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The End Is Nigh Edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101132032
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Adulting is burying your dream and ego forever for the sake of feeding yourself and keeping yourself afloat. Maybe it's time to quit gaming and the dream of writing books and replace it with hunting certs and filling Github, attending tech social events instead of anime cons.
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it's over
I'm bored of my job writing PHP so I'm trying to learn better languages to beef up my resume and want to learn a functional language. Should I learn erlang or haskell? Which would look better on a resume? I know I want to learn at least one functional language just because but I might as well learn the one that would look the best on resumes/applications
Golang or React Native
I cannot believe employed people think shit like this
How much money do I need to finally "make it"
Yesterday, I did a bs task for 15 minutes then stopped working
Today, I will continue to drag out this task
No blockers
n * 1.5 where n is your net worth
Reevaluate annually
I wasted years of my life to end up being a crud sharter. It's over
I fucking hate working with introverted/autistic/socially retarded engineers, you cunts did deserve to be bullied in school.
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Engineers with zero social awareness are brutal to work with. I've got a classic Nerd's Nerd on my team with intense autism. My shop is the kinda place where the median age is ~58 and most people are just cruising towards retirement, which is great for me, because I get to do mostly fuck-all and get paid fat stacks for it. But the nuance of the glory of this situation is completely lost on Dr. Autismo. Constantly waddling over to my cube, unironically pushing his eyeglasses up his crooked nosebridge, and asks: "Erhmmm..... whatcha workin' on?"

This guy refuses to just relax. I assume because he has no hobbies mod programming, and no friends. He's online on slack hacking away on God knows what until 10 PM regularly. Fucking freak.
Additionally he has somehow missed out on the post-COVID "oh, jobs are only here as a business transaction and would drop me like a sack of potatoes if it meant our CEO Mr GOldstein gets a couple extra sheckles" that even the most braindead zapped normies caught on to. Guy is absolutely slurping corpo cock for no benefit.
I work with a guy like that, he loves working late, during the weekend, he never takes days off, refuses to work remotely, whenever we're remote he misses us so he spams us on Teams, he doesn't stop talking about work shit no one cares about during lunch... It's a fucking living nightmare.
>refuses to work remotely
that's not an autist that's a psychopath
I'm 100% sure it's because he's lonely, it explains why he spams us to death on Teams whenever the rest of the team isn't on site. Today a coworker and I told him we were gonna be remote this afternoon, he genuinely got pissed off.
maybe he just doesn't hate his job
Because he literally has nothing in his life other than the job. You can't exactly hate something without anything to love.
Pretty much.
guys I just want a job ;-;
Alright, post your redacted resume.
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Anyone wanna share their summer vacation plans? Even if it's just sitting down and playing vidya I wanna hear about your plans, I need to hear something nice.
not worth. basically shit heavy equipment jobs any retard can work beside one excel report pusher job that's barely above mcdonalds level. oh and a useless A+ cert. I'm working on Net+ now but those stupid interactive questions on the exam kick my ass since i'm obviously not ready(i know i'm retarded i'm trying)
I won't go back to the job market to be just another Agile drone after being laid off

I will develop local systems on my family small business, feels good man
I'm going to be spiritually following a similar path. Been calling this my last eng job.

250k remote so I'm not just ending it myself though. Not yet
the thing is: some employed devs rn are literally not aware that we're in a crisis lmao. if they get laid off they will see reality. I'm saying this because I was exactly like the guy you just replied

my advice? just keep hanging in there at your current job and get over it, try not to be replaced
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I am going to wake up at 6am to hit the gym or go for a speed walk and then apply for a new job so I can earn more money to then wake up at 6am and hit the gym or go for a speed walk.
You got more than me when I started. Post resume or be dismissed as a doomer frog.
>earning 150k
>want to earn at least 100k more
>can't bring myself to career max
What do I even do? I briefly (6 months) tried working really hard but nobody noticed.
I'm not a developer and exist in a QA/automation/dev ops/cyber realm.
Could I get that extra 100k outside my 40hrs a week? I think I could dedicate myself to investing and do it maybe (did well with grybdo in the past).
i'm too scared and embarrassed to post it here so I guess i'll just fuck off.
Genuine question: can an IT department function without product owners? Our company is undergoing digital transformation and it seems like they aren't planning on keeping them at all. Makes me feel grateful to be an engineer.
I'm trying to come up with a logical and definitive reason to be anti-Agile and anti-corporate. This is important for us who aren't drones to really think and recalculate our next steps and not go insane.

I think that the ultimate truth is that us, as programmers, we are artisans. we do creative work. Agile in current industry is the methodology of specialization of work.

I remember in 2017 when web development was definitely not as saturated as it is today (which is a normal thing to occur, technology is inherently expansive), but back then I used to have complete control and a lot of more independence in the workplace. The client would come to me and some of my colleagues with an issue and we would put our blood, sweat and tears to resolve their problems. But after a while the companies realized they could just hire a lot of more cheaper devs and they didn't need to have any good coding principles at, they could just make some sort of bootcamp with whatver meme frontend framework and get themselves in a dev position.

And with this whole new perspective of division of labor, you truly DON'T need to have good coding principles at all, you just need to finish your designed tickets and that's it. I was fine with this for more than a year but at the heart of it it's an extremely low intellectual activity, I can't find any joy in it, I feel surely alienated just resolving small parts of code (which I have no context all at of what am I building) but these new generation of coders seem to understand that their job is just to be minimal code monkeys. I think the whole industry just went the Agile way and I can't handle the future. I feel like an artisan complaining about industrial revolution.

I need to be aware of this, I think that any programmer who's truly passionate about their work needs to be aware of this (because I was surely not aware at all), put some thoughts and then recalculate our next steps.
Leetcode and spam apply fagman positions
>erlang or haskell
>look the best on resumes/applications
lmfao, those are both meme languages that literally 0 companies use. Outside of academia or pseuds trying to show off their functional programming ability there is no reason to learn these.
based autists keeping the company afloat. fuck these normalfaggots who treat work as a social club, do nothing all day, have no skills, but still got hired because they got along well with the hiring manager
>fuck these normalfaggots who treat work as a social club, do nothing all day, have no skills, but still got hired because they got along well with the hiring manager
I got hired because I've got 10 YOE and have led teams and shipped a bunch of shit before. I don't treat the office as social hour, but I also can quickly identify where I should be applying actual effort. Autismo is just totally out of phase with things that actually matter. If you're not working on something highly visible that makes your company a lot of money, just _relax_.
fair enough but i still prefer them over the normalfaggots i described
I have social skills but I just no longer care to deploy them. I'm a 35 year old virgin who has wasted the last 20 years of my life staring at a computer screen. You may not know it at first, but you have nothing to say to me, and this realization is the sole thing I have to share with you.
Do the engineers there like to sit in meetings all day?
This used to be me and for what its worth, I'm sorry.
>one of the managers or whatever asks me about stale tickets
>confirm with coworker from last team that they could be closed
>tell manager
>"""""So they should be sent to QA?"""""
>write out detailed explanation of the possible solutions for this scenario, including not handing the tickets off to QA
>"""""Sounds good"""""
FUCK this is exactly why I have already lost all hope in being able to comfortably work with people
thoughts about going from a £27k job 1 day WFH to a £33k job no WFH? new job said there would be projects but its a google/mac based environment which I don't like the sound of

