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unemployed and hungry edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101110308
>unemployed and hungry edition
True. It's now 3:07am and I am now looking for where in Australia I can buy fat free cheddar cheese.

how long have you been unemployed for ?
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fellas if you're still blessed with a fully remote job and dodged all the layoffs, here's your reminder that your God given duty is to now do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at all at your job.

i quite literally did nothing at a peak-coof job that i had just joined. would wake up at 9:59 and join the stand-up in bed and refuse to turn my camera on. 15 minutes later i would go work on/rip my motorcycle around in the mountains

past that I would lift weights and walk aimlessly around my neighborhood smoking cigarettes

anytime someone would try to "call me out" for doing fuck-all (literally not one single commit made my entire tenure at this company) i would just let the team know that I was feeling sick. that was my get-out-of-jail-free card due to peak coof hysteria. that's probably the one advantage to working at a pozzed blue-hair cuck tech company... if you know how to be a faggot victim you can do whatever you want, even if you're a straight white guy.

at the 6 month mark i got an exceeds expectations LMAO. quit at 7 month mark because my actual technical skills were rapidly withering. fun while it lasted.

wake up later. leave earlier. intentionally miss more meetings. ignore Slack and Teams pings, _especially_ if it's from Rajesh.

Thinking of even going a step further and doing the overemployed reddit meme
> _especially_ if it's from Rajesh.
Is it possible to work without Rajesh in US or they are mandatory in every company ?
No it's absolutely mandatory.
>Is it possible to work without Rajesh in US or they are mandatory in every company ?
No, pajeet is eternal.
About 7 months. I had started applying in February up until March, the only companies I got response from sucked ass. A mate of mine set me up with a company he's working at, but they fucked me around for two months just to decide they didn't want to hire me. I'm currently not applying atm because I'd rather focus on doing my own thing. I burn through money slowly and I've got enough to last me 2 - 3 years.
I believe your whole story except the part where you had a job
Find a Japanese engineering company. They discriminate against street shitters but they like white people.

>About 7 months.
Same me.
I have been working as a fullstack programmer for 5 years when this crisis started.
Btw. what is your tech ?

>Find a Japanese engineering company. They discriminate against street shitters but they like white people.
Unfortunately I don't know Japanese, so I guess this would make a problem.
It's not that hard, just a few hundred basic symbols.
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>Apply for IT Tech job that wants 3 years of experience
>"hey can you do $18/hr, we think its market rate"
>no because thats not market rate
>"Ok what about $30/hr"
>"We'll be in touch"

what did they expect some fucking guy to just take a pay cut for them?

why are companies like this
>Btw. what is your tech ?
The usual web dev faggotry (Nodejs, Vue, C#, etc.) with some AWS thrown in there (Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, etc.).
as based as this is, i actually recommend against doing it. because once you do, it changes your life. its sort of like when you go to 120fps monitors - you can't go back anymore.

once you realize that the entire thing was a facade, a meme, busywork for inflating appearances, you basically can't bring yourself to do any work anymore, ever. like, its over. its actually over. it is forever pointless, forever unsatisfying, a sham.

i basically have no idea what to do with my life anymore ever since i realised i can just do nothing and nobody cares. you think its liberating but its the opposite. as if fake relationships, fake news, and fake tv werent enough, now even the jobs are fake too, the meetings, the 'events', all of it fake, all of it a meme... one is left to wonder, is there anything that _isnt_ fake?
>what did they expect some fucking guy to just take a pay cut for them?
Yeah juniors tend to panic while job hunting and do that.
>Unfortunately I don't know Japanese, so I guess this would make a problem.
They speak English, the companies are in America.
>one is left to wonder, is there anything that _isnt_ fake?
No. We live in Scamerica. And even if you're not an Amerilard, don't fool yourself into believing that any white collar job anywhere is different. Everyone is a grifter, everything is vaporware hype driven fake non-sense. Nothing matters except appearances, which may be the liberating part of it all, and gives you something to optimize for.
I figured this out when I taught myself to program at 12 and could suddenly understand "adult" books and papers instead of the slow crap at school.
I have a year of hell desk experience, an AS in IT, and the A+
How do I move up?

>They speak English, the companies are in America.
I dunno. Let american companies be for americans.
I think I will try to come up with something of my own rather then robbing americans
of their job market.
Employers hate to hear this, but I’ll say it anyway:

Employees don't quit "bad jobs". They quit "bad managers".

Fantastic visual from Victoria Repa :fire:

Bad managers will:

Ignore toxicity at work.
Or become toxic themselves.

It’s not often the job that makes people quit.
Here is why they actually leave:

1. Poor Management.
2. Micromanaging boss.
3. Toxic work environment.
4. Unbalanced work-life mix.
5. Unable to trust leadership.
6. No opportunities to progress.
7. Feeling overqualified and bored.
8. Poor communication in their team.
9. No challenge within day-to-day tasks.
10. Workload is not equal to the pay check.
11. Overworked with unrealistic expectations.
12. Not being shown appreciation for hard work.
13. No room for creativity and innovation in the role.
14. Company values and personal values do not align.
15. No flexible working or work from home opportunities.

72% of employees leave their job because of a toxic environment.
So let's keep spreading the word and create change.
Eh, the opposite for me. I stay because I hate my manager so much I want to steal as much money from the company as I can while also degrading the QoL of everyone who uses our products. The ultimate grief/disrespect is not quitting imo.
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This bullshit is so goddamn draining. From the metaverse push to AI, I'm doing my best to nut up and shut up.

Just a few more decades, amirite?
I wanna quit my job cause of the dickhead in the office next to us constantly blasting shit cause he has never heard of the concept of headphones
AI will never replace anything other than things humans actually like doing
Why are you replying to literal Linkedin copypastas lmao
Should I post the Einstein dog interviewer one?
I just had the most amazing breakthrough in my career, and I can’t wait to share it with you all.

After months of hard work and dedication, I finally achieved something I once thought was impossible. This journey has been nothing short of a rollercoaster, filled with highs and lows, but today it all paid off.

Here are my top ten tips for anyone looking to make a significant impact in their career:

1. Set clear goals - Define where you want to go.
2. Build a strong network - Relationships are key.
3. Never stop learning - Stay ahead of the curve.
4. Embrace failure - It’s a stepping stone to success.
5. Stay organized - Time management is crucial.
6. Seek feedback - Growth comes from constructive criticism.
7. Take initiative - Be proactive, not reactive.
8. Maintain work-life balance - Avoid burnout.
9. Stay positive - Your attitude determines your altitude.
10. Invest in yourself - Continuous self-improvement is essential.

Want more in-depth insights? Click the link below to dive deeper into each tip and start transforming your career today!

