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TJD edition

Thread Question:
Have you managed to dodge layoffs? Is so, how?

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

previous >>101086024
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Happy Friday anons
> be german enterprise dev for prod site
> also half admin cause onsite admins dont care
> making 80k and kinda acting as team lead for 2 dev and 2 admins
> stressfull and overall unpleasant cause 20 years tech dept of plebs
> also germancuck/social communism tax eating my money
> me to my manager
> i dont wann work anymore, fuck your shit infrastructure and fucked erp systems boii
> give in my notice to end of year to be fair
> manager offers it lead job with 24k pay bump, company car and some more benefits
don know what to do
its just a draining job overall
but damn i wanna make 100k desu
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>be me, senior software engineer.
>company says we gotta be hybrid at least 3 days a week
>promise whole company will do it
>start commuting every day
>office is a ghost town
>literally me and 3 other people, max
>everyone else "working" remotely
>stuck on Slack and Teams calls all day with remote workers
>might as well be at home
>manager breathing down my neck
>"we need more from you, anon"
>"your work needs to be better, anon"
>no praise, just criticism
>getting sick of this shit
>decide to say fuck it
>start working from home
>or at least "working"
>slack off all day, watching YouTube and playing video games
>still attend calls, act busy
>somehow, productivity up
>boss notices
>"great job, anon!"
>get promoted to Staff engineer despite doing jack shit
>career success from goofing off

This just shows how inadequate the managerial oversight actually is. They don’t know what the fuck is happening, they just care about looking good to other managers and higher ups. Your teammates might suspect something eventually but maybe they don’t give a fuck to notice either.
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Is there a genius-sama here who routinely writes inline assembly in C++? Where did you learn the syntax?
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Wow I guess I truly am worthless
Rate my git repo?
That's not your real name
There are like no fucking jobs what so ever being posted and I get no fucking interviews. I have one year of experience and not even Google or Amazon are giving me interviews. Where the fuck do I go from here? I haven't had a job in over 18 months at this point. I can't even get an IT support job.
You should have been building your own thing in the meantime.
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>2h per week of actual work max
>no deadlines
>no pressure
>dont even know what exactly they wasting money on me
and thats why i love davos, open society foundation, big finance, globalism, business operating with capital leverage to the brim and pe.
will loomsmaxing help me get a job. I know I will be extremely attractive if I wasn’t a fat fuck and groomed myself
Taking the second A+ test tomorrow
I'm completely underprepared
people like you are the problem. Shut the fuck up and act like you’re working hard. This field wouldn’t be so saturated if everyone thought it was a hard job
>learning to use aws with your projects is easier than studying for aws exams
Oh I have build my own thing in the mean time and I learned a lot in the mean time. My friends and I even build an application to get into ycombinator and got a top 10% response. However still no job.
be careful

experience with toy proejcts (even real ones) in aws only transalte that well to scoring the exam

their exam is case based and too spcific, i would rather try memorizing as much as possible about exam questions... pirate books from libgen
what was your tech stack in? what country are you in? citizen and education?
sir just learn how to lie

everytime a brainlet says theres no job i already know they are bad liars, got my sr job last year having only fucking 7 months of internship (5ye of experience in cv)
just use examtopics bro
Ycombinator sounds overrated desu. They're just an orange colored bank giving people crazy loans.
you can't just lie about job experience, most places require you to fill out detailed background checks. what country are you in?
Nextjs + python backend
AWS docker containers

US citizen, bs in cs from a shitty state university with a shit gpa.

I only had one software job.
Every fucking practice question or exam is never anything like the damn exam
Oh I know lol but the project was just more or less for all of us to work towards doing something. We never expected to get in. I learned a lot from the experience
I've been doing swe for close to 20 years, for most of that I didn't have to pretend to work hard, I actually worked hard. This used to be a legitimate industry, and I'm sure there still are some legit software jobs out there, but it really does seem like there is just few things left to build, and somebody somewhere is funding a lot a lot of people to do basically nothing these days. There are WAY more people in software now and just straight up barely any work to be done for all these people, yet hiring continues.
you need eyes on your resume, any way for you to attend meetups/conferences in your area? they are usually sponsored by recruiting companies and may have a recruiter or two stop by before the meat of the meetup. talk to them and ask for resume reviews, connect with the presenters and ask for resume reviews. explain your situation, in formal terms ofc, and ask for advice. then just shut up and listen, aggregate as much information as you can, and then you can make an educated decision on your next steps. also, take a technical communication class, use Jake's template on LaTeX. your experience and BS should be landing jobs, so there is something going wrong with the resume. at 18 months you might be getting tossed due to the gap, I'd recommend plopping something on there to fill the time gap. studying for certs is better than nothing even. good luck anon, don't give up. take a shitty job while grinding to keep yourself afloat. many such cases from the 2001 crash.
No it literally has all the right questions. I've used it for 5 different certs. There's a lot of extra ones from previous tests but if you know them all you'll pass
Stop using shit sources that go out of scope of the actual exams like Dion then.
I'm using CompTia's own shit
Yet I know for a god damn fact the test is gonna be nothing like the practices cause it wasnt for the first test either
Not that anon, but what certs have you found helpful for your careers? Are AWS certs a meme if you only have AWS experience from personal projects, or is stuff like CompTIA A+ more likely to move the dial on work? I understand the two target different areas, but I would just like to beef up my resume in prep for graduating my comp sci masters and am fine with any job in any field for now.
Senior QA Automation Engineer, ask me anything
Thank you anon. I am gonna be visiting friends and family in the bay next weekend and I am gonna go to a few networking events so maybe that might at least get me some leads.

