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RTFM Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting
>Live USB with persistent storage
>Live CD
>Old school MacOS
>Containers/VM and Jail management

>Updates and advisories
OpenBSD: https://www.undeadly.org
NetBSD https://www.netbsd.org/changes/
DragonflyBSD: https://www.dragonflydigest.com
FreeBSD: https://www.freebsd.org/security/notices/

>Ports and packages
FreeBSD: https://www.freshports.org
OpenBSD: https://www.openports.pl | https://openbsd.app/
NetBSD: https://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/

>Tips and tricks
Use tcsh: https://www.tcsh.org
Fix FreeBSD defaults: https://vez.mrsk.me/freebsd-defaults.html

FreeBSD: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/
OpenBSD: https://www.openbsdhandbook.com/

>Free (but limited) BSD/unix shell
https://www.sdf.org | https://sdfeu.org

>Web development

>OP template
how would one go about installing BSD on a raspberry pi zero 2 w?
FreeBSD: https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Raspberry%20Pi
NetBSD: https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/
My laptops wifi card doesn't work on OpenBSD because it's blobbed. I'll buy another one with real drivers at some point, but are there any BSD options for me in the meantime?
Have you tried fw_update?
>are there any BSD options for me in the meantime?
threadly reminder that Netflix planted several backdoors in FreeBSD
Try fw_update like >>101117778 said, or if you happen to have a usb wifi adapter try that.
Yes, I tried fw_update. Nobody ever wrote a driver for the card on OpenBSD. I can't run any of the freetard linux distros either because the driver is 'proprietary'
Using a USB wifi adapter seems very inconvienent. I'm going to be traveling, which is why I'd like to get a BSD going on it.
4 weeks
>post-Netflix schizo found the thread
>Using a USB wifi adapter seems very inconvienent
I agree, I meant that you could use a usb wifi adapter in the mean time before you bought a new wifi card. My laptop that runs NetBSD had a wifi card that wasn't supported, so I bought a new one and used an old usb wifi adapter that I had while I waited for the new card.
i have a laptop with a weird implementation of an nvidia gpu that the only things that work on it are freebsd, and windows. Not a single linux distro will display anything on it. So now im a BSD fag
have you considered writing the driver yourself?
I haven't learned hardware reverse engineering, can't do it. Especially not before I go out of town.
It's tough if a driver doesn't exist at all, otherwise it could be as simple as changing a few bits and bobs.
how could they do this without code recontribution? BSD works hard at giving away code with zero restrictions besides leaving a glob of semen behind on their faces.
FreeBSD is the only one I can run on this laptop with an AR9485. I recommend HardenedBSD, fork of FreeBSD for security
I am sorry to hear that you are a BSD user now
Which laptop?
Threadly reminder that you are retarded
it was the w541 but with the k2100m and i was told to use bumblebee. That didn't work so i found a fix in ubuntu and even in ubuntu when download the right ppa and install the cuda stuff it still has issues. So I tried FreeBSD and it was really simple to get working
>So I tried FreeBSD and it was really simple to get working
yeah, FreeBSD/GhostBSD, OpenBSD are just works OSes
Imagine if you didn't gobble lintroon /g/ memes every minute of your pathetic life.
drop in the bucket.
I want to game on OpenBSD, what are my options?
anons, just installed FreeBSD onto my Thinkpad T430 yesterday.
I don't know exactly why the fuck I have this impression of finally having a sense of control on an OS but oh god i am loving it.
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Browser gayms
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I like FreeBSD :)
>ls /etc/ | grep soii
Explain this.
You have lots of options: https://www.ports.to/cat/games.html
What's a good laptop that runs FreeBSD and/or OpenBSD? Bonus points for something that's affordable and not refurbished (just looking to browse the web and do basic work with it for now).
>affordable and not refurbished
You want a brand new laptop that isn't shit and is "affordable"?
Apple Mac.
just get a decent used laptop with an intel wifi chip and youre good. thats usually the hardware interface that gives the most issues.
That is indeed a lot of options. OpenBSD really has everything, huh?
Yes. It is meant to be a complete, self-contained system.
nice shot
pkg_delete anime
Damn, wrong tab.
it worked
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pkg_add anime

