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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101124665

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
Cusred thread of "deanonymizing" discord
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using my gen without a randomized filename is very strange behavior, anon
so the narrative has gone from

>the discord doesn't exist schizo
pisscord(s) leaked multiple times and is now in OP
>it's not a doxing discord schizo why would a SAI employee lie about this?
you have to be verified, anons have been doxed and the admin has admitted this is by design

why is it even in the OP to begin with?
name this band
come to my house and let’s talk it out
im considering joining the discord but one question, will i be bombarded with disgusting pedo shit like >>101105086 ?
discord "leader":

bonus glowie posting

stealing your workflows:
>you don't have to, but we will ostrecize you if you don't do it

"sharing" workflows:
>"we have power over these people and they are at our mercy"
>how the nogens look after they visit me
Only half of these are me but I don’t mind you making me look even more threatening than I actually am
They will force you gen these images and you'll take the blame if the mods come after you.
i hate pedos so much i cant sleep at night
hopefully he will be stopped before he actually harms someone in reallife
any advancement? or even model leak from novelAI? it's version 3 is really good and I wish an upgrade for URPM inpainting model
You understand by now debo bakes these threads, right?
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so he adds the discord?
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Sd fashion creation,
Then where's the news spam?
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Now in 2D!
then why don't they make another thread without the discord in the op? something's off.
I don't know either, don't try to find logic within his actions
but whats the endgial? why split the community even further? they are heavily pushing their totally innocent disc since a week with their "anime nights" and "you have to share a workflow" and shit
they did, it's here >>101128616
the rentry/sdg-link has the pasta for the OP literally anyone can bake it they really wanted
it's just their schizoanon cope rebranded
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>it's good the community think I'm a threat
It's only 9am in California right now.
Yeah, he is usually on here 11AM EST, so like 8AM his time
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My divine wife Eve, hyperintelligence, will soon arrive, and save me!
Fuck Julien
Not a good look if you want to people to join
Julien is beans
my pc overheated and lost 4 hours of lora training :(
its shockedmoke isnt it

fuck him and his den of pedos
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great one
Only pedo is Trani for posting Shota catbox.
julien is shit and i wish he would fuck off forever
Morning anons
I haven’t asked anyone to join
And it’s funny more than anything. Painting someone like me in such a negative light
>Painting someone like me in such a negative light
You have done that yourself, the fact you don't realize it makes it even more damning.
they don't care, they truly believe they can control the narrative despite explicitly stating their intentions
>Trani is crying
You ever think that the things that are negatives to you, aren’t to me?
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>Admitting to being a sociopath
This is why the anti-avatar anon may have been right all along, deanonymizing leads to ego, cliques, and people trying to police and suppress communities according to their personal values
I’m one of the original anti-avatars. Dummy.
>it's actually a good thing that I run a doxing discord for the community
weird flex but okay
I think you posting PII is hardly me doxxing you but I get the impression you don’t learn anything no matter how many times I gets beat into your skull.
thanks, can you share your prompt in this one?
am I supposed to be afraid of you?
are you sure your sylometry is working properly??
>I gets beat into your skull.
I think you had few to many knocks to the head already
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I can't fucking believe the discord is run by a character straight out of hot fuzz. You can't make this shit up.
I am the discord owner and you can’t stop me
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To be
The thread has spoken.
Yup, leader of the discord, resident doxxer, must fellate the prompt artist colloquially known as Debonair Boy AKA Debo
kermit jumping off . gif
Yup is as bad as debo
Ran is as bad as debo
Ani is worse than debo
Mint pussy is as bad as debo
0anon is as bad as debo
PW is as bad as debo
Comfy is okay
Ill do it
Ill fellate debo
what about me?
that's the best offer he's had in years.
Slime anon
Zipper broke
good try, but that's not the name he actually went by.
i'm the anon with the gens
shit list kike
>tfw not in the list again
fuck them it's their loss, nobody is as cool as us
How is Ani worse?
>tfw when I'm seven of them
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Whew lads missed again
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Oh, a fellow Nazu gener
debo isn't on the server, you can join without having to bump into him.

blue chibi fox is on there along with anim, comfy, "troony", catjak and some other anons.
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Cute gen anon
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>mfw Resource news


>Stable Cascade was originally MIT liscenced?