As fucked as it sounds I have been trying to apply to more recent blue collar jobs as of lat and no one event wants to talk to me there. The economy is shit and despite the low unemployment rate no one is hiring.
will there ever be a tech workers union like coal miners union or steel workers union?
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>QA Automation Engineer
Yep, been laying low working for my state government. Doesn't pay enough to live alone in my zip code but it's something.
I have three years experience writing test automation scripts in Java for z/OS mainframe systems, is there a market at all for this shit anymore? What should I get on my resume to stand out in this market? Graduating comp sci msc soon but swe work is looking pretty shit for me, hoping to at least land a role in automation again.
nope, because techies are mostly shitlibs who have bought into the whole mass-immigration propaganda, and if there's ever a movement to create a union, the companies will just replace those tech workers with Indians.
>at 18 months you might be getting tossed due to the gap
nta, but I do have 2.5 years of gap in my education(b4 cs degree). Will that affect my job prospects after I graduate ?
Keep looking anon
I managed to land an 80k job in germany as well, but it's remote (I'm from southern europe) and it's super chill
So I'm sure you can land a comfier 100k one somewhere else
>the companies will just replace those tech workers with Indians.
aren't they themselves tired of this shit of being exploited?
The stakeholders are Indian
so wut? The elitejeets don't seem to give two fucks about plebjeets either. /g/ should unironically start blackpilling pajeet spaces on the internet that they'rer exploited like hell in the US and should never step foot there
how tf do you make 100k in germany?
t. stuck on 70k which really is just 10k after taxes
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any gaps are bad, but the worst are the ones that are current gaps. if you have something like 2018-2020 Job A, then a gap for two years, and 2022-2024 Education, it's a little better than having 2022 be the last year mentioned on your resume. it is best to try and fill those gaps with SOMETHING though, anything that shows you weren't just sitting around, smoking weed and playing vidya. the market is tough, secure a source of income to keep you afloat and then just grind, grind and grind. adopt the sigma male grindset, unironically. you will get a chance one day and you do not want to be in a bad position to squander it.
was the market piss easy a few years ago? yes. did people have a much easier time, and get paid much more with far less effort? yes. but a good poker player knows how to win a hand regardless of the cards he is dealt, and the pot in the middle of the table is rarely the same size every hand.
>is there a market at all for this shit anymore?
There is, hell lot of Java SE/EE applications out there that require maintainance and also testing. Of course not specifically for z/OS but rather Linux.
I can think a couple that helped me as well:
>Set java as your main language, specialization is crucial
>If you have application projects for yourself in mind, develop them
>Target 100% test coverage
>Develop unit, system and integration tests
>Use your projects
>Publish everything to github
>Add your projects and tests to your resume

Protip for your projects:
>If possible try to use Selenium WebDriver
>Web testing is always required

As a bonus you might even get a Java developer position, which is better paid than QA
you will never discourage pajeets from entering america because american poverty is still better than normal pajeet life
everyone's slacking and pretending not to be.
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Is every single company making SaaS web apps
I had a gap in between 2018-2020 right after my high school and a 6 month gap now. Can I claim health issues?
They already know, that's why they barely do any work, and just say I need more people, get their friends hired, who also don't do any work.
Anon the A+ is to get you hell desk jobs
And not even good hell desk jobs
Like tier 1 shit
gaps after high school are fine, easy to explain away with "I was working and finding my path" or something. A six month gap isn't even close to long enough to require explaining in the current job market, even the anon above with an 18 month gap is probably not in DIRE straits. Now if you haven't worked or touched education or anything in like 4 years and the last year on the resume is 2020, I think you would be fucked.
leetcode, system design, personal projects, networking, resume reviews. lots to be done anon, I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you, I have a few personal projects that use a Python backend (FastAPI) and React front end. Will retool backend to use Java Spring or some shit, then build up a full automation suite testing front+back with Selenium WebDriver. Cheers anon, good luck with your career.
500 people company that produce aluminium and titan goods, also has a customized and fucked 20 year old erp on java 8 with asp 3.5 base, like 3.5 kk lines codebase, nodody want that, also the company is so dependent on that system that 20k is nothing to them
/twg/ I kinda fucked myself over. I knew that this would happen and I only have myself to blame for not moving ovaries of people of HR. I quit my job / made a successful exit from a startup to start a fucking farm because I didn't want to participate in the rat race, and a year later now I want to buy more land but there are no funds for it and I have trouble telling to people what's up with my gap during interviews (technical interviews aren't a problem, the business people / hr roasties are) . Fuck, if I knew that leaving a job and being fired from one are one and the same to people who don't care I already would've had what I wanted with severance pay. I could go back to my previous job but I don't want to work for monopoly money.
I was majoring in a non cs area in between 2020 -2023. Am i fugged if I'm just starting out in this field?
You're fucked starting in any field
Everything is oversaturated
Nice, thanks anon, good luck to you as well, hope you get a wall paid job
r u this anon>>101090200?
But just think about it
You're competing with every pajeet or spic barreling into the country at warp speed to take the tech or trade jobs
just how many jeets are there in american software industry?
>Am i fugged if I'm just starting out in this field?
It varies by niche. With interest rates as high as they are right now, companies aren't going to take out loans for massive, risky R&D projects. It may help to look into more essential work like on embedded systems used in infrastructure or something. Last thread someone discussed their experience in embedded systems work and claimed there wasn't much going on there either, though.
1/3rd of the entire industry
>embedded systems used in infrastructure or something.
u mean work related to EE? wut about stuff related to OS dev?
Yeah you're on the right track. Embedded systems takes some knowledge of EE to work with even if you're just programming the firmware. There are devs who work specifically on operating systems designed for embedded systems like Ubuntu Core, but probably not as common as OS devs in other niches. If you want to go for OS dev it's more common in cloud computing I'd say based on the job listings I see for this sort of thing. Red Hat probably hires for that type of work.
>somehow end up working on a typescript project
>yarn install then yarn dev
>error: module is missing
>remove node modules dir, clean cache, yarn install
>error: module is missing
>start from scratch by pulling code again from repo
>error: module is missing
what the fuck??? why does this happen to me and nobody else
sirs just use the dockerfile and builds the image sir
in infosys technically consulting saar we can fix this issue we have high expertise of java, types and scripts saar, would you like a quote ?
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coincidentally I almost got hit by a car (stopped within reaching out distance) and I didn't flinch, feel nothing rn
I think I'm subconsciously doing the retarded passive suicidal shit where I put myself into risky situations even though it would just be painful and probably not even kill me, just gotta stop being a bitch because I can hang myself as soon as I get home it's literally all set up but I keep putting it off for no reason
in other news I went to sleep right after the weekly despite it being at the start of my work day, haven't opened slack or anything, if I get fired whatever
How’s everyone’s holding up in their job search? Don’t despair, the job market is flooded NOT dead, just keep hitting it and eventually you’ll get in somewhere.
The job market is DEAD. You can keep hitting forever and never get anywhere. The only thing to do is despair.
trying to get whatever job I can get at this point
The state killed your testosterone, take steroids unironically.
software dev jobs still easier to get than manager jobs? i can go for either
Can confirm basically impossible to be a sad sack on a healthy dose of mast and deca
I stopped looking entirely and just keep my line to the naval reserves still open. when I need money, I can beg for a contract to go sailing or help the reg force IT guy out or something.

