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Trypophobia pos edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101075025
>Any other recs for smaller ones under $50?
Why do you need more? You have Chu2. Hit play and enjoy music. Buying more IEMs (especially still in the ultra budget realm) haphazardly and expecting drastic differences is foolish. Regardless, I wouldn't consider the Cadenza or Conch mentioned, neither have particularly great fit. EPZ Q1 Pro, Celest Wyvern, Tanchjim ONE could be considered. Also, Tinhifi T1S and Kefine Delci.
HoF update when?
is tangzu waner still the GOAT?
Obsoleted by gate
I mentioned it on the previous thread but the idea behind buying more than one is that I wanted to understand what kind of sound I enjoy the most to find a definitive one. I found interpreting a graph with a single iem to be a little confusing, so having at least two to compare was more practical.
This is also why I'm sticking to below the $50 bar, I don't find much point in trying to go for a $300 iem, I doubt I would be able to "appreciate it". The Chus themselves already sound amazing to my ears, but I do want to try to find a clearer alternative at my target price point.
it never was
the children's toy zero 2 was always better
and now it is ultimately irrelevant again since >>101094591
6 years later, I still can't believe I got baited to the KXXS by you faggots.
fuckin kek, kanas pro and kxxs owners realizing that their pos can be had for $20 nowadays
Come home anon man, buy vidos and eq, no need to spend $$$
>make EQ
>go to toilet
>come back, have to redo EQ
ill use them without EQ
werks in muh ears
well, update the HoF then
your ears must be shit then if you think your eq is consistently good
I would rather bakerzo do it
not really a goat, but it's the most consistent. decent packaging, decent availability, and decent sound
sure, wouldn't be mad with the gate instead of the wankers
same thing here, although /iemg/ hates collabs so it's been on the fence for a while
learn eq, hopefully eqtard responsible for the guide can hurry his ass up and deliver on his promise (he's broken 17 promises as of now)
>warm-ish signature sounds best with male vocals
>harman-ish sounds good with female vocals
why is that such a short blanket? which IEM has GODLY female and male vocals??
Who the fuck cares about male vocals
Optimizing for cute anime girl asmr is what most high testosterone heterosexual men goes for
i'll never forgive you fuckers for that.
I decided to spend big $$$ to skip eq and got Faaeals.
>>harman-ish sounds good with female vocals
>opting for sibilance, scratchiness, peaks instead of smoothness and low blows in emotiondick while listening
Rookie mistake anon, rookie mistake.
No, that's reasonable. Even graphs are meaningless until you've compared a few iems. And you realize how misleading the graph can be. The truthears are indeed trash. I'll say this, newcomers have it very good rn. You can only guess how much a Supermix 4 would blow you away with it's fidelity for $135. I suggest you borrow or buy one.
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ayy lmao
same driver part situation
I don't know what pos means.
plateau of serenity or schizophrenia
>Obsoleted by gate
The gate tuning is incredibly mediocre and the shell is actual trash
Blon bl03
wanker tuning is incredibly shit and the shell is kz tier plastic so yes obsoleted
Think of it like big dick energy. It's not about the physical size of your dick, it's a swagger, an aura, a feeling. My pos > your pos.
nice try poozu employee, still not buying either poozu wanker nor poozu wanker scrotum edition
gate >
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>listen to metal track with $5 buds: yep, crash cymbals are the limit it seems
>switch to hybrids: nope, just shit mix
rng in this hobby...
Where do you guys pirate flac files from?
>inb4 mp3 320kbps good enough
Not what I asked
nice try fbi. hit play and enjoy da musiks
Just tell me. I use nyaa.si but thats just my nip music fix. I need more
Little green men tracker
Half the time with metal the mixing is shit on purpose
sometimes i question how you retards live your life. do you have a caretaker that tells you when to piss? how little autonomy do you have?
Use soulseek, get the nicotine+ client, share music or people will block you from downloading from them. Most music on there is meticulously tagged FLAC or whatever the highest quality of the recording is available if it was only released digitally.
Pre-obsoleted by hola and hola is pre-obsoleted by wanker. Also wanker pre-obsoletes every IEM that dies at 20kHz on 5128. Kilobuck treble is no joke.
