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what went wrong?
i think i like that guy
i think ill start shilling obesity as a white mans thing

unless youre reddit op
and you want clout bc youre the edgy ethno-thing

no need for that
just hate rust and youre ok by our (recently changed) rules
he's right. we already have the science behind weight loss and weight gain. if you're fat its simply because you eat too much calories. stop eating fatass. do you see fat ethopian kids?
I haven't pooped once this week
Unless you're an Evangellion with a internal S2 engine you lose weight by eating less calories than you use.
If you manage to gain weight with decreased caloric intake you're breaking laws of thermodynamics.
Trust the science!
i dont often say mathbois are based
but when i occasionally do
they are
I'm diabetic.
if you werent born like that you can re-train your body, to SOME extent, at least...
dont do dumb shit tho
ask a physician before you do anything drastic.
if a physician says "nuh uh cant do"
find another one
This shit stupid as hell mane
Carbs are the only basic food type that our bodies can live without. On a ketogenic diet what little glucose is needed by the brain is synthesized in the liver. That helps with diabetes, especially type II, immensely.
yeah he was always like that. for stuff that doesnt affect him he got the gigabrain ultimate simple solution but if its something related to him its an unsolvable problem only people like him can even understand
wow. what i just wrote, but with actual iq
thanks anon (100% unironically)
(i know shit bc it works kinda deal)
bowel cancer incoming.
I thought JB did MMA or something?
What went wrong?
Also, he should know, if you put more calories into your body than you burn, you get fat. I'm sure if the guy got back into the octogon or did even light training sessions that fat would pretty much disappear in 3-4 weeks.
MMA? Just look at him, he's a terminally online twitter warrior.
Pretty sure he stated he did some kind of marital arts to a pretty high level. He might have been bullshitting I don't know. Still, if the guy wants to keep in shape, he should look at setting aside some time in his schedule to look after himself and his body. He's not going to be very productive if he's dead or too fat to work.
>no data whatsoever
Thermodynamics isn't enough?
People who work "incredibly hard" usually do it wrong and forget to tell about all the small snacking they do during the day and the metric ton of sugar they ingurgitate.
>be human body
>dickhead up there decides to decrease caloric intake
>fuck that guy
>make him feel tired
>start signalling hunger
>reduce caloric consumption
>start destroying muscle tissue for energy
>no, not the fat, you never know when you're gonna need it :^)
>continue until he gives up or you both die
Yeah, that's why you have to move your ass and use those muscles a bit so your metabolism doesn't shut itself down.
Very hard, I know.
>no one works hard in software despite pushing out software consistently
> people work hard at losing weight despite 70% of the country being overweight
Jonathan blowhard
Seriously, just look at that photo. That's not a pose of someone who does "pretty high levels" of any sport other than typing and getting mad on twitter.
As soon as you eliminate carbs the hunger goes away. And so does the tiredness.
Breaking up muscle tissue instead of fat is only a last resort measure that doesn't happen unless you are literally starving for days.
Billions of people can do it right, but not your snowflake body I guess?
I'm glad you accept that it's hard, usually it takes longer to convince people.
t. bukowski
god bless anon you made me learn something
>also: prussian
its like you know me...
>mother : daughter of anette israel
i unironically had kikes approaching me when i was in school
its really like you know me, kek
When he said MMA, he meant he Munches Men's Asses before giving them blowjobs.
It's as simple as calories in, calories out. Muh heckin seed oilerinos can't force you to shovel food into your fat face against your will. If you're fat, barring some diagnosable medical condition, it's your fault.
lard fingered this post
>>reduce caloric consumption
>>start destroying muscle tissue for energy
>>no, not the fat, you never know when you're gonna need it :^)
>>continue until he gives up or you both die
Doesn't happen unless you literally starve yourself for 3+ days, which even the most extreme intermittent fasting diets won't recommend. If you feel hungry just eat low-calorie snack like fruits or drink water.
t. former fatfag who also used those sorts of excuses
>start destroying muscle tissue for energy
This LITERALLY doesn't happen except in extreme situations. Fat exists for one reason: being an energy store. It will always be used first, if you loose muscle after missing a few meals in the week you have a serious problem and need to see a doctor.
i mean, i sat on a diet for like a month and lost 10+ kilos. They most not work *that* hard
>eat low-calorie snack like fruits
Common fruits are literally almost pure carbs with a high glycemic index that will exacerbate the effect. Terrible advice.
You mean: eat a low-calorie snack like a piece beef jerky that will also provide fat/proteins.
you just need a discipline, routines and you follow them like religion and when you inevitably fail there is this thing called vomiting that will undo the harm, then you promise yourself that you will get discipline again and mine is to just fast at morning and do whatever and eat later, but basically just need to not have time to eat and keep busy or just vomit
I look like jblow, so yeah :^)
It's not hard enough that I'd mald on twitter over it, but it is hard enough that I can't be bothered anymore. No point once you're old.
More fatfag excuses lmao. I also used to believe these things but then I discovered that fruits are much less calorie dense than other processed foods, juices, sodas, while also making you feel less hungry. Fruits are also rich in fiber which also make you feel less hungry, they counteract the fruit sugar's high glycemic whatever, and is good for your digestive system among other things.
It's not an excuse, it's basic nutritional education.
>processed foods,
HFCS, salt, MSG
pure sugar, no fiber
pure sugar in unreal concentrations with added acids so you don't puke from it

Try some real food instead.
Your advice is dangerous to lazy people. Eating a fruit might be the breaking point for turning back to the shit eating habits. Even vegetables are better for a snack.
utter retard, by weight they are mostly water and fiber. Per gram they have drastically less calories than most foods.
I dunno, looks like good advice to me. I always get sick after eating fruits and don't feel like eating anything else for a while.
Correct, nobody has ever lost weight ever not even once
I don't know, but I am bordering anorexic near 30 and eat an amount that should make me fat.

My mother is and she can't lose weight.
Then again, I could be too and it might be the reason why I can't put on weight. Coca cola is a hell of a drug and I went hard with it for years to the point where I was starting to gain weight. As soon as I stopped though I had lack of weight issues to the point where my muscle mass declined. Coca cola is so bad for you.
Did you actually read my comment before writing this? It looks like a couple of keywords triggered you and started writing shit
>Your advice is dangerous to lazy people
The actual advice to lazy people is to make it more difficult to eat shit food. Like uninstall delivery apps, stop buying sweets, sodas, fill your cabinets with low calorie snacks like fruits, vegetables, unsweetened yogurt, etc. I can't comment on beef jerky, it's not widespread where I live.
that's not CICO
>I always get sick after eating fruits
That's not normal. Visit a diabetologist.
There's no point in arguing with you since you wrote "glycemic whatever". Again, basic nutritional education.
One of the biggest reasons is that fat people don't get aggressively bullied for being disgusting slops anymore.
Pain (either mental or physical) is the only motivator that would world on those people to change their lifestyle.