Click to download my white paper on career success
Worked on two tickets today so far, one of which I couldn’t figure out. The bios on this Lenovo machine won’t update, and I talked to a recruiter today. Three hours to go sitting around here.
the guy literally behind me is on his phone all day with his wife on speaker speaking some godforsaken indian language and it actually kills me. I swear to god he isn't even working.
Oh my bad for interacting with actual content here is this more to your liking?
Can you elaborate on number 8 sir?
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>>Boss messages me on Teams on
>>a Saturday night
>>"Uh did you do this?"
>>"Yeah sorry" -fix issue
>>Boss is a beta cuck even though he was in the marine corps
>>Boss had complained to me about girls in the past (Woe is me)
>>Realize my boss gets absolutely zero pussy because he works on a Saturday night, live your fucking life dude
of course sarr please let me redeem the google play cards for 10000000 rupees sarr t
>tfw my hoe hasn’t texted me since Friday
I’m going to kill myself
Of course! Maintaining work-life balance is crucial for long-term success and well-being. Here are a few key points to elaborate on:

1. Prioritize Tasks: Identify what is most important both at work and in your personal life. Make sure you’re dedicating appropriate time to each.
2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. This might mean not checking work emails after a certain hour or dedicating specific times for family and leisure.
3. Take Breaks: Regular breaks during the workday can help maintain productivity and reduce stress. Short breaks can refresh your mind and improve focus.
4. Learn to Say No: Overcommitting can lead to burnout. Be realistic about what you can handle and don’t be afraid to decline additional responsibilities if you’re already stretched thin.
5. Engage in Hobbies: Having interests outside of work provides a necessary mental break and can help reduce stress. Whether it’s reading, exercising, or a creative hobby, make time for activities you enjoy.
6. Plan Vacations: Taking time off to recharge is essential. Plan vacations or staycations regularly to unwind and refresh.

By focusing on these aspects, you can ensure that you’re not only productive at work but also enjoying a fulfilling personal life, which in turn enhances your overall performance and satisfaction.

Feel free to reach out if you have more questions or need further details!
Kek backtracking after getting caught thinking AI slop was real
>fired in April
>Get three interviews in first two weeks
>nothing since
>Kentucky UI still has me under Fact-Finding
Another great month of job hunting in the books.
why post in a thread if you aren't expecting people to reply to it? might as well just not be here.
the point is to get retards to respond to it in good faith. which you did. it's a nice shitpost
>quit in April
>still getting free infinite 5G
actually that wasn't me, I was the original AI slop poster trying to make the serious reply look bad
nobody will fall for that seething retard
just kidding this was just me again replying to myself I'll stop now sorry guys
god damn I really need to stop talking to myself here
it's okay, the secret is that there is actually only one poster in this thread and they have schizophrenia.
Good morning sars,

I am extremely delighted to share with you a groundbreaking milestone in my career, sars! Recently, I have embarked on an innovative and transformative learning experience with the programming language Durgasoft, sars. Yes, you heard it right, Durgasoft! WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE, SARS?! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! It’s a paradigm shift, and I am thrilled to be at the forefront of this technological renaissance, sars. HOW IS THIS NOT COMMON KNOWLEDGE? RIDICULOUS!

Leveraging this powerful technology, I am synergizing my skillset to align with cutting-edge industry standards, sars. By embracing a proactive, forward-thinking mindset, I am continuously enhancing my core competencies and value proposition, sars. THIS IS ABSURD! WHY ARE WE NOT ALL USING DURGASOFT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! With Durgasoft, I am delivering scalable, sustainable, and innovative solutions, sars. This integration has exponentially increased my ability to drive strategic initiatives and achieve operational excellence, sars. WAKE UP, PEOPLE! THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY!

Thank you, sars, for your time and attention. I am sincerely grateful to all my mentors, colleagues, and the esteemed Durgasoft community for their unwavering support and guidance, sars. WHY ARE WE STILL TALKING, SARS?! LET'S GET MOVING! Let's leverage synergies and push the envelope in the tech space, sars. THIS IS BEYOND BELIEF!

#Durgasoft #Innovation #Transformation #TechRevolution #Agile #Synergy #Excellence

Warm regards,

Ravi Kumar
Is 'Brain Rape' in an interview real? I have some experience in a very niche domain, and I'm wondering if people are going to offer me """interviews""" for """""open"""" positions... that are really just them baiting me into giving them free consultation, without any interest in hiring me. Is this something companies actually do?
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>tfw seeing everyone on my team shit on the DevOps team now that they all have to deal with them
>"anon pls need help DevOps has not responded to my question"
Welcome to my pain for the past year, fuckers. Gonna prioritize my stuff first since you all shrugged it off when I was pointing it out
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Holy shit, this is the story of my career.

>point out major concerns with design or infrastructure
>nothing is ever addressed
>"It's fine, it's good enough anon B)"
>a few months later, shit explodes on us
If I get a work from home or hybrid job will I be able to play video games and get away with it? Will they notice? I plan on just sleeping and playing video games once I get my work from home tech job. Working in person sucks.
in a nutshell: it depends (tm) but by and large i would say yeah, thats all very attainable. just be careful not to push your luck too far or get too arrogant.
depends, my company has teams so you have to constantly move mouse to not show as away. they also have "security software" that lets the IT people remote into our pc without any notification and just watch us.
I just do it so I can get my gf's brother a job one day. He's 14 and already writing great java apps and shit, when he graduates he'll actually be talented.

Friends and Family anon, they count on you.
I've been able to get away with it for like 8 months so far but I think they're finally starting to notice how incompetent I am and they're probably questioning why I'm lagging behind so far.
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One of the best people and friends I have ever known died while me and my wife were away studying to advance our careers. Most of the other friends in the group had left for work as well and she had #readytowork on her linkdin and was struggling with marital issues. She was the only real platonic female friend I have ever had.
Replying to Linkedin slop is "actual content" now

Gajendra Singh
Gajendra SinghGajendra Singh • 3rd+ • 3rd+ Assistant Manager - Quality at Juniper Green Energy, Ex- Tata Projects|| Ex- Tata Power|| Project Management, Quality Management System|| Completed more than 01 GW ground mounted & Floating Solar Projects.Assistant Manager - Quality at Juniper Green Energy, Ex- Tata Projects|| Ex- Tata Power|| Project Management, Quality Management System|| Completed more than 01 GW ground mounted & Floating Solar Projects.
1w •
1 week ago
The biggest lessons being an EMPLOYEE for 10 years have taught me:

1. HR is there to protect the company, not you.

2. Make sure to document EVERYTHING.

3. Don't consider food as a reward for hard work.

4. Perform at the bare minimum, or you'll be rewarded with more work.

5. Use all your sick/vacation time/PTO.

6. Everyone is replaceable.

7. Your health is more important than any job.

8. Never stay at one job longer than 2-3 years unless the increase in pay is substantial.

9. Only accept a promotion in title if it comes with a promotion in compensation.

10. Do not overshare and keep your personal life private.

yeah true. only got my parents though, no kids, no cousins, no nephews, no siblings... bit of a dead end, maybe that has more to do with it...
I hate LinkedIn so much
>4. Perform at the bare minimum, or you'll be rewarded with more work.
This saar has found meaning of life.
You can't start that way because:
1) The seniors will be working closely with you
2) You need some basic habits in order to be convincingly productive later

