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>How to ask for advice?
Just ask but mention your budget to narrow down the options

* = flimsy construction and needs babysiting
** = worrisome QC
US pricing

• Koss KSC75 $20 (bright)
• Koss Porta Pro $35 (warm/dark)

• Creative Aurvana Live!* $50 (bassy)
• AKG K361/K371* $140 (harman-ish)
• RODE NTH-100* $150 (warm/dark)
• Shure SHR840A $150 (V-shape)
• Focal Azurys* $550 (mild warm harman-ish)
• DCA E3 $2000 (harman-ish)

>Open-back DD
• Sennheiser HD 560S $180 (DF-ish bright)
• Sennheiser HD 6XX $200 (mild warm DF downward tilt)
• Beyerdynamic DT 900 ProX $270 (bright-ish but ruler flat bass)
• Sennheiser HD 490 Pro $400 (producer pads: bassy mixing pads: lean/bright)
• Focal Hadenys* $650 (harman-ish)

>Open-back Planar
• HifiMAN Sundara 2020** $280 (DF-ish)
• HifiMAN HE6se V2** $600 (FF-ish)
• Moondrop Cosmo** $900 (DF-ish bright)
• Audeze MM-500 $2000 (DF-ish)
• Final Audio D8000 Pro $3500 (exquisite)

>Wireless ANC

Poor: NA Apple dongle USB-C (NB: EU dongle halves the power) or chinese dongles
NA/1st world: Schiit, JDSlabs, SMSL, RME, Eversolo, Apogee, etc
Rest of the world: SMSL or Topping of your budget

>Should I EQ?
In some cases, a bit of EQ adds lipstick to an already beautiful woman, producing a higher level of fidelity. Start with the oratory1990's preset and follow the suggestions at the bottom of the PDF to better personalize it to your taste.
Or try to find 5128 measurements and EQ to LMG 0.6 using 'eqplayground' listed below. AB both and decide for yourself. Remember, Harman target is just a guideline and one's geometry (HRTF) is unique.

>Industry-standard Magnitude Response?
B&K 5128
listener800.github.io/5128 - /soundguys/head-fi/resolve/woodenears
-place to upload graphs and mess with targets and EQ
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i love my STAX.
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I figured IEMs suck balls... what should I buy now? hd6xx or LCD-5? is the LCD-5 much better or is this pajeet trolling me?
>listening to stinkjeets
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I'm not sure if this is the best thread to ask, but:

What is the best microphone with a headphone output I can get for <60$?
Something standing that I could put on my desk, but being able to also screw it is a plus. I used to have samson meteor, twice, but they broke after a year or two.
Fiio Q11 or k3
I wanna drive my he400se but I don't wanna spend a fuckton
They same price on china express
K11 > K3 and Q11 is not really meant for desk anyways
Have they actually gotten better? Or is this a shitpost op? What’s a good way to drive two headphones on a single amp? Will any do with a generic splitter?

hi i just got beyerdynamic dt 1990 pros and i had a fosi audio k5 pro but that dac i realize only does 96khz over usb. so i was looking at the fiio k5 pro OR i was reading the k11 is their 'new' k5? is k11 a decent choice? i haven't looked at the q11 should i?
K3 works fine, I use it daily with my 560s, Porta Pros and some IEMs
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>Have they actually gotten better?
ive never heard more complaints after they updated their magni protection circuit and it's been years now
Some retarded picks >fecal >chinkfiman but at least still better than sash tranny op
that ones 30$ more expensive idk

also yeah meant for desk mostly, like that other anon i had a fosi audio one (Q4) but sold it. no idea now
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I know this isn't exactly a question suited for the general but there aren't any others to ask.

