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Previous thread: >>101061979
i love my loonix bros
mmm gentoo tummy

yt-dlp: can i dl max quality but w/o merging at the end? the merging makes the download twice as big temporarily, and it hits the hard drive so hard i can't watch any other movies.

yt-dlp -o "/mnt/youtube/mix/%(uploader_id)s %(title)s.%(ext)s"

-S res:2160,vcodec:av1

>get more ram
no i'm not buying more ram just to download youtube videos. plus what even is the command to do all the merging in ram? is it even possible?
Why is sucksomedong cluttering my df ouput now?
Filesystem      1K-blocks       Used  Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-udev-load-credentials.service
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-journald.service
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-sysctl.service
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-vconsole-setup.service
tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /run/credentials/systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
ok thanks that's about what i was expecting. i've worked with ffmpeg before and was hoping i could do a streaming merge.
>is it even possible?
If it doesn't you can always create a ram disk. Or you can just get a second HD so you're not watching and saving to the same one.
I mean, yt-dlp uses ffmpeg, the real issue here seems to be the fact that it's performing the operation in the same disk you're using to watch the videos, right?
What happens if I just hop straight into the deep end and install Arch?
you'll have fun in the deep abyss
You'll be disappointed because arch sucks and they push out tons of packages before testing them properly (plasma 6, systemd 256, etc) and therefore shit is unstable and breaks. Just skip the arch phase and go straight to Gentoo.
You'll read the wiki.
>6.1 finally
>still stutters
>kwin dying
Waylandbros...did we get too cocky?
I have arch but haven't touched Gentoo (yet)
I'm happy with it, but it's possible I don't know better. I do like bleeding edge systems and stable distros like Debian are more suited to be servers IMO. I didn't realize Gentoo was closer to Debian than Arch in that regard.
that's a secondary annoyance that i can live with by just pausing the video and doing something else for a minute. freeing up 30 gigs of space is harder to do.
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So i'm fresh to mint 21.3, updated kernel, amdgpu, and everything to the latest stable. Finally got it to recognize the GPU name for the 7900 though its a GRE not XT.
None of the sensors are seen so I have no idea what the temps or utilization is through any program i've found. Psensor, hardinfo, mangohud, radeontop, nothing can actually see any info on it. It's being used in benchmarks and the fans are spinning up under load so its technically working, i think, but it'd be nice to be able to actually see utilization or temps.
Should I get my gf a penguin onesie?
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Yes. This is independent of any linux discussion. Everyone should get their gf a penguin onsie. I wish I had a gf so I could give her a penguin onsie.
Do you think it should be a "sexier" one or just baggy and cute? She has a great figure
It's a onsie, it should be baggy and comfy
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Any time
thanks for the suggestions anons, i'm getting my gf one of these, cold days here
Getting a new pc soon and didn't want windows trying to rape my info with 11. I have some experience with ubuntu but that was a while ago.
I've got 3 choice since I'm rusty with this stuff, kubuntu, ubuntu, or mint. Which one should I settle with?
Make sure to write GNU + Linux on the tummy
gen-tan tummy
>Getting a new pc soon
Tell us more about your new hardware.
i am proud user of https://github.com/tinycorelinux/tinyx compiled with -Ofast just works, no lag and everything is instant
only needed 7 deps to build
compared to gayland dwl which had me building 20 packages, writing custom cross files and modifying meson.build
i am finally free
my computer will never run freedesktop gayware from now on
the usual schizo post in every /g/ thread
Why not go with BSDs then? Linux is only worth using because of the very things you hate, kek.
you wouldnt understand without experience
i would be using my own version of hardenedbsd if kexec could boot bsd kernel
i use https://github.com/linuxboot/heads which uses kexec and cant boot bsd stuff, only linux
my router runs bsd
holy mother of 4chan schizos
how is that schizo? wlroots doesnt fucking work because its written by a faggot
meanwhile tinyx works on first time and doesnt require mesa
mesa builds for fucking 30 minutes and tinyx in 1 minute
how is this acceptable
mint.. perhaps LMDE. canonical isn't great
What do you want to do with Linux? There are many uses and without a goal to focus your efforts learning will usually be scattershot.
Specific distro is not worth much worry. Best to choose an LTS so it just works then experiment in virtual machines and on your superseded PC (which can live anywhere and be run remotely if desired).

4chan responses re: DEs tend overly passionate and you really need to sample a variety since what suits you matters, not affirming others.
How many distros have an (unofficial) animu girl mascot? I've seen that arch has a girl with a penguin hoodie.
What now?
Just do your partitioning so it supports two Linux systems simultaneously:
>20GB system A
>20GB system B
>rest for /mnt/anime that hosts your $HOME plus /usr/local
besides elongid, which packs from systemd are used in void linux?
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Would anyone know why I can't run this
under Wine? I'm aware it has a Tux version, but I need the Windows version for Wine/Proton, the Linux version runs no issues but on Arch I can't get the windows exe to run at all.
How are you trying to run the windows version? In the same proton instance as the game? I think that's the way you have to do it.
I'm just trying to run it at all. Whether I boot it via Lutris, Steam or anything else, the .exe simply does nothing. It's not an issue of it not finding my games, but rather of it simply refusing to open.
Tried it, doesn't work here either. No clue why though. Doesn't seem to do much more than Textractor, so I'll just stick with that. Wish Chiitrans Lite would still work.
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Does running a dist upgrade fuck up anything in /etc/ with regards to configs for packages that aren't deprecated between different distributions?
>t xubuntu 20.04.6 LTS to 22.04.3 LTS
Huh, I just wanted it for a few games like Ace Attorney, but if it's not working at all then that resolves my headache. Thanks anon.
Oh okay. Try something called SteamTinkerLaunch maybe, and set it as the compatibility tool in steam. Then when you see the tool's window when you play the game click on game menu, and select the options: "Use custom command", "Fork custom command" and "Force Proton with custom command", and in the custom command field use agent.exe.
I've tried that, it simply refuses to boot. Thanks though, I'm gonna check the d*scord, surely I can't be the only one trying to use this on 'tux with windows games.
Oh you used SteamTinkerLaunch already? I haven't used it in a while, so I dunno much more than that maybe it's changed.
Anon with the audio issue from last thread.
I still don't know what went wrong with the audio. It was working fine last week.
I thought it was the kernel so I downgraded to linux-lts and nothing. I thought it was pipewire/wireplumber but it happened in a liveiso of fedora with an older version.
The only thing left for me is to check if it was caused because I updated the motherboard's bios. Wish me luck.
Oh I think I just figured it out. It was plasma-pa and pipewire-pulse.
Got it working, I'm running it via protontricks now just in case anyone in the future has this issue and checks the archives.
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Problem: EFI-stub from an USB drive doesn't detect rootfs. rootfs is identified by *partition*UUID which usually works great. No initramfs btw!
Image located at \\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI and as you can see the UEFI picks it up as it gets booted.
Image embedded with boot arguments:
CONFIG_CMDLINE=root=PARTUUID=02e12d9a-cdfc-f140-8d66-2bd04ca41003 rootwait rootfstype=ext4

