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Laptop runnin' Edition

Previously on /sdg/: >>101134969

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>"style transfer precise" Added to ComfyUI IPAdapter plus

>Stable Cascade was originally MIT licensed?

>Geometry-Aware Large Reconstruction Model for Efficient and High-Quality 3D Generation

>VideoGenHub: One-stop library to standardize inference and evaluation of Conditional Video Models

>AI’s Most Ambitious Music Generators Accused of ‘Massive’ Infringement In New Lawsuit

>ECLIPSE: Expunging Clean-label Indiscriminate Poisons via Sparse Diffusion Purification

>Contextual Interaction via Primitive-based Adversarial Training for Compositional Zero-shot Learning


>MOFA-Video: Controllable Image Animation via Generative Motion Field Adaptions in Frozen Image-to-Video Diffusion Model

>SD.Next release 2024-06-23

>ComfyUI Unique3D

>AutoStudio: Crafting Consistent Subjects in Multi-turn Interactive Image Generation


>ComfyUI DiffSynth wrapper nodes

>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements
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rare quokka op pic
>mfw Research news


>Image Conductor: Precision Control for Interactive Video Synthesis

>HLQ: Fast and Efficient Backpropagation via Hadamard Low-rank Quantization

>A3D: Does Diffusion Dream about 3D Alignment?

>Disability Representations: Finding Biases in Automatic Image Generation

>VividDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity and Efficient Text-to-3D Generation

>Multimodal Task Vectors Enable Many-Shot Multimodal In-Context Learning

>LLM2FEA: Discover Novel Designs with Generative Evolutionary Multitasking

>Demonstrating the Efficacy of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Vision Tasks

>LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models

>Six-CD: Benchmarking Concept Removals for Benign Text-to-image Diffusion Models

>Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words? Delving Into Spatial Reasoning for Vision Language Models

>Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels

>Evaluating Numerical Reasoning in Text-to-Image Models

>Holistic Evaluation for Interleaved Text-and-Image Generation

>Stylebreeder: Exploring and Democratizing Artistic Styles through Text-to-Image Models

>DragPoser: Motion Reconstruction from Variable Sparse Tracking Signals via Latent Space Optimization

