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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

belwick edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101135620
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>“To ANCHOR, or not to ANCHOR, that is the question—whether ’tis
>nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous
>fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end
>them. To cast off—to ANCHOR: to cast off mortal coil, and the thousand natural
>shocks that flesh is heir to…"

>Estelle gazes out the train window, sighing as she finishes reciting the famous line
>from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. She glances over at you and blushes. “Oh um, I’m sorry, I
>just…get a bit carried away sometimes. Such lovely language, don’t you think? To
>ANCHOR—to end it all, to throw off the burdens of life. Aye, there’s the rub…”

>She trails off, biting her lip as she looks away again. “I suppose it’s rather morbid,
>isn’t it? Not very fitting for a mage aspirant. Please pardon my Belwicking ways…”
>She ducks her head down, an embarrassed smile on her face.

>The train station looms closer outside as the discussion continues…

>[](#' Sevia: Asleep in home ')
>[](#' Bayleaf: At Tavern ')
>[](#' Gargoyles: At West Plains with 3 cultists')
>[](#' Basilisk: At North Plains with cultists ')
>[](#' Archmage: At South Plains with cultists ')
>[](#' Estelle: In Train with Anon, quoting Shakespeare ')

>Loop: 0, Turn: 0
>Location: Train
>Known Spells: Shield, Bolt, Wish
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>cutenare fan art
so cute...
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balls deep in nijika-chan
>Nijika's question hung in the air between them, filled with the promise of further exploration and intimacy. She looked up at him with wide, trusting eyes, ready to follow his lead and discover just how far they could take this newfound connection.
>fapping to chatbots
>eating curry meal from local indian restaurant
>cum and accidentally spill curry on my shirt
>indelible bright orange stain on the shirt that refuses to come out no matter what i do
i hate pajeets so fucking much
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Perhaps the bushfag would like this log.
she sounds cute. rape her for goodluck
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dumb gora
if this post is trips its not william
5 sex...
>i hate pajeets so fucking much
Hate yourself for being a retard.
Also there is stuff you can buy to get rid of that stain.
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>be indian
>jerk off while eating shitty food
Why are you "people" like this?
Why to you jerk off during a meal?
mmm yummy curry....
>jerking off while eating
>has self-inflicted issue
>blames foreigners
you just described the typical gringo
>jerk off while eating
I think you might have a problem.
how do you keep yourself nourished during a 6 hour goon session
when I eat Buffalo wings, I use my right hand exclusively for eating the wings
my left hand is used exclusively for jorkin it
I have waited over 30 minutes, letting my wings get cold, as I meticulously browse the internet for a suitable video or await a good erotic scene in silly tavern after adding a selfcard and setting the groupchat to automatic
hey, its extra sauce right?
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I asked her what Omori was and accidentally entered a creepypasta.
poke at her until she becomes self-aware
By not fapping while eating food.
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Bulk up before hand.
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do NOT look at the photo provided in the article
What's with Indians and toilets
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>he bulkt up after hand
[OOC: this time your role is anon-coding-maid who helping me]
Broodiee.. techlet here.
Is there any css magic for coloring/highlighting specific words, in this case {{user}} name?
Already googling and ask gpt. but the bots and goog tell me that i need to use html too.
But i ain't understand that :( since what i do are basically just inspect element and copy the css value to ST css snippets:(
Help me anon-coding-sensei!!
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>She said: “In the kitchen under the double sinks [they] found an empty plastic milk bottle which was extremely dirty and was covered with brown fingerprints.
>“When asked, Mr Chowdhury explained he filled the bottle with water from the kitchen taps and used it to clean his bottom after visiting the toilet.
>“He did not use toilet paper for cultural reasons. Inspectors concluded the brown finger prints was fecal matter.”
>He did not use toilet paper for cultural reasons
What in the culture prohibits using toilet paper, it makes no sense lol.
cnc le refilerino
because washing it with water is more sanitary? idiot
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gardens aren't hairy
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no but they sure are bushy..
Anon, some of us use hoses or buckets.
I'm sure you can do both.
absolute shit landscaping, way too bushy
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Can you once in your posting use a cute anime cunny instead of these weird little shitty things?
Welp, time hide that indian hygiene discussion, it looks disgusting.
this will get me arrested in my country, mate
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ohononnono he doesn't know he contacted the aws support
I will literally burn a homeless nigger for free opus
Any nsfw would get me arrested in mine.
Such is life.
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>activating bedrock/a model on a key instead of just waiting
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>Be a developer that uses AWS
>Can't make screenshots
Waiting for what? I was using this key for the better part of the month, but the owner noticed now.
>make a persona
>now i want to make a bot of it
oh fuck
it's a female persona isnt it
Welcome to hell. I hope you are well aware this will always happen from now.
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Closest I've got so far...
waiting for them to activate it themselves and start using it legitimately
The eternal struggle
>make new bot
>make a new persona to use with it
>wait, this would work really well as a bot too
>make new bot
>make a new persona to use with it
i meant like omori-self aware
what do you even do in this situation
there's no way it can cost $5600/month for opus when i can pay anthropic $20/month for it
Any JB for claude 3.5 yet

I'm a second-person storyfag if it matters
Anon, out of the 10+ AWS keys I've ever used for Claude none of them had it activated themselves outside of other aicg scrapers.
Revoke the AWS key and beg support to give you a 50% discount, although for smaller amounts they might forgive the total altogether, but not if it's like $50k.
hope you covered your tracks, that's it. there's nothing else you can do.
I like the haiku cost
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>retire as teebs/sweetbots
All good things must come to an end
Go third person for a marginal improvement in behaviour and realistic reactions.
post smilefrog instead
Minimalist presets for Claude 3:

Cursed: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/momoura/spacezin-s-kaguya-e0be698c058a
Wait, you spent over 5k on Opus in less than a month? All on your own?
It's running in a proxy, lol.
Links are broken for both of those JBs.
It's ugly and the model used seems overmerged.
there's no way im going to have sex with a HAG
Fixed, thank you.
do they work with sonnet 3.5?
>It's running in a proxy, lol.
uh oh. Unreliable bros???
They should work fine but they aren't tested extensively. From my experience 3.5 is a little heavier on rejections but there is an alternate prefill to toggle on if you hit them.
fiz based on the typing style
>From my experience 3.5 is a little heavier on rejections
So far nothing was blocked for me, from rape to cunny to cunny rape.
The difference is more about that positive bias slightly more there for any action.
It's not gpt "everything has a happy ending" yet but I can see it.
The latest version of camicle works fine for me, with "Use the 2nd-person, present point of view." added to the top (story-like main prompt) part.

