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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101047757

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
Cursed thread
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>mfw Resource news


>TroL: Traversal of Layers for Large Language and Vision Models

>diff-sampler: open-source toolbox for fast sampling of diffusion models

>Diffusers Adds≈ SD3 ControlNet and Multi-ControlNet Support

>Better & Faster Large Language Models via Multi-token Prediction


>Release of training script of PCM-LoRA with Stable Diffusion 3.

>Autoregressive Model Beats Diffusion: Llama for Scalable Image Generation

>Flash Diffusion: FlashSD3


>Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR

>The next chapter for ComfyUI

>DeepFuze: Deep Learning Tool Integrating Lipsync, Face Swap, VidGen and more

>Glyph-ByT5-v2: A Strong Aesthetic Baseline for Accurate Multilingual Visual Text Rendering

>MegaScenes: Scene-Level View Synthesis at Scale

>microsoft/Florence-2-large - New 0.23B | 0.77B Modell for image captioning


>CivitAI: Temporary Stable Diffusion 3 Ban

>VEGAIcon: Learning Interleaved Image-Text Comprehension in Vision-Language Large Models


>Generating audio for video
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>mfw Research news


>Synergizing Foundation Models and Federated Learning: A Survey

>LayerMerge: Neural Network Depth Compression through Layer Pruning and Merging

>VIA: A Spatiotemporal Video Adaptation Framework for Global and Local Video Editing

>Neural Approximate Mirror Maps for Constrained Diffusion Models

>AITTI: Learning Adaptive Inclusive Token for Text-to-Image Generation

>Extracting Training Data from Unconditional Diffusion Models

>AGLA: Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models with Assembly of Global and Local Attention

>SUPER: Selfie Undistortion and Head Pose Editing with Identity Preservation

>Do More Details Always Introduce More Hallucinations in LVLM-based Captioning?

>Mixing Natural and Synthetic Images for Robust Self-Supervised Representations

>Immiscible Diffusion: Accelerating Diffusion Training with Noise Assignment

>COT Flow: Learning Optimal-Transport Image Sampling and Editing by Contrastive Pairs

>ARTIST: Improving the Generation of Text-rich Images by Disentanglement

>Not All Prompts Are Made Equal: Prompt-based Pruning of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>Decomposed evaluations of geographic disparities in text-to-image models

>MAC: Benchmark for Multiple Attributes Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

>Disturbing Image Detection Using LMM-Elicited Emotion Embeddings

>What makes two models think alike?
funny how debo always claims how its all lies and shit, yet he cannot refute even a single point of the pastebin
>crave attention
>get negative attention by attacking devs and model makers
>beg comfy for scraps of clout
>post personal information on 4chan
should I prune my character focused dataset of useless tags like "nose, weapon, duck, pillow, etc.." that wd14 throws in there in large amounts?
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>make SD3 tensorrt engine
>try running it using workflows from https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_TensorRT/pull/30
wat do? it looks like a vae issue but i saved it from the SD3 Medium checkpoint
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>the SD3 Medium checkpoint
looks like its working?
Why would he? The hastening is straight bullying.
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phone post confirmed
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holy shit how hard is it to have this
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I could argue/debate/refuse every single line of it but the people who would give me an honest shake don't care in the first place and the people who are motivated by hate wouldn't bother giving anything I say an honest read. I've pushed back on many items in the past and they still pretend its gospel. so there's no motivation or reason to bother wasting my time or energy in what would be a completely pointless activity
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You never tried LMAO
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>debo derangement syndrome in action
a tale as old as time
>debo still seething over his exile
>i could argue every single point
>but i wont
>ran phoneposting
>truly organic
>its all one anon
We're all laughing at (you)
should i join the discord?
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>doesn't read what I wrote
>doesn't engage with what I wrote
>ignores past events entirely
>casts blame on me
exactly my point. why would I waste time on you? you're not an honest actor and have zero intention ever to be. last (you) for you btw
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Should debo make a counter-pastebin? y/n
>i could argue every single point
>but i wont because [insert made up reason here]
>lives rent free
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make sure to use the batch size the engine is intended for
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well I just blew 2,500 on a hail mary attempt at training a realistic dataset on zonkeyrealism and it was a complete failure, utterly unusable. I need a a new gpu so bad, the 50 series needs to hurry up and release.
what are the odds that your next attempt would be a success?
i have 34,000 i'm not doing anything with.
>decide to check out sdg again
>thread's filled with some schizobabble about debo again
Are those bots?
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Trying to make a wizard rap album. SD3 is almost as bad at generating guns as it is at generating women.
He won't
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can you show us some of the abominations it produced?
>everyone that hates me is ran
He fucking will
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And I'm actually a woman
Silly beach
maybe make it have a pimp staff (cane) rather than a gun give it's a wizard
i am schizo anon
ask me anything
jokes on him, everyone hates ranfaggot too
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i just regenerated the engine using picrel
Hi debo
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still getting this
show workflow of the image gen
>open thread
>still the same debo shit
goodbye forever, hope yall rot in this shithole
oh no, did you at least learn or get something out of the experience?
>goodbye forever
kek good one
ok, see you tomorrow
>spam debo posts
>omg debo posts again what a shit thread
>im going to leave sdg forever
>spam debo posts
>omg debo posts again what a shit thread
>im going to leave sdg forever
>spam debo posts
>omg debo posts again what a shit thread
>im going to leave sdg forever