no. most tech people are one hair away from being cryptobros who believe in wealth as a zero-sum game and that making things more fair will impact their bottom line because they're all ninja rock star superdevs or whatever.

i was this despondent a few months ago and a couple changes of scenery fixed it. moved to a new unit and took some courses. it didnt last though and im sliding back there again. idk what the permanent solution is other than drugs
I haven't been on indeed in a month and treat linked in notifications as spam
Is it true that 10+ yoe guys are taking months to find jobs now?
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>Have you managed to dodge layoffs? Is so, how?
Staying in the shitty low paying (90k for a senior) dev job I got straight out of college in 2018. The writing was on the wall even back then, it just took time for the economic winds to allow a correction. Unfortunately my skills are completely shit and stagnated but at least I'm not homeless.
i'm at 8 yoe and have only been able to get interviews at no-name commodity shops that still try to put me through a 5+ round humiliation ritual. it's rough out there.
>my resume says "to present" on the latest entry
>hr staceys still ask me "why have you been out of work so long what have you been doing for your skills in the meantime???"

idk maybe WORKING
>Yeah you're on the right track
thing is I'm not doing EE but rather software engineering only. OS dev and low level programming is what I should pivot towards eh?
>modern OSes are written by retarded fresh grad anons who "pivot" based on the financial word of anonymous imageboards
explains so much
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How over is it?
god i hope so. more money for me uwahahahaha
It's so fucking over bros. No one is getting hired, we helped these companies build up everything they needed to dominate the market and now there is just stagnation. The thing that is so infuriating, is that we provide the majority of the real infrastructure that sells products and get used, but we are the first to be cut compared to the useless bureaucratic slime in the HR departments. How many people have you witnessed that perform at 10x what there coworkers do, but are also paid worse and treated like shit. We are not human to them, we do not exist.
I'm better off hunting certs after instead of wasting money on masters, no? I just got my compsci bachelors and now i have no idea what the fuck i should do
This is so fake
this is why i just live off my savings and remain unemployed and sit in my room shitposting on 4chan

interacting with normies is wack
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has anyone ever so much as gotten away with using pic related as their Teams profile pic?
no one of value (i.e. no non-normie) has ever used teams
What do you use then?
all in on btc and just wait for the reset. for those of us too young to have real savings, we're just fuckedd.
i was too young for btc. in 2008 i had maybe 12$ to my name

