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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101096662

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements

>StableSwarmUI will no longer be maintained under Stability AI


>Stability AI appoints new CEO, Receives Ballout

>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Deļ¬nition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support

>CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans


>Comfy Org launches comfy.org


>SD-Latent-Interposer Adds SD3 Support


>Florence2 in ComfyUI

>ComfyUI_frontend: ComfyUI modernized

>mfw Research news


>ClaudesLens: Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Vision Models

>Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

>Reinforcing Pre-trained Models Using Counterfactual Images

>EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution

>Improving Visual Commonsense in Language Models via Multiple Image Generation

>VGA: Vision GUI Assistant -- Minimizing Hallucinations through Image-Centric Fine-Tuning

>What's Next? Exploring Utilization, Challenges, and Future Directions of AI-Generated Image Tools in Graphic Design

>Fantastic Copyrighted Beasts and How (Not) to Generate Them

>Expedient Assistance and Consequential Misunderstanding: Envisioning an Operationalized Mutual Theory of Mind

>Online Anchor-based Training for Image Classification Tasks

>Compressed Video Quality Enhancement with Temporal Group Alignment and Fusion

>When Will Gradient Regularization Be Harmful?

>GaussianSR: 3D Gaussian Super-Resolution with 2D Diffusion Priors


>A Survey of Multimodal-Guided Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

>Video Generation with Learned Action Prior

>CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

>VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model
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he did it
Can someone help me understand the bf16 settings in lora creation? There are 2 and iirc one is safe to use if you have a new GPU but the other would be bad for people without new GPUs. I'm not sure which is which or why I should use bf16 at all. What are the benefits?
the mad man
he's done it
ran did it
found him
Cursed thread.
>Debo joins discord
>Debo gets doxxed
>Ani joins discord
>Ani gets doxxed
>You should join the discord
>not joining the discord on a burner account
>they were both doxxed outside the discord
You think the anons that were there when it happened left? This thread is the same 5 posters spamming and shitting on each other
>same 5 posters
which ones?
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>tfw not on the list
>filtered by le discord
What is your IQ, /sdg/? Serious answers please, I'm doing a poll.
still don't get the hate for ani. debo deserves the hate
Mint Pussy
the absolute state of it
the hilarious part is schizo anon remains undefeated
there is enough hate for both of you
he lost as soon as he lost his mind. all he does is try to drive people to his level
>debo and ani doxxed themselves by posting PPI ITT
Love to see it
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nobody cares about the ani dox, not even ani which is kinda based
sounds like you've been deanonymized desu

>Deanonymizing (to an extent) this general was necessary to get some folks to be more peaceable
join the discord what could go wrong
>debo gets doxxed
>debo gets pastebinned
>debo gets discorded
>debo still posting quality gens
it's pretty based if you think about it
>t. nogen
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I don't even like these gens that much tbdesu
>*Flintstones driving*
who is this handsome beast
You're posting in a handsome beast thread
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just jot down some random numbers close to typical room temperature
it's insane how much hotter ani is than debo
Mmhmm, is that in F or C?
In celsius, of course.
>"Serve me and the Death Moon will spare you at the Final Hour."
Nah, shut up lmao
y /x/ tho?
you know why
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schizoid/paranormal /b/ullshit, newfriend
it was actually me, not Ran
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This is outdated, it was before the 2016 influx of new posters. There needs to be a newer version.
This is all bullshit lmao
/x/ poster detected
Is ran debo's boogeyman?
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What are the languages of /sdg/? Does anyone here speak anything other than English?
Couldn't get her tied on a stake so I asked that she don't move instead.
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>we're reaching new levels of paranoid schizophrenia never thought possible
this is the owner of the doxing discord btw
恮. 恑恏
there's a difference between users openly sharing personally identifiable information versus anyone in an online community going out of their way to doxx people
okay but the owners of the discord did repost that doxx to the actual thread several times
>open thread
>debo doxing schizo quokka nogen ani
>close thread
>/g/ that high
such over-the-top hyperbole

they are a pure imageboard, that's why discussion is hard to have, they are just missing tags and deeper search to be a second gelbooru of sorts, but only with "trending" images anons share that are eventually archived because I have no idea why that board still exists when we have 'boorus and /wsr/
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bonus glowie posting

someone please get a pastebin together for the discord
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TY Baker
After you refute your pastebin retard
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I do not believe this graph, i am certain i am infinitely more retarded than the average /vg/ poster.
Ever since i frequent these threads and /g/ over all, seeing people struggle with other tech or history related things, I realized that maybe the world isn't worth saving if there's people more retarded than me.
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I actually got it from /x/. Someone asked, 'wasn't there some poll and we were the dumbest board.' Then another anon posted that. Like I said, it was probably 8 years ago or so.
who's that?
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SD1.5 is really something. I'd say it's so far unparalleled.
you're an uglyass quadroon looking fucker
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thanks you too
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As much as I hate debo I'd hardly call him ugly
little do you know he has a bald slaphead
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I have all my hair
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does anyone know how to get a good Canada flag bikini?