>This Looks Better than That: Better Interpretable Models with ProtoPNeXt
diamondvisual-anon, can you post a prompt? I want to see if I got the right model and if I did I'll upload it somewhere for that other anon who wanted it
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Original Pony. I wanted to share this because to me it feels like such a let down.
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I need big tiddy tomboy soviet astronaut gf
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EasyFluff upsacle. I heard my mother cry my name. Not necessarily a good thing.
>Ani right now
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I know.
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worthless gate-keeping sack of shit
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Photoshop fix before someone is angry about the ear.
Is everything I post on civitai gonna get cross-posted to the loras I used or can I control that somehow?
I don't think you should post anything on CivitAI.
Cursed thread
Sorry but I need the buzz to proompt.
I only post on 4chan and I am happy when Hiro uses my posts. But at least 4chan has stayed the same for all these years.
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>But at least 4chan has stayed the same for all these years
>But at least 4chan has stayed the same for all these years.
Are you living under a rock? They almost pulled a coup with requiring emails to post on /biz/, shit is actively getting worse all the time here.
It has. For the end user.
I'm not talking about your /pol/ tier delusions and twitter copy-pastes but the end user experience is somewhat original.
You should be thankful.
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How did 'biz' or 'pol' ever affected your normal experience?
>le coup
You don't know what that means my friend.
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You talked about the website in general and I gave you an example. Just because you don't browse /biz/ and I did doesn't make the change any more detrimental or outrageous on a purported anonymous website.
I don't care.
/biz/ and /pol/ are not 4chan.
/pol/ was a containment board because /n/ews (old pol) was used by stormfront
/biz/ another containment board because of bitcoin and had to split off from /g/
I don't care.
I tried adding "tomboy", "short hair" and "glasses" to an SD3 prompt and it turned my bikini babes into femboy chudjaks.
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Thanks for conceding and moving the goalpost. There's a link on the front page that leads directly to those boards, therefore they are part of the website, end of discussion. I don't care about your dumb arbritary made up categorizations saying otherwise.
Anatomic diversity is ok right?
Anything in Other is obviously not 4chan. It's where non-4chan board needed to go.
Here is a (you) for you so you can keep on doing attaching your meaningless soul to whatever you want.
You are unable to post any images so you want to stalk others - great I don't care. My English is somewhat limited otherwise I would have written you an essay.
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I haven't come to this general in ages. Do PW still post here? I still remember how we all thought she was a tranny and then she got doxxed and was a cute.
The psychopath is having a feedback loop - just search back your own posts.
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I can't get anything else from this.
PW never got doxxed
>1girl, fennec ears, bikini, beach, pose
the absolute state of /sdg/
It needs bit more than that I can assure you my friend without images.
What would you like to see next?
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i've been using sd for a minute now
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These days i rarely make threads but I'll always be glad of making one when it's needed :)
No answer? Don't say I wasn't surprised.
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I like that SD3 still produces a rich variety of results from a given prompt, especially the faces. This isn't really different from XL/etc in that way, just nice to see it can still produce many different kinds of human faces—something SD base models have always been the best at. These faces come from different images all produced by the same prompt. The prompt mentions short hair which is why the hair tends toward certain short styles.
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> can't get anything else from this.
I was poking at the 6 word prompt. Do whatever makes you feel good anon
what were you trying to do?
I don't care what did you poke or what did you not, but you are still an amateur to expect make any difference.
It's simple - don't show any images - you are a little baby.
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okay bud
6 word prompt in your imagination. Well this is what psychopathic narcissist is doing - he is well and above his own class but still ... tries to put random people down.
are you okay anon?
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A rear view of a centaur
No really, I forgot coouple of words and people are calling me ESL.
I love the real Americans who are straight like you are.
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I don't know man, my diet consists of trannies with deep wrist scars.
I was employed in Africa. Seek Soldier of Fortune magazine.
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that seems like a fairly narrow demographic
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what is this characters relationship with debo?
Good luck with that background check my friend.
Luck? I've got God and anime on my side.
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None. Just some design I sort of cooked up from an interest in the idea of a "casual" harness, and somehow it seemed like something an oni would wear
You also got FBI on your side when they are doing background checks. I doubt you are suitable for any real job though.
Not sure why the glowies would be after me. I'm already on every list imaginable posting here.
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this should be in the op
It might harm your future employment.
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Anyone know how novelAI's vibe transfer works, or more specifically how to recreate it with stable diffusion A1111? I tried t2i-adapter, base controlnet, and IP adapter with the Ponyv6 model but they didn't work very well at transferring styles let alone specific characters.
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not my problem
Oh my god... is this is an image? From where did you steal it?
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smuggled out of latent space
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I am afraid... you are scaring me with this image
alright I'll stop
I didn't know you are real creator? I am so sorry if I ever insulted you. You seem to have mastered everything.
must be mistaken me for someone else
Oh wow... I feel like ... walking on hot coals or something. And you spent all these threads insulting others without ever posting anything until now?
lol what?
That's what they all say - you are not the rapist - you are innocent.
Alcatraz was full of innocent men before it was closed down.
yeah man alright
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some interesting style cross-overs from debo-related characters. for whatever reason, our collective unconscious wants wants black-haired hima-cut demon girls in some kind of bondage
What about your cock harness? The problem is - your fetishes are killing any sense of community. And I'm not even talking about the opiate usage here.
wtf when did sd3 get fixed
I love stable diffusion!
Ani proves the futa to tranny faggot pedophile pipeline is real.
>the futa to tranny faggot pedophile pipeline is real
was this ever up for debate?
For newfags
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imagine you're in a candle-lit bedroom with her, getting real close and intimate, and then her hand-foot-hoof starts to softly but clumsily caress your skin
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...cock harness?
Don't try to hide your fetish here...
balldos are the new meta now
Cock harness.
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Are you ready to tell us about your future?
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If you want to be alone with us... or me.
Leather cage.
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any news on sd3 getting un-fucked?