Kinda feel like I'm wasting my time with these interviews, I've booked too many days off this year for them
1day/week WFH is worth 100000000x more than $6k/yr, the majority of which will go to muslims anyway.
What made you change?
Yes, and pretty easily. You just define/test interfaces and test integration points. Nobody actually needs the McMaster Managing Vice Senior Junior Principal Owning-Directing Vice President of IT's Product Liason Twice Removed to coordinate the exclusive production and use of three pronged Red LEGO blocks.
At most, you need someone with the vision to build the Megazord out of the LEGO blocks, assemblers, and a method for general purpose manufacturing/printing of LEGO blocks.
Man, my friend will be graduating in a few months and he just signed for 50k€ and 3 days WFH. What do you do?
you're getting scammed, $33K a year for a 40 hour work week of software development is shit pay
maybe they do helpdesk
Its london the just market is so bad

yes its helpdesk... I've been trying for several months to get to a higher level but its proven almost impossible regardless of how many certifications I've earned
Ah shit, one of the POs became a good friend of mine so I was hoping the CEO somehow just "forgot" to include them in the company's future. Damn.
So helpdesk hell is really a thing
But Herr Führer, that's terrible advice in the year of our lord.
>new intern
>"hobbies: leetcode"
I'm gonna bully this gigafaggot
once you're in its hard to get out. all employers views you as shitdesk

I should've of just went a different route and before a software dev from the start I feel
Years ago before I got into tech everybody was recommending people to start with helpdesk before getting into software engineering, I swear this advice was everywhere to "get your foot in the door"
I hate sharing my hobbies with normies. He's probably lying.
>I think that the ultimate truth is that us, as programmers, we are artisans. we do creative work. Agile in current industry is the methodology of specialization of work.
Your whole post is extremely in-the-know.

Craftsmen and women within the industry are going through a process of detaching from meaning of the work because it's really just so bad. It's not a state everyone is in but it's pretty present.

The way I describe it is that they took all the parts that could have made SWE a great role and sucked them out into other jobs.
Based fellow schizoid
I'm about the same age and really have reached the point where I just don't care about people
>60k usd wfh l2 support
Should I take it or keep trying for sys admin
I'm the same age and I feel more social than ever. Might just be related to you two being 35 years old virgins.
just signed a contract today, after 3 months of searching
this job market fucking sucks

"post-senior" frontend engineer here; germany - 2 years ago shit used to be way easier
i kept getting rejected by basedboy startups for muh "communication issues" until i found a based slav company
Been at a hell desk job for 2 years and have promoted as high as I can go without a degree. What other skills can I learn to beef up my resume so I'm not making wage slave money?
>until i found a based slav company
enjoy getting BTFO by Ivan who writes code 10x more quickly than you while strung out on krokodil

What happens after my contract ends? Do I get to stay under my staffing agency? The place I work at just used this staffing agency to hire me. My contract ends in January but just curious.
do you have a contracterino with the staffing agencinerino?
They either renew it or you're looking for a job again unless the staffing agency has another gig lined up for you.
just got promoted to 20K€/year lads
Mine is ending next month. Does anyone need someone who's bad at Ansible and Groovy?
This although I'm definitely not a virgin.
After getting told by everyone except some close college friends that I'm not seriously allowed to participate in society I've decided they can all fuck themselves and I'll just stay inside and play Factorio.
I have an interview for an entry level IT job, I'm going over my notes for the tech questions but is there any other advice you can give me?
Git gud.
>look at Comptia
Tell them to go two or three levels over their current manager and tell the business that they will accept a director position for their old product owner pay and make sure that they play up the fact that they have intimate knowledge of the product unlike most other people currently sitting higher up, have deep relationships fostered with engineering, and most importantly can translate from business requirement to engineer speak flawlessly, totally unlike the current chaff fluffing up space. Then enjoy the fireworks, cope, and seethe unleashed by the current despots.

Always remember a reorg is also a chance to cut the people above you, too! Just go over their heads and argue to expand scope.
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Why am I not getting any interviews with this resume?
i get a prescription for dexamph, so i win
My company let me automate testing, but there are 2 places in our app where I need to enter an MFA code that's sent via text and email.
I asked around and they told me there is no way they can set it up so I can skip it even in our test environment. So what's the point in automating?
Any suggestions? This is my first time doing any kind of coding for work and I'm already stuck...
the previous jobs should start from the latest, not the furthest
expertise is a bunch of crap, include that in the cover letter and make the resume 1 page
and ofc your resume should be in french
>After getting told by everyone that I'm not seriously allowed to participate in society
What did you do? How do you act irl?
Quite possible
I moved to America though.
Technical competency is important, but be sure that they know you're socially adept as well. Channel your nerves into being energetic and approachable, even if it's painful to do so.
This, nobody wants a retard in their team and I'm not referring to your tech skills.
Datafag genocide when?
Don't overdo it though. Remember that everything you fake during an interview is something you'll have to fake every day you work there.
ok then, I can act like a normie when I have to.
Pretty much. There's a balance.
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>mfw "menti questions" section on the meeting agenda
About 1 million liquid in cash or cash equivalents
Honestly pretending to be happy and social at work has opened so many doors for me, it's worth the effort provided you seriously commit to it.
>Why am I not getting any interviews with this resume?
Too technical for HR to parse and make an educated bet on continuing the process. Also no dates attached to certs.

More importantly, many businesses don't have the funds or credit available to hire. They're scraping to maintain revenue quarter to quarter via downsizing and outsourcing.
idk how you fake it. It used to be genuine for me and I don't know what to do now.
Of course I know him. He is me.

