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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101130602

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
Cursed thread
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There is actually nothing wrong with these threads
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>hahahah prove it prove it lalala :]
i wish you would just fuck off forever trani, im not joking
It doesn't look much like a Fez
prove it :]
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>mfw Resource news


>Stable Cascade was originally MIT licensed?

>Geometry-Aware Large Reconstruction Model for Efficient and High-Quality 3D Generation

>VideoGenHub: One-stop library to standardize inference and evaluation of Conditional Video Models

>AI’s Most Ambitious Music Generators Accused of ‘Massive’ Infringement In New Lawsuit

>ECLIPSE: Expunging Clean-label Indiscriminate Poisons via Sparse Diffusion Purification

>Contextual Interaction via Primitive-based Adversarial Training for Compositional Zero-shot Learning


>MOFA-Video: Controllable Image Animation via Generative Motion Field Adaptions in Frozen Image-to-Video Diffusion Model

>SD.Next release 2024-06-23

>ComfyUI Unique3D

>AutoStudio: Crafting Consistent Subjects in Multi-turn Interactive Image Generation


>ComfyUI DiffSynth wrapper nodes

>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements

>StableSwarmUI will no longer be maintained under Stability AI
>mfw Research news


>Image Conductor: Precision Control for Interactive Video Synthesis

>HLQ: Fast and Efficient Backpropagation via Hadamard Low-rank Quantization

>A3D: Does Diffusion Dream about 3D Alignment?

>Disability Representations: Finding Biases in Automatic Image Generation

>VividDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity and Efficient Text-to-3D Generation

>Multimodal Task Vectors Enable Many-Shot Multimodal In-Context Learning

>LLM2FEA: Discover Novel Designs with Generative Evolutionary Multitasking

>Demonstrating the Efficacy of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Vision Tasks

>LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models

>Six-CD: Benchmarking Concept Removals for Benign Text-to-image Diffusion Models

>Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words? Delving Into Spatial Reasoning for Vision Language Models

>Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels

>Evaluating Numerical Reasoning in Text-to-Image Models

>Holistic Evaluation for Interleaved Text-and-Image Generation

>Stylebreeder: Exploring and Democratizing Artistic Styles through Text-to-Image Models

>DragPoser: Motion Reconstruction from Variable Sparse Tracking Signals via Latent Space Optimization

>This Looks Better than That: Better Interpretable Models with ProtoPNeXt
ok >>98185914 (search on moe or any of the other archives)
/sdg/ is back.
oh god please not another pedo cope thread
I take it back, epicRealisimXL is really fucking good
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>Trani in shambles
>ani gets exposed by multiple anons
>ran no longer mentioned
Any illustrators that img2img their shit for references here? That thing is a godsend. Just started using ponyxl and its taught me so much, someone request a character or something and ill sketch it out then img2img as an example
I am shocked, shocked to find that there is a pervert in /sdg/. Anyway,
if i join the discord am i going to be groomed by trani?
you will, for sure. probably not anyone else tho
if you don't have any self control then no. If you do then still no.
no he just searches for anons gooning with him, he is harmless otherwise
If you've lurked here for years, you can pinpoint the many times the quality plummeted. The thread becoming the discord's designated shitting street is just the next step in this circus.

this is all because of the anons that allowed it to happen, from the ones who thought they could manipulate the thread with their samefagging and sock puppets. To the ones that tried to turn sdg into their daily blog. Those anons opened up space for bad actors to turn sdg into a discord grooming thread.
ran is still worse than ani. nothing changed
every video game general degenerates over time as normal people lose interest. I'm sure the Skyrim generals are garbage in much the same way this thread is
Distilled cope
Unironically, I think Ani is a ticking time bomb
ran is obsessed and must mention debo and ani in everything he says
Please leave your discord drama on the discord, guys. I promise you most of us don't think about "ani" at all, you don't need to warn me about some guy I can already smell through my screen on the rare occasion that he actually posts anything.
>trani is running away like always
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based and true
julien is shit
i can't recreate https://civitai.com/images/11700743 strangely
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will schizo anon ever be satisfied?
i do it the other way, txt2img and use that as reference
so this thread is for SAI shilling, julien generating pictures of naked children and being mad at "chinks"? did i get that right?
*and the discord
>Julien is crying
don't know who that is
prove it :]
its been like 6 months since ive been here. whats all the new shit ppl are using. do ppl still not know how to upscale 1.5s? iss SD3 shit?

clean install btw so either A1111 or comfy or whatever might be better now
go to /ldg/ or join the discord instead. this is a shit posting general now