i just made my money on military service and not that much of it. but still enough
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>found another place the third world contractors added 5 levels of unnecessary abstraction because abstraction = good
Anyone else work in a place with absolute garbage code in the product? I'm talking shit like queries exploding a database when too many people click a button on the UI. And it's like, 1000 people, not even millions.
Yes absolutely. I wish I could post about some of it but it's so specific and weird I don't want to get ID'd by anyone. The company is going under so maybe I will share some stories in a month when they collapse.
the product being fragile garbage is much more common than it being good and resilient. only 5-10% of devs are competent and capable and they don't have time to learn and babysit every corner of the code base of every project in the company and sit in every meeting.
you'd think with the absurdly retarded interview reqs companies would at least end up hiring competent people
no, only nepotism hires
hiring practices can be optimized for by scamming and lying and/or nepotism.
A good dev who also can come up with a good way to hire devs in a way that HR can actually manage is even rarer than just a normal good dev.
I tried putting something together at one point that was carefully designed and other people just ended up throwing a bunch of poorly thought through shit in there that they thought would be good or making some essential questions optional/rewriting them in a way that missed the point, and I couldn't sit in on every interview or train everyone on interviewing.
Since then I've thrown up my hands and gotten uninvolved in the hiring process. Which may have been a mistake, because the hirees got even worse, but I guess patience with the hiring process is another rare trait.
Meant to quote
Most programmers I have met hate programming. They learn enough to get through an interview and otherwise spend as little time as possible with software. Only autistics actually enjoy doing stuff that doesn't involve human interaction. It's less about competency and more that they just hate doing it and want to slap it together as quickly as possible and get out.
Most of these types I have met seem miserable. They don't want to be there. When you point out something that they're doing absolutely wrong they just seem exhausted with the prospect of finishing it. I wish someone told these retards that there were other positions in the software development field than just "programmer".
>"senior" just immediately approves any PR
good sign or bad sign
Not a programmer myself or in software but an engineer. I actually don't like engineering or what I do for a living. It got beaten out of me in academia and then in industry. However, I do not like doing anything half-assed or make a shit product so that's what keeps me fully engaged and not miserable. The misfortune I have is that I worked with complete assholes that make the work nearly unbearable but it sure has pushed me to want to ditch the whole discipline.

I don't agree with the idea that someone needs to love, live, and breathe their profession but you should find something about it that keeps you engaged at some level or for me having pride in the work I produce.
good sign unless you had a question he ignored
they're clocked out and doesn't give a fuck about anything anymore
if you checkin some buggy shit from hell he'll just `git blame` your sorry ass
t. clocked out senior
It depends, maybe your code is good. Once I'm up to speed on a project I can read and approve MRs maybe in less than a minute for typical MRs and still catch issues.
Some people get MRs past me for months before I catch a tiny thing and they tell me "I didn't think you were actually reading". Other people take like 10 passes to get MRs past me and hate my guts but it's not my fault they're bug generating machines.
If you're really worried about it you can ask for more feedback, because at some point you have to lower your standards to just pointing out things that are going to cause serious issues, even that can be a lot sometimes.
I want to say likely it's just laziness though
i don't mean mine only, i mean any PR he just immediately approves
i find genuine enjoyment in writing python tools and do it as a hobby. i spend weekends implementing little automation ideas i come up with during the week and update the existing ones i have with optimizations or additional features. i've gotten fairly good at python over the years as result.

so of course i got a job in embedded writing C and absolutely no python whatsoever.
Is your team made up of god programmers? If not then he's checked out. If it is, can I join your team?
you can just tell if hes trying or not by asking him questions. if he ignores or puts zero/minimal effort into answering its bad. often you can skim a merge request in 5 minutes and that's enough
I'm the opposite. I love C, assembly programming, robotics, and embedded development.
In my work I do devops, dev tooling, integrations, migrations, and client consultation.
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What are some common job search mistakes?
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my brother in christ, enterprise embedded is so far removed from hobby embedded in a way that's difficult to properly convey.
i "write C" but last time i wrote a single line of C code was last year. 99% of my tasks involve looking at firmware logs or filling out spreadsheets on memory usage. prototype devices are very expensive and we timeshare everything and access them remotely. i've worked through three product release cycles without ever touching a physical device. i can't even explain how to load images on devices because it's all done by in-house GUI tools. all the libraries we use are in-house. none of my skills are transferable.
I kind of know, I did work on an embedded software for a year before I realized I wasn't enjoying it and quit.
Is the money any good and is it done remotely? I know C/C++ and Python but zero industry experience in this section.
I'm becoming a sparky, fuck this shit. I hope all FAANG companies burn to the ground.
about 150k tc right outta college, no wfh allowed and in a hcol area so the pay is just average tech worker pay. you're expected to either know domain-specific stuff relevant to your job or have masters relevant to the domain-specific shit.
I wish every recruiter a million dollars.
14/88 try harder
Ah fuck this, I'm going to the dark side. I'm gonna be your next PM that you like and shields you from bullshit but will then job hop for a better role and higher pay and then you get a new PM straight out of hell.
>rejected after the new grad technical interview
I solved all the questions right. those niggers
lol, you don't get to be a PM in this field unless you've spent 10+ years slaving away as a dev
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The game was rigged from the start
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>outsourcing actually works now cause the third world has better access to education and the inverse is also true (westerners are now just as retarded as Pajeet)
>LLMs keep getting better to the point that even experienced engineers at Anthropic are shocked (pic related)
>even if they're all bullshit hype MBA monkeys won't care anyway
>10 trillion new grads and 20000 gorillion new grads
If I don't get a job by July 15th I'm not wasting another second of my time in this horseshit. I'm just gonna build a bunch of scammy SaaS sidehustles, get in shape and do bottom of the barrel unskilled labor for a living
if dumbass Stacies and incredibly incompetent Jareds can weasel their ways in then there's a way
why do I get the feeling this guy is the type of guy that doesn't actually do any work and just takes credit for other's work?
you don't understand.
we don't hire PMs, we ASSIGN staff devs to PM roles. there's no room for dumbass stacies.
Huh, that sounds good. Don't let them change that. I'm still joining the dark side though.
the average coooder is a self absorbed, heartless, greedy, parasitic wageslave who gets leeched off by other bigger parasites. It is someone who joined the software industry in the hopes of making big bucks and that's it.
what industry and company size is this? this is unheard of
whats the easiest way to identify shitty entry level hires?
A positive work culture is not:

- Free fruit
- Ping pong table
- 2 slices of pizza every other Friday
- Work hard/play hard with your 'bros'

A positive work culture is:

- Doctor's appointment? See you in a couple hours. Don't need to ask my permission.
- Want some days off? Sure, no problem.
- Family commitments later? All good, I'll make sure the meeting is recorded and there is a way you can still contribute towards the outcome.
- Woke up poorly? We got you covered.