Instead, we humored and cultivated these faggots for so long that they now unironically believe they are fat for any other reason than not being able to stop eating.
Be careful though: see >>101101946
You can have issues if you dramatically drop carbs. I stopped coke and beer and I went from overweight to a stick in like half a year.
Yes, you returned to proper weight by dropping carbs. That's awful.
Implying energy conservation was not a thing.
If there really existed people who 'try hard' and 'don't loose weight' I propose we end world hunger by finding out what makes them generate energy from nothing and making this available for anyone.
Heck we could even reestablish all the natural habitats we destroyed for agriculture once no one needs to eat anymore !
put any fatty on 1400 kcal a day with forced exercise and you will see a miracle happen before your eyes
fatso self-reporting that he tried as hard as he could but nothing worked is laughable as evidence
I wrote no such thing, that's my first response. I challenge anyone to try and eat over 4KG of apple flesh a day. Replacing any contemporary snack with 90% of fruits WILL lead to a lower calorie intake.
their "incredibly hard work" was entirely mental and describes their losing struggle of not eating an extra 3 candy bars between each of their 4 daily meals
How about you don't "snack" in the first place? You don't need food every 3h. Humans can live for weeks on water+supplements.
these people are constantly tired from the dullness on their mind self inflicted by doom scrolling social media in the same routine every day
the difference is they don't notice it until they change something about their day and then end up blaming whatever they did last
Or how about people eat fruit from snacks and still loose weight? Why are you acting retarded and pretending the harder option that offers no benefits is better because it's harder?
>anorexic people eat snacks so that means I can have candy on top of my 4500 calories diet because clearly snacks don't matter
Suit yourself
>replace candy with apples to improve your health

It's not even retardation at this point, it's a complete lack of ability to understand written text, isn't it?
If you want to be stupid and snack, then snack on something other than carbs that will turn your endocrine system into overdrive.
What you perceive as "hunger" is just "give me more carbs". Switch to a ketogenic died and you'll forget to eat, really.
>What you perceive as "hunger" is just "give me more carbs"
Nope, completely incorrect. Try again.
>you returned to proper weight by dropping carbs.
No, I went way too skinny to the point where I'm having issues with power tools on home projects. People literally tell me to gain weight now.
For a while I could see my ribs too clearly.

>maybe a genuine organ issue?
>work "hard" for an hour
>reward yourself with 3000 kcal of fast food a minute later and a 1000 kcal milkshake
>losing struggle of not eating an extra 3 candy bars between each of their 4 daily meals
I know people that do this almost and I don't understand how they have teeth.
>No, I went way too skinny to the point where I'm having issues with power tools on home projects. People literally tell me to gain weight now.
They are telling you to gain MUSCLES not fucking fat.
Do a balanced work out routing and muscles will hide your bones.
This is a completely different problem than what's discussed here.
You are HEALTHY, just need to build up muscles.
The only reason people can't lose weight is because they can't cope with hunger
>They are telling you to gain MUSCLES not fucking fat.
They tell me in detail your ribs are showing. That's not a mere muscle problem.
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On the contrary, it is.
Look at old black-and-white photos of men. Their ribs are showing. It is normal. Don't believe the hamplanet propaganda.
Just losing weight isn't everything. You need more than that to be healthy. If your diet is low on protein, you'll lose a lot more muscle instead of fat. If you eat garbage like sneed oils, you're just gonna end up with health problems down the line.

Carbs like bread and rics are calorically empty foods and don't contribute anything to your diet (besides enjoyment, I suppose). You'd be far better off eating their equivalent calories in meat.

Processed sugars and sweeteners, on top of also being useless carbs, have the side effect of making you hungrier and wanting to eat more. Had you eaten the same amount of something that's actually satiating, you wouldn't be craving food like the average fat ass.
Way more than that I'm talking.
A whole lot of reddit tier text to say the same thing we've been saying in the thread: eat fucking less and you'll lose weight.
Obviously eating healthy is healthy, thanks Mr. Reddit.
I'm saying it's easier to eat less mentally if you don't eat slop all day.
Calories in calories out requires math and math is an oppressive white heteronormative patriarchal structure, thus calculating a balanced diet to match one's level of physical activity has been replaced by feeling whether or not one is working hard to lose weight.
Listen, a proper all-round work out will regulate your metabolism further. You will gain tone and improve body proportions.
However getting fatter is always detrimental.
No, you absolutely need carbs, just maybe not as much as in the typical modern diet.

>On a ketogenic diet
You may as well advocate for a vegan diet. They both deliver good results in the short term but are disastrous if kept long term.
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Imagine if they replaced some taxes with taxes that get calculated with your bodyfat lolol
>No, you absolutely need carbs
No, you do not. What little glucose is needed will be synthesized by gluconeogenesis in the liver.
>You may as well advocate for a vegan diet.
Not even close. We can't function long-term without animal-based products.
>They both deliver good results in the short term but are disastrous if kept long term.
On vegan side - sure.
On ketogenic - [citation needed]. And proper citation from respected journals, not some random GeoCities blogs.
win-win situation.
everyone would put more effort in eating healthy and oh boy imagine the influx of money
>Try some real food instead.
You mean like fruits and vegetables?
Easy: Free healthcare for "normal" bodyfat people paid for by obese people who have to pay for healthcare.
The government would actively regulated everything to maximize the fatness. Just like it does now to prop up certain food industries, pharma and insurance.
Did you even finish reading the post you're replying to?
Racist fatphobic bigot.
ITT: everyone has an opinion, nobody has any evidence to present.
The thing is, the liver can decompose amino and fatty acids into glucose, so no, you don't need carbs.
>No, you do not
Yes, you absolutely do. It's literally what your body burns for energy. Humans are omnivores and require carbs in our diet to function properly.

>[citation needed]
I've seen it happen.