>Debo is crying
>reposting someone else's work
That's guro btw.
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i'd test with a prompt.

also what happens if you load the SD3clip or SD3T5XXL checkpoint and use its CLIP and VAE instead?
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It's been a fucking YEAR of debo obsession.
It's actually fucking insane man.
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>i'd test with a prompt.
still not working
>also what happens if you load the SD3clip or SD3T5XXL checkpoint and use its CLIP and VAE instead?
dont have it right now, will download, thank you for trying to help
this checkpoint merged the L clip and g clip from SD3 into its SDXL model? does it really make a difference?
crazy how he doesn't realize no one likes him once they get to know him, right?
I don't even care that he's a slightly annoying goober.
I mean... is it really worth your time?
He got exiled from the discord
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>mfw no one waters me
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>Trani and PW
>only faggots that like debo
Beach day
Wait didn't trani kill himself?
He's a useful idiot I'll give him that. Probably the only reason Trani keeps him under her wing.
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I want to recreate classical paintings
what is a good chekpoint/lora for this?
Many SDXL checkpoints are very influenced by anime and sameface. If you want to avoid that use Dreamshaper XL turbo, it's better balanced. Then there's Rayna XL which is trained in art. The turbo version is paywalled, but the regular XL isn't.
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I didn't see the Lora question. I use the John William Waterhouse Lora all the time. But my advice is to use 5-6 artists tokens at a time and play with weights and order to find a sweet spot.
Florence 2 is pretty okay in my experience so far, it starts the tags with "the image is of" , but you can grep that out
For the size and vram requirements it's beating the shit out of anything I've used so far for nlp processing
Did you actually know SDXL knows thousands of artists you dumb fuck? You could get away with vanilla but I guess you are too much of a promptlet for that.
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what artist?
I really don't know. my dataset is fine. I just wanted to try training a realistic lora on pony and I can't trial and error test when i'm spending credits. I probably should have trained it on the more vanilla ponyrealism model, or even base pony.
I'll probably go back to making more simple concepts that only cost like 600 credits and shelf this for now. are you paying for credits? i've just been claiming the free ones everyday
Did you know if god tried with all his might he couldn't make a bigger faggot than you
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David Cherry, of Age of Mythology fame
sdxl artists:
1girl, big boob
art by Alphonse Mucha
art by Greg Rutkowkski
art by Leonid Afremov
art by artgerm
trending on artstation

hmm, let me see

8k, high definition

oh yes
i am the prompteurre
nah i've just been a supporter since february 2023.
it's a website i regularly download shit from and use constantly, so i support em.
same with 4chan desu, i got the pass too.
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the only thing i ever spend it on is tipping random people whose models i like and use often
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real nice
6 fingers tho
Nice succubus
i really want to slap dat ass
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what are you using?
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but I bet most XL models will do similar

>debo nogen grooming newfags
I call myself an ateur. Prompteur is so superficial anyway.
>Dreamshaper XL turbo
any suggestion on the VAE?
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Annuit cœptis
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brown eyes bro
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What's a good all-around model for doing all different kinds of generations? I try out different models, but I always keep going back to crystalclearXL
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is there such a thing like a model interrogator?