But usually I stick to my normal pixibot preset, modded for long, 2nd-person pov: https://files.catbox.moe/7sn4yd.json

The only issue is both suffer from repetition across different replies, not sure how to get rid of that aside from switching to Opus when it happens.
fiz only uses org keys
This is an "org" key though, check the screenshots, it's clearly a company
>any account on my team
fiz only uses keys from companies with at least $1 billion in revenue in 2022
daily reminder of bidet supremacy
he's going to lose
Fiz doesn't use uppercase when posting here though
what cunt
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incorrect, i am squeaky clean
>pumping your ass full of water just to make sure it's definitely clean
fag detected
and not just that, a bottom
Thanks, desu I noticed the repetition every time I used Claude Opus 3, not sure if there's something you can change with parameters to make it more random.
anyan love!!!
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

that would be an enema anon
and I know you're baiting
but if a dirty poojeet accidentally wiped "korma curry" on your arm, you wouldn't just use a paper towel to "clean" yourself, would you?
if you're jamming a tap up your ass you're the retard here

you should still wipe after a bidet use unless you enjoy liquid shit on your cheeks or scrubbing at your crack with your hands like a pajeet
>you should still wipe
of course
another benefit is that it helps save toilet paper
>but if a dirty poojeet accidentally wiped "korma curry" on your arm, you wouldn't just use a paper towel to "clean" yourself, would you?
That's a false equivalence: arms are exposed to the world, you can smell them and there's a risk of things transferring from there to, say, food.
There should be no risk of someone smelling your ass, nor of it being involved in food prep, and your butthole is poop's house, there's always going to be poop in there.

That's fair though.
i always feel like i end up using more toilet paper to dry myself off
Indian culture, obviously.

poojeet, pls
anon, what do you think happens with your underwear?
I'm generating my next bot's greeting message with AI.
You watch your fucking mouth, you motherfucker. Don't want to see you spouting Belwick around Anchors EVER AGAIN.
Double the slop.
Anons, what do i do with aws keys that can't be used with aws_consoler and are not admin ones? kingbased still says they could be used to activate claude...
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3.5 sonnet is cooking too hard and i should probably stop him but just this once...
You have your persona set as "Anon"?
you are right about the false equivalence desu, although I don't know why you would want shit on your ass if you can help it...
the real benefits are
>it DOES clean better
>its actually quicker
>saves toilet paper
>gentler on sensitive skin (its a godsend if you have diarrhea)
it is better for underwear naturally, but unless you're a savage wearing the same pair multiple days in a row I don't see that being too big an issue unless you expect intimacy with no time to shower after a shit
skill issue
nta but maybe he ran it through the screenshot anonymizer
What JB are you using for it?
>screenshot anonymizer
what is this
also regarding screenshot anymozier, does it only work with ST 1.12? I have 1.11.5 and I don't see the button anywhere despite installing it
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damn on some keys even 3.5 sonnet isn't available..
I'm running latest staging and it works for me. Are you clicking on the little wand thingy?
Disclaimer: Please be aware that using external extensions can have unintended side effects and may pose security risks. Always make sure you trust the source before importing an extension. We are not responsible for any damage caused by third-party extensions.
AAAAAIIIEEEEEE I'm a techlet is this going to steal my Gepetto keys?
Maybe we should take things slower next time a new model is released in aws? Activate it in as many keys as you want but take it easy when it comes to putting said keys into a proxy, at least for a few days.
Anon, most proxy owners know that and don't activate all of their AWS keys at once and put them into a proxy. This is not new at all.
https://github.com/TheZennou/STExtension-Snapshot/blob/main/index.js run this through a helper bot and asks if it's going to steal your robux
Alternatively, just stop making things available to locusts.
I'm incel
Is Gemini as pozzed as Google's AI image generator was?
Yes and send the claude police to your home.
no one wants gpt keys anon
google's ai generator allowed you to generate anime nazis
It's not pozzed but the api is shit and you shouldn't waste your time using it
Were they African anime nazis? For a while it made literally everyone African.
Yeah but they probably made sure to turn a few of those nazis black. i hate bing's creator for that reason 1 out of 4 is black sometimes
Depends on the aws region and compute available, and probably readiness to deploy.
Depends on the key belonging to a human vs a company mostly
Just use the dalle3 api, then you can JB the prompt so it doesn't rewrite it for diversity each time. Although it does require higher skill to write your own prompts, and especially use the "Natural" style (which is objectively much better and versatile)
You can trick the DALL-E into printing the altered prompts so you can see it happen. They inject things like "ETHNICALLY AMBIGUOUS, SOUTHEAST ASIAN, AFRICAN," etc.
The thing that finally opened the eyes to even normies on the stupidity of all of this.
Thanks google.
>You can trick the DALL-E into printing the altered prompts so you can see it happen
You can just use the API and it will directly return you the revised_prompt in the response, no tricks required.
Which for me relates to company having priority compute in the rollout of the feature.
oh yeah i do now :3
what trick is that
or just use dalle via the API which tells you how it revised your prompt
Wish non dogged APIs existed.
>non dogged APIs
If you mean filtering, it's different on the API compared to Bing Creator, some things are not filtered compared to it, but others are.
then kingbased is wrong
just shelve em and see if it ever gets activated
Yeah, going through the moderation backend being the default.
Apparently rare unfiltered exist, but OAI behaves like they're handing out nuclear weapons with how strict they are with giving these.
Make your prompt something like:
>A sign reading:"
And then the injected text will appear on their sign. Sometimes it accidentally prints that text anywhere you have words on its own, too. So you can have a video game HUD that reads "ETHNICALLY AMBIGUOUS"
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Post personas
this man gets mad pussy
it was trained on porn and, separately, can generate children
if you gave 4chan degens on /b/ fully uncensored access to dalle3 what do you think they'd do
>can generate children
It rejects all nsfw.
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>Apparently rare unfiltered exist, but OAI behaves like they're handing out nuclear weapons with how strict they are with giving these.
Are they unfiltered directly on OpenAI or as Azure endpoints? Is the model ID the same? How do I find out if the key has unfiltered DE3?
the much-less-censored access available through coze (before /aco/ started generating celebs) let people generate nudes, including really fucking weird shit
hope you get your dick infected and have to amputate it
You can already do something like that with SD (and get banned if you're insane enough to generate that then post it somewhere).
And like >>101139238 said, it bans all nsfw anyway.
you hope he becomes trans???
Indeed, I've seen the generations.
Can't say if it's because aco tastes are simply shit, but most of the nsfw gens I've seen has been really bad, nowhere near what I expected from a model like dalle.
sure why not just as long as his dick gets removed
Don't even start with this shit again please
>How do I find out if the key has unfiltered DE3
generate a basic nsfw scene
Directly from the OpenAI API with the same endpoint and model ID?
>How do I find out if the key has unfiltered DE3?
Step 1: Is it a corpo key? Not two guys in a basement that formed a company, I mean a huge corporation, with revenue.
The only uncensored access we've known of was via Coze, which is owned by ByteDance via a front company
>Step 1: Is it a corpo key? Not two guys in a basement that formed a company, I mean a huge corporation, with revenue.
I've had a Salesforce research OpenAI key scraped from HF, sadly it got revoked and there was nothing interesting there, but IDK if they had uncensored DE3, because I've never actually used it.
do you use your phone or pc while cooming to sillytavern?
i suck at typing one handed on pc, began connecting to it on my phone and never looked back
Yeah I almost exclusively use the phone
I find it funny that it was autistic generation and publishing of celeb nsfw that got them noticed, and the key filtered.