>proper citation from respected journals
Interesting that you're not demanding that for the vegan diet, because there's exactly as much information about that out there.
Fat people really do just eat too much. They'll claim to be the types who don't snack and that they "only eat three times a day like you do", but then look at their dinner plates. I guarantee that they'll be the type who sits down loaded with way too much food. Somebody like me with an average weight will have a steak and a (plain)baked potato. The fat guy will have a steak, at least two-three potatos split open and packed with sour cream, and then an assortment of other sides on top of it. They grow accustomed to eating so goddamn much, they think it's normal.
>Yes, you absolutely do. It's literally what your body burns for energy. Humans are omnivores and require carbs in our diet to function properly.
No, they do not. You can burn ketones instead of sugars. That's how ketogenic diets work.
>I've seen it happen.
Seen what happen? I've seen a truck full of bread kill a man - carbs are deadly. See how stupid it is?
>Interesting that you're not demanding that for the vegan diet, because there's exactly as much information about that out there.
I'm not demanding it for vegan diet because a) it's irrelevant to the discussion b) it's an established conclusion.
Your argument against ketogenic diets is what interests me. You still haven't provided any references.
>Seen what happen?
Ketards start balooning and develop serious health problems in the same way that vegans waste away and develop serious health problems. I sure hope your retardation is induced by your diet because there might be a chance to reverse it.
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im 45kg and this thread disgusts me
fat fat fatty fats
Are you like 3 or in a concentration camp. I weigh 150 and that’s still not very much
I fast by drinking water for a week actually. You just need to move your muscles so it won't get destroyed in the process
Next time try to convert the lb in kg?
no im just 5'5
i consistently dont eat much so a single plate is enough to stuff me
fat people should just start eating consistently less so they break the habit
its simple
Nice arguments, mate.You can't even name the supposed side effects.
he said kilograms anon
jonathan... BLOWS

>reality TV shows show fat fucks losing weight the second they stop scoffing food and run a little
won't that kill you due to lack of micro-nutrients?
You're not much better than the hamplanets. You're weak. No wonder you post tranime girls.
Jonathan Blow on my penis.
Man I'm so glad I lost 90 pounds. Being fat sucks.
try to stop breathing without anything blocking your airways
it wouldnt be evolutionary reasonable for an animal to turn off instincts when basic necessity are in reach and they are depraved
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obviously its CICO first and foremost, but...

burger foods are higher in calories than in more regulated places (there are comparisons of fast food chains food from different countries to show this).
>portion sizes are also larger, which makes that the norm
He also supposedly dances a lot as workout but I think the entitlement and dick-sucking has took over his mind, now he thinks he’s enlightened in his mediocre state. I just watched him shit talk Talos Principle last stream then struggled to complete two levels in the dlc before calling it not fun.
Jesus Christ you are pathetic
actually the increase in the consumption of seed oils, which is a proxy for processed food, correlates basically 1:1 with the rise in obesity. nothing else has such a tight correlation with obesity, not even sugar/carb intake, hcfs intake, etc. I know this thread was made to make fun of Jonathan Blow but Fischer is full of shit here
holy shit
Empty calories are your biggest enemy. Sugar first.
You don't feel satiated with it and you eat a ton without noticing. Food containing simple sugars too, like white rice.

Your mother can lose weight, everyone can.

The thing you or your mother have to do to gain or lose weight even if she is diabetic, is track what you eat normally, the portions size and figure out what is keeping her or you on that weight.

My grandmother is in her late 70s and she is diabetic, she lost 25kg in the more than 1 year, which is amazing for a person who is not so active.

What was the change: Adjusting the diet.

Eat more protein, smaller portions, better carbohydrates, more water intake, while also having the medical advice to adjust her medication.

Exercise mainly cardio is amazing for that.
Because exercise helps regulate glucose by converting it to energy.

People usually don't track how long they have been gaining wait, probably more than 10 years and expect to lose all that weight in 3 months which is impossible in a healthy way.

Discipline and patience is the key.

Hunger can also be your brain response to multiple things, boredom, anxiety, stress...

What you do with that is what keeps healthy.

Is more of changing habits than anything else.
And eating more protein.
>body burns X calories per day, requires Y calories to maintain your current weight
>eat less than Y calories per day, lose weight
>eat more than Y calories per day, gain weight
>try not to go TOO far under Y calories so your body doesn't panic and conserve calories thinking you're in trouble or something (fasting diets aside)

Its not too hard, I've been fat my whole life and I've recently started calorie counting and it just takes time to see the results, plenty of success stories online its just negativity bias to assume people struggling are the norm.
The modern human being consumes so much in terms of calories its unreal, when you assess how much food we all have access to its a truly great time to be alive.

Also US problem apart from companies like kellogs saying "You must eat cereal for breakfast" and fat is bad.

Is the portion sizes, THEY ARE WSHNYAY TO BIG.
So does that mean that Americans are way lazier and more retarded than people from other countries?
You say white rice like the japanese aren't mostly skinny (I've been there myself a good few times) despite living on rice for a shitload of their meals.
Its a mixture of activity, processed foods, lifestyle and calories consumed in general I think. If rice was really so bad the Asian countries would make America look slim.
You're just not realizing that? We (burgerlanders) are the worldwide equivalent of spoiled brats. Most people already know you need to be active and eat healthy in order to loose and maintain a healthy weight. They just won't do it because they expect themselves just magically lose weight the easy way. They will only drink water. They will eat less calories, and then make themselves even more fat. They will get surgeries overseas that do literally nothing. They will take OTC pills essentially make them dependent on it. They will take sketchy shots that, again, don't do a damn thing. But be active? God forbid.

t.. My mom is one of these useless pathetic people. She will die in pain and then expect us to cry and feel bad for her when she did it to herself
awful genetics don't breed
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Anon, just because somebody knows exactly what they need to do, doesn't mean it's easy.
The reality I've seen is that many of the people in our country, despite what you constantly see blasted in talk shows, know about caloric deficits and how to lose weight, the mystery is how to build an actual life with that truth.
Building a belief and maintaining a practice around it has always been the hard problem, don't give in or give to the distractions, those are apart of it.
Can you explain why you are concerned about this?
Ironically the only taxes america will never implement because Big HFCS would lose too much money.
pushing any diet to the extreme in a modern setting without respect to nature for years at a time is going to be harmful, but low carb diets and veganism aren't comparable in the slightest.
vegan diet: harmful even with supplementation. barely mentioned historically, and when it is the fact the only source of b12 would have been from bacteria and faeces in soil is never brought up.
modern keto and low carb diets: bacon and other highly processed meats, fats, and other foods. bad for what should be obvious reasons but it doesn't have to be
traditional 'keto' and low carb diets: the default human state pre-agriculture. typical for nomads and locations where carbs might not be available for months. the inuit diet where the pitiful 50-75g of 'carbs' you get comes primarily from meat and fat, i.e., glycogen not actual carbs. etc.
Common fallacy. They don't just eat rice with a side of sugary sauces. They eat a lot of unprocessed vegetables and meat, especially raw meat in the case of japs, and proteins are your best ally to feel satiated.
White rice has a high glycemic index because the sugars it contains are processed very rapidly, causing hunger just as fast.
If you eat only a bowl of rice, you'll feel hungry soon after, but if you eat veggies and meat.

