Sorry I've been so absent lads. I've been distracted by other things.
What are you using?
Your absent father.
What do you mean by 'who'? You talkin' to me slim?
Who's this Frosch namefag? Can I have a quick rundown on this guy?
Frosch, formerly FroggyGreen, is the creator of /gedg/. Initially he was making a game using Vulkan with cubes and pathfinding, but he is now making something with Raylib. He loves Linux and cartoons.
>the creator of /gedg/

Ehh more like the cheerleader of /gedg/. I switched back to vulkan btw but I haven't made progress in a few weeks.
He isn't the creater you faggot he simply bumped the thread
Use renpy, its perfect for this
Easily doable in renpy
warning: you're now talking with a junior web dev and not a game dev
once that said, just use a back end language that can generate a minimal UI, C#, Java and their cousin come to mind, they were designed around connecting to a DB almost
Why is everyone in this thread so angry
how's python for it?
I'd say it's pretty easy to make a DB connection and write to it as well
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Have you ever programmed in C++?
If /gedg/ is a kingdom, I'm a local baron who practices necromancy. I simply autistically pushed for its return

Jblow is our sultan, St. Terry Davis was the grand priest.

Still no government-mandated gamer gf
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>tfw my pathfinding algorithm takes 97,483,834 iterations
am I doing this correctly
I gots me a stack allocator
I gots me a pool allocator
Working on a freelist allocator
Feels good
imagine wasting your time building these from scratch. JUST USE AN ENGINE AND PLUG IN CONTENT
Where do you think you are? The /vg/ thread is thataway
>imagine wasting your time building these from scratch
thats like 200 lines of code each
You could hire some guys in India to do the coding, hire some yuropoors for the artwork, and that leaves you plenty of time to work on marketing and budgeting!
It doesn't need maintaining
What about when you want to go web scale?
>You could hire some guys in India to do the coding, hire some yuropoors for the artwork, and that leaves you plenty of time to work on marketing and budgeting!
Anon I'm already rich I want to work on this for my own fun
allocators don't scale
I'm becoming lazy again
I just wrote a .map parser for my game and I search for the textures in a directory when loading the level
ODE or Jolt
zero graphics? don't bother with an engine kek
if you wanna learn something new, common lisp would be great for a game like this thanks to interactive/incremental development
You mean like Dwarf Fortress "zero graphics" or some kind of archaic text adventure interface?
>common lisp would be great for a game like this thanks to interactive/incremental development
dont fall for this shit, use statically typed compiled languages
it's nowhere near as bad as you think in a language like CL. Ive done programming in C/Rust/Python and the dynamic type system doesn't get in your way like it does in something like Python
It's not bad it's just not good
works for me
how many games have you made
none in CL (yet), started not too long ago. I've entered (and completed) numerous game jams in other languages tho (Rust and C++)
Look up Football Coach: College Dynasty. Or really any other text-only sports management simulator
rage is the one thing that powers actual engine developers. if you aren't prone to fits of rage, you're simply ngmi as an engie dev
somebody please help this 32 bit anon, makes me sad that he can't make it pop
he should drop 32bit and move on to the 64bit future

thanks but i already solved it.

the problem is that Raylib creates render textures with reduced bit depth (8bits per channel) and there is no way to change it unless you rewrite LoadRenderTexture to use higher color precision which is what I did
Which Vulkan guide should I follow? vkguide.dev or vulkan-tutorial.com?
Or maybe something completely different.
>want to make game
>realize making engine is more fun
>realize engine could use scripting language
>realize having good scripting language binding library would be useful
>spend months on creating the binding library (not ready yet)
it's a wild goose chase. I don't even know why I am doing it anymore.
>>spend months on creating the binding library
it shouldnt take that long
combination of procrastination, perfectionism, burnout and skill issue. it will likely never be finished. I still do it.
binding to a scripting language should not be an obstacle, it should be easy
some fuel for your week lads
visually beautiful game, and beautiful forest segments in particular
It's not trivial. Stop trying to be an unnecessarily elitist faggot.
I'm not saying it like "you're shit at programming", I'm saying it like you're doing something wrong because it should not be a hard task
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well, like I said, probably skill issue. what I am trying to achieve is to automate it as much as possible with meta-programming. this includes:
- automatic type validation, with proper support for pointers, references, smart pointers, arrays, etc.
- classes, inheritance etc.
- error handling
the goal is to make it as unintrusive and generic as possible, so it can be easily used with any library, even ones that were never designed to be exposed to scripting languages. when you consider JS and C++ have completely different approach to things like value semantics, object model etc. it can get quite challenging for a 100 IQ brainlet like me. not everyone is a genius.
I went down a similar path and I have to say it's ultimately a terrible idea because the amount of work you put into making this scripting language interface with your engine is more that you save by using the scripting language
If you want to script you should just use light bindings to specific parts of the engine, it's not worth it doing what you're doing
duk scriptem
in the hindsight, I must agree with you. but I am too deep already, lol.
I gave up on my entire engine beause it was designed to interface with scripts and the script interface was literally over half the engine code
Just a waste of time, I would recommend people just use one good language instead of trying the scripting approach
>Just a waste of time
it's not like my engine will succeed or anything, so working on it would be equally pointless. I imagine most people around here, who don't just use off-the-shelf engine, are wasting time. I guess I am in it for the game itself.
The only reason I don’t make my own game engine is that I want to be able to export to multiple platforms which I assume must be a difficult task
you need to write some platform glue code, but it isn't too bad. still, way more work that could be utilized on the actual game.
Not really. SDL for example works everywhere. You just have to plug in the proprietary SDK code for the platforms as a backend to your abstraction APIs.