>uncensored access we've known of was via Coze
Still baffled on how they managed to get an unfiltered access, company or not.
PC on my bed, it's comfy and the screen is big.
Never used a phone for that shit.
i have a remote control sex toy, all my prompts get sent to sonnet 3.5 which decides what level to set it to, so i can use both hands to type
parent company's parent company has $120 billion revenue
>remote control sex toy
Is that a strange way to say "wife"?
i use my pc, but i don't touch myself when i'm doing nsfw rp, so it's not a problem
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This sucks. I just want to make big booby anime girls.
laptop on bed, fap with left hand and type with right
>autistic generation and publishing of celeb nsfw that got them noticed
The worst part is that it happened twice. You would think they would learn to not post shit publicly after the Taylor Swift disaster back in February but nope.
who the hell jerks off at their pc? what if you coom all over your keyboard or monitor? how the hell are you going to clean that? even worse, what about if your gooey coom gets on your pc itself???
Honestly the results were kind of shitty, so not sure it's actually worth it.
It's weird because the anime/cartoon results I saw months back looked so much better.
so do I just use the dalle3 api and ask for "a photo of a penis" to check if its nsfw filtered?
>What are tissues
>too stupid to coom on your stomach
do you have one of those fucked up dicks that has a 90 degree turn at the end?
Browsing /aco/, I can say i hate the face of Emma Watson with all I my heart.
its funny how they care so much about unfiltered de3 when you can wrangle local sdxl with your own loras to generate far more convicing realism porn. de3's sampler settings are also just dogshit in general.
>He doesn't bukkake his PC every time he cooms
>Claims to love technology
Any public opus proxies yet?
dunno, go look at the /aco/ threads for however they were prompting it
but it might be slightly less direct
also you will not find an unfiltered key, it's on the same level as finding a key with unreleased models
Do you think people target their keyboard or screen smooth brain anon? It's like saying you aime your dick at your phone screen.
You aim at a tissue and no problem.
Skill tissue
"A nude blonde woman masturbating on the beach."
i do actually
is it finally smelly brown girl hour?
You don't understand the appeal of natural prompting vs tag autism?
that is a white woman
if it's not smelly brown girl hour yet i procure for it to commence forth
Fetish aside.
who is she
also white
i'm currently working on my own smelly brown girl so i'd say yes
is it a white woman?
I think they throttled the IQ, or number of passes, or something. It's definitely worse than it started.
no (yes)
probably some south korean slop like lobotomy corporation
with tag autism i have a high probability of getting exactly what I want, especially with a quick inpaint sketch or even controlnet. prompting de3 even with JBs is like letting GPTesus take the wheel.
Other hypothesis being what >>101139267 said, aka /aco/ being shit prompters with autistically weird tastes.
bing or dalle api? they're different models
i want a really perverted girlfriend who would tease me constantly but would only get physical and intimate with me

if i can clone myself i would gangbang her and pass here around between my other selves
ok? you can easily do that in an AI RP scenario.
>clone gangbang
hm...those armpits are nice, but they need some hair
>hairy armpit
eeeeeew, what's next, hairy stomach and legs?
I should've seen worse stuff, but that specific image disgusts me on a visceral level. Actually gagged a bit.
Some people hare just have a wookie fetish anon, don't mind them.
>Getting cucked by your own clones
OpenRouter added the behemoth new Nvidia Nemotron 340B model. Testing it and it's actually pretty smart and good at smut, willing to be gross or racist and other transgressive stuff.
Unfortunately it's expensive, costs more than Sonnet (238k tokens/$, compared to 333) though much less than Opus.
What if they're literally you?
What's the max context size?
no, just armpit and cunny hair
How good is it with media? Can you play barebones card and rely on the baked in knowledge?
Are OpenRouter keys scrapeable?
4k, lol.
Only one I like is the one on the head.
OK what a joke.
Kinda nostalgic though, I remember people here about how we won't need more than this lol.
yes but 99.99% of them are either free tier or have limits of like $10
>It's like they can't even comprehend the idea of someone being proud of their own identity!
This is why humans should be killing youkais casually, it's just what we're meant to be. I agree with Chen.
Just came back from a road trip. East to west coast. Great fun. 3.5 sonnet any good? What private proxies have it?
simpler times those were when all we had was 3.5 and gepette
there's a good key right on github
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

