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After all, why not? Why shouldn't I use it?
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You shouldn't. It has built in telemetry that can't be disabled. They also have a shady history of doing shady things with people's web traffic.
Le shill lion
don't download CP via Brave then

if a solid ad-blocking experience and security are must-haves for you, Brave is the only real option out there. if you want privacy, use Tor Browser
It's shit.
>trannyfox user typed this
You will never be a woman.
They dont support transgender marxism ideology.
send link, I want to disable the telemetry
Even worse, a palemoon user.
Source on this webpage?
it's massive FUD paired with mostly inaccurate facts. https://privacytests.org is trash too but at least it isn't run by some fucking privoocy retard
it just werks lol
if only they copied Vivaldi's UI/UX customizations and shit, then it would be the perfect browser

pretty gay that almost all their devs focus on is tinkering with the crypto shit while neglecting making the browser actually more useful
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fellow Brave retards, try loading any project from this site:

it refuses to work.

now try it in edge, chrome, firefox, literally any browser.

it just works

stop using a browser with broken hardware acceleration
broken in librewolf too
It's broken

I'll never use it because you're a dishonest shill.

>It's okay to let a bunch of troons spy on you if you don't have anything to hide!
Tired argument for people who do nothing to begin with.
librewolf is intentionally broken for security purposes. that's the entire idea.
the difference is brave still spies on you, ontop of being broken.
>hardware acceleration
i have that turned off on all browsers, on everything
brave has anti fingerprinting stuff
>i have that turned off on all browsers, on everything
Why no one is using Ungoogled-Chromium?
i have it as a chromium backup in case librewolf doesn't work but so far that has only happened once on some chinese download site
always been buggy, bloaty, always will be
Whenever I see a screenshot, I don't trust the website at all, because this guy calls literally everything EXTREME SPYWARE
Works fine on Beta

Website loads
Search works
Individual clicks work
Code display works
thats codename for
>my nvidia driver is dogshit
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>It has built in telemetry that can't be disabled
>the same pic you posted shows how to disable the telemetry
It will use manifest v3 extensions, so you'll see more ads, and it will use more computer resources.
That alone is a turn off for me.
i have amd
i've seen bugs with both, in fact i think amd is worse with this
Firefox has always worked for me, I'm not swapping to your membrowser.
post your hwinfo64
its literally an nvidia issue
doesnt affect amd unless you're retarded
>brave has anti fingerprinting stuff
So does firefox.
But you can actually prevent all telemetry from firefox.
stick to the point you faggot bot
the anti fingerprinting stuff could be why it also breaks while vanilla chromium doesn't
are you retarded or wat. The picture posted from that schizos website literally says it can be turned off.
Librewolf (and firefox) are fucking dogshit compared to chromium. I run brave on flatpak and it plays 4k videos fine, but librewolf on appimage stutters.
I thought it was a me issue, but every benchmark ever shows that firefox is inferior to chromium performance wise.
>braveshill thread always gets instant damage control (You)s
Really maeks u think

