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are they gonna pay up???
They are going to kill him and his family.
fake + jewish + gay
Rule 1 of blackmail is the blackmailers have no motivation to not keep blackmailing even if you pay up. The main strategy is actually to buy time until you can find a way to catch them
Never pay ransomware is the correct choice
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fake and gay?
Search for Federal Reserve in the news, niggerfaggot
these niggas about to be done in by the CIA SAC
>fire this clinical idiot
>still seething beyond lunacy
yikes and cringepilled
turdies BTFO and got bombed
Based as fuck. kill amerisharts hack am*rican government blackmail muttmerican government behead amerifags genocide americans in minecraft
does anyone really believe this? this is obviously staged to announce something to the public without suffering the consequences. for me lockbit is now cia.
Americans are too stupid to get a good opsec because of corn syrup and racemixing
It's 2024, Google doesn't return search results anymore. Wake up, Joe Biden.
>for me lockbit is now cia.
someone's gonna do FED time
17 posts in and not a single fucking URL link. fake as shit.
eh, chances are they can't do shit and further cements goysa as a crumbling empire
Ohh God. This could be faked to:
>incite a money run at banks
>make the stock market dip
>dissuade counties that leverage the USD to stop tying themselves to it
Or it could be real and not big news yet because:
>the government orchestrated it to manipulate its finances
>the government knows who orchestrated it and isn't prepared for the consequences of revealing it
>the government doesn't know who orchestrated it
>the government was instructed as part of the ransom not to reveal it
All implications are retarded on varying levels
the FED prints fake data too
this one will always happen
fake and gay
>still seething beyond lunacy
yikes and cringepilled
I think it's cute how people think there's such thing as a secret worth paying for. Everyone knows or can know about MK Ultra, about the CIA funding drug cartels and terrorist organizations, or about the mass surveillance revealed by Wikileaks. Nobody gives a fuck. In fact we reached the point where both candidates publicly promise to keep stealing money from Americans to send it to israel and they're applauded for it.
If the worst thing you could imagine turned out to be true and it was revealed tomorrow, absolutely nothing would change, just like none of the previous things ever mattered.
but it's the us government, they can literally just pay it and then take the money back. often times the act of sending the money leads to the extortionists breaking cover in some manner
i remember there was some thing a couple years ago with tens of millions of bitcoin in some ransom or something. think it was related to that pipeline thing? dunno, but either way, they paid the ransom and then the government somehow found the guy through tracking his bitcoin wallet and took all the money back
Depending on how valuable that data is payout can range from one tomahawk to couple icbms
this guy is going to fry
whats the link of this fucking website? noone of you retards and new sites posted it, just fuck you gatekeeping faggots
>fake + jewish + gay

>fake and gay

Very good, younglings!
my little baby boy... here I will hold your hand
don't be too scared of leaving the clearnet....

This "guy" are state hired hackers from either china or Russia or both.
The only sensible answer is to bomb Belgrade a couple dozen times. Turn that shithole into a parking lot.
few more hours until it's leaked

hotw tf is anyone going to download 33tb over tor?
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That url doesnt work
30 minutes
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No one gives a shit about your fake LARP, anon
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The fuck? Why is a .torrent file nearly 200MB?
there are many reasons to have a home server, but a local instance of FRED isn't one of them
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Because it's 34TB of data
No one who is looking at this has the education to understand what anything juicy is. Most of 4chan could look at the most absolutely fucked up balance sheets in history and not recognize anything.

In order to parse this you need a small team of accountants and data scientists, preferably guys who know pandas *and* how to interpret financial documents, and most of them have jobs they're too busy making $200k at to bother looking through some leak.

This isn't like hunter biden's laptop where there will be dick pics and crack and hookers, it's just gonna be real dry finance stuff
anon, who do you think did the op in the first place?
Wont have to fight for budget if your competitors are fucking up
>>dissuade counties that leverage the USD to stop tying themselves to it
Memecoins season is back, bois1
Or you could just look how much some CEOs are funneling into private international military sectors undisclosed by the banks.

Maybe dick pics, but i dont mind
Get Evolved isn't the FED

get scammed idiots
go ahead, explain how someone would look into that. Sounds great in your head, but I bet you have no idea what that would actually look like in the relevant financial documents.
oh cool
>Ctrl+ F a name, if it matches to one check the wire info, google back the name of who/where was wired, connect the dots in a schizo way for extra brownie points

Like, why would a soap company send that much money to Lockjeet Martin?
>then the government somehow found the guy through tracking his bitcoin wallet
wow must have been some kind of magic
meanwhile all bitcoin transaction are publicly available for anyone to view
why the fuck do criminals think bitcoin is a safe way to do crime?
it is literally exactly the opposite
makes me wonder since it has been shilled this way since its inception, maybe that's why (((they))) made it in the first place. to catch dumb criminals.
if you are gonna do crime use monero or better even cash.
if it were real the government would never disclose it
nobody wants to disclose getting hacked, there is no reason to do it except losing face and trust
companies are sometimes forced to do it due to legal issues, but they still try to avoid going public, but the government would never and nobody could force them to
i dont have that much free space
This is a hoax and the lot of you shilling this are retarded
personally i don’t know a single person that actually uses reddit beyond a google search for an answer
im not saying i know a million people but i have a decent sized friend group
all use adblock and i have never met someone who has paid for reddit gold
idk how they are still in business desu
Then how do we know about stuxnet?
help us a bit
New bread. We still could use help
the whole government is a hoax. speak up and get shot, that is the truth.
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Why sell it to the USA instead of Russia or China?
That must mean it's a patriot, which is dumb, because now his own country will try to lock him up.
Why not check them yourself?
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No, you're fucked in the head. This is Russia or China who already have the data, they'd be paying not to release it to everyone else.

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