trying to install on my Mac. almost got through, now I need to tell the installer where the sets are located on the usb.
Did it work? What kind of Mac?
How is a package installed through pkgsrc? Is it just a matter of unpacking the .pkg and then copying the executable into /usr/pkg/bin (or usr/local/bin for other BSDs) and config files to /usr/pkg/etc (or /usr/local/etc for other BSDs)?
It can be shit. 8GB of RAM minimum, but otherwise open to options. I may just end up getting a refurbished one, though.
Typing this on a Macbook Pro, but this model doesn't even have rudimentary OpenBSD support yet, let alone FreeBSD. I only got this because school requires proprietary software that Linux doesn't support.
I have three laptops that can run *BSD, but one of them doesn't have an ethernet connection and even though FreeBSD officially supports its wifi card as of version 14, in practice loading the driver causes a kernel panic, and wifibox is ass on that machine for some reason. The second laptop doesn't have a battery, and the third one is my gaming laptop running Gentoo that has limited NVME space and an unsupported wifi card.
Maybe just order a new battery for $40, for the second one, but the universal charger I'm using fried the last one, I think.
That might be what I'll do. Found one that goes well over my expectations for $130 refurbished... I didn't really want a used one, but I guess it'll do.
This is the most stupid step and the documentation misses out on it.
You need to get where it asks you to mount the volume I guess. Should have written it down.
Waiting for someone less retarded to remember.
wget windows.com/isos
jesus christ
Emulators exist if you want playstation etc., no issue with them.
How hard is it to dualboot FreeBSD? I'd be doing it with an old version of Windows, probably XP. How big does the BSD partition need to be?
20GB tops
Is that with X? That seems pretty teeny.
Yeah, the base system is only about ~4GB when installed.
I just recently installed FreeBSD on my laptop and moved my mail server to OpenBSD. The BSDs seem to be infinetly more cohesive than any of the cluster fuck linux distros I have tried. I wish I tried it earlier.

Having a consistent file system layout, configuration files are where you expect them to be, having the OS provide you with the base utilities instead of you searching around for them, man pages are well written, having a handbook for the OS. All because they chose to develop things on their own instead of patching together a bunch of tools such as GNU, systemd, openssh, openntpd, bash, linux.

I think I will be moving all my machines to (Open|Free)BSD.
Welcome to the fold.
does freebsd do the system completely breaks because you installed one package from the official repos thing like linux?
how is the battery life on laptops?
>does freebsd do the system completely breaks because you installed one package from the official repos thing like linux?
>how is the battery life on laptops?
Decent when you use powerd.
Not yet, will post screenshots if/when I finally make it work. It's an M2 Max.
Yeah, it seems like there isn't much info. I might try copying the sets onto another USB and just mounting it, because I can't find where and how to mount the install media so it sees the sets.
>playstation emulator
Which ones exist for openbsd? If I can read PS2 VNs it would be great.
apple's contribution
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what's sad is PlayStation is built on BSD. and what did BSD get in return? permissive license moment.
Yo ai
it was mac not playststion
im not tech savvy but i want to try bsd. should i try freebsd or midnight/ghostbsd? is freebsd not user friendly?
FreeBSD needs more manual setup after install to get it running. But if you can read it's pretty easy. Although not sure about wine/graphics. I had skill issue getting steam to work (wanted to test it, wasn't gonna stay on it). A friend had same issue but no issue when he tried GhostBSD
Millions in donations. Although not sure if sony did it.

Both apple and sony used FreeBSD to base their OS on. And apple paid for full time worker for a year or two if I am not mistaken. Netflix keeps donating millions.

Meanwhile GPL has xz that gets 0 donations among with many other similar projects.

Let me ask you, what did linux get in return ffrom google? Or micriosoft? Microsoft source used GPL code. Check the windows xp leak.
It seems Ps2 emulator is only ported to FreeBSD. I couldn't find a port for OpenBSD at least. PCSX2 can probs be compiled. I'll try later.
Well, I got it running but wifi doesn't work. Apparently my wifi card uses bcm4388 which is not included in the bwfm driver.
Yeah I had to reinsert the usb, then it got detected and I mounted it just fine.
I feel a strange sense of community when I see this guy post the same thing every thread. It's like we're all reporting in one by one
thanks. i guess ill be using ghostbsd.
Do it.
Any of you run coreboot/skulls/head on a Thinkpad with BSD?

I'm wanting to install a BSD to try it out, yet I can't even boot to the FreeBSD installer since the graphics messes up. I'm running Skulls on a t430, currently going all over the Internet to try and sort this out.
I run NetBSD on a coreboot x230, I didn't have any problems with the installation.
Redpill me on all the differences between GhostBSD, NetBSD and so on, I'm only familiar with OpenBSD and some FreeBSD.
NetBSD was one of the ones to actually kinda install. Yet I think I messed up the install somewhere since it was complaining when booting into NetBSD.

