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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101117112
you don't need more if you have a hexa and kz is good
iems objectively give you a lowfi experience compared to speakers and headphones. There's absolutely zero bass impact no matter how good the tuning might be.
Hi dentie. Too stupid to start a thread?
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LM drivers are pre-obsoleted by CRA drivers(now used in wankers).
all simgots are good except em6l because crinigger said em6l was good
Beyergoblin bros, our response?
Ackchyually, the quality of EQ depends on your EQ skills only. I've got a pleasant tuning with my KZ EDX Lite which is really competitive for Kiwi Ears Quintet or Truthear Nova with EQ. Those are even worse without EQ. Overpriced IEM have bare improvements for several times the price. The only reason of buying another expensive pos is to learn how do proper tonal balance or sub base sound like to apply them for cheaper pos.
So I guess I'll double check one last time. Should I cancel my order for the Simgot EA500LM and get Hexas?
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which $60-100 pos has the best build quality and consistent qc? i don't care about unmeasurable 1% differences in microdynamics or 1db diff in squiggle, but i do care about the pos not disintegrating in 6 months.
LM is better because it's $10 more expensive and techs are stored in the price tag.
Kefine Delci
There's a 10 dollar coupon on them so they're actually currently the same price.
Hexa has better stock tuning but it's ba pos and it's truthear. It will either arrive broken or some driver will unsolder in 6 months..
LM has unusable stock tuning but it's 1DD so it's salvageable. I heard their nozzle falls of or something, get some glue.
What would you recommend at the no more than $79 price point then?
Just ordered a pair of salnotes zero as my first ever iem and a gift because they happened to be extra cheap and because >>101102303 convinced me, I kneel shill-sama
use contact cement, not cyanoacrylate/superglue. either way it's less of an issue than people make it out to be, but it shouldn't be happening in the first place.
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>they're still talking about last month's fotm
New flame dropped. Good driver improvements over older generation. $99
Where can I find those for $79? On amazon they go for $150? Sorry if I seem ignorant.
oh no no no. simgot sisters, how do we respond without sounding mad?
>planar zing
lol and people thought ba timbre was bad. 1dd or bust.
Dies in 6 months.
I'd get the conch.
what happened to /hifi/ btw?
>Literally 0 reviews even after a week
Linsoul must know this is pos
just buy truthear nova for $149.99 and never spend any money on this hobby again
IEMs are solved
The conch is significantly less expensive. I found out they won't let me cancel the order I have so I might as well try the Simgots, but I'll keep those in mind if I end up not liking the simgot.
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8k peak looks too wide. Probably a real peak somewhere in there. And the kilocent treble will make it stand out even more.
Nova has no dustproof waterproof mesh protecting nozzle filters what's the same for Hexa.
Shut up Turdzo. No amount of peddling you do will change the fact that Hybrids are a noob trap.
Once you have a 1DD you only change it if it dies or if you don't like the fit. Use EQ if you don't like anything about the sound, 1DD can handle absolutely anything.
hexa was the old fotm, ea500lm is the new fotm. both have their haters and potential build quality issues, but at that price point you won't regret it either way. people are just fucking with you for their amusement. unless you get the chance to a/b test both pairs, you won't know which one is a better deal for you in terms of better comfort and stock sound signature, and these are individual matters so there's no meaningful advice to give.
1dd with inverted polarity is the endgame
I've surgically reversed my eardrums and implanted prosthetic ear canals modeled after 711.
I manually check the polarity of bass drums on a per song basis, just to be sure.
8k is prob coupler resonance peak.
It's weirdly true. EM6L has an unnatural timbre, I hate it. EA500LM is pretty good and Supermix 4 is nearly perfect. I think he's sabotaging them.

These guys are absolute scammers. For Moondrop, nothing below the Blessings is even decent. Truthear, it's all crap except the Novas, and even that one is mediocre at techs and imaging.