Is this really the best portable speaker on the market for less than 200?
560s, 6xx, he400se if you're willing to roll the chifiman qc dice
eq is mandatory in any case
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according to zeos those might be the best sounding headphones ever made
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>final audio
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what's wrong ?!?!
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god ban indians and ai made images from 4chan
>according to the guy who made the headphones
why even mention his opinion? are you fucking retarded?
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don't even mention those things again please.
its normal for youtubers to recommend burning in headphones
its normal for youtubers to be fucking retarded
Which model would best to look for? Model 3 devices?
>Cloud IIs falling apart after a few years of use
>Look into grabbing another pair like I've done before since these things are great
>Turns out HP bought them out some time ago and made the headsets worse
I hate the jews
wtf do I buy now?
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also what about Q3 mqa
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I want a pair of cheap (less than £100) wired, OVER EAR headphones. Bought Sennheiser HD400s and the fucking thing was tiny as shit, not sure how they got away calling them over ear headphones as opposed to on ear plus it felt like the cheapest piece of shit plastic. Creaks and groans like a fucking pensioner.
I don't have large ears but I do wear glasses. Pisses me off that most listings don't tell you how big the inside of the cup is. I have a pair of AKG K550 that fit really nicely so I guess something around that size, 5.5-6CM inner diameter.
Hi guys, what are the best wired earphones to buy in the UK? I was recommended the Shure AONIC 3 but reviews say the build quality is cheap?
moondrop chu 2?
I swear I bought a pair of these before and they were no better than my basic bitch Apple Earpods.
TH900 best slam ever?
HD400s is a joke and below £100 is a tough call but the Sennheiser HD280 Pro is better and the earpad will fit your request, it's all plastic too but the material is sturdier than the HD400s.
check the flavor of the month in >>/iemg/
My Lypertek Tevi battery has gone to shit after like 5 years, need a replacement. Are the new Lypertek TWS buds decent, if so which ones?
Or is there something better for the price nowadays?
Whats the difference between open back and closed?
>only does 96khz
Are you a dolphin?
Open is more comfortable to wear. Closed has better noise isolation. There might be marginal differences in sound quality.
Should I get the Bosse QC or Sensheisser momentum 4? Or am I getting memed here and not get either? My headphone is literally falling apart
If your environment or PC is noisy, you'll hear everything with an open-back, the bass is usually pretty weak without EQ but some perceive more 'openness' to the sound.

Cosed-backs are a toss-up, there are only a few that aren't a boxy and bloat mess in terms of tuning. But yeah usually more bass stock and passive isolation.

Do you need ANC? Either will be fine. Sennheiser tuning is better out of the box and you can custom a lot through the app, though.
>Do you need ANC?
no...are there better ones without it that I should look at or something or does ANC make it so people can't hear what I'm listening to either? That would kinda be cool...
how did u kno

idk im new to 'higher end' audio junk. hi fi streaming services go higher than that, recommended 'high end' dacs go higher than that. is it all just bs
closedbacks are dogshit, openbacks can sometimes be salvaged with eq
tl;dr final output to the DAC should always be 48kHz, and its output filter is going to trim that down to 20-22k. They give you higher resolution audio because they applied a bunch of digital filters and they know you're probably going to apply a few more. Increasing the resolution beyond what anything can record or play eliminates aliasing.
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Any decent planar is going to have way better bass than hd6xx, but they're all pretty uncomfortable to wear vs Senns.

I know bone conduction headphones have shit sound.

Which one(s) has\have the best sound?
huh interesting. thanks for the link
I looking for bluetooth headphones for when I'm on the go, below $200.
They should be comfortable and sound acceptable.
Bonus points for ANC, but it's not a requirement.

Dont worry guys, I'm using HD560S at home and am very happy with them.
Thoughts on the JVC HA-RX 700?
Sennheiser Accentum
I want wireless, closed back, ANC, and extremely comfortable headphones (will sometimes be wearing for 20 hours at a tims, and I’m autistic about ear discomfort).