>over 10k memeing
>wanker shilling
insane trifecta of pure retardation
You might find it hard to believe but there are people that can hear above 10k.
not you obviously since you think graphs are accurate up there lmao
Completely dies is not the same as inaccurate, anon.
my iem is accurate up yo ass
you are deaf we get it
I understand your frustration. Being scammed into buying an IEM that isn't even full-range is cruel.
coins super discount section has some decent picks. 35% off using coins
>faaeal rosemary
down to $9
>cca trio
down to $15
>faaeal impedance adapters
under $5
>7hz h-07 ear tips pack
under $2
also some yongse cables, but i think the xinhs meme discounts are new meta
you're supposed to EQ your buds to unlock their full potential
can i get wavelet to work instantly instead of taking 2 seconds to apply? my ears get blasted because of negative preamp whenever i change tracks. any better apps?
That's not normal I think. But I'm using root jamesdsp so I can't tell. Check if other player apps behave the same. Try giving it additional permissions in adb.
Yeah why did you scam me into buying wankers? How could you?
>faaeal rosemary
>down to $9
I hate gear bloat and redundancy but I'm tempted to get backup one, this time in 3.5mm.
Anon, but if I learn to EQ what's the point in getting new stuff?
Comfort, looks.
I have eartips for that
I only use TWS outside
>I have eartips for that
Eartips don't fix the everything.
>I only use TWS outside
Fix that first.
>>I only use TWS outside
>Fix that first.
It's the other way around.
Ok fix being a nigger cattle first. Then work on that tws problem you have.
Okay dicksucker, anything to please your anonymous autism.
You're welcome.
scratch the h-07 ear tips, they add shipping which defeats the purpose of using coins. still a cheap cart add-on
metal is typically low-fi trash, you really have to be deaf to enjoy that shit. too compressed. drums sound like shit in most metal songs.
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>Over-Ear IEMs
Wire over ear.
>people using tracks mastered by borderline deaf negroids from 50 years ago to rate their pos. hard panned stereo, nasal upper midrange wailing like a banshee, sibilance out the ass, bass completely nonexistent except for a single peak farting like a subsaharan nigger dying of diarrhea, brass instruments dragging you into a dark alley, stabbing you to death and stealing your wallet
>my pos sounds fatiguing, the timbre is unconvincing, bass is a little hollow, time to go on aliexpress again!
many such cases and i don't even pity them, they deserve it
This. Only anime soundtrack is real music
they started sending pos in red aliexpress packages
yeah, if you're a homo.
the loudness wars and it's consequences have been a disaster for audio fidelity and and music enjoying
Only real music is real music
EPZ Q1 Pro, Tinhifi C2, Moondrop Chu II or TRN Conch if I mainly just want a cheap pair of IEMs, ideally with a V shape sound signature to use on the plane/in hotel room?
Wrong. The real music is collection of farts each with varying level of reverbs and randomly spaced throughout the whole track. Letting me use the IEM's bass response to its fullest.
BA farts sounds so artificial compared to DD farts.
does it even matter which $5 background noise generator you use?
after using buds + eq for a few weeks i think i might actually prefer them over everything else
I mean every audio product is just a noise generator, this entire thread is dedicated to it
I agree.
post a new image shill
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Revisionist history, everybody loved the kxxs and still do in the form of the kato, every reviewer was raving about them and sucking off every drop from moon—which they deserved for making Starfield.
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They're almost here!
Why did you buy that pos...
Faaeal Iris Ancestor is better than vidos. almost the same price to.
Because they got good reviews and I like sennheiser. I'll update the firmware and spend time today listening to them. My ears will be the judge if I decide to keep them.
yeah but you didnt try vidos with eq did you
i would have bought vidos if they looked futuristic
Which pos do you consider to look the most aesthetic?
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when will we get a tutorial for these
Epz official store, ask the seller. That's the tutorial.
i fell in love with the unmatched comfort, my ears feel free
i cant use alix tho
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anything with that sparkly metallic paint like cringenigger zero, kl sirius (minus the shitty logo), kl raden
You can only customize them on ali.
sucks donkey nuts
anything cnc'd, fuck that whack plastic shit
this but without eq
Thie Elixir. Black + gold + wood looks nice.
They all look like cheap plastic shit. I'd like something with bold angular surfaces but you're constrained by ear anatomy and don't want the pos to be too bulky. Hexa is probably the closest thing to the shape I want but the material, screws and logo make them look like $0.03 airplane buds. More """futuristic""" designs just end up looking like kinder surprise toys - some FiiO and Dunu designs are borderline criminal.