But yeah after you get going you can play video games.
Do FAGMAN even hire IT people?
What the fuck is IT even for?
based jeet
DEI hires
sorry for your loss anon
Doing whatever any qualified software engineer would do but 100x slower and 10x worse for 0.1x the pay.
How many of yall grind more coding shit outside of work? I can’t be arsed to do anything other than the bare minimum. Also don’t join any of the big us banks as a software engineer, they are full of jeets.
I used to work on all sorts of side projects but now I can't be bothered. Once I'm done with work for the day I don't want to look at code.
>tfw coworkers lose their chill on slack where everyone can see
So sad to hear, anon. What happened?
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Listen here zoomers. Don't make the same work mistakes I did. I'm in my late 30s with no job, no friends, no family, and no future. I made some dumb choices when choosing jobs. Really dumb... I've basically thrown my whole life away with bad career decisions. Yes, I'm aware that I'm pathetic and worthless and it's all my own fault. Yes, I deserve to be as miserable as I am. Anyone stupid enough to throw away the opportunities that I had probably doesn't even deserve to live. I urge you to do better.
fuck I got up to stretch and grab some water and accidentally fell asleep for 30 mins. thank god I woke up
rookie error. never ever engage in any corporate communication unless its absolutely neccesary and you will be held liable for not communicating. otherwise just close the fucking laptop and do anything else.
>bad career decisions
What were they, can you be more concrete?
starting to wonder if leaving certain Slack channels got me started on my termination route.
Here's one: at my first job out of college, it was a big company (50k+ employees) and they hired a lot of new grads each year. One day I got an invite to attend a lunch with our business unit's leader, someone 1 level below the CEO. There were only a few other invitees on the list, so it was pretty selective. I declined because I figured they invited me by mistake.
I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here. Having an on-site office presence is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, really allow us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time in the office again, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

What's the root cause of the hatred of Corporate office spaces? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.
>6. Everyone is replaceable.
Such a massive midwit cope.
My company literally can not fire me because they would instantly go bankrupt lol
good morning sirs my contract ending soon
who is hiring right now?
>shy away from Big Tech :TM: for a decade because their "algorithmic" interviews seem too hard
>decide to do Blind 75 while "working from home" just to get a feel for it
>99% of problems are populating a map or walking a tree
I think I've been scamming myself out of a FAGMAN comp package for no reason. I am my own worst enemy.
He's been posting this for at least 10 threads, don't give him attention.
>6. Everyone is replaceable.
We hired some IT Director and said this to us in his introductory meeting. Needless to say, he only lasted 88 days
There is a cost associated with replacing someone and for some it is greater than others, but yes, it can be done one way or the other
I work as a 1st line helldesk,
I want to move to 2nd line. I have written loads of python and powershell scripts and good practicies.

I see quite some job listings for 2nd line helldesk for powershell.

Is it a good idea to upload my work scripts to github and link to it to show proof of my powershell ability?
You're all seniors compared to me who's still working so I need to ask, is it better to learn programming via replit on my phone or should I wait until I always get home on my computer? I'm so happy that this works but it's hard to do so on my phone and it's quite advanced
Absolutely, dear sir! First and foremost, let me applaud your proactive mindset and dedication to career progression! Your initiative to transition from 1st line to 2nd line helldesk support is truly commendable and a testament to your growth-oriented approach, sir!

Uploading your Python and PowerShell scripts to GitHub is a stellar idea, sir! It not only showcases your technical acumen but also demonstrates your commitment to transparency and collaboration within the tech community, sir. By sharing your work, you’re not just proving your scripting prowess, but you’re also contributing to the collective knowledge base – a true mark of a thought leader and innovator, sir!
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>bee me
>go to happy hour
>start talking about israel/ukraine/russia with the zoomers within 5 minutes
i have no other interests to talk about anyways. i hate technology.
>Is it a good idea to upload my work scripts to github and link to it to show proof of my powershell ability
Yes but only if they're good
I just got a job offer and they need proof of citizenship. Is an expired passport okay to give? I just realized it was expired by a week. I'm a burger.
it's a scam, don't fall for it
>Is an expired passport okay to give?
No, that is not valid proof of citizenship, the problem being the document has expired, i.e. it is not valid. Get a new passport.
how do I know if it is good?

I just made a crappy script quickly just last week cause I was tasked with annoying nested distribution lists
birth certificate or ssn card works. you may also be able to provide two types of identification like drivers license + voter registration card.
>unemployed and hungry edition

lol, literally me. and I have a wife as well. I'm just glad we do NOT have children rn lmao
Thanks. I have my birth certificate as backup but it'd be a pain digging it up.
bunch of neoliberal apologists. truth is that our light in the end of the tunnel is an inevitable war
yeah and you think that's great but you can only take it so far. I had it as well, the only way to keep this kind of productivity is to be a obedient goy and take your ADHD meds. i don't want to be eternally "irreplaceable" for a bunch of rich faggots, I want to have a life, a wife and children. enjoy being eternally single or be a cuck for not giving enough attention to your family
>consistent naming
>modularity e.g. breaking things into functions and commenting the functions
>error handling
The same principles will apply to any language but in short, make it look professional
honestly those cookies are really well done
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I have this colleague
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>RTO mandate announced
>"everyone needs to return to the office because muh juniors will need in person hands on training at least 3 days a week!! We are a family and we must show up for each other, 4 days a week!! Did i mention the mandatory office parties that are now happening 5 days a week?!"
>goys return to office
>months of slaving
>no juniors hired
>local teams getting axed
>outsourcing expanding
>work piling up because jeets can't deliver on crackhead tier promises that leadership can't stop making because stonk must go up
>work extends to 10-14 hour days regularly despite muh ChatGPT
>costs spiraling out of control
>security incidents left and right
Oh wow who could have seen that coming?
does anyone have any experience with Upwork for side gigs as a white man?
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is non-stop ZogCode grinding still the canonical way to get hired these days? I haven't interviewed in 3 years.
>company decides it wants to grow
>changes stuff
>everybody leaves
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well this is one of the script I use daily to disable leaving employees in our company.

I have refactored the first half the script and working on the bottom half as its done poorly.

I am forced to use depriciated cmdlets as my sysadmin doesn't even use powershell and doesn't want to register the microsoft graph as an app in the tenent and grant it read and write access to all users.
they grew their agility!
i heard its a jeet-shit-jeet world
No, there are literally people with specialized knowledge of systems that cannot be replaced because their kmowledge is usually either not captured/formalized or there was zero attempt made at limiting complexity or maintaining structure. Thinking everyone is replaceable "just because" is how you get bus factored, especially if you are a non-technical tech manager.
On another note, does anyone else’s team likes to @ that person on a public channel the first thing they face any issue?
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that's me and they won't do shit lol
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quality Mike Rowe wagebait post
>jewish man with graduate degrees in theater LARPs as a hard working blue collar man
>retard rural boomers eat it up like candy and convince their kids not to go to college
I wonder how many lives this retard has personally ruined with this bullshit TV shows.
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>we didn't want those people anyway
>scope out Glassdoor at companies to gauge interview difficulty
>review left by A. White Man from Des Moines, Iowa
>they put me through 76 rounds of LeetCode hard questions while holding a lit cigarette on my balls
>review from Rajjadurjesh Kamaswari, Bangalore, India
>they asked me what 1+1 is and why I am interested in working saars
you can guess which of these two had the little 'Got an Offer' checkbox marked