I’m planning on getting Bose QC, even though I have a feeling you guys shit on bose here, but I always hear that they’re the most comfortable. Anyone know of a better option? Price limit is 500 usd. First time posting in these threads
just buy whatever anc bluetoothslop is highest rated on amazon so you can return it if you hate it
ok i'm not hip to the intricacies of high end audio bs yet, just got my first pair of dt 1990 pros. but before these i had the sony xm5s. i haven't tried the bose qcs but fwiw i like the sonys, they're comfy, good battery life, great anc.
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what is current best closed back for around 500€ aside from the Focal Azurys?
i own HD 600 2019 ver., Sundara 2020 rev. and the Beyerdynamic TYGR 300 R
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I bought a new GPU and now I can't play video games because my K240 can't isolate the fan noise.
Any tips?
closedbacks are DOGSHIT
I'm a big fan of ambient music, what would be the best headphones for listening to it? Wiling to spend up to $700
a closed back sennheiser? no ty. its overpriced garbage from what ive seen. this should not exist.
they dont even start getting good until a certain price range.
blud you are the one asking for a closed back trash
What are good comfort headphones if you wear glasses? I compared some but I want to hear experience from anons.
just stick to iems on the go and speakers at home, most headphones' tuning gets fucked so hard by an imperfect pad seal that not even eq can save them
HD 490 Pro. They have a slight indent on the ear pads for people to wear glasses. Most reviews also praise it for its comfort.
That's actually disgusting if true, glasses wearers should all be shot.
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>Patented accessibility features: braille-guided L/R earcups and grooved ear pads for eyeglasses

It's real, sir.
Why so many retards here suggest Shitnneiser? It looks like they have sales rep in this thread. They are shitty headphones without bass and highs, pretty much you only hear mids on those fucking things
You're absolutely right. We've already achieved our goal of brainwashing head-fi, reddit, and transcordian, so it's time for chans now.
because everything else is even more dogshit until you start spending upwards of $700 or feel like playing the chink qc lottery
Never buying a shitheiser product ever again, catering towards glasses wearing subhumans is unforgivable.
suggest something better then shithead
That "R" is actually annoying because it touches my ear if I don't have them on exactly straight.
Other than that they are great, very comfortable indeed with or without glasses (I only use reading glasses)
Flat frequency response is a white people thing, you won't understand.
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ugh that R looks thick. i dont like it when my ears touch the inside either. the hd 600 is just flat and i never touch the inside of it. same for sundara. i feel it a little bit on my tygr 300 R but its rather flat (pic)
Shitnneiser does not have a ''flat'' frequency response, they have an inverted V shape if anything where the mids are overly emphasized and the bass is a Marianna Trench below 100hz, they sound disgusting
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>*turns off EQ*
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i dont EQ anon. i love the way HD 600 and Sundara sound out of the box. I know exactly which type of sound signature i prefer so i dont even buy anything else that doesnt fit it. its simple. my tygr 300 r i bought for gaming and when i plug it into my phone i have autoeq alredy running.
>i dont EQ
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guess where you are kek
HD490Pro is about 4mm deeper (26mm rear, 19mm front) than HD600 (20mm), so it shouldn't be a problem for you despite losing 1 or 2 mm due to the "R".

I do have quite big ears and they did touch the inside of an HD599 I borrowed once, which is the same depth as the HD600 and one reason why I wanted the slightly deeper HD490Pro.

What I don't understand is why they don't just sell different sized pads for different sized ears. - seems like a great way of making some extra money too.
Looks fairly flat to me.
Headphones are gay. Speaker setups are kino. Bothering neighbors? Not my problem lol
they dont do it because when your ear is further away from the driver than intended it changes the sound (acoustic impedance). i swear ive seen certain shops have a warning about it on replacement earpads that they sell.
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>Harman target
>Why so many retards here suggest Shitnneiser?
They're the least bad open back dynamics and have huge aftermarket support. Basically the only sub-$300 over-ear headphones worth buying unless you want to gamble on chifiman.
>without bass
Your only choices in this category are no bass or blown-out distorted bass.
>without highs
Use the EQ retard. Almost every headphone has practically infinite headroom above 1khz.
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>without bass
ok niggas, DT900 Pro X or hd6xx?
What headphones are comfy but can actually be cleaned? I have a DT 800 with velour pads. They are very comfortable, but can't be washed (shrink so much that you can't get them on) and are expensive to replace.
Just wipe them with some alcohol while the pads are on the headphones? Duh?
semi open vs open. also beyer has something Sennheiser doesnt: unit variation lol. buy HD560 if you low on cash
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vacuum cleaner with the brush attachement is great for velour pads cleaning. not kidding.
None of them. The only pads that are meant to be cleaned and reused indefinitely are real leather like Focal, and you pay a lot for the privilege of putting leather conditioner on the same pads over and over.

