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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101059885

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Florence2 in ComfyUI

>Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s former chief scientist, launches new AI company

>ComfyUI_frontend: ComfyUI modernized

>RunwayML Gen-3 Alpha


>TroL: Traversal of Layers for Large Language and Vision Models

>diff-sampler: open-source toolbox for fast sampling of diffusion models

>Diffusers Adds≈ SD3 ControlNet and Multi-ControlNet Support

>Better & Faster Large Language Models via Multi-token Prediction


>Release of training script of PCM-LoRA with Stable Diffusion 3.

>Autoregressive Model Beats Diffusion: Llama for Scalable Image Generation

>Flash Diffusion: FlashSD3


>Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR

>The next chapter for ComfyUI

>DeepFuze: Deep Learning Tool Integrating Lipsync, Face Swap, VidGen and more

>Glyph-ByT5-v2: A Strong Aesthetic Baseline for Accurate Multilingual Visual Text Rendering

>microsoft/Florence-2-large - New 0.23B | 0.77B Modell for image captioning
>mfw Research news


>Synergizing Foundation Models and Federated Learning: A Survey

>LayerMerge: Neural Network Depth Compression through Layer Pruning and Merging

>VIA: A Spatiotemporal Video Adaptation Framework for Global and Local Video Editing

>Neural Approximate Mirror Maps for Constrained Diffusion Models

>AITTI: Learning Adaptive Inclusive Token for Text-to-Image Generation

>Extracting Training Data from Unconditional Diffusion Models

>AGLA: Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models with Assembly of Global and Local Attention

>SUPER: Selfie Undistortion and Head Pose Editing with Identity Preservation

>Do More Details Always Introduce More Hallucinations in LVLM-based Captioning?

>Mixing Natural and Synthetic Images for Robust Self-Supervised Representations

>Immiscible Diffusion: Accelerating Diffusion Training with Noise Assignment

>COT Flow: Learning Optimal-Transport Image Sampling and Editing by Contrastive Pairs

>ARTIST: Improving the Generation of Text-rich Images by Disentanglement

>Not All Prompts Are Made Equal: Prompt-based Pruning of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>Decomposed evaluations of geographic disparities in text-to-image models

>MAC: Benchmark for Multiple Attributes Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

>Disturbing Image Detection Using LMM-Elicited Emotion Embeddings

>What makes two models think alike?
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i was told sd3 was supposed to be garbage. do you people even remember how bad stock 1.5 or xl were?
Last one from me, good night anons
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idk, I remember getting some really cool stuff out of sdxl right away. sd3 just feels like an uncontrollable mess
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the most fun I've had with sd3 is just letting it do its weird shit

great gen
Cursed thread
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Comparative analysis isnt a good measuring rod
>listening to the guy who spends all day every day lying about everything
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We're soooooooooooo fucking back
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I want to understand one thing, am I unlucky, or a retard who fucked up somewhere, or automatic1111 is a bugged piece of shit when it comes to memory management. I have 3060 with 12gb vram, sure not the most powerful hardware out there, but I often get CUDA out of memory even when generating just a single image. No I am not using million loras and wall of text prompts. And I know that it used to be able to generate many images in a single batch. I tried different garbage_collection_threshold and max_split_size_mb values. I even tried backend:cudaMallocAsync. It still sucks dick.
It's possible that maybe one of my extensions there corrupted its stupid code or some shit. Reinstalling might help. I am on limited internet quota though. So my question is, are the alternatives noticeably better at memory management? If so, as long as they support the extensions I am using(controlnet, adetalier, regional prompting, img2img stuff) I am fed up and want to move on. What are some compatible alternatives with similar UI(I don't want to use comfy style "workflows")? Or if you have miracle fix to its memory troubles I am open tot that too.
I am on Nvidia 555 Arch KDE Wayland, if that matters.
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Post catbox and we help
Sure, here is the catbox. This is a very persistent problem across multiple models and all kinds of prompts so I doubt it will reveal much, but feel free to take a look.
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Is sd3 fixed yet?
Use comfyUI and you'll avoid the memory issues
oc? or what's the 1girl name
Yeah, that's just a random gen of a cat ear miko.
she cute
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no, it got banned from civitai.
There are other sites you can still download it though, and there seemed to be a few attempts at "finetunes" or merges
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well, there were last night. Looks like they might have pulled it too because now I don't see any of the models
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Ignoring a certain "advice" that I won't even give (You)s, I am going to try my luck with SDNext now. Creating a venv for it, we still need 3.10.6 precisely for SD and its extensions, right?
I am apparently on 3.10.14 sorry.
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>the schizo state is permanent now
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the stego tool for comfy ui now has a web ui for embedding and extracting files from images: www.hideagem.com
>tfw it works on 4chan
>that ui
Holy fucking soul.

