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they're both dead (figuratively)
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>assange free
>stallman back in the FSF
so you CAN oppose the american empire and survive
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last time I heard about assange he was smearing poop
Need it or keep it?
More importantly, which of the two would you want to meet in a Boca Raton AirBNB?
>a pedo and a rapist
so russians let this wacky go because..
because what?

> because brave comrade biden acted as a lion, first he freed lesbian basketball ganja player and now made a greatest deal of the century!
the funny thing is this was probably only possible because the orange retard he basically helped in to office lost
literally glowie fud
huh I thought he was in that embassy
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The fact that this man was jailed for revealing the dirty secrets of our criminal leaders is more than enough to [censored] all these motherfuckers and all the traitors of the police and the army who defend them!
based af
oh, ive mistaken him with snowden.. ye similar cockroaches
yet when liz holmes had a kid before prison i bet you hypocrites all shit brix
Php = Putin's hand puppet
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projections by the glowie who posts the comparison
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how's the weather in tel aviv?
>returns to Australia
why would he return to a country that abandoned him?
In an AP article it said
>But his reputation was also tarnished by rape allegations, which he has denied.
I think the much more tarnishing thing was him getting innocent people killed because he was lazy/stupid and didn't redact their names from leaks.
>innocent people
to see his wife and children ???
he didn't
crazy that people get fat in prison.
>oppose the american empire
didn't Stallman say that Epstein did nothing wrong?
and he slips in the shower 2 weeks later
oh how tragic, RIP grey man
Kindly show some proof that anyone was killed because of the released documents.
Also, Assange asked US for help in redacting Manning's documents but they refused.
he said epsteins a serial rapist nigga
no he didn't
>holding the powerful accountable
Don't these people get sick of themselves? The only thing that holds the Powerful accountable is someone with more Power. A weak Government releasing its biggest source of leaks was caused as much by the eleutheromaniacs cheering for him as it was by a butterfly that flapped its wings in 2006.
As a free man, it's very easy to slowly poison his food with carcinogenic agents so he dies in the next 4-5 years. The main reason he was freed was to cause problems for the Trump administration, Obama did the same thing last time.

He is in far more danger as a free man than he ever was in prison, the intelligence agencies can easily get to him now. He won't have a swift death though, it will be very slow to not look suspicious.
Like they killed Snowden?
Snowden bounced JIT (Just-in-Time)
>the intelligence agencies can easily get to him now
I won't hold my breath, but here's hoping. Likewise to >>101142729.
He could just flee to Russia, CIA Niggers fear the KGB
cia niggers laugh at kgb
The whole deal sounds extremely suspicious. Especially since he flew back to Australia, instead of bouncing to China or Russia.
I for one will take everything Wikileaks reveals from now on with a bucket of salt.
Probably traded for someone or something.
> assasinates dissidents in western countries, in broad daylight
> Snowden not even captured, only kills people who are already imprisoned.

Yeah, I know who I'd fear more
but enough about Trump, what do you think is Assange
What the cia used to be before dei, and what they are now are 2 different things.
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>actually feed the prisoner
>prisoner is stuck in a cell
>doesn't do any physical activity
>gets fat
Yeah, that can happen. Bronson would also be a fat fuck if he didn't spend every waking day on working out.
and kgb isn't the same as it was too, their last successful job was litvinenko, skripal's ordeal was a fucking clown fest
They have no blue haired trannies, feminists and niggers.
yeah, instead they have russians, LUL
If you can't tell why one is worse than the other then you're delusional, but you're allowed to be so.
holy shit, is that an asus eeepc?
They feed you well. But only horrendously unhealthy slop. It takes work not to end up with a fat and metabolically unhealthy body in there.
>if you reveal war crimes by deranged psychopaths, those psychopa- i mean, those innocent people might get hurt!
I dunno what to tell you man, maybe don't bomb kids and journalists from a plane, don't join an army that's going to send you as an invasive force into foreign countries, don't humiliate and abuse the people there.
Never happened, the CIA even admitted as much.
I mean he's from Australia and they've been begging the US for more control over his legal situation.
>innocent people
>The only thing that holds the Powerful accountable is someone with more Power.
Exactly, the people.
Countless times the ones in power (actual power, not just governments, but rich families, etc) have been staked and hung by the people in history.
>#1 Worldwide
why didn't they just feed him less
>every accusation people make against you must be true. don't question it
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nothing ever happens
so i guess he aint dropping the keys this time either....

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