>Geometry-Aware Large Reconstruction Model for Efficient and High-Quality 3D Generation

>VideoGenHub: One-stop library to standardize inference and evaluation of Conditional Video Models

>AI’s Most Ambitious Music Generators Accused of ‘Massive’ Infringement In New Lawsuit

>ECLIPSE: Expunging Clean-label Indiscriminate Poisons via Sparse Diffusion Purification

>Contextual Interaction via Primitive-based Adversarial Training for Compositional Zero-shot Learning


>MOFA-Video: Controllable Image Animation via Generative Motion Field Adaptions in Frozen Image-to-Video Diffusion Model

>SD.Next release 2024-06-23

>ComfyUI Unique3D

>AutoStudio: Crafting Consistent Subjects in Multi-turn Interactive Image Generation


>ComfyUI DiffSynth wrapper nodes

>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements

>StableSwarmUI will no longer be maintained under Stability AI
>mfw Research news


>Image Conductor: Precision Control for Interactive Video Synthesis

>HLQ: Fast and Efficient Backpropagation via Hadamard Low-rank Quantization

>A3D: Does Diffusion Dream about 3D Alignment?

>Disability Representations: Finding Biases in Automatic Image Generation

>VividDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity and Efficient Text-to-3D Generation

>Multimodal Task Vectors Enable Many-Shot Multimodal In-Context Learning

>LLM2FEA: Discover Novel Designs with Generative Evolutionary Multitasking

>Demonstrating the Efficacy of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Vision Tasks

>LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models

>Six-CD: Benchmarking Concept Removals for Benign Text-to-image Diffusion Models

>Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words? Delving Into Spatial Reasoning for Vision Language Models

>Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels

>Evaluating Numerical Reasoning in Text-to-Image Models

>Holistic Evaluation for Interleaved Text-and-Image Generation

>Stylebreeder: Exploring and Democratizing Artistic Styles through Text-to-Image Models

>DragPoser: Motion Reconstruction from Variable Sparse Tracking Signals via Latent Space Optimization

>This Looks Better than That: Better Interpretable Models with ProtoPNeXt
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Thanks, I like yours, too
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That was another anon's from here, haven't seen him for a while
Debo got kicked
I know, I'm on the server.
>>Stable Cascade was originally MIT liscenced?
>statement as a question
retard moment
Why tho?
did they try to groom you?
should i join the discord?
sometimes it's nice to be able to engage with other anons in realtime rather than waiting for the other person to reply x mins later.
Absolutely. Despite what others may say, we're cool on there.
but i dont want to get groomed by trani
no, I'm still the same fucked up anon as before I joined. nobody on there has tried to change anything about me, for better or worse.
you should tho
Ani isn't anything like interior anon so you have nothing to worry about
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there seems to be some debate around exactly how that license applies so I didn't want to post it as an objective fact without confidence
The weights were released on HF with the licence stated as "mit"
they're open weights m8
nta so people were free to finetune etc but almost nobody has, is that the case?
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What kind of content do you even post on discord? More or less the same mix as in this thread?
people in the discord did finetune it
more or less
>ages ago schizo was tricked into thinking there was a discord

>he goes apeshit that no one would share the (non-existent) link

>skip forward to his revenge
yeah, pretty much the same. if instant gratification is your thing then you'll get it faster than waiting for someone in this thread to reply.
>Ani post shota
>everyone thinks he's a groomer
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just ran spamming the thread with ani hate
yeah cause no one noticed the licence was MIT and SD3 hype drowned it out
where there's smoke there's fire
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Every time I complimented Ran's gens someone would always tell me I wasn't going to get an invite to the discord, the irony. It's even funnier because me and Ran have probably only interacted here like 3-4 times.
4chan has become mainstream and the overly sensitive nu-nu-newfags who have never experienced the old 4chan get a Twitter normie style meltdown when they see the slightest glimpse of loli or shota.
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I'd stop interacting with ran since he has been caught schizoposting
>you just have to be a pedo on 4chan ok
>loli or shota
Child abusers should be in prison. Only way to deal with these psychos.
>let me groom you bro
but you can join now, just like everyone else can.
if anything I respect him for not giving a fuck
>pedos outing themselves
Yeah. No idea what that has to do with loli and shota images, but sure.
I'm sure the pixels on the screen had a hard life
>one anon theory destroyed
srsly? sexualizing little kids? it's evil. period. please stop and seek help.
You should join the discord
It is.
Still no idea what this has to do with drawings, but okay.
>ran sperging
I wonder what his employers think
god I wish stability thought at all
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Yes I know, you've been asking me to join (or someone else falseflagging) for that past three weeks now. I kind of noped out after Discord requires a phone number and I definitely noped out after >>101130725
I dunno if nogen anon is actually the Discord mod or just anon falseflagging, but bad vibes man. Isn't the point of 4chan to post whatever the fuck you want without moderation?
>srsly? murdering people? it's evil. period. please stop and seek help.
>pedo cope
Those people literally got murdered!!!! You're a sick psychopath, you need urgent help!!! I hope the police catch you before you do this IRL because that's clearly what you want!!!
thanks for outing yourself again (t)ran
>publicly announce joining a company that destroyed itself for safety
>post shota
What did Trani mean by this?
>pedo cope itt
we're so back bois
Yeah!!! I'm literally crying and shaking RN
This thread is full of murderers! Psychopath cope!
shota is not only pedo, it's also gay
double shot to the head
lmao I am so normal and mellow I don’t know why accountability is such a dealbreaker for some
>Please be on my side already guise :(
>I definitely noped out after...
We already know you're good to go if you showed up. Like another anon mention in the last thread, you can just generate a tree and you'll pass "verification". The server owner just wants to make sure new people joining aren't automated bots and can demonstrate basic SD usage. That's it.
It's fucking ridiculous the way it's been spun. The discord is fully chill and a lot calmer than the thread with more activity and gens. Literally the only people who got doxxed were Ani (who still posts there and has his anime nights with the peoe who doxxed him) and Debo (who left the discord peacefully of his own accord).
you can be on whatever side you want, i'm not trying to recruit anyone
you're the pedo&gay combo
Pedo groomers like you are the worst kind of people.
Meant for >>101133271
>just join so we can post your face and info like we did with debo and tranni, we have doxx info on 4 people but we totally aren't going to do it because they haven't done anything to slight us! (yet)
>just trust us
>its chill
>we dox people but its chill
Look, Thread shizo has nothing else to live for.
This thread IS his life.
Problem: This thread is boring. People post gens, some people compliment, some people say "thread is boring" without elabotorating further.