whats the best option? still 1.5 + controlnet?
base 0.9
1.4 with bstaber trending on artstation
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excellent,but give her a facial expression ffs
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pony nai3 model is pretty neat, also autismmix (anime focus)
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you're asking a fish to climb a tree
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even something simple like "waving hands" yields good results without negative embeddings that I use for 1.5 and that is hit/miss, it's good but this is even better:
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like it's an impossible thing to do?
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You can safely ignore almost everything he says.
Nah, he's shitting on that specific poster.
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>1girl, fennec ears, bikini, beach, pose
>Ani is sad
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this place is dead
It's been a while and i actually forgot 1.4 had a bunch of fine-tunes before 1.5
remember when we needed to make entire models for a single concept or style?
everyone is in trannycord
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you're right it is, the good posters have moved to the discord though
Trani drama made everyone sleepy
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are ded hours better or are schizo hours better?

its a double edged sword. it absorbed some anons that shit up the place but it also stopped some good posters from visiting here. truly a shame
Thoughts on Ani being outed as a pedophile?
wasn't the first time
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That horse doesn't know if it's coming or going.
What? no... I haven't made that joke before..
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It was during the pastebin split
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ask with a gen and I'll answer

that got way cooler when I full screened it
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As long as you’re contained in this thread away from the Discord everyone is happy
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nice meme

yall don't seem very happy with the daily meltdowns you have in the general. I guess we have different definitions for what happiness is