>tangzu wanker studio release date: 21.6
>24.6 and no news
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Any thoughts on vented drivers? Seems like a gimmick and sound isolation takes a nosedive. If a basic 1DD design is the best, why are all these companies fucking with multi driver designs with hole technology and fusion reactors and shit? Is it all marketing gimmicks and newbie traps?
>Any thoughts on vented drivers?
a meme, doesn't work with iems other than pressure relief.
Moondrop and Truthear have a very clear progression in sound quality through their lineup, which means the lower models are nerfed. If the clueless buyer sticks with one and keeps moving up the price ladder, they'll feel an improvement. So far, Simgot isn't doing this.
Any Yincrow X6 owners? Don't you find them strange with some female vocals? Like they are pulled in front, with strange artificial glare at times.
moondrop is the biggest fall from grace since kz. they can't even get the paintjob right, something perfected 10 million years ago.
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>Any thoughts on vented drivers?
peak audio
does such a thing even exist?
My 7Hz Salnotes Zero keeps alive even after a year of use.
Nearly all single dynamic drivers are vented.
As in any market, companies seek profits, and price differentiates segments. It is up to you as an individual consumer to determine if there is perceived value, and if the cost is justifiable relative to your finances. There are terrible expensive products and fairly good ones. No, subjective internet reviews from fucking idiots and unabashed shills aren't helping you "research" anything. Hearing with your own ears and understanding frequency response reigns absolute over all other opinions.
the fuck is niggtron sputtering??? does it gib extra techhz as compared to a BIG D?
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Oh. So having to rubber cement them back together wasn’t a meme? Yeesh. What a real pos.
>>planar zing
Unironically, try listening to Artti T10.
Instead of gluing a wire to a trash bag they're spray painting it instead.
you morons are discussing em6l, and not even the "nozzle falling off," a protective metal sheath slid off one one trannyreviewer's unit. literally nothing.
ea-series all have removeable nozzles. it's the feature, literally. jfc
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budget IEMs are so hilarious
>SM4 is nearly perfect
On the contrary I have been coping hard with my SM4 for the past week. I have to turn up the volume to get any proper bass and treble, at mid-volume it is unlistenable
I know there's a resonance. Read what I'm saying. The resonance probably overlaps with a real peak.
Guys my Er2se is out for delivery rn yesss I can't wait to perforate my eardrumussys after work
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why don't you just make your own budpos?
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techbros…I don’t feel so good
For me, It's chu II.
i hope they sprurt cum over it for impregnated techz
I need to pay someone reputable first, to know what can be achieved for 1/20 of that money.
i want these and have a notepad like that
ew500 clearly has more techs due to over emphasized up-mids
My Starfields died in 2.5 years of heavy use until I see a budget IEM lasting 5 years I won’t be impressed.
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What’s this then?
what coupler was this measured on? i'd expect an 8khz peak and 10khz dip on 711, but the dip here isn't very pronounced and the peak is wider than expected. if i'm completely misinterpreting it then i'll just say i'm only pretending to be retarded.
a metal sheath sliding off the nozzle. nothing important "fell off." it's a non functional cover over the resin nozzle.
ur fuckin retarded. can newfags pls stfu?
How much does Moondrop pay you to lie on the internet? 200 rupees a day?

No graph has ever made my creditcartussy wet faster. Might have to cop the gatepos after all.
how about both of you post pictures of your pos in question or kindly shut the fuck up
Refund it and buy the Meze Alba, the new hype pos of the week. The SM4 just went from $8 off on Amazon to $22 after the midsummer sale, seems like a real pos.
doesnt matter. truthear faggot shills have been incessant, good lord.
a graph aligned at 7k. but i know you are just samefag troll shilling for the epic memes. go do something with your life other than troll shilling on/iemg/.
>half of the thread is just shillgot schizos shilling their garbage and shitting on other, actually good IEMs like hexa
I hope you're at least getting paid more than $1 a day for this, rajesh
shut the fuck up retard
Graphed treble response doesn't matter. It's a newbie trap.
