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It's stuck at 99.7% since two weeks.
I see 116 seeds but they don't connect. All the other peers are stuck at 99.7%.
Is that normal?
Does it unlock after you reach a certain share ratio or something?
pardon, it's stuck at 97.4%. my bad.

Try asking Drago / Dragonext / Drag0n3xt in Scyllacord, he's the one who leaked it. He can get you the files.
Can't wait for the FOSS New York Times!
New link:


We discuss leaks here and other things Drago has stolen. It's a leakcord.
Why do you care about this dump? It's all useless website code. No juicy /pol/ shit or real content.
not valid, doesn't work.
see >>101143621
That was the old link.


His website / proxy has the link too.
ok this one works ty
NYT LEAKCORD: https://discord.com/invite/QzzvK25wYG

-- Drag0n3xt
its probably a honeypot, the party responsible has already penetrated your computer and seen all your personal information and files
I'm OP
he said he's not the one who leaked it and he doesn't know.
Retard nigger. He's the one who leaked it. Try DMing he's not gonna say it in public
Tell us why we should care about this leak about because it seems like nothing
Jessica should stick to advertising her pooper to the highest bidder on instahoegram instead. Not on articles.
>source code for a newspaper website
>source code
yeah, nice try, imbeciles.
Torrents work by finding any peer with whatever chunks of the data it can find, not in sequential order. So yes its normal for it to slow down a lot as you get closer to 100% as it has to find whatever specific chunks
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no this is not normal there are 114 seeds but they don't connect to peers for some reason
no nobody did I'm monitoring netstat all time while connected
post magnet, retard
no, if your IQ is above room temperature you will find it yourself
why? none of this shit is worth anything.
This is how it works, it's a JavaScript bundle with thousands of ad trackers.
it's not me who needs this, so I won't look for it
I am on good ISP that didn't block kiwifarms even when it was unavailable in 99% of the world, chances are, I can connect to anyone, your loss.
because the lack thereof discredits all the claims of it being some reptile people mouthpiece
reptile people are not in a source code of a wordpress blog variation, you mongoloid. At most they're using pen and paper to deliver the instructions to the higher positions. Commands that are later destroyed. Usually its direct commands that are spoken in person tho.
>I am on good ISP that didn't block kiwifarms even when it was unavailable in 99% of the world, chances are, I can connect to anyone, your loss.
that doesnt sound like any of the reptile people i know
who is this four chan?
what if it only attempts a connection after a certain date or delay
>We haven't verified the legitimacy
So, what are you waiting for?
magnet ?
I already looked through it, not worth anything. unless you want 200+ gb of webshit code thats not applicable anywhere.
can you seed the last 7 gb for like 30 minutes?
if this shit doesn't arrive at 100% in some days I will rage-delete everything
I am nobody they can look at some crappy code and my porn folder if they want but there's nothing else to steal
I already deleted everything. SSD space is a premium.
t. still didn't receive the magnet to seed this from my 1+ PiB HDD storage.
you can't seed it, it's stuck at 97.4% for everybody except these seeds that don't connect to anyone for some reason
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Can someone please share the pixeldrain link of the code for their wordle game that's all I'm interested in studying about
they connect to me, but I IP blocked everyone below 100%
drop magnet so dont have to join some niggercord
here you lazy cunt
nobody's seeding that shit nigga damn
The coomer AI dealer leaked this?
I fucking kneel

fake nodes trying to log who is trying to download it. stick with SFTP or Rsync.
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>that doesnt sound like any of the reptile people i know
you know none. and you're uniformed and/or ignorant. perhaps even stupid. People with power are always the busiest people, having in-person meeting 24/7 on their schedule. Why do you think that is? Is there a chance you underestimate the in-person communication in 2024? Just imagine the things you could conspire about.

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