A good leader in a positive work culture will not drive you to set hours, they will work to outcomes.

A good leader in a positive work culture will make sure you don't need to ask permission to be an adult. If we need to have a tough conversation, it's not because you spent your morning at the dentist once in a while or were sick for a week.

The world of working has changed and those who don't change with it, risk being left behind when it comes to hiring.
If they have personal projects which are not just school assignments or obviously put together to get jobs, or if they contribute to open source software, and if their code is not complete dogshit, that's usually a good sign, but rare.
Whether they do well or not is up to how you train them at that point. Hobbyists won't know how to document, test, or write maintainable code. School hires might have learned that shit but they won't do it if you don't tell them to, or they'll do it wrong, most of the time.
Entry level is hard. We used to have contacts at our local school and they would just send us promising students, that was the best way to get good ones.
signals and telecommunication, FAGMAN-sized.
PMs better know the industry standard by heart or we'll end up with e-waste out of the box. i might be doing them disservice by calling them PMs to begin with since they're still responsible for their day to day staff dev duties.
can people with BS in CS break into that area or is it only reserved for ECE/Engg Phy folks?
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I just can't wait for the tech bubble to end.

Why these people (of any race) who hate tech, have "slightly" below average problem solving and learning skills, can't become doctors, lawyers, architects, or any other field, insist so hard on going tech?

Then we have Karen the HR specialist(s) with college degree in family life (no prerequisites and pass for attendance) with 3 on diploma conducting interviews for stuff that requires hundreds of hours of studying on top of MA.

Can't AI speed up so we have a big dying out of brainlets who couldn't learn to read like we did during early industrial era?
i got in with BS in CS but had relevant electives
what were they anon?
please no one let this retard bake the thread again
this is one of those lesser-known-but-has-a-massive-monopoly enterprise comms manufacturer btw. we don’t exactly drown in applicants like FAGMAN does so the bar gets lower occasionally. that’s how i got in.
network related stuff and distributed systems
indians really need to start focusing on trying to fix their own country instead of flocking to the west for tech jobs. like imagine if they put all of this effort into shit like farming or mining or literally any trade
the avg urban jeet is more common to an average southerner than you may think, especially the remote interior parts of the south. On behalf of all the jeets flocking to your cunt, I sincerely apologize for our atrocious behaviour.
t.jeet who resides in jeetland who also has no plans on emmigrating from my cunt.
I'm OP you're responding to, and living near a mining area.
Honestly, areas that are mostly farming or mining or other jobs that require low qualifications are badly overpopulated. These people who cannot adapt because for many past generations all that was required from them was to have 2 hands and breed quickly.

I do not want them to suffer but I see their kids are raised the same entitled to everything ways.
>what do you mean that just by being born I won't have a job, home, and 4 kids?!

I worked so hard to get IT jobs and then these people come to cities demanding everything on the right of being born. Poojets are the same when coming to the west as these mining people are when coming to city. They don't even want to work any more, because construction sites struggle to fill even with immigrants.
>boss forwards me an email Friday at 4 PM about something that is urgently needed
>now have to spend all weekend learning how to do this off the clock so I can have it by Monday
>realize it doesn't even matter because I have no life anyways so it's not like my time is valuable
Did you ask for feedback?
Is it worth trying to learn japanese and get JLPT N5 at least even though i don't want to work there? The work culture there seems worse than assrape
Take the offer, but keep looking for something better.
If i can find more success being a novelist, webtoon artist, and gamedev making the same money as techbros does I'll do it in a heartbeat
At this point i think I'm better off just working in QA or networking.
Why are techniggers so fucking entitled? Muh building everything from scratch? Yeah? Who the fuck cares?
Do you have a userbase you can aim your product at? Do you have the people skills to convince your potential userbase to give you money for it? Does your product have proper UI/UX catered to the needs of the average retard that would give you money? Do you have the capital to set up the infra? Are you able to implement the product robustly by yourself, or do you need more people to help you? Do you know how to interview for candidates? Are you able to sort out the legal matters of selling a product to the public? Are you a kike or do you have kike friends that will let you stay alive in this kike market?

Why are you people so fucking autistic? You absolute retards think shitting out some troon code is literally all you ever need to make money but it's as if you forget potential clients are people, and you have no fucking idea how to talk to people. "Muh bureaucrats" are the ones doing all the people shit, including dealing with mouthbreathing bureaucrats from other companies.

I am a tech lead myself and I know the company would crumble if I left, but jesus fuck you're 12yo if you think big tech is more than a kike grift that happens to use tech to achieve their goals. You retards don't even seem to understand what kikepitalism is about and still live in reddit fantasies where making a jQuery plugin is making you a millionaire.
Gitlab is utter trash.
Good morning sir.
Tradechad mogs all over us
Even KrashDE, Gaynome and Wayland have higher quality standards than your cope git wrappers that have less than half of the features in Github.
Either use a local Git frontend or Github, but not any of this troonix-quality Gitea Gitlab bs.
im listing my retail experience as "retail technology support associate" and you cant stop me
Just tell them you run, AND MANAGE, your own farm anon, they'll love that you're managing your own business financials and budget
>but actually don't work really hard bro, if you fucking dies the office will find your replacement immediately
I have a few inteviews for entry level support jobs and I'm already not sure if I want to work in IT.
I was hoping to get a job were I'm left mostly alone with tehcnology, would pivoting to Data or Networking (after I get some basic experience) be a good move?
Pick networking after a year or two in support
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I have a bunch of certifications I've earned and have been applying for 2nd line helldesk for the past 4-5 months and I keep getting rejected.