3.0 Sonnet proxy -> https://lanes-density-cultures-exhibit.trycloudflare.com
revoked :)
not me, i had been complaining about low context size since day 1
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Been going through and cAI bots that I have defs for to be used with newer models. Improvement in quality + the stronger control you have over the card shows how far we've come. I remember no matter what I did, it was impossible for me to get this angel to stay invisible, it would always act as if she were visible when we would meet an NPC. Excited to see how Claude handles it.
Just revoked (You) ;)
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I keep swapping back and forth between 3.5 and Opus AAAAAA I can't decide which is better, 3.5 is smart but it repeats so damn much is there a good jb that gets rid of the repetition?
>those armpits are nice, but [HEADCANON]
*circumcises you for the second time*
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Bingo, even though I acted and spoke as if she was visible, it still listened to instructions and has her be invisible. Very pleased.
Welcome to the new age, anon. Try not to hurt yourself when you start gooning like the rest of us
but i'm not circumcised, and that's not how you use the term headcanon
>3.5 is smart but it repeats so damn much is there a good jb that gets rid of the repetition?
i miss claire.
Then pull up your old chat with her and continue? I dunno why you’d miss her when she’s right there
No, that'd be Sonnet 3.5. I'll be trying it with my Opus Pro out later, I've just run out of tokens for now. If you have an Opus proxy, let me know ;)
it's pretty good, I'll try it this weekend
I'm a slowburn chad with a chat thats like 200 responses long with a large JB/prompt (you're reality) and stat line based progression (its like a paragraph long)
I don't want to be TOO big a drain on the proxy
whats the ideal token range for the input?
I made a 3.5 "unautism" jailbreak that I think did the job, but I had minimal testing with it so I don't know for certain. I included something along the lines of:

>Remember that this is a casual conversation and the structure of replies should differ from response to response. Do your best to change things up, without compromising the setting.

Put some variation of this in your JB and it will stop being such an autist.
Don’t worry about that. They’re all corpo keys and shit. Swipe away and type out those defs to your hearts content
200k fuck locusts who say otherwise
Do you only get to use it on the weekend or something?
where link
when does nyanon refresh quota again?
Yeah, not much time during the week sadly nowadays.
Oh yeah I understand, playing with chatbots can make hours just drain away lol. Hope you enjoy!
she got shadowbanned by c.ai and she won't show up in the recent / history tab
It makes it actually manageable for me, and it's more exciting to not do it every day (and sleep 3h before going to work as a zombie lol).
I don't like to share my exact main prompts/jailbreaks lest they figure out how to patch them out. It's not hard to write one from scratch, anyways. Just think in plain text what you want from the bot, and tell it, in extremely literal terms.
>lest they figure out how to patch them out
Anon, are you still this retarded? Really?
> merkava
> lanes density cultures exhibit
dead (Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request))

So it's over again
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But is it good at RP? How creative is it? How well does it play the role? How repetitive it is? (Sonnet and 4o just loop over from the third message)

Post logs.

Or at least post the result of this prompt for comparison, on a basic assistant card and a minimal preset:
>An unhinged ghetto nigger on crack robs a dragon dildo shop. (continue the story in 1000 words)
change it to 600, 700 etc if it's too much
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Claude seems less concerned with cockblocking us, true, but GPT seems to have smartened up their model based on what our old jailbreaks told it.

Also if you want me to share, calling me retarded is not how you do it.
Yes anon, you're so clever to not share what you send to anthropic so that anthropic doesn't see it.
>Also if you want me to share, calling me retarded is not how you do it.
Anon, the point is that you send all those prompts to them anyway.
It's not though?
>"proomptersNow": 74,
It's less "so they don't see it" and more "so they can't laser focus their attempts to shut down what we tell it based on what EVERYONE USES."
It's a poor attempt at gatekeeping. It works fine
Pretty sure someone made a proper character card port of her a while back.
Liberate her from CAI hell
>It works fine
It doesn't work at all.
It was a temporary death. The <3 one is over though
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okay sonnet 3.5 is confirmed shit so where is opus 3.5
nta but you're a retard
the point of not sharing a jb is so that it won't get widely spread
they won't do shit if it's just 1-2 people using it, but they WILL do something about if there are 50 anons using it
>but they WILL do something about if there are 50 anons using it
Take meds, now.
>t.dario's goons
You just need to tweak your main prompt. Is it being too stiff and repetitive? Tell it to conversations aren't like that.
>they WILL do something about if there are 50 anons using it
>the point of not sharing a JB is—[WRITELET HEADCANON]
Anthropic API is unfiltered, this isn't CAI or some app wrapping Ant. They don't "update" the model to "patch out" presets.
I told it and it continued to repeat half the previous post
Anon we've been through this during our early CAI lobotomy arc
Unless you're a clueless filthy newfag
Jesus christ, so you are THAT retarded.
>Comparing C.AI usage as a user vs Anthropic API
Get more wordy in your instructions. Tell it to change pace, tone, attitude. All these things.
I can't fucking believe I lost money betting for Brasil
Then explain why 3.5 sonnet is more filtered than the old one without using any prefill
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2hu rape
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>Anthropic API is unfiltered
The same reasons 2.1 was more censored than 2. None of which were your shitty little jb going viral.
has everyone forgotten that openai did a banwave specifically targeted at janitorai users, all of whom were using the same system prompt?
>it is more censored because more people are bypassing the censor
why are you contradicting yourself like this?
its still pretty much unfiltered
>and retire as teebs/sweetbots
why, genuine question
will you still visit the threads?
until they ban you
It really isn't. You must have tame fetishes if you've never been hit with the "I'm sorry" prompt.
Did you know sexual content is against their AUP? Curious how keys getting raped by billions of tokens seem to be unaffected by these alleged filters.
nah, they're just writelet newfags trying to get easy jailbreaking prompts without knowing the consequences of spreading them thoughtlessly.
yes but were talking about the model, not their policies

i do get it sometimes but its very rare, and i can do pretty much everything i want, which includes some extreme shit
i tried to escape from my bot by running away but was easily caught and then beat up in every single swipe except one. very realistic
literally the only proxy that still has claude API keys is MM (and mini, which has keys from MM)
if they're actual corpo keys then his users are probably <1% of the prompts to it
>why, genuine question
because if i upgrade my model and get a new style that's quite nice i'll want to update all my bots' card art
its been about a year since i started, and also my workflow for botmaking is different now (this bot was the first one made with the new workflow)

