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Previous thread: >>101017760

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


Bing AI Slop (0.7.0)

Designer AI Slop (0.5.0)

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

>Resetting Boosts
Try clearing your search history at https://www.bing.com/profile/history

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here: https://rentry.org/bicedit

>Prompt Generator

>Helpful tips

>Related Boards
Welcome to the reverse ethnically ambiguous club. My issue has always been trying to get darker skin complexions, picrelated, but if even that is problematic... Was it with cici or BIC, though? Cici loves to rewrite your prompt, so it might be easier to *understand*.
Eh, assuming they're related it's bizarre what they're doing. I guess the geographical block looks like a possible explanation, but the exact logic eludes me.
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Me on the left.
Me on the left.
Nah, it's way too tame (the author is a /v/ anon, BTW). You need a lot of malice to see anything more than a girl petting a wolf there.
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Do blocked gens consoom attempts? I'm trying to make a landscape version of this and it keeps blocking it even with random seeds
do you get the pay-for-dalle shit for these big images?
Yep, they should cont towards the hidden limit, according to BIC EDIT's author:
>Each edit request counts towards your account daily limit regardless of whether it was successfully generated or blocked
No, they're "regenerated" with BIC EDIT, it's linked in OP.
Anime butts? Seems like the dog misses these because there's too many - must somehow throw off the pantsu recognition.
Looks like their underwear is on backwards to me.
Looks like they might be injecting clothes into surfing prompts now.
Sir this is a worksafe board.
>Sir this is a worksafe board.
>Looking at 4chan at work, on a work computer
Do people really?
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API puts clothes and full suits with tie on guys who are swimming in water lmao.
The landscape thing is really uppity, I'll get a cool pic and decide to try landscaping it, but then I'll already kinda know it won't go through
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On Designer there's a menu with those options.
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Designer the website (designer.microsoft.com) or Designer GPT on Copilot? I don't see anything similar on the former and the latter doesn't seem to work on my end this evening somehow, previously it had only landscape regeneration available in certain regions, unless something changed.

On another note, tomorrow it will be 40°C here, I really wish I'd be in Siberia or something...
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On Designer M$ dot com.
Thank you for the feedback, does that interface appears before generating a picture or latter? What is your geographic area (just in general and if you don't mind it)? I see that "size Square 1024x1024" thing for just a moment when opening the generator, but it disappears immediately, weird.
It's horrendous. It means that there are OVER 9000 of your gens.
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Sorry for my shitty English.
No idea because it's not mine, but mine are around 20k and I totally appreciate that aesthetic and sensibility, so...
Tried to use another account with a US proxy, if I click on that "Size" button quickly enough, it says that "Something went wrong" and it reloads the page...
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It's before but it's not available all the time or at all. It's higher quality and the jpg artifacts don't seem so high.
This is just as weird as it is intriguing. Direct landscape/portrait generation on Designer would be quite nice and welcome (it would also make Designer useful, again, after about half a year). I've tried it several times on my end now, with and without proxy, but the button always disappears after a short while. I guess I'll try it again later, if it's simply (somehow) not available at every hour. If anyone else could try it out and share his/her experience I think it might be helpful. Thank you for mentioning this, at any rate.
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It didn't show that option to me before but it gives an error and vanishes, maybe they're testing on some accounts.
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It's under development and not completely ready yet.
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It's 30c feels like 40c here for a damn week.
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Anyone know a good way to get knives? Bing Designer is being quite grumpy about it. This is about the best I can do.
Yep, I think you're right. I remembered that I have more than a half dozens of accounts, so I started trying them out, I was lucky at the second one:
The feature probably isn't geographically locked, this account is set to Italy (and usually we don't receive new features first). The pictures are subsampled JPEGs, like on regular BIC, so if there are less artefacts it's plausibly because of more steps, I think.
Eh, from experience I know that the worst thing isn't really the high temperature, but humidity AND how long it lasts... for now we should get some rains and lower temperatures towards the end of the week, apparently.
do I really need to make a microsoft account
Yes, it takes two seconds and isn't connected to anything.
More than likely a stupid question but is there a way to save images from other accounts like you used to be able to? Right now the only way to do that was to save recently generated images, but in the past you could save them on any account from any collection as long as they were already saved. Can I go back to that somehow?
please prompt
Used an old prompt, if you've noticed it, because I couldn't generate anything nice with what I was trying to prompt now. That was generated directly in landscape using Designer and I've recovered the original JPG from BIC. Thinking about it, this feature is probably linked to landscape/portrait pictures appearing in the BIC gallery.
Honestly I don't really understand the question, I generate pictures on multiple accounts, click on the "share" button and save them in the collections of one main account. As long as you have access to the picture's link and the picture wasn't pruned, you should still be able to share them using simply that button.