It's like wondering how the French can eat pastries made of 1/3 butter and dishes mostly cooked in butter with a side of white bread while remaining healthy. In this case, it's about portion control.
Hitler lost the war.
All that will happen is a crushed metabolism and regaining all the weight and it being even harder to lose again due to the destroyed metabolic rate like happened to all those people on the biggest loser
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bros i poo on average once every 2.5 days, am i at risk of ass cancer???
The only difference between seed oils and normal fats from a calorie perspective is that you digest slightly more seed-oils, so they give more calories per serving. But gp is right, just don't overeat and you don't gain weight. Under-eat and you lose weight.
So john blow follows alt right twatter accounts ...interesting
John is right
Look at old studies where 150lbs "men" were eating 4k calories for maintenance and incredibly lean.
Sneed oils are a problem.
Most food is poison.
Even the good stuff is simply less nutritious vs 100 years ago due to soil quality plummeting
blow away
My understanding is that the body can't synthesize all the things it needs like vitamins and whatnot, hence why humans need to eat micronutrients. I remember reading somewhere that people fasting for more than a few weeks needed to be supervised by doctors, and take dietary supplements (and phosphorus iirc) otherwise it would lead to the ironic situation of an morbidly obese person "starving" to death.
Nigga, you're reddit. Stop writing like you're there.
Blow says you are STUPID for believe basic science.
Weight comes from FAT
FAT in the human body has this chemical make up
When we breath we exhale ~36 mg of carbon dioxide
Where does it come from SUGAR and FAT Both of those have mass
If we breath more do we exhale more co2? YES and NO, we build up a certain amount of co2 which triggers a breath, if you increase the build up and involuntary breathing, manual breathing does nothing. You do this through exercise.
You can do the math, but it's generally accepted that for most people that eating less is far far more efficient than exercising more. (you should still exercise for your health and strength though)
I would LOVE to see jon refute basic physics and chemistry. Why does he think that basic physics and chemistry are STUPID?
>People work *incredibly hard* to lose weight but can't
BECAUSE Jon, anyone who knows HIGHSCHOOL level chemisty and physics should be able to calculate this. If you lose about 500g of oil a day from doing nothing, you can bump this to 2 liters if you exercises 24/7 which is impossible (Micheal Phelps could eat 10k calories a day, which is about 1.25 kg of oil. 1.25 kg just doesn't take that much effort to consume in a day, cheddar is about 1/3 fat so 3.75kg of cheese in a day is would actually be harder to burn off than what Micheal Phelps was eating at his peak days because of carbs.
>but I don't eat 3.75kg of cheese a day
You aren't Micheal Phelps or Eddie Hall. Calories are fine, but simply count fat+carbs in grams you need to maintain your weight over 2-3 weeks (keep exercises constant or else this won't work) then take off 10%-20% of your grams and you will lose weight over time. If you did this correctly you cannot gain any fat. (weight may jump around do to mostly water, so take a large number 20+ of measurements a day at random times)
>reduce caloric consumption
>start destroying muscle tissue for energy
Retard alert. Put down the twix and pick up a salad (no dressing, slather leaves in oil and you wonder why you don't lose weight, retard) fatty.
What the fuck, I thought Jon Blow was /ourguy/.
hey Yud i didn't know you posted here
CICO talks about weight, if you want to lose it do CICO if you want to lose weight AND be healthy you have to do CICO and exercise.
If you gain weight then effective exercise becomes more difficult.
Youre actually a moron if you think weightloss is as simple as cico. Food has a thermogenic effect not accounted for in cico. Humans are not machines, imbecile.
YOU are the moron, PLEASE tell me were the CO2 that you are breathing comes from if not FAT and CARBS?
funny how his concern for "lumpenconfidence" doesn't apply to his own field of work
the retardation of software engineers he complains about is a minor slice of a larger trend of general retardation across the population
most people are lazy assholes about most things, not just software development
If you are burning more calories then that is accounted for in the co, calories out, part of cico. The post you are replying to lays out a simple method of measuring you calories out i.e. taking your average involuntary breaths per minute
Obese and overweight people exceed 50% of the population in many countries. It's become a political issue.

The problem is that people keep prescribing solutions that don't work at the policy level.
I'll say it again: at the policy level.
>just say no
>take more responsibility
Society has been here before and it doesn't work out. The government obviously needs to step in and regulate the distribution of restaurants like McDonalds, the sale of hyper palatable foods, break up food deserts, and so on.
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what went right?
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>Be me, a skeleton manlet
>Play too many video games as a teen
>Too lazy to eat food, so get used to being hungry (never cared for pop/soda or chips or any of that shit)
>Turns out intermittent fasting is good for you, and I was effectively doing that for years without meaning to
I still went on long walks and stuff, but imagine my surprise that my laziness actually had a benefit.
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If most profound thinkers of our age agree dieting doesn't work, who am I to argue?
He has cushings syndrome
>profound thinker
>schzio jew
>cannibalizes muscle tissue
This also happens to long distance runners. It's not like we're in the wild lifting rocks, you don't need to be all that strong aside from masculine aesthetics.
russia thought it would be a good idea to attack their bread basket (as per the last 150 years)
>"fat cells being willing"
>personifying fat cells, a studied mechanism of the human body
I genuinely support the idea of sugar taxes and such. I used to think that's evil gommunism, but I've come to realize most people are not really human, they cannot be trusted to take care of themselves. I also like the idea of banning added sugar altogether, or so strictly limiting it through taxes or protein&nutrients ratio that require a strict certain amount of added protein/nutrients relative to added sugar. The end goal should be to essentially end the consumption of sugary crap.
>doesn't mean it's easy.
I never said it was easy you projecting fat fuck. Most good things in life do not come with ease. Do the work needed to get it or suffer and die.