Anons this a meme that gets reposted here constantly, I'm sorry you wasted time on this retard.
>Amazon application has been untouched for over a week
Interesting, I have never previously seen them take longer than two days to reject or accept it
Pretend to be in a good mood, excited about your work, pretend to be interested in your coworkers by asking them questions, pretend to be positive, optimistic, make yourself be nice to others...Man I really can't wait for my vacations.
I've found that usually I get the most opportunities when I start to slide into alcoholism, despondency, and general salt

>as programmers, we are artisans. we do creative work.
lol no. maybe "artisans" in the classical sense of being a skilled laborer but even then only barely. most code monkeys can be replaced by low code flowcharters
This guy definitely owns a sword
Almost all of my jobs have been translating bureaucracy into code. It's the least creative thing possible.
Slow day
Teaching techs how stuff works
Its kind of comfy anons
I wish I was better at it, but teaching is fun
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>inspire magazine
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99% of coding jobs are either
>boring maintenance on fintech kludge
>boring maintenance on AD or webshit
>boring maintenance on "peopleware" HR rat systems evolved from excel sheets

some lucky few put new coats of paint on boomer phone games like Mobile Strike or anime gachaslop* and a less lucky even fewer do actual AAA slop but even that's just
>boring maintenance on Unreal 4
>boring maintenance on Unity
>boring maintenance on some Quake engine mutant branch
>frustrating turtle whisky fueled maintenance on some horrendous proprietary shit like Crystal Engine or RE and getting radiation poisoning and double AIDS from it (japs only)

*don't underestimate the literal boomer market for anime gacha. some of the most avid gacha "gamers" i've met have been in the 50-70 age range, and are the bigger market for idler/pseudo-gambling phone games in general
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My hobby is coming here to shitpost you expect me to say that?
>lol no. maybe "artisans" in the classical sense of being a skilled laborer but even then only barely. most code monkeys can be replaced by low code flowcharters
>Almost all of my jobs have been translating bureaucracy into code. It's the least creative thing possible.
I think y'all are missing the point of what >>101146953 is saying.

The role is no longer creative, but it *could* be. I argue the creatitivity was tapped out of the role in general, but still exists in pockets and in solo/small venture work
Do you see your coworkers outside of work? I've been dodging a lot of invites because I'd rather spend time with my family than with people I already see every fucking day
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i have given up on the Learn To Code meme

thinking of doing custom hand sewn clothes/modifications/tailoring instead

an coworker from when I was hell desking recommended I thrift shop raid and just modify old shit and throw it on insta after I showed up with my suede jacket all done up with fur like a pimp coat (hand sewn during the 7 hours I literally ran out of work for my 8 hour days) but I hate social media shilling in general. but even then, sweat shop hand sewing would probably pay more than hell desking. if I can turn a 17$ thrift store leather jacket into a 200$ insta piece on a two-hour hand sewing job that's better than the ~300/day of sitting around trying not to kms

thank you for reading my blog

teaching is incredibly satisfying
if i hadn't become a brainlet by sitting around doing nothing for the past decade I'd go back to school for a teaching cert and work in a high school
i'm not great at math but geometry is hella fun to explain even to grown adults who are mysteriously afraid of trig. imo so many people fear math and especially geometry because it's not taught very effectively, just throwing forumulae at people instead of explaining what the relationships actually mean.

i briefly got inspiration from meeting a couple at a bar, one of whom is an ECE. i blew her husband's mind after they asked me how I'd explain what a circle is to a child and actually busted out a compass and straightedge to properly define a circle (vice an ellipsis or oval) and why the tricks to draw perfect circles freehand work so well (you swing your arm by the shoulder, so your body basically becomes a compass)

honestly what few times i computer-touch in any "creative" capacity it's always adjacent to the actual computer. i used to do a lot of game modding and level design, but both are just extensions of analog pursuits (traditional game design can work just fine on a tabletop, and level design is just architecture/interior design for murderers)
A helpdesk guy at my work told me he posted on 4chan, we bonded over it and shortly after that he got fired for his attitude. I wish I was joking, I genuinely liked him.
coding is inherently similar to tool-making, which while it requires some intuition and occasional experimentation, is not really "creative". inb4 you post some bone carved sculpture of a tool -- making a tool pretty is not the same as making a good tool and the arts that go into either aspect are separate.

also because in coding, you're using other tools to make more tools, the bounds of creativity are inherently limited. it's not like swordsmithing or bowyery something where you can make custom one-offs to fit a specific person and are very close to the raw materials. smashing microservices together will never be anything more than smashing microservices together. and if you're doing low level stuff, you're just doing fancy but tedious math and the real creativity is whatever it's driving (and a lot of that low level stuff is basically completely optimized, and further optimizations come from the engineering of the chips, not the code burned into them.)

it's boomer advice from the same sorts of people who think mail room clerks can become CEOs, and haven't yet realized that places don't even have mail room clerks anymore let alone promote them out of there
Fuck no. Work lunch only and they're lucky to get that. Pre covid sure I'd grab a beer if you asked but not anymore. And I skulk around if I'm even in the office to ensure that you don't ask.
Is it boomers or people your age?
>thinking of doing custom hand sewn clothes/modifications/tailoring instead
that's cool as fuck, i really admire people who can craft shit, coding is nothing
When I was working I didn't even eat lunch in the communal break room and would close my office door even when I was in there. when I got replaced and had to go to the cube farm I picked the desk closest to a wall corner so i could explicitly physically hide
Why the fuck is HR allowed to make custom questions for job applications?

Shit like
>How much time do you spend on the back end vs the front end
>Tell us something you like about **FRAMEWORK**
>Would you let us fuck your wife?

I have a fucking bot that looks for the most recent jobs and if its a lever or greenhouse application then attempt to apply with my data. It has a 70% success rate, increasing or decreasing depending on the level of the role (Staff+ ~10% whereas entry level ~90%) but still my logs are filled with failed jobs. I should just come up with a do not apply schema depending on how many times I've attempted to apply to prevent the bot from failing on the same busted applications
It's people older but barely, I'm 34 and they're in their 40s. Now that I think about it, people closer to my age or younger never ever ask to hang out.
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meta-idea about hiring for software engineers. i've noticed a lot of postings call out for what's basically trivia / trivial knowledge
>5 years using Linux (???)
>2 years in Java
i wonder how many perfectly competent, intelligent, quick-to-learn generalists get filtered out by these retarded arbitrary requirements. if someone has been cranking on C for 10 years I guarantee within a week they'll be effective using any other language.

i wonder what has created this arbitrary filter. it's either one of
>HR/companies are absolutely retarded and don't know how to hire
>HR/companies have been bombarded with so many mediocre retards that they're now hyper-specific about the type of person they want
either way it blows ass.
Bumping this
>smashing microservices together will never be anything more than smashing microservices together.
the creativity would come from the product design of what all those microservices are actually working in tandem to do.

I understand your analysis doesn't account for this because engineers are stripped from having even presence in a lot of these conversations. It doesn't have to be that way though
the only significant thing I did lately was that jacket though. i took an old costco suede jacket I've had for literally like 20 years and put fur on the cuffs and collar. short white like a rabbit's fur on the exterior that I got from a thrift shop as just a big-ish bolt, and on the underside some long tawny brown/black stuff i got on a roll from the dollar store. the idea was the long stuff would help it seal to glove cuffs better and the white just looks good and exterior fur is a meme and does not help warmth as much as fur lining. it just looks good

i more recently tried to sew a pool cue holster/bag but the material i chose sucks. it's a tablecloth i got from the dollar store because it's got a cute easter pattern on it with rabbits and chicks and shit (i am a furfag) but upon actually trying to sew with it, it turned out to just be not nearly as robust as i thought it would be and gave up. i thought it would be better because the exterior has a gauze-like pattern the plastic exterior isn't actually fused to the under layer, which is cheesecloth-like and then a layer of the loosest ducking i have ever seen in my life. shit is less robust than seran wrap.

not posting either one because they're obviously unique and could conceivably dox me. also the jacket dirty rn

my favourite are the outright broken questions
>dropdown of 1 to 99 instead of a number field
>please enter a valid email address
>character limit: 12

>HR/companies are absolutely retarded and don't know how to hire
it's this. same reason for the 10 years of experience required when the thing has only been out for 3. HR rats check forbes for what the hot new thing is, throw an arbitrary number of years experience required that sounds right, and call it a day
>Years ago before I got into tech everybody was recommending people to start with helpdesk before getting into software engineering, I swear this advice was everywhere to "get your foot in the door"
I definitely wasn't shilling this.