Will retry.
>NetBSD was one of the ones to actually kinda install
openbsd didn't?
>Yet I think I messed up the install
It may be helpful to look at or follow the example installation from the NetBSD guide:
You may also want to try OpenBSD if that doesn't work, the installation process is quite simple.
OpenBSD installed for me without any issues on x230 and t430.
What's the verdict on MidnightBSD? I like XFCE.
I can't remember about OpenBSD.
I mean the NetBSD install isn't a hard thing to do, just when I rebooted it was looking for something and couldn't find it. I do believe I did it right.
It's not about the laptop, it's about the non-standard bios stuff I am using. (I'm pretty sure that's the issue.)

I'd really like to get a *BSD working, ideally something like FreeBSD since it has the most support and I can hack stuff to work.
skill issue
Anybody? I'm interested and it seems like obscure jank, which gives me bonus points if I use it regularly, right?
GhostBSD is FreeBSD with a desktop environment out of the box. NetBSD is OpenBSD's ancestor. It doesn't really have a place anymore IMO.
Why not just install Xfce on any of the other BSDs?
I just thought it seemed sort of amusing and was curious. Why set up something when I can get a nice base built around it?
it was both, BSDtard
maybe you wouldn't have to bump it so much if it were a genetic UNIX general. Would you feel at home with AIX and Solaris oldfags ITT?
is this the correct thread for macOS users?
>Let me ask you, what did linux get in return ffrom google? Or micriosoft?
they employ the people working on linux with 6 figures salaries
in cities that drown in homeless people, littered with needles in the streets. one or two turns and you are headed towards one of the biggest homeless camps of the US when you leave the yt campus.
ironic how you still haven't seen that, despite them having gotten shot up for faking news one time already, isn't it?
those companies arent located in the city of san francisco
what does any of this have to do with bsd anyway?
What does 6 figures at google and microsoft have to do with BSD, exactly? Lost your narrative and shriveling back much? That 6 figure joke didn't fly too good, did it?
you asked what those companies do for linux and thats what they do finance the project by hiring thousands of developers with high salaries
he changed the subject and virtue signaled about homeless people, surprised he didn't get the last word in (bed time for cuck boy)

>Meanwhile GPL has xz that gets 0 donations
two thoughts stringed together in one sentence.

thought 1: "xz backdoor, LOL @ Loonix, right guys? (never hit main repos)

thought 2: lets cherry pick a core utility and say it doesn't get funded despite a foundation existing

jesus christ.
Why use bsd over gnu? should I switch?
Coherent OS vs hodgepodge of tools that are getting infected with modern soidev practices. The only good GNU stuff is their Lisp projects.
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Just installed 14.1, and there is a couple of questions I would like to ask.
>>bluetooth isn't working
edited and added the ng_ubt on /etc/rc.conf
at startup it says
>autoloading moule ng_ubt
ubt0 on uhub1
ubt0:<vendor 0x0a12 product 0x001, class 224/1 rev 2.00/88.91 addr 1 on usbus2
autoloading module uhid,usbhid,wmt
So far it seems it the module is inserted and loaded, kldstat seems to confirm:
but when running first time the service blutetooth-config scan ng_ubt0 says an error (don't remember which one) and running it twice seems to work but
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unsupported device: uhid0 (uhid0 which uhid0? isn't supposed to be ng_ubt0?)
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0 (fuck)
kernel: ng_hci_process_command_timeout: ubt0hci - unable to complete HCI command OGF=0x3, OCF=0x3. Timeout
/etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0
what possible workaround or fix could have it? the intended use is for connecting to a pair of bt speakers and wireless keyboards.

The other is with the keyboard, when using the terminal the numerical block is working fine, but starting x.org only the alphanumerical block is working, how can reenable or activate the numpad?

Does it works to save your environment stuff on cshrc in the same way as bashrc or there is a trick?
How can be set cflags?
How can install qt3 libs?
Thanks for your kind support!
get a usb bluetooth dongle and use openbsd
>usb bluetooth dongle
it is an usb bluetooth dongle, but perhaps I will try another one.
was giving the same kind of errors a lolcup of years back, but thanks for the suggestion.
>Homeless people
You do realize many homeless people are just faking it for money right
You're just stupid and gullible
>when running first time the service blutetooth-config scan ng_ubt0
why not bluetooth-config scan ubt0?
>ubt0 on uhub1
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Although certain flavors of BSD aren't anime friendly, I imagine many who work in FeeBSD imagine themselves as anime girls.
Haven't finished coffee, it's over.
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>Haven't finished coffee, it's over.
No, it isn't.
I looked over, didn't even notice, your incredibly minor, ambiguous mistake because I'm not an autistic faggot.