Have everything - in my opinion - USB related baked into the thing. USB support from 1 to 3 all in there. USB storage support in there.
What's left? Everything just works when using SATA or NVMe. Also the rootwait argument works with single board computers that use SDcards to boot.
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Nevermind, solved.
>USB storage
Totally want that. Didn't occur to me to browse the SCSI part thru.
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Ok, Opensuse Tumbleweed (via GeckoLinux) vs Debian Stable for an old laptop. Lay down the pros, cons and workarounds required.
What "old"? If the thing has 4GB or more RAM it's not old in my books and you can install anything you'd usually install.
This. If the laptop has 4GB and a SATA SSD you can install even Windows 11 on it pretty much fine.
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Is this thirld world thing i looted from an abandoned storage unit, some crackhead motherfucker refused to pay me 2 months of rent and one day just dissapeared leaving a bunch of things behind, maybe he messed with the wrong people. Shoddy as fuck.
Battery is fried but got a chinese AC adapter to make it run, it had nothing of interest, just generic porn and a boring Gmail account account, it's even running Windows 8.1. Just wanna wipe it clean to use it for hobby programming and some Youtube zapping. Maybe i can get a cheap SSD and slap it on it. The CPU doesn't look amazing and can you even get DDR3 sticks nowadays?
Replacing 2.5" HDDs with SSDs usually brings many older laptops back from the brink. Using something like a Crucial MX500 is pretty good with it's cheaper price and DRAM cache.
DDR3 sticks are basically hobbyist tier these days, you'll probably have to either find some at a computer-focused second hand shop or through the nose off Amazon or something.
Someone please help me. My caps lock button has turned into delete on my Fedora installation for some reason. It's like that on Linux only, I know because I'm dual booting and it works as intended on Windows. I've tried switching DEs from KDE to GNOME, switching compositors from X11 to Wayland, switching to alternative keyboard layouts and nothing's fixing it. Not even the light on my caps lock button comes on when I press it on Linux, if I check what it's doing with a keyboard testing website, it shows I'm pressing the delete button.
>Intel® HD Graphics 4000
Renders any desktop just fine. All you need is 4GB of RAM or more and a graphics accelerator.
try something like;
ionice --class 3 yt-dlp ...

this will make yt-dlp and i believe forked processes like ffmpeg operate with the idle I/O scheduling class. meaning anything else will have priority over it, so it shouldn't affect other tasks wanting to use the disc
Apt can run post-install scripts to deal with this stuff, but it's still up to the maintainer of the package to make it happen.
your keyboard type might be incorrect for the keyboard you're using
you can run "localectl" to see what keyboard settings you're using, what it should be set to depends on the keyboard in question
localectl shows everything is set to us.
System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
VC Keymap: us
X11 layout: us
and it's a standard US layout keyboard? what keyboard is it?
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Same anon as >>101078525, with another question. I'm trying to install
on Arch. I used pipx install owocr to install it, and then after that I did pipx inject owocr rapidocr_onnxruntime to install rapidocr into it, but when I run owocr, it doesn't see the installation of of rapidocr. There's very little documentation for this program online, and I'm not used to using pip on arch so not sure what's wrong.
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I used to like void and used it as my main distro on my x220. But their toolchain and major packages being constantly outdated became too much to handle, i also had to almost maintain my own set of xbps templates for packges i used because void has tons of pull requests for new packages that they completely ignore and leave to get closed by the stalebot after people spend years waiting for someone to merge. The devs are also mentally ill toxic and get upset over really stupid things, pic related. The same guy also got into a fight with the hyprland dev because of that story where the hyprland dev told that attention seeking guy on his discord to fuck off
I'm not sure what keyboard it is. It's an old laptop from HP called OMEN. I have Arch installed on a USB stick with the same System Locale and caps lock works fine on it. The only difference is that on Arch VC Keymap and X11 Layout are both (unset).
does rapidocr exist in .local/bin ?
>even Gentoo
Where's Fedora-chan?
Eudev and systemd-boot
Also, capslock works fine on SDDM and GDM. It's only when I log into Plasma/GNOME/Hyprland that it turns into the delete button.
maybe it's a wayland thing, i've never used wayland so i wouldn't know where to look
Bro I mentioned in the original post that it's the same on both X11 and Wayland so I don't know if it's Wayland causing it.
It does not, no.
Why would I use Gentoo over something like OpenBSD?
is there anything in ~/.local/bin or ~/.pipx or ~/.local/share/pipx/venvs ?
It's not Wayland or X11 causing it. It sounds like a firmware issue with the keyboard. I don't know why it works correctly in SDDM though, since that's also using X11.