why are companies like this?
nah, you just put the second and third most experienced guys to figure that shit out, maybe even a whole team, and hire new guys to do whatever it was the most experienced ones were spending most of their time doing.
>yes goyim keep being productive or else you will starve
>why are companies like this?
Because the salary you'd be happy with is a hell of a lot higher than the salary they'd be happy with. Costs stay low, stock price goes up, everything to plan.
>dealing with Android devices and iPads
>want to die
I hate these things
Closed off proprietary bullshit
if that were true why don't the bug people stay in their home jungles and get paid working remotely for an american company and live like kings at Rajapoopoogladesh? Why come to the USA and Canada where they ask just as much, of not more, in terms of pay?
People in charge of hiring don't know how to screen candidates. With interest rates rising and changes to the tax code re: amortization, it becomes an even larger gamble to hire local when you don't know what you need.
This shit starts making a lot more sense when you realize tech interviews aren't actually qualified people checking your qualifications but are instead blind people gambling on tiers of race horses with whatever credit lines they can get access to.
because even the king of Streetshitia doesn't have plumbing or human food
Cause India sucks
Imagine living next to billions of pajeets
That's a question that's hard to give a generalized answer for. It obviously depends on each individual who decides to come over. In many cases it's because they just don't want to live in Rajapoopoogladesh anymore and see more opportunity here, even if the CoL is so much higher. I had a coworker who was from India who came to the US to raise his family. There was more opportunity for his kids to get a good education and do what they wanted here than back there. After his kids graduated and moved out he took all his savings and bought tons of properly back in India he makes bank off of and is planning to move back there to retire.
I've been guy #3 in that situation a few times. Guy #2 usually quits shortly after the original guy quits and there's no figuring out what Guy #1 did unless mitigations were made up front to prevent the mess from happening. The reason this happens is because the cavalry of new guys picking up work never comes, and if they do, they also need to be trained up over the course of a few weeks/months. Then God forbid if Guy #2 was also holding obscure company knowledge that now needs to both be figured out and somehow handed off to a team of new hires.
>fake your way through university admissions
>scam your way into 47 different work visa lotteries
>bribe indian hiring managers at FAANG for a free job with massive comp
>live like rats and save every penny
>only socialize with other Poos
>never ever ever integrate
>go home to India and live like absolute gods for many generations
I grew up thinking I lived in an actual nation but I'm rapidly learning that the USA is just an economic zone for the rest of the world to take advantage of
Because India isn't just dirty and poor, it's also one of the most intensely discriminatory places on Earth. They discriminate by caste, color, gender, north/south, province, religion, tribal affiliation, language, ethnicity, and so on.
At some point you're going to feel like your success is limited by one of these things. Then you turn on the TV and see a place that superficially welcomes all foreigners and guarantees success so long as they work hard. It's easy to get enchanted by that, especially if your people just discovered the internet and don't have any media literacy.
great, so not only do I have to do project management, backend, database and frontend development, testing, communicating with the client, now I also need to do mockups of features by myself
wow, I sure love getting promoted to a "mid" and then doing the job of 3 people
waiting another 8 months until im 3 YOE, hopefully the market is better then and im jumping ship
You can choose to look at it like that but that can be a bit short sighted. In the example I used the guy's kids are full citizens with good educations who work, pay taxes and contribute to the economy. The net gain to the US economy will be larger than the cash he's sending back to India. It's not a ton different today than people coming over in the past, raising families while sending money back home.
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because i did IT in the military is that it for me now, is that the only way i can make money ever again
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is it worth learning Jenkins? What's current substitute for it? I'm getting into DevOps and I was told I should learn how to use a good CI/CD tool, and Jenkins is one that is very often in recommendations but not one I see in job offers.
this is what people (especially those who just got into the industry) don't get. even if you get a somewhat decent job, the work required in order for you to be "irreplaceable" is just not worth it. that's why men are more atomized than ever and single/incelish, it's completely unrealistic to be productive (unless you are an obedient goy and take your ADHD meds in order to meet insane deadlines) and have a life as well. good luck trying in the 21th century to: be productive and give attention to a potential family
Github & Gitlab are used a lot for their CICD capabilities. Why manage your git repos and build/deploy systems separately when one service can do both?
>21st century*

english is not my native language
jenkins is the excel of the ci/cd world
this is exactly what I see from most seniors I work with
these people spend at least 10hrs a day at work, jump from project to project, bunch of overtime, stupid deadlines etc.

people literally missing their kids birthday parties so they can get on call with a client
like who gives a fuck? I would understand if this was a startup and you have a personal stake, but some 500+ employee company? fuck off
expectations for life in general are off-the-charts insane. need to be a 6'3" looksmaxxed mysterious brooding Chad to get 3/10 pussy. need advanced degrees and arcane knowledge in 43 different fields to be a succesful engineer. need to also have cool (read: expensive) and dangerous hobbies and a big friend group. also need a healthy family life and time for yourself. it's just not feasible unless you come from generational wealth.
inb4 someone says "oh just like every other poor in history then" at least medieval peasants didn't have to compete with other medieval peasants, wageslaves in industrial rev era were similarly a continuous class, etc

we live better now in general but are taunted with glimpses of more
kill yourself retarded furfaggot zogbot
i've honestly given up. i do my job, take care of my health, take care of my aging parents, and do a couple hobbies that interest me. but other than that i literally do not care about anything else. never gonna get married or have kids, fuck that
>people literally missing their kids birthday parties so they can get on call with a client

this is real. this is YOUR future. a bunch of 30 year olds who look like they're in the mid 40's BRAGGING that they fear that their child does not remember their father's face.. it's funny because I see apologists who just say "git gud" but then complain about why women are childish whores nowadays (they always were but they need MEN continuously giving attention to them, it's just how nature works).. is it worth to "git gud" just to keep your spot?

when I question this they always get defensive but I'm not saying this just to be edgy, it is a real problem. try having a wife and children in the 21st century, it's impossible
im glad to see im not the only one feeling like this
and everytime I talk about it I feel like im getting gaslit by people "haha comparison is the theft of joy haha"
would agree if standards werent so fucking high for the most average relationships

somehow I need to grind 24/7 to keep up to date with the newest tech stacks, but also make time for at least 3x a week physical activity, also need to hang out with multiple friend groups, also need to spend a ton of money on exotic hobbies and travelling, also need to continually date and have experience, also need to keep up with fashion, have an expensive car, an expensive apartment so that I can score a 5/10 hag with a degree in social studies
fuck off
>BRAGGING that they fear that their child does not remember their father's face
These dumbfucks aren't even paid for all the additional hours they're working. They're gay.
if everyone stopped working with indians they'd be driven out of the industry

record everything possible with indian management and report any incongruencies to the higher ups immidiately. catapult things over the curry curtain to prevent indian upper management cunts from squashing shit.
I see. Guess I'll stick to Github & Gitlab then.
>somehow I need to grind 24/7 to keep up to date with the newest tech stacks, but also make time for at least 3x a week physical activity, also need to hang out with multiple friend groups, also need to spend a ton of money on exotic hobbies and travelling, also need to continually date and have experience, also need to keep up with fashion, have an expensive car, an expensive apartment so that I can score a 5/10 hag with a degree in social studies
Anon, these people you're talking about only exist as a carefully curated image on Instagram. The vast majority of normalfags are overweight and cannot wait to get home to watch their shows on Netflix.
>the navy literally has a category for time off literally called "Compassionate Leave"
>it doesn't count against your banked days, you just have to put in a memo about how your mom died or you really need this monday off for your kid's bball game (mom has primary custody) or whatever