If there's still any confusion, it's a wholely separate path that in some companies is for nigz and other DEI hires

separate promotion tracking, management chain, org, etc
>the creativity would come from the product design
exactly. the construction of software is irrelevant to the "art" of what the software actually accomplishes. same as how level design is a art, not because of the software you use but because you're basically doing architecture by another name. whether you're using Hammer or AutoCAD for it is irrel.

liken it to making music. making music is itself the art. playing piano or using a midi tracker or even writing compositions by hand on a blank staff sheet is just menial technical stuff you do to bring the original creative work to life. accomplishing a task with software might be a art, but the act of coding is not.
How much headache do win11 migration and the current patches cause you?
I am seeing a multi-billion dollar company go down in flames.

Software crisis is real. Competence crisis is real.
Custom /g/ laptop bags when?
wtf I have to do a 2-3 hours to complete an assement for 2nd line helldesk role this is madness
where I worked they're still on Win10 to this day. is Win11 that bad? Win 7>10 migration is super simple with AD, both OSes just werked even with later versions of windows server Microsoft's one big competency is that their updates rarely if ever break older also-Microsoft shit.
Dating sites already basically shadowban you if you apply too much. I wouldn't be surprised if Indeed/Monster/etc do something similar with people who do the same.
I know the feels
I too found our helpdesker was a channer, one of the few people enjoyed being around for 8hrs a day, just before he got axed
Windows 10 is like 100GB pre migration. Take a couple of profiles on a machine (local appdata going easily up to 10 GB with OneNote and Outlook Data) and people dont have enough virtual memory to run their programms. Our software guys are dying because programms no longer work and every patch wrecks user profiles and regedits. People can no longer work and we are talking tens of thosands of machines.
We had to switch the whole sales department to local profiles and all those working with virtual desktopto web application for months.

It is no longer a batlefield out there, it is a graveyard.
>I showed up with my suede jacket all done up with fur like a pimp coat
Pictures? Or anything else you've made? Making handcrafts as an alternative to this rat race is something that resonates with me.
perhaps, so far I've witnessed a captcha on greenhouse but thats it. I'll see if I'm applying too much or not but for now I don't think so since its something like 10-20 a day which will drop down once I add validation based on title and years of experience in the job application but I don't use indeed, I pull the listings from some no name start up which has little validation on their apis
>Sudden realization that I've never applied to Nvidia
>Weird, why haven't I done that?
>Go to their website to look for jobs
>It links to fucking Workday
oh right. Now I remember why.
I "interviewed" with Nvidia back in 2019. No HR round. Round 1 was a Zoom meeting with some FoB Chinese guy who INSTANTANEOUSLY sent a HackerRank link in chat and said "get to work"

Didn't even confirm my identity. Legit said "Sorry, I'm not doing this" and ended the meeting. Even if I banged out an O(n) algo in 8 seconds he'd have rejected me for being a white guy.

At least, that's what I tell myself would've happened. Sour grapes and all. If I had actually prepared and not been retarded I'd be a newly minted Nvidia millionaire.
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>lose job because of performance reasons
>on garden leave for a month
>3 weeks in start getting desperate, applying for all kinds of shit
>see ad for apple job
>have to fill in some form before we can have an initial call
>literally the second question is if I am employed and if not what happened with my last job
>decide to just be honest
>end up being told I’ve passed the screening and will get a call about a tech interview
That went better than expected. So uh, do I even want to work at a place like this? Apple is about as woke as Google right?
see >>101149943
>not posting either one because they're obviously unique and could conceivably dox me. also the jacket dirty rn
>i more recently tried to sew a pool cue holster/bag but the material i chose sucks. ... [I] gave up

i find hand sewing relaxing but don't actually do it often anymore, except for casual repairs on stuff
Apple is probably the least pozzed "big tech" SV style company. Sure, you'll still have troons, groids and Jeets, but they're all competent engineers at the end of the day.
For some reason it's the python ones that require six years of python and only python, no shits given for other languages
C# jobs usually accept experience with other languages

Fucking hate getting gate kept by years service, I've worked with devs with ten years experience who were incompetent shit monkeys.
Once I get in a company they usually are surprised how quickly I become competent with the role, well beyond my years.
Really annoying too because I'm a switcher, moved over from support to dev, but none of that time seems to mean anything even though it built up my troubleshooting and soft skills that the HR drones are always saying are valuable
>new boss
>entire department hates his guts
>he also hates them
>for some mysterious reasons he likes me
This is fucking terrifying
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anybody here do anything with freelancing? id like to make more money but im not sure what the ecosystem is like

is it all just getting outbid by rajindahar from the parunga province banging out react websites for 5 dollars a piece or is there room for other people out there?
Applied to Juniper for shits, maybe I will somehow get a job
Dude, that was/is me
Just ride the wave, its better than getting yelled at
You don't need to learn to code to be successful. Skip all that. Learn sys ad shit that doesn't require coding. At worst you'll be doing some powershell scripting.
freelancing/consulting seems lucrative if you can "get clients" but nobody ever divulges what that actually means or how to go about doing it
people will just say
>muh network
but i still have no clue what the fuck that means. i have a ton of people in my "network" that I've worked with for almost decades but not a single one of them would have/be a client.
yeah basically. and the fixit guy market is dead too, thanks to joints like UBreakIFix (and the throwaway nature of modern electronics)

I spent several years being an AD monkey already though. including some light powershell stuff. MSPs and such don't want it and insist on only hiring Rock Star Coders who also have their own contractor vans full of Fluke gear and are generally well kitted out enough to just start their own companies. it's absurd
Are you still gonna get bullied and sidelined if they find out you’re remotely conservative, or force you to do implicit bias training or drown you in pride flags?
Working doesn't make that easier anymore though.
>h-..he would have rejected me cuz I'm wite
>didn't even give minimum req effort

Do you do this when picking up girls? Nahhhhhhhh she'll say no because I'm not good looking enough?

