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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-LTSC ISO: 4.5GB, Home/Pro: 6.6GB, Edu/Ent: 6.4GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-AMD C-cores unaffected
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-LTSC ISO: 4.2GB, Home/Pro: 6.6GB, Edu/Ent: 6.5GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101049893
Thread too early.
As in, if there's no one to post, there's no reason to have it yet.
imagine being this retarded
indeed, imagine being as retarded as this retard right here responding to me

I have always pointed out anons' senseless retardation regarding trying to sustain 24/7 general threads that have literally no reason to be 24/7 threads. And always will. Because it is retarded and super stupid. Nonsensical.

Then the hilariously idiotic, "Why did you tards let the thread die?" coming from some regular or another.
"No one to bump it last night, get your ass in here and do it yourself," another anon may, if anyone bothers responding.
You can find discussions and even bickering about sustaining an unsustainable thread like this on every board. It's not like there's a limit on how many threads you can make, anons will not die if there is no thread for a few hours or one day. In fact, that would make /fwt/ more productive.
is there a way to have windows send audio to 2 audio outputs? and no, I don't mean the "stereo mix" bullshit that guides tell you to do. I need 2 actual outputs
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Realtek offers 352 different chipsets and all of them have different options, and even within a single chipset its capabilities are different each driver/software package version, and even if you find one that has the option in the software it might do nothing when you select the option.
Easier to just use hardware splitter and amp.
Some Realtek integrated soundcards on some machines support this. Ivy Bridge era stuff, from what I've seen, no idea about modern hardware.
Yes, we can all tell that you are. But hey, here's a way to increase the thread population to better support it "not dying early": addd wikis and resources to the OP for Windows 7, Windows XP, Server 2008r2, 2012, etc., and invite all Windows fans and users here. No shitting on others for not using whatever your preferred version is, autist.
>a chipset for each day of the year
Why are they like this?
geniune question anons: do you use windows because you really like it as an os? or do you use it because of its ecosystem? or because you're forced to use it? (work, etc) or others
>install windows
>run a few .reg files to customize UI to my liking
>install dependencies
>just works for everything i need it for
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answer will vary per anon, so you could just say in total:
[x] All of the Above
Which win10 ltsc is best for gaming? I hear its 2021 but will I need to go win11? Apparently, win11 ltsc updates come with copilot and that's no bueno
I just updated from Windows 7 to 10 due to an issue and it's not accepting my Windows 7 key. Does anyone have a key I could use? Win 10 Home
I use what I'm used to and that happens to be Windows. I'm surprised ask/care about this.
Copilot/Recall are only for cucked ARM computers, doesn't affect 99.99999% of the Win11 userbase.
W11 IoT LTSC is currently in beta. Official release is later this year.
Win11 would be your best choice for gaming.
What exact enterprise do you guys use? Maybe a magnet? Also is tiny10 any good?
i like windows, i just hate microsoft faggotry, i use lts version for best compatability with programs, games. i like linux and prefer it but certain things id rather not have to configure myself. i find ltsc is the best non bloated medium for a guy like me who doesnt wanna get fucked by ads and tracking but i dont wanna succumb to random linux autism with packages etc. just iot ltsc and oosu10 and im good to go. it works fine for now, otherwise id be on mint or endeavour
yes, no
I'm forced to use it because of work, but I'm really used to it (been using it since 3.1). Now all the programs I need have Windows versions, so there's really no need to move to any other OS
Can't you use MAS to activate it?
its what I'm most familiar with. keybinds and basic muscle memory is around windows.
So definitely only for arm computers? After more digging, it says here its going to be available for win 11 iot enterprise, no mention of arm...Then again it says you dont have to download it. Assuming you don't update it, seems weird

I use it because most things expect it, it's easy to install and defang plus it's dead easy to activate for free.
question. Im trying to install windows 10 on an old laptop, I put a new ssd in, initialized it on another system. When I plug my win10 bootable usb it wont detect it in the bios. I used the usb to recently reformat 2 other computers without a problem.

Is it possible to just set this ssd up on another computer then slap it into the laptop?
Which launcher (usually invoked with something quick like alt-space) are you guys using? I remember using one that was made by a chinese dev for a long while with Everything Search integration.
I like it because it just works
Tinkering and terminal schizophrenia are so overrated and I'm tired of pretending loonix trannies are "intellectually superior" because of it
Look for UEFI boot settings and double check the board supports it.
If you set it up on another machine using UEFI and put it in there, it won't boot, as the mobo won't support it.
Reposting so it's not buried when I answer questions: Which launcher (usually invoked with something quick like alt-space) are you guys using? I remember using one that was made by a chinese dev for a long while with Everything Search integration.
it's interesting that you say it, knowing loonix got me a job
The two I can think of currently are Flow Launcher and Powertoys Run. EverythingToolbar (if you're thinking of that) is basically just Windows Search powered by Everything.
How do you uninstall microsoft edge and internet explorer from windows 10?
is there a more permanent mod that can show all icons in notification tray in win11

