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General dedicated to local usage of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>101092621

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
SwamUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Comfy Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Share image prompt info

>Related boards
Blessed thread
*of frenship
what is local SOTA for removing backgrounds that can deal with images of dozens of MB? i dont need anything complex, only removing backgrounds of my scanned documents
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If you're still generating then layered diffusion might be it. Else probably rmbg or rembg with one of the models.
Found this repo: https://github.com/DenOfEquity/Hunyuan-DiT-for-webUI
interesting and unique gen, nice lips
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Thanks, I might post more of her.
Interesting, I wonder if inpainting works
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How good is the anime IPAdapter? Still trying to create LoRAs for OCs for animations. So far I've tried training LoRAs on 1 or 2 images, then using them to make more images with a lot of inpainting that takes forever, then making a new LoRA with those.
Nice img
hunyuan looks gooood
More pixel art?
I saw that two people from the pixart team have joined nvidia?
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apparently but also continuing pixart
New captioning models in taggui, I think they're worth a look:

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Before i was waiting up to 5 minutes with 25 steps and 10 highrez steps.

Now i can do 75 steps and 55 highrez steps in a SINGLE minute.
Catbox workflow suitable for Pixarting on 16GB System Ram / 6GB VRAM (assuming GPU is recentish Nvidia, like Turing plus, e.g. a GTX 1660 Super or what have you).

Requires you to have PixArt-Sigma-XL-2-1024-MS.pth in your Comfy checkpoints folder, t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors in your Comfy clip folder, and sdxl.vae.safetensors in your Comfy VAE folder. Also will need the "Extra Models For ComfyUI" package from Comfy Manager installed, for a couple of the loader nodes.

>sdxl vae
Do you find this better than pixarts vae?
aren't they the same?
They are literally the same thing, no observable difference exists between them lol. You can confirm this for yourself by just switching Load VAE between SDXL.vae.safetensors and the diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors Pixart provides.
happy for 4 anon
or sorry that that happened
Ipadapter blends both the style and concept of the source image with your prompt. Whether it's good or not depends on your use case.
Using 2 ip-adapters at once is pretty powerful. there's the plus version and lite version that I sometimes use together.
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dear /ldg/,

I am GAY.

I'm sorry to say, but i had to admit it! I just couldn't conceal my love for cock. I'm sure it has nothing to do with anything. So, enjoy!
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little known fact: there are more turds in the Ganges than you have souls to contend my status as Local God.
as long as you're not a troon that's all right kek
fake religion.
you are gay
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lord heavens, such a thing is not allowed in our bible group, anon
father, i might have sinned
held up by prayer and double sided tape
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>he made the collage
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Somehow inpaint with the same prompt works better than adetailer on the same image here.
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the boobies and fabric often dont match up perfectly, sadge
awesome cuteness, prompt?
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The people who make Juggernaut are officially doing a PixArt finetune as their next large project
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Not a fun of juggernaut, but more hands on deck are always welcome. Wonder how differently their style will develop.
Can I run Hunyuan DIT on a 3060 12GB? What about lora training?
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cool style
Sorry also wanted to confirm - do English prompts work or do you guys google translate Chinese? If the latter, can anyone show what their prompts look like in English before translation?
I'm not that familiar with it, but their github says minimum of 11 VRAM. Anons mentioned a distilled, less demanding version on the way SoonTM. It also seems to be bilingual indeed.
Anyone got ideas on how to go about an artstyle similar to picrel, and the likes of ~WW1 propaganda? Be they prompts or loras for a Pony model.
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Thanks anon! Thought I'd seen some comments of others using it with less but I might be confusing it with something else, I'm not up to date on the alt models. I'll have to wait for the lower req version.
There's also Pixart, a much smaller and less vram hungry model, that's apparently is easier to train than SD 1.5 was. Just as Hunyuan is about to get a smaller model, team behind Pixart is apparently going to work with Nvidia on a bigger, more complex one.