Good morning and have a splendid day, openbsd bro.
Tranime death.
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OpenBSD is very anime-friendly.
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Hello, newfriend.
no it isn't, they make original cartoons, not tranime. and 2.8 was releasd in year 2000
>male autistic incels trooning out becomes a phenomenom the last decade
>vast majority of them seem to have obsession of anime
>makes sense becuase modern anime (tranime) specifically caters to those sorts of "people". sexualizes, and conditions them to think being a little girl would fix their problems
>come up with a simple catchy term to point all this out
pkg_remove anime
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Hello, newfriend tourist.
i wasn't invalidating the argument that it's a new term, just strange why you'd target /v/ specifically. search all boards would make more sense
How is OpenBSD for desktop use and virtualization? If it's decent, I will consider switching from Linux.
OpenBSD's virtualization is limited, look at vmm and vmd. If you need virtualization FreeBSD's bhyve is much better.
NetBSD didn't work either. I just tried it today, didn't even get to the installer just a white Cursor.
OpenBSD installs yet when I go to boot it says 'No Active Partition'.
How is it a skill issue? Every linux distro I have tried has worked. Yet BSD or Windows doesn't work. People have told me to just build Coreboot with Tianacore yet I don't know how to.
never forget your roots, faggot
skill issue
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Ahh, good old-fashioned ancestor worship...
What a shitty meme, makes no sense
>nooo we aren't the homeless capital of the world, we must export the homeless system(TM) under all circumstances!
boring and lame. get new material, big boy

ni hao und so
berkely bum fights magnet?
ir would be funnier if you just grabbed some random screenshots of an actual heated mailing list security discussion and pasted those in
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>install freebsd over void
>expect performance & batt life drop
>battery life doubles ootb
>wifi just works ootb
>audio just works ootb
>literally EVERYTHING that was fucky to set up on linux just works ootb
>ram and disk usage is halved with same WM, same progs running
>usual temp drops from ~65°C to ~45°C
what the actual fuck??
redhat and freedesktop really are sabotaging linux
kys troon
>t. lennart
# pkg_add -v anime
That was my experience also. That's why I never looked back.
Is the Linuxulator layer still in DragonFly BSD? If not, does NetBSD have one?
# pkg_delete -acVvm -Dbaddepend -Ddependencies -Dnonroot -Dscripts anime
Is there an easy way to read the FreeBSD handbook in the shell? I looked through /usr/bin and the only doc looking thing was man, but apropos handbook give zilch. I've got the package installed, or so the installer told me. Not a big deal if I have to reference my phone, but it tickles my autism wrongly if I can't read the docs on the machine itself.
Why would pkg_add hang on NetBSD 10.0? Or how do I check if my internet connection works? I ran host www.google.com and it works but curl/wget not installed so I can't test further
I'd consider it if the mascot wasn't a demon.
I mean, come on? A demon?
Linux has a neutral Penguin.
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how are demonic aesthetics not badass?
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>this is what linuxfags defend
Please tell me openbsd doesn't troon out like this
linux foundation has nothing to do with linux, its just social justice bs
It's who will control the kernel after torvalds eventually retires
>desktop use
its aight, some programs will be missing but most things an average person is gonna use have already been ported
dogshit, if you need it install fbsd
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>torvalds eventually retires
he already sort of did. gregkh arguably plays a larger role at this point
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Post something current, retard.
Penguins are beta simps.
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Consider the following
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Answered my own question. Can't remember the path, but it's in a sort-of-awful folder. The package only installs some html files and a pdf, so fuck you if you're trying to set up your internet I guess. I mean fucking seriously, there isn't a browser to read the html files with, and why would I ever want a PDF on a headless install?
Also this just sucks in general compared to OpenBSD. The only reason I tried setting FresBSD up is because OpenBSD doesn't support my shit Broadcom wifi card, but apparently neither does FreeBSD. It thinks it does, but it doesn't. On the other hand, base install doesn't have tools to RTFM, binary package manager sucks ass, no assistance with setting up X or wifi, and the defaults for everything seem to be insane.
FreeBSD looks like THAT?!
You can install w3m to read HTML in your terminal, and you can print PDFs without a GUI.
Both of those things require the package manager or ports, and a working internet connection. Things that the handbook may assist in achieving, huh.
I'd rather have a pufferfish mascot than a demon. I'll have to see which of the BSDs use the puffer fish.
OpenBSD. DragonflyBSD has a dragonfly logo (kinda ugly, if you ask me). NetBSD's logo is a flag.
yea I figured that out quickly, but thank you.
Dragonfly's logo is very ugly.