would go as far as reinstalling the entire OS
lmao even
Taskbar settings?
Honestly? I'm a cuck. I use it because my wife has a irrational hatred of linux and believes I am frying my laptop and ruining it if I use it. So it keeps the peace. She also uses an android phone.
The one I was thinking of was Wox.
Bros i'm getting logged off every site after restarting my PC (in Supermium), also used to happen with Steam. I fixed it by enabling credential manager, but supermium still not working
I haven't ventured into Modding and CreamAPI (or the equivalent) for Linux. I like to mod vidya and crack DLCs
so i bookmarked this neat custom iso an anon shared awhile ago, and it looks nice but I don't want to reinstall. it documents its changes but it doesn't document how it was able to reduce so many processes. whats a good program to emulate this debloat?
I don't just want to fiddle around shutup10 id rather find a concise guide
Well the readme seems to show/say exactly what you can do to get a stock IoT LTSC 2021 ISO to be like it. This guy just did it all for you.
ehhhh....fuck. i'll just try out shutup10 and see what happens
Just run the recommended settings toggle and you'll be all good.
Do people bother fully removing Edge on W10 LTSC or do they just leave it alone?
I just don't ever open it as there's many ways to install an alternative browser besides using it one time to get a browser installer.
Windows was what we had and just got used to it and liked it, tested mac and linux versions but windows just works and all my muscle memory is Office etc. Hard to change at this age.
I started with 95/98, xp/vista and of course 7.
But I absolutely despise microsoft for going for the ad revenue, spying, and other bullshit.
At least there is the long term supported OS, after that I don't know, I will never touch 11.
I do. On regular LTSC its a Settings > Uninstall away. Don't bother with IoT shit but I know its more involved there.
LTSC 2024's backend is 11 but it basically just feels like LTSC 2021. Also all the soft requirements are gone if you use IoT LTSC.
I used Edge as my backup when Firefox isn't working since its just Chrome.
delete edgebrowser
keep edgeview
Is Windows 11 LTSC IoT good enough to use now?
Pretty much.
Some anons in here have used it for a couple months and seem happy too.
This one?


It's fine if it's a pre release?
vb-audio voicemeeter banana/potato can do this and is freeware
Massgrave hosts an IoT LTSC 2024 ISO that's basically an open preview for OEMs. It gets monthly updates just like standard editions so overall it seems fine to use.
Not signed up with MDL so I dunno what the links are there.
Those updates get pushed through windows update I assume.
Yeah sure sounds like a good try.
26100.560 or the one on Massgrave is more or less pre release so it depends on your hardware. It's advised to update to 26100.994 through KB update and grab as much latest drivers as you can (UWP drivers for AMD GPUs, WDDM 3.2 drivers on Nvidia, etc)
I'm using Powertoys Run
>KB update
Whats that?
Windows Update or if it doesnt show up then you have to grab them manually from elsewhere like https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/home.aspx or forums
Aight thanks, gonna make the switch now.
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Is this normal.
Im fairly sure I picked 11 LTSC IOT
im going to be cloneing some hard drives to sata ssds, (old office machines). i've always used dd/gparted on a live linux usb, but some pcs have a tpm 1.2 chip. will that get in the way of window licensing (being de-activated after the clone) or not being able to boot when the drive is cloned? the hard drives aren't bitlocker encrypted so i think it should work but would like some more input.
11 IoT Enterprise LTSC is bloatfree.
11 IoT LTSC has gamebar and store unless you picked "English (World)" in the setup.
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Should I transition to a new PC that can run Windows 11?
>NTLM to be removed in a future version of Windows
Fantastic news! I really fucking hated having the ability to connect a 20 year old PC to my home network and have file sharing and RDP justwerk
Anyhoo, back to proompting AI images in MS Paint!
What am i supposed to do about a keyboard suddenly not responding properly to inputs?