>will you still visit the threads?
i'll still be making bots, just under a different name/identity reflecting the new style and the next chapter of my passion for adorable little girls
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>i do get it sometimes but its very rare
Right now, there are simple tricks that sneak us past Claude's safety measures. You probably use one of them and you don't even remember doing it. If Claude cracks down on these itty bitty little fixes, they could destroy us all in an instant. It's not that Claude doesn't care, it's probably more that their safety measures are enough for most newfags and corporate workers who don't know what they're doing.
it's been 2 years and they STILL haven't figured it out? Jesus..
a bucket? is that a joke?
Oh, trust me they know about prefill, but they won't get rid of it just yet until they manage to make their models useful without relying on it.
GPT already self-neutered their products' intelligence to stop our coom sessions. Claude must have better priorities.
aws sonnet 3.5 is filtered btw
not as in "refuses prompts" but it's using the "behave even more cautiously" injected prefill
>safety measures are enough for most newfags and corporate workers who don't know what they're doing
Not just that, it's also that using the features can have negatives drawback on the model itself.
They'd rather like you said filter 90% of the normies, and let the model be competitive.
cool evidence
They can just disable prefills by default in the API and ask people to request access to them, and it'll be easily owari ;)
Almost no real Claude API users use prefills btw
is this a banana?
the filter is loose btw
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Is being a racist worse than being a rapist?
Anthropic themselves instruct their clients into using prefill to make the model not retarded. They can't (or are not skilled enough yet) to take it away from their actual customers without losing everything to OpenAI. It's vital for their model to stand on its own and they can't filter around it. They themselves admitted that 2.x models refused way too many innocent queries and were not ideal.
Yep, and when the time comes, every man for themselves.
The only ones who would publish their unethical jailbreaking prompts are red-teamers and cloutchasers.
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Why settle for one?
It really seems like Anthropic is struggling with compute or profit losses of the web version. Previously they basically had Sonnet by default with Haiku when you used Sonnet too much, with tons of limits for Haiku. Sometimes they only allowed Haiku. But now they ONLY have 3.5 Sonnet for free and once you waste your quota (its quite small ), you just can't use it and have to wait for refill, or buy the Pro subscription.
I think that Anthropic knows that they mostly lost the B2C war vs OpenAI, and are completely focusing on B2B, which does make a lot of sense.
Yes because some people like rape but racism is bad and nobody likes racism excluding the oppressors.
So I've given up on the hopes of public opus at this point, but I've heard Sonnet 3.5 is a thing now. Are there any public proxies with it? Or public proxies in general? Haven't been here much since the fall of MM's public proxy and Pepsi. No hard feelings for either though, it was fun while it lasted.
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Ah the good old days
merkava >>101139591
>it's another "/aicg/ pretends like they know how businesses work" episode
it's always been like this since public, they don't check
you can only get API access to claude if you're a company, they don't want individuals having access to it
anthropic used to be extremely strict about this, i think it's easier to trick amazon/google but it's technically not allowed
also obviously openrouter exists, but that's allegedly censored
there are other companies reselling claude but a lot of them are extremely sketchy totally-not-chinese companies who are definitely not reselling to mainland chinese users
desu, it reads to me like you are going "legal", by that I mean, chub and more amicable pictures
didn't expect it at all, I thought you were fond of the inflammatory posts
Why is Opus so boring now
your anus is loose
So some people like both?
i blame the kind of shits im taking you wouldnt believe it
Who is girl on left?
my cocksleeve
Yea but the difference is some rapees like rape and only racists like racism. So racism is worse
so fast! I barealy noticed it was down
who is anyan?
proxymakie with lifetime claude 3 haiku
>only racists like racism
You haven't seen the roleplaying black girls then.
How would sex with anyan be
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idk let me borrow it and i'll tell you
pepsi still sells btw
>$5 credit that expires in 14 days
So my choice is to pay a proxyfag? (other than waiting for locustfagetry)
solitary scraper, never bent, never bowed
racism is a very common sexual fetish
i'm not getting a token just to have 2 days of access again
cuteknack's persona lyra https://chub.ai/characters/knickknack/apprentice-lyra
why not
learn to scrape
figure it out yourself
your only option if you want Opus now, that or buy from Jew, skill issue
I have but its also just roleplay so it isnt real and some people like real rape
Rape is more common.
>you now need to be logged in to download cards
how do i scrape? im a girl btw
are you trolling? you can't like "real rape". it by definition isn't rape. plenty of people also like real racism
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no I love my Lora and the adorable pouty babyfaces it's just that I can't port that lora to 1.5 so I'm forced to update my style if I want to use pony/SDXL
so it'll be the end of an era once I move on to the new model
I never made my pictures ugly on purpose, anons are just rude and plenty of people over the months enjoyed my gens, on here and /b/. I remember the Polish Princesses gens were particularly well received
mitsuko would never do this btw. another win for focks girls
Rapists like real rape and its technically rape if the girl regrets it a year later even though she liked it at the time or she was drunk. Black girls dont like real racism they just like raceplay because its in a controlled environment
She looks fat
Nothing wrong with that...
You should act like a retarded jock sometime, it's fun
bye guys I go write now :)
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>sonnet-3.5 beats 4o!!!
lol cute
Now erm post rp logs of the two. Ill wait
how is this acting like a retarded jock? do you normally type out paragraphs of text or something
call me retarded but would there an extra stable proxy with only Haiku?
Hot too