Like we did it you're fat and out of shape. Just lose it or don't, but do not make excuses for why you can't.
>I genuinely support the idea of sugar taxes and such
stupid fucking idea.
that way you'll just get even more chemical replacements pumped into you.
just make them pay more for healthcare if they're obese and call it a day
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Alright, you wanna talk physics, let's talk physics. The relationship of mass and energy is given by E=mc^2. The recommended daily dietary energy allowance for a reference man is 2300 kcal. If you drop from that to total fasting for a year it amounts to 84 Mcal, or a mass equivalent of 3.9 milligrams. This is, obviously, absurd. Human metabolism doesn't involve nuclear reactions, what it does involve is a long series of convoluted chemical reactions. What we can say in simple terms is that if your weight goes up, that means that *mass* is being retained and if your weight goes up that means that *mass* is being released. What goes on in terms of energy is way more complicated and, unless I'm not mistaken, not even fully understood by modern science.
Nah, I miss a day or two sometimes but on that 3rd day it's explosive and I have to take out the bowl cleaner.
When I miss two or more days then when it does come out it's a fucking brick that takes half an hour of work to get through my anus and tears me up resulting in much blood.
Yeah shit debt is a real thing it seems
Take a shot of prune juice my man, I learned that from a buddy that worked at a retirement home.
KEK this is fucking yud levels of fatfuck cope
Anyone who isn't a fucking retard knows the food is full of fucking poison and fuck up the reward pathways of the brain as well as just being fucking toxic in general.

Of course it's all about caloric intake, but eating fucking poison that's ultra high in easy to process calories is obviously fucking the average person. You have to be a subversive jew pushing poison to people to try and ignore this fact.
The solution is to give up trying to fix everything broken in society and just give everyone ozempic
>the chemical reactions are convoluted and long therefore thermodynamics breaks ... HERE.
No. We are talking about fat, the fat that the human body uses is well known and is the pretty much same energy density as any other fat and is about 2x as dense as any carb. It's really that simple. Stop coping fatty and put down the twix.
>easy to process
Lol, basedbean oil has like 10 different triglycerides, none of which are the kind the human body uses.
Again, just don't eat more than 0.5kg of oil a day or 1kg of carbs and you are good no matter what you eat. If you want to argue about "health" and "brain health" and how somehow processed foods are poison you should fuck off, because this is a conversation about weight loss via FAT.
this is what happens when you don't adjust your diet as you age.
I never said that. My claim is that losing weight is a matter of expelling mass rather than using energy and physics is totally on my side here. Fat, or the elements it's composed of, doesn't just magically disappear, you need to get your metabolism to dump it out of your body, and that involves a lengthy chain of complicated chemical reactions that's, to this day, poorly understood. Obviously a human can't function forever using more energy than it takes in, but in terms of physics that's completely divorced from mass. It just means that sooner or later the human stops functioning.
It's not poorly understood at all. You breath co2 That's 99% of your weight loss . The ratio of co2 in each (involuntary) breath is consistent, so just measure how much co2 you breath out.
Don't act dumb.
The body doesnt use muscle before fat. It doesnt do that shit for any mammal, and fasting before bodybuilding competitions would not work if that was the case.
>I used to think that's evil gommunism, but I've come to realize most people are not really human, they cannot be trusted to take care of themselves.
This was the greatest argument against limited government that I ever came across, until I realized that "government" is just a fancy term for when we let those exact same subhumans attempt to take care of the rest of us.
Someone claiming to be good at martial arts is worth very little cause theres zero vetting, its like a guy saying he can code with zero projects under his belt. That bring said bet Carmack could beat him cause I know he at least knows how to do a choke.
Vomiting is never necessary in terms of weight loss/getting healthier
>what's 2 + 2, and i'll delete comments saying 4
it's a joke, he's joking.
Vomiting will ruin your teeth and your breath
He's in his 50s and sits around a lot tapping on a keyboard. Many such cases.
Where do you think the overeating comes from?
(((They))) snuck sneed oils into all your goyslop.
When everything you eat is+10-20% extra calories from fat sneed oils, yes people get fat.
It's not as simple as calorie in and calories out. You say that with such a confidence I already know you are retarded.
Those bb'ers take tons of roids, even compounds specific for cutting. If you have a lot of muscle and you significantly decrease your caloric intake (or fast), you will lose a large amount of muscle if you don't take steroids. And this is assuming you still keep working out and eating a ton of protein. If you don't do either of those, the muscle will melt right off until you're at your baseline level of muscle.
Look up actual natural bb'ers. Even the best of best (genetically) are small as fuck because they have to get their body fat so low.
It really is. We have a generation of Einsteins that figured out how to create mass out of nothing, trully incredible. Maybe they should get Nobels too.
That's why we need to implement a system that ensures that we're not just governed by the person most popular among the retarded masses, but is actually competent.
I'd be fine with a democracy that's restricted to only those who demonstrate, with an exam that a non-partisan commission comprised of the full political spectrum agreed upon, that they at least know the basics of the political system and what they're voting on.
The license that this exam gives you expires after one year, so you need to take it again and again, to make sure you're keeping up with what's going on with the country/world.

>inb4 this would lead to the interests of the kinds of people who don't have a problem getting the voting license being prioritized over the interests of the people who have difficulty getting one
Then these people need to step up because if they can't even demonstrate that they're not completely retarded, at least when it comes to politics and the issues being voted on, then why should they have a say in how the country needs to be run?
>fatty cope thread
drink water, idiot
Blow’s argument is people ate more calories in the 50s including insane amounts of sugar and were much thinner.
They also burned a lot more
You’re correct but are arguing with brainlets. I hereby relieve you of your duty to defend this line of thinking further.
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>that a non-partisan commission comprised
>the full political spectrum agreed upon
every time retards like you come up with "improvements", it's always something that greatly undermines actual democracy and would make outcomes way worse in practice. intelligence is nice for predicting cognitive performance, but it's completely uncorrelated to wisdom.
>undermines actual democracy
What makes you think that I want "actual democracy"?
The whole point is that pure democracy doesn't work, so it needs to be altered.