I'm using zonkey and this is what you get with, flag bikini (canada),
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Your best option is to create a LoRA.
>no impressive nipples
other models get a little closer
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I don't suppose that is the inspiration?
LKAnon gen'n?
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He's one of /sdg/'s premier genners of the modern era
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I tried to make something I could post in other threads, particularly bad ones.
I'm not terribly happy with my poetry.
prolly for 3 weeks now, mostly on /b/ for lewds
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ooo I never realized this was lkanon
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I don't use the name option at all
It couldn't be any clearer that CivitAI never intended to unban SD3, if the entire matter wasn't solely about their own bottom line relative to potential amount of SD3 content, they would have taken the same approach to the identically-licensed SDXL Turbo and Stable Cascade a long time ago.

No matter what anyone says those models DO and always fucking did have exactly the same license as SD3, anyone getting specifically mad about SD3 now is just revealing themselves as uninformed.
mostly just using pony models, still have to mess around with 1.5
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Love the hair but the @.@ are fucked xD
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The Canadian swimsuit gave it away for me.
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Did you report me yet? You probably should. Maybe you can inspire the jannies to remove the posts since my balls are way too massive to delete them.
there has to be more Canadians here, there are literally dozens of us
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Agreed,, Nice!
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Cool gundam!
Good pose and nice gen
wow, there really are many women on /co/
the adetailer really helps, next I gotta learn how to use img2img effectively
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IMHO using this technology to endlessly gen porn and nudes is destructive to ones mind.
everyone should destroy their mind at least once
everything in moderation
pony model?
It definitely is, I keep getting four hours of sleep or so on weekdays.
Unless you're using stable diffusion for your job you should stop using this technology
autismMIX also doesn't get it
make a lora
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so my permission to goon is granted? sweet
but i wanna make anime
>so my permission to goon is granted? sweet
Yes, permission granted
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is that the fish from mister burn's green energy plant xD
pretty sure it was autism mix - https://files.catbox.moe/haznq7.png
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hold still
yeah, I think the a.i. thinks flag = 'Murica
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You're not gonna steal my perfectly normal hands are you?
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Dataset bias probably
still got some time to figure it out, Canada day and July 4th gens in a week and a bit
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ZootAnon here, am Canadian BTW.
On another note, ZootVision Epsilon on the left, upcoming Zootvision Zeta on the right, on one of my testing prompts for realism. I think its a nice improvement. What was happening was the anime part of the model was bleeding through slightly too strongly for certain keywords like "smirk", resulting in the hilariously creepy image on the left.
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Sushi style!
nice, I've been playing with Zonkey and Damnreal pony, I like Zonkey.

also Western Canada, the fly over states equivalent
I dunno what Pony models have to do with anything here but yeah I've tried those, pretty good. The latest 2.1 Pony Realism is really good too. Also CyberRealistic Pony.

ZootVision is an SD 1.5 model that has squat to do with Pony, to be clear, it's an experiment in seeing how far you can go with just YOLO training 1.5 at XL resolutions basically.
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oh yeah ZootAnon be a basic Southern Ontarian, forgot to mention
I'll visit there eventually, when you live on this side of Thunder Bay you mostly travel west for vacation
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Oh wow, a Kemono Friends lora?
alright, BBQ time, bye
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have fun and thanks for the catbox
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no prob
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gibs fennec
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This is not what I had in mind when I tagged "purple background", top kek

Anyway, I'm going to bed. Good night.
is this SD3 lol, kinda looks like it
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bless. have a good night anon!
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>>101107757 >>101107709

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What upscaler are you using?
detecting increase of coom energy
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don't look at me
ZootAnon is also fucking done interacting with the retarded Stable Diffusion Reddit community, anecdotally

No we model creators are NOT fucking all running "discord generation" services just because the Pony guy apparently has one (that I can't imagine many people are even using), go fuck yourselves, everything I've ever done was for fun in my spare time and released for free.

Much much much much bigger contributors like the Animagine people and the Kohaku guy and LeoSam and tons of others aren't commercializing shit either.

I fully intend to eventually do some SD3 Loras and release them somewhere, WITHOUT applying for a $20 "Creator License" (because, you know, anyone who can actually fucking read or at least isn't being intentionally disingenous understands that YOU DON'T NEED ONE for finetune checkpoints or Loras that are made available as free downloads outside of any commercial context).