OpenBSD is the only option here.
OpenBSD and FuguIta
Go for it.
Last time I tried to install FreeBSD a few years ago I couldn't get the desktop environment to work. There was some script that was supposed to make it easy but that didn't work either.
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>hear that ZFS expansion has been added
>buy a new HDD to make use of this
>it's not actually been added yet
What should I do with this hard drive while I wait a few months for it to actually get added?
>Last time I tried to install FreeBSD a few years ago I couldn't get the desktop environment to work.
Which one? And skill issue, it is super easy to install a DE.
>There was some script that was supposed to make it easy
Fake news.
Add it to the zpool ss a separate vdev.
i want to create a home server. is freebsd a better options compared to linux distros when i comes to security? are there things i need to keep in mind if i do decide to use freebsd as a server?
>is freebsd a better options compared to linux distros when i comes to security?
security, reliability, stability, fuckability and ease of use
if you can't get freebsd to connect to ethernet there's no hope for you
I could, but what if there's a driver problem? What if it's the only computer I have access to and I don't know how to use pkg? Docs should be readable out of the box offline.
>I don't know how to use pkg?
if you don't know how to type man pkg, pkg help or figure out that the command to install something is pkg install, then BSD isn't for you. Stick with Linux Mint or whatever.
are you obtuse? To even know it's man pkg you have to know it's pkg. And again, what if you're having a driver borkage? What if you're not planning on using the internet at all? This isn't fucking complicated, assuming your users have 24/7 access to the internet or another computer is GNOME tier.
>To even know it's man pkg you have to know it's pkg.
>what if you're having a driver borkage?
Doesn't happen on BSD.
>What if you're not planning on using the internet at all?
>assuming your users have 24/7 access to the internet
Which is it, brainlet?
Are you trolling? What was hard to parse about what I wrote? FreeBSD tards really are GNOME tier, "usecase for offline docs?"
Fucking LMAO, uninstalling this shitware, just buying a new wifi card for OpenBSD.
>just buying a new wifi card for OpenBSD.
Atta boy!
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>hodgepodge of tools that are getting infected with modern soidev practices
Are GNU tools even modern? They are just archaic bs using useless Autoconf+Automake scripts, I tried building a few tools (was interested to see how GNU RCS would play out for simple version tracking) and I couldn't build GNU diffutils because autoconf didn't like something. Pinnacle of modernity: relying on 51k+ lines of shell scripts to detect few defines.
GNU tools themselves aren't, I meant docker and other cancer that is spreading on the body of GNU/Linux.
Is there a cheatsheet for debian users?
apt install -> pkg_add, etc... drive nomenclature is weird
>is freebsd a better options compared to linux distros when i comes to security
>Doesn't happen on BSD.
Happens all the time on FreeBSD lmao.
NTA but you can always type man man and figure out what you need from there, no?
But yeah, the lack of a shell-readable handbook is kind of annoying
Yeah, but unless you have some clue of what direction you're going in the man pages can't help. On OpenBSD the first thing it tells you to do when you boot up is to read man afterboot and man help, and that's after the installer walked you through installation. After that you have internet, X if you want it, tmux, and know how to lookup the manual. It's great, it tells you everything you need to know to make a decision.
Also the tmux binary package on FreeBSD seemed a little fucky, which was making it difficult to read the manual and type split-pane.
>They insert backdoors
Aw well, that's besides the point. So they get the same as BSDs then?
Meh, xz is an example. Someone benching postgres found it. Many more not found. But ok.

Not sure what foundation you are referring to but Linux foundation spends more on blockchain than Linux development and maintenance.

Uh.. I asked that not whoever responded to you. Also, We were asked what BSDs get. If you read my post you will see that my point was that BSDs do get things as well. Do you only read things out of context?
>OpenBSD installs yet when I go to boot it says 'No Active Partition'.

Yes, you need to do MBR, I got a librebooted x220i and OpenBSD for some reason defaults to use GPT instead of MBR. Doing that and then it will boot without issue.
Docker is built on kernel namespaces, Unix sockets, IP routing, and GNU tar. It's not much different than running an application in a BSD jail or a Solaris Zone. The only difference is there's a bunch of tooling around canned images and deduplicating shared filesystem layers. For running one unix system it's overkill. For running dozens or hundreds of unix systems it's a lifesaver.
As it stands now, OpenBSD won't, they refuse NDAs and they refuse to accomodate others.
They just make their own OS that they want to use and like to use. And they use it for their own use case, and just shares it with others for free. Thus they won't care what other thinks of their amazing OS, ppl complain about LGTV+ they won't care.Ppl complain it's not user friendly, they will listen but if what you describe is normie friendly they will refuse it.