>intelligence is nice for predicting cognitive performance, but it's completely uncorrelated to wisdom.
Even assuming this is true (which is very obviously not), I said nothing about intelligence. The test I was talking about is entirely knowledge-based (with the aim of mitigating the biggest shortcoming of democracy, which is uninformed people voting based on whatever they've been tricked into believing by politician/party PR and ideologues), not the fucking Raven matrices or whatever you have in mind.
>"i'm special"
It always uses both no matter what, even if you’re roiding. The most you can do is skew the balance of fat to muscle that is burned.
>which is very obviously not
aside from downies and other retards, it is true. in fact, more intelligent people are probably worse because they can do more harm due to their intelligence. it's not the retards inventing nuclear weapons, it's not the retards at the top of banks and blackrock/statestreet/vanguard, it's not the retard doing gain of function research.
Are you denying that the vast majority of people are incapable of making rational decisions due to not knowing how to apply basic logic and not caring about having correct information (or about the truth in general), as well as literally not having a good enough brain in many cases (the average IQ is 100, which is not high enough for anything of moderate complexity)?
You need to understand what a correlation is, since this isn't a binary issue.
Do you think that people in the top 33% of intelligence have on average the same wisdom as the people in the middle or the bottom third?
Do you think that someone's ability to learn from what they see and experience isn't impacted by their intelligence?

>intelligent people make bad decisions therefore they're as wise as dumb people
First of all those decisions aren't necessarily made because of lack of wisdom. Humans are imperfect in many ways and the things you mentioned can be the result of any number of other factors, such as greed (resources or power), fear, some psychological issue, etc.
Secondly, stupid people make the same dumb decisions and much worse (they just don't get to be as often in the position where it becomes a worldwide issue), so the comparison is invalid on all fronts.

You should stop speaking about intelligence or wisdom, since you very clearly possess neither.

Also, by how you only responded to this sentence, I take it that you accept that what you said about democracy (and your mega blunder about the knowledge/intelligence test) was completely retarded.
are you trying to sissymax or something
kind of rhetorical question given the tranime picture
but 45kg is auschwitz mode, an average 170~175cm man must be looking like a very unhealthy skeleton
>metabolically disprivileged
kek, we've reached levels of cope thought impossible
you're conflating wisdom with intelligence. you're also completely dodging the implications of the examples I mentioned.
I am absolutely not conflating them. Reread the post if you're confused.

Elaborate on how these implications demonstrate the absurd claim that smart people don't tend to be also wiser than dumb people.
>zero self awareness
Go back
Losing weight isn't easy because it requires discipline. Most people lack discipline. They feel hunger pangs and decide they need to go eat a 1/4 pounder or something else ridiculous. We know that inducing ketosis is a way to get your body to consume fat, but only short term. We know that dietary change and lifestyle change, being active is required to lose fat. The rise in obesity is not due to seed oils. It's due to sitting on our asses all day.
>with an exam that a non-partisan commission comprised of the full political spectrum agreed upon
I don't think you realize the amount of problems this could introduce.
In any realistic implementation, you would need examination centers and teachers who can provide a course that covers enough knowledge to help you pass. Well, will the exams be free? Will the teaching be free? Even if it is, will the teachers be uniformly spread across the country? If they're tax-funded and one party slashes the amount they're given, will teaching centers in small towns be closed? What if someone has to commute hours just to attend a class? What if it so happens that exam centers seem clustered around a particular race or in the electorate of a particular party?

>then why should they have a say in how the country needs to be run?
Because the way the country is run affects them. Every time you remove someone's ability to express themselves politically, you create an environment where they're susceptible to exploitation.
it's very telling that you think that it's an absurd claim. how old are you, 16?
They didn't eat more calories in the 50s.
>Be me
>Tired of being fat
>Read the /fit/ sticky
>Count calories
>Eat pizza, chocolate, pasta, crisps
>Do zero exercise
>Lose 70lbs
It really is that simple. In fact it's so simple that I could predict to within a quarter of a pound what my weight would be going solely on what I had eaten the past few days, and how much I needed to piss and shit that morning.
losing weight doesn't require discipline if you're metabolically healthy and if there's no processed junk food available.
modern foods, drinks, alcohol, drugs, lifestyles, and stress are what makes people require discipline to not be unhealthy. it's not a natural state. being active isn't required to lose fat and archaic humans (who obviously weren't fat) rested as much as they could. there are so many animals who are very inactive yet aren't fat. e.g. lions in the wild who just lay around 90% of the time aren't fat. lions in normal zoos who lay around 90% of time aren't fat either. but feed a lion grains and oil instead of meat and they become fat.
Archaic humans were running down prey for 10 miles to get food. That's not a valid comparison.
They aren't fat because zoo keepers don't feed them 24/7 and also feed them what they would eat in the wild. There are zoo kept predators that are fat. I did neglect to mention that not constantly eating is also required.
>In an illustrative study of one, Mark Haub a professor of nutrition at Kansas State University, demonstrated to his students that he could lose 27 pounds in just 10 weeks by eating a high-sugar, high-fat, low calorie diet.
>Not surprisingly, Haub showed what all doctors and scientists already know: Weight loss really is about the number of calories that you consume
>For those of you who would like to see more data than a study of one, I recommend that you take a look at a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which demonstrated the same principles found in Dr. Haub’s little experiment. These authors showed again that it is the total calories that matter when it comes to weight gain and weight loss
TL;DR It literally is as simple as CICO and every piece of evidence points to that being medically and scientifically true.
someone thinks you're subhuman
there are many people for which this approach doesn't work. e.g. they track their calories to be 2500 at which they're maintaining weight. then they eat junk food at 2000 calories a day, they feel like shit, and don't lose any weight. their body adjusts its caloric output down 500, so their new maintenance is 2000. yes, they'd eventually start losing weight if they decreased their intake far enough down (e.g. to 1000-1500), but they'd feel like absolute dogshit. but if they eat whole foods (no sugar/flour/alcohol/seed oils) at 2000 calories, they feel fine and lose weight.
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>Jonathan Blowjob being a massive faggot (again)
bro comparing 12-hour workday coal miners eating real food to his fatass guzzling mms the whole day while he works from home lmaooo
sometimes, but there were many days where they just sat on their ass all day. also there are people in traditional african tribes who herd animals, eat their meat, drink their milk, and every once in a while walk to a different place for their animals to graze. they don't do exercise or run around, yet they're lean because they don't have access to processed food.
>also feed them what they would eat in the wild
yes, but not because of the quantity, but because of the type of food.
>There are zoo kept predators that are fat
yes, because they're fed unnatural types of foods.
animals don't eat themselves to death if they find a large amount of their natural food. it only happens with man-made processed foods. a lion that find an elephant carcass doesn't become obese. a polar bear that finds a whale carcass doesn't become obese. but feed them grains and oil and they will become obese.
I agree that a low amount of daily physical activity is great for health, but the idea that people are fat because they aren't on their feet all day and exercise 4 times a week is completely wrong.
It only burns a bit of muscle once you begin fasting in preparation for, guessed, fasting. Then it will focus on burning fat.
Muscle gets burned either way at any time **if you don't use it** because muscle is more expensive to keep around than fat and you're clearly not using it for anything.
Nice dodge. Now let me explain it in simple terms that you can understand (assuming you haven't already recognized how retarded your point is, and aren't doubling down because you can't admit to saying something so stupid):
Intelligence (approximated into a single value like IQ or G, for the sake of this discussion) is how good your brain is at recalling and elaborating information.
Wisdom is the sum of the knowledge you gain throughout your life, through personal experience, observing others, being taught, etc.
A person with high intelligence will have a much greater ability to understand the things they learn in order to acquire the proper lessons from them, and will be able to recognize valuable information and patterns much more frequently.
As they gain information, the model of the world they build in their mind becomes more and more accurate.
A person with low intelligence will mot only miss a lot of potential lessons, but will also misunderstand them because they're unable to actually think and apply logic to the information they gain, so they learn it all wrong and build a model of the world that is completely wrong.