Moondrop Beautiful World
It's a single DD that will blow your mind
matte kato with the k cable but unironically. I love the color, the angle, and the size. tangzu zetian wu are also sexy.
if by blow your mind you mean burst my eardrums then yeah
Daily reminder that techs are stored in the earwax
Tigerism Octave
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Super fast arrival!
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absolute sex
congrats on your new pos
i hate moondrop but that design is actually pretty based ngl
You're a pos
where tangzu wanker std
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>squiglink is a shill place now
didn't expect that from Mr sleepy

Solved. Now I can look at squig.link again. Can't believe Mr. Sleepy would sell US out like this.
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>tfw you first try blue vidos
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i ordered the tuning kit for ea500 to play with on my fd15
upload the stock and modded response please
do you use squig like once a month or something anon
the answer, good sir, is from the internet
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? i don't recall ever seeing such a blatant ad on every squig page like that before
Gaymousetranny doesn't know how to do that.
jew greed is contagious
which $50,000 rig are you using to measure your nigger squiggles? it's only an apples to apples comparison if it's between measurements taken by the same kind of setup
lofi 10 kHz crater pos collection
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casual endgame for $5*
*just get the fit right
t. tech illiterate
flatpos gives me insane ear pain. shit genetics
exactly, shits all retarded if you ask me. these are merely blurred lines for all of us. it all comes down to individuals and their preferences.

hit play
have you tried getting used to them for at least a week? they feel like nothing in my ears
Nobody asked you.
>tech illiterate
That's nice self-critical reflection, 711 standard is officially defined to be acccurate at least up to 10kHz
shut the fuck up nerd lol
have you tried not shilling flat pos
you are literally deaf if you believe you're getting any good quality out of their sound
Dilate gaymousetranny.
>thats all he thinks about
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you clearly dont know how to eq them properly
How do I EQ distortion.
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anon just jealous he can't quit the ride with $5 in the pocket and 10 seconds of adjustments
They do extension both sides just like any other DD, just get them fit right.
EQ your IQ.
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just turn it down
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t. absolutely tech illiterate
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Call me when they make a flatpos with fluffy waifus that look like they'd marry happily with human men + acryllic stand cuz I'm not willingly buying something I'm not gonna use without some kind of bonus.
EQ it up, not down.
stop gagging on my dick dude
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umm isnt this good enough
>acryllic stand
just get plastic Kima, second best thing after nonexistent Hibiscus
It's good, but she's missing fluff.
>tfw no meaningful jump in ~$100 sq since aria
it's fucking over. tech has stagnated. it's all downhill from here. we're all gonna die without incrementally improving budget pos sustaining our lifeforce.
Upgrade to $20 IEMs.
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rate tuning
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squig cargo cult/10
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what's the /iemg/ version of the picrel?
is the Simgot EA500LM worth it?
me on the right
you can order any random $20 pos from aliexpress and there's a 60% chance it will rape the sound quality of $150 full sized headphones like an american expat rapes a cambodian ladyboy. you have to go out of your way to find modern pos that genuinely sounds like shit and can't be salvaged with eq (unless it's a western company in which case you're paying $500 for a dog turd).
holy based
It's goated but cringenigger didn't like it so fellow audiopedophiles won't respect you if you buy it now.
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Name the most reliable IEM having neutral tuning, exchangeable nozzles and nozzle filtres.
t. earwax king
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This. You fags have no idea how bad things truly were(and still are for western brands like shure, westone, UE, JHAudio, etc.)
>westerners buying products meant for highly evolutionary advanced asian earwax havers
insane techs for the price, bright tonality but doesn't sound thin at all, superb clarity & impactful note weight across the full band, the biggest issue is 5kHz shout which can be brought down with $5 official tuning kit, which makes it extremely good value even months after it was released
Should I get the Truthear Zero reds or the Truthear Hexas?
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it do be like that
what drove them to make everything upto 1kHz bloated af without any exceptions?
I want an IEM which won't break after a year of usage.
>a year
buy 12 moondrop chus your welcome
voicemeeter = EQ
reds have comfort/fit issues depending on your anatomy, and you won't really know until you try them on. hexas would be a safer bet.
dont forget to wash your flatfoams
>insane techs for the price
Oxymoron. Techs = price.
The fact that regards to this day still think more drivers = better automatically.

unironically I think it’s a case of “anyone who actually researches sound quality has already left us, so why should we give a shit?”
ya 64 audio are probably the only ones who even graph their POS nowadays
No seriously, wtf were they smoking?