They don't even sign NDA's to get certain hardware running. All they have to do to make NVidia run on OpenBSD is to sign an NDA. They refuse.

The trooning out comes from letting companies take over. GPL kinda forces them to. If google used their own fork with questionable modifications to the source ppl would avoid it. If google co-opts linux development people for some reason trusts them blindly because it is linux.
Very few actually audits the code google maintainers push. Very few do it throughoutly so a proper obfuscation wouldn't be noticed and pass. You think google wouldn't find any buffer overflow in their webP library shit? Yea, it is possible but I doubt anyone will be able to convince me that google didn't know about it.
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>how is the battery life on laptops?
if you got lucky hardware ie. sandy/ivy thinkpad you can expect it to be double of your linux batt life with default powerd/apm
Hello from nomadBSD! I'm on a Thinkpad X1 Carbon and things seem to work out of the box: audio, wi-fi, usb ethernet dongle, even my keyboard nightlight works. So I think I can migrate to FreeBSD. What else should I test, hardware-wise?
Two things surprised me: although the ethernet connection through the usb dongle works, it's very unstable. Wi-Fi just werks, but after I connected to the network it took about a minute to really get me to the internet.
>What else should I test, hardware-wise?
Closing/opening the lid, sleep/hibernate, and your other hardware buttons.
kys troon
I set XFCE up to lock the screen once I close the lid. Annoyingly, it doesn't, and instead opens a Monitor resolution dialog box when I do that. I guess it turns off the screen and when I open the lid it turns on again, triggering the monitor resolution dialog because it's like connecting a new monitor/projector. But there's no problem if I just lock the screen myself before closing the lid. Also this looks like a software issue: closing the lid does something, so it is most certainly detected by the system.
About sleep/hibernate: apparently there's only the hibernate option. I'll test it and come back in a moment.
Hibernate doesn't work. I don't care much because I don't like hibernation. I like to put the computer to sleep, but it's not available for some reason.
does zzz work to put it to sleep?
I looked up the acpiconf manpage and apparently hibernate (S4) should work
forgot the pic
Yeah, seems like only hibernate. It doesn't say what S5 is. That's a bug.
when I issued the command
acpiconf -s 4
it did hibernate. The problem is that to boot back into the liveUSB I'd need the system to turn on from a complete shutdown, not from hibernation, so it just booted directly to disk instead. When I got back to booting to the liveUSB it didn't restore the state it had before. I guess hibernating on a liveUSB just isn't a thing. But it'll probably work when FreeBSD is installed on disk
Yeah but sleep should still work, that's weird.
Also, s5 is poweroff I believe.
What gen stinkpad is it?
What program can I use for making a media server on openbsd?
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FreeBSD wiki says this on the subject. There's some othe info on there that might help you.
> What if it's the only computer I have access to
what if its the last computer on earth
shut the fuck up
based and easy why do people never just simply do this
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Another "usecase for offline docs?" post, get Gnomed. Anyone who actually tries to defend no offline handbook should banned from touching computers.
set up a pkg mirror on your network if its that big a deal to you.
i really dont see the need for my type 1 hypervisor to waste any fraction of my 16gb root disk on a web browser
I said earlier that assuming your users have another computer or an internet connection to read the handbook on is a very Gnomish attitude. FreeBSD man pages and documentation feel very sparse compared to OpenBSD, somewhat half-assed even.
It still doesn't help with the documentation. My solution was to just download Lynx, because the handbook is html, but what is the point of providing the handbook as a package without any way to read it?
did you not have another computer to download the .iso?
or did you perhaps pxeboot directly off of
either way, you can go to amazon dot com and order ‘absolutely freebsd’ and work off of a paper copy.

like, whats next— should the entire support forum* come packaged with the install dvd?