Unfuck yourself Anon.
They literally admitted during the last earnings call (or shareholders meeting I can't remember) they got rid of all the competent C++ devs and need to rewrite their drivers in Swift now.
>if they find out you’re remotely conservative
this should never even come close to being atopic of conversation in a white collar job. just change the subject or pretend to be a lib if asked
>or force you to do implicit bias training or drown you in pride flags?
>get paid $150/hr minimum to watch some ZogSlop corpo training while scrolling on your phone and still managing to complain

you anons are more faggoty than actual faggots.
hey you only need one yes. If they want you to code then I say find one that will let you learn on their dime.
>straight forward language that anyone can pick up
>syntactic sugar that makes code incredibly readable without sacrificing performance
>great build system, portable language, easy to use for systems programming or UI and everything between

>been a language for 35 years with every applicant have varying familiarity with different revisions of the standard
>some people know g++, some clang, some msvc
>no canonical build system, just a clusterfuck of GNU Makefile, CMake, conan, ninja, or a superset of all of the above
>C++23 _still_ doesn't have basic string operations, _still_ need to bring in boost to make your code even slightly legible
>retard apes circle-jerking about "saving cycles" by slapping rvalue refs everywhere, constexpr'ing shit, template metaprogramming, making the code entirely write-only

idk good move on Apple's part imo
Yeah, in retrospect i majorly fumbled. desu I had never attempted any big tech interviews (back then Nvidia was more mid-tier, somewhat unheard of even in technical circles) so I didn't expect LeetCode style shit. I'd certainly pass now if I attempted again but now every single person on earth wants some of those sweet RSUs so I really blew it. live & learn.
Ironically the role is a C++ role.
I’m a bong, I’m not gonna be on 150k sadly. More like 70k with a commute into Londonistan.
Plus I don’t like workplaces where I have to act like a fucking fugitive, especially around a bunch of bloody foreigners in my own land. Done it once before, never again.
make me a wallet
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How to destroy an unwanted crush on a coworker? I hate this, I just wanna be friends.
Embrace your destiny anon. Become /g/'s first famous fashion designer.
apple plays the game
>count janitors as engineers
>oh wow look at all the brownie points we hired
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War is coming to the EU soon and I want to leave.
None of the companies offer fully remote work, especially from abroad.
Freelancing sites are clogged by pajeets.
What are your plans?
>getting pushed to migrate our system to a low code setup
How over is it?
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(re-)join the military

maybe next time i deploy i'll get the coveted Su-57 HyperFlankTerminationFulcrum overfly photo

/g//it related things to sew that aren't laptop bags?
I get so annoyed when companies auto reject your application because you don't have a security clearance even if the JD states clearance "preferred". Am I blacklisted in some database or wtf?
Yes, in the National Security Database, aka REX 84. I recommend looking into the REX 412.
It fucking sucks man. I would try to avoid that person for now. You can try and be friends when you get over the crush
>Hey anon, why do you want to work for this company?
>What do you bring to the table?
Bitch, I just want to do the same work while being paid more. How should I respond to these?
I've heard prattling about wanting to build your skills in a new environment and put your old skills to better use is a good answer, but it's never served me well

maybe just fellate the company a bit idk.
>I always wanted to work as an account acquisition talent agent (cold call sales) for Local ISP Reselling Bell Lines #875216412 your company is so glamourous and socially responsible
This is getting ridiculous. I got rejected for demonstrating too much knowledge in a test design to screen out larpers.
>HR promised to sent out problem set 24 hours before the interview on Monday
>forgets to do so until late afternoon
>panic and dread sets but manage to come adequately prepared for the interview
>confidently blows the interviews mind with my technical knowledge and experience because I have done my internship with the same company and other major firms
>gets nods of approval from hiring managers and noted they were very impressed with how I've picked up key points glossed over by other candidates
>HR came back a few days later explaining they have went with someone else with a more well-rounded experience
I thought I would have bagged this graduate level role with 2 years experience but at the end it came to bite me in the ass. How do I ace an interview without coming off as overly confident/competent? The companies in my country is known to have a tall-poppy syndrome.
Honestly my answer and it has worked recently, is "it sounded like fun so I applied"
Which is usually my reason for applying, its "I want to work on this kind of network at x scale".
Just keep reiterating the word "friend" and "you're like a sister to me". They will get the hint. If not, then you're in crazy town.
I had a strange interview today. Very strange. It was so disorganised and flat out wrong on the answers they had I was pretty surprised. I was given a few requirements for architecture and a layout. I started answering the questions directly to satisfy the requested requirements and then they realized they needed more requirements and added it but asked in such an open ended way it was impossible to answer. They specifically asked about which proxy I'd use and I said Nginx. They asked for another specific one and I didn't know it, HR-Proxy.
They made it seem like I got each question wrong.
>what is the difference between ubuntu and debian
I said ubuntu is based on debian but has more features, and debian is slower to release items but more stabile.
>What's the difference between an AWS Firewall and Security Group.
I said a SG can't specifically deny traffic and an AWS firewall can. Turns out they confused the managed service called AWS firewall and a NACL. He said the answer was AWS firewall is stateless (it isn't) and a SG is stateful. Which is wrong but I didn't call him out in it.
Then they asked some specific question about the AWS NLB and it's source IP, which normally you can't see since it's also a managed service. He figured out a way you could and commented "even AWS didn't know that was possible. I wanted to say "then how the fuck could I?"
Very weird vibe as well. I asked what I'd be doing the first 90 days and he said not much and even he would struggle to find tasks to do.
Very weird. Think I'll pass even though it's exactly what I want to do in my career. Sounds like a messed up org.
They also asked what the underlying network technology for Kubernetes was and I said "services were just IPTABLES". What they meant to ask was what Kubernetes networking CNIs and then they spoke about that.
How can I answer a question correctly when it's not asked correctly?
Is caring about his work the only thing he's doing wrong
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I was interviewed by some Senior Jeet at Intel about 6 years ago, it was for a systems engineering position where I'd be writing firmware for their SoCs and upstreaming some CPU bring-up code into the Linux kernel. Guy asks "explain to me what happens when you call malloc from userspace" and I started babbling about how it calls a bunch of system calls which leads to trap handlers moving the context into kernel space where the system calls are executed. Then started talking about virtual memory, page faults, the MMU, etc. Guy kept interrupting me and saying shit like "NO please explain WHAT HAPPENS when you CALL MALLOC SAAR", getting visually more frustrated each time.

