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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101116467

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Sister-general for local diffusion with Chinese language models:

>Related boards
Cursed thread
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Did someone say cursed?
Are you talking about Debo?
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no, hes talking about ani
Did someone say debo?
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ran is just jealous and on her period
(Good morning, how was the weekend? edition)
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>mfw Resource news


>MOFA-Video: Controllable Image Animation via Generative Motion Field Adaptions in Frozen Image-to-Video Diffusion Model

>SD.Next release 2024-06-23

>ComfyUI Unique3D

>AutoStudio: Crafting Consistent Subjects in Multi-turn Interactive Image Generation


>ComfyUI DiffSynth wrapper nodes

>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements

>StableSwarmUI will no longer be maintained under Stability AI


>Stability AI appoints new CEO, Receives Ballout

>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Deļ¬nition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support
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good morning (evening where I am lol). this is my only post for today. I don't want to get dragged into whatever drama is going on and I am glad you are doing alright anon. I missed you. I'm doing anime night later in the discord (in OP) if you want to swing by. see you maybe tomorrow anons unless you drop by the discord in an hour
>mfw Research news


>RITA: A Real-time Interactive Talking Avatars Framework

>SpatialBot: Precise Spatial Understanding with Vision Language Models

>Unveiling the Hidden Structure of Self-Attention via Kernel Principal Component Analysis

>MEAT: Median-Ensemble Adversarial Training for Improving Robustness and Generalization

>CLAY: A Controllable Large-scale Generative Model for Creating High-quality 3D Assets

>Sparsifying dimensionality reduction of PDE solution data with Bregman learning

>Vision Language Modeling of Content, Distortion and Appearance for Image Quality Assessment

>Group and Shuffle: Efficient Structured Orthogonal Parametrization

>Style-NeRF2NeRF: 3D Style Transfer From Style-Aligned Multi-View Images


>ClaudesLens: Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Vision Models

>Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

>Reinforcing Pre-trained Models Using Counterfactual Images

>EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution

>Improving Visual Commonsense in Language Models via Multiple Image Generation

>VGA: Vision GUI Assistant -- Minimizing Hallucinations through Image-Centric Fine-Tuning

>What's Next? Exploring Utilization, Challenges, and Future Directions of AI-Generated Image Tools in Graphic Design

>Fantastic Copyrighted Beasts and How (Not) to Generate Them
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sdxl, hires upscaler is RealESRGAN_x4plus 35steps
i only use comfy when i want to test some new model out or do something super simple. i'm still using forge
nta but ran has lost his mind the past few threads
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I don't do Discord communities, way too much saga. I assume whatever drama is going in is in the server?
I don't even know
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>Lying again
So about this post?
All of the discord drama was made by him making wild lies that he's unable to backup. He already hurt his image by being a sperg piece of shit.
Literally 100% of this drama is because of Ani
Literally 100% of this drama is because of Ran
Sometimes I'm tempted to make a server just to ban all drama, trolling and shitposting away.
That is literally exactly what the discord is ffs. Don't listen to these fools.
the guy shitting drama over the thread is in that discord
Neither Ani nor Ran are in the discord
*for the other general
I'm afraid this place is fucked beyond repair. For all I can see, it's precisely the people over from the discord that cannot help but bring their bullshit over to supposedly neutral grounds of this general.
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robot outta nowhere
What is it like? Are people just posting gens and not talking, or are they actually discussing the gens and techniques and new developments?

I don't see how we can save this thread - when the mods won't punish samefagging trolls and shizos, the quality of the discussion goes belly-up.
we talk about papers and techniques. comfy offers good dialogue, ani knows a lot of shit too. other than that it's some small talk, memes and image sharing. ran just bitches about debo and added ani to the hate roster for calling out his gay behavior
It's mostly tech and the gens are good and nobody schizos out
That sounds pretty good. I just want a place where I can dump my rating:general anime images.
Then again, I can't stand using discord. So I probably won't join after all.
>ran just bitches about debo and added ani to the hate roster for calling out his gay behavior
this makes sense now
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Apparently getting a strapless top with a plunging neckline is easier said than done.

>an elf woman in a garden, wearing a white lace-trimmed strapless dress with a (plunging neckline), skirt, bare shoulders, long hair, belly button

I add the plunging neckline in and it turns it into a halterneck type thing, even when halterneck is in the negatives
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>Apparently getting a strapless top with a plunging neckline is easier said than done.
gee anon I wonder why
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What? This was made in Pony
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extremely cute horse wives
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Alex YIIK moves on!
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>disnep castle in bg
>robot has traces of a fucking w40k titan
now This is true schizo ai.
Sigma habdles Quokkas very weird but not as bad as SD3
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>put magic the gathering in the prompt as a style reference
>get a whole deck
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I don't get why some loras are made on civitai. Like I saw a sailor suit school uniform lora for pony. But pony can do sailor suits easily. You don't need a lora.
>rando cthulhu in prompt
>everyone starts posting dark/esoteric gens
poetry happening here
i like how they came out, it's an electric style
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They're the bridesmaids ya foo!