paste an image, it runs an interrogator and tries to line it up, taking into account the checkpoint you're using?
physical attribute hierarchy before 2 years of SD gooning:
>tits (big)
>ass (big)
>thighs (fat)

after 2 years of SD gooning:
>fat distribution/tone
>tits (small to medium and well-shaped)
>butt (slender and proportional)

someday hopefully SD refines further so that I can get deep into hands and feet
pretty good anon


Browse an early /sdg/ thread, find a nice or antinice gen
physical attribute hierarchy
>everything else
I heard that the reason SD3 still sucks is that Stability has gone full woke, they had mangled and disfigured people in the training data and REFUSED to cleanse the data or tag "maimed hands, disfigured face"/etc. because it would "perpetuate ABLEISM". Much like Dall-E FORCES you to look at "ethnically ambiguous" people SD3 forces you to see hideously deformed creatures because "ETHICS"
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Gonzales WetDreams? AutismPony?

In reality people don't just use one single model because it's simply not working like that
>the emmaposting
Being reminded of some things I chose to forget
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>In reality people don't just use one single model because it's simply not working like that
He never said that
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I hate being reminded of how easy it was to prompt properly big tits in the SD1.x models
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post cursed gens
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Not sure you're exactly correct in the details.

Still people clearly have reasons to stick with the older models and/or look at alternatives to SD3 for license, censorship and training mistakes reasons.
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Ok, if you're more the a lot is "good"-kind of guy:

Except for very specialized SDXL models that really just do one thing well and destroyed the other trainings, they're all good all-around models
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op says webui supports sd3... but the issues on github says otherwise...
should I just use comfy?
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sure, use comfyui, it's good
>easily surpasses state-of-the-art open-source models as well as mainstream closed-source commercial models including Stable Diffusion 3, DALL-E 3, and Midjourney V6.
Based chinks who consider SD3 as closed source
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mobius is *supposedly* good and I've seen people get some incredible gens out of it but I personally haven't figured out how to get it to perform reliably. its trained to be a very beefy and robust model though and it might fit your vibe

looking forward to everyone picking debo gens unwittingly :3

>I heard that...
interesting way to launder in unsubstantiated garbage as 'sourced'

just says that you should always find ways to appreciate what you have, even if its far from perfect. (except sd3)
is there a better way to include LoRAs in ComfyUI other than awkwardly chaining together the individual LoRA nodes with model and CLIP? And does the order in which you chain them matter?
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Yeah there's a number of different ones. I like rgthree's power lora loader.
I 100% believe this
I think most people use lora stacker nodes. IMO they should be the default loaders but that's not how it is rn.
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I know this gen... :)
Advice ignored
The Lora Stacker nodes I use most is from Efficiency Nodes BTW.
I miss it. she's cute. better than the old dalle threads which were an unbroken wall of daisy ridley's goblin face.
where do I download a workflow for sd3
civitas banned sd3
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SD3 is powerful so long as you don't ask it to make a woman or a gun or anything violent or people not standing upright or sitting in a chair or
im retarded sorry im reading op
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I will never be able to get proper swords on this piece of shit
>nobody wants him
>waste his life anyways
Imagine getting ran out of your own tranny discord
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>nooooooooo you don't understand!
>the censorship!
>the lobotomy!
>the pruned dataset!
>the license!
don't care
>lora stacker
thanks, I didn't know about that.
>anime fanservice if it real
that top is crafted from the finest unobtainium
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That's generated? Believable good to me if so.
Have a nice thread.
SD3 is bad at guns, don't get me wrong, but only in the sense that SD was always bad at guns

I'm cooking up some terrible gun designs as we speak
Which thread has higher gen quality? /sdg/ or /ldg/?
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what were the optimal values for XL again?
scale and neg_scale in particular
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Don't get me wrong, I do like SD3.
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a hyperdimensional van
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whoever said SD3 can't do guns was so full of shit. maybe it can't get particular guns right but if you want to dream up some disgusting abomination SD3 is exactly what you want

this gun uses the mag as a grip. seems plausible to me (call of duty player)
I guess having the mag grip shaped and doubling as grip could kinda work
>n-no ATF these are not printed
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only the brains trust in bongistan would consider women haram but gore and bullpups okay
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Very funny image, I raffed hard.
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The look of satisfaction
which notable poster of all time do you miss the most?
slightly better gens out of the ti
how does civitai make any money?
they don't right now lol
>how does civitai make any money?
Can they sell your IP address to vulture copyright lawyers?
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That one anon.
me too, that anon was the best
I miss them like you wouldn't believe
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New youth outreach program by the Catholic Church.
>realistic lora