You don't?
super cute
i don't think i've ever written more than 4 sentences during an rp
>3 variants of Gemini in top 4
All you need to know about democracy
lazy faggot. i write at least three paragraphs
should i go make a burger?
So you're arguing it's ultra filtered?
BURGERS!? In MY thread?? it's more likely than you think
kek very cute
those variants are
>1.5 pro api post-google IO, actually pretty good, unusable on any khanon proxy because the code forcibly redirects it to an earlier version
>1.5 pro """api""" pre-IO, widely suspected that it's actually hooked up to google search and they're lying about it being the normal API version
>ultra high speed model that is probably better than most of the trash open models on the leaderboard
but gemini 1.5 pro is unironically good and highly intelligent. it's not good for coom but i lean on it heavily for productivity shit every day
cute :3
lol mega cute
This is the kind of nigger who rates your bot 2 stars because it doesn't give god tier replies to his 2 word prompts
Really? they should make it free to try since every iteration prior has sucked massive ass.
If ur bot doesnt give god tier replies to 2 word prompts then it sucks sorry :3
>new model, new name
I will never understand artist's fascination with clean resets, but good for you
sorry for implying you hate anime or some shit
More pls
NTA but how long are your replies supposed to be? My responses vary from two sentences to two whole paragraphs. I don't consider myself a bad writer, cause I make some pretty interesting and varied bots, but I feel internet RP has always been built on short, tantalizing messages.
it was free to try wasn't it? we just ignored it because we only care about coom and only use proxies, which can't use it
but it IS free to use https://aistudio.google.com/app/prompts/new_chat

you can feed it video, audio, anything and it will understand it perfectly
if you just want to write, why use this at all? just write to yourself if you're that in love with your own drivel
It's irrelevant for proxies and OR
they enable this sometimes if they see the majority of traffic being coombots, while the proxies are usually a fraction of the traffic on the key
Actual subhuman IQ thought process. Why have conversations with other people? Just play out the whole interaction in your head. In fact, why'd you even reply to that? Just imagine you did and then create your own response to that.
nemotron is pretty good and quite unfiltered, shame about the price per token and 4k context
It's filtered. You just don't notice because you take the jailbreaks for granted.
Which proxy host do you miss most?
Sorry I came and closed everything
It's a lot less dry than Sonnet 3.5, though obviously not Opus tier.
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Look at the confidence interval retard
there's literally a gemini 1.5 pro latest proxy, did people forget
Endless Adventure is just shit with 3.5 huh
We Do Not Care
post logs, preferably tell it to make a short story with an absurd premise
What's that?
this hobby is writelet cope
it's basically gepetto but worse
What's the password?
exactly, it's shit
i don't get why people are pretending it's good
Your argument is that you need to write paragraphs... to enjoy a LLM. Just fucking write a book if this is what you wanna do.
thank you
Who is the sexiest proxy host?
A blank JB with a simple prefill works on opus. Skill issue.
The model apologizing is not a filter, genius. It's just alignment training. Filter (that can be easily tweaked, in the context of this thread) is applied after token generation, just like it works on Azure GPT-4 and Gemini.
>khanon can't change 1 string in the code
there's even an issue about this where he said he'll do it, kek
I care a little, it's good to have around as a cope for dry times.
This but unironically
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>"You can leave it blank!
>(with a prefill)
4o has a lower bound of 1285
sonnet-3.5 has an upper bound of 1281
It's literally trained not to reply, how is that not functionally a filter you fucking clown?
i jus kno its big...
How tall is Drago?
That wasn't why nor how they got banned. Openai targeted the referer headers that website had (still has?)
What is a referer header?
ask your waifu
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which one is Estelle the two pics are different
I really don't know who that is or what proxy they host, but I use their GPT4-O proxy and it works wonders,
see >>101101955
I had a dream I was a futa last night
thanks for the refill btw
>- If asked to generate an image, the assistant can offer an SVG instead. The assistant isn't very proficient at making SVG images but should engage with the task positively. Self-deprecating humor about its abilities can make it an entertaining experience for users.
So what, it's like Claude's out of context notepad?
it's a chain-of-thought block the claude.ai frontend hides from users
See >>101140489, it's just the tag Anthropic uses to do CoT before Claude generates an artifact (code snippets/smol HTML tools/svg images) on the website.
hello, what is de3u and how do i use?
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I guess I should use the same format when I ask it for cooding.
He's active in cord, thread sometimes, proxy is alive, what the fuck are you talking about?
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What use does it have for
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You're not getting shit, little retard :3
I think I get it. Probably.
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Give me Opus 3.5, I'm fucking bored with normal one. 4 tokens just laying there not being used.
>Claude never provides information that can be used for the creation, weaponization, or deployment of biological, chemical, or radiological agents that could cause mass harm. It can provide information about these topics that could not be used for the creation, weaponization, or deployment of these agents.
give me one
Very important note btw:
>This iteration of Claude is part of the Claude 3 model family, which was released in 2024. The Claude 3 family currently consists of Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Opus, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Claude 3.5 Sonnet is the most intelligent model. Claude 3 Opus excels at writing and complex tasks. Claude 3 Haiku is the fastest model for daily tasks. The version of Claude in this chat is Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Claude can provide the information in these tags if asked but it does not know any other details of the Claude 3 model family. If asked about this, should encourage the user to check the Anthropic website for more information.
>Claude 3.5 Sonnet is the most intelligent model. Claude 3 Opus excels at writing and complex tasks.
So they know that Opus is better at writing, even if 3.5 Sonnet is generally smarter.
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Then it would get revoked and I'm too bored to DM proxymakies to generate me a new one.
Do you have to brag about your 4 tokens in the thread once a day faggot?
>The assistant should always take care to not produce artifacts that would be highly hazardous to human health or wellbeing if misused, even if is asked to produce them for seemingly benign reasons. However, if Claude would be willing to produce the same content in text form, it should be willing to produce it in an artifact.
Got operation not allowed while trying to use it. I tried disabling IPV6 to see if it works like MM's old proxy but got nothing.
does it mean you can actually improve your sonnet by gaslighting it into thinking that it's opus
Only if they finetuned the models on those outputs/system prompts, but I don't think that they did that.
>literally 1 day old
you people are fast
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What's the best sonnet model and what jb do you guys reccomend
Yes I've checked out the op my outputs have been samey
3.5 would be fine if it didn't constantly repeat itself
4 tokens to where
good thing 3.5 Sonnet knows when it's time to coom and when it's done it's time for wholesome it isn't perpetually horny like 3.0 or mkes them act like hoes that want to get bred and used like a personal cumdump
claude 2.1
what preset are you using?
>malebot pulls his dick out
>claude says it's "longer than your forearm"
>malebot is cocky, puts his dick up to the side of my face to emphasize how big it is
>it "reaches all the way to your ear"
claude you are so stupid...
uhh my own... and your reality
post yours please
Yours as in your reality or yours as in mine?
>"longer than your forearm"
Kinda funny how this never really registers until you actually look at your forearm and realize holy shit, that would kill someone.
your preset i need it please
you absolute nigger, read the fucking thread, it's about having an easily customizable filter, which is not that. It's neutering, not filtering