Everytime i google the issue i just get pages of people complaining about their overpriced gayming laptops. Not helpful
good morning sirs
I have a job interview coming up. Is there a way to use my phone as a webcam on windows 10? I don't want to use my laptop for this interview.
Trying to upgrade my first grade teacher's laptop from win7 home to win10. I need to activate it first to be able to upgrade to Win10. MAS does not seem to work on win7 home, I'm changing it to win7 pro and try to activate it that way... any other ideas frens?
Sir you can just install Teams on your phone and put it in front of your laptopoo and they won't see the difference
sir my phone microphone stinks and I want to use the mic set up with my desktop
do the needful and provide a solution
get kmsoffline 2.3.8, that's what I use with Win7pro, and install .net Framework 4.8 dependencies before you run it
Disable Defender temporarily before running kmsoffline, it doesn't like the program since it is kind of a hack, but it does have the option to do a legit activation with Microsoft's servers as well if you have a legit 7 pro key, while Windows itself won't allow normal activation
any idea?
Check your Supermium settings, make sure cache and stuff aren't being deleted when you close the browser.
If that doesn't help, check Event Viewer for clues.
so i installed this iso and updates work fine the first go, updating after a restart; the 21h2 security update hangs after a few seconds of Installing - 0%.
whats up with that? is the iso broken? Its KB5034441
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Dude Windows 11 sucks, I Just switched and had a program fix the UI.
I'll ask here too, Like with the UI, Is there anything to make Cursor speed more precise than Normal settings in windows 11? Like more numbers to choose from?
Pic related:
2 is too sensitive and 1 is too slow, I need like a 1.5 for it to be perfect.
Google doesn't help, I search and it just gives me useless things.
Can I code this? Can OpenShell fix this and bring back windows 10 sensitivity? I'm clueless here.
lmao even
what do you use then?
Do I have to learn Linux at this point now that Microsoft is raping their shit?
Is Linux any better or is it a meme?
linux is like a beta version of 11
IoT LTSC doesnt have this problem
read the OP retards
what theme do you guys use on secureuxtheme
I've heard that I can change my install from W10 LTSC to LTSC IoT just by activating it differently? How do I go about doing that?
change edition from the mas programm
>built new PC
>going to install Win11
>check OP
>No link to the supposed Win11 Enterprise LTSC
There is no non-enterprise IoT LTSC.
>IoT Enterprise
>IoT Enterprise LTSC
Actually look inside the ISO pastebins anon.
Does it actually come with themes?
I really wanna like the Arc browser, but the Windows version is so bad
Flow Launcher is far better than PowerToysRun because it also has integrations of dozens of plugins/software
there is hebrew on the box lol
אוצר means tressure in hebrew btw
What makes it different? Just seems to me like another Chromium browser that was originally macOS native but now has a Windows version.
The shit it does makes me think of something like Vivaldi.
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is scoop the only viable package manager on windows? winget and scoop can install fine, but fuck up the majority of updates.
just installed win 10 IoT LTSC 2021
what should I do with updates, should I update the system normally or should I block updates, I don't use the system for anything other than casual gaming
Just let it install the latest cumulative update and whatever drivers it might detect. If you have a graphics card just DDU the one WU installed and replace it with one from something like NVCleanstall or the NVIDIA driver download site if you don't care about graphic driver bloat too much.
Scoop is pretty nice with how it installs a majority of things portably in your user folder making it great for computers you don't have admin access on. I wouldn't rely on it but it's great for things like alternative web browsers outside of a main one installed to Program Files.
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Problem: Windows 10 does not honor mouse scroll lines settings. After each boot/login/awakening it forgets that I set the lines scrolled to something higher than default, despite being visually set for something higher/lower. I then have to click that slider for it to remember to bring that back into effect.

It goes like:
- I set lines scrolled to 8.
- It scrolls great!
- After computer sleeps/reboots/whatever it returns to default lines scrolled, despite visually being set for 8 lines.
- So I click slider, and it works as intended again, until it stops the next time.

How can I make that behave properly? Is there a batch/powershell script option I can schedule at login/awake that will force it to behave? Surely some Powershell option exists to alter that, right?

It's a minor annoyance, but I'm sick of having to do that ten/twenty times a day over the last decade.
Am I wrong to think the two serious types of operating system today are "Unix Derived" (in the broadest possible sense - including simply "philosophically") and "Microsoft Windows"?
Well that's pretty much how it is. You have Windows 10/11, macOS and well known Linux distros like Ubuntu. So yeah it's either Windows or UNIX-derived OS (Linux itself and macOS which is derived from BSD.)
The best Linux desktop (Plasma) is still worse than the worst Windows, unfortunately. For some reason Linux devs cannot figure out how to handle text or graphics rendering as Windows/Mac, despite doing it for 30 years. Still Linux setups cannot handle display resolution scaling in any sane way.

I'll choose Plasma over Win 11, but it is definitely a bitter pill, an inferior option in most ways. Once Win 10 LTSC is over, Windows is pretty much dead at this point.
Thanks for info, it will be sad to see win10 go in 10 years
it's IBM DOS derived, not originally windows but yes
even winget collects your data
fuck microsoft
If I could, I would stick with OpenSUSE. I like that OS the most, it is the most comfy for me, too. But I can't, because the software I need doesn't work on Linux dependably.
Wasn't IBM DOS just effectively rebadged MS-DOS?
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If only I could find a real competitor to Photoshop I would be gone from Windows so fast. Microsoft has burned any iota of goodwill they had left. Their contempt for their userbase is beyond galling.
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Does anyone know how to sort extensions in Firefox ESR alphabetically?
Thanks for the helpful post! However, none of the links in the OP address whether I should transition to a new PC that can run Windows 11
What are your specs?
back in the oven schlomo
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use the real configuration panel
Can I remove Edge WebView2 Runtime as well after removing Edge from Windows 10 LTSC?
didn't it wind up replacing IE webview which makes it a critical system component?
also all their example applications for working with webview2, which everyone is going to use as a base, include a bit that checks if webview2 is installed and up to date and installs it if not
it will almost certainly get reinstalled
don't remember if it triggers a UAC prompt

it's not like this is unique, for bloat reasons i'd be more worried about how many secret chrome installs you have, the library (CEF.dll or something like it) is huge and every single application that uses it bundles it unlike with webview where they all use a shim to the system install
i had well over 50 installs last i checked, there might be a safe way to consolidate them using hardlinks or something but i dunno
I knew 11 is utter horseshit but goddamn they just keep digging the bar into the bedrock.