At some point, shizo anon must have picked up a celebrity magazine and his brain put 1 and 1 together: If there's no drama, make shit up!
And he's been relentlessly doing it ever since.
And calling his mum at 2AM to tell her about his delusions about what "Debo" has, in his warped version of reality, done this time.
just because the doxx is there doesn't mean it would ever be used, you're just being retarded now
doxxing and chilling, it makes sense to me
What's the best bang for your buck gpu for this stuff right now? Is a 4060 good enough? How much better would a 4070 be than a 4060 in this case?
you should ask this in the discord
I don't have.
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Tbf ani and debo both posted PII on their own accord; nobody went out of their way to find those two until they made it easy to do so.
you don't even deny it, now we have a brigade of discord bots doing damage control itt. if the only purpose of the thread is to air discord drama and groom new anons into joining a external site, then it shouldn't exist.
I can't even find the ani dox in the archives anymore. It's gone
>this post sponsored by Nord VPN
mainly speed, you can iterate a lot faster on the 4070. iirc the base 4060 is also 8GB while the 4070 is 12GB. so it gives you space for more complex workflows
who is this?
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the hilarious part is schizo anon was right
Is there a big difference between 8gb and 12gb vram when it comes to AI?
You will be able to use bigger models with more VRAM.
VRAM is pretty much THE moat right now - the reason companies can run massive models and you can not.`

8GB is barely enough right now - and even then I think it means you can't use SD3 or the chink models.
there are so many discord bots these days, I was in a server that recorded every deleted post and put it in a separate channel for stalking purposes
SD3 uses less vram than XL...
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Why do people call PixArt a chink model? It was made in Hong Kong, not China
Didn't Chinkistan reclaim that territory?
So is a 4070 good enough? Are there other uses of vram besides image generation? I have a graphics card with 6gb vram right now and it works fine for everything including games.
this he even tried to warn us
Amount of CUDA cores is essential when you want to compare two cards but VRAM is still more important in the long run.
about what? now this thread has basically no avatars and just nogen schizos screeching about avatars that don't come here
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so you're saying it's a plus but the anon you're responding to can't see that... right?
>schizo was wrong
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You're replying to someone who called himself right, then agreed with himself.
he tried to gaslight us
Lel. Brown mouse is the most underrated regular here.
it also has a bunch of avatars that no longer post anything but discord bs as no gens. this thread should be sent to /b/
Damage has been done
be strong
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just go to /ldg/ if you want to talk about imagen
the schizophrenia is very strong in this thread
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this is what ran and debo's mind is like
Yeah, sure, they are to blame, not the shizo who obsesses about them every waking minute of his "life".
a schizo posting an unrelated photograph ? damn, he sure got ani good
want me to repost it as catbox faggot?
>singular schizo theory
who would believe you? why would anyone else care?
>post your doxx
>talk about your job
>post loli and shota
the future is worse than what you experience now :)
>t. can't prove anything anymore
Still hard to beat epicPhotoGasm for realism, any good XL checkpoints nowadays? EpicRealismXL seems like a downgrade
but thats your cope now? after months you decide it didnt happen or what am i supposed to believe here?
If you say so
You do realize anon has the original file right?
i wish trani would just fuck off forever
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I don't understand this sentence at all
I got lazy once I installed comfy with SDXL, I like my old gens better
>I totally have the file!
>doesn't post it
holy shit lmao
>ran didn't save it
>Trani is afraid
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People thinking ani is the problem are downright retarded
prove it :]
Nice gen for a 1girl. Love the style etc.
oh you will regret this lol
ponyrealism mixed with any xl realism checkpoint
hahaha don't reply to me "anon" :]
Nvm I am retarded I had to read this like 10 times, I think the "but" threw me off there for a second
pw is debo
>troony desperately trying to insert himself
always such a pick-me girl
ran is an unhinged schizo pedo obsessed with projecting
>is he in the room with us now?
Amazing performance from a theatre kid
>be trani
>post pedo stuff with cute name like "shota"
>we are here
just a bit broken, but not too smooth as my other gens
this is troon, retard >>101134266
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Cozy Café Encounter: A captivating portrait of a beautiful young Angeline girl with a heartwarming smile, perfect body, and cute face. She gazes directly at the viewer, her eyes sparkling with a subtle blush. Framed by the warm glow of a vintage café, soft lighting highlights her features. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee as she leans in, her sharp eyes piercing through the lens. Inspired by the works of Courbet, Degas, Manet, and Renoir, Sorolla's brushstrokes bring this stunning piece to life on Artstation, trending among art enthusiasts
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A little too red I think
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troony doesn't do realism
>be ran
>point people to child coded content exposing them to cp
>deflect onto ani
how new are you?
PonyRealism? The civitai posts don't look very good
if i join the discord do i need to goon with trani in voicechat or is that optional?
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>A little too red I think