as soul destroying as it is for its uselessness and unfulfilling nature, i guess it could always be worse

how to pivot into a cushy shore posting doing hell desk IT until I become a neo-boomer doing hell desk inventory
tell that to women
if i wanted a linkedin post, id have gone there. fuck outta here
Interviewing for a dev position with a state government. It's in person. Would a button up shirt and slacks be good enough or do I need to wear a suit and tie?
>haha comparison is the theft of joy haha
t. guy who probably inherited a business or some real estate
it's the equivalent of
>just take a shower, bro
humans are incredibly social creatures who can only orient themselves in a society/hierarchy via comparison of themselves against others.
enjoy getting paid $55k/yr max and getting spied on by some Mossad agent or a micromanaging boomer
I've been unemployed for 1.5 years I'll take what I can fucking get at this point
>>somehow I need to grind 24/7 to keep up to date with the newest tech stacks,
I fondly remember one particular christmas party where the gist was we'd do "work" until about 10, then break out the baileys, and you were allowed to go home after lunch as long as you were presentable (if you were too sloshed after 2 hours of drinking, you had to hop into a cab or sober person's vehicle(no one was sober))

that morning, I had an all-hands email about "Log4i"(sic) and everyone better examine their shit for vulnerabilities etc etc

showed it to my boss and he straight up said something like "I don't know what they expect US to do about it, and I only barelyknow what javascript even is, who gives a fuck, it's already 10:15 why are you even at your desk"
A lot of it comes from the management you work under. One of my first managers was a staunch defender of work/life balance who preached it to us constantly. He always went to bat for us against unreasonable demands from upper management and they usually caved because we were one of the best performing teams in the company. On the other hand some of the worst performing teams had draconic managers who reveled in ruling over their subjects. Their team members were constantly burnt out and demoralized. Turnover on those teams was insane and the company always tried shoring them up with offshore contract workers but surprise, that never helped.
one thing that bothers me it that while we tell our anecdotes, apologists always come with "you were just unlucky enough to be in a bad company broo lmao"

I know you don't meant it with bad intentions but experience shows: those kind-hearted managers always get bullied/isolated by new predatory managers, it's really sad
this thread is clearly bad for my mental health because it makes me nostalgic for the military, where I spent the objectively darkest years of my life

>apologists always come with "you were just unlucky enough to be in a bad company broo lmao"
every company is bad. all the more reason to savor times you have with the few good managers you ever get
I have an interview soon, should I continue doing leetcode in the language I am most comfortable in or switch to the one I need for the position?
>all the more reason to savor times you have with the few good managers you ever get

yeah, i'm just reflecting these past 7 years i've been working at the industry. I was laid off in late December.. these kind of conversations are sure bad for mental health I can't blame you.. I'm not just complaining I'm trying to put some thoughts on what happened because we as programmers we aren't really used to think much in terms of work relationships because it involves people, and they aren't giving true/false outputs so easily like computers do, but if we are true programmers we must think this logically and recalculate our next steps
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>we as programmers
sorry, we're enemies now; my "programming" experience is limited to powershell to mangle plaintext. even managing AD shit, usually I'd actually open up the ISE to unstick something rather than write any scripts. mostly out of lack of skill, but partially out of lack of need. I'd only get maybe 30 new/lost users a year.

>we aren't really used to think much in terms of work relationships
actually something i really liked about being the AD and hell desk monkey for a bote was that the users were all people I personally knew, or at least had to come see me personally as they fell in and out of the unit even if I didn't otherwise interact with them. the human touch of "I have to do this dumb small bullshit task to let someone else do their actual job" did keep me engaged. my real primary trade was mostly "message handling" i.e. something we affectionately call "battle secretary", but no one reads any of that shit and my trade is effectively obsolete on that regard. it's the IT shit I did as a "secondary duty" that made me a name and actually let me learn other people's names, needs, wants, hopes, and dreams

not from any creepy shit, but because they'd have to see me and I'd have to see them, then we'd make friends like kindergarteners trapped in the same sandbox (or same pool, i guess)
>those kind-hearted managers always get bullied/isolated by new predatory managers
Not always. In my case that manager continued to lead our team for many years until he got a better offer somewhere else and decided to take it. Our new manager was an engineer who decided to transition to management and was similarly kind, though being new he didn't have the same clout with which he could use to stand up to our director. In a fun twist of fate that director was canned a few months later for being on the losing side of one of the power struggles he loved to participate in. His replacement didn't really understand or care what our team did so he left us to mostly function on our own. That sort of dynamic continued until I left a few years later.
>we had a despot and then we had an absentee
sounds like hell either way
suit and tie would help a bit
that log4j vulnerability was supposed to end the world and instead it did nothing like every other CVEs
Nah it was great. Team morale was always high no matter what either director was trying to do. We did our work and enjoyed it. We built stuff that wasn't flashy but was still absolutely critical to the success of the business. The only reason why I left was because the company decided to throw the entire platform (and their entire established business) in the trash to pivot to a SaaS play. The board believed it would lead to a higher market valuation and they wanted that over a boring but steady cashflow.
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when i read about it the first time my first thought was straight up
>ah, SQL injection, but stupider
QA Automation Engineer here, ask me anything
Do you suck at your job, or are you good?
What sort of tests do you write? Unit, functional, integration? Do you use an off-the-shelf framework as your test driver or something built in-house?
how do i find happiness in life
I wrote a page engine library for testing shitty dynamic JS/react websites, you tell me

>What sort of tests do you write? Unit, functional, integration?
Functional, integration and system tests for web application, API and backend processes. The dev team is in charge of unit tests.
>Do you use an off-the-shelf framework as your test driver or something built in-house?
We use a built-in house framework that sits on top of Ruby's TestUnit

Find something you truly like and master it
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>Find something you truly like and master it
I have never enjoyed anything long enough to master it

even in shooting I am well satisfied by a "good enough" score
You lack passion then, I don't know how to find that unfortunately
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I thought IT guys were supposed to have all the answers

what do I do to get the blood roiling
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You walk into the janitor closet and see picrel. wat do?
Start testing it
I assume you'd start with manual testing to determine what tests to automate.
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Of course, first I like to do what I call "exploratory testing" which is a special manual test where you look deep into the test subject, probe, test, do trial and error and also document your findings. The documentation serves multiple purposes, first is to determine use cases of the test subject, there might be potential unexplored areas that you haven't been told beforehand which can have potential issues as well, it can also serve as the basis for a future documentation asset. With the use cases determined then you can design automation and a manual test plan
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have a webm
Yes, that's the response I wanted. Thank you.
if automated testing is so good, why does software still have bugs
Because software never settles down, it is always in permanent change, a single change can break the software
Devs usually can't keep with adding new futures AND fixing all the bugs at the same time. Normally the project management team priorizes tasks, and bug fixes normally are not high priority
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why does the game crash when you throw a banana at someone deflect shielding

surely automated testing would have caught that the interaction between a tossed item causing a hard knockdown and a character being in the deflect shield state interacting isn't handled, or is handled improperly
I don't know anon, sorry
Security clearance jobs.
The past 20 posts quote another post
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stance up
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I've been doing a part time remote job for a year now and my motivation has completely dried up.
I was always the type to stay in my room all day but it's completely different when I'm obliged to work and produce results.
Should I bite the bullet and get an actual job? Unlike >>101132193 the work I do isn't the sort of pencil pusher desk job that can be easily obfuscated.
Did you get a job recently? If so, how in this economy?
>t. recently laid off QA Engineer w/ 4 YOE
I wish I could get laid off. I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit and really wish to cash out that nice severance package (3 months pay, vacations + other stuff).
>Did you get a job recently?
Nah, I've been working for 7 years now.