As an experiment maybe you could try making a new user account and logging into that user. Does it still happen?
The Linux kernel is better.

Fun fact:
At one point there was an OpenBSD port of Gentoo:
Alright I made a new user and caps lock is working correctly on it.
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What's in both folders, plus the error. I seriously have no idea whats wrong.
Okay, then you have some config file doing something somewhere then. I'm not sure what though.

I'd try backing up anything KDE related or X11 related and see if you can figure it out.
I'm using a program called input remapper which uses systemd to remap some of my keys but I've tried deleting all the remaps there and stopping the remap injection but that doesn't help, it does stop and delete all my remaps though so it seems like that software is working as intended. Other than that I can't think of anything else that could be causing it.
dude, I spent 5 days trying to configure nvim, getting lsp, mason, and other debugging stuff going, and failing over and over just to learn that NVChad does it all automatically for me and actually works, unlike my config?

man, I feel robbed, why no one told me this, I would've spent that time learning how to code instead
can you check whats located in the bin folder of each folder on the right?
is $HOME/.local/bin added in your $PATH? do echo "$PATH" and check
it seems like it cant find any of the other pipx stuff you installed, you might need to just use pip instead or manually set up a venv if you know how to
>can you check whats located in the bin folder of each folder on the right?
left not right
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Any KDE fan here? Is there any way to change the size of the application menu icon in the panel? I have a wide icon and it just scales it in square. It used to scale vertically in KDE5.
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What should I be checking for in the bin folders? /.local/bin is in my $PATH, yeah. I would use pip over pipx but when I try it, I get this. I installed a manual venv and installed both owocr to it and one of the things it needed, but running the run.py for owocr does nothing. Very frustrating.
>What should I be checking for in the bin folders?
for the binaries like owocr but it might be pointless because it seems like everything installed properly
check owocr/bin if theres a rapidocr_onnxruntime binary in there because that would mean the pipx injection works properly
you might be better off just pipx uninstalling everything and just using regular pip with --break-system-packages as long as you run it as your user instead of root, seems like what the dev wanted as well
Any point in Debian stable for gaming? If I have to use unstable things then I might as well use something more bleeding edge, right?
If you wanted to use Debian Stable to play games you'd be using a mighty large amount of Flatpaks.
if you're not using steam flatpak, never go stable for gaming, it's the biggest trap you can even fall, literally NOTHING will work, and all the improvements that are pushed up daily won't affect you for years considering how slow debian moves.
I managed to get it working, I was retarded and didn't activate the vevn. I might do a system wide but for now I'm happy. Thanks anon
I see, thanks
don't do a system wide pip installation as root, you're going to break something
what is this?
It's a Realtek audio driver
and why does it show in my volume bar? and i can select it as audio source.
I didn't, I have it running in a vevn.
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That's your motherboard's S/PDIF output. Try switching ALSA profile?
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I prefer Arch-tan.
But I admit I've never tried Gentoo.
They're fairly similar, just with more granular control over things mainly coming from a majority of binaries being built yourself with USE flags being able to add/remove bits and pieces on the fly so it's like you're building the program for your exact machine specifications.
alsa is basically the mesa of audio? so you're telling me to switch drivers? anyway, i dont have any issue with it, im just wondering why you can select the damn motherboard as audio source. like why does it even show up in this list at all?
I see, thanks anon.
It's kinda what I thought it was.
>alsa is basically the mesa of audio? so you're telling me to switch drivers?
No. Click the hamburger menu button next to it and pick a different profile. Post a screenshot of the popup if you need help.

>im just wondering why you can select the damn motherboard as audio source. like why does it even show up in this list at all?
Because it's an output like any other?
you're telling me my motherboard can play sounds?
My dude, motherboards have had onboard audio for like 20+ years.
like my nigga there's gonna be sounds coming out of my case if i play a youtube video? no
Obviously you need to plug something into it to get sound. If you're not using S/PDIF just switch that to Off.
like if i plug my headphones into the back of my case? it's gonna play from that and have better quality?
What are you using right now? It looks like you're getting audio through your monitor.
S/PDIF is also digital and you need an external decoder (DAC), quality would largely depend on that (and your headphones).
i use my monitor but sometimes i plug in headphones with a splitter on my front case to have audio and microphone from that.
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Did that to my NFS share according to some pajeet guide and the performance went from dogshit to full gigabit.
What did I just do? And why isn't it default? ok I get that slower links could get saturated or something but isn't there a middle road?
also which of these is best?
In this case, if you're using an analog connection with the monitor and it doesn't advertise high end audio, you're probably not going to notice a difference between the monitor's DAC and the ALC897 on the motherboard. Experiment with it and use whichever is most convenient. You should be able to get rid of the splitter.
>if you're using an analog connection with the monitor
no i mean my monitor has built in speakers, so i just use those then plug in headphones when i want to use the microphone.
anyway, something got fucked, now whenever i insert or remove headphones i have to change the audio output manually. how can i reset everything?
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

x2x - error: can not open display :0

My x2x has stopped working and this is the only message I can get. Unfortunately x2x doesn't seem to have a debug verbose output mode, so I have no idea where to start. SSH works normally.
Thanks, just gotta bite the bullet and roll a dice with Amazon shipping, i guess. Is like 50-80$ anyways. I hate Amazon but not using it for this case it would be more of a moral standpoint rather than pragmatism.
Less stuff works on openbsd compared to linux. Openbsd also has an inferior filesystem but at least the bootloader supports proper fde and doesnt need to leave an unencrypted boot
does ssh -Y work properly?
How do they do that? The bootloader by definition has to be unencrypted
Yes, it's connecting without issues, which makes me think it's an issue with x2x.