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same answer as last thread, SDXL models are real good, Comfy is powerful and modular, PonyRealism is my current favorite. SD3 is fun but I am the best prompter around so YMMV
catbox link is dead for me
how about post gens and stop trying to start shit like a feminie little bitch. are you able to do that oh wait, too late. if you need dick so badly bend over
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>whats all the new shit ppl are using
everyones using different things depending on their sensibilities and goals. hard to give a blanket answer to this
>do ppl still not know how to upscale 1.5s?
not sure I understand, people have been upscaling for forever. do you mean something more specific?
>iss SD3 shit?
>clean install btw so either A1111 or comfy or whatever might be better now
comfy has a lot more dev support now. the a1111 dropped off pretty hard so they're a lot slower to add new things in or update stuff to latest versions.
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I keep reading Prodigy is better and I keep trying it but the results are not great, so i'll ask. what do I set all of this to? Clearly I don't know what i'm doing.
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SD3 is weird. It doesn't diffuse the same way, and that has lots of unpredictable effects. The dataset tagging is also different, so it can be hard to figure out how you're supposed to prompt it. To give one example of how SD3 is weird, saying too strongly that a woman has a big nose can cause her nose to turn into weird visual artefact garbage—you can watch this happen usually in the last half of diffusion steps. It can be very difficult to get the right prompt for an SD3 image, but rewarding when you succeed.

In the end I think they really crippled it with how they AI-captioned training data. And it's undertrained compared with XL. Worth trying but overall a big disappointment, even with my modest expectations.
ur gen is dookie

if you cant 1 red brick, git gud
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>saying too strongly that a woman has a big nose can cause her nose to turn into weird visual artefact garbage
sounds like sd3 will be better for AI video
>trani still a pedo
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>im not a pedo you dum dum
>its just "shota"
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you've been at this for hours
never forgetti :]
prove it :]
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20k lineart lora lmao :]
did ani post at all today?
Yes, you missed the posts.
control net?
lol welcome back 1 red brick anon
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prove it :]
thanks homie
You need to be more available. It's not my fault.
i miss schizo anon
also me
I can't see him anon, where is ani? :]
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>consuming or creating loli or any derivative
>differentiating between pedo and hebe
If this is you, seek help
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>inb4 pedo apologists.
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w-why are you still l-looking at it anon... you wouldn't happen to be... a pedophile?
>trani trying to defend pedo positions
you know i did like you besides you being a sperg
but i will not defend a pedo so i hope you die in a fire trani
I keep looking at shota ani's asshole. it really does look like a quivering bunny nose
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i said this a long time ago and dipped. all those avatar fags are pedos. i called comfy out on it constantly
i miss schizo anon
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what does shota comfy's asshole look like :]
glazed doughnut.
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>meltdown over multiple days
he got fired again didnt he kek
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>official SAI employee
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Is there a workflow to turn a sobel picture made from a photobashed collage into an inked page without color or that tries to mimic inked pages?
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>Wow, did he really just..? Wow. Drawing distinctions? Defending the bad thing even in a very limited context or heavily-qualified sense? That's... not a good look! You just told on yourself my man. Caught in 4K. This one's going in the archives. You could have simply touched grass and had a normal one but instead you chose to die on this hill. That's, uh, pretty gross. Enjoy your call from the FBi dude. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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you can maybe use a controlnet like canny or scribble
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Hey I know that cat! Isn't he the one with short lefs on youtube.
62k+ dataset with 1024+ resolution buckets takes just over 24 hours for one epoch, if I do 100 epochs the model will be in a reasonable state late October
can someone recommend another hobby
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decided to do something "artistic" instead of my usual taylor edits
but how do I prompt it to be monochrome inked page?
Looks fascinating. I might gen something not so sure yet.
are all SAI employees p****?
this reeks of ancestral sampling
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Not at all. It's a diverse team from all over the world. But I can see how you'd think so given that the main face of SAI was Bangladeshi
yes, me included
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the controlnet extracts the edges in preprocessing then your prompt is applied to the output in sampling. you'd be prompting something like "monochrome inked page"
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Is there a way to import lora training metadata into one of the lora trainers? I'm trying to do it manually but it's very confusing.
You need to separate the meaning
>in black and white ink,
>printed comic book page,
You can get away by img2img'ing the original.
To reinforce the style you can add 'by some known black and white ink artist'. I don't know any out of my head right now.
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cooking for red brick anon as we speak. I AM the best prompter.
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I have all the proof in the world ani
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>portrait of Greta Thunberg in black and white ink, (ink painting:1.2)
AlbedoXL but I am sure vanilla is more than fine.
i can assure you it will only get worse from this point onwards :]
interesting how low the cfg can go with the Euler SMEA / AyS scheduler
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nice atmosphere.
what? the smell? take a shower then
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you will not need to worry about this once im finished with you :]
>portrait of Greta Thunberg in black and white ink, (ink painting:1.2)
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Amazing the amount of time I spend inpainting and editing lewd images no one will ever see but me
clownussy hits different
Well I don't how to force strict ligne claire type of art. Maybe need to use a specific artist or maybe it also understands 'ligne claire'.
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i'm bricked up
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none that I could find I'm afraid, surprising considering you can import .json files
would have though extracting would have been an easier process
please be gentle
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it's a brick kind of day today
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Here's another.
>portrait of Greta Thunberg in black and white ink in comic book page, comic book layout, (ink painting:1.2)
>newfags taking advice from debo