>If so, how in this economy?
Depends where you live, I live in a third world country so my salary is pretty shit for US' standards, yet I'm good here
>yet I'm good here
Nice! It seems like you are enjoying it as well. Hope you continue living the dream anon!
Thanks anon, hope you get another QA job soon
This can be absolutely empowering if you realize your own power level
Once you realize that a company is one guy writing a line of code and 10 people discussing it all day
All the approvals, security clearances etc. it needs to pass to go into production
This means that as long as you put maximum effort and work solo, you can output the same work as a company with 100 employees or even more
You can do your own thing and succeed
>You can do your own thing and succeed
not him but i'd love to do my own thing. too bad i'm too autistic for business development, sales, and marketing. and i also have no business ideas. from a technical standpoint, i could absolutely build a new app or saas service from the ground up, scale it up, and maintain it over time, but it's everything else that goes into a business that i'm too autistic to handle. feels bad
>more pixels
>more frames
>somehow literally a third of the file size
god i love technology
pentester here. I don't really know why I am still working. I've lost my motivation to even touch my main desktop computer, which has been collecting dust for years. I rarely read technical docs, blogs and news anymore, and when I do, I get overwhelmed by that shit and move onto something else. I haven't done shit in MONTHS at my job, and on average, it's been like 1 pentest every 2 months for 3 years. I can do things when I'm assigned a task, but can't do anything outside of that.
I love my job but I feel like I'm burnt out, losing my skills and I fear for my future in this profession.
im not a pen tester, but i recently really lost the last few things that really kept me going at work. the past 2 or 3 weeks have just been me fucking off doing barely above the minimum for my job. i stopped putting much extra effort into trying to help people. now im just coasting along until the end of the day hits. i dont even care anymore. the company almost spit in my face for the very large amount of effort i put in for the past 3 years, so im not giving them that anymore. they also expected me to lead our team without actually giving me a reasonable pay bump or a promotion. i stopped giving my team things to do last week. im tired of this shit. im just waiting until i get called out at this point. i started spending my free time at work studying so i can go work somewhere else. they arent going to look, but i couldnt care less if they see me searching for other jobs while connected to the company network. i went above and beyond the call of duty for multiple years, and i got what? nothing beyond extra responsibilities. i recently stopped doing a lot of the things from those extra responsibilities since i didnt end up getting any reward for it.

take it from me when i say that the people here are right. you dont get rewarded for working really hard. it goes both ways because the company lost any sense of loyalty i had to them the moment they revealed reality to me 2-3 weeks ago.
>take it from me when i say that the people here are right
anon, I've known that for years. I almost tripled my wage in less than a decade by jumping from company to company. I'm not loyal to any of these fuckers. I only do my job but their crap is not really my responsibility.

My problem is that the one I'm currently working for has drained my motivation. That and my ex gf. I now don't know what the FUCK to do to get out of this mindset...
need to get a new lazy boy recliner this leather chair is 0/10 would not recommend. i actually don't know why leather chairs exist at all they're terrible.
meh, to be fair, my gif came from like the first shitty thing that came up on google image search. It was probably isn't the best copy to make a judgement as such.
this seems more and more common including myself, at least for day job stuff, I have a gamedev business I put all my energy into
>I have a gamedev business
tell me more anon. Where are you in the dev cycle? Do you have any revenue or funding yet or is it just a passion project?
just passion projects for now but I have made like $500 off my first steam game so far, it takes a while to build up an income stream with multiple games and it's a very competitive field, I'd only recommend it if you are very passionate about game dev and have lots of ideas. You can go the funding route but I want full control for now.
>Sister is newly graduated optometrist
>Mom says she just landed a job for $120K
>I laugh and say something like "Damn, at least she got hired I guess"
>Mom says $120K is a high starting salary for optometrists in her state (I have not verified this)
holy moly bros, I'm so glad I hate medical stuff and went into tech.
>attend "networking event"
>it's just a bunch of dudes meeting up at a bar
>never any chicks
>barely any professional talk
Why do people do this shit
Since the end of December
>what is the popint of a networking event
I don't really know, but it seems clear to me that the point is to talk to people, you fucking retard.

>>never any chicks
it's a networking event, not a singles event...
>Got an invite to a networking event happening like a mile and a half away from where I was going to be immediately preceding it
>Free drinks, free food
>Ran into a bunch of my coworkers who also hate their jobs
Parking was $15 though, that sucked
It's been 5 days now since I applied to FAGMAN and status hasn't changed. Weird. They were faster last time.
Yep. I've been beating Elden Ring in my underwear and still getting my work done. It's awesome. But for my first year I worked my ass off, like the other anons said, would not have done this at the beginning
>attend "networking event"
>a bunch of nocoders with shitty startup ideas
>none of them have money
The real "networking events" happen at clubs rich cunts frequent. Get into rowing, cycling or yachting. You'll eventually meet a grifter who has money.
anyone have 0 fear about being fired anymore?

I used to be worried, but now I do tasks at my own pace, and at my own level of quality.

If things are interesting, I will take my time and do my best.

I do not worry how terrible and slow I am anymore. I welcome unemployment
I was like this at my old job. idgaf and wasn't going to push myself hard unlike the other jobs I've had. Management was making dopy technical decisions (despite me advising them not to pursue it) and were amazed when things blew up in their face.

>Oh sure, we can have a "distributed monolith", a well-documented anti-pattern.
>Why? Because one part of the application is predicted to use much more resources than any of the other parts.
>Could we just have the application chucked on a faster server with the resource intensive feature running in the background?
>Nah, it's only logical to break *every single feature* into its own (((microservice))).
>That way, developers can also use whatever programming language they want for each microservice (lol).