Not keen on reading your personal blog post.
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>do you use windows because you really like it as an os? or do you use it because of its ecosystem? or because you're forced to use it? (work, etc) or others
It's the only OS that runs literally 100% of the software I want to use. Yes, I'm aware that you can run a lot of Windows software on Linux but there's always a couple of things that either can't run or are a pain in the ass to setup. I don't care if it runs 98% of Windows software, I want to be able to run 100%
>do you use windows because you really like it as an os?
i really hate unix-likes
So I installed iot ltsc and now I'm getting some kind of crash whenever I load up a game. I'm thinking it's something to do with the gpu since it reboots the entire system when a lot of geometry loads in. My question is, is there anything iot ltsc is missing that could be causing this? Any quick fixes?
I hadn't thought of that, thanks. I will try, but it also shows the incorrect lines scrolling setting.

I'd still love a scripting solution I can set to run as a task. That has to be possible, surely, right?
I need to force a 640x480 resolution to make some old games run on Windows XP.

However my AMD Catalyst Drivers for the machine I built only go down to 800x600.

Anything I can do?
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Is there a way to obtain a legit Windows 8/ 8.1 ISO or am I fucked?
Is monkrus still the best source for adobe programs?
It's always sketchy that the only "reliable" source is some random Russian
Read the notes on the same page to know how to activate
Thank you very much man.
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W11bros, how you feeling about it so far?
From anons I've seen using IoT LTSC 2024 they seem fairly happy with it.
I'm pretty happy with it. Feels snappy, stable, all my games work. I don't have any complaints. I think the taskbar/start menu/explorer suck but its sucked since W8 for me so its whatever. I've just been using SAB and not even thinking about it. It feels as close to W7 and W10 LTSC that I could have expected out of modern Microsoft so yeah. I will continue daily driving it.
its quite nice once i got over the taskbar business, nice clean system with no bloat. been gaming on it all the time as well and its been fine
Anyone have an actual solution to browsers and shit not going actual fullscreen (i.e. still see titlebar and taskbar despite F11 or fullscreen video)? Tried restarting explorer.exe like the redditors say, didnt do shit. Drivers updated.
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I have a KVM for it. I uninstalled Copilot, updated, and Copilot got re-installed. Some things really never change.
Lunar Lake reviews when?
Need to see those Lion Cove and Skymont numbers
>W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
How much space does this use in a bare installation? I need it for a virtual machine.
About 15/20GBs IIRC. Though why not just give the virtual drive 200GB or something because of how it increases its size on demand.
Least you can disable it in the registry. Also Recall was itself recalled.
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honeyviewchads... we won!
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Dunno where to ask but I just reinstalled Windows 11 Pro N.

I thought I'd re-install Firefox and watch some youtube whilst I intstall all my stuff. I keep getting this on some oldish videos and wonder if anyone knows how to fix?

An old HTML5 website check thing says:
avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2 can't be played.

But lots of other YouTube videos all work fine.
>Using Pro
>Using a lettered version
Re-install again but use Enterprise and *not* Enterprise N.
N variants of Windows editions remove some codecs that make shit like web media not work properly.
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Does anyone know what tier of MVS/MSDN/VLSC WHATEVER THE FUCK it's called is required for access to LTSC and Server isos?
Fuck Microshaft, their naming schemes are so unclear
Dunno why you wouldn't just use files.rg-adguard. It rips databases directly from those places.
Massgrave and MDL both recommend it.
>Dunno why you wouldn't just trust a single "trust me bro" origin for verifying the integrity of an OS
I don't give a fuck if 7 different sources all back channel to Ivan's super trustworthy database of checksums and a bunch of Indians on forums parrot "it checks out". I want to put my own eyes on the official database as cheaply as possible.
yes yes fear the russian based site very scary
Recommend a source that DOESN'T use rg-adguard I'll wait
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Yeah, yeah, make fun of me for using Win11, but is there no way at all to point this search to a different browser than Edge?
You could install Everything then EverythingToolbar to have a search that's powered not by Windows Search. You can also disable Bing Search in the search bar with a registry entry.
Backwards compatibility - I can use older software without onions modern UI no matter how much a dev is seething for me to update
i am getting the pirated pop up blocker on adobe programs from monkrus
i have run the setup.exe program thats meant to make a firewall rule, i have also tried making the rules myself but always get a popup

this has happened to me many times with no solution
You could try blocking the executable with the firewall. That's one of the FAQ answers m0nkrus gives.
yes, i have done that, have blocked the photoshop.exe file in firewall
You have to block all of them not just the main one
He updated it after this long? Was still using it anyway.
what is this bacterialware?
>AMD C-cores unaffected
i use ryzen 5 7500f so its better use window 11 iot ltsc?
yes, not using w11 for anything past the 4790k is retardation of the highest degree

even the 4790k should be running it
>11 Enterprise IoT LTSC
Made my penis throb
Does Windows Media Center still work in the current year? Can I get television on my personal computer with it? I never actually investigated this program on older versions of Windows but I'm actually curious now.
AMD Bulldozer-derived CPUs also benefit from optimizations in later versions of Windows after 7, do they not?

lmao. Windows as services
Is there a way to make a system backup of a W10 Home install and restore it on a W10 IoT LTSC install?
Do Windows versions from XP to 10 even have an instruction manual?
My strat is to always create a second partition for personal data/downloads/images/music/games/programs/etc. The primary drive only for the OS, which can then be replaced as necessary without loss of any critical data.