THIS is the bride
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The prompt for this one was basically just
>a centaur girl wearing a skirt with an open front, belly button

One of those neat happy accidents where the gen wasn't what I was going for, but still happened to have some other neat details that I liked. I tried "recreating" that but don't think
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In A1111 there is this LoRA tab. I can add one to the prompt by clicking, set a thumbnail for each, make notes and filter them by subdirectory.
Is there an extension like this for styles? The styles UI is so incredible basic. How do people organize all their prompt snippets? Wildcard files?
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I want to protect her!
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I got SD3 working. Not sure about the finger fix. Is there some prompt that's needed to get hands right?
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I get that.
It's a smile worth protecting.

I'm going to bed now, good night.
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How do I use TCD with Forge? Can I? I liked how LCM removed detail from gens and wanted to try this supposedly better version.
TCD is better, I can confirm that but I think you will need to use Comfy because Forge has been discontinued at least for now.
TCD seemed kinda old so I figured it would have support for the others, oh well.
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Ty, Pixartsigma with SD3 T5 encoder only.
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But what if the yellow bits were glowing?
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with two dicks even.
lol, you should make a devil or antichrist taylor and see if it ends up on boomer media as real
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Inspired by that Umbreon, I thought I'd do an Umbreon centaur but with glowing yellow bits.
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Is this an issue? is cuda not enabled or is this something else?
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this is what AI was made for
what model are you using?
protip for developers: don't bother with warnings, stop confusing your users
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what if I want to warn them about something though?
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use logging with appropriate configuration to distinguish warnings from other messages
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this isn't a gen
>tmp filename
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Imagine being obsessed with a neet from California lmao
based muscle mommy
>thread schizo must post about himself
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its really good and I had to zoom in close but I can see some AI-ness happening. the most convincing are a few of the bars on the balcony appear out of nowhere or connect to wrong parts of the scene. you can also see some weirdness with the brick shapes in the back, as well as weird window sizes/mismatches. and of course the tentacle fingers

it looks real good at first though. I had to take a close look to be sure. the amount of clean and convincing detail is pretty remarkable

is this using boring reality?
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Bless you. No, it's not mundane reality ffs. It's dreamshaper turbo v21. I dled the images from MY discord posts cause I'm at a party and I'm bored an I'm banned by my home ip.
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Very cool gen.
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>catching up on today's threads
Jesus Christ lol. Also sorry to that one anon last night I randomly drunk yelled at for literally no reason at all
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I never posted debo's handle in the thread
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Not sure what's going on here. Maybe she has a horse head under that dress
>ComfyUI nodes
Ok which one of these doesn't have furfag malware in them?
It's a fucking shitshow lately, ran needs to lay off debo
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just a reminder that this is me
>>101085325 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>101083061 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>101083128 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>101083867 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>101086038 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>101083792 (You) (Cross-thread)

I am open for inquiries if anyone had any questions
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thanks :)

yea shits been nutty lately

none :(

>ran needs to lay off debo
fusion will be commercially viable and people will be living on mars before that ever happens
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do you ever think about the part you play in all of this?
>*boss music plays*
>replying to yourself
>still seething over anon taking his side
I should make a song
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What does \(words\) mean?
Is this model specific only like for pony? Is this A1111 interpretation only?
lel nice
was hand inpainted?
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(word) puts extra weighing on "word"
\(word\) escapes the parentheses so they're included as characters in the prompt as "(word)". I don't know why it would really matter since I can't imagine parentheses having any meaningful weight to them
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i'm right here you can address me directly
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Call her a horse one more time
no just prompted, but most just ended up with her flashing cash and not the pov handing cash over
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I see, so this maybe practically useful only for pony tags
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imagine reporting someone for being based
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check 'em
i miss schizo anon
nice cake. prompt?
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ask me in the discord
(HUGE butt:1.5) is probably the most important part. Ponyrealism w/ autismmix
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>leg hand for extra emotional touching

thats a really good pose. the legs between the wings with that perspective is really cool
For example, the booru tag for Jinx is `jinx (league of legends)`. However, in SD that would be parsed as emphasizing league of legends. So you use the backslashes to "escape" the round brackets (meaning, make them not do what they would normally do). Like `jinx \(league of legends\)`
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but why couldn't you just do "jinx league of legends" or "jinx, league of legends". does the parentheses make any difference?
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gn all

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Man, getting clothes with lace all throughout is easier said than done
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We still have a bit more to go, fuckshit
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its pretty normal for a new bake around 145 images
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I feel like sd3 does this shit with "art by ..." a lot more than previous models
>OP pic
Oh lord I haven't put any effort into gens for a while now
>just noticed the fucked up eyelash color
Was just about to attempt to manually add another finger to a Elden Ringish gen
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ehehehe look at his stubby lil arms
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