>ssh -Y user@host x2x -north -to :0
is what I'm running. Didn't change any ssh config files, there were no x2x updates. No dependencies of x2x were updated as well. No idea what has changed. No one seems to have that issue online.
i dont think noacl does anything
man 5 nfs

cto / nocto Selects whether to use close-to-open cache coherence semantics. If neither option is specified (or if cto is specified), the client uses close-to-open cache coherence semantics. If the nocto option is specified, the client uses a non-standard heuristic to determine when files on the server have changed.

Using the nocto option may improve performance for read-only mounts, but should be used only if the data on the server changes only occasionally. The DATA AND METADATA COHERENCE section discusses the behavior of this option in more detail.
i apologize in advance for the retarded formatting and forgetting to put a new line before
The mbr bootloader or the efi dir bootloader binary is not encrypted but the bootloader still unlocks the drive to load the bsd kernel
brehs, why does adding 'ssh-agent bash' on my .bash_profile prevent me from logging in from the lock screen?
I reverted it and now I can log in again.
I use Endeavour + KDE Wayland btw.
does running any other program with ssh -Y work properly? if that work's and you're not trying to do this through wayland there's no reason why it shouldnt be working
the other thing you can do is do a regular ssh -Y shell and try to run it like that it could be an issue with not loading the proper env variables
Try adding an & at the end of it? Maybe it's blocking.
Also, if you're using Endeavour there's got to be a better way to start ssh-agent with Systemd?
>does running any other program with ssh -Y work properly?
Holy shit what is this. I didn't even know it was possible. I could open Firefox and the file manager this way. Pretty neat.

> do is do a regular ssh -Y shell and try to run it like that
Same error.
But I accidentally changed the display from :0 to :10 and it working, i.e. it's connecting without issues, my cursor disappears, but it's not appearing on the other display. I have no idea what display :10 is or why it exists.
my steam stays open even if i close it and force quit the processes. they just comeback. i even tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it.
What do the processes look like in htop? If they have a 'Z' then that means they're zombie processes that are stuck.
Oh you might have the syntax wrong, i have that command written down in my notes and mine has -to :0.0 instead of :0
What does
echo "$DISPLAY"
print on the the desktop of the other pc?
>i have that command written down in my notes and mine has -to :0.0 instead of :0
I tried that and the same error persits. I think the :0.0 is just for additional screens that X displays have. The DISPLAY env-var is :0 on the remote computer. I have verified it again and also that it's running an X session.

If only x2x had more verbose output. This makes me appreciate programs which do have it a lot more.
i literally uninstalled the whole steam and rebooted my pc multiple times.
So exactly the same as it works on Linux then.
Gentoo+Plasma 6+Wayland is unironically kino. My dual-monitor setup no longer occasionally crashes where I had to remove/readd a monitor to reset it, which was the only issue I ever had. This is now the peak Linux desktop experience. GentooCHADS rise up
None of the bootloaders on linux can unlock the disk to load the kernel
Grub can only do luks1 which is weak compared to luks2
It can, with some caveats.
The current implementation doesn't support argon which is the most important part, and that patched version with argon support is very buggy and only works on efi
How to get into linux?
Play around with something like Linux Mint in a VM for starters.
Okay, I'm getting somewhere. Does anyone else use GNOME? Can you post the output of your "xauth list"?

Mine looks like this:
xauth list
remote/unix: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 9eb92f781bce23ec5f46a38d0c0dff16
#ffff#776f686e7a696d6d65722d7063#: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 9eb92f781bce23ec5f46a38d0c0dff16

That looks weird and it's missing the display part that the output on my host computer has:
host/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  6a33b0cd04eb5dd195e442961501a01c
The pipeline is
VM -> dualbooting -> exclusive use on laptop -> exclusive use on desktop
Are you missing the XAUTHORITY variable?
You're not using gnome under x11 and not wayland right?
Thx guys
Anyone know of any good tools to get a transcript of a video file?
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In arch, How to downgrade a package that was installed from AUR?
Is getting the PkgBuild file, and
makepkg -Si
the only way?
when i run yay -Syu why do i sometimes also have to run flatpak update? like, is there a way to update EVERYTHING at once?
did you even read my message?
Just type yay
i have never used virtual machines. im about to try virtual box. anything i should know? any tips and tricks? im on linux mint if that matters
do intel arc gpus work well with linux ?
I am using GNOME under X11.

It's set by GDM apparently to: /run/user/1001/gdm/Xauthority
>installing Vagrant following purposes described on a training book
I've never used it, always having been a LXC player. The dependencies graph is full of Ruby sh?t. Boring things to allow to bloat my system in one magic shot.
# equery -C -N g --depth=2 app-emulation/vagrant | grep "~amd64"|tr -s " "| awk '{print $2}'|sed -E "s/^(.*?)-[0-9].*$/\1/"| while read A; do echo "$A ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/virtualization; done
# !emerge
emerge -quv vagrant
>>> Emerging (25 of 28) dev-ruby/grpc-1.59.2::gentoo
>>> Jobs: 24 of 28 complete, 1 running Load avg: 22.0, 10.5, 4.7

I will now see if it has some utility..
someone explain snaps and flatpaks to me like im 5
dump vbox for libvirt/KVM, search for virt-manager
KVM is the correct way of running virtual machines on Linux

FYI: virtualbox and KVM are both hypervisors, specialized software that runs virtual machines, KVM is baked into the kernel and is orders of magnitude better and faster than virtualbox
dump kvm for xen
It's good for automating lab setups or testing production environment stuff in a controlled environment.

I like Vagrant, but the Ruby shit is not nice to deal with when it breaks.
>but the Ruby shit is not nice to deal with when it breaks.
can confirm
>t. ruby developer
thanks for the details
Linux has a dependency problem. Older software can stop working when dependencies get upgraded or third-party software can break and be difficult for vendors to build and distribute correctly.