How do I move up at least? I don't know what else to do I feel like its gatekept hardcore
ok then.
I've been studying the CCNA in my spare time. I think I could pass it.
>and access them remotely.
You lucky fuck. Every embedded job I've had requires physical presence because they don't want you taking the device home.
Not asking how the recruiter's day is, because she'll feel sad, and then be a vindictive bitch and not progress your application further.

No joke, I saw an LI post from a recruiter saying that today, obviously phrased to not make her sound petty.
off the top of your head what are the administrative distances for RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, and ISIS
all I remember is that OPSF is 110.
I learned the common port numbers for the comptia A+, I can do the same for that.
>network related stuff and distributed systems
that's about it right? Anything more that you feel could've helped ?
>Anyone else work in a place with absolute garbage code in the product?
I thought the company I started at had a lot of customers since our servers were burning all the time. But apparently the code is just utter shit and extremely resource hungry. We barely have 50 customers, and over 2/3 of the traffic is just from our QA team and we barely make any money, not even close to covering our expenses.
You actually have PRs and code reviews!? I have never been a place where they actually do that.
I saw someone on linkedin that industries are opting to skip hiring Gen Z altogether for the next 20 years.
Not surprised, they're all gay and retarded
Hopefully Gen Alpha gets brought up better
O rly?
why would you hire 5 million cs grads who feel they're disposable, companies constantly rethinking training costs, and deal with people who may potentially ditch their job and move on to something better?
They will skibidi rizz their way to get your fanum tax on jah

You act like millenials don't do this. Who told gen z to job hop every 12 months?
>Who told gen z to job hop every 12 months?
the shitty companies that treats it's employees like shit. Software quality is shit as hell eventhough the so called experienced old school guys are the ones who wrote it. Bullshit jobs like in the managment are celebrated, and millenials & gen Z were imparted with the most shittiest education even in STEM. America unironically deserves to burn to the ground from a zero day exploit by chinese or the russians for creating this satanic system i.e. the current neoliberal oligarchy that produces shitty software, inflates it's prices and only makes the rich richer & the poor poorer.
>company hired an Indian manager
Has anyone here had this happen? What should I expect?
Expect to have a sudden influx of Indians you will be expected to train before your inevitable redundancy
Unearned sense of pride, will interrupt you when you're speaking to add something irrelevant or something you were literally about to say anyway
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He is gonna replace yall ytes with indians.
nepotism, shameless nepotism.
I overheard yesterday a family member who was complaining about the manager taking away all tips from her department.
>nepotism, shameless nepotism.
they atleast look after each other unlike whites who constantly back stab each other. lol
>Working during the weekend, and doing it unpaid as well
Grow a spine. Reply to the email on Monday or the next working day after lunch like a man.
unfortunately for indians, businesses don't run on friendship points so it'll collapse and then they'll all be out of jobs
>business collapses
>use manager experience to get new job
>hire all your fellow jeets
the west has fallen
I'm currently working on my Bachelor's in Computer Science.
What can I do to maximize my chances of acquiring (good) employment after graduation?
Remove penor
what's the employment situation like for folks with ms or phd in cs/ce ?
I find indians to be quite nice people in London
Good morning!
Why is this so misconjugated? Is this the power of public education?
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>Apply to job
>Get this as a reply
Since the beginning there's been a dynamical back and forth between the East and the West. This is nothing new.
Yes goyim just lean back and relax, it will all be fine
Putting my last name as ***stein has increased by number of interviews 5 fold.
I work at a company providing satellite internet in the automation department. I've been here for 8 months. Did a few internships before. However I want to eventually be a dev. Lately I feel like I've been learning more about company specific technology like how all the equipment works, instead of improving skills that are applicable anywhere. It it time to move on and look for a different job? I also hate that they don't allow me to work from home even though there is no reason for us to be in the office. I also feel like many people in my team are not even that good at programming, all our libraries and infrastructure are a mess which is kept that way because nobody is even that competent. From what I heard they only started using java a few years ago so they are all pretty much beginners.
Should I start looking for a developer job somewhere should I stay here for a bit more?
>8 months
>It it time to move on and look for a different job?
2 years retard
Just study on your own if the pay is good. You aren't guaranteed anything better and you'll ruin your resume if you stay less than 1 year minimum.
the pay is 1.2k$ a month which is not bad for a starting job in eastern europe but I feel like I could get a job with 2k$
Then wait a year. How cheap is your rent and food that 14.5k/yr is good? Get 5yoe and move to germany
i live with my parents so i pretty much spend nothing, however i want to get as much much as possible soon to invest it and retire
I'm unironically thinking of doing this.
I even have a last name that I can just add -stein to.
I want to do this. I bought this book and I've begun whining and arguing about everything which I think is a good start.
Just got my A+ certification
What do I do now?
Apply to at least 9001 jobs
another day draws to a close sirs
one more day of rest before going back to work doing the needful
its 9am
not in india sir, it is 9:43pm where I live sir
9002 retard
Shut the fuck up NIGGER
9003 now
Can I get a job in industrial automation if I do udemy courses?
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I have a second interview for SE L2 3 hours away from home, but I have lactose intolerance, should I wear a adult diaper just in case?
I bring a buttplug on all long trips in case I get an upset stomach. In your case it might be helpful to get one of those plugs with a fox tail on it so you can show your programmer solidarity.
>first week at fagman
>have to fill out my DEI goals for the year, with specifics of how I'll reach those goals
well at least the pay is good, manager is a bro, and the project seems interesting
Wouldn't it just come off from the pressure? Like a champagne bottle?
Say you will be dating pocs.
There are multiple sizes and even inflatable options, pick the one that fits you best!
but they already know I have a white wife and kid
Monogamy is white culture.
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i recently shit in a garbage can right before an interview
why are poojeets like this
>How dare you shit in the trash, do it on the floor
retarded cumskin
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it was a minute before the online interview i didn't have a choice
Did you get the job?
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no I had to turn on my smelloscope and they found out
Maybe next time sit on the toilet during the interview.
That could be interpreted as a white supremacist gesture, best to just shit your pants on camera
Get good at writing code. Write a small game, write toy apps, write web pages with Javascript, or whatever you want but get good at cranking out code every goddamn day. The CS degree teaches you CS (duh) and that is going to matter a lot later in your career but it does not emphasize cranking out code that does not suck, which is what is going to matter early in your career.
learn hardware and embedded, write a bunch of drivers
Bare metal c
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it's society's fault
No, it's mine
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society failed you
hate analog circuit design
big ick. would not hire you for any job.
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Bros autcomplete put that I have 5 years of experience with java on some app, and now they want to interview me. I have 1 college course worth of experience in it, all the rest is in python. Do I go and say it was a misfilling if they ask? Do I just not go? Please help, I'm desperate for a job but don't want to be bullied.
I said learn hardware and write drivers, retard, not learn analog. Wouldn't hire you, you don't know anything
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>nodal analysis with more than 4 circuits and multiple grounds and power sources
What is the usecase of a tech union? It's rare to hear about a company that treats their employees completely unfairly (and when they do, they are usually highly compensated so nobody truly cares).