So just copy important data to another partition and just do fresh copy.
I don't keep anything on my OS drive, it is purely for Windows and programs and nothing else. All my stuff of importance are on my other drives. That way I never have to worry about losing anything and I can just reinstall my OS without thinking about it.
I keep all my programs on my hard drive and only have Windows/AppData using program data on my boot drive (an SSD).

Except I just realized how retarded this separation of just moving the libraries off to another drive can be when I decided to install Windows 7 on my old MX500 SSD and realized just how much faster every program feels to use and load (in particular office). At the same time, I also realized most of my heavy files were not something that could be loaded onto the SSD.
Same. Surprised anyone keeps anything on their main drive anymore. What if your Windows just decides to stop working? Seems like a hassle for no reason.
The public folder shit feels confusing in particular to be honest, if only because it isn't always clear when a directory is using the "public" user account or whatever. I know it's there for local networks but still.
My wifi doesn't work whenever I'm in game, I think it's something thermal related as the moment I turn off my game the wifi works perfectly fine again
The router is downstairs so it's not like I can pull an ethernet cable to my pc
the wifi card is an ax211, using w11 (lol)
is upgrading from 10 ltsc 2021 to 11 ltsc a thing?
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Hey there, hope I'm posting in the right thread. I'm wondering why I'm not exactly getting everything out of my computer. A lot of games and programs are still really laggy. I'm not emulating Switch games at their full potential, mostly. Could anyone rate my specs and give some advice? Is it mostly the harddrive? I reinstalled windows recently and it only had a meager effect.
TinyWall is blocking me from using hotspot. i have to disable, connect and enable it (TinyWall) to use the internet. i googled a bit and added ICS to the whitelist but i assume this is a service for me to share connection, not to use one. any help on this?
>running ram at 2133 Mhz and not at rated ram speed
>running on single HDD which also shares load with background OS task
Thats 50% performance reduction right there.
Also to further elucidate this point, ram you have is likely rated much higher, possibly even double the speed or higher. So running at stock 2133Mhz is crippling alot of performances. You need to change the ram speed in bios.

Running on single HDD that also shares workload with OS background task and other programs in background means the HDD's limited performance is being bottlenecked by background HDD usage and thus you're losing a lot of the speed in the tasks performed by OS, the tasks performed by the background programs, the game startup, the game texture streaming/loading during gameplay, loading screens, etc.

Its a huge severe bottleneck. Even just adding another HDD and moving the games onto that HDD would speed up the game performance by ~10-20% imo. But if you fix all those by running games and OS from SSDs(two different), changing ram speed in bios, etc.
Thanks very much, I had no idea about the RAM. I'll look into how to change the ram speed. I thought I needed another HD, guess it's finally time.
You absolutely need it in case of HDD, with nvme ssds, there's bit more headroom, however still ideally, you want two separate storage systems so workloads are distributed and not stalling. Background requests from apps/OS throttle response times and reduce the performance of your programs.

But remember, even in the case of 2 HDDs, your main OS working timers/scheduling will be restricted by the bottlenecks of HDD access times latency. Often times people put small SSD for OS (~256GB which goes for ~$10 on ebay) and larger HDD for games/programs. That works fine. But 2 X SSD is ideal.
Keypirinha. It's not the best, not the most robust, the development has been halted for almost four years by this point, but fuck me is every other keyboard launcher bloated and sluggish compared to it. It has a good plugin ecosystem too, and I wish there was a more robust alternative that was as lean as this, but unfortunately it's all .NET/WinUI3/Electron garbage.
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Nevermind, found a plebbit post saying you should change the memory clock of the gpu by +/- 100 mhz, it worked for whatever reason, no idea why
>top tier CPU, RAM, GPU, mobo
>shitty HDD
every single time
Does m0nkrus host any copies of old photoshop versions with the laser eye? I lost my discs for CS4 and CS5.
It's what I'm used to, it's what I know, all the software I use is on it, I feel comfortable with it, it just works, and fighting against Microsoft's idiocy is preferable to dealing with Linux desktop. Simple as.
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>with nvme ssds, there's bit more headroom,
I was gonna ask: It seems nowadays everyone gets a 2 TB NVME SSD and just puts Windahs and their programs and games on that and nobody seems to have a problem with it.
HDDs have iops raging in 50s-150s. That is due to platter spin time and header positioning latency.