did I do it right?
Explain this shit to me like I was a complete retard please
nonce ui
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>another malware node
>stenography isn't bypasses by 4chans filters
really pulling out all the stops to catch schizoanon this time
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Excellent gen, sir
stenography extension for cunny ui users to hide their cunny shit
It can hide files inside images and it works on 4chan. Try pasting the image in this post
>>101063943 into the site and clicking find, and it will extract a hidden image.
There are also nodes for ComfyUI for hiding files in generated images.
oh, shit

nice clean style
>you cant even post images anymore without the risk of getting doxxed
thanks comfortable UI
It's for hiding any data or files in images, a reddit jannie's worst nightmare. It uses the same idea as the surveillance watermarks companies like Open AI and Microsoft are adding to AI images, but instead you can embed any file you want.
Not how it works.
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well done raiden.
the creator of hideagem also made this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-gGLvg0n-uY
sure sure, I assume it was created just for fun as well
It's been ONE WEEK
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thanks, anon
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>you will never catch schizo anon
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him? of course i know him
Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape.
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Put tumblr into negatives.
Very cute, I would marry her.
Earl grey, shaken not stirred
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hello comfytoon, hello julien, hello debo, hello cardosanon, hello pwanon, hello Quokkanon, hello other irrelevant anons as well
I am a quite notable poster myself, too.
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Also thanks
>Put tumblr into negatives.
wher gen?
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G'mornin Anons, have a great day!
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some of yall are so bad... need to revoke your posting privileges
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looks like bstaber to me
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Pony XL with a bunch of loras
A1111 Forge has been great for me despite recent news. I tried going back to regular a1111 but the speed penalty was pretty severe and I do remember having weird memory issues with it.
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Make a mememerge, incredibile style
Notable poster, are you? I used to be a notable poster myself, 30 years, man and boy
Should make a /ndg/ split for notables only such as myself
>still didnt get any replies
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The real mememerge is the gens we made along the way
No need; we have a Discord for that
gottem! 1 (you) recieved
I am above Discord. I might make my own personal thread at some point today.
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ages later and I'm still usign my trusty 1.5, am I missing out?
You're welcome to join any time

The discord is probably larger and more active than either /sdg/ or /ldg/ already, and better moderated

very nice
Ill join if you can impress me with your best gen.
1.5 is the shit.