Didn't get the gig, still have no idea what sort of answer that retard wanted.
Probably just wanted you to say
>it allocates memory
Yeah I get the feeling that's about the depth of understanding Gurpreet had, despite being a senior lead engineer at Intel's Linux/OSS group.
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nope never ive declined at least 100 times by now
Got laid off in January. Trying to get a job as a data analyst but running into a massive roadblock after roadblock. It’s been miserable. I think I’ve sent out like 1000+ resumes and I’ve been stuck in samsara. I’ll the 15 that touched base with me, 5 were scams, 5 were shady and 5 were great but never got back. I do have a potential job in the horizon maybe around August but been taking fucking forever. I’m thinking of getting a bs data entry job in the mean time to tide myself over. I learned Power BI, Python, Tableau, SQL and am learning Azure rn. Anyone have any advice on getting a job? Any boards? I’ll even take freelance work at this point. Any key words I should use? Should I bother with a resume AI, I tried using resumeworded and found its suggestions helpful. One thing that’s also helped has been trying to submit my applications earlier when before it gets flooded with over 100 applicants and I’ve gotten a few people contacting me back from that. But beyond those two strategies I’m dying out here.
Do you guys think it's a red flag if the very first interview is LC questions?
In my experience so far the first interview is always a chat with a recruiter to talk about the role and company. But today a recruiter emailed me to set up the first interview and she said it'd be two LC questions. And it's a short interview so probably no time to introduce the company or team and stuff, literally straight jump into LC.
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>might have to give up on my first job offer after college because I can't fucking find a place to move near it.
>if I did take one of the few available places I'd be living paycheck to paycheck in a bug-infested room
Guess it's joever.
Trying to bypass MFA for testing is impossible. I quit. Everyone I asked says they cant bypass it. Someone is fucking with me.
>Craftsmen and women
Ideas rejected. You aren't going anywhere son. You will be filtered next.
...figures I get an interview invite the day after I bruise my face
>but still exists in pockets and in solo/small venture work
Yeah but that's true of literally any corporate role. You haven't described software engineering. You've described corporate structures. It's normal for creative things to become boring and sanitized when it becomes "good enough". The problem with the industry today is that there wasn't enough gate keeping. We didn't course correct when literally women and niggers were told that they can become the next Dennis Richie (enev though these people don't know who that is) after a 12 week boot camp. It isn't true and it never was true. At the end of the day those people were doing what overpaid webshitters were always paid for: boiler plate crud apps.
we're so fudging back
Is it a FAGMAN or some big tech company?
Those companies get so many applicants they have to weed them out somehow
They have 150 employees on Linkedin, so I'd guess 200 or 300 in all. So no.
>Putting garbage collection and more dynamic memory allocation in the kernel
No that's not a good move.
Where should I move to for comfy stable tech work? I live in a lcol shithole currently. DC, Boston, Chicago, San Diego, LA?
>syntactic sugar
KYS yourself
Received a negative feedback at work today. Apparently I am not knowledgeable enough to be a senior dev.

It is fucking over. Time to update my linkedin just in case.
nowhere its over there's no jobs. learn to truck drive and be comfy in sneedville lcol land.
I just want to live somewhere comfy where I can bike around and that isn't filled to the brim with only boomers
>I just want to live somewhere comfy where I can bike around and that isn't filled to the brim with only boomers
please help us find a spot to live anons :(
>friend just told me that a bunch of people at his company got laid off today
It's still fuarking over.
I have A+ as well but my background is hospitality.
how fucked am I in finding any job in IT?
I've structured my life assuming all employment is temporary and that I might go years between jobs.

It's hard but I think it's reality going forward.
Having moved from a "shithole" to DC (and back after three years) I can tell you DC is super overrated and "shithole counties" are way underrated.
>what is your biggest weakness, anon?
saggy hag tittys...
Did you live in DC like in Arlington or in one of the suburbs? I am not totally familiar with the area but it seems great if you live and work in the city center and hell otherwise
DC is like 70% black anon

When I was there it was hilarious to see like every gov job was held by migs I was like "bruh I thought slavery was outlawed"
The city center is the worst part. I felt like I was going to get shot every time I went down there.


You guys think its worth it?
Just fucking read Stroustrup's book if you want to know C++. You can get it free on libgen and probably cheap used on Amazon.

Paying for just about any programming course is dumb.
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i thought the "buy my course and make 6 figures wfh no college" grifters were dead but i guess not
Also you're not getting hired just for knowing C++.
You'll need to know, at a minimum, shell and git as well but these days they'll want you to know all this extra CI/CD deployment automation crap too which is crazy complex compared to just C++ programming. Not because there are actually difficult problems (multi threaded C++ is a factory for legtit hard programming problems) but because CI/CD does something to people's brains and you get these horrible labyrinths of self modifying code in half a dozen different languages all running on shared infrastructure that you don't have full permissions on and can't replicate locally.
>We're gonna be short staffed for the next few days
Any tips to avoid crashing out at my job?
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god i hate corpos
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>release production build to customer
>management insists we start work on the next release phase before they've finished testing to save time
>now having to juggle all of their testing feedback along with the new work
>management pissed we're behind schedule
>customer pissed if we take more than 2 hours to reply to feedback
this is hell
at my job, senior means you get like 3x the responsibility for an extra $10k per year. not even remotely worth it
My github is full of stale forks with no stars or shills.
Give job.
Glad I got away from that shit. I kept having homicidal urges.
Even if you do perfectly is it usual for it to take 3 months to get an offer? Wife just got one this week after interviewing with the company months ago
varies a ton by company. my current job took about a month from application to offer
>the thing is: some employed devs rn are literally not aware that we're in a crisis lmao. if they get laid off they will see reality.

That's because they've never been through tough times or difficult situations and don't even keep themselves updated on news in their own industry.
3 months is probably about average in my experience
yeah. you can clearly see that they're new to the industry
woman in male dominated field is an instant interview plus the interviewers will go easy on her for a chance of pussy
idk about erlang but good luck finding a job using haskell
I have 30k usd sitting in the bank from my internship. what should I do with it?
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your pic is the small version, heres the right size:
QA Automation Engineer here, ask me anything
there's only one other white guy who works in the office room (~30 people) and he has the same name as me
donate to the local church of latter day saints
>hey can you ask anon something?
>which anon
>the white anon
>which white anon
Buy a crack house in Baltimore and become a section 8 slum lord
put it all on black
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Just finished part of my online portfolio. This better help me get a damn job. I'm literally bending over backwards for this shit.
You sound like a go-getter. Let me talk to the hiring manager and get you in for an interview with my group in FAANG
> New senior software engineer, 28yo 10yexp.
>Hobbies: spending time with my wife and two kids
Thanks for making me feel shitty some people don't even have to try i guess
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I'm up to 237 applications with no interviews. Do I just give up and go into another industry?
>new indian hire
>hobbies: watching trains, i find them extremely fascinating
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don't get my hopes up, I don't need hope at the moment
maybe root an android phone and get the code via adb shell garbage and build out some application there with some UI hackery idk.
you could also just tell IT to fuck off and disable mfa for your use cases like I did at my job where we use mfa and I'm not about to bend over backwards to complete it in automated tasks.

Depending on your network you can probably use some service account or 2nd user. if you're running automation on your own useraccount you're doing it wrong.
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>Try link for resume stuff in OP https://www.careercup.com/resume
>connection timed out

Any other sites like this?
Damn all the 1st line/2nd line/desktop support/IT Technician/IT analyst job descriptions and responsibilities seem to boil down to "support user" and the usual tasks.