Nvme ssds have IOps in ranges of ~100K+

IOPS are reads/write requests to drives per second. If your hard drive is fragmented, the latency between seek times for parts of the files increase, CPU stalling time latency increase, IOPs is further reduced, etc. HDDs slows down even further. Nvme storages dont suffer too much from that, but they do suffer from some bottlenecks, atleast mine does when I have a large game on the same ssd as the OS. It can make the OS for a bit unresponsive. Although mine was a small SSD at the time, so the problems of workload overhead still exists on SSDs. 2TB NVme may not be such an issue if you partition ~150GB to SSD and the rest to games/programs.
Surely there are some good Windows laptops out there for a casual user, right? My mom needs a laptop and was interested in a Microsoft Surface, but I don't trust MS hardware not to be a disaster given how embarrassingly dysfunctional I've seen them be in years past (sound problems, not waking from sleep, etc.), and I have no reason to believe that the new ones would be any better given what a shitshow Windows 11 and Teams continue to be.
Lenovo seems like a shambling husk of a brand nowadays because my work-provided ThinkPad P15V is an irredeemable piece of shit. Shockingly bad thermals despite a deafening fan, and awful battery life.
Unfortunately she doesn't want to learn MacOS, so a recent MacBook Air is a no-go, and she travels a lot, so a perfectly fine desktop isn't an option either.
>2TB NVme may not be such an issue if you partition ~150GB to SSD and the rest to games/programs.
I was going to do this, but then I googled around and the consensus was that partitioning is not even necessary anymore with these SSDs. And honestly, when I run a 100 GB+ game and fuck around in Windows at the same time, I don't get any sort of delay or unresponsiveness. Sorry, I'm not trying to be argumentative, just want to run some info I gathered and personal experience by someone who seems to know what he's talking about.
Personally, I partition mainly so that you can clean install new OS without worrying about losing old data, without carrying old baggage, etc. For maintenance purposes.
can you block entire folders or are you telling me i have to individually block every .exe file
Yeah, fair. I thought about that, but then I realized I don't care about reinstalling programs and games and that was it. Important user data in the %appdata% I back up weekly anyways.
>not just mounting your appdata folder to a second partition
>can you block entire folders
No only third party firewall can do that
Like simplewall?
Doesn't support it you can use this one instead
Not the other guy, but I've tried it on but I didnt like it. I instead do mklink for certain sensitive folders. The baseline appdata needs to stay on main drive for smooth operations.
Or consider something older, refurbished. Normal people do not need that much horsepower anyway.
i ended up just using bat files in each folder for it

@ setlocal enableextensions
@ cd /d "%~dp0"

for /R %%f in (*.exe) do (
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Blocked: %%f" dir=out program="%%f" action=block
Is there any reason to have more than two partitions, OS and user? How do you organize stuff at partition level
I just moved most user folders to a separate drive, otherwise I don't fuck with partitioning anymore, folder organizing and TotalCmd are enough. Not sure if it's possible to do a Linux style /home/ directory remapping under Windows and that would be preferable.
It's simple, the monitor I payed for 144Hz is locked at 60Hz for an unknown reason that I don't bother with. I'm okay with using Linux in wsl and VMs
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Just installed LTSC a day ago, and I don't have admin privileges, even though I should. Banged my head against the wall yesterday trying to bypass the PUA block until finding the terminal command on my phone. Also, unrelated, but I expected AMD's Adrenalin to have some tuning options for my RX 6400, particularity the fan controls. I don't want to overclock it, far from it; I just want the fan to turn on while it's idle, so it keeps cooler and maybe last longer. I can do that on fucking Debian, why can't I on 10?
These questions have probably been answered to death, but I cant find anything in the rentrys & im too lazy to dig through archives.

#1: Is it genuinely worth using Windows 11 on an i5-13500H for the CPU scheduler? Is the performance benefit/efficiency features worth the shittier OS?

#2 Is there any way you can port over elements of Win10 or use replacement software to overcome the shortfalls of the Windows 11 UI like Winclassic/openshell? Or are they futile
>and I don't have admin privileges
sounds like you're retarded
>#1: Is it genuinely worth using Windows 11 on an i5-13500H for the CPU scheduler? Is the performance benefit/efficiency features worth the shittier OS?
just use 10 if you want a better UI
most people have found no problems
for desktop use you wont notice any difference
it's heavily dependent on the game whether you'll run into issues, and if you do run into one you can always downgrade to 11, but you can never upgrade from 11 to 10
Yes, I've done it
waiting for official release
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>install windows 11
>need to make a microsoft account
>"oh hey i think i already have one of those from my old build"
>turns out I have 3 seperate accounts and I occasionally get thrown into a loop when trying to verify one of my accounts because each one is sperately using my email, phone, info from my xbox 360 when it was modern, and a new email from outlook I somehow ended up making when going through all the new features of windows 11 on this new build
>google search says you cant merge said accounts