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new kz zs12 pos just dropped
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At least tell me this pos is worth the wait so that I can rest assured my grandson will enjoy this...
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yes, please shut the fuck up
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I don’t know what you’re saying but it sounds like cope
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Novasimps, pls explain picrel
Shut up rat.
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Maybe im fucking deaf or have a bad unit but i am NOT hearing any of the talking points these reviewers are talking about
you'd have to be high or criminally insane, a woman or all of the above to trust kz with your money after the shit they've done
Insertion depth/angle/fit/seal issue like always. Try different dilators.
I dunno, works on my machine.
the contrarian in me cant help buying kz pos since everyone hates them
My biggest fear is that I'll drop $100 on a pair of bad boys and they won't sound any better than my $25 tws
Can sleeping in IEMs harm them?
If so, what are the sturdiest IEMs? I just want something for ASMR, nature sounds, and maybe some instrumentals.
just play this shit on speakers
don't sleep on your pos even if it's all metal
sleep with etymotics in your ears and tell me what happens if you live to tell the tale
They're good but some of them are chonky like Edx Lite (It's insane because you can see the bulk is unnecssary since it's transparent).
If it's on speakers, the ASMR doesn't make me feel tingly and comfortable, it's just background noise at that point.
>first Google search is $300
>if you live to tell the tale
There are two reasons I don't think I'll take this advice
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trust me i have, i think the sm4's nozzle angle just doesn't work for me personally
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>look up pos manufacturer's ali store and check certain pos
>leave without placing an order
>return to home page
>pos is now in the super deals section with a much lower price sold by the same store I just visited despite such deal not being visible in their store
Why is the chink like this?
>If it's on speakers, the ASMR doesn't make me feel tingly and comfortable, it's just background noise at that point.
if that's true then asmr is weird
shiroi is such a cakeface whore next to my tradwife
get some tws for that
the main issue with sleeping on your iems is connector damage
Sorry for assuming you were retarded but this is 4chan we're talking about. They might be overhyped pos after all.
Airpods unironically or even Earpods if you don’t mind buying a new set every 3 months
>nozzle angle just doesn't work for me personally
Fit is subjective. Because it doesn't work for you, you're not getting ideal sound. More obvious news at 5
>Fit is subjective
you're fucking retarded. thanks for having trips on because your posts are consistently fucking retarded and this is only further confirmation
room reverb/reflections diffuse the transients. try playing back a 10hz saw wave on earpos vs speakerpos and the difference in tactility is night and day. same goes for spatialization which is often a major part of asmr shit, with some asmr incorporating binaural recordings and virtual surround which just won't work on speakers.
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your """tradwife""" is a dyke whore
Fit is an objective criterion, but individual. Your earussy is either sealed as intended by the developer or it's not.
asmr is binaural recordings dumbass
>even shartur himself can't deny that headphones are simply superior
eardildosisters... we lost
kek is he malding because we called him a stinkjeet
hate this proboscis monkey-looking motherfucker
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Good morning, sir.

Open back headphones >>>>> sorry ass IEMs
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you new here buddy?
For denting your skull? Absolutely.
can't really disagree with his reasoning
sh*t the fuck up tr*pfag
he don’t miss
I choose bass to spontaneously leak from my pos based on my feelings, opinions and taste.
the schizophrenia is strong with this one
have you ever see an IEM on a studio??
that's right.. shut up u sorry ass bitch

Speakers > Headphones > a toilet > you > IEM
in that order
>tanchjim 4u monitoring dial
>tang sancai wide bore incorrect size
imagine the openback tier sub roll off...
He started balding after he switched too poodeze. I don't believe in coincidences like that.