Imagine if we could build applications against standardised runtimes and that run in a secure sandbox completely isolating it from your host environment (no more dependency issues).

That's Flatpak.
No. They have 0% new sales for a reason.
Yeah ok that's the issue, that your ssh session cant find the Xauthority file which is why it cant connect to :0.0
You're going to have to do it manually with
XAUTHORITY="/run/user/$(id -u)/gdm/Xauthority"

It's more of an Xorg Server thing. You can turn off cookie authentication but you shouldn't for security reasons. That cookie is the only thing stopping some random attacker from being able to bang on your Xorg (a remote attacker in the case of TCP being enabled or a local attacker in the form of another user account - perhaps some rogue daemon, etc)
Make sure to have enough room on your hard drive
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does anyone know how to fix the awful change KDE did to widgets in Plasma 6?
pic rel
left is Plasma 6, right is Plasma 5
i want to bring the transparency back and reduce the pointless padding between the horizontal bars
Transparency is bugged in 6.1, even the adaptive setting of the panel doesn't work right.
GNOME/GDM is the only ones i know of that put their Xauthority file in that location instead of either ~/.Xauthority which is the default or /run/user/$(id -u)/Xauthority which is what the XDGfags want
I've come to realize that you have to let KDE settle down after a major release for some good versions until it is usable again.
The last versions of KDE4 were great and super stable, same with KDE5.
That's why I use KDE only through Debian Stable, it just werks
amazing, thanks KDE you useless fucks
stop dick sucking wayland so much and fix your shit
know anything about the horizontal bars?
Or use any distro and just build latest from source.
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redpill me on this. i like the logo and name
My terminal has transparency and it works on 6.1
It can literally go anywhere, that's the point of the variable. It needs to always be defined otherwise you're relying on little more than guesswork.

My Plasma Wayland system uses a temporary file for it that changes all of the time:

You really can't rely on hardcoding it.
alternative to git
But most of the world uses git.
If it's unset it usually defaults to ~/.Xauthority
I usually just have mine manually set to /run/user/1000/Xauthority but ssh xforwarding doesnt properly load the env variable unless hardcoded in /etc/environment or ~/.pam_environment because for some reason it loads your bashrc profile after the x11 forwarding
Slow Python shit and although the Rust extensions made it quicker I'd still use git if given a choice.

I only use this for fetching the Mozilla source code and that's about it.
(I regularly build my own version of Firefox Nightly from their Mercurial sources)
I didn't say it was bugged everywhere.

Enable "adaptive" opacity on the main panel, then maximize a window. It's supposed to become opaque and return to translucent when the desktop is visible. But it doesn't go opaque, and the notification area popup is partially translucent instead of following the panel. If you set it to Opaque or Translucent everything works normally.
alternative to git
but git was originally designed and written by chad Torvalds
so git it is
That sounds more like a Qt bug to me. It works for me on Qt 6.8 running the latest KDE Plasma 6.2 Dev code.
>zen 3 + rdna 2
based build
Plasma 6.1 is pretty based ngl
How do I install the framebuffer on an unsupported distro/gpu? More specifically, on a orange pi zero 3 with the mesa panfrost installed.
What does installing a framebuffer mean?
And isn't framebuffer like the last option?
>orange pi zero 3
Not Googling that. Does it have a GPU?
I would guess you'd use vesafb or simpledrm or something?

Like >>101085314 said though, this should be a last resort. If it has a GPU why are there no drivers for it? Is it the typical ARM proprietary bullshit with no upstream driver?
How does building KDE work? Is it like one configure-make-install or billions and billions of tasks?
Someone posted this a while back:
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any issue with exe linux (Devuan based with Trinity DE)?
Just a little concerned that since its British theres some sort of government mandated spyware
Use the kde-sdk if compiling manually.
I posted that but apparently it's deprecated now. They have a successor written in Python instead of Perl:

You could also do what I do and use a source-based distribution like Gentoo. I have access to live ebuilds to compile the latest KDE software although sometimes it breaks for a bit until Gentoo patchsets get updated by the KDE maintainers.
>apparently it's deprecated now. They have a successor
KDE and rewriting software for the umpteenth time, a timeless classic.
Is the source available? If not don't use it
For a good reason to be fair. People wanted to contribute to it but nobody knows Perl anymore.
Has anyone noticed the huge performance digression starting from 6.0? My fps in games have been tanking update after update, and I've pinpointed it down to the kernel being the cause. I've ran older versions of the kernel that has better performance (6.1.x, 6.2.x etc) but it's not really a permanent solution.
Has anyone suffered anything of the similar? I'm running on AMD/AMD with the performance governor.

For reference, in the particular game I play, I've gone from around ~6.6k fps down to ~3k. The number in itself isn't important because it's so high, but the regressions have come with the introduction of stutters as well. It also serves to show that performance is being affected.
The game is not updated in the sense that it affects performance, so it's not that either.
>What does installing a framebuffer mean?
I'm the one asking the question, therefore (naturally) the one who has no idea what s/he is talking about, so you tell me.
>isn't framebuffer like the last option?
Eh, I'm trying to squeeze as much performance possible out of it, and the framebuffer is the only thing that allows me to do that.
>Does it have a GPU?
Yep, the mali-G31.
>I would guess you'd use vesafb or simpledrm or something?
No idea, but I can try those and see what happens.
>why are there no drivers for it?
No idea. Still, it's very easy to compile it yourself tho.
If you know how to compile your own kernel you could bisect it to find the change responsible.
Try disabling split-lock detection, retards decided to punish users for the sins of proprietary software developers.
I could do that, but trying to bisect multiple changes throughout 7 minors is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. I don't really have the time for it either. I asked the question in hopes of someone knowing something related to the subject on the top of their heads.