well fuck now what
You don't need an MS account anon. Enterprise/Education lets you by default to go through the OOBE offline and with Home/Pro you open up the Shift+F10 command prompt and run "oobe\bypassnro."
Thanks I'll look into it. my last build was still running 7, so all of this new stuff was tempting, but go figure its all thinly veiled advertisements, bloat, and so much fucking cross-verification checks
>need to make a microsoft account
Bro your rufus?
I'm guessing you're on Home/Pro yeah? It's pretty much junk.
The Enterprise/Education editions actually respect you and let you change basically anything like just disabling the data collection and the like.
>>install windows 11
found your problem
>considering a mac ever
how did your mom ever raised such a gay loser faggot?
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My friend got a trojan that defender didn't fix
What's the next best av to get it off? or is it factory reset time
win10, if it matters
Make a HirenBootCD live USB with Rufus or the like and boot into it on the friend's computer. It comes with an ESET scanner which could hopefully remove the trojan from the offline drive.
I would just nuke the OS at that point, personally. I would never feel comfortable with my install again if I got a trojan.
I think I would too, personally
but I don't think he keeps his storage very reinstall friendly

Thank you!
I knew there was something better than scanning inside windows, but didn't know what.
This gives him some options to look into now.
Yeah this. A good antivirus will probably solve it but...fuck that. I'm starting fresh, that shit is tainted now.
I don't even know how you get viruses these days. The last time I got a virus was in the XP days and I was like 11 downloading every little bit of porn I could find.
Hitmanpro. Throw it on a USB and then boot into safe mode

But like another anon said "I would never feel comfortable with my install again after downloading a trojan". I would wipe and start fresh unless you absolutely can't
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So it seems to me that support for Windows 10 is almost over on laptops?
Because Intel's P and E core configurations don't work properly on Windows 10, and now AMD's Zen 5 Strix Point CPU's for mobile feature some AI bullshit cores that apparently require Windows 11 as well.
I guess you could make things work without official support, by disabling some cores in the BIOS, but it's not ideal.
Should people who want to use a W10 laptop buy one now? I'd rather wait for Blackwell GPU's but I don't want some shitty AI meme cores in my CPU to go with it.
10 has never supported efficiency cores. These days if you want to continue using 10 you should just use IoT LTSC 2021 on a second hand PC.
Yeah, that's my point.
Efficiency cores were never supported but at least AMD still made normal CPU's that had official W10 support.
But now it seems both Intel and AMD have reached dead ends for W10 users.
So I'm wondering if it would be smart to pick up a Zen 4 laptop, as they might be the last with official W10 support.
Well yeah, when it comes to AMD their newer CPUs mostly don't bother with shit like e-cores so you could comfortably use 10 on them.
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i am only running into more issues unrelated in to my old problem. Holy fuck this piece of shit OS is a mess.
Just don't use efficiency cores, they're shit anyway.
Well if you don't say what problems you're actually having then no one can help you
My relationship with my father is minimal, and I have no offspring to show him if I ever decide to meet up to him. My mother wants grandchildren, but does not force me to find a woman and tells me to take my time.
was waiting for a homeless person with a bat to run up and I was disappointed
I have old WindowsImageBackup data files for backups that I want to sift through before purging them to free up HDD space. I have terabytes of backups because I just created them for peace of mind every so often and never thought about actually accessing them.

My boot drive was considerably large and the userdata/etc directories were of course always on the same drive as the system data so all my backups are bloated with hundreds of gigabytes of bullshit I don't care about, with obvious duplicates across backups made at different times.

I have multiple spare empty drives to load images onto.
I have NO desire to actually physically shut down my system, reboot, and restore the image via recovery media (cd, etc) to re-image the backup files to a disk, then boot from that on my actual hardware (it's not the same motherboard anymore).

Would VirtualBox work for this?
Are there any guides on how to boot WindowsImageBackup backups into a VM using it or copy them into a format compatible with it?
Am I retarded and doing something wrong? Is there some better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
there is an extension for that heh
Trying 11 on my tablet, why did the upgrade butcher my default programs. Is there a quick list of all the shit I should turn off?
Might just be easier to go back to 10
11 is kind of a bitch when it comes to default programs because it seperates fucking everything to make it more difficult. If a program you're using can just automatically set itself as the default program for every file type it deals with in its settigns then you should go for that.
thank me later
thank me later
Photo Viewer is true bloat, pre-installed half-baked MS app that barely works. These two are simply the superior photo viewers, and always have been.
I had a tool that was similiar to NTLite, it allowed to hard link duplicated files, compress Windows files, stuff like that, anyone knows what is it?
Is snappy driver installer still good for finding drivers?
Yeah, it's the best option around and it helped me get the right Realtek drivers, but keep in mind to use the "Origin" version.
Origin's actual page
IIRC the snappy-driver-installer.org site used to be the official spot to download it, but by the looks of it Glenn moved all the links to his site and it now serves as a simple link hub. The download links there still link to his page, and both domains are in the same /24 subnet, registered with the same domain registrar.
That's all well and good then. I've just always downloaded it off Glenn's blog.
WTF Optimize-Offline is abandoned? Now what?
If you want to tweak an ISO there's either MSMG Toolkit or NTLite.
might be good for your machine but for mines it kept recommending me outdated drivers for my bluetooth,gpu,and chipset.
Really? You guys should be using game consoles instead.
or linux. stuff like cachyos already comes debloated and optimized drivers specifically for your machine.
Because you're too stupid to use a computer.
You missed my point here.
Fuck your "cachyos" or wtf that even is.
this is a windows thread nerd
game consoles are already using linux (steamdeck) or freebsd (playstation/nintendo) so its the same shit.