>*maintained by hand and corrected whenever posts no longer are relevant to the current release
Dude, there's literally an option in the installer that lets you download the handbook. I'm just saying they need to provide the tools to read it when you select that.
I did, what's your point? Do you not understand hypotheticals?
> lets you download the handbook
theres also another option to let you download whichever other program youd also like (open shell before rebooting)
is your hypothetical that you had another perfectly functional operating system to use for downloading the .iso but then, idk, got rid of it for some dumb reason so that it couldnt be used to access the same exact website in order to browse the documentation?

very flimsy hypothetical situation. probably a lot of user error in the lead-up to it.
Have you never made an install disk in one place and then used it in another? I shouldn't have to explain this, absurd dialogue.
I figured there would be someway to read it, since it was presented plainly as it's own option alongside 'set timezone' and 'set root password.' Silly me!
download it and store it in the same usb stick you use to install the os?
Buddy, I'm not looking for solutions. I already said I know how to do it, it just doesn't make sense as a default. I'm not complaining to the FreeBSD mailing list, I'm shitposting on 4chan.
>Have you never made an install disk in one place and then used it in another?
mmhmm, never. thats right.
solution is here: >>101181888
>freebsd base maintainers should also endorse or browse an html viewer.
>stability of the freebsd distribution should depend on the stability of an internet browser
id rather install a browser by having the bitstream urinated on me in dits and dahs
Neat dude, then why is the handbook package html? Man, I really set off the FreeBSD weenies this time.
its a common format.
its also readable using the cat application.
FreeBSD has been completely owned in my eyes now. Never installing it. It's glorified Lintroon.
I tried reading it with cat, it very clearly wasn't intended to be read that way.
read it in a browser then
You never know anon, even though the FreeBSD jannies are somewhat unhinged it can't be worse than a mainstream Linux.
I did, I already said I installed Lynx. Please read anon, is this why you don't care about documentation?
marking as non-issue
does your machine have ECC memory?
No, does ECC fuck with cat or something? I don't have any mobos that support it.
hypothetically, yes. non-ECC memory could be the cause of your plight.
marking as non-reproducible.
at this point it's common knowledge that Netflix's involvement in development of FreeBSD is more than a symbiotic relationship between two organizations with non-overlapping goals. Netflix is obviously steering FreeBSD towards the unfortunate path Linux has went down. Consider switching to a better alternative with which nothing sketchy going on
So is OpenBSD the only OS left that has had no signs of trooning out?
go on and head back to >>>/g/hug general my bitch
this post reeks of flimsy personality
the lead dev is holding the tide alone though
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Kek, is not wanting to go on HRT a sign of "flimsy personality"?
Did they already try to attack him?
FreeBSS literally has a demon as its mascot, of course (((they))) are going to overtake it because it invites them.
that makes for a doable program of dickriding. hop to it my bitches.
Thinkpad anon, did you ever figure out how to fix your problem, or did you just move on?
I actually went to look and the Haikutards let it die. I hope Haiku pulls it together, I like competition. Everything being too centralized leads to Linuxification.
Okay shill, time to wind it down a little. FreeBSD might not be perfect, but it's better than systemd.
>better than systemd
Only temporarily though.
FreeBSD lead devs are macos launchd/systemd apologists. Very few freebsd devs eat their own dogfood.
>wheelchair manufacturer walks to work
>this commit was sponsored by netflix
Eat up, goy!
>musician listens to other people’s music
Electric chair dog fooding. I guess you could start with the qa team. Only need them once anyway.
FreeBSD is so cute and valid! I loved it after transitioning!
I know right! It even has a built in web-app to monitor hormone intake!
>Did they already try to attack him?
do you live under a rock or something
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I'm a bugman like pic related. What's the best BSD for me?
FreeBSD is the perfect choice. Switch literally is built on FreeBSD iirc.
can you help me, how do i open repairing-your-botched-circumcision.html?
Sis, it's problematic to be saying those things, don't you think? It's 2024. It's a JS webapp, not html.
anon ……. do you need help with maintaining your pkg?
tfw dont know how to use pkg
It uses the networking stack from FreeBSD IIRC. The actual OS is some kind of in-house RTOS.
tfw no webbrowser to learn about it...
Reddit just LOVES FreeBSD. Really makes you think which OS to use...
Apple is the way to go if we want more traction in the OS space, I'm glad FreeBSD dev understand this. Consumers also want Steam and Netflix to run natively.
human funko pop
>*sponsors rust into base*
nothing personnel, kiddo
>install 150 "crates" as dependencies for simple project
I'm glad this security nightmare is never making it into OpenBSD.
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I don't get it,,
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Did I pass it? You can't connect electricity and water directly.
keep at it
Can you tell me the result?
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This one is easy, while picrelated genuinely stumped me when I first saw it.
all signs point to yes
This one easy