>missed the sale
i'll just wait until november i guess
haha mio youre such a dumb retard
even a 20$ niceHACK will sound better than tard wireless pos
>It will either arrive broken or some driver will unsolder in 6 months..
schizophrenic fud
i don't know why this general still gives attention to this brownoid autist
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chang loves his budpos
Soundstage is a marketer's term. There's interference in headpos that's why they have additional spacial effect. Prove me wrong.
>India is the last bastion of headphones
How the mighty have fallen.
>no good simpos and truthpos deals on ali
>can't use shenzhenaudio or am*zon due to ergonomic sanctions (really i just wanted to use my codes)
fuck my life
brazil monkeys get the rope hope you get rangebanned faggot
the vibrations of your farts can mess up your HRTF on axis response. expensive AF to get a decent setup and you also basically need to be an electrical engineer and sound engineer to build a decent setup.
cup resonances, treble peaks, general tuning issues, lack of seal. Nearly impossible to get proper flat subbass extension much less any kind of shelf. head dents
literally the microscopes of sound. Eliminate all factors affecting HRTF other than the eardrum. Full audible extension on both sides in $20 POS. typically much smoother tunings. Almost zero soundstage, but amazing imaging(usually).
is it electrical infetterance or is it related to angular velocidensity in riemannian space (with dark energy assumed to be responsible for techs)?
you forgot about flatpos
>Eliminate all factors affecting HRTF
And that's why they're shit. Your brain needs those "factors" to be able to process the sounds you hear properly.
Why does binaural content work the best on IEMs then.
>Almost zero soundstage
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "Almost zero" more like NOTHING, garbage ass products made for just a quick listen.
>Soundstage is a marketer's term
soundstage is real with speakers since the sound comes from in front of you
>do a detachable cable mod in my closed dentpos
>absolutely dramatic channel imbalance due to disturbed resonance modes
fml. precisely why i'm in the market for dilators now.
IEM target audience are people who are on a bus
The factors that contribute to soundstage also contribute to a less focused sound. Have you ever tried locating something using only sound? it’s hard af. Real life is a cacophony of mud, treble and reverb.
The audio engineers can’t possibly account for room reverb/reflections or listening windows. The purest form of sound is at the eardrum.
Does it sound like real life? finally and timbrally? yes. What gives it away that it’s not real life is the fact that imaging actually exists, something you absolutely cannot get easily in a real life concert setting lmao
nonono friend it's the young's modulus and speed of sound km/s that has greater influence on techs
You're supposed to dummy-mod the other cup so they match internally even if you only use one plug, retard.
Daily reminder that techs are stored in dB/mW
>Soundstage is a marketer's term.
you're retarded
Even headphones are cope compared to speakers but they are a massive improvement over iems
We all know that good speakers are the best way to listen anything even your mom know this
IEM fanboys live in a cloud of lies
I embed my iems on the other side of eardrums to naturally reverse the inverted polarity
speakerpos are a joke
All this shit is just cope for people too poor to hire live musicians to play music while you masturbate at 2am.
It's sound interference caused by relatively big size of drivers. When the sound is transmitted out of any bigger than something which can't be neglected to material point happens sound interference. It literally causes phase shifts throughout the frequency range. Interference happens naturally everywhere. That's why properly equalized headpos sound in a more natural way than pure pos. The advantage of pos is that its frequency response is less distorted and can be easily equalized. Good pos costs cheaper than headpos.
shartur is fucking livid lmao, guess all the pooposting finally got to him
I'm not reading all that but I'm happy for you or sorry it happened.
Speakers and IEMS are all that really matter desu
Better on a bus than under the train
no one is clicking your youtube link, shartur.
Get a toilet shartur.
you honestly should it's a good video
You should wipe your ass with toilet paper, not with your hand.
he can't poo in the loo
Are there any genres that you only got into after getting better-than-shit-tier IEMs?
Are there genres that are "gear locked" so to speak, genres that are unlistenable with shitty $5 wireless earbuds from the gas station?