all the best emmas are on 1.5
I don't care about your cult of personality and circle jerk.
The fact I am forced to doxx myself is a big red flag and the other one is the fact the moderators are that certain group of people.
Stop shilling your shithole here please. If you like it so much please stop posting here then.
Nobody's forcing you to dox yourself
The mod is not a notable poster
Forcing people away from this thread is the reason it has 20% of the activity it used to
You're responding like a petulant child to a simple invitation
XL can do cool stuff and is worth trying, but there is nothing wrong with using good old 1.5 models
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>pw not seen for weeks
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>don't question why we need you to join the doxing discord okay!
post your best 1girl here monkeyboy
>tfw not in the list
hope he died in a fire
you are, see the last one..
>hello other irrelevant anons as well
well you arent avatarfagging for me to call you by your name anon
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Purple tranny is a faggot
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ponybro is based
Twilight in best pony
>irrelevant anons
me fr fr
hope he drowned in water
>posting Trani avatar
*Julian Avatar aka the last employee of SAI avatar
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6 hours till training is complete what's something out of the ordinary I should add to supplement the next batch?
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Can anyone explain this phenomena? Pony gens are so recognizable, ugly and boring, always, no matter how many loras/mixes are being used.. This wasn't the case with old models.
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i hate this venv shit with a fucking passion. why do i have to install a shit ton of heavy files for every single ai application i want to try out? why cant i just pip install once and use the same fucking files. god damn this is retarded
It's just an ugly model filled with furry and western shit, use animagine
There's so much more content for pony though, it's like NAI leak once again. Animagine is much less ugly, that's true. I also liked Artiwaifu.
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user error
literally who?
Because of dependencies anon (among other things). You'll be in fucking dependency hell and only a handful of your programs would work.
Shame we don't have an NAI v3 leak, it's good with porn, can do a shit tone of characters on model and isn't half qs ugly as pony
Forge hasn't been updated in a while. Is the project dead?
I am trying my luck with sdnext now, hope it works out fine.
Pony is for western art and horseporn.
If you don't want any of them, don't use it, simple as.
>he still thinks it wasn't intentional
Yes, from what I've seen so far it looks nice, but I can't justify the cost, I don't gen often enough. Leak would be good but that first leak was probably intentional for marketing purposes so we won't see this again.
but none of the images you linked are like that
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Good morning
guys im leaking
use cotton balls
I feel like I'm not getting the recognition I deserve and this is why I'm hesitant to post anymore.
time to pick up a pencil
It's because most people don't know how to get style tags or don't even bother.
Another way to do this is to upscale the image with sd15, I prefer EasyFluff because it has lot of tags.
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>inferior anon stirring shit again
dibs on the first row, third from the left
Forgot: it is a shitty model and its creator is an asshole, I agree 100% Sirs.
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It's an anonymous image board. Sort yourself out
Trani has a history of attacking creators. Recently be attacked the pony creator.
You are jealous of my achievements.
Good - the ponyfag is retarded and should be called out
Ponyfaggot delivered a model that almost everyone uses.
Trani delivered nothing.
didnt he delete his comments after a couple hundred downdoodles? lmao what a fag
Both things can be true anon.
>recommending more furryshit
Yeah, I agree.
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>Recently be attacked the pony creator.
>you will never be a notable poster
I would link the thread he attacked the pony creator but I'm not going to do that
Why even post
It's just a tool you cretin. You are not interested in creating images whatsoever.
don't encourage him
Just to infuriate you
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Not the anon that mentioned it but I do have a screenshot. I'm not sure if it's fully valid because I don't use reddit.
I will kick him though
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Are they trying to distance themselves from porn? Such a weird change.
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I dont know who's who here. I'm not here chrony so I'm not up on the lore
holy shit, trani really likes to make a fool of himself publicly kek
at this point i think its a fetish
giving Canadians access to the internet was a mistake
>The daily Buzz you can claim in the generator has been reduced from 50 to 25
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Nvm looks like they already went back on it.
Chronically *
who is Julien?
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>schizo anon autism starts again
He's a psychopath, nothing else. This has been going on for months by now.
i think conda can share packages between envs if you do conda install but it has a whole bunch of aids of its own
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he is right. clearly botted dislikes judging from the low interactions on positive comments and an astralite sockpuppet has been uncovered kek
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nothing is beyond schizoanons reach
THIS. Anyone who disagrees with precious based ani is a jealous schizobot.
he's relentless... i wonder what happened to him to end up like this, this is unusual even for 4chan

i am schizo anon
ask me anything
>smoking gun evidence of Trani's behavior
>schizo anon did it
There are people like this on /vg/ and even on 'friendly windows thread' or at least used to be but at least they are not going after personal stuff.
This is why I think this is a genuine psycho, the one who actually picked up the metadata from the .psd file etc.
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trani started using "schizo anon" as excuse for everything because he's mentally a child
>evidence of ani being based
>schizoanon tries a cringe attempt at inserting himself
Those are fully clothed and not doing anything remotely sexual.
He's mentally someone that has been molested
honestly being so smug about it like trani was kinda invites people to search for shit
I've only used two other generals. One on spee and one on /vg/. The one on /vg/ had someone like him
Why do discordtroons air out their bullshit on sdg?
an idiot who outed himself as a tranny on the discord which is in OP.

if you got any brains youd stay away from the doxcord. Dont join that tranny hub if monkeyboy invites you
it's a safe space \ designated shitting street
attacking other devs / modelmakers / tool developers etc just makes you literal human garbage, unironically
and its by far not the first time
how long until trani realises comfychad et tu'd him?
bootlicking mentality
Only if you are not mentally well.
>be contentious figure
>start drama
>post catbox of your job offer to "own the haters"
In a thread where the norm is to read Metadata from images
>edit file using a paid web service when it could have been done in paint
>blame others
Sound logic
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that group is quite big in 4chan generals
play stupid games win stupid prizes
I don't give a fuck, why don't you post an image or gtfo.
why do you guys have to be so cringe everyday of the week
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>anon's self portrait on the wall
you will NEVER get rid of me trani
suffer for what you had done
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It's been going on for so, so fucking long.
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all day everyday, sdg drama forever.

this is what happens when trannys are free
>it's only cringe and schizo when you call out a toxic figure in the community that attacks people unprovoked
>who is also a SAI employee
emad already redeemed

now hes a coinfag, your idol and master is a scammer.

sdg mudded lmao
>ani calls out an actual tranny
>tranny schizos white knight for astracuck
what timeline is this?
trani was so insufferable for over a year he honestly deserves it
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It is so very easy to recognize the way you are writing, retard.
lift that curtain for me pls
Why are you all so mad all the time, real question. Like what's up with that.
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Isn't Ani actually trans and a child molester though?
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i still bet the trani hater is a notable poster
question is who is it?
>>who is also a SAI employee
He's basically the only SAI employee, I bet he made them close source 8B against comfie's wishes
This is an issue almost ubiquitous to AI generals. My bet is porn addiction and dopamine burnout.
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that he is
as much as schizo wants it to be, no he is not. after being on the discord with him he is kind of a goof but really smart
Why do so many so many crypto projects feel like scam bait
Like his new project "SchillingAI" and the wallet that might at well be called "Rabbi"
if comfytroon actually wants to redeem itself in /sdg/ eyes, it has to leak the good model.