Anything above these require experience I don't have.
facebook marketplace room for rent sublets have gotten me my start
Keep studying. What direction do you want to go?
lmao. A simple answer in my mind would only make sense if the interviewer wasn't highly technical. Complex answers reserved for people who should know, like that jeet. But obviously the jeet is an idiot.

I had a network interview a decade ago from an HR screener. She asked "What are the basic configuration for a switch port". I said:
>Vlan access, Vlan, No shut, and "STP"
Then she said I forgot Spanning Tree Protocol. (STP). I learned right then to never assume people are smart and never use acronyms.
Why would you list hobbies on a resume?
That used to be standard advice.
>I should've of
jesus christ...
>help desk for CS majors
I still see comments like this on tech YouTube livestreams. Who the fuck is telling them to do this? It's career suicide.
>started babbling about how it calls a bunch of system calls
No it doesn't. Depending on how the runtime is configured it might never do this but even with just glibc it doesn't necisarilly do this.

A lot of people get confused but there are huge parts of the runtime that aren't just syscall wrappers. The heap is a user space thing. The kernel doesn't even know about it. Same with DNS/the host database. Same with the groups database, Same with user authentication etc.

I would have failed you over this too.
true but more for min wage shitty mcjobs to pad out otherwise literally empty resumes. not for actual professions
cope nigga
Its really not that big of deal.
I've been asked to recommend a software that tracks each projects(website) progress and some information about the project such as the website content.

Search engines are not helping much but I can gather that Trello and Asana are one of the most popular ones
idiot you will get filtered out by any automated system before even a human can see that shit. You need to only leave what's relevant to the position you're applying. Nobody cares if you have a bartender certificate if you're applying for an engineering position
>this is the competition for L1 hell desk

it's so over bros
my manager threatened to delete me from the timestream. is this normal? he has a lfiling cabinet marked "akashic records" in his office
Come to ops
You'll instead work with oversocialized and cliquey minorities that confuse not being a deadbeat with racial favoritism and schmoozing.
Italian pay goes under 30k, most of europe is the same, OP just asked in the wrong website.
you guys have it REALLY lucky
I've been studying a lot of networking during downtime at my current job. This series has been a godsend. Lots of topics here will also apply to CCNA.
Your resume is visual cancer. Expertise should a single line separated by commas, training should be removed. Do you really think a "forklift operator" will help you get a tech job?
You work isn't in reverse chronological order so it looks like you havent worked since 2015. Wait, looking at your resume you haven't worked tech since 2015, lmao yeah that's why. Only put relevant things on your resume. Non tech work should be limited to one to two lines max.

Your resume should be one page.
>quadruple vaccinated
lmao ok this must be a troll.
>see A+ as worthless
>"working for network+"
Just get your CCNA, stop wasting your time.
>hurr the top entry is the most recent, not gonna read the rest lol
Do HR niggers really?
make home labs and then speak about them.
I review resumes I conduct interviews for. I've seen many and don't have much time dedicated to give a fuck. If it doesn't stand out, it's out.
Hell yeah, I just had a shit ton of burritos and I only smashed ~1300 calories. I'm in a fuckin' food coma atm and I've got 100g+ of protein pumping through my body
>beef up resume
>functional language
How about you beef up your gains by eating 500g of extra lean mince in one sitting?
Once I get out of this food coma, I'm going to make myself a matcha latte using unsweetened almond milk. I've already ate a whole bunch of burritos and I'm dangerously close to my daily intake (I'm on a calorie deficit and I'm at ~1500 calories a day). The unsweetened almond milk that goes with my lattes is only ~30 calories. I can practically drink as much as I'd like without worrying that the calories from the milk will send me over my daily limit.

If you can optimize your code but you can't optimize your body, you're not a real software engineer.
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Just look for remote jobs outside of italy ciccio
You just have to know english like the ave maria and be able to speak fluently
t. 80K working remotely for germany
The only actual (very rare) job openings I see in europe requiring functional shit are for Elixir. Make of this information what you want.
German pay is pretty shit too I see.
If you live in a big city in germany probably yes. In italy it's top 5% income
I'm not the anon that whined about the pay, I know that people must look outside, the point is that 80% of Europe is like that (Italy one of the lowest for sure) and the 20% is still shit pay compared to north america
Also, Germany is starting to say fuck off to everyone that is not fluent in German and does not have a degree, you're probably the lucky bunch that got employed before 2022
>I'm not
I don't care, the trend is this
Italy top 5% is 55k, the only country in Europe that saw it's wages decrease since 1990.
Doomposting. I know many other italians working for germany and I'm seeing the opposite trend. Just be senior and have a degree
>does not have a degree
>google, inspire magazine, and a drone striking company don't "stand out"

it's truley over bros... d*mn...
>only one in my section that showed up to office today
>in meeting that's gone on an hour+
>put head down on desk (pic related) with headphones still on and monitor showing meeting window
>manager from another department passes by
>knocks on my desk and makes a questioning thumbs up sign
What are the odds he was genuinely concerned and there's no cross departmental manager fuckery at play here
>I know many other italians working for germany and I'm seeing the opposite trend
>be senior
I was talking about junior devs. a junior dev can't "move" to Germany like it's 2018 again.
Better update that resume wagie.
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>meeting been on for 2 hours
>finally time for presenter to say "alright, if there are no more questions..."
>fag unmutes
>"i have a question"
>presenter explaining more shit for another 20 minutes
Don't you see your family every day?
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I hate having technical discussions with ESL people so much it's unreal
you are gay
I'm sorry, man, I'm doing my best to speak your language. If only you could speak mine...
I was offered a Infrastructure Tech Lead job in China that pays €250.000/yr. I currently make €80.000 in Germany. I'm a little scared of uprooting my wife and kids and moving to China. Should I take it? Their cost of living is like 1/3 of what it is in Germany so I'd be saving a ton.
I'll break you, twink. You hold back tears during your 1on1 meetings with your manager because you had to hack basic shit into some clusterfuck UI library, and it took you all week to do it. My 1on1 meetings have me beating the fuck out of a pathetic beta male of a manager, whose one life skill is to spout weasel words and convince midwits he isn't absolutely useless. I take him out back and administer several concussive blows to his skull, beating him into the gutter and threatening to kill him and his family if he squeals to the higher-ups about me coasting for the past 2 years. I'll push code whenever I want, if I want. For the time being, you're just going to have to wait on that "tighter spacing" you want for your tables. You push me and I'll push you into the next truck that comes by. There's a reason why meetings rhymes with beatings, you just need to pick which side of the baton you want to be on.
>on 1500 calories a day
>beating up anyone bigger than a second grader
cool pasta nonetheless
Sounds fake. Either it is or you'll be engaged in some shady lab virus nuclear chem bioterrorism shit.
Yeah but you'd be living in fucking China and destroying your kids' childhood.
Those 1500 calories are densely packed with all the macronutrients I need to beat the shit out of any middle-managing twerp with a second-grade education. And with these 1500 calories, I'm trimming my body fat to reveal a chiseled 6 pack of abs. I'm an artisan chipping away at a block of stone to reveal the adonis inside. I am that adonis personified, not only do I have the nutritional capacity to break a salaryman both spiritually and physically, but I can sweep his sister off his feet with my beauty and show her what it means to be a real woman with my Atlas endurance.
how de we collectively all became this depraved? like is it really the consequences of internet and social media?
The startup community talks a lot about the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) but what the hell is it? I am not sure. We f*cked it up. But here are some thoughts on what it is and isn't:

Let's start with what it's not:
A serverless app built on AWS (sry Jake)
Anything with a login screen
Anything that doesn't have a duct-taped backed
A platform
A marketplace
Honestly, if you have a front-end AND back-end you've built too much. Either is fine, but not both.