>where is the marble
In da box
>where was the marble in the beginning
Idk in sallys pocket
>Where will sally look for it
In da basket

obviously it's the box. is that a trick question?
>In da basket
why would she look for it in the basket if it's in the box?
Cuz that's where she last put it before she went for a walk
Looks like i was right
Hahahaha are there really retarded ass niggaz AHAHHAHAH naaaaaaaaaah ahhahahahahhahah neeeeehh ahhahahaHAHHA autism really is some subhuman tranny handicap type shit
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ubt0 isn't recognized and can't start the service, now there is a couple of messages
kernel: ubt0 on uhub0
kernel: ubt0: <vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, class 224/1, rev 2.00/88.91, addr 1> on usbus2
/etc/rc: WARNING: /etc/bluetooth/bthidd.conf is not readable.
/etc/rc: WARNING: failed precmd routine for bthidd
double checked rc.conf and there it appears hcsecd_enable="yes",bthidd_enable="yes".
Unpluged and pluged again and the same, I wonder if there is need for a firmware (which one?).
The bluetooth dongle is working in another machines (non bsd) prior to use in this system.

Why isn't enabled the numpad under mate?
what are the files appearing in the home dir named #*message*-timestamp#?(how can be configurated?).

Whats the suggestion for a local file server?
ftp?which one?
freebsd is a bugfest
bluetooth was ripped out of openbsd for a good reason
the dongle he is referring to is therefore something like this: https://jcs.org/2020/11/18/openbsd_btaudio
nfs or sftp (openssh)
>freebsd is a bugfest,tedu'd, the current
design should not be the basis for any future support.
It's very uncommon to read something like these and I think this is very commendable, but it seems nobody want to start it (again).
So why it is advertised/shilled freebsd as the main version to use?
It is more stable for a long term system (desktop,development and small portions of server use) openbsd?
It's funny that only these dongles are working.

Thanks for your kind support.
OpenBSD bros, have you managed to avoid installing dbus? Also, which is less bloat, qt or gtk? I don't really want to use either because they both suck, but I don't really have a choice, do I?
dbus is a hard dependency for GTK3.
I've heard it's possible to get around it, but I haven't fiddled with it too much.
The only graphical application I think I really need that I can't get without pulling in gtk or qt is a browser. Suggestions?
I don't know much about dbus, what's bad about it?
>have you managed to avoid installing dbus?
no but most stuff works just fine without the dbus service enabled. including chromium
>Also, which is less bloat, qt or gtk?
generally gtk. in c and much easier to port. plasma took ages to get into openbsd
i suggest fvwm2
which is—some would say conveniently—already included right there on the installation media
And based
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Which BSD is the less prone to have jeets and troons?
I've tried NetBSD but lldb wont build from pkgsrc (it acks at ncurses' lib)
be a silent faggot
That's not a browser. I have no problem with fvwm.
kys troon
all of them are, just stop obsessing over trannies and youll be fine
kys troon
when is GhostBSD gonna come out with a new release based on FreeBSD 14.1? Does eric lurk these threads?
kys troon
kek license
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sorry but im trans and i encoded tranny semen into the ISO file
which is a good BSD for me? I need to work with freepascal ( it is not my fault, the company i work has it entire shitty codebase written in it ) and daily things like watching porn and browsing internet
No. you didn't.
I'm having issues with Wi-Fi on my OpenBSD laptop. Over time, the network speed very gradually slows down until it becomes unusable. I don't know how to fix this without restarting my computer every time.
Are you sure it's an OpenBSD issue and not your router? Every router I've had, Linksys, D-Link, TP-Link, ASUS, custom firmware or not, would slow down after a while or not give me max speeds. At least once a month I pull the power plug, wait ten seconds, and then plug it back in. A hard reset usually fixes it. I guess it is a caching issue.
It would be odd if that fixes it, since none of my other devices have this problem. I'll report back here with results, which may take a while. I'm not entirely sure how long I can expect it to typically last before crawling to a halt. Thanks in advance, though.
>since none of my other devices have this problem.
wifi or ethernet?
Didn't mean device in that sense, sorry. I meant all other wireless electronics in the house were functioning perfectly. Haven't tested Ethernet yet, but I'm not in an optimal position to do so.
>I meant all other wireless electronics in the house
what kind of electronics? you might not be noticing the slow speed, depending what they are
Is WIndow Maker the DE to go with if I want to create a cohesive MacOS-like environment?
No you should use GNOME for that.
whatever these people are using https://github.com/helloSystem/hello

at a glance, it appears it's kde
Is someome gonna bake? I'd do it but I'm phone-posting from the shitter.
next thread is >>101202373
Window Maker is good, but no.

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