You know he’s elated
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I can assure you I'm not him. I am posting here because I want to post and I don't give a fuck about your drama one way or another.
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I wasn’t talking about you
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Maybe stop being so passive aggressive then.
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god i need to shit
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>ask for bald woman, get what I asked for
idk my minds eye has something closer to sinead o'connor
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debs,, hopefully Matteo gets it working with sd3 soon.. https://github.com/cubiq/ComfyUI_IPAdapter_plus
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FUUUUUCK bros I miss having proper stable diffusion so much. I used to trialscum on gravitai but recently found out they locked it behind a subscription. Any recs?
Best hi-res fix anime style upscalers? Any tips on avoiding hands getting ruined during these hi-res fixes?
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Best waifu?
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>AI’s Most Ambitious Music Generators Accused of ‘Massive’ Infringement In New Lawsuit
It's over
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>portrait of Greta Thunberg, (by Hergé:1.2), in the drawing style of ligne claire
By Herge creates an association about the general colors and the fact she's wearing a blue woolen shirt.
Maybe TCD lora is affecting this too.
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fat old hag
Can you do regional prompt easily with drawthings (OSX)?
Not the point here.
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Chang'e in the back
Me btw
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What model is that?
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Vanilla is much better at this than AlbedoXL.
At least I would call this ligne claire...
>imagine thinking drawn shota is real
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I don't think anyone is confusing real versus not. It's just a bad look for anyone to be airing that out
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is this pre-breaking news? I'm not sure what to do with this
(Alfred E. Neumann)
>flaccid strawman
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great choice
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>is this pre-breaking news? I'm not sure what to do with this

dope node added to his pack,, thought it deserved news!
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What's the verdict on SD3?
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can you please stop flooding these threads
too bad,
I'm not finding diamondvisualxl_v20 on hugging face or civit
>doxxing yourself to own the haters
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This is you
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Try just searching for diamondvisual - probably it's called 2.0 or etc.
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is training on 1000+ pictures stupid?
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you have to train on 0 images
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depends on your goal
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You're being sent on a snipe hunt, FYI
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This is also you
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Apologize to ran
it was one, of many, once in a lifetime opportunities they had to pursue
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Who should
oh, why would someone do that?

>You're being sent on a snipe hunt, FYI
Why would you do this to me? I thought we were cool.
I failed...
I will save your image for another gallery image in the near future.
I'll gen something else now.
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Well, I guess it's no longer on civit, but here's a review of it from 8 months ago for us to enjoy together
civitai com/posts/794390
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I will be on the look out for it
can you explain? i'm training one person with many outfits and trying to get their body down.
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autismmixconfetti on SDXL... how do I prompt for the bra being lifted off over the boobs? I can't seem to get it to work. Shirt lifting, yes - bra lifting, no.
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It is outside my current attention but I will do it at some point and you are going to know.
So i recently got a folder with 640 images of Carrie Fisher and 99 of those images are high-res, is that overkill for a LoRA?
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ah yes, I have a few models that got this treatment as well.
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Wrong season
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if anyone is interested here is using a lora vs base pony model (mixes) for 2B, chosen because 2B is in extremely high amounts of data in the base model
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who's that?
Of Carrie Fisher, yes.
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Is SDXL fine-tunes better at realism? Should I stick with 1.5?
Mangled, SD3 medium
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Safest model
>human ears
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Give me five minutes if it bothers that much.
Oh, I thought I'd fix them in photoshop lmao.
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Took me two seconds in iopaint
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Here's photoshop fix, now you can compare which one is better.
Do both please. and 3 if you can.

You can make SDXL look realistic but theres just more available for 1.5.
I'm a sdxl user since release. SD3 does the best eyes, lips and hair.
I like traditional rub and tuck service!
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Not again!
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This one needs an upscaling with sd15.
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how can you bypass ai image upload p0rn detection?
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noise edits aren't working
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What are you uploading and to where?
Can you explain what are you talking about?
>Ani is crying
>Ani is crying
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your typical onlyfans girl underwear some tits or ass, and the upload fails because of the lewdness, some works some not, the most obvious ones don't
Jinx :]
Overcooked and blurry as fuck
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I think your most typical is an issue between your ISP and Cloudflare.
I am posting from FI using fiber and I never see disappearing posts. I do not think this happens if I switch to 4g altough I do not post to 4chan that much using it.
I believe the Anon isn't thinking Safety comes first. it's our upmost priority.
Sorry, from Finland.
You should check out your browser and its cache etc.
it's not here, the page has an image upload function that audits uploads
What page?
thanks btw

dalle or similar sites like that, it's not really as good but if I could get throught that I could get to the one I want, so any guideline would be appreciated
I don't think you can.
God forbit if you take a photo of your own kid swimming in a lake Google's and Apple's AI will flag you as a pedophile.
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