Velour cleans up well with baby wipes. I would try knockoff pads from ali. The ones for Sennheiser are as good as OEM and cheap as shit. Like $5 for a new pair every 2-3 years.
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dt900 prox is comfy and pads are washable, another chadynamic win
>$39.99 + $15 delivery
beyerkeks, everyone
NTA but that sounds about normal for OEM earpads.
>HD6X0 pads
>$52 + delivery (rarely available)
$42 currently. 50 for 10 from Ali, which in my experience are quite literally just as good.
ali pads don't click in like the OEMs so they keep falling off, at least the ones i got
cant you use glue to keep them on
Just 3D print some new snap rings or reuse the old ones nigga
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Where to upgrade from a senheiser 560s ?
just eq
I haven't had that problem (yet). I'm only on my 3rd pair of chinkpads though.
Dan Clarks, but they're not near as comfortable.
im not buying 2k headphones
The aeons are a lot less expensive. Especially the drop ones.
i'd rather get studio monitors for that price
Sure, you do you bro.
based and speakerpilled
is MQA a meme?
so q11 then
Boomers figured out how to steal audio quality from the young and sell it back to them
>is MQA a meme?
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you are fucking retarded, godheiser is the only company to actually gives a shit on how their products sound. The HD650 is the best tuned set there is.
>muh bass
>muh treble
already perfectly smooth, if you want more for your treble fried brain you can put a highshelf.
here's your upgrade bro

Preamp: -7.8 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 15 Hz Gain 8.0 dB Q 0.300
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 120 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 3.000
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 300 Hz Gain 1.6 dB Q 0.500
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 1200 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 1.800
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 2100 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 2.000
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 4900 Hz Gain -4.0 dB Q 2.000
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 3900 Hz Gain 2.0 dB Q 4.000
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 1.000
My IFI Zen DAC has shit the bed lads, getting wind noise on the right channel on all outputs. Fuck, I loved that thing too.
Do I double down and get another IFI like some kind of cuck, or switch to something else? Nothing had that kind if capability and great sound at that price point.
I'm only powering HE400i but any recommendations for something that will do DAC/AMP combo and give me sound as crisp as the zen would be very welcome...
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this OP is so gay my filterers didnt even let it though
call audeze and ask where can you try out lcd-5 if you want to buy it
it's under 1 for 2024 BTW
Just take them off the headphones first. That much EMF blasting out the end of a plastic vacuum hose right next to your headphone cups is a bad idea.
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>hd6xx without eq
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undevolt the GPU and lower the fan speed?
I recently bought a set of Hifiman HE400SE and needed to know what amount of amplification I'd need for them, as I plan on spending the least as possible on a DAC or amp.

So what's the best way to calculate how much power would I need from an amp?

I know that if I set my older set of headphones to where they are just about too loud for me, they peak at 92db, hovering around an average level of 72~75db.

Should I then add to those 90db some headroom for EQ and such and then calculate the power needed from this result?
>What is the best microphone with a headphone output I can get for <60$?
At this point I'd get any cheap powered mic and some audio interface. Stuff like Neewer mics and Behringer interfaces (or any of its chinese clones and alternatives) and whatnot.
behringer is legitimate dogshit you can get scarlett solo 3rd gen (not ealier) for like $60 or 2i2 for ~$100 sometimes and for $200 you get motu m2 which is really good
read the op
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New Schiit Unity with the modular DAC for $189 or just rebuy
Ur so cute
>Should I then add to those 90db some headroom for EQ and such and then calculate the power needed from this result?
Headphone sensitivity specs are typically tested at 1 kHz, which is where our hearing is very sensitive. For something to sound as loud in the bass region at 30 Hz, for example, as it does at 1 kHz, it might need to be dozens of dBs higher. Because our hearing is less sensitive at lower frequencies than it is around 1 kHz. Even if you just look at the content of an average song, it is not unusual to see the bass region 20 or 30 dB higher than 1 kHz. While our hearing might be less sensitive at lower frequencies, power doesn't care. Voltage is voltage, and current is current. So even if you listen at an average level of, say, 85 dB, because of the fact that you need to accommodate much louder bass content and crest factor transients, and parts of the signal that'll go way above average, you probably want to be putting about 110 dB into the calculator.
>you probably want to be putting about 110 dB into the calculator.
Yeah, I'm aware about the nonlinearity of our hearing. I was trying some EQing on the Hifiman's and found setting that kinda works, but it needs about -12dB of preamp. So I used 112dBSPL (90dB peakl + 12dB of EQ headroom) as a base for calculating the power requirements.