>Librewolf (and firefox) are fucking dogshit compared to chromium.
citation needed
name two reasons.
brave anti-fingerprinting doesnt change your timezone to utc 0 it uses your systems timezone (accurate down to the city for some) and it doesn't change/disable webgl (can accurately leak your gpu), both can be fixed with extensions its just retarded.
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I already mentioned the reason why I, and many other people won't use it.
And calling every single person that has anything good to say about brave just makes you a braindead retard.
Maybe people will start using your shit browser once you actually fix it.
I'm not switching to a browser that can barely play 4k videos on ym computer while brave can do it just fine, and while running as a flatpak.
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Works on my machine
(posted from Firefox™)
>and calling every single person that has anything good to say about brave
about brave a shill*
Use vaapi, i can watch 4k 60 fps youtube videos on a really shitty laptop using librewolf
there's nothing good to say about brave.
it's chromium but worse.
shut the fuck up tranny, fix your dying browser that lost all of its marketshare
i use librewolf because its good on default settings with a nice ui, and doesnt look bloated like brave with all its crypto shit and whatever else. doesnt really matter tho i just use it for tutorials and entertainment, but its nice to know im not feeding into a dystopian surveillance system by feeding them my data - data which when collected by companies and stolen by hackers, can be used against me.
used to use mullvad as well but the flatpak just sorta shit itself on me
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>going 3 year back in your brave-shill folder
>literal who news source
>claims that putting tabs on top (in 2009!) is le BAD
>claims about:config was removed (it wasnt)
>claims a feature was removed from the settings (but doesnt mention which one) and then immediately contradicts themself by saying you can still change it in about:config
>clearing your history takes too long!!! (it doesnt)
>firefox uses more ram (probably true)
>invades your privacy (so does brave, but can be disabled in ff config)
that is some desperate butthurt posting
not gonna read all that but i will say
any intelligent white man would see
the ugly ui of brave and immediately
uninstall it
Non-whites don't deserve good software, let them use Brave.
Fake news
>that is some desperate butthurt posting
butthurt about what? That firefox lost all of its marketshare because of shit decisions and selling out to google? Why would I be butthurt about that?
your browser fucking got murdered by chromium lol, I'm not the one coping here.
>ignores everything
imagine my surprise
>so does brave
>nuh uh
yeah some great arguments you had, trannyfox marketshare going up as we speak.
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>7000 open issues
oh no no no
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firefox doesn't have enough users left to open issues on github kek
i've seen them take turns in hwaccel bugs
last time i had it on was years ago
you don't have to be so rabid
I use it on my iPad because the built in adblockers get around youtubes annoying ads since you can't just download adblock for firefox on it.
>firefox doesn't have enough users left
The answer to this question (from the article itself) is that google pays firefox to be the default front page / search.
Firefox is bringing so much traffic to google that they've made $500 million.
Nice own, bro.
>firefox selling out to google is actually good
holy shit hahahaha
you're a fucking retard lmao. your browser is sitting at less than 3% marketshare. Google only keeps it around to avoid a monopoly lawsuit.
>see ugly ui and immediately uninstall it
replace "intelligent" with "gay"
>It has built in telemetry that can't be disabled
>"This feature is an opt-out that can be disabled."
are you genuinely retarded?
i use brave because it does a good job of blocking ads and popups without me having to do anything. i dont care that it might sell my data because it's a free service and i dont expect anyone to do work for no pay. sorry, fellas
I use it and default to Google Search
No matter what you shill, Chrome will continue to be the most popular browser by a huge margin. Normies literally do not care as long as they can access their social media and youtube (with ads).
>Normies literally do not care as long as they can access their social media and youtube (with ads).
Chrome isn't the default in Windows nor Samsung's Android. Normies have to effectively seek out Chrome.
Stop talking about it. Delete this thread.

If normies catch on, I might actually have to start paying for youtube.
brave is just a grifter and not actively removing ads from youtube.
that's ubo and easylist.
damn you already forgot what you posted just 10 minutes later?
free israel
>start paying for youtube
what the fuck are you talking about, normie?
Shouldn't you be telling us why to use it?
Not the other way around?
There's been plenty of reasons to not use it posted already.
I'm not the one here who thinks they're fighting against le google by using their epic counter culture browser (that takes money from google)
How old is this? Got to be at least 3 years old because searches in brave default to search.brave
that wasnt your argument.
>firefox has no users
ok, and what does that have to do with what you're quoting?
I know a lot of people here are special, but I didn't literally mean it had 0 users, it's whats called a hyperbole in the english language.
and the image you posted directly contradicted your own argument....
explain your tranny brain autism line of thinking
I did. When I replied to your retarded port.
Before you forgot what you posted.
It's just another Chromium copy.
If I wanted to use a chromium based browser or if mozilla stopped existing, I'd just use Pale Moon or Chromium.
you didn't explain anything retard, you reply with cryptic memes because you're a zoomer with a fried adhd brain and porn addiction on top of that.
I didn't post any memes. Only facts.
what do you mean with chromium?
chromium project doesn't provide any official builds and is missing essential features like auto-updating, syncing, ...
as factual as changing your gender
Auto updating and syncing isn't essential.
I can just install it and use it and use it for as long as I feel before updating
because is reskinned chrome, just use firefox.
you were saying?