>you can order any random $20 pos from aliexpress and there's a 60% chance it will rape the sound quality of $150 full sized headphones
brown hands typed this post
your STORM will be obsoleted by a $500 pos in a year so get your ass ready
techs are stored in the price tag. you literally get less techs if you wait for ali deals
No such thing. z1r still btfos everything in techs.
kilobuck zone is a shitshow
they're called audiofool for a reason
this looks disgusting btw
>z1r still btfos everything in bass
it's been pre-obsoleted in techs by underkilobuck chink shit
>it's been pre-obsoleted in techs by underkilobuck chink shit
Flat out false.
he spoke the truth doe
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anon, I…
why cant they tune it into a straight line?
And yet it's true for as long as brands like Trebledynamic, Gr*do, Shitcandy, Nigs by dr. Beet are allowed to exist. You're deadass on god fr fr getting better SQ from something like Chu.
7Hz Salnotes Zero 2 has the least amount of negative assessments among the most recent budget IEM.
Your pos has the same techs as kxxs, get over it.
pinna/concha w/e resonance and seal/seating/skill issue
you're not wrong, my Gato indeed has the same techs as KXXS
I accidentally $70 Fiio FF3S in addition to last weeks Alpha 3. I never fucking learn to just wait for stuff.
concha/pinna comes included with dentpos enclosure
just add the head/torso transfer function
because it's literally just a speaker hanging there in the open, all the tricks chinks use to tune cheap IEMs like vents and filters can't be used so tuning is much harder. you're supposed to use EQ to tune them to your preference
There are peaks and dips built into the measuring rig itself. They're there because the rig is meant to emulate a human ear, outside and inside. The emulation is needed to make the headphone/IEM sound like they would sound on a human, the ear is part of the system. Measuring a headphone with a raw mic is like measuring speaker drivers without a speaker cabinet, doesn't tell you anything.
Blackcat pos cable arrived and it's uncomfortable and heavy as shit. What's a good 4.4 mm cable?
>coupons finally restocked
>planar pos I wanted to buy is gone
Where can I find the actual sizes of the tips that come with the Truthear Gate?
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Techs = specific frequency response where your individual ear gain is compensated.
Artti T10 Balanced. $60 and comes with free planar IEM.
Techs are by definition unrelated to the FR.
blessing in disguise
only single dd is pure
A lot of people complain about the shape of the iem itself and its shallow fit. As for life span? I believe it can last a year whether you baby it or whether it's a beater for the gym.
>only single dd in flathead form is pure
Technically planars are a type of dynamic driver so they get a pass. Unless it's timeless-era abortions or kz planars.
Techs have no certain definition and essentially are a marketer term.
Flatheads are pure garbage.
What does this look like on Squiglink? It looks a lot like my preference
skill issue
Sure they do.
>“Technicalities”, “technical ability”, or “technical performance” is an umbrella term that encompass basically all non-tonal aspects of sound reproduction.
digits of truth
It's just Variations with a couple of placebo 0.1dB filters.
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I want a planar but I need something with the 2 pin A connector like in picrel.
Ok then take a multi kilobuck POS renown for its techs and then just nuke the treble and bass with EQ, add some peaks in there for good measure.
Then tell me how it sounds
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>cares about the weight
>wants a 4.4 cable
Because it's my own preference curve of Truthear Nova measurements with my own EQ overlay. Related picture is the same for Kiwi Ears Quintet.
Tonality and micro-details is something completely depending on frequency response.
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That's a recipe for S+ tier techs my friend.
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>get pic related for birthday last year
>left bud becomes faulty after one month, stops working completely after one more
Sucks because I used to love Sennheiser. It's going to be my birthday in two days and I want to gift myself a replacement. Any suggestions?
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
Literally just commuting to and from the gym, and using them there. So they should be sweat resistant and noise cancelling would be cool, also.
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Pic related: Sennheiser True Wireless 3
>all non-tonal aspects
>I used to love Sennheiser
Why. Literally zero good products.
>that review
kek any $20 pos has low enough distortion for EQing. "resolution" and "clarity" are absolute meme terms
Non-tonal aspects is micro-details. Tonality is essentially macro-details. Is that so hard to comprehend?
classic >>>/mu/122400958
The few products that I got from them just (used to) werk.

lol, I also have the HD600s, and they were also gifts.
Might as well attach it to a headphone shell at that point
Well low distortion is indeed rare among kilopos, Dunu even managed to fuck up a beryllium DD somehow.