Why don't you all attack Sharurs points and not his race
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All these copistan and shitflinging when you could just buy $5 blue vido and enjoy the music
shut the fuck up you faggot, go suck on his cock some more.
But I like my CRAs
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eq'd blue vidos sound the same as $100 pos except with better comfort and soundstage
if he's such a stupid Indian it should be easy you would think
Indian is not a race, it's a disgrace.
only if you got them under $4, remember the lower the pricetag, the better the sq
If I wanted to do shit the hard way I'd play music instead of listening to it, faggot
>They didn't read psychoacoustics
Oh, sorry I mistook you for open minded human being.
it's easier calling you a faggot, elaborating would cause you to call me a racist. you weren't bullied enough, zoomzoom. and it shows.
i want to attack shartur with a lethal implement. buy an ad slot.
which AMP&DAC for ¢90 chinkbuds?
Because he is right, even in the headphone world.. Is well know that open back headphones are better than closed headphones, iem are below closed headphones.
After getting good IEMs I started listening exclusively to real music
Is there any point to connecting my DAP to my phone via Bluetooth?
you dont need one but i use fiio e10k at my desk
The point of a DAP is to not use your phone. There's qudelix 5k if you want to do this.
Firstly, I can buy the same audio system he owns and get it delivered to me within a week, but he will never shit in a toilet.
Secondly, calibrated speakers sound nothing like real music performance. Period. This whole argument about sounding "natural" is inherently flawed from very beginning, because it is sterile lab studio conditions.
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soon I will be free from /iemg/ until 11.11
I cannot wait
Then why do so many have the option, is it just a trick to fool people?
I tried but he smelled so bad I couldn't focus.
>calibrated speakers sound nothing like real music performance.
ask yourself this question, can a speaker be able to replicate perfectly an instrument? in a perfect environment yes, speakers are goated for a reason.
>included IEM cable has a mic on it
>driver will unsolder in 6 months
What are you guys doing with them tf??
Mine are over a year old right now and work just like day 1, just need a tip replacement
When the DAP has no internet but you want to listen/watch something from the internet.
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> >Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>female vocal
Uh… I’m new to this technology, but are there special monitors for listening to anime characters? Both speech and singing.
I see, hows the component quality on that?
they only restocked the mic ver after the sales were over anyway, just a small punishment for procrastinating on buying them
also mic cable = le bad is a myth unless you're buying 5 bucks kz pos
>Shanling M0 Pro
Got one of these.
In folder view, how can I stop it from skipping to the next album? I don't like relying on metadata.
do mics ruin the sq or something?
*no mic ver
speakers suck ass, even gate btfos $5000 speakerpos
get the wankers and you are set for next 5 years
No, I think the point of an ick is that it's entirely/mostly emotional and largely illogical. I just hate mics on them. I prefer them being symmetrical and evenly balanced
good had mine for several years
we not talking about money, I know u sorry ass can't buy a good pair of speakers, that's why you here in the IEM world, bitch ass.
ok so datamining time because I'm curious
>average shipment time of pos from china
Nevermind; for anyone else confused, go into playback settings, scroll to the bottom, turn off folder skip
Literally perfect device for me now, assuming the device itself doesn't break and the battery is decent
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It's not really that ugly on the Hola's cable honestly, but I get how you feel
Mic cables are great for volume/play/pause buttons.
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which pos should i use today
A boomer friend of mine (bass guitarist with over 30 years of experience) absolutely loves Scarlet Minis because in his words it is the best and only pos capable conveying his experience of on stage performances.
of course he old as hell, his ears are fucked.
There's only one POS in that picture, skip it and just use the Vido set
I would trust an actual musician over shartman parrot any day
there is boomer musician right now that think a vinyl sounds better than a CD.
Vinyl records have different mastering so it is legitimately possible
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using vidos right now
A bass player likes bass? Wow.
Musicians are why sound engineers exist.