Is this reasoning fairly sound or should I just target 115dBSPL as most people online say (and, as a consequence get a slightly overpowered amp for my needs)?
>(90dB peakl + 12dB of EQ headroom)
I meant 100dB (which is peak + 10) + the 12db of headroom
yeah bro 60dB 3rd order harmonic at 300hz is inaudible lmao
>you probably want to be putting about 110 dB into the calculator
maybe if you listen to spotify kek
i actually pre ordered these
That's actually the nwavguy recommended amount of headroom. A lot of movies have batshit insane LRA now.
who is this and why does he look like central asian mr bean
Legend in audiophile world
Open backs with some bass, like the Hadenys. Or try finding something with a less "objective" tuning that just works for you subjectively.
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Could have bought a Audio Rock instead
imagine paying $700 for 1dd headpos
if you don't like the 560s comfort, the 490 pro will be an upgrade in this regard but other than that and with ur low budget there's nothing noteworthy
driver type doesn't matter
If it doesn't matter then where are all the good DDs.
where are the good planars lmao
Planar are all heavy as shit. DD has awful bass. Pick your poison.
But I need to play at 144Hz
did anyone even try the picun f6
yea yea I know chinkshit still I really dont wanna spend that much for my new headphones, literally not an audiophile I just want something that sounds good and doesnt cost more than 40$
Buy IEMs. They isolate the most and you get the best signal-to-noise ratio. Closed-back attenuation in low frequencies is pretty weak so it'll likely remain annoying but a bit better, also they tend to trap a lot of heat depending on the shitty pleather pads.
See >>101177437
gynoid autismcans are fucking disgusting
based patrick
anon, I just like the cans
I already have cheap iem for /out/ shit, for my gaming peace time I want cans
i unironically dont give a shit about whatever kind of autismowarring
I'm looking for the most comfortable and durable over ear headphone under 100 usd. I'm coming from a pair of KPH30is (actually my second pair) which broke after 3 months of use. Currently using my BLON BL03s all day and they're starting to bother my ears.

I don't really care that much about sound quality. I don't notice much in that realm since I've only ever used budget headphones, but I guess I'd like them so sound sorta similar to the kph30is.
>300ms bluetooth latency
idk buy it and be happy, you won't find anyone with this shit
Why are ANC headphones always wireless? Is there nothing wired for cheap ($100) ?
>bluetooth latency
you know most cans get wires too, right? wireless shittery is ass
At least it has LC3
>Why are ANC headphones always wireless?
planned obsolescence is good for companies and they'd need to put DSP/DAC/AMP/software as a bundle so it becomes too high effort for little profit
>nothing wired for cheap ($100)
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I need to record a very faint sound but I'm having trouble. I bought a microphone and tried my phone and monitoring on very high power handling headphones at max volume and they cant even pick up me whispering.
Is there a microphone better than my ears so I know that if I ear it the mic will pick it up?
They all seem to bottom out at 35db which is way too high
it just clicked
directional mic
>directional mic
I'm talking abotu a sound like say your faucet on a low setting from say 15 feet away. You think a directional mic would pick that up?
I can hear it but its silence on all mics i own.
Does the DT 900 Pro X lacks in detail retrieval? I bought one and i'm waiting for them to arrive, saw people saying it's very detailed and others saying it isn't
People have different levels of experience and source quality.
I understand, but from reviews it seems like it's one extreme or another, saw a lot of people saying it is as detailed if not more than the Sundara, others saying it doesn't have detail at all and sounds very muffled, which i find weird since the 900 is made for studios and mixing.
Well, when i get them i will share my experience here.
Nah they're for consumers. Never mix on headphones.
Yeah, they use speakers, right?
I was torn between an Arya, XS and the 900 Pro X, but didn't felt like gambling with Hifiman QC
Mean to >>101185149
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Why do the new focals not feature "Fabriqué en France" loud and proud anymore? That's like 33% of the reason to pick them over competitors
I looked up their website and they are still indeed handcrafted in France (except for the Bathys which only says the drivers are made in France)
maybe the law changed so if you ship headband and earcups from xina and screw them together in frans it doesnt count KEK
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THD adds color to the sound and make the headphone more fun and engaging, ruler flat headphones with no distortion are boring and made for old and tasteless people
Thank you chinaman, I will only buy beyers from now on.
I'm god strongest Beyer salesman, i already convinced more than a hundred people to buy beyers.
listening to 70dBA is also boring and too safe im gonna start listening to music at 115dBA to hear the distortion products, thanks amir
Is that mr bean?
70dB? I can't listen to microdetails at this volume, 120dB is the bare minimum, put your hair cells to work, they are like muscles, once they break they grown again much stronger
I fell for the koss meme and recently ordered some kph40's, I've not touched any of my other cans since they arrived.
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Daily reminder that you should buy Beyers NOW!
The top 1 aryan choice
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Why "NOW"?
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You delete this now nigga i'm going to find you
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What is a better alternative to this? Audio-technica provides replacement earcups, but the headband is made of the same material so it degrades too, and there's no OEM part available. I'm guessing that's because replacing it requires a little soldering.