So let me try to define what I think it is:
MVP (em-vee-PEE): The most basic version of the RESULT to your customer's problem that allows you to validate your solution.

You're not building a solution to a problem; you're trying to VALIDATE that the RESULT is what the customer is looking for.

What it could be:
An excel sheet with formulas or manually inputted entries (Arkestro)
A google/typeform (First Resonance)
A figma design (Superhuman)
A weekly email (Morning Brew)
A pdf document (CB Insights)
A python notebook (any startup born out of a hackathon)
A powerpoint, but more specifically a case study (follow Rob Snyder for more on this)

Jake would agree with me that if we were to do it all again, we would've built everything on Figma and a Python notebook and sold the hell out of it.

The point is, don't overthink it; actually, UNDERthink it
Any tips on finding a job when I was stuck doing menial tasks for several years? I was a shitty programmer and never contributed code, just followed these steps to update algorithms in a liquibase file. All I have are two full stack apps that aren't even hosted anywhere (don't care enough to find an alternative to Heroku). Also any tips on how to become interested in tech and to be more curious in general?
I am well paid in my job but I got fucked over by the system architect because I guess asking him a few questions in regards of the system he himself made with shit I never worked with is a bad thing
A previously recalcitrant co-worker said the same thing after I kicked him in the mouth and told him to use native query selectors instead of installing jQuery.
>show her what it means to be a real woman
i'm fucking sickened by transphobic statements like these. i'm so fucking sick of you people
>i'm fucking sickened by transphobic statements like these. i'm so fucking sick of you people
"71% of our test suite time is taken by 18% of our tests"


A few years ago, I was working for a company with a Rails app.

We had a big problem.

Our test suite was just damned slow.

We had to wait 18 minutes for the thing to build at all...

...and then when it had built, it took another 5 minutes to deploy.

For someone who gets impatient after 1 minute of waiting...

...this was torture.

So we decided to improve the performance.

The first step?

Yup, you guessed it.

What was the performance today?

And that's where observability came to save us.

A colleague and I paired for a day.

We added a custom formatter to RSpec.

If fired off structured logs to our observability tool.

It recorded *everything* - test time, the test type, the tags, the build ID.

These were wide events.

And after 10 minutes of oohing and aahing over the graphs, we realised.

If we pared back 18% of our tests, we'd save a lot of time and money.

So that's where we focussed our efforts.

Sadly I never got to see the outcome of the efforts...

...but just seeing the data was enough for me to believe in the power of observability.

Want to learn more about structured logging?

Wnat to see how it can help you fix your bugs and understand your system?

I'm speaking in Warsaw on July 19th at Warsaw Ruby Conference.

Check out a link in the comments for more information!

And DM me TEST if you'd like a step by step breakdown of what we did with those tests.
how am i a schizo? i get called all sorts of names, including "not a real woman" by transphobes. it's you people saying "real woman" and "real men" that cause this
If someone uttering "real woman" in whatever context makes you insecure, you're in need of medication. Fake ass bitch with a fake ass pussy, get up on outta here with your mousetrap snatch motherfucker.
I'm taking ML courses but I feel bad about not understanding the underlying mathematical theory and just abstracting everything away with sklearn
Is it ever valuable in industry to become good enough at statistics that you actually understand how ML models are implemented under the hood?
Does it require a PhD or is a master's enough?
it's the concept of being "a real x" that hurts all kinds of collectives. it also applies to programmers, not being acknowledged as "real programmers" because they do data analysis, frontend or QA.
of course i get angry whenever someone starts using the same tired concept, it's way more than just trans people.
That's cool man. When I fuck, I fuck hard. Not only do I fuck, I cum and I cum loads. I am renowned in both the adult film industry and the Doom modding scene for my mega wads.
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Bait? If not, that's not even what it means in this context
>wow you're not straight or cis? must be bait
Shut up retard and guzzle my mega wads. Massage my bulbous caconuts and feel the piping hot blast from my cyberdong,
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Anon, "show her what it means to be a real woman" in that context, at least the way I understood it, means that she will feel feminine when manhandled by a masculine man. No tranny related projections here. I'm of course assuming "his sister off his feet" is a simple mistake
haha it's supposed to be "his sister off *her* feet" i dun goofed
>means that she will feel feminine when manhandled by a masculine man
and yeh, that is correct.
see, you're assuming all women feel feminine when they are manhandled. some women are dominant, some are passive but don't like it rough, some don't even like men.
you're all clueless apes and the reason society is the way it is. if you ever complain about us becoming "too woke" or whatever, it's precisely because we want less people like you.
shut up fuckhead, go back to twitter with your rainbow hair and your fucked up box.
for the record i'm that gorilla dick daddy, i make dyke pussy wet.
i don't have rainbow hair nor a "box".
but you do have twitter, fuck off back there
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i do but i don't post there

Anyone? >>101158340
being an AI fag just means pulling down a model from hugging face and slightly tweaking it to meet whatever requirement you have. your manager will think you're a genius and you'll make people who have actual technical skill seethe at how much money and pussy you'd get for how little technical prowess you have.
Yeah but this is how you get easily replaced, too.
I would like to have actual skills that would make me genuinely valuable and knowledgeable about this field. I don't think high tier positions are like what you describe
The new intern my coworker hired doesn’t speak to anyone except for some other arabic dude in arabic. This summer is gonna be long.
>Is it ever valuable in industry to become good enough at statistics that you actually understand how ML models are implemented under the hood?
>Does it require a PhD or is a master's enough?
Is it EVER valuable? well, someone wrote sklearn.

That's the split the industry is sort of in right now. All the (hype) growth is going to be in AI where you need some pretty intense qualifications to be working on the foundational libraries and models.

Everyone else is just doing API calls to that shit to integrate into some app. Huge difference in focus
Haskell jobs are rare and Haskell has a huge learning curve to get started. For a resume, you want to get a few quick and dirty side projects in your portfolio; using Haskell isn't going to help you do this.

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