Thanks for reminding me i have that one too. gonna spoil myself with some female vocals and a drink this evening
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>all this chinese trash
I'll keep buying the GOAT thanks
Enjoy your perforated eardrum.
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You know you can buy the correct size and length tip for your ear right?

Also they're slim so they fit inside my helmet. I only use them for riding or operating heavy equipment. When at home I use speakers like a normal human.
>they fit inside my helmet
Enjoy your perforated brain.
the dilators trigger my gag reflex and i don't think i was ever brave enough to push them in as deep as intended by the developer. i had to return them.
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>TLM 103 not TLM 49
Moondrop Variations has more flat FR, I added a huge scoop between 200-1000 Hz. That sounds more natural to me. But the general shape is indeed borrowed from Variations.
can someone give me a review of the Huawei freebuds 5i? I bought and it shipped but I am afraid I have made a mistake.
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looks very based
techs are stored in the braided cable
Wtf why did you do that man didn't you hear they make the shell and drivers out of lead and pure uranium.
Wtf I want nuclear techs in my pos too.
anyone try qcy ht05 or 07?
need ANC and my moondropped spacetravel right bud keeps losing charge an hour before the left one
dont all earbus and iems have pretty much that level fq
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Redeem gypsy shit.
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LMAO fuck everyone that said these were shit; these things sound amazing with EQ. The stock sound is a bit recessed in the mids with veiled highs and good bass; the soundstage is decently wide. I'm using an autoeq wavelet preset, and it makes the mids/highs more punchy/punctual, adding a bit of clarity to the overall sound. The bass is thumping but not overwhelmingly so. It's more revealing than the samshit buds 2 pro (my previous buds).
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Here's the EQ in question
name them
They're shit because they have no wires.
This post is retarded.
crack them open and you will see wires
Just got this oil-impregnated IEM cable, and WOW, the difference is night and day! The bass is now buttery smooth, mids are crystal clear, and highs are sparkling like never before. The soundstage expanded so much, it's like I'm in the studio with the band. Who knew a cable could do all this? #AudiophileLife
>his cable was impregnated by someone else
>the popcorn shilling has hit my feed
another day another pos
mine should arrive today too. techs finna be lit
What a scam.
Check your eyes.
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For $240, it's not a bad deal. I'd never pay $300 for any TWS.
>ideal planned obsolescence tech with batteries you can't replace
lmao my budpos cost $1 you got scammed
Glad you like them. I only once tried their TWS2 and it was a shitshow - 3h battery out of box and I was unable to find the right EQ.
lol this nigga sticks gum in his ears lmao even
This is my first pair, but from everything that I researched, they seem to have ironed out a lot of the issues from the last few generations. Time will tell how long they continue to work, but first impressions are very good.
My starfields lasted 2.5 years with heavy usage every day including running. My theory is that all new hyped pos have bad qc and will die in a year, only the older stuff will stand the test of time, hopefully the next IEM I get will last me 5 years at least but it seems like the quality of everything nowadays has only been getting worse and worse.
JM-1 isn't bad, it's just that the one iem that does magically comply with it (Hexa) sucks. A 1DD tuned to it would be an eye-catcher for me.
Hearing AIDs
what's wrong with hexa? it seemed to be getting ok reviews and i was considering getting either it or one of the simgots, depending on favorable chinksite deals
Airpod Pros unironically.
>what's wrong with hexa?
Nothing, it's the best neutral IEM under $100, anyone who calls it bad is just a paid shill for another company.
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>better ergonomics (smaller, low profile)
>better comfort/stability
>better sound quality/techs
>noticeably better specs (anc, calls, etc)
does the fact that EQ exists favors the former here
>Sennheiser True Wireless 3
That's your problem. The 4s don't have these issues.
I see flatzo got tired of shilling flatpos and decided to move to TWSpos subject now.
^ schizo meltdown
the flatanons are busy enjoying music rn
>What's wrong with Hexa?
It's simply not worth the money because if you can EQ, you can mimick Hexa's tonality on a way cheaper set. Fit can also be an issue (personally it's fine for me but I don't wear iems for more than 30 mins - 1 hour so take my opinion with a grain of salt).
Do my pos sound better than flatheads? Yes they do.
