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>The guilty plea, which is to be finalized Wednesday, will resolve Assange's outstanding legal matters with the U.S. government. Justice Department prosecutors recommended a prison sentence of 62 months in custody as part of the plea agreement, CBS News has learned, which is on the high end for a single-count violation. Assange would not spend any time in U.S. custody because, under the plea agreement, he'll receive credit for the approximately five years he has spent in a U.K. prison fighting extradition to the U.S.
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Remember his deadman switch larping?
>This thread was moved to >>>/pol/472107193
funny shit. barely anyone cares about assange and wikileaks...
>prison sentence of 62 months
This has fuck all to do with technology. Kindly fuck off to /pol/ where this belongs you retard.
retarded basically served a 15 year sentence already by his own self important stubbornness
he's been dead for a while anon, this is staged
this isn't pol, it's tech news, you fucking faggot. go back to whatever social network you came from.
Yeah, because he would have survived prison lol
Fuck off and go back to /pol/
yes, he wouldve
high profile inmates are respected in prison
martin shkreli talks about it
just because you're underage and too young to remember why this is about technology does not change the fact that it is about technology
/qa/ lost, go back to your shartoid hugbox and cry about it.
Tell that to Epstein
You forgot about the rule in prison that specifically applies to people like Epstein.
assange was going to go to Florence supermax which has like 50 inmates and most of them are foreign terrorists
This guy ran a website about leaking politically sensitive content, not technology you actual fucking retard
there was no way in hell he was going to a supermax lmao
not a bad sentence considering he was facing the death penalty originally.
He's getting time served
He's a clone or a hologram, this is technology
More relevant to /g/ than you ever will be lol
>time served
How does that apply to >>101141529?
Why should it apply to that post?
He was going to get the death sentence, so what does "time served" have to do with the price of razors in Ecuador?
I was exaggerating, realistically he would have never received the death penalty in court (even though he is eligible to)
Although the CIA did have plans to assassinate him.
Because that was not what that the post and the reply were about. Like, at all. Are you good?
anon, it was "suicide"
nice surprise today
I gather he still has to appear in front of a US judge on US soil, I'd be nervous as fuck about that desu
and then let's hope he won't get suicided whil in oz
anyway didn't expect a decent outcome to this story at all
>I was exaggerating, realistically he would have never received the death penalty in court (even though he is eligible to)
he would've received 24h isolation with some torture on top, that's the reason UK wouldn't extradite him

go read about the history of wikileaks and the attempts at removing it from the internet, and its attempts to stay online, if you want to see why it's /g/ related
ai malfunction ignore it
The u.s has cooled down a little bit since the leaks.
If Assange was extradited to the u.s right after it happened who knows what they would do to him.
there's people in lifelong isolation for smoking weed so I don't think they care at all
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He's definitely getting suicided
I'm pretty happy as an australian, our government completely failed him though
>that was not what that the post
Are you good?
learn to read nigga
Did you have too many percs?
Most of the anons confused about my question should start first. Most of them likely being eleutheromaniacs, though...
... I wouldn't hold my breath.
guys, it's the mentally ill tard
As mature a response as I can expect, I suppose...
A pædophillic weaboo "tech" thread died for this
It's only one post and one reply. How could you get confused about it? But let me guide you slowly through it.

First: >>101140277
Here anon asks how Assange could be freed when he is sentenced to 62 months in prison.

The other anon explained it here: >>101141540
He is getting the time already served, thus freeing him immediately

And THEN this >>101141749
Here you ask how that previous reply would apply to a completely different post it didn't reply to. It didn't, because it was never meant to be.

Hope that clears it up to you, retard.
>Here you ask how that previous reply would apply to a
-nother statement made in the thread that contradicted it, yes.
>Hope that clears it up to you, retard.
Forgot to add that in.
Not today, CIA
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The first good news in a decade or so. I hope US won't spit on UK by rejecting the plea deal and taking Assange to the mainland.
Newfag mods, what has this board come to?
Easily the shittiest moderation decision after moving /lgbt/ jannies to /k/
You don't have one? NPC.
>waaah I need my safespace
no lol
How does
>He's getting time served
>not a bad sentence considering he was facing the death penalty originally
If he was facing the death penalty, "time served" makes no sense unless he died in custody. Sadly, he didn't, hence the conundrum.
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>Sadly, he didn't
but he didn't get death sentence, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison, which he already served and thus is free. There is no contradiction.
Maybe I'm just confusing what should've happened for what did.
>nooo I can't spam about the jews on the weapons board
Stay seething, /meg/fag.
Yes, the same "glowies" that set him free are really seething that their biggest problem has been let go. By themselves.
the funny thing is if this drama queen hadn't run off to live in his ecuadorian hotel for a decade obama probably would have probably given him a similar deal lol
>biggest problem
It was just spite and making an example out of him, he wasn't a problem anymore. Also glowies don't control everything thankfully.
>he wasn't a problem anymore
Oh, good, they beat him into complacency.
What, you think he had le epic last revelation up his sleeve for 10 years or something?
Pfft, what?
Ever heard of the Five Eyes, retardino?
So what did he do again? Name the jew?
wikileaks leaked a ton of stuff over the years
one of the things i remember was a video of some gunship killing a bunch of iraqi civvies
technically the criminal charges for assange weren't to do with most leaks - iirc it's because he offered advice to chelsea manning about how to exfil the docs that were leaked.
then he freaked out, rand to the embassy, and did the podesta emails; was vague enough about the source of the leak that people thought it may have been seth rich. he definitely had a bit of a grudge against the obama admin and everyone involved.
iirc assange has always wanted to affect political change with leaks (rather than just pretending to be a neutral space for leaks to happen).
it's well known that /meg/ is run by glowniggers while the rest of the board is a reddit-tier circlejerk
you mean Brian Manning?
I really don't know what's worse. Election tourists or terminal niggers like >>101140281.
Go back where you belong and promptly neck yourself >>>/r/eddit
>Maybe I'm just confusing what should've happened for what did.
What should have happened was the charges being dropped.
But USA is too butthurt about their dirty laundry being aired at the time instead of 50 years later when they can sweep it under the carpet.
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