I also recall someone claiming to run it will less, so maybe there's something we don't know about. Lurk around, someone might be able to elaborate more on the matter. Maybe >>101109596 can share some insight?
Honestly I was a bit worried that the Nvidia buy out might mean a switch in direction for pixart, but if the current model is friendly to us vramlets I might as well check it out. Thanks again!
If you do end up wanting to try out Pixart, for all I know you can do so with either ComfuUI with that Comfy Nodes addition, or through SD.Next branch of Auto1111. StableSwarm might also be able to do it, since it's based on Comfy.
you can tell me your sin's anon
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>you can tell me your sin's anon
I've downloaded more loras than I can chew through. Your meanwhile is generating too much of the same. Come on, gimme something for the next collage.
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based nun prompter
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I've been watching Outlaw Star instead doing work. I pee in the shower.
is the guy who did the "manga painting" last thread still around? >>101095831 is there a specific style prompt to get that style? it's exactly what I've always wanted but sdxl never took to it well, even with loras
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>I pee in the shower
doesn't the hot water just steam up the piss and make your shower/bathroom/you smell like piss? why in the ever loving fuck would you do this... true jeet behavior, enough to make sloppamixes on Civit proud
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hello /ldg/
how we doing this fine weekend?
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Cold, cloudy and wet around where I live. Perfect conditions to stay inside and gen.
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May the warmth of your GPU keep you cozy
I work on a laptop, so I unironically love to warm up my hands on it.
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anthing to keep the cold away!
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I've been out of this stuff for a while. Is SD3 any good? I heard it was censored
SD3 is horrible, and the licence is so dogshit civitai has banned the model kek
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This is the thread for non-SAI based models. You're looking for /sdg/
/ldg/ is for all local image generation models
It's for any locally generated works using any model or workflow.
what he said >>101115730

also what non-SAI-based models even exist for local image generation? virtually everything is based on SD 1.5 or SDXL
Uh, no. It's focused on the non-cucked models, PixArt and Hunyuan etc. /sdg/ is focused on the SAI models, XL, Pony, etc.

That's the entire reason we needed two generals.
Read the very top of this thread. Slowly and carefully. Come back with any questions.
everyone using local models is welcome here SAI based or not
we just dont like drama an shills gatekeeping
Please read the thread OP and head back to /sdg/. Probably my own stupid fault for biting and replying to the bait here, but oh well
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>non-cucked models, PixArt and Hunyuan etc
what do you mean? PixArt and Hunyuan are very cucked, you'd think a chink model would have no censorship at all?
>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
>listed immediately below a whole bunch of frontends
>literally no other models are listed
>I'm supposed to assume these are models and not more frontends
They are both open source and have nothing to do with China. Code isn't ethnic, it's fucking code you concern trolling piece of human garbage
Go call your lawyers. Everyone using local is welcome. Please post something interesting. Drama belongs in /sdg and /ic.
First, go and read the thread OP then come back and suck my dick in front of the thread, okay?
you fucking retarded nigger, I was talking about the model on itself, who gives a fuck about the code? SD3 already has "code" as it can be already be used on ComfyUI and A1111, not the same can be said about the chink models
Fucking absolute cockmongling piece of sub-80 IQ fucking garbage
How can a fucking set of numbers be associated with a country? Learn a single fucking thing about the space you're posting in before you open your retarded as fuck feminine ass mouth
Schizo anon needs to up his game. Maybe some more practice on /sdg would help.
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Shit model
not this shit again
shut the fuck up you sub zero IQ piece of shit, nothing you say makes sense
I don't give a fuck what you say, PixArt and Hunyuan are straight Chinese spyware
>>101115888 (checked)
A'ight man, fuck 'em
You're getting mad over the skin color of the person who coded your for loops, brothers. SAI is a fucking joke and its models belong elsewhere. PixArt is the new model in town and is getting finetunes from all of the big names.
>Chinese spyware
What are they going to do? Hijack the google IP detector van that takes pictures of your house?
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>Loud Diffusion General
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apart from the building looking things on top of the cliff, looks quite real to me
Good afternoon
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I agree with you. No matter what model I use it still has that Math structures like https://www.nasa.gov/technology/goddard-tech/nasa-turns-to-ai-to-design-mission-hardware/
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Please ignore blatant shitposts trying to ragebait you into arguing with someone that doesn't even want to have a genuine discussion. If they can't keep it civil, chances are they're not here to argue in good faith to begin with.
I think it's schizo anon, he's harassing /sdg too.
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I like this one. But the dress on >>101115877
is better
what is the recipe for this?
I don't know, and I don't care. The less attention is paid to shit's worth posts, the better. There's plenty more worthwhile things to do, as well as better posts to be read and be written. Take care folks.
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There is no point in talking to no-gens. They also don't know what they are talking about and don't want to listen to what you have to say anyway.
Plus a reminder to anyone on the internet. No one in history of it ever said. "Oh, you make a valid point. I wasn't aware of that. You just changed my mind on the subject."
Good point, hadn't thought of that.
No genning isn't the issue, but the content or lack thereof in a post.
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Image just adds an extra to the point you're trying to make. But that's just my honest opinion.
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1 korean female