Outsourcing exists, but a union won't solve that just like they haven't in any other industry of the last 100 years.
unions haven existed for 100+ years, boomers parents were the last gen to have those
There are multiple unions like the teamsters that get people paid at major companies like fed ex and at&t
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I'm not saying all modern unions are bad, I'm saying real unions, that would be willing to beat cops up are gone.
I say we form a tech guild
straight shooter with upper management written all over him
too many right wingers and lolbertarians for that
Nah, not really. I've been treated pretty well. I just let myself devolve into a complete loser.
only if you agree to let me hang a framed picture of adolf hitler in my office
Guilds are old fashioned things
Could easily get rightoids involved
I don't see why not
You're already doing the work, take the offer and keep looking.
>my office
We are having cubicles you fat sod
no office no deal, what's the point of a guild if it isn't opulent?
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Thanks for the suggestions, anons
>mfw he actually remove penor
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After you guys get rejected for a job, do you do the survey they send asking about their recruiting/interview process?
no they do that sort of thing because some retarded senior HR manager wants to "follow best practices" and "close the loop", nobody actually does anything good with them just like any company survey
why did AI fail?
intentionally lobotomized
Yes, the confidence boost is invaluable
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>12h shift tonight in SOC
>fuck all going on
Life admin night tonight boys. Bit of HTB and emailing contractors so i can do up my house and sell it and buy a farmstead
Unions are for workers that are disposable. Because they have no real skills, they have no leverage; if they quit, 10 people would line up for the chance to have their jobs. This describes the vast majority of IT drones, web monkeys, and other mongoloids who flooded into the software industry because they heard it paid good money.

FAANGshitters usually have some level of knowledge and talent above the average code monkey because they write the cloud platform, operating system, browser engine, and other shit that the code monkeys rely on. They're not as much better as they think they are; some are real ego-tripping fuckwads who let their fat paycheck go to their heads and others are talentless dipshits that got lucky. But most are enough better to have some leverage because they're harder to replace and they don't give a fuck about unions or solidarity because they're competing for bigger paychecks based on their skill.

And then there's the bubble. Even garbage coders were getting paychecks and job offers that were way above what they were worth and then they could job hop for even more. They started to believe they had as much leverage as the FAANGshitters and didn't need unions either until the bubble popped and demand for coders dried up. The FAANGshitters are still doing okay because they have a track record and 31337 skillz to show off but the code monkeys are left high and dry because they have no union.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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same friendo
you sure you wanna pay a higher tithe? your choice bud
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My robot vacuum is kinda retarded
I remember a few years ago, while the market was still booming I was telling people to not job hop and to invest in a company, even if it takes longer to get a raise/promotion
They said I was crazy and a boomer and only saw companies as money and leaving everything behind every 2 years was worth a 5% increase
Now that the market is stagnant, companies see them as money and fire them for cheap Pajeets
Explain why the companies are wrong?
If you had invested in a company and had 10+ years with them they would never fire you

But you are a worthless job hopper who doesn't give a fuck about the people who put food on your table and a roof over your head.