The biggest thing to remember is that you won't even get SDK access until you sign an NDA with a console manufacturer and they won't even do that unless you're already an established player. So can Unity export to the Switch? Yeah, if you pay a fee. And even then you can't run what you exported without a devkit, and you aren't getting that until you've talked to Nintendo and signed the NDA and all that.

Basically exporting to multiple platforms, whether you use Unity/Unreal or Godot or your own thing, is something you never have to worry about until the end of your development cycle (or after it) if you're a new unproven indie dev.

There are plenty of reasons not to make your engine, but realistically this isn't one of them.
The most annoying thing when it comes to platform code is Linux's sound libraries kek. You can use SDL and it does 99% of the work for you anyways
based as fuck, can you shoe results?
>t. the actual 32 bit autismo
>not his own engine
Ok, is this a good idea for a level editing workflow in a sort of FPS or platformer (or both)?
>Use blender with a custom exporter script I've made that exports to a custom level format
>Have a mesh object specifically named "geom". This is the level geometry.
>Have "empty objects" that represent prefabs or "tags". The objects' name, position, and custom properties are exported to the level file. At runtime, game entities will spawn at those locations based on what those empties are named and what their custom proprties are.
>Finally, export to the level
One problem is that since this is in blender, the level editing is done "offline" so to speak (aka, not in-game; the iteration time is slow so I can't easily test a level as soon as a make a change to it)
Help, what do I do if my only ideas for games are incredibly marginal tweaks on already existing massively popular MMOs?
you get a designer job with one of those MMO companies. or you forget about the whole thing.
While I like making games, the reason I want to make games that actually sell is because I want to be my own boss as an indie game developer. I’m sick of working for and with uninterested retards in b2b companies. I want to own and control something that sells digital goods in a b2c market
just pick one and go with it. vulkan is a clusterfuck and it's going to be many weeks of struggling no matter what path you choose. good luck and remember that suicidal ideation is a normal part of the vulkan learning curve
for gamers, by gamers, the other day some anon posted a sick run and gun game like the kind of view you get with the first GTA, but like more modern and seemed to be basically pretty cool with all the guns and mechanics
That’s a pretty cool idea! Curious how his progress is, honestly something I’d be willing to pay to give a spin (I have special nostalgic for GTA 2, which was basically an upgrade of GTA 1 to the best standards of the late 90s, so this seems like doing that for our era!
Also that’s funny it’ll be the first new GTA game actually released since 2013 lol)
here it is:
he said it took him a fuckton of years to plish
croatia roachmen? how?
>Record shrew folley
>Realize I have no idea what shrews sound like
I do not believe you.

Thank you Mr. Attenborough this has been very informative on all manner of shrew vocalizations.

All the sounds that I found were either unreasonably high-pitched & quiet, or contradict other sources. I have simply instead used my imagination. Shrews are complete enough for now. I just need to finish the poison status effect shader.