ginger, green eyes next pls
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But I just switched back to architecture.
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They have a fun way of writing nothing.
What i take away is that they have revolutionized FEM until it doesnt work because AI lol.
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Few years back I've read how it all started with a cast/parts where it would use half of material but would remain as strong or sometimes stronger than the fully fledged part. Making it more efficient. There hasn't been anything manufactured like that since and the only recent crap I've seen was 3d printing houses that use that type of building.
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>1 korean female
I tried to attach one to a comfyui node and it got upset. can you share catbox so I can see how it's done?
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Also imagine having to machine that crap, for space it makes sense but most everything else, too expensive i think.
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I like this better!

its a very simple ponyrealism gen anon

 score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, 1girl, asian, close-up, extremely detailed, eyeshadow, parted lips, split bangs, long hair, semi-rimless eyewear, looking at viewer 
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The starting molds probably hell of expensive and if there are any flaws the part will be more fragile.
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thanks anon, I like your girl too!
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checks out.
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thanks, that's unexpected
so far most things I got from ponyrealism were grotesque uncanny valley 2.8D doll-like creatures. will try more.
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Are you adding the noise as an extra? How would it look without?
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With my negs added.
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without adding noise
Have you made a switch to Comfy yet?
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its all RNGenerating hehe

pony is the shizzz

yea, I use haku-img extension for some quick noise
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I tried to run it today, didn't like the gens :( so hopped back to a1111

no noise version
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Thanks both look nice (with and without)
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switching up the aspect ratios
are you done spamming sdg fucktard? is it our turn to suffer?
Stay in /sdg/ debo. Dont make me get the pastebin
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wtf? stop following me lol
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It's Pride Month, let her have her little celebration.
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When is Envy Month?
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what the shit is a debo?

smaller boobage then perfection!
>1girl posters moved to /ldg/
you guys ruin everything you touch
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Messing about with various prompts to get a feel for negs
Can you do smaller boobs with high heels?
She is wearing high heels.
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this looks great!
I really like the eyes on this!
what are you prompting for the makeup?
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Sure, I'll reduce the size
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nice lara, what model is that, any lora?
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Not a full prompt but that's where she gets the make up from.
defined jawline and dark cheeks showcase her defiant and strong personality. Her striking, smoky eye makeup adds a sense of mystique to her image, and her delicate skin appears grainy and real, showcasing the intricate jewelry on her face.
wtf this is ponyrealism I just deleted that because I thought it was shit, I guess I'm the one that was with shit prompts lol
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Full prompt back at you.
 score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, Payton_Presslee, close-up, extremely detailed, eyeshadow, parted lips, split bangs, long hair, semi-rimless eyewear, looking at viewer, defined jawline and dark cheeks showcase her defiant and strong personality. Her striking, smoky eye makeup adds a sense of mystique to her image, and her delicate skin appears grainy and real, showcasing the intricate jewelry on her face.
good gen, but
>glasses to negatives
>glasses to positives
pick 1
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I like that style of glasses
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that was leosamhelloworld
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and my neg prompt is just
score_6, score_5, score_4, pubic hair, pony, muscular, censored, furry, child, kid, chibi, holding, patreon logo, watermark, text, initials, pony_source, furry_source,
anyone know any good sdxl regularisation images for realistic woman face+full body training?
Whale, whale, whale.
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wow ok, Ive never gone full promptsmithing, guess I have to now!

Pony is good, some nitpicking is there, but its worth the effort

beautiful style
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PixArt for Face training.
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Trash, trash, trash
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How do you get that style of dress every time?
slit dress, plunging neckline usually works
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That just gives her a lab coat
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no way youre getting a labcoat lol

front slit dress? If your gen has the whole body I'm sure it'll work.
Do you have a generic negative prompt you're using for all of these?
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yeah, same defauly pony negs
unless Im forcing something, I keep it the same

thanks, need eyebleach now
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Finally, it is not very consistent as I thought it would be.
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>not using the certified 1girl model Hunyuan
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can't believe how this hand came out
>I can't type in Chinese nor do I want to.
ayyy meant for this fag >>101117859
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Was about to say, damn.
What would I use if I wanted to generate images similar to a base image I give it for reference?
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You'll need Controlnet for poses.
Pick model for style
Hunyuan can run on 6GB-
There's also
Which claims to only require 8GB of VRAM.
Keep in mind the default chinese neg is important when running Hunyuan (at least for good hands, etc...), though without it you can get more rough styling depending on prompt, so it's something you want to experiment with, and that UI seems to be optimized with pixart prompts and negs on style list.