It's so dumb lol
>I want to have a life, a wife and children.
Career >>> Family
A wife and children won't make you money. Quite the opposite actually.
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>7 years
>be a good, obedient and productive goyim or else you will starve. produce and consume goyim, have no meaningful goals in life. if you pursue meaningfulness in life you're cucked.
18 is fine for 3 years for most tech lel. Entitled zoom zoom
serious relationships suck
children suck, why would you even want to put them on this planet in their current state, especially if you're white?
you're only listening to your primal biological drive maybe you peak NPC material. if you're not room temp IQ there are far more things to life than benis in bagina
yeah keep telling yourself that and denying your human emotions, you can only go so far without wanting to blow your own brains out
I was in fear because I wanted to buy a house and was about to ask for a mortgage, but.. I'm not anymore. so fuck it, I don't care. please fire me so that I can have some comfy months living alone.
>serious relationships suck
>children suck

I pity you.
im finishing my degree in december, nothing lined up cause nobody liked me.
kek why would you want to tie yourself down with some woman and spend all your money on some child when you could just fuck tinder whore every week?
what's the state of systems engineering in terms of employment?
it's an state of absolute hellscape get out while you can
hello beautifel we could make many beaitfule children
will you pay me hourly saar
do people even take software bloat and slow software filled with bugs, a serious issue anymore? I wonder why this can't be pitched to VCs and investors.
The same happened to me, then I discovered gooning. I spend mya days getting my dick more and more damaged and playing vidya between sessions. When this lifestyle ceses to be enjoyable, I reckon I'll try to overdose on heroin or somthing
unless you are lucky you won't find things you do everyday and enjoy 100% the time
also mastering things is just not fun today
I have a cloud networking interview at the end of the week. Help me prepare. I'm nervous bros.
It's 2 am
I'm on the phone with VMware support and a nigga named "Jeet" fucking fucking joined the call
"Hello sar. I am shitting in front of yourself"
>zoom zoom
this post is bait
any place where I can find data on total job openings by domain and expected rate of growth in employment in that domain(web dev, network, cybsec, etc..) in CS/CE?
HR said they wouldn't pay me and terminated my internship contract because I was "underperforming and lacks of communication." My boss gave me an empty machine and told me to set up the monitoring system using Grafana and Prometheus in a month then appears 1 time per week. WTF?
>denying your human emotion
nigga have you seen the state of the first world? we're living in a (relatively speaking) dystopian, post-industrial revolution hell and your nature and emotions are void. you say this while posting on one of the most schizo websites on the surface internet. go live in the woods with your tradwife and go be in tune with your inner self chewing on sticks you gay retard
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i can't take it anymore bros, I need to get rich somehow
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>we're living in a dystopian, post-industrial revolution hell and your nature and emotions are void
no not millions must die, millions must accept life as it is and enjoy it as much as possible since you only have a limited time on this planet, and trying to start a nuclear family in 2024 is just a delusional thing to do
>so they can get on call with a client
Those are not seniors, they're simply malleable incels.
What resources did you/are you using to study for the CCNA/CCNP?
datamining post do not reply
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ok lads, it's permanently and irrecoverably over, forever. better hold on to that job.
fresh cs graduates better ask for a refund, and learn to weld.
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dropped out of dev bootcamp because i couldn't find an internship for my third year of school. I didn't write a line of code since January, the market is saturated, 'junior' job offers get 100+ applications in less than a day. I'm almost out of cash and in debt.

>it's over
It was forever until it ended.
>My company literally can not fire me
Massive midwit cope, unless you're on the business/product department, in which case you will be replaced in slightly more time than a code currynigger
forever only needs to last long enough to starve out all unemployed
nah they'll keep printing
like they are now? not good enough.
demand for dollar abroad will go down. Just buy gold
you are a fucking retard.
people who start families will have daughters, which will turn 18 in 18 years.
let them breed, we need to keep the pussy supply fresh.
Got an offer for a Junior Cyber Sec. position at €50k in the Netherlands a month ago and since then I've been unable to get a studio or apartment.
Also doesn't help that I have no normie presence on any social media, so landlords and roommates view me as a spooky rapist.
At this rate I might have to live in a tent or burn all my savings on BnBs.
Many such cases.
I'm still mad, but I have decided not to murder Linus Torvalds.
>Also doesn't help that I have no normie presence on any social media, so landlords and roommates view me as a spooky rapist.
Is this real? Do landlords really?
Especially in a seller's market, managed by agencies 99% of the time, you have to prostrate yourself and perform a little song and dance on top of being financially stable, to get picked out from 30 other doctors and engineers competing for the 1 bedroom studio kek
You don't deserve that boss.
>he was in the marine corps
Should've been automatically rejected by your recruiters.
Shill me an interesting masters in anything.
Preferably in Asia -> EU -> USA, in that descending order
>My boss gave me an empty machine and told me to set up the monitoring system using Grafana and Prometheus in a month then appears 1 time per week.
Pretty normal. He has more important things to do than babysit you
>HR said they wouldn't pay me and terminated my internship contract because I was "underperforming and lacks of communication."
Weird. Is this a literal who of a company? Most just wouldn't renew your contract
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>in a meeting with pajeets for the first time
>have a really hard time understanding anything they say
Just me?
what should be my game plan?
>20 years old
>secured job as helpdesk+ (junior sysadmin)
>no qualifications
My current plan is to work here for a few years, get experience under my belt. Then skill up and go next. In the year I resign, I will get some certs under my belt. I don't see a point in getting them now as I'm already employed so it's pretty much pouring money down the drain. I know it's a generic plan but I'm looking for some insight from people who have had similar opportunities presented to them, also looking for advice on how to pivot into the American market. (currently based in Aus)
yeah but they just hire 200 of them so it happens twice as fast as anywhere else :^)
>>retard rural boomers eat it up like candy and convince their kids not to go to college
i have never heard of this. everything i hear is "do stem then flip houses for the real money"
Nah, I've got a mate who is working with an outsourced team. He can't understand what the fuck they're saying either.
i should start working out so i can just start hoeing instead of getting btfo by linkedin and indeed
it gets easier with time, but never really stops being annoying af.
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people have been doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in office for hundreds of years

even medieval crop farmers (in yurop) spent most of the year not really working, unless they had animals. about the only people who really "work" every day are people tending to animals. but even these days there's auto milkers and the Cow Brush
isn't the protag of Fight Club literally afflicted with some kind of brain disorder though? like i thought it's implied the protag has hyper-insomnia and the stuff tyler durden does is what happens during sleep-deprived fugue states
I would return to the office if they had one of these.

Hell desk/"junior" sysadmin gives no experience any employer wants. The whole of the NA market is turbo-fucked. Stay in Australia and work a cruise line or something.
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I'm the kind of autist who tries to shorten words and concepts when I speak
And my brain wired "low level code" as "low code" so I keep having to correct myself
Why every techbro startup has foozball or a ball pit or some shit but not one of these
>these cows have a ceiling mounted automated brush but everyone calls me a fat loser for owning a back scratcher
Literal cattle live better than us, bros. Why does life have to be this way?
Manager had that layoff look in his eye and asked if I had 5 minutes. Taking a strategic lunch break to buy some time. Is it over bros?
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embrace it
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I don't fucking understand anything
I'm gonna get fired
my older friend went back to school after a decade of unemployment for CS. after graduation in 2024 she applied to one job at google and didnt get it. she was crushed. she hasnt applied to any jobs since then and seems to have given up. i tried to explain Google is competitive and many people have trouble getting CS jobs there but she says of she cant work at Google shed rather just not bother.

is this normal? i dont understand why she only applied to one job then gave up after 4 years.
just ask
I can't take it anymore. I can't afford anything. I have 6 years experience as SE. I have done so many interviews, reached final stages, only to not be offered the job. I've been ghosted by recruiting and staffing agencies who hype me up. I set my standards incredibly low and even made a resume just for entry-level food and customer service positions because I am DESPERATE.