last (you) for the nogens. I hope you enjoyed the attention
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"(papercraft:1.05)" is making it do some really wild shit. need to take that meme prompt i put in there out and see what it does
>pedophile defender flees
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Very good these two
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thanks. good gens kinda dried up, need to tweak some shit out of this one to make it a bit more consistent.
looks like Kiss except gay
would (papercuts and all)
also checked
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last one for tonight... paper cthulhu. gn
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and one more:
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>Kiss except gay
>“At the same time that we were forming in New York, there was a very big glitter scene, where boys were basically acting like girls and putting on makeup,” Simmons told the fanzine
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Well that sucks since I don't know what all these settings are and I want to copy someone 1:1. I guess I can do what I can then I'll ask for help.
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I copied everything except these two settings which I couldn't find in Kohya's GUI.
"ss_zero_terminal_snr": "False",
"modelspec.prediction_type": "epsilon",
The settings are very different from what others have recommended so I'm expecting a totally fried lora lol. But his lora was great so hopefully it works out.
I got an error, it's over.....
>generate images
>"damn, what garbage, i'll log it and try to fix it later"
>check it out later
>"damn, that looks good"
Rinse and repeat
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models for this feel?
really shit gens today, lads
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join the discord and goon with trani
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Good morning sdg
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Why did no one ever train a giant model/lora on Dalle gens with the prompts used?
>doxxing discord
i wonder if you can get rid of stuff if its not obviously harmful once it landed in the wayback machine? mhhhhh
what did he mean by this?
just like literally not even one good creative gen all day
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he is preventing orks from tainting the pool of models with undercooked trash. he mentioned he was still training it before
julien is shit
>nobody reported the schizo for three days straight
we are all schizo
how will you flip the table in a spergout this time? I really don't trust mentally unwell trannies like yourself, (t)ani and cumfy
He's obviously the only one unemployed here. Psychopath patrols these threads using his computer and phone. It's so easy to recognise his retarded formatting.
i miss schizo anon
yeah, i'm trying
i'm just doing it because it would be cool to have all of diffusers and transformers for aitemplate
the next stage would be a backend that can use it all and a ui, but that's a lot more effort
It's ran
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its both
>tfw not #mentioned
I still love you though :*
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Isn't this really slow for a 4070ti? I wonder what I fucked up.
fuck off, you never discuss anything you do in detail. you are an attention seeking fuck
<3 i hate this place with passion
>getting this mad at nogen
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i only say that if someone says my name lol
fuck off schizo
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>Ani confirmed pedo
>Le schizo anon made him post shota
no, not you too mint pussy...
totally organic
>where Ran is a mod
this is a fairy tale. in what world would someone be fucking retarded and make (t)ran a mod
muscle mommy is based stop seething
Ran is a mod of the discord, but nothing else in that post is true except that Ani and Debo were doxxed
should i join the discord?
>Ani post shota in /sdg/
>Ani removes his self doxx from the archive
>finds out there are multiple archives after gloating to anon
>seethes and goes back to schizo posting
>you are here
yeah for totally unrelated reasons he is always here when "schizo anon" is also here
as sure as god's sandals, if /sdg/ exists so does drama
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the best part is that if he just learned to keep his mouth shut and silently delete everything all would be fine
but now *someone* (not me btw) mirrored it to a lot of archive sites
as always, he is a pro in opsec kek
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all the way down to an obsession for a discord mod. you don't have to make it far in life to attract jealousy lol
it's all gone though. who will believe schizo now?
Schizoanon is inside the fucking discord lol, there have been leaks every day for the past few days
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Is he going to claim you're hlky or ran?
Call it
You sure?
>tfw there is a schizo living inside the walls of the pisscord
i love you schizoanon kek
hope you continue until he learns his lesson
Ummmmmm... Stable Diffusion?
this thread is about the discord
join it and goon with trani together
the catbox link is dead for me
go to /ldg/
Post is more important
gotchu senpai
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Please make backups
I don't get it
feel invited to do so yourself
already got some, good luck deleting it from chinese backup sites in the future kek
Thank you for your service pedo busting anon.
>asking for it
>getting it
>be mad about it
>this is what people do with their life for years
holy shit. ani really scrambled some marbles
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>Ran's mother
>also Ran's muse
it's surprising he even has enough time to consume as much ben10/sonic hentai as he does, in between genning smut based on his mother
ummmmmm.... /g?
this thread belongs in /b
>inb4 it's hlky (because it is confirmed)
just so i understand it, the cope is now "it never happened lmao lalalala"? is he retarded? he's really provoking it lol
Ran is banned
you think that stops his incestuous gooning, anon?
>genning smut based on his mother
Lets not leave out the amaurophilia fetish
I don't understand. when has ani posted?
>bug people shitting up /sdg/ and telling /sdg/ to move to /ldg/
No, Chang. No.
it really is this retarded kek
plz post some proofs
hi ran
>Ani is getting desperate
ani did nothing wrong
are all SAI employees this disgusting? imagine posting "shota" on a blue board after you doxxed yourself kek
>Ani is crying
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>he posts about thread personality drama instead of Stable Diffusion
>shota is shocking to 4chan users
what happened to this place?
>pedophile cope
Wrong board tranny
not everyone is a pedo
also anons go on purpose to blue boards to avoid this degeneracy
i know you are so out of your mind that this makes no sense to you but it is what it is
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Little kids ain't my thing but I don't really give a fuck if anons fap to drawings of little kids - doesn't hurt anyone.
Now faggotry on the other hand... absolutely disgusting.
>one anon cope destroyed
I'm sure a drawn image will have a hard life from now on
>pedo cope
Stop crying Trani
absolutely mindbroken over an anon. sad really
just to have said it: you brought this all onto yourself
you should take a step back and think about the why and how, i cant help you with that trani
and i wouldnt provoke more if i was you, a person who clicks random links and who's security is quite bad ;)
eternal september, worst they ever had to worry about behind random links was a rickroll and not a goatse
hes melting right now isnt he kek
doesn't he have access to sai stuff? do you think he will dox hlky for doing all this?


Same thing with the no gen cope, "Make a tree to join the discord." The people larping as random anons are the avatars that want to have a thread personality while not having any of their real opinions attached to it.
That's why avatars are the guaranteed downfall of any thread
Your English is so bad, germ.
at least i would recognize certain kind of software running on my pc
i dont think many people at sai put together my name and hlky desu, he'd have to scroll back a while on slack, also i'm not doing anything to him
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