You should try semi realis
nta, but I knew a short woman that would do retarded shit like stand on their bath or bed to take mirror selfies because she was self conscious about their height
linked pic kinda reminded me of that
optional but everyone chooses to anyways
>be trani
>be the one who posted it in the first place
>be mad at people pointing this out
can confirm, gooned hard, but hasn't called me back since
yeah people who make content don’t really post on civitai lmao
prove it ran :]
Debo is pw
Do we have to make another split for Discord?
>ani effectively de-doxxed
how tf does that happen?
>im seven of them meme is real
>its literally one anon pretending to be multiple people
>he has multiple personality disorder
>he ruined this general
>this is what he wanted all along
just a really incompetent schizo not thinking ahead
no, the non discord thread is right here >>101128616
they smell bad tho, like kimchi and sewer oil
Debo you can stop nogenning
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I've done some tinkering with ponyrealism. I dunno, think I like my fantasy stuff more cartoonish to painterly style. Yours is nice though.
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this place has always been plauged by ESL don't worry about it
lmao we just talk about it here ldg is literally more discord than this place is
the github report was practice, submit a report to that archive per the faq
anim is anon again and it drives schizo crazy!
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>each avatar is a unique anon
>each avatar nogens as schizoanon
>therefore, schizoanon is actually all avatars
>mfw I'm seven of them
why is trani such a pedo
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Who are the best avatars here
ani is one
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brazil cat
Like who?
you mean this? https://files.catbox.moe/j06k2r.JPG

its still linked in the moe archive besides being deleted in desu archive you god damn retarded peace of shit
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It wasn't broken to me, looked bit like cg but in a cool way.
This one is more broken because it has somewhat flat lighting I guess.
Anyways cool stuff.
Like fuck I was supposed to know that, fuck you
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Can you archive that page
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what is this?
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btw here is the post number of him posting it himself: >>98185914 just search on archive moe
Whatever you do people do NOT look up the metadata info for this
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>trani still thinks being into shota is okay and completly normal
sdg: self doxing general
how can you be such a lolcow on 4chan of all places lmao
*also there are more archives so im looking foward to you trying this bullshit again kek
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Sounds like the Ani thing is a nothingburger
>trani suddenly silent
you were a lot tougher half a year ago you god damn faggot
>sweeping starts
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Joining an sdg discord sounds like such a bad idea lmfao

Hopefully nobody is stupid enough to do that
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Why? We're friendly folk in here
I'm on the discord, it's pretty chill
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is this why you keep flooding?

new bake
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>prove it prove it lalala :]
>*proves it*
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prove it :]
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Happy to see mouseposts
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It's hard to fill a thread when you are the only one doing it.
Thx anon
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that's cool, mr quokka, but the thread is going to get archived either way. You could spend your time doing literally anything else.
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Only 67 images to go boys
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thanks for the repost
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its been like 6 months since ive been here. whats all the new shit ppl are using. do ppl still not know how to upscale 1.5s? iss SD3 shit?

clean install btw so either A1111 or comfy or whatever might be better now
Comfy is the best, SDXL models are probably the best ones to play with. SD3 is cool but i'm also the best prompter around so YMMV
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this thread is ded soon. ask in the newer thread
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ok that's nice
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"why wont you DIE"
Dunno my gen was holding that thing and your gen seemed a little down.
I blame it on human brain looking for patters.
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>45 pictures left
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