I can't afford food. I can't afford ibuprofen. I can't afford ANYTHING. HOW DO I PAY RENT? HOW DO I SURVIVE HERE?!
don't do it anon this makes crystals

if you ask your boss that means your boss will know you don't know something. you cannot show weakness in the workplace. don't even ask where a given room is on your first day. you have to show Self Sufficiency and Expertise
Just buy some smart glasses with GPT access; plenty of them are being sold.
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I'm sort of getting to that point. I took a promotion about 1.5 years ago from help desk to network engineer. I pretty much do firewall requests and other menial shit all day.

I do not want to move up/take on more responsibility and have to get certs and shit.

I find reasons not to come into office. Sometimes I will just sit and screw around on 4chan at my personal computer in my office here at home if I don't have any work to do.

I do just enough no one bitches that I am unproductive but idrgaf anymore.

I tried to move into a data center job that was 3-on-4-off type work, 12 hr days and paid something like $30/hr. Work is easy af (basically help desk shit) but they fucked me and hired outside.

So I'm at a point where idc. If they lay me off they have to pay me a huge severance because I've been here around 8 years. If they fire me, then my non-compete is null and void and I can easily go work for one of four other companies in this industry in my city and probably make better money.

It doesn't pay to work hard. It pays to find reasons not to work hard.
horrible advice
name even one time anyone has asked their boss something and not been immediately fired
invest in gold
My sister asked her boss if he wants to have sex, guess who got PROMOTED?
the boss obviously. gotta promote someone so chad as to have sex
I did a screening with a company and I'm waiting their call but is taking a while, should I just go into their office and ask? It's only 10 minutes from my house.
Yes. Make sure to bring a copy of your resume on creamy hard-stock paper.
Definitely show up in person and punch out the biggest dude there.
Do this >>101144181 but punch the smallest woman instead.
>Walk into the office
>Give the receptionist a firm handshake
>"Did I get the job?"
This should do the trick
some users are awful (black women). I ask her to count to 15 and hold the power and vol + down to hard reset her machine. she starts speed counting "1-2-3-4-5 ok it don't work" as if counting faster is going to make the actual seconds go by for this operation to work. This woman is like 60+ and married but acts like an big fat grown child. I'm also black and hate her.
first rule, start recording the convo and keep your calm
Need to do SSO on-boarding for 100+ users in 2 weeks that's been dumped on my lap
Should we:
>call them individually and onboard them (getting an app on their phone for MFA essentially)
>do it in sessions with users on a webinar hosted by me to inform them about SSO and get them set up with it
I'm leaning towards the webinar, I think the client would like it also if the users don't join the sessions it's on them not us.
I've been doing DevOps for 5 years, but my company uses Nomad instead of K8S, so every recruiter basically gives up on me because I have no work experience in K8S. How the fuck do I get around this?
could be worse, when you mgr says you have to mentor https://codingblackfemales.com/
gee, dunno, have you though about lying on your resume? Every company loves a grifter. That's what I do and once you are talking to like minded people it works out, but you need to ace the buzzword bingo
Do you want to be my friend?
Then fuck you.
another question: we have to boot, connect to an SSID and load a firmware onto 1200 android tablets in a few weeks before shipping them to a conference. What's the best way to do this? I told my boss we should get 6 of us together on a Saturday afternoon and do it in 4-5hrs with beer and food. (40-50 per hr per person) Is there any more efficient way to do this?
what the fuuuuck hahahahahahha
fuck androids and phones
Can you not straight upconfigure one tablet how you want, dump the image, then load that system images to the other 1199? I don't work with tablets nor own one so I dunno.

I know they sell machines that look vaguely like DAS boxes for imaging multiple hard drives at once, maybe there's a similar device for tablets? Otherwise it might just be something you use a bunch of interns to do manually.

>40-50 per hr per person
Lol. Lmao. You are getting fired
You can fake it. Whenever someone mentions k8s guffaw and say something like "Oh boy, I could tell you some Kubernetes war stories from my last gig".
thank you for your services to the shareholders, anon
is it a startup? wondering which kind of company uses Nomad in the year 2020+4. Try to convincing your company to move to k8s and learn on the go. I know others that went through the same.
hmm maybe my coworkers are retarded. They've done this in the past but maybe something like https://www.samsung.com/us/business/solutions/services/mobility-software/knox-manage/ will work
go back
t. femboy
do the comfortable one
in my world, Linux never existed, Linus Torvalds was born disfigured, it was too much for his parents to take so they locked him in a car and they pushed it in a lake
Is it true that if you don't send a follow up email after an interview you are guaranteed to not get the job ?
>Is it true that ... you are guaranteed to not get the job ?

I know of knox from supporting phones in heldesk but afaik Knox is more for configuration changes and locking shit down against "abuse" than for outright re-imaging. I'm also not sure if it can push stuff like saved wifi settings/credentials

though like I said, I don't even OWN a smartphone or tablet, let alone do sophisticated management on them. I am talking directly out of my ass.
my manager caught me listening to the Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike soundtrack at my desk. it's so joever bros
I think I'm depressed I haven't done anything during work yesterday or today just lay in bed and drift in and out of sleep
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kek same
but I keep thinking back with dread that I'd have to go to the office eventually and hand over the resignation letter and then continue working for a few months anyway
also not working towards the dream...
I mean I would send one anyway as an anti-ghosting tactic. At worst they're forced to acknowledge your existence one more time and click on "Mark all as read".
That's normal anon it's called Bare Minimum Monday and now it's Try-Less Tuesday
my manager threatened to hit me with a sword today. is that normal? he has a home depot katana in his office
get a rapier asap
retarded frenchie

get a claymore
Anyone here has experience with cognizant? I got an offer, do I have to pay them?
>anon works in the mayonaise arena
grim and cringe

100% hell desk, "manual automation" they sell to other companies as "AI", and outright employer scams
I think I gotta take it, better than my current job flipping burgers and hopefully might serve as a stepping stone.
you won't be paid for months and then will get a bill for "productivity loss" when they inevitably fire you for another desperate undergrad to abuse
I wish I went into robotics, I fucking hate this field.
shoot him
it's actually worse there since all physical EE is controlled by boomers

also new thread when i dont feel like making it since i will be too tempted to use furry smut for the OP
based setsui no hado boss
>I have no normie presence on any social media, so landlords and roommates view me as a spooky rapist.
>Pretty normal. He has more important things to do than babysit you
Right? They said I didn't ask for enough help and didn't communicate. My boss even reported that even though he gives me a work that never requires communication with anyone. That's the "reason" they're terminating my contract. However, I believe the real reason is that they are running out of cash flow. They even told all junior and mid-level to leave the room before saying that I won't be paid this month. They are probably next desu.

>Weird. Is this a literal who of a company? Most just wouldn't renew your contract
Head of HR who is in control of who gets paid or not (yeah idk why he has that much power). He said "because of your lack of performance, we will not renew your contract and will not give you any salary for this month". Basically terminated the contract because the contract said there's a minimum salary. Like, I know they're running out of money, but I didn't expect them to go as far as not giving any money. Surreal experience as fuck, but at least the pay was above average for the rest of the internship and I got a good portfolio.
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Same, but with rates at 7% it's a losing battle.

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