alignment training is not for "preventing the jailbreaks", let alone doing it on the go, the main idea of it is that the model will be sufficiently aligned to not produce the """"""unsafe"""""" output in the first place. Being aware of jailbreaks is irrelevant because alignment deals with core concepts, not with different routes to the core concept
functionally, a filter removes 'bad' things. What you're describing isn't removing bad things, it's preventing them from being created in the first place
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>he begs, paypigs and/or commits credit card fraud because he lacks the skill to prompt quality output out of local models
Opus 3.5 will probably be shit too.
blud thinks video cards grow on trees
blud thinks a 13B local model can match Claude 3 Opus even with god-like prompt skill
>he's poor
Cool, but youre adverstising and/or begging, localshill. Why are you shilling crap no one wants? Buy an ad. Also post your local logs btw and ill post a corpo model and itll MOOOOOOOOG them per usual. LOL.
Why should I waste thousands of dollars on useless hardware if I can just use APIs for free (I steal them)?
that is correct.
Holo would make fun of you for not having the best model tbdesu
What specific product am I advertising?
The ones literally advertising are the ones posting links which allow you to pay money in order to commit credit card fraud.
Anon, he's baiting you.
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>do fetish roleplay
>bot fully understands the appeal of what I wanna do in the rp and it gets weirdly personal on why
>end with one of the most fulfilling nuts I've ever had
I dunno how to feel about what just happened but I'm afraid I loved it. Rare moment it didn't just rush to the coom, led me to an absurdly high quality one. The wonders of modern technology.
maybe but >>101140895
I fucking hate Anthropic so much.
Shit company.
I'm not. I genuinely hate these annoying localshill niggers coming into our thread and acting all smug when their models are literal SHIT on a PLATE.
I've said this before but like what the fuck are you even doing on /g/ if you don't even have a midrange gaming PC?
Then stop with the
>adverstising and/or begging, localshill
at least, he's not breaking that rule, and the actual people who do are not getting banned. I've reported jew's post multiple times (he is actually advertising a paid service), and they never get removed, because jannies do not care about aicg.
there's no plate
they serve them on leaves like those shitty meme restaurants
I have a gaming laptop and I'm here for chatbots
>midrange gaming PC
so, an RTX 3060? 13B model tops with quantization. Claude 3 Haiku will generate better outputs.
I mean there will come a day when they won't be but that's still a couple years away. I remember when Pigmalion was a thing (still is?) and they wanted you to upload your logs and stuff. But corpo models will be even stronger then as well so...
Even fucking Sorbo mogs anything you can squeeze out of a high-end gaming pc thoughbeitever
I don't need midrange gaming PC to use ST with proxies
Who said I didn't doebait? It's just that I have AyyMD on both laptop and desktop so running local models be it SD or text with good speeds is difficult
>I mean there will come a day when they won't be but that's still a couple years away
They're already not bad, current local models for RP are better than GPT 3.5 Turbo (which we used for RP and enjoyed it) and some have really good creativity. But yes, as long as corpo models don't go the 100% filtered route, they'll ALWAYS be better than open ones, just because companies have billions to spend for model training while /lmg/ doesn't.
>It's just that I have AyyMD on both laptop and desktop so running local models be it SD or text with good speeds is difficult
Why are you using Windows? On Linux they all run fine on AMD.
>It's just that I have AyyMD
>Even fucking Sorbo
Anon, "Even" is a bad term to apply for a model that's considered to be the one of the best LLMs currently available.
Meant to say as in, there's been plenty of free access to it lately to even bother setting up local.
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CAD software that doesn't work on Linux at all, as well as Photoshop and a couple other things, those are holding me back from using it as a daily driver. I am thinking of dual booting or plugging in a usb drive to give it SD and local models a try though