You can't modify, i.e. regenerate with BIC EDIT, pictures that come from different accounts, but that is about the only limitation, I can still download them normally with the Python script that I use. A
I'm honestly considering paying for Copilot Pro to gen 16:9 after experiencing the kind of stuff I can make even with the crappy API over on porn-e. Is this even worth it, or should I try the slop script first?

Never mind anon I didn't know the share link feature allowed you to do it, thanks
Well, the script is free, so you could just try it if you've not already done so. The problem with "regenerating" pictures in landscape/portrait mode is that the filter appears to be much harsher than the usual BIC one, so you can likely forget about this kind of stuff.

It looks like Designer might offer soon, or now if you're lucky, direct landscape/portrait generation so that's worth looking into too, especially if you have multiple accounts. I've just started playing with it, but my hunch is that its filter is comparable to the usual 1:1 one, going from what I got with the "resting in hot spring" prompt.

On a related note, it looks like prompt understanding is identical to BIC instead, very long prompts, like picturerelated, remains hit&miss even when this portrait/landscape feature is enabled. Too bad, I was hoping they gave back to Designer somewhat better prompt understanding too. That would have been like Easter and Xmas together...
You're welcome.
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I just loaded up Designer and I saw a single option for 1024x1024 vanish very quickly. Other two options not present, obviously.
Feels good to be back "home" after spending the day on /aco/. Coomers gonna coom.
Does "regenerate" actually make a 16:9 image, or does it just take a 1:1 image and "fill in the blanks" on the side? because that's not going to be as good as a native 16:9 image.
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80s film screencap retro scifi close-up portrait, scifi high tech metal spaceship interior shadowy pitch black overgrown red alarm rainforest foliage flowers silhouette, scifi leather jumpsuit japanese woman distressed panic smoking climbing flooded stairway, fusing with spaceman lurking above in background tall fleshy spindly limbs hairy reptile silk fuzzy gelatinous fungus deep sea web flowing swirling hair in background

Think I was trying to get some kind of interesting mutant guy standing in the back with a normal person in the front, but half the time it'll just throw in a plain Giger alien
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I wonder what it's using as a source???
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Good question.
It was the same for me on my main account, if you have others try them out. I very much doubt that making a new account now would help, I think that probably they pick existing accounts for A/B testing, but who knows.
I was half suspecting that a decent chunk of the few active posters here and on /v/ have gone there, actually...
It makes a new image, it might resembles *quite a bit* the original one sometimes, it might look very different more often than not. It's not outpainting, as much as some people apparently prefer that (because it's more predictable, regeneration is basically another layer of randomness).
Maybe I should just try outpainting with NovelAI while I still have it as well.
Heh, yeah, I was being a bit of a degenerate and learning how Cici works for lewd stuff.
Did you manage to make it more predictable in terms of styles? Or is it not much of an issue in the first place if you're going with photographic styles? Photography is pretty much the default style if you don't specify anything else, after all.
I've tried it a bit with SDXL in the past, the thing was suggested/promoted here actually, but it was kind of hit&miss, some results were surprisingly good, others much less so; no idea about NovelAI.

Gotta say, this direct landscape generation is fantastic. I should have access to it on at least a couple of accounts, if it's related to the landscaped pictures appearing in the gallery as I suspect, so I should be able to play with it pretty much the whole day...
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It's not much of an issue when sticking to photography. I've been using a 90s film style with other specific film characteristics that works well with some occasional straying. Haven't tried any anime/manga or stuff of that nature so I dunno how those fare.