I'll try this. Thanks!
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Mouse has been lagging randomly (bluetooth and plugged) on and off getting worse over the last few weeks and particularly bad when using chromium on Ubuntu 23.10 and moving from monitor one to monitor 2 which have different colour profiles i guess being different brands...

It was the HP printer connected via USB front panel that was requesting colour profiles through cups every now and then seconds, took ages to catch in top, xorg was using high cpu during the lags so i thought it was a deeper problem.
Unplugged Usb cable, smooth as an egg...

Just thought i'd let you all know because it was driving me insane and none of the online solutions were relevent.
>I could do that, but trying to bisect multiple changes throughout 7 minors is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack
You can easily narrow it down by building the -rc release candidates until you find the -rc where the regression first happens.
try upgrading to 22.04
Virtually the same performance using `sysctl -w kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0`.

I guess this is the way to go. Thanks for the tip, I'll see if I can find something.
i have been using XFCE for a couple years now and it works for me, but i keep seeing people use MATE instead as a simple no-frills DE. how does MATE compare with XFCE?
No reason to use mate over xfce if you're happy on xfce.
please recommend a good music player that just werks
>elisa (kde default)
abysmal UI
extremely janky on my system
Seems like you have more requirements than "just works". Try Strawberry, I guess
the cone
Tauon: https://tauonmusicbox.rocks/
It's a tad bloated (python GUI), but after testing quite literally EVERYTHING I could find, for Linux it's either that, Audacious or Foobar through wine.
>but muh library organization
yeah fuck that
Why the fuck they use systemd-boot? Who the hell has a problem with grub.
>That sounds more like a Qt bug to me.
Nope, I just accidentally discovered it doesn't happen when the panel is in floating mode. They fucked up the non-floating mode.
classic new plasma
Grub is more bloated than Systemd boot. It makes sense that a distribution like Void would adopt that.

The only other real alternative for something lightweight is Syslinux but that doesn't really see much active development on it like Systemd does.
Syslinux is abandonware and it's efi bootloader doesnt even work properly on newer versions of the kernel. Syslinux is only good as an mbr and pxe bootloader alternative these days
>going further with Vagrant
>Gentoo Host
>no SystemDown.
>set-up 2 devuan
>set-up a centos8 shit under systemd
>let the virtual hosts up for 4 hours
>requesting date with ansible
$ ansible dev -a "date"
vagrant2 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Fri Jun 21 18:30:30 UTC 2024
vagrant1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Fri Jun 21 18:30:30 UTC 2024
vagrant3 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Fri Jun 21 18:29:55 UTC 2024

Looks like the Systemd machine has decided to use timesyncd and the time has somehow skewed/drifted.

You should disable that in a VM. You almost always want the RTC clock to do nothing but forward to the host system which most Hypervisors implement.
Or maybe it took 5 seconds longer to run the command on the other machines but that doesn't make sense?
I'm not using a floating panel and it works for me. If a windows covering it it's opaque otherwise it's transparent.
ok, fglts, I got my hands on a used hp laptop. I want to throw linux on it but don't have the bios password. how fucked am I, bros?
why didnt you guys tell me that debian + mate just works
this shit is rock-solid, in fact mate feels even sturdier than gnome
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>just works
>security updates for 10 years with ubuntu pro (free on 5 computers)
>has the widest support from third party software developers
>ends your distro hopping forever
i hate systemd
before trying linux try to boot an alternate device like a USB, you should ask >>>/g/sqt/

yah I used to say that until
>unity happened
>mir happened
>retarded ubuntu gnome happened
>snap happened

>inb4 flatpak can be installed on ubuntu as well!
it's not straightforward so I stick with Debian

I give it the credit of 6-month releases though, it's good for that new laptop that isn't fully supported yet on Debian
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In the end, there was no usecase for your computer.
if I need a nonfree driver for my computer to work would richard tell me to throw my pc in the garbage instead of install the nonfree driver? :(
hypothetical question i dont actually need a nonfree driver
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sudo apt-get remove --purge *systemd*
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root *systemd*
If you need 10+ years of support, RHEL is the superior option.
i lol'd
If you wanna compute like RMS you need to use a pre-2008 thinkpad with libreboot and Trisquel as distro. It's enough if literally all you do is running Emacs, like he does. Seriously, he doesn't even browse the internet and instead tells his people to print shit out and bring it to him if he wants to see something. It's Emacs all day every day.
Needless to say, he is a little bit out of touch when it comes to other usecases.

In short, don't take him too seriously.
wrong, to compute like RMS you must use open hardware with 100% open source firmware
Did he ditch his Thinkpad? That's honestly surprising.
afaik he was using a risc based laptop, obviously not a thinkpad
> As of 2022 I use a Thinkpad x200 computer, which has a free initialization program (Libreboot) and a free operating system (Trisquel GNU/Linux). It was not sold that way by Lenovo, however; small businesses buy them used, recondition them, and install the free software. This is one of the computers endorsed by the FSF. I've used other Thinkpad models that similarly respect users' freedom since the early 2010.

Seems like he's stuck on ancient Thinkpads forever kek
I don't even know what emacs are.. are they like.. some type of mac?
virtual macs in the cloud
whoa, I bet some zoomer invented that. Society really has gone too far.
>Thinkpad x200
huh good finding anon
>Seriously, he doesn't even browse the internet
>yet he runs two websites
He runs them the same way he runs the FSF. Getting some of his goons to work on it.
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Had same problem on my laptop, but found out, that nvtop is showing reading all sensors.
Rhythmbox. Default GNOME music player. No matter what, I always return to it.
sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup
sudo pkill -t ttyX (where X is your TTY number), that may logout your second tty and restore keyboard, didn't happen to me, didn't test as well, go at your own risk
I like Tauon
sudo pkill -t tty2
sudo pkill -t tty2 -bash
sudo pkill -t tty2 -- -bash
ps aux | grep tty2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r sudo pkill -t tty2
ps aux | grep tty2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -tr sudo kill
su -c "ps aux | grep tty2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -tr kill"