That might actually be true.
>for now
ill be waiting and watching
You can do this with C#.
that's basically what I do just without the scripting. I use node/mesh names to differentiate meshes into types in game and custom properties to set mesh or entity properties.
>One problem is that since this is in blender, the level editing is done "offline" so to speak (aka, not in-game; the iteration time is slow so I can't easily test a level as soon as a make a change to it)
it really depends on how quickly you can start up your game. I export directly into my games folder and hit start and in about 10 seconds I'm in the modified scene
I want to learn raylib because I am tooretarded for Godot. Can I learn C++ and raylib at the same rime?
Isn't Godot supposedly easier? Raylib is just a C library, right?
I'm learning C and interested in gamedev. One question came to mind while going through the file I/O section in the C guide I'm reading. Apparently you can't just write a struct to disk (to a binary file) and expect it to be portable due to endianness difference, padding bytes, etc. How is this problem usually solved, especially when writing a save file to disk in a game?
In most games I've seen, the save data is in binary format, but I don't know if the save files themselves are portable between different architectures. Or am I retarded and this is a non-issue?
waste of 100 beans?
>endianness difference
Almost everything modern runs on little endian, you shouldn't need to worry about this in any situation except on certain file formats (part of their spec)
You should use pragma pack on serialized structs so they aren't padded
if you're too retarded for godot it's so fucking over for you
raylib by itself is going to make your head explode once you try to do something funny with it
>javascript as scripting language
beyond based
>You should use pragma pack on serialized structs so they aren't padded
enjoy your misaligned memory reads
holy fuck i'm cooming my pants
do you have a twitter i can follow?
When is SDL3's 3D API going to be released!?
huh? just learn vulkan
opengl? what does SDL3's 3D API buy you?
Frfr I am hyped for this. Gonna be wicked. Cross platform low-level graphics without having to learn all the gay boilerplate shit. It’s gonna be bussin
>SDL3's 3D API
Who asked for this?
I just want something that's simple and works so I don't have to worry about writing all the graphics stuff for multiple APIs,
Raylib has the right idea but a poor implementation.
>I just want something that's simple and works so I don't have to worry about writing all the graphics stuff for multiple APIs,
What you're talking about is just serialization.
There are lots and lots of ways to to do it, all with different advantages/disadvantages and various levels of complexity.
You don't HAVE to have your save files be in some binary format. It could even be a simple ini-like file
player-x = 100
player-y = 200
npc-hates-me = true

or something more structured like JSON.

>but I don't know if the save files themselves are portable between different architectures
You don't just write structs to disk, you'd write the bytes out more deliberately (possibly in a well-known order, or with some extra metadata) and then read them back in the same way on load.
Whoops, didn't relink the original on my repost: >>101055562
Thank you anon, I hadn't seen that before.
You serialize the fields one-by-one
>reading HPL engine source code
>calls to malloc everywhere instead of custom memory allocators

stop cargo culting
you basically deserve death if you use system malloc after the game loop begins
stop cargo culting
you must be a brainlet without a job if you think custom allocation is cargo culting in a game
Doing something without a reason is cargo culting
Avoiding high-cost syscalls in a hot loop (which might fail, unlike with your custom allocator) is necessary for both performance and reliability

Again, get a job
>is necessary
Proof? You've benchmarked this in your game right? Which I've sure you've made and is better than this game that you're disparaging right now?
Yep, it triples the remaining game logic frame-time budget. Again, get a job.
>it triples the remaining game logic frame-time budget
Which is?
What do y'all think of the Jai programming language?

Is it viable to start learning it and apply to a serious project?
It's not even out yet so you won't be able to do that
There's nothing that looks outwardly bad about it but I would never trust something made by someone as bitter and pretentious as Jonathan Blow
You could try Odin which is released and looks similar to Jai
the biggest aspect i hate about game dev?
making the art
there is nothing wrong with using malloc...as long as you aren't retarded....
No you don't understand, all game developers who have made successful games that perform well using malloc are actually doing things wrong and deserve to die
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take the tiny pixels pill
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You are 15 years late to the "indie revolution" anyway, just give up.
it is out, there has been some projects being made with it
What's wrong about the guy that made it if what it does is good?
afaik Jai is still in "closed beta" and nothing has been finished with it
Odin has at least one serious project
By choosing to use a unproven tool you are placing your trust in the authors of that tool, I wouldn't trust Jon Blow with anything. I mean the only reason anyone has even heard of Jai is because Blow is a loudmouth, not because the language is good
Now imagine having an issue like this with Jonathan Blow
is zig any good or is it just a meme
Mostly a meme but if you’re just using Taylor you can probably get away with it
Stupid autocorrect: Taylor = raylib
swallow enough Kremlin propaganda and no sane person can make sense of your worldview anymore
> Rust

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