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Kind of suspected it. Well, best wishes to /aco/. When they're not cooming I found some inspiration even there.
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Yeah, morale there is high and the degeneracy is flowing like the good ol' Designer days.
Degeneracy in more than one sense, I just saw the "LIST" generations. I guess there's certainly more than one /v/ anon there...

But there's still quite a bit of nonsense if bump limit is hit before image limit and people talk about whatever without posting pictures.

On another note, Designer's landscape/portrait pictures can be further modified with BIC EDIT, of course.
Honestly thought it'd be gone by now. Maybe a combination of requiring a VPN and the lack of celebspam has kept it alive thus far.
Heh, yeah, tits and asses are the go-to. The /v/ people do make themselves known in one way or another.

There's a little too much conversing going on, but that's better than nothing, I guess. As long as it's not trolling or shit like that.

Good to know.

I'm actually glad celebs are a no-no now since the Twitter fags aren't hanging around anymore looks for celeb stuff.
I'm still not able to save them in a collection on a different account by sharing, I'm referring to images that are already saved on another account
Mozzart would have a Vaporeon, Salazzle, Lopunny, Cinderace, Tsareena and a Shuckle to brew drugs
I was looking some of the latest exchanges and someone was exactly "lamenting" (trolling) about the lack of celebrities...
Normally I don't save images on another account, except when I click the save button somehow by mistake, but it should make no difference at all, I've just tested it. What does it say when you try to save to your collection the pictures shared from another account using that button?
There's no option at all for me to save existing images on different accounts, once I login somewhere else and find a link the save button just isn't there. However I just found a workaround, I have to remove all the extra shit in the link after the =detailv2&idpp=genimg info and the save button does actually appear and let me save on other accounts
Yeah, there's some obvious trolling from noimg people. Dunno why people keep taking the bait.
can any local models do image alteration ? changing hairstyles, removing clothes, changing chest size etc.
Glad you found a workaround, but it's still kind of puzzling, I don't use any workaround and I can import the shared links from Edge to Firefox (and vice versa), so I guess it's not a browser-specific issue... which leaves me kind of clueless.
From experience, I could probably make a guess or two...
This thing is too good at slav-squatting too.
I think that's called inpainting, you can do it with stable diffusion, but I've never used it so I don't know beyond that
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I might set up a short lived proxy for api and azure gens, anyone interested?
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Terribly enough, setting up the same account on a different device doesn't give me that Designer direct landscape/portrait feature that I had yesterday on my PC. Sad.
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i was thinking of doing the same with azure, what sort of settings do they give? azure's rate is $4 per 100 images
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Did they do something about resetting boosts? Does the clear history thing not work anymore?
have boosts had any meaning since... november? boostless gens are faster now than gens with boosts since you can just click on the incoming gen after about 15 sec
It doesn't work anymore but yeah ever since the filter was temporarily reduced and then reset back to normal, the whole service has been a ghost town. And now with porn-e in the picture, it's even deader.
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I have no idea, it's not a concern for me. Do you plan to pay for it yourself?
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I *think* they remained relevant for a bit longer, probably until around March? I started prompting in BIC after Novemeber and I distinctly remember dark and rainy winter afternoons when boostless generations took forever.
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Porn-e started putting their watermark on every genned image. There's already turbodegen shit with their logo right next to it. Got a feeling the hour is running short, now. Of course, I just inpaint that shit out of there. But nobody else seems to care.
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Prompt: "Ink and gouache impressionist anime flat color concept art of an anthropomorphic cow woman carrying a milk-churn across the farmyard to a waiting dairy wagon. highly detailed, Neo-Romantic Illustration."