You might have better luck with non-Pony finetunes. Pony removed a lot of the realism from SDXL.
SD3's l and g clips are the same as the ones used for SDXL. This guy is doing pointless rituals.
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SD3 has different G.O.O.N. parameters though.
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>its that time again
my asshole is leaking and my tummy hurts
Just Trani things
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Nice, just little uncanny
I would kill for that.
isnt everything in ai a bit uncanny?
jesus man. That face is pure crazy. If see someone smiling at you with eyes that look like that, you should probably run as fast as you can
kek, I probably would
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Vanilla XL is not good at this.
All I have is a girl and a robot while you have an entire village gathering their food for the winter.
If i give you a dataset of pictures would you make an XL LoRA for me?
Ask another anon. I only worked on embedding for 1.5.
but the crazy eyes are what draws me in ;_;
I think that's it. The greatest gen ever. I was there.
Cool, is it true that embeddings are better for photorealism and real people?
not him but I suspect embeddings would be better for the simple reason that SD has a ton of real human data it learned on already and just needs to know how to understand your instructions better; the gains from LoRA training would be outweighed by the loss of model capability.

But it might depend on the person and how well-captured they are by the training data (and therefore how well they can be 'described' in conditionings to the model)
I just wanted play with the level of prompt control pony has. i'm also super unfamiliar with sdxl models. the hidden gems are always the best
Probably. Did a few from cosplayers.
Power Quokka
She has no hips. That's a boy. You want to fuck a twink.
I saw him a while ago and waved and he just ignored me
a hole is a hole
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Yeah, that's one of mine, from last thread.
Generating chibis makes it a bit easier to generate convincing looking stuff since many of the usual problem areas (like hands) are a lot easier.
not him but I think she has ok hips, not exaggerated ideal but believable woman hips.
I think if you wanted Pony control over realistic photos you would want to curate and booru-tag an enormous amount of real porn and train it the way PonyXL was trained

Many realism models are in fact half-assed attempts at doing something like this, minus the booru tagging.
Yes. I have tried to become a homosexual but failed miserably. I found a pedophilic in me instead.
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Everyone knows what a "cloaca" is.
>unskilled hentai artist bootlegs
>timeless artist kino sampling
gee idk anon
I can't get cascade nor XL to recognize halo armor, it used to be possible on some 1.5 fine-tunes and i also remember making 512x512 capybaras on halo armor before.
Try harder please... It's cool to be homosexual these days anyway - just imagine a hairy man's ass mhhmm.
Otherwise /sdg/ might not be for you!
quokka > cloaca
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I'm going to bed.
Good night, everyone.
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Holy hot!
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I've seen a lot of women in my day and I'm at least 65% sure they don't bend that way
Fantastic, I'm going to do something similar tomorrow. I'll see if CinematicRedmond will gen anything.
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What was your question?
Gn anon
How many images do you need for a style lora? Like the lower end.
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Why did Mr Brady thought it was more than a hunch? How did he knew that the group must somehow form a family? when was...? When was the day they all became... THE BRADY BUNCH?!?
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>"What's the deal with AI art?"
>1 hour after eating the shrooms

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now I miss seinfeld AI :(
I love how this model makes Jerry look so inbred
Welcome back, Master! Genuinely nice landscape.
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thanks. one of the few strong points I found in mobius was landscape gens. alien creatures werent bad either. their model card says clip skip 3 but I kinda think skip2 is better....
One of the most powerful trigger words, try it and post the gen.
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Interesting, why would they need clip skip 3... unless it's something nefarious...
I love Ran
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the most nefarious of all the clip layers
Is that mars?
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Lower amount of images leads to higher chance of overfitting. It's better to have a lot of images. You need slight variations of each image, which you can do through img2img or manual editing if you can do art.
I'm helping!
First time in days a thread reaches image limit before reply limit, yay.
I was actually wondering how to overfit so thank you for this advice. I sometimes prefer overfit loras you can weigh down if need be.
checks out
baker pls
300 seconds
I wonder if Emma ever learned about it. She is a globohomo feminist so probably not since it never went mainstream? Hard to believe considering how many Emma pictures we generated back then.
Next thread
I was playing online vidya
it's just some liver, it's food, not guro

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