none of these did anything.
>just works
why are retards so attracted to that phrase?
then try
ps -ft pts/2

get the PID and then do
kill -9 <PID>
why do you enjoy doing things the complicated way? Is your lifetime this worthless?
it's not even that i don't enjoy things that work without much hassle, it's just that i found everyone using that phrase to be incredible moronic. not only stupid, but proud of it. apart from that, i don't mind dealing with issues. problem solving sharpens the mind
What's the closest thing to Windows Movie Maker on Linux? All I want is a basic but rock-solid video editor that I can make family videos with. There's like half a dozen options and I'm a bit confused.
it's tty2 and not pts2, so I killed the process for tty2, which logged me out from tty2, but keyboard input is still broken. It had a blinking cursor on login, but when I tried to type, either I hit something or login just lagged, now there's no blinking cursor. Still can't type or switch TTYs
Now all that's left on tty2 (using the same ps -ft command) is
root     2233574       1  0 14:35 tty2     00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u --noclear - linux
What is everyones favorite init other than systemd?
What init would you choose for an older system, say a 500MHz PowerPC G3 with 256MB RAM?
How about even older, say a 33MHz 68030 with 64MB RAM?
the expression is just a meme by itself at this point, there isn't much to say or read into it. same shit happens with buzzwords all the time
kill that 2233574 fucker
Best porn search engine? Bing and Google are dead.
Is it wise to kill a root process though?
shouldn't be a problem
why the hell does xinput 'libinput accel speed' not go above 1
It kills it, restarts login, so the cursor blinks again, but I still can't use the keyboard at all.
I see, the only possible solution I envision is to install a VNC server and bind it to your existing X session, then with your laptop install a VNC client and access the session kinda like

x11vnc -display :0
It's a fractional value between 0 and 1 with 1 being 100%
My desktop has two monitors. Will that bring any trouble? Or could I just run xrandr to set it back to one?
it won't but the screen will be too big for your lap so you might as well reduce it to one
Is /$HOME/.local/bin a pretty standard place to install binaries on a user's machine? i.e. is it usually in the $PATH by default?
I usually use /usr/local/bin but I don't want my program to be accessible to everyone.
Is there a replacement to neofetch or are we all still using neofetch
I think so. Debian adds it to the PATH by default, at least. I also throw all my scripts and other binaries there.
systemd is fine
you're using gentoo at this point, so openrc
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I updated arch and it seems that systemd created all these new tmpfs things that I didn't have before, why?? what the hell?

is there some config to revert it like it used to be?
be careful using systemd to clear your tempfiles will likely result in your home folder being deleted.
dont say i didnt warn you
I've never touched tmpfile configs,
does systemd use it internally? can I just disable the service?
I'm a little lost on how to set this up. x11vnc's page says
Typical usage is:

Run this command in a shell on the remote machine "far-host"
with X session you wish to view:

x11vnc -display :0

Then run this in another window on the machine you are sitting at:

vncviewer far-host:0
Installing x11vnc didn't give me vncviewer...
Install xtightvncviewer on your lap and then run
vncviewer <ip_of_desktop>:0
I just got tired of troubleshooting and rebooted, thanks for all the help though.
>Just tried this with crispy-doom on tty2, it worked but I lost control of my keyboard.
The kernel is in Raw mode. Alt+Sysrq+r

I dunno I avoid systemd as much as possible
So, you're running a command that you have no idea what it does, but you have a guess, and it's a wrong guess, and it's systemd's fault?

Whose fault is the sudo rm / one them? Thats really dangerous....
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low iq here. I have an ssd hooked up to my main pc with an external hdd reader. Easiest way to make that ssd dedicated linux mint from my windows PC? Its going into a POS laptop. Rufus? Other software?
No, it's a bug in Systemd, even Poeterring agrees that such a command should not be deleting user data like that.

The fact that it's documented that it works that way doesn't excuse it.
I thought PornMD was always the main search engine of choice
escalate priveleges


root directory

I think its pretty self explanatory what this does. now please do share how

>systemd-tmpfiles --purge
leads to deleting your home folder

and pretty sure 'sudo rm /' warns you that you probably dont want to do what you are about to do.