Ever spoken to a "wise old man" who says things that are completely and factually wrong? That's not a wise old man, that's a stupid person who learned a bunch of bullshit and thinks he's wise because he's too stupid to see otherwise (pun unintended).

This is such a time-wasting a pointless discussion.
The keyword here is "basic".
Obviously a full course would be ideal, and the more knowledge you can make sure a voter has, the better, but as you pointed out it's not reasonable to ask for something of that magnitude, so what I had in mind was more like a small book that includes key information and data relevant to the the key issues of the upcoming election, in order to avoid being literally lied to and tricked into voting while under the impression that things are one way when in reality they're something completely different (how most people vote).
This book can be sent to you for free if you request it, or it can be downloaded on the Internet (a PDF or an app should be available for everyone).
Making everyone take the exam in person is a bit more tricky, but is definitely feasible by using government buildings and/or dedicating a day to it as a national holiday like people have been asking for the day of the vote itself (I approve of both).

>Because the way the country is run affects them
That's true, but if we're talking about people who don't even know the very basics of what they're voting on, they're being exploited anyway because they're voting based on some vague ideas they have in their heads (almost certainly gained from people with the specific interest of spreading those beliefs, such as PR teams and ideologues).
Them expressing themselves is bad for the country AND isn't necessarily good for their own interests either, since they don't have the capacity to vote effectively.
Also, let me remind you that these people don't just vote on things that affect them, but on things that affect everyone, including stuff that has nothing to do with them but that they have opinions about.

I recognize that there are shortcomings to this, but even accepting all of them would result in fewer problems than with what we have now.
Everything you eat has corn syrup, fatty.
It's true that just calories aren't the only factor, but over eating, self indulgence, and poor self control are the biggest factors here. Things like intermittent fasting help for health, and it doesn't even require eating fewer meals, but it does require not eating for longer periods of time
Ultraprocessed hyperpalatable food is much more fattening than regular food with the same amount of calories, for a number of different reasons.
For example, did you know that when companies turn ingredients into a liquid and reconstitute it into a specific shape (think pringles vs normal chips) the brain registers it as pre-digested (destroying nutrients and your ability to digest them, as well as leading to a much lower sensation of satiety, which makes you want to eat more)?
cardio + lifting in the morning and only eating dinner is basically a cheat code for losing weight if you have trouble with actually eating healthily, and fat loss accelerates if you actually try instead of eating junk. you get used to it in a day or two as well
How hard are you lifting? If I go to failure while fasted I'm shot after just 1 set and will only recover after eating and sleeping.
It it because I have low-ish body fat (between 10% and 15%)?
>Wisdom is the sum of the knowledge you gain throughout your life, through personal experience, observing others, being taught, etc.
wisdom is not the same as accumulated knowledge.
here's a video by a psychologist who has done a ton of research into personality and intelligence: https://youtu.be/HpsvuEvfs1g
I think that’s his point.
"over eating, self indulgence, and poor self control" are only a thing because of ultra processed junk food. if there are no processed foods available, you don't need self-control to not overeat. you'll feel full and satiated with the proper amount of calories.
Just like intelligence isn't mere "brain power". I'm obviously simplifying for the sake of the discussion. Don't let semantics sidetrack you from the actual point, which is that wisdom, whatever that is, is much more easily acquired the smarter you are, and the dumber someone is, the less likely they are to be wise.

Can't listen to your video right now.
So he has no excuse to be fat. All he needs to do is stop buying that kind of food and watch his portions.
Calories in, calories out.
>many days where they just
you're not understanding still. We sit on our asses all year. Many of our jobs are to sit on our asses. I wake up from laying on my ass to go down to sit on my ass for 8 hours, then I go to the gym for 2 hours of exercise and then come back home to sit on my ass until I go back to laying on my ass. This is not at all comparable to what archaic humans were doing. Basically everyone is missing the forest for the trees when it comes to obesity.
>animals don't eat themselves to death
You've never had a pet then. If you leave food out for an animal especially one within captivity, it will eat and get fat.
>but the idea that people are fat because they aren't on their feet all day and exercise 4 times a week is completely wrong.
Seed oils have been around for 100 years now if not more. Sugars were being processed, refined, and used for thousands of years. The generations that grew up with crisco back in the early 20th century were not fat in their younger years. Obesity issues only start happening in the late 20th century when we all developed a lethargic lifestyle. It's pretty obvious the main issue.
i don't lift hard when cutting this way. i just do some heavy weights at lower reps to remind the muscle to stay around. i get back on lifting to failure when i have calories to spare for it. being low bodyfat will definitely wear you out doing this
How far would you say you get from failure?
Like halfway or something around that number of reps?
i go until i feel like i've probably got 2 or 3 left in the tank. this usually ends up being 4-6 reps at heavier weights
Thank you.
Gluttony is a sin, self indulgence makes people shit, or maybe shitty people are self indulgent who knows. And there are super markets everywhere, just cook your own food
I know for personal experience that people can definitely overeat and get massively obese with real food as well, not just ultraprocessed slop.
define "real food". e.g. spaghetti and bread are processed, and seed oils are ultra processed.
>Common fruits are literally almost pure carbs with a high glycemic index that will exacerbate the effect.
A nanner is 90 calories, half a cup og blue berries and sweetened whipped cream too. Even on a 800 calorie diet there is room for that. You just need 50g of protein vitamins and some essential fatty acids.