here spyware.neocities.org

Honestly, you have to be dumb as fuck to be using Brave. Its Aids central, with VPN and crypto slop built into it. Ffs bros
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It's not the best, but Mullvad, Librewolf or Tor are either too complicated, or break too many websites.
Normies flock to Brave because of good advertising and because it's just some browser.
It's not even that it has that shit, or that it's built on chromium, it's it all being enabled by default, like those televisions that come with the "Sell my data" option selected from the factory.
>This article was created on 5/7/2018
>This article was last edited on 8/17/2021
Anything more recent than almost 3 years ago?
>just block the browsers telemetry bro its totally private
Does it do anything better than Firefox though?
It´s much snappier on my machine.
I've always wondered if that's because of the preload shenanigans.
I remember the shitstorm a decade or something ago when that was announced, but I have no idea how that works today on modern browsers.
Chromium is shit. Librewolf is the only useable browser. The one and only exception is if you're forced to use an Apple device (e.g. for work), where your only ad-block option is Brave browser.
>looking for a new browser
>check out brave
>purple / orange disgusting UI
>web3 nonsense
>crypto wallet shit
>earn tokens for browsing
>bloat like a torrent manager
it's just an ugly skin on chromium with techbro aids injected in
bloated software badly tied up together by a dodgy Ad company that's pushing a worthless shitcoin?


go fuck yourself, fucking shill piece of shit
>solid ad-blocking experience
its literally ublock origin with a hard coded filter list
>telemetry that can't be disabled
you didn't even read the image you posted. You're a gay faggot.
i use firefox on a macbook pro and i have no ads with ublock. you know that youtube screen that they overlay onto the player now if you block ads? i dont ever see it. brave is trash.
>macbook pro
That's a great way to let everyone know that you're gay
Fucking flat earther
daily reminder that all your activities (especially in crypto) are logged at NSA
>babbies intro to neocities
Their adblocker has become absolute garbage. Any browser with uBlock Origin does better than this trash.
I'm glad you took the clot shot kid
Prove it
can't play kick video at all
can't play video in full screen without dropping frames (firefox doesn't have this problem)
can't load pages if it fails to load them, have to copy url and paste into new tab and hit enter
but that's just me
firefox has other issues now
nuke india and israel
>but that's just me
It was written in 2018
false statement
the problem is with you
>its FUD
He literally tells you how to replicate the results on your own machine. Why dont you post a webm of it not phoning home with a billion connections? You won't because for some reason you have some personal stake in a web browser.
You realize that the image isnt the entire webpage right? Why dont you visit it and educate yourself
Are you going to cry?
>you won't
>proceeds to sling insults
As predicted
Slightly higher quality version
Answer the question
Concession accepted
Has the worst search engine its insane you can't even get images from it its this webp bullshit. I sometimes use Edge for things. Edge isn't that bad from what I can tell. Copilot has been fun.
Are you going to cry?
Answer the question you massive faggot
In sorry you are so upset
Shut up
today's ads need procedural filters to block them.
uBo has those. brave's adblock-rust doesn't.
The uBo guys work for Brave
Your parents are sorry that you're a faggot
You failed to prove it though you fag
You shouldn't use it if you're too niggerbrained to turn off the crypto wallet feature if it bothers you or adjust your privacy settings to your liking the way you should be doing in all browsers
Why does it ask me to solve a captcha to use a browser?

There doesn't seem to be a kill switch for all of the brave crypto shit.

I keep it around for a Chrome based browser for the dev tools. I use firefox otherwise.
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so that's where all those trash-tier jak gifs have been coming from
There's sooooooo many retards that shouldn't be anywhere near technology
wrong and wrong
it's not ublock origin - it's their own ad blocking library written in rust, it's not even a web extension
and the list is not hardcoded, you can also apply your own custom filters
You're missing the point though their list is hard coded you can add additional things to it but you can't alter their list
He was right about the fake pandemic
you can alter the lists:
I have a Chromebook. Should I download the Linux version for Chromebook?
I fell for the meme and used FF for almost a year, it was extremely slow and sometimes broke some common websites, it also have some very ugly fonts I'm too lazy to fix

Moved to brave 2 months ago and I like it just fine
Why bother
Literally so what? Nobody disables the built in block lists anyway, this is the case for stock firefox as well
>Uses Google as the default search engine
Who's gonna tell him?
On Brave Android, the simplify page view doesn't work. People complain about it on their community site, Reddit, and send them feedback, but it still doesn't work and hasn't received any fix.
So does firefox
Brave sucks. It gave normies ad-blockers. Now YouTube is going ballistic trying to stop it.
if you want a crypto mining browser, go for it
https://privacytests.org is literally run by brave
Hi Brendan!
>Brave telemetry can be disabled easily by replacing it with some other privacy-friendly browser.