>it's one schizo
This is how you out yourself every time
nah ran would post with gens
must be someone else
shut up debo
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>its not just one guy
no they stopped because of their dogshit gens
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>its one singular schizo anon
get new material fag
He can't help it
1 gen for every 100 schizo posts

>its over
it was actually confirmed debo used tranis gens to stirr up shit (like he did with others too like fran)
i bet a lot of the hate trani gets is because of debo
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I'm pretty popular today. not that I want the attention or anything. shouldn't people be experimenting with wombo combos using sd3? try city's interposer node and swap the latent before decoding to sd3 and use the 16 channel vae to decode
dont talk about debo. the audacity is astounding
Looks like a shitty pony gen
Do the what now?
but my hate for transvestites is too strong
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>try city's interposer node and swap the latent before decoding to sd3 and use the 16 channel vae to decode
English motherfucker
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I need you to answer this, I don't trust chatgpt with this
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1girl AR assistant when Y_Y
what part did you not understand?

interesting science
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dunno. answer me this, what would be the best caption for this concept?
but why, sd3's compositions and finished product look worse than my fave (non-pony) sdxl finetunes. Genuinely curious what you think the benefit of that workflow would be
>I'm pretty popular today
kek you wish, pickme boy always trying to ride the coattails of others but still managing to stay obscure
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>anon post
>avatar post when called out
>uses fake nice guy act
cooked take
He's not even obscure, he's a known schizo in multiple circles
this anon ate, sisters
ok anons but what does 16 channel vae actually mean
yet another proof of trani samefagging or as the SAI gang now calls it "stealth posting"
you have to set your t.v. to channel 16 for the composite cables to work
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a diffusers version tile controlnet is already released for sd3, it's just getting implemented but the benefit would be better detail in small/fine details (some color improvement too) on the 16 channel vae decode (less blur/melting). with tile controlnet using sd3 as the upscale checkpoint would probably be best since it's normally done low denoise so the fucked up anatomy of the current 2b model won't be an issue
You are probably talking about floating point precision...
>SAI employee trying to shill his shit tier model
No thanks
...ah yes, "milk"
>use pony
>get better looking gens
No thanks trani
ani is pretty goofy and smart. ngl
i sheee, okay makes sense. I'll have to try whenever the controlnet gets implemented.
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Liminal spaces of schizophrenia and Cohesium.
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>gets fed insightful information
>disregards and continues to 1girl <artist tag> gen
whatever makes you happy
hope your depression gets worse
who are you and why are you so hated
>pathetic samefagging starts again
trani moment
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could you please generate your superiors with sd3 except in real life
XL clears anything SD3 has to offer trani.
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you can still use the sd3 vae only for the decode which is still an improvement and that's doable now

just the weeb with a dream, animanon. got too successful and now schizo is obsessed with me
do you guys just post drama because you don't get (you)'s with gens otherwise?
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does sd3 tensorrt work for you?
drama and ragebait is the meta, where have you been?
>got too successful and now schizo is obsessed with me
you're delusional if you really believe this kek
lol what's even the point? he'll be eternally unemployed by the end of the month again, should just leak SD3 8b for 15 minutes of fame
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Prompt is starting to get exhausted.
Who is he? How do I spot him?
why don't you make animations anymore
>meanwhile let me continue to prove the point made
giff sauce anon
this is actually a sweet gen, I like how the "window" on the left is a painting
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You'd like it, wouldn't you?
>you can still use the sd3 vae only for the decode which is still an improvement and that's doable now
you mean just like gen with sdxl, interpose, and decode with sd3? I tried that the other day and got pretty bad artifacts. Or do you do another low-noise sampling pass after with sd3?
u seem knowledgable anon, answer plz >>101067224
Your first actual job is with a company that's a week away from bankruptcy, and everyone left a few weeks after you joined including your BF
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we don't like your kind around here, troony
Can't answer that one man, I'm an ayyymd fag unfortunately. A few threads ago someone had it working but I can't provide any helpful information, sorry anon.
"schizo anon" is his cope for the fact nearly everyone hates him
"its just a single anon hating me 24/7 and 7 different platforms"
Based gen
i tried conda before and i think my computer got aids from it as you said.
because they all looked like shit and he made zero progress in a year
If he believes it is a singular anon then he should be able to point out specific language and possibly gens that point to that anon
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i just saw this on pol and thought it was fucking beautiful. some real AI craftmanship if you ask me.
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good question, I'll give it a shot now

it's a lot of time. I've been diving into code more often now so I just do what comfy does and leave gens going in the background. The last animations I did was last week however. more will come after the next model release, that's been eating up most of my time recently.