As for LoRA training reqs, not fully sure, https://github.com/Tencent/HunyuanDiT/issues/106 claims it's 24GB, but some anons here were able to train on 16GB so maybe they can chime in on that.
>Sister-general for local diffusion with Chinese language models:

They fucking what?
that's low, even for them
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whelp, I'm getting a lot of horse faces with pony realism. I must be missing something in the negative prompt to push it further from ponyism.
lol, let them cook
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drop a catbox, I'll mod it for you.
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>thanks, need eyebleach now
bogged cheeks
ty ty
Do you have 'Manager' installed?
How complex do you want me to modify it by?
yes, please feel free to do whatever. I can install missing nodes
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aww shit here we go again
Fact check me. I don't think it's available on windows.
post settings
Give me like 15 minutes or so. Going from scratch.
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ah yeah it gives the triton error always, should have cropped it

prodigy + noise offset etc. pic related
what's the learning rate on prodigy?
>what's the learning rate on prodigy?
it's 1. You can change it with d_coef
(if you know how to prompt it). Clearly most sdg tourists here can't prompt for shit and they are also blind, CGI faces produced by XL finetunes aren't realistic.
oh yeah, this is so real I cant believe my eyes
damn son how you genning so real girls
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Is this what you were going for?
Straight outta oven, it's fresh...
that certainly looks better.
something close to >>101115464 was the goal, from >>101116573
really just want a solid starting point for pony realism
A bit early. Bump limit is at 310, and image limit is at 150. We've hit neither.
Adapt or die
Let him cook
Your collage is little bit biased, but it will do
I'm just chilling. Nice to see someone else do a collage for once.
My collages are also biased, cannot be helped.
Sorry, there weren't too many good pictures to choose from...
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That's a different model.

There's three of us now!
I'll never make it in one of those QQ
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Now that's what I call community effort!
>tfw a collage maker finally makes it into someone else's collage
really weird choices for the collage
wait, it's not pony realism? did I misunderstand >>101116573 ?
photorealistic 1girls cant make it (for some reason)
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Same Settings. With this model:>>101116786
How so? They went for a landscape theme, sure, but it's a very solid composition desu.
Now I know the secret sauce for this. It is time to cook some Pizza for the next College party
>wonder why my gens are suddenly shit
>I forgot the style including score_schizo
Every time. I'm impressed whenever I manage to pull off something half-decent without the boost in quality.
So the only reason they're spamming their 1girls here is to be in collage....
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this model that model. might be better to say the name
>Uses pony
lmao, like kill yourself.
This is a PixArt/Hunyuan thread, take your pony shit to /sdg/ furry fuck
No in us spamming 1girl you faggot!
Ironically enough that doesn't work in my collages (most of the time). I try and prioritize creativity in whatever shape or form. The more of the same is posted, the less likely it is to appear, unless by sheer luck one of them ends up being exceptional.
Wtf? You like women? What are you, trans?
That's a negative, I'm a Bear in the woods sir.
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You'll have to work harder for the badge of excellent quality.
>Local Diffusion General
Where in the name did you see that it is only PA or Hunya?
Don't bother, these are not genuine posts anon. See above.
Shut the Fuck faggot
I mean, I take issue only when it is blatant spamming with lack of creativity. It's hard to post quality with XL but it's certainly possible, that said there's not a single Pixart or Hunyuan gen in between and they clearly are not testing any DiT model.
For instance
Seems ok since it has more cinematic look, but the girl is still just standing there whivh is annoying. When you get used to prompting models capable of more you can immediately tell slop from a mile away.
It's the schizo anon twins falseflagging. Having a good sophmoronic laugh.
What I'm more curious about, is whether anon/s involved try to agitate both generals against one another. Pretending to be from /ldg/ whilst annoying over at /sdg/ and vice-versa.
that's a new one for me
this general has no bitches!
/sdg/ is full of breedable hot twinks!
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Beautiful atmospheric perspective.
It's a "use your imagination" kinda gen. Cooking well I see.
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i've prompted copious amounts of jinx in the past 2 weeks
That's not AI
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