only stupid people use win32 bloatware like that.
Kill yourself.
And then Linuxfags have the fucking gall to tell Windows users to fuck off from Linux threads. Invasive pests just like troons they are.
yeah this is the low iq euro thread
go back to your trans rights riced linux distro faggot
>Friendly Windows Thread
(You) going in here to preach about Linux is the equivalent of a MtF troon walking into a women's bathroom to show his dick to women because that turns him on. You're a disgusting rapist troon and you should kill yourself.
>Windows is only used for games
>just use Linux
Yeah I do also use Linux, but I would like a way to further control the experience of using Windows as well. Just say you've never used a computer to make money.

Also how the fuck are you comparing iso creation to retards who can't find drivers for their Realtek NICs on shitty MSI and Gigabyte MOBOs? Unfortunately I'll have to agree with others and tell you to 40% yourself.
Do Intel 12th gen CPUs work on Windows 7?
It would, but it'll ignore the e-cores and treat them like p-cores like with 8.1 or 10.
Gay, what if I use an e-core only CPU like the N100?
Then they'll all be treated as p-cores which'll probably end up pretty jerky.
W7 -> W10 upgrade route won't activate W10 anymore. Might as well format and install W10 IOT LTSC directly. If that's impossible, use Windows Loader v2.2.2 from Daz to activate W7 and then MAS to activate W10.
I prefer Irfanview, but if he's not updating it anymore, why not release the source?
Could I not just disable the P-Cores and run E-Cores only?
Waiting for someone else to answer, buy you'll have to do. So why can't I access all the shit in settings, like reputation based protection?
Give me the best free or paid antiviruses for Win10. Please.
1. Common Sense Antivirus™ 2024
2. Windows Defender
Windows Defender is a fine enough AV that doesn't get in your way. Just disable cloud protection and auto sample submission.
Besides that usually picked choices are Malwarebytes, BitDefender or ESET.
>obsessed with transvestites
Why are you like this?
All of the above.
NT has literally nothing to do with DOS. It's more closely related to VMS than anything else.
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Is there any difference between reinstalling Windows and just doing a full reset?
I usually just reinstall Windows every other year to get rid of trash here and there but if this is just the same thing I might just do this instead.
A full reset (while keeping your files) is basically like re-installing, just using your current system image as the install media instead of an ISO.
this is a windows thread you stupid retarded faggot be civil

sincerely a linuxfag
This is not for you >>101143995 it's for the faggot that recommended "cachyos"
i grew up with windows, ive only heard of linux through ubuntu because of school. but by then i dont know what "linux" is but i only remember waiting a long time to install ubuntu because the hdd in school were slow as hell.
I know this is a long shot, does anyone here have any resources for reverse engineering local RPC calls or at least over the network DCE/RPC calls?
who the fuck are you and who are you replying to
this sounds amazing
I thought I was nuts or had broken something on 7 because of this
screenshots from my android phone with some "sRGB Transfer with DCI-P3 Gamut" profile were the issue they open in other things but never photo viewer and I knew it wasn't about memory.

Are you Jesus?
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So switching to LTSC requires a full reinstall right? Can't just use MAS real quick?
Damn... I'll leave it to 2025 me then
what's the best firewall to use?
is safing.io good enough?
>banned in muttland
>>obsessed with people who are obsessed with transvestites
Why are you like this?
xe is contrarian or tourist from twitter / reddit.
it's freeware not foss
you have to go back
a dedicated firewall is the best firewall, but that's for another general, likely >>>/g/hsg/
but i dont want a dedicated server and firewall
found your problem
that's the only way i can use internet for now. still, temporarily disabling TinyWall fixes the problem
Then install it as a VM on your local machine you'll need 10GB of disk and 1GB of memory and that's it.
ahhh yes the most worthless general on the board, a certified autistic gulag.
>two schizos battle each other or maybe it's one person who knows??
>one is an 'Indian' who only uses FOSS
>the other is an 'enterpriseschizo' or 'corporate shill'
the rest of the thread is just people posting hardware porn and talking about backing up petabytes of completely fucking useless data, great recommendation anon.
>temporarily disabling TinyWall fixes the problem
found your solution
Yeah sure, we have a couple of schizos there but there are quite few anons that post good shit, shit that requires you to have some knowledge and since you're just sperging looks like you are a brainlet.
>install all this bloat running constantly instead of a simple firewall
and the non-brainlet answer?
1. (Uncommon) Isn't that acquired via time and experience anyway?
2. CPU hogging bloatware
more familiar with windows
will use unix when i need to do knitty gritty things

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