Oh! Yeah something really light. It would be much better through multidiffusion but no tile can atm
Probably not, tensorrt sucks
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Whoops meant to link
where did you get that genga?
well done anon
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>what an instagram art gallery would look like
its ok
>good question, I'll give it a shot now
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beautiful, doesn't seem like a local gen but still
>doesn't seem like a local gen but still
i was wondering how this was made. what makes you think that?
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It very well could be just my initial gut reaction feels like it isn't (not that it couldn't be done locally)
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>look at checkpoint on civitai
>version 14 (last updated 3 days ago)
>"use cfg 1 to 2"
>"dont go over 15 sampling steps"
>170 words in negative prompt
>"dont use negs related to hands tho it will break"
>all example images have hands behind the back
>looks like day 1 SDslop
>"this is the finest i can create i am retiring and putting this in maintenance mode"
yes, share now
If you're so successful why do you spend your free time attacking others?
I think even more funny is the fact, no matter which model it is, the example images posted by the other users always look exactly the same across the board.
Even CinematicRedmond which can replicate nice film grain and film style images, the gallery looks like this:
He can't. He'll just say it's a LLM botnet or something.
he's an attention whore
thats literslly the full explanation
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I'm confused
>starts drama with figures on multiple platforms
>gets hundreds of dislikes
>somehow it's only one person on a site without registration and anonymity
the point is you know his name
thats all he cares about
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Cohesium with David Hockney are such a powerful trigger words.
How many years until he gets a kiwi farms thread?
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secrit club :) (nda sorry)

not sure what's going on here. I built for batch size 1 but I have to batch 2 in order to have one output not be trash? I'll let comfy know.
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I need two more images for the next art gallery gen.
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hey anon thats SDXL, not SD3 :(
i tried tensorrt with SD3 and i kept on getting picrel
which repo are you using?
>batch size 1 but I have to batch 2
probably related to cfg, we say batch 1 but it's actually batch 2 for unet
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>probably related to cfg
probably. when my batch size is one it throws a solid black image so it's probably dipping into the negative cfg
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just needs some tissues and lube on the table
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the latest comfy master branch and the latest https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_TensorRT master branch
im using workflows from https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI_TensorRT/pull/30 to generate the images
i just git pull'd and genned to check if its still broken, picrel
Diffusers keep changing things before ive finished porting it, Transformer2d is split now which is better but still it's annoying
so sdnext is good? i havent used that in a long time. sd forge still works well enough for now
I've started using Pony recently after using 1.5 for a long time. (Its fucking amazing)

Can anyone give me some advice on Controlnet models? Whats good to use with it? I read that its fairly hard to "control".
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yeah, late to the party, but lol
25 buzz is pretty much 3 batches
it's nothing
you can double that by publishing whatever miscarriage of a gen you managed to get in those 3 batches
I'm sure this will do well for the quality of their galleries lol
thanks, i assume the canny is the better one?
you use v1 or v2?
If you're using canny:
wtf is buzz
the 'currency' on civitai you can use to generate shit
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This genius lives inside my gpu. I love this little guy, many times he mismatches and misrepresents common subjects but it is so cute.
Nta but you only need the one safetensors file, right?
What are the other files in the repository for, for devs or something?
>Nta but you only need the one safetensors file, right?
yeah either the rank256 (the one I prefer) or the fp16 version
you don't need to worry about the rest of the stuff in that repo
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Wished it turned out better but at least it was the right key
I like this one more
I haven't used enough to make a judgement yet.
Might mention my thoughts later.
>for now
Yeah. But I don't want to see myself forced to hop to new UI a few months later.
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BMP is one of the finest contributors on the Discord channel. Some of the core group has acknowledged him already.
Oh My...
same.. i might just set up sdnext this weekend then. i have comfyui already but i much prefer the a1111/forge set up
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I'm not on discord ya dork
Of course, I tested you. It is very cute.
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Yeah, this thread ended
Fuck y'all <3

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