I would trust neither. One is biased and another just retarded by definition. Still picking everything non harman any day
There is no device that accurately captures audio better than a cassette
Pity there's no way to play a cassette without fucking the audio up, true music is unattainable
No, It's not possible, vinyl have distortion by law.
>There is no device that accurately captures audio better than a cassette
There is, it's called a hard drive.
both Chihaya and her flatpos are cute and deliciously flat
will report when they arrive
do you think she uses white vidos?
techs = price, if you apply a coupon and get them for cheaper you get worse techs
new paradigm shift
he's right unironically
Flatpos solves this problem kek
I'm not clicking this ragebait. tl;dr?
I mean yeah of course
speakers + eq is the endgame
and always was
tldr loves dick in his ass
As per usual, shartur is late on the uptake and realizes that IEMs have inherent disadvantages, and as per usual, he takes it to the extreme and says that IEMs suck and that listening to nature is better.
He also fails to realize that literally every other audio reproduction system also has its own compromises, and that IEMs will most probably be the first reproduction system to actually deliver proper spatial audio reproduction for the masses.
it's not ragebait
speakers suck
Was that green cable more expensive than the wankers?
nta but it's around the same price iirc
not with subwoofer
Get a toilet shartur.
i bought it in the sale so no
learn to use ai

The video critiques in-ear monitors (IEMs), arguing they provide poor sound reproduction compared to other audio devices. It emphasizes that eardrum measurements are only a part of the total sound experience, and IEMs lack a proper sound stage, making them sound closed-off and isolated. The speaker finds IEMs impractical, particularly wired ones, due to their restrictive cables during physical activities. Over-ear headphones are preferred for their ability to create a better sound stage and provide higher bass impact.

The speaker notes that natural sounds and over-ear headphones offer a more enjoyable listening experience than IEMs. Adding reverb to IEMs is not seen as a solution to their lack of sound stage and bass dynamics. The video references past discussions on earphones with drivers at the end of a tube, reinforcing that IEMs cannot provide good sound quality. Even stereo speakers, despite being a compromise, are considered superior to IEMs.

The video concludes that IEMs, especially wired ones, are pointless and a waste of hearing capacity. The speaker recommends using over-ear headphones or good speakers for a better listening experience.
how can this guy be so ugly holy fuck, he must be a lab experiment that somehow managed to escape the facility and now do shit videos, he's also indian
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If you're using wankers try protruding 2 pin instead of qdc. Looks stupid but makes it way less likely to slide out of my ears. No earhooks.
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learn the meaning tl;dr
tl;dr: he has no toilet
amerishart jeets worse than mainland jeets holy shit
i did and the sockets became loose and broke after a year
Why would a Poo who listens to Kpoop "desire" soundstage? That genre doesn't even need accurate tonality to be enjoyed, you could play off some Flatpos and be happy.
good morning
allo :D
oy vey
Guten Morgen
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This got me thinking and the answer is technically speaking there are no "gear locked" genres of music since one can listen and enjoy to his tunes even on laptop speaker if hes unironically senile plus completely oblivious to actually good audio quality that exist out there.
But for those in the know how upgrading to better gear can make a big difference when it comes to a subset of genres. These include but not limited to, Mathrock, Prog-Rock, pretentious avant garde j-pop, early 2000s Post Hardcore, might as well throw in straight up Incredibly well mastered albums of the past. All these reap benefits from highly technical drivers which can retrieve details even the artist didn't intended kek.
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>upgrading to better gear
learn to eq
For all you fags talking about how headPOS and speakers are better…have you ever actually LISTENED to a headPOS? if so, please enlighten me which one sounds better than an IEM?(no EQ that’s cheating)
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It took me 3 years to create an EQ that makes headpos listenable. I can listen to laptop speakers without EQ.
all you have to do is push the tip further in
But it hurts.
>there are no "gear locked" genres of music
>But... better gear can make a big difference... details even the artist didn't intend
What are your favorite examples of songs where the difference feels more notable?
get your earussy stretched (sexually)
Use more lube and bite the pillow.