Why should they care about you?
They'd fire you anyway for the pajeet
idk there are so many stories of people being laid off recently who were with a company for 5+ years. i don't think being at a company for long time will save you from layoffs unless you get really lucky and find a way to make yourself extremely important to the business.
i'm currently a software engineer, working my way up to the senior level and i want to specialize in something to have the best future job prospects and job security. should i focus on distributed systems or machine learning?

deep learning jobs are paying crazy high salaries right now but i don't know how much of that is sustainable over time. i feel that all big tech companies struggle with scale though, and distributed systems knowledge will always be in demand. what do you think?
approve it
> be entrycel
> have shitty resume wit5h some shitty projects on it
> sent job applications
> get rejected
> "oh your experience was impressive we just decided to move forward with someone else ha ha"
it would honestly be less humiliating if they just called me a loser retard and didn't lie to my face
I did, I won't get the job but at least some fella might get a day off. Whatever company made this system, I'm guessing "bambooHR" should hire me instead to fix their shit.
>Taking automated response emails to heart
Grow some balls and stop moping faggot
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In a previous thread I had asked how to get into game dev, and a kind anon wrote an overview of the process spanning 3 replies. I didn't get a chance to reply thanking them but I hope they see this here.
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It would appear the powers that be who are the driving force behind the reformation effort to try and make the community a better place for the rest of us are still woefully out of touch.
>doesn't show what he posted to get banned
no doubt you deserved it
not me and the last message is what they were banned for. reading comprehension is hard
sure, are you a tech worker though?
>using a moderated forum for any other means than information scraping
>actually posting messages and stuff
fucking idiot
update: doin well. Got a few big development tasks. Next things on my list are fairly big so gonna make a coffee
> xeet (pronounced shit)
holy based
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>If you had invested in a company and had 10+ years with them they would never fire you

If a company isn't paying a pension there is literally zero reason to stay there. The only people you should be loyal to are yourself and your family.
welcome to the jewture, old man
'White' is spelled with a capital 'W', despite the howlings of netflix and msm
gamedev can hurt your PC and laptop so much more compared to just working on webdev shit or whatever, especially 3D. it's somewhat good as a side business, but sometimes it's better off to just write down a novel and take a break from doing coding over and over again after work.

just try it out after a year, and if it doesn't work, switch into making short form content instead.

btw people who made their own studio usually ONLY collects top tier talent, like at least 5+ experience in the industry, having went through at least twenty game jams in their career, or have published at least two commercial games. if your talent is just writing or community managing, it will be so much harder to break in.
I got a tier 1 IT support job with a medium sized business serving them internally at their 5 locations. One week is a month is rotational on call but apparently they hardly get calls after hours. Starting pay is 50k Canadian and I am told there is a room for promotions because they are continuously expanding (#1 company in their industry). They’re also a less than 20 min commute away and will eventually get to work hybrid remote once I’m more comfortable there.

A) is this fair compensation for a first job out of school? Looking to get into cloud infrastructure or cybersecurity preferably

B) do I stay with them for longer term instead of job hopping?
pay is a joke but sure a job is a job if you need one. if its that bad leave within a year. and keep looking while employed there.
Understood. It seems super laid back so far but 50k gets you nowhere in leaf land. Better paying jobs are closer to Toronto which is a brown town shit hole and is over a hour away
is Toronto that bad?
>t.Visiting for first time next month
Lord, i hope i can find work in gov.
Yeah it’s pretty bad. Some areas aren’t as infested with poos and there are areas outside of the city that are nice. However in general it’s quite literally brown town with Whites, Asians and other ethnicities mixed in. COL is disgustingly high, public transportation is lacking and the job market is extremely competitive. I want to move to New Zealand or work remote and become a nomad one day.
the bureaucracy is literally kafkaesque
The work culture of private sector here can be hell on earth. This includes state owned companies
nope. it just said we the usual corpo talk + "we preferred another candidate". I shouldve though
At my workplace the desktops aren't assigned, yesterday I came late and had to use one I never did before, went home and forgot to wash hands, now I woke up with both eyes pink, people are so disgusting.
Could you be having an allergic reaction to one of the on-tap IPAs at the brick walled brewery down the street from your dynamic city workspace?
Learn to fucking love the process instead of the result you stupid chuds.
im unemployed
learn to love THIS
*whips out cock*
I finally understand how being oppressed like a Palestinian feels like. Being a Gen Z in the working world gives me nothing but constant scrutiny everyday
you voted for this
this is what happens when you let your skills stagnate to the point where you can only work helpdesk jobs.
Who holds strategic positions in the higher ups?
This is spot on. I have the same experience with another AI code generator. Great for getting the boilerplate stuff done and the general test written. Then I can take ten minutes to make it correct.

When you’re writing tons of tests, it can save you a huge amount of time.
unironically get good. you should be a sysadmin at this stage in your career.
>it can save you a huge amount of time.
So your team lead / manager can assign you with more work, right?
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>stupid chud
the jews
>>first week at fagman
>>have to fill out my DEI goals for the year
This is a joke right?
>Unions are for workers that are disposable.
Unions are much much more than that. It is a political organization that are usually used to influence policy that it's members want.
Doctors are usually skilled workers, but they also join unions push for policies that directly or indirectly increase their wages, status and other things they value, like reduce the amount of medical students that are take in every year to restrict the supply. Similarly a tech union could push for policies that restrict tech labor imports or outsourcing.
"You're replaceable at work, but not to your loved ones at home."

The only way I'll ever get respected as an adult in my parent's house is by working though. Also not to mention girls only like men who works and get the bag everyday.
new thread

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