Unless you go really extreme with a <500 calories, there is room beyond just essentials.
I mean non-ultraprocessed.
I know a lot of people from developing countries that get fat with giant portions of fatty meats, a ton of carbs, etc. even if everything is home-cooked from ingredients bought at the farmer's market.
In a lot of the world ultraprocessed factory-made shit costs a lot more than the basic ingredients.
A vast majority of the shit that the Japanese eat are ultra processed foods and they're almost all skinny. In fact they and Asia in general use seed oils in alarming amounts for frying.
But they eat WAY smaller portions.
So portion size matters more in terms of weight loss than processing of the food.
>common cases where people work *incredibly hard* to lose weight but can't.
There's a simple explanation for this, they're lying.
Kind of. There are many places in Japan that are starting to be known for their larger portion sizes. Not to mention, every damn convenience store sells fried foods for you to get fat on. A lot of foreign tourists, etc all say the same thing about Japan: you really need to be careful of what you eat because you will get fat easily.
Obviously everything is a contributing factor so it's more what the combination of them results in, than it being mainly one or the other.
There are people who don't get fat while:
>eating slop in small portions
>eating slop in large portions and burning it all off
>eating like a pig for a while, then dieting before it gets too bad

And yet when you order a portion at a restaurant that would be normal in America the waiters come check if you're really sure.
The tourists get fat because they eat that slop in far larger portions than the japanese do (also because for the locals that's just everyday food, while for the tourists the novelty makes them want to try a bunch of stuff and snack throughout the day).

Another example is Italy. A diet full of carbs, but in moderate portions, supplemented by a relatively active lifestyle with lots of walking.
(fatty) meat is almost never a cause of obesity. it's almost always simple carbs + (seed) oils.
We're not talking about statistical relevance. I'm just saying that it's also possible to get fat in other ways that don't involve junk food.
I did also mention carbs.
yeah, sure it's possible to get fat without junk food. it's just way less likely because the hunger/satiety signals and metabolism work much better without junk food.
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>waiters come check if you're really sure
Japan isn't some secret country any longer anon. Don't even get me started on the salaryman culture of getting drunk and fat off of beer and fast foods after work with your coworkers.
fatty here that has complained about being fat for 15 years but only just this year started doing something about it.... turns out all those scientists and personal trainers of the last hundred years were correct.

Eat less, and you will lose weight. It literally doesn't matter how active you are, if you overeat you will be fat.

For someone as smart and up his own ass as JBOY this is a completely insane
Not sure how that's relevant to the undeniable fact that the average japanese portion is much smaller than the average American portion.
Maybe that's changing and we'll see the effects of that in the future, but for now that's the data.

I don't disagree.
You can also phrase it as "you can get fat in many ways but junk food makes it easier".
>undeniable fact that the
Because this is a deniable fact. The average Japanese portion ISN'T any smaller. The facts are that they DO eat large portions, they drown their shit in seed oils cooked out of woks or fried (when they aren't eating sushi) and they're still skinny. Both you and the fat faggot in the OP need to start incorporating exercise into your lives.
A couple of pictures and your word prove nothing. You may argue that it's a common misconception (which would still be incorrect) but don't pretend that it's some bullshit I made up.
I just googled "japanese vs American food portions" and every result I saw said that japanese portions are much smaller, including actual statistics and statements from both American people that went to Japan and Japanese people who went to America.

>Both you and the fat faggot in the OP need to start incorporating exercise into your lives.
I'm >>101114772
Making up that I'm fat is a 12yo tactic to win an argument against other 12yos.
I guess there's nothing else you can say after exhausting your "nuh uh that's not true" non-arguments.
>b-but you don't understand, this retard is associated with technology in some way-
So celebrity drama, got it. Off-topic.
I went from 250 to 150 lbs, it really as simple as calories in calories out, any arguments are just copium because you don't want to stop eating
This proves that Blowjob is a pseud
>A couple of pictures
I have hundreds more where that came from. Also your word is the authority? LMAO
My authority is the common fucking knowledge.
What you're saying is the extraordinary claim, which you're proving with photos?
I can post literally millions of pictures of skinny americans and obese japanese people then say the average person in japan is fatter than the average person in america.
Do you really need this explained to you?
>My authority is the common fucking knowledge
Wrong, there goes your argument straight out the window. Since you're clearly still in debate class, I suggest you pay better attention tomorrow - and yes that's attacking the person and not the argument because fuck you for being a snarky cunt.
Ok you convinced me, the average portion size in America is the same as in japan.
>everything is a contributing factor so it's more what the combination of them results in, than it being mainly one or the other.
Checkem! Can't believe nobody noticed your beautiful numbers
That study doesn't disprove what those two posts say.
Doesn't Japan also have a program where people are weighed, measured and fat shamed at work?
Japs do "fat shame" people, yeah.
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FischerKing is a bit of a blowhard. He let his micro-eceleb fame go to his head almost immediately once Bronze Age Pervert gave him the nod. He started banning commenters from his posts for not using what he considered proper etiquette. Very bizarre little fella.

Why this is posted here, I don't know. How is this tech related?
he installed fartix
hey Jon
No, you can gain weight even by decreasing calories intake without breaking thermodynamics because your metabolism can slow down / reduce its consumption as a response.
You still consume more energy than your spend, but consuming less can reduce your spending as well.

Some types of food will slow down metabolism and encourage storage more than others.
Why is it so hard to find people who are rational across the whole board of things that can be discussed? This tweet makes Blow looks so irrational.
but this implies that all calories behave the same way in the body. Are you seriously going to tell me that cell health and ability to metabolize glucose, insulin levels, ghrelin levels etc. just "don't matter"?
Not him but while these factors all play their role, they're never significant enough to make it impossible (or even just unreasonably hard) to lose weight through traditional means.
Reducing your caloric intake to below what you burn and doing physical exercise will result in fat loss 100% of the time.
I heard fap increasing obesity too, is it true?
He is right, the body is not a 1:1 conversion efficiency machine for starters. It's all about gut dysbiosis, anyone that disagrees is a spiritual nigger.
Masturbation ages you, and is especially bad for men, but is negligible for a chemical imbalance in relevantly affecting weight gain/loss.
Your first focus should be to stop eating high fructose corn syrup and start drinking more water. As HFCS literally retards you, and is a cancer factory.
Then you can tackle your porn addiction.
I dont know why people enjoy read x garbage, and read x garbage in dark mode

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