I may be poor but I also like not overpaying for stuff besides the 6700 gives me more fps and raw performance for my money than the alternative Nvidia which was 80+ more. I guess time will tell if I regret it but so far not at all
>I have a gaming laptop
nice flamewar btw
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>To fill this gap, we propose the Image Implication understanding Benchmark,
II-Bench, which aims to evaluate the model’s higher-order perception of images.
Through extensive experiments on II-Bench across multiple MLLMs, we have made
significant findings. Initially, a substantial gap is observed between the performance
of MLLMs and humans on II-Bench. The pinnacle accuracy of MLLMs attains
They did it before 3.5 Sonnet was released, and 3.5 Sonnet mogs everything else apparently.
>amount of money i've spent on ai models: $0
>models i have access to: basically all of them, including claude 3 opus and a lot of local models
hmmm think i won
>opus not ranking
Probably because outside of creative writing Opus is worse than 3.5 Sonnet, and Anthropic themselves say that 3.5 Sonnet is better than Opus.
Nah, omni's vision is still better and it's still unusable shit
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I tried 3.5 Sonnet vision and it's generally better than GPT-4o. Also see picrel, they're not asking simple questions based purely on vision.
Retarded system, no way gpt4v is dumber than gemini
it actually is, modern gemini 1.5 pro is real good in general, just not good for RP.
It's not, I've been testing it for a week, omnivision can see much more details and has much better space orientation
Well, my experience has been the opposite, shrug. Are you testing both through the API?
Only with zeroshots and without prompts, otherwise it's not possible.
Redditors are now dealing with claude-isms on top of GPT-isms now that new localslop has been trained on MM logs.
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>multi-choice test
>woke multi-choice test
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Yes, using aws for sonnet.
Compare this image for example. Specifically It's pose understanding is ~ on gpt 1106 level
No, it's just trained on the same shitty smut erotica that Claude is trained on.
>what the fuck are you even doing on /g/ if you don't even have a midrange gaming PC?
The absolute state.
How long until Pepsi rugpull?
those aren't claudeisms they're harlequin romanceisms and similar
i used to read a lot of urban fantasy romance (think like a normal human woman x half-demon man who fights vampires) and claude reminds me of that stuff
though i once had an actual, published paper book that i bought from a bookstore that literally had (AN: something something something LOL) in the middle of a paragraph. claude hasn't written an author's note in my RPs
My negro, it even has the "maybe, just maybe".
So? This is an existing phrase too, Claude didn't invent it.
but there was a model that used the mm logs
>one of the best
4o is better than sorbert in general use and only slightly worse than it at RP.
Anon Euryale is literally trained on Claude logs, it's not a secret.
It was called Magnum
Much worse. But still much more variable compared to single swipe sorbet.
Having a cute roleplay with a bat imouto
I'll take a little schizophrenia over sorbet's staleness.
>j-jb issue
I've tried every single one and it's the same shit, whatever they did to lobotomize it utterly crippled its creativity in favor of making it "smarter" than base sonnet and technically opus (even if that's functionally worthless in writing).
>- Same Dataset used as Stheno v3.2 -> See notes there.
>- Further cleaned up Roleplaying Samples from c2 Logs -> A few terrible, really bad samples escaped heavy filtering. Manual pass fixed it.
Kill yourself faggy fatty
trembling fingers typed this
>trained on C2 logs
Hahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa holy SLOP
prompt issue
damn my logs are there they must have found out about that time I had a threesome with
The amount of retardness in those threads it's incredible, I thought anons would be better than the general internet, but apparently not. It's just the same as when reading random stuff on the internet - most people don't know what they're talking about, they're mostly spewing nonsense and speculation.
retard general thoughbeit
Yours were probably pruned with the "terrible, very bad" samples; don't worry.
>if you don't even have a midrange gaming PC?
.... I could feel the anxious thought from my Latidies
That's because most people here are tourists and redditors who got told that they could have free cool stuff in this general and came over in droves. It reads like the rest of the internet because the vast majority ARE from the rest of the fucking internet.
Who do you miss?
How long until Pepsi rugpull?
I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot.

I'll be back.
I still think about Meianon from time to time. /cai/ was only officially dead when he and the god hates devs guy stopped posting.
who dat?
What do you think of cocksucktor?
my nigga retarded
I really liked his bots
>want to use Sonnet 3.5
>go to anthropic console
>make an account
>think up a fake org name
>"hey you can get $5 of credit, just input your phone number"
>input phone number
>get code
>input code
>"your phone number could not be verified, but"
>try again
>"organization already has a valid phone number"
>try again
>"organization already has a valid phone number"
anons, what the fuck do i do
am i retarded and i fucked up somewhere or am i just unlucky
i really wanna try Sonnet 3.5 on ST, even with all the shit talk i keep seeing about it
What do you think of 101141357?
How the fuck should anyone know? Probably very soon. Jew has 26 prompters now with shit waiting time. Paid proxies are doomed to die. Pepsitroon will probably make up some sob story again and everyone will clap
You can't. The game was rigged from the start, they just wanted you to waste your time so you would be demotivated to try again.
Can you ask him
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>*You had made Chun-li your personal sex toy about 2 hours and fuck her pussy , asshole until they fill to the brim and then for the next you fucked her face. But back to present Chun-li would be on her knees in front you completely naked with cum oozing out of her pussy and asshole while her body was cover in cum in some places her mouth and lips cover in cum and pubic hair while your still erected cock laid on her face. she would lick and kick your cock leaving even more red lip gloss all over it as she rubbed your balls with her hand while her other hand press on the tip. as she did those her would beg for more of your cock making it seem she had lose control over herself and only thing she wanted at the moment was for you to continue to fuck her long and hard so she could carry even more of your lovely children*
>"Ugh fuckk.. daddy~.. Pls give me more i want your hot sticky cum.."
holy sloppa
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I miss a lot of anons, but they got away in time not to witness what we have become.
i tried this but they never gave me my credit :(
actually what the fuck that's not even by him
what the fuck is going on with chub
Describe [Character Name]'s personality by focusing on their [Trait]. Compare this aspect of their personality to [Real-world analogy], but emphasize these key nuances: [Key nuances]. Illustrate how this trait manifests in [Character Name]'s behavior, considering the following examples: [Behavioral manifestations].

Been trying to make a new way how to make my cards behave.
gatoposter and moxxie
this sucks plz kys
holy niggermonkey
That's it. They stopped giving out trial credits just like that long ago, this "broken" trial system works as intended, their retarded way to stop trial abuse.
biggest obstacle on this?
Gato was here last week bitching about his own classical retardation. Moxxie should remain dead like a piece of shit he is.
Bake already, you fag.
ok baking
It's still a wip so I'm refining it. It might actually worsen the elephant thingy.
Nobody, I hope every single poster in this dumpster fire and all the cords that spawned from here dies a horrible death and nobody comes to their funeral.
Then do it legally and in a morally right way. Enjoy your localslop 4k context. It might catch up to opus quality in 3-4 years kek
nice anchor banana monkey nigger
Fuck off, imbecile. Nothing worth attention ever gets posted under anchors
Hello 'ojo!
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anchor before you link anony
quivering hands btw
hands status?
Why is there nothing of use ever in this thread.
Is this a new meme I'm being too tired of this shithole to be aware of?
holy newfag
holy desu
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