Feel free to continue mass upvoting shit like everything RunDiffusion's egregously blatant corporate shill account (literally just /u/RunDiffusion) has to say though, it's not worth my time arguing with people about this shit anymore.
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What commit can I checkout on this piece of dogshit that might actually work?
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>he posted on the internet, with a devilish grin, self-assured in his position above those degenerates
based cookies of deliciousness
I like your gens, have you tried upscaling or using adetailer/facedetailer?
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I've sometimes used Hires fix, and it didn't always go well
do you need help or input? What UI are you using? i'm happy to give support here in the thread if you are interested
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prompting SD3 is so fucking painful

so far I've learned that

- bikini babe is very potent prompt term
- eye color is a dependable whitener
- using only t5 or only clip seems to work better than using both
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And for what it's worth, I sometimes gen in 896x1152. It's just that 768 or 1024 is easier to remember. Mostly because the default is a power of 2 lol
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i'm assuming you're using a 1.5 model. you should gen 512x768, do a 2x hirezfix at .55-.75 denoise, and only show the hirez output. Trying adetailer extension is really good too.
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>Update on SD3 on Civitai
>The model training, sharing, and merging community is rather incestuous
sign me up for incest
i miss schizo anon
i'm right here
but why
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not much of poet myself, but looks ok 2 me
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Went on picnic with her today, waifus are nuts about picnics
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Godrickroll the Grifter down
>four arms
>why not six+
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I literally have no fucking idea who this character is, but here's what ZootVision gave for a positive of:
`kafka \(honkai: star rail\), arms behind head, on knees, on bed, masterpiece, best quality, high quality, absurdres, 2d, anime screencap`

and a negative of:
`worst quality, low quality, normal quality, low res, pixelated, jpeg artifacts, scan artifacts, blurry, blurry background, blur, unfinished, 3d, cgi, disfigured, deformed, bad anatomy, bad composition, extra limbs, extra arms`

TLDR injecting the basis of what I ultimately released as Zootvision Alpha with the HLL lycoris was a Very Good Decision
i miss schizo anon
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there's some discord group and they all decide to make the same character, it happened before I think with that same one
what's your lora workflow/settings for a realistic character, /sdg/?
i'm working on my n-th lora since i'm still not too satisfied with how they come out. i've tried almost every single workflow/"howto" i've come across and even tried to replicate their data (only using my character of course) and it's hit or miss for me, or maybe i'm being too picky
so pls share what works for you
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works fine at XL portrait res too apparently
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It's shit, use other ones
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Plsea stop, I coome dtoo much
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ZootAnon again here: you're never going to see me claim that picking nice images and captioning them and then letting the trainer machine go brr for a bit is fucking equivalent to trench warfare or something as this guy wants people to think, fuck anyone with the opinion this guy has, finetuning text-to-image models that already exist is TRIVIALLY EASY and anyone who claims otherwise is straight up lying to you.

My actual job is in no way a strenuous one and even it is more stressful than when I'm sitting on my ass at home typing arbitrary words underneath pictures with no deadlines of any kind. Making Skyrim mods even (something I also do, entirely for fun) is even harder than any of this AI shit is.

TLDR: apparently I have very little in common in terms of opinion with almost any other "creator" on CivitAI, there's apparently people who actually want to push the idea that it's "difficult"
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Imagine working for the community for free all day
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but you don't have to look at thousands of mlp porn images to make your model. pony guy has been psychologically tortured to such a degree that he's just a shell of a human
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It's too late to be reading all that SHIT
Dude apparently OWNS multiple enterprise class GPUs outright and yet he's still whining about costs and people just believe him
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>tell me that you've got everything you want and your bird can sing
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>What upscaler are you using?
Sdxl directly , no upscaler
I make things first and foremost that I want to use myself, quite frankly
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Stealing some stuff from /wsg/ because you guys are being god damn depressing today
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What happens if you don't tag a dataset for a lora?
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depending on the number of images, it'll either result in interesting "style bleed", or just rigidly reproduce some approximation of them
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So a small amount would have style bleed and a large amount would have the proper style? Can you explain(as if I were a retard) how tagging helps with style loras then? My understanding is that it helps map the lora to the model's neural network nodes. But if the style isn't in there in the first place couldn't that be a bad thing or no?
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If it's so easy why are you begging for money lol
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>he hilarious part is schizo anon remains undefeated
thats bc im not in these threads all the time and im always doing something new so, i get a new name.

its been 6 or so months since ive been here. its nice to see all the idiots finally got doxx

if you cant 1 red brick git gud
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