Are they nostalgic and comfy bringing back the times when you actually listened to the music? No, they are not. Budpos takes a big win here.
thoughts on simgot supermix 4
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>there is one person who has different opinion than me and that person can't have different opinion
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>NOOOO sir please do not redeem hexa, it's waste of money sir, please sir kindly redeem my $5 aliexpress pos instead and EQ it, it's just as good I promise sir
budpos with eq can be surprising good
I own the Hexa, retard. I can say it sucks as much as I want.
I know. But it is against the philosophy of budpos downshifting and enjoying the simple things and music without struggling for perfection. I do EQ my kilopos, but not 15$ budpos.
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perhaps but for me it is a win
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>schizo thinks $5 buds is all I have
saving pictures of hexa graphs doesn't mean you own the iem though
The REAL problem of hexa is the fake crossover that lets the BAs play subbass. It will remain meh even if you EQ it to a non-gay target. Only people that listen to basslet music think it sounds fine because they don't stress it enough.
I listen to way more music now than when I had budspos (2005). I don't miss anything I had before 2020. I got smabat st-10s(the supposedly "bassy" buds) to revisit buds and they were ear rape.
Isn't 4NC a huge step up? Sounds like a terrible deal to go with the A40 when they are similarly priced.
I never owned either though, so I could be wrong.
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>Verification not required.
bruh whos making these macros lmafoooo
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It's got the dog techs, of course it sounds better.
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tfw no good iems left to buy
time to listen to music!
It's outstanding, I just got one. Supermix 4 obsoletes:
Truthear Nova
Binary Chopin
Kiwi Ears Quintet
Moondrop Variations

A step above it, you have the Hype 4 and Xenns Top.
keyed consoomer
locked enjoyer
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kek, chinese poor cope
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you put them in your ears not your boy hole anon!
We’re in a new era folks.
it is now time for the vidozo to reign and wreck havoc in these threads
1DD bros keep on winning, what do now BAbros??
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For me it's new cycle: dropped out from headphones, completed IEMs in a year, covered my TWS need, now I hit reset and started new build with cheapest buds.
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the one pos everyone forgot about
I'm not buying a pos with an anus.
>the loudness wars and it's consequences have been a disaster for audio fidelity and and music enjoying
The loudness wars are a stupid boomer meme you don't need 40db of difference between the loudest and softest parts of a track
>proprietary cable
yeah no you can keep it
>i cant use alix tho
Yes you can
ye its cool but get catcoin and have exactly what shib and doge did before 1000x

(you can evne look up catgirl coin)
>? i don't recall ever seeing such a blatant ad on every squig page like that before
He has had referall links on every iem he measured since he put up sqiglink, but yeah the banner is new
does anyone have a tabao account
What's with all the garbage in the background.
I've got EDM tracks with waveform that looks like a brick and still sounds punchy and crispy etc, and then there's Metallica that is just a monotonous wall of sound. DR by itself doesn't mean anything.
>What's a good 4.4 mm cable?
>not oil impregnated
are you kidding me?
>non-tonal aspects of sound reproduction
Doesn't exist
The mastering to the ear of the audio engineer is always the most important thing. I will say though that sometimes “”””remasters”””” enter the loudness wars and those people are incompetent and just create loud shouty messy mixes cause they’re retarded
There are brickwalled remasters that sound way better then the original release, stop regurgitating boomer memes and listen to music
Impregnate your cables yourself.
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techlets cry me a river
the feds advised me to stay away from chinkzon
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>$5000 eartoy
>a scam
imagine my surprise
i know techs aren't real, but which sub $100 pos has the best techs?
might auto EQ my vidos to chaconnes
Anything that costs exactly $99.99
whichever fotm has a male mascot
holy based
Techs are just how much the iem makes budget shitters seethe, so the answer is kz ling long.
Techs are the masculine element, tuning is the feminine element. We have to wait for Moondrop no Pico to experience true techmaxxing.
only if the audio engineer knows what they’re doing
He. Let's not pretend women know what they're doing.
I know what exactly techs are but I wont tell.
diaper techs
>>101104284 >>101101485
is s12 still making ripples in the scene
oh right, the cow dung worshipping shartur was the graphschizo all along
>2dd+6ba myer pos
nothing bad will come out of introducing exponentially more points of failure when you only need 1 driver. not like it matters when individual bas are doing so little, you can't even tell when one breaks, if they're soldered at all.
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The wise graphgod is an invasive barbarian anon from 2ch dot hk slash hw with poor English
t. invasive barbarian anon
i hate that pajeet like you wouldn't believe
new bread: >>101105247
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*ThieAutheo Prestige LTD*

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