the fact that youre even comparing these 2 is frankly pathetic
>it's documented that it works that way
barely. you have to hop from man page to man page to config file. and even doing that nowhere does it plainly say "this will delete your home folder" or "this is dangerous and probably not what you want to do" or anything of the sort
1. From Windows, use Rufus to create a Live USB drive with a Linux Mint image.
2. Boot your PC from the Live USB drive.
3. Install Linux Mint on the SSD you want.
trying to do this. Says there is no boot disc... some things i've done.
>used etcher to make a bootable usb as per linux mint instructions on the site
>connected ssd to main pc to initialize it or whatever
>install ssd into laptop
>plug in usb
>says no boot disk
>turn on legacy support
>still no boot disk found
Im going to smash this pos laptop
i'm using debian stable, and i compiled the latest kernel, but when i boot into it it says it can't mount the filesystem. i looked up the problem and it can't find the initrd, and indeed the initrd was not generated when i compiled. does anyone know how to generate this as part of the compilation of after the compilation?
write a bash script to generate it after finishing compiling
yeah, obviously. that's not the problem. my question is how do you actually generate it? the bash scripting is easy. how is it actually generated? i looked it up and can't find the command to generate the initrd
Did you choose the right boot order, putting your usb drive in the first place?
The Debian manual mentions that the resulting deb file generated by make deb-pkg generates the initrd automatically. Other than that, I found something mentioning a tool called update-initramfs, no idea how to use it though.
how long is this damn kernel gonna take to build!!!!!
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(EFI-stub) without an initramfs huh?
You need to "bake in" all your essentials with those. Answer "yes" - not "module" - to all the filesystems and hardwares you need to access your rootfs. Also if your baked in essential requires a firmware blob, embed it too (and enjoy your your new and fancy proprietary kernel image).
ALSO if the device is USB drive or whatever, use "rootwait" argument.
Depends how many devices you want to support.
For me it's like
-2 minutes for VM only image
-15 minutes for the full thing (AMD GPU plus firewalling taking over half of it)
Once I humored myself and tried to build a stock Ubuntu kernel. Didn't finish in an hour so I stopped it.
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>Didn't finish in an hour so I stopped it.
it’s been two…
unsure why the last command is gone, and unsure how to reinstall.
apt install last
returns nothing.
bash: last: command not found
Means you didn't spend a minute configuring it. Why are you building one to begin with?
I've been wondering something for such a long time, I've always wanted to switch my main to Linux but I know (and this was even worst years ago) that there are some apps that don't have alternatives and the ones that do are very limited but the one thing that I've always been so surprised about is that there are ZERO file managers for power users, and I mean, it is supposed that tech savvy people use Linux over Windows, even so we all that self-host and even data-hoard use mainly Linux so how is it then that there is no alternative to XYplorer or DirectoryOpus for Linux? It's like all the ones that use Linux do nothing special with their machines, I mean you can code, you can browse, you can edit documents, but that's it. Where is the best hard drive monitoring tool? Windows, Where is the best file manager? Windows, Where is the best video-audio-image editors? Windows. Even fucking 7-zip wasn't oficially available for Linux... I mean you are always managing files and folders even if you are not a power user, how is it that all the file managers for Linux are so limited?

So how is it that you fucking work with Linux, then? For servers it is the go-to but for desktops and actually usable workstations there is nothing better than Windows, and I'm not talking about the OS (which is shit) but the software available for it, even if you want to you can't escape Windows.
try looking for util-linux, that's the package's name on Arch at least.
When I deal with files it's usually
-copying pictures from camera to ~/Pics
Only really need a file manager for camera pics so I get the small preview pic and all that. So I can pick the pictures of my cat to the ~/Pics/cat folder.
But all the "other" stuff is when I slam something at the terminal. You know like quickly editing a configuration file.
>Even fucking 7-zip wasn't oficially available for Linux
7z support is supposedly handled by a library. And then you are supposed to have a generic GUI tool that uses the library for (de)compressions.
t. dumb not-power-user
Thanks, but seemed like that was already installed.
All the big data hoarders that I know (guys managing +100 TiB of data) mainly use Windows. They do self-host shit on Linux, but is it really using Linux if you only use it to deploy a Plex server and share your big ass RAID with your Windows machine?

Both operating systems have tech savvy users, there's no denying in that. Windows just have more of them, and development follows the demand. It also doesn't help that Linux was a steaming pile of shit in the 2000s.

>Where is the best video-audio-image editors?
Good software is developed by companies, by paid developers. They're gonna target the OS where their market is. The graphic in my town doesn't care about free and open-source, they just want Photoshop and CorelDrawn to get their shit done. They want their expensive, big ass printer to work reliably. That's all.

I've been using Linux exclusively for almost an year now and I still miss 7-zip dearly. The only software that comes close to it is KArchive, but it's still so far off it's insane. I can get by with the terminal to do most of the file/archive managing stuff now, but a good software stack would be welcome.
>Means you didn't spend a minute configuring it.
ditto. i’m trying guix on a laptop that needs a regular kernel. i’m sure i can configure it to be more hardware specific but this is still the base install so i have no clue how.
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>that needs a regular kernel
Define a regular kernel. IMO it's a regular kernel even when you untick over 9000 unneeded pieces of hardware. And while you are at it you can untick netfilter too, it's kind of big and let's be honest - only routers need to firewall.
No need to get overly autistic but roughly eyeballing the options thru gets you from 10 hour bould to half an hour. Or something like that.
I figured it out. I just re-did it from scratch, I think the original .iso I downloaded was incomplete. Re-downloaded it and reformated the usb and it worked. Thanks anon. Installing now.
i just mean a non-libre kernel. which is all guix ships binaries for. i’ll have to look into make flags, i’ve never had to build my kernel so that’s all greek to me.
it just finished as i’m typing tho. 3 hours isn’t terrible if i just update infrequently and before bed.
>i just mean a non-libre kernel.
Linux-Libre? Forget that nonsense, regular Linux kernel is as libre as it gets. The only "non libre" part are the blobs but they are completely different files sitting under /lib/firmware. And nobody's forcing you to have any.
>3 hours
Next time use all your processor cores lmao
make -j$(nproc)
>ps aux | grep tty2 | grep -v grep
ps aux | grep [t]ty2
I use arch linux.
I want to use a python library called "pygments"
I install the library with "sudo pacman -Syu python-pygments".
But when I try to use the lib, it throws error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygments'

Arch wiki says pacman is preferred. Can someone help me out what is the issue? How can I fix this?
When an application is not responding in KDE, a prompt comes up asking if you want to terminate the program. This doesnt work half the time, its almost like its asking the program to close itself pretty please
I dont want a pussy ass sigterm, i want a sigkill. Is there a way to change the default prompt so it kills the program?
write error, it is -S but whatever.
Wouldn't it be better to create a virtual environment and install it with pip?
pacman seems convenient and reliable to me. I want to stick with it.
New thread:
I agree. It doesn't excuse it like I said. Systemd is massive anyway, you can't expect any reasonable human being to read all of the documentation, it needs to do sensible non-destructive things by default or at least prompt for confirmation.

The fact Lennart recognises this says it all really. There's no, "Oh, you're just stupid. You should have read the docs", Systemd shouldn't do this. It's broken and they're probably going to fix it.
that's because MATE is a fork of gnome from back when it was good (2.x)

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