& a gentle reminder that in order to access your BAT you literally have to give your rl world details to a 3rd party...

>As of now, only Gemini and Uphold wallets are working with Brave.
>2FA at Gemini is powered by the Authy 2FA API. This means you use the free Authy app to get your 2FA token and login to Gemini.
>In consultation with the team at Gemini, verifying Brave Rewards with a Gemini account is restricted only to the following supported countries of registration
>In creating an Account, you will be asked to set up an email and password, and you will be required to set up two-factor authentication (“2FA”) By signing up for our service and accepting these terms, by providing a mobile phone number you consent that Uphold may contact you by SMS or text message (including by an automatic telephone dialing system) at the mobile phone number you associate with your account for the following;
>This website and the browser privacy tests are an independent project by me, Arthur Edelstein. I have developed this project on my own time and on my own initiative. Several months after first publishing the website, I became an employee of Brave, where I contribute to Brave's browser privacy engineering efforts. I continue to run this website independently of my employer, however. There is no connection with Brave marketing efforts whatsoever.
I dont need you to yes man my posts
nobody cares what you personally need, nigger
go back to your personal blog
Sorry to have upset you
god you're both such massive faggots
go suck each other off so I can record it and sell the vid online
But at least reconfigure it to not use Google before running the test.
What test
Mass replying faggot. How did you even miss (You)ing me?
until firefox allows me to use xpanel and wootility i'll stick with brave
the adblocker browser that spams /g/ with ads!

it also hijacks your OS notifications to show you ads

in fact, this thread is an ad.

if you're using brave browser it's because you got bamboozled by their ads.

that' all, enjoy your worthless shitcoin.
>If u don't like my malware ur a pedo, sar!
Fuck you, learn how to use a toilet, subhuman.
>muh ideology
Is that how you're trying to sell your fucking scamware? You're a repulsive shill cunt, do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
They're constantly trying to find more obscure and contrived ways of scamming their users. They're also a marketing company, so if you have any qualms about using chrome, you have them about using brave. Also their built in adblock sucks shit.
Russian mongoloid that sounds like he's on krokodil.
Is brave abandonware? Why do they spend resources sending their Indians to push this scam here instead of paying devs to fix their trash?
>i use brave because it does a good job of blocking ads
Its adblock is fucking terrible.
>and popups without me having to do anything
Literally everything, even internet explorer, does that by default. You sound like you're copypasting from a text file your boss gave you.
>Brave Marketing Dubai Team be like: TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES
Wow, great job you guys. What a great, brave browser.
I'm glad you were born in Russia, I'm going to watch you die in a drone video from the comfort of my home.
Yeah, about that...
Normies don't even know it exists. Nobody uses this horseshit.
remember when a brave employee made a totally not biased website to rank browsers' privacy?

i'm surprised to see that not a single pajeet have posted a link to that completely not sponsored site yet.
I wonder how much Brave pays hiro to let them do their marketing threads here.
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Show hands. How many of you idiots fell for this meme browser.

extra points if you ever created a thread to promote this garbage.
>Check website
>Check Telegram tab
>"Not Spyware" despite being a russian secret service honeypot
>let me just redefine the terms he already has in mind
I use firefox on PC and never had any issues.
But using Brave on phone has made archive4plebs.org not work for me anymore, it says Error!
Sorry, the global search function has not been enabled.
Help me guys, am i under surveillance?
stop spamming this spic site
because they will never fix this
Get a real job, Rajesh. Making 20 rupees a month in BAT isn't going to feed your whore of a mother.
because of all the shills, otherwise I might have actually tried it

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