Best portable battery for my pmp?
>still believing in techs and driver quality
/iemg/ do you listen to music or do you just argue about gear online?
I can't listen to music until I obtain the perfect gear
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Mostly listen to music but I still drop by every now and then when I feel like having a giggle.
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i do both at the same time
I've got a better question
do you actually LISTEN to music? I used to only "hear" music but nowadays I only "listen" to it

Do you know what I mean?
Honestly, there are several ranging from a few singles to entire albums. Off the top of my head; Take the entire DIM tracklist from the Gazette, not only does it sounds crisp but is also boasts phenomenal mixing for a visual-kei album. Many of Sokoninaru tracks have intricate high tempo details which will get lost on low accurate drivers. Still a sigure Virgin is like this as well. For post hardcore, Define The Great Line/Underoathe, TCFSR/MCR. Alt rock; Ritual/White Lies. White Pony/Deftones, The NBHD's self titled.
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Of course.
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Listen? sorry but I only/ FEEL/ my music.
the man in the picture clearly only "hears" music
I have run out of music to listen to. I just don't enjoy music anymore
I listen to the same 10 songs every day.
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I only listen to real music.
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You need more?
I need less, fuck off
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lemme guess, you need more?
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Speakerpos sounds nothing like real musician performance and there is nothing they can do about it, and they know it is true based on objective data.
So they created their own delusional reality that it is the best just because it is the best, the moment you accept it - you lose. Go to your local band concert. Support the real music. Listen to it, enjoy it. And then pick your side, anon.
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What am I even looking at here.
they use pos speakers at concerts too

if you want to experience REAL music learn how to play piano
anything that doesn't require electricity really
Are you really a music fan if you dont pay your favourite band come to your personal auditorium to perform the entire album live?
Fox TWS, endgame.
One day I will do this
just ship them fuckers from the other side of the world so they can perform 3 songs and go back
>anything that doesn't require electricity really
These are the concerts I go to actually
And I advise you to do the same.
I live in a smol town we don't have them here
I don't want to go to the city there are ni
black people there
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Saar... that's too much bloat...
>his favorite """musicians""" are still alive
Real music stopped being made before you were born.
Real music has never been tried.
A skilled pianist can perform Chopin just fine
Those instruments lack analog warmth provided by the circuit. The definition of soulless, their sole purpose nowadays is to back up synthesizers, electric guitars and such.
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this came after 2001 tho
Nujabes is better than anyone you can name or think of
Doujin circles are the only ones capable of making real music. I'll add this to my library later.
now that the simgot ew500 is old and busted and cr******'s endorsement of hexa made the hexapos radioactive, what is the sub $100 endgame of the month?
q1 pro with custom faceplate
Yea its great, one of yuyoyuppe's finest. Really nice tracks from start to finish.
Dunu Titan S2. You heard it first.
How much do they charge for custom works?
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A little too new wave for my taste but still has its moments. I think their best work is their collab with Foreground Eclipse. Funny party in the Fog is pretty good too.
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also fantastic, Melting time being the strongest track. Also I just realised its numbered 8 instead of 9... Cirno is sad :(
Tuning space/Melting time should have been one track.
true it does transition into the next very smoothly. On a CD player its technically one sound piece broken into two.
Hey watch what you say mang
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I want to pull the trigger on the budget planarpos but the plastic straight up looks like the oral b dental floss case
What the fuck are those Vido earbuds..
People keep posting about them for the last several threads
new bread >>101137032
to call him mentally ill would be one of the biggest understatements in history of mankind
I like how those look. You can grab them from the super deals section for cheaper.
for me the best of his works are under his DJ TEKINA pseudonym but it's a matter of taste
>simgot ew500 is old
by chifi standards, yes
not in the slightest, it's still a hot FOTM for a few months in a row already

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