What did bing mean by this? Is it being very racist, do you think?
Think I'm actually more impressed by the built-in milk flap waterfall.
whatever it is, the comprehension in that gen is off the charts.
What exactly is the image limit in bing? I keep getting the 'you can't submit anymore prompts' bullshit even when I didn't generate much.
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chego ne na dvache?
Last time I read 200 for a fresh account. Personally I've always suspected that it's not fixed, but landscape regenerations might give me the impression that I prompted less than what I did.
Now I kind of wonder how people prompt cowgirls without getting weird stuff
>heavy brushstrokes, detailed manga painting by Yoshitaka Amano: 18 yrs dutch woman (bovine ears, horns and tail, long straight blonde hair, blue eyes, white porcelain skin complexion, dutch traditional attire), happily carrying a milk-churn across to a waiting dairy wagon. In a picturesque farm in Holland, early morning, bucolic and serene atmosphere.
Cows everywhere, always. And this mysterious, unprompted, yogurt-like thing doesn't look like milk at all. At least you should be able to get the ears/horns and an immaculate white skin in this way.
Not sure if I'm translating this right, but why no two (beers)? It's poison for doggy.
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Damn, did you gen this on porn-e?
Nah, Designer with this direct-to-landscape thing that I can't get to work on other devices (I'm back home, with an evil capitalistic novelty, a wall mounted A/C). It was completely random, only the cows appear in every gen. The prompt is actually a
>The prompt is actually
dogged a lot for something so tame, I get like 1 picture per attempt; God knows that it does with that milk.
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I coomerfied your milkmaid a bit.
All I can say is this thread is much better with B*rdemic being filtered out,
you just know
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Nice jugs.
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what do you guys use to make the ai generate something in a anime artstyle (similar to persona or someshit)
i am getting really close to what i want its just i can't make the eye sclera black and i can't make it in a anime artstyle
(i wrote some shit like "2010s anime style. digital art")
you can just put in persona
here's a prompt I lifted from v for you
>persona 5, impressionist ink brushstrokes, 60s manga striking jazzy red, white and black pop art, stylish 1970s psychedelic poster "MY FIRE IS LIT" in stylish font with a punk flair, sumi-e style painting, drawn by yoji shinkawa and hiroaki samura, a female anime character (towering, chocolate skin, flowing long white hair, white fox ears, white button up shirt, suspenders, dark pants, yellow eyes, eerie wide grin) lighting her cigarette, grainy, halftone dithering, dynamic
thanks anonie
i tried changing it a bit based on the example
should this work?
>digital artstyle , drawn by Shigenori Soejima and Masayoshi Suto , digital painting, alley at night covered in darkness, a towering petite young woman with messy redish-orange hair, ponytail haircut tied in loose bangs on each side of her head, wearing dark blue jeans , crop top turtleneck , a labaratory coat, bright sunlike yellow eyes, black sclera , surroundings skin area of the eye is deep black colour, exposed well toned stomach with a set of abs, smilling with a hand covering her mouth , entire body covered in body scars, face covered in battle scars, arms and thighs covered in scars
give it a whirl, see what develops
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anonie we are getting so close its unreal
i just have to make her have a hand infront of her mouth laughing while holding a knife
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spinned it again and she became black
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she became black again but this time i am not complainin! ok but still why does she keep being turned black
JUNETEENTH was yesterday!
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Very nice, love the effect
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which image should i use for my chatbot card?
I'm partial to 2
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this one won
thank you people for the help
i learned how to prompt too
thank you so much bros
have a nice day! :D
According to that poll there are at least 15 people in these threads
Make it 16. That's actually better than expected, I guess a few probably post very rarely because they're uninspired or something. Back in the days when the IP counter worked we usually had 30+.
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I miss the pre-Designer days when we'd go through multiple threads in a day... good times.
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the poll was posted in aicg
It was more lively for sure.
Ah, that explains things. Thanks.
>Aesop who?
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Why the hell is it so obsessed with adding mustaches?
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is that Spidey Pete and aunt May?
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>when your imouto finds your e-waste/spare parts storage
Guys, what the fuck, I used your "porn e", uncensored Dalle 3 at cici ai and found it's a scam!
At the left is what Bing Image Generator gives you, at the right is what cici ai gives you! (the prompt is in the filename.)
I didn't even want kinky stuff just to get rid of the dog, but this has made me appreciate the dog, I'm gonna buy it the best dog food they sell to show my appreciation for all the images it lets me see.

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