I don't see the point in paying for a new headband just for it to break down again in a couple years. Maybe I will just wrap the shit in electrical tape and call it a day.
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there are some leather mods if you google it, or wrap beyer dt990 or sennheiser hd280 pro clip-on headband for something less ghetto
i have theory that... listener's voice frequency and listener's tolerance to high frequency are correlated
I upgraded lcd's 2 cb openback cap baffle, added 2 baffles for more airflow path. everything sounds pleasant
hydrophobic/lipophilic ear pads are bad mmkay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08RPo_SuHj4
110 dB is as loud as a dog barking directly into your ear. Fuck you Amir.

And fuck all the Stax posters. These threads were very popular years ago with lots of posters and multiple threads hitting bump limit every day. You autists just had to shit up /hpg/ to the point they're on life support now, and I bet you still wonder to this day where everybody went.
Earphones suck, get speakers
>enters headphone thread
>talks about speakers
you're being annoying, anon
60dB reasonable listening level (reduce noise floor if this sounds quiet).
20dB headroom for transients.
20dB for EQ.
10dB for some extra bass boost so you can really hear the deep sub-bass.
Sounds about right.
did you see Baby Reindeer?
neck yourself
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I accept your concession
what were your previous headphones and do you use eq?
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fucking wool
fuck plastic
fuck plastic
i stand with chang wang
>tranny mutilating perfectly fine headphones
what do you think
obviously, modtroons are too brain damaged to use eq
grandma is proud of you, son
Do not go through the training to detect compression artifacts.
Nothing will ever be the same. You cannot unhear this shit.
You should try eating whole stewed chickens with the skin and gizzards and shit in the broth.
sissy hypno asmr doesn't sound right on speakers though
>Do not go through the training to detect compression artifacts.
And where can one do this?
if all of these are so good why doesn't walmart sell them?

mods pls sticky and also bump
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>highly praised by audiofools and troons
>"holy grail mids" "best timbre ever"
>buy it
>first bass drop
Why the hell is that earpad squished totally flat?
why are you black?
The more i learn about audio the more i come to conclusion that there are no good headphones
Reminder: anon is either a:
Hifiman chink
So you took closed LCD-2s and made them open? Got any pics?
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I got a Sony WH-XB900N, but my head is pretty big, so whenever I chew gum (which flexes temple muscles and "grows" my head), the fucking plastic on the headset explodes off of my head. Is there a more permanent solution to this than just taping it back together?
You can't listen to BBC Hypno PMV Sissy Splitscreen BNWO with speakers
That’s nice and all but what are the best headphones for hearing footsteps in CS? I don’t care about music, just footsteps.
I am looking for something very specific and I am not sure if there is even a market for that shit. I am no headphone enthusiast and the only to brands I know for inears are westone and shure. Now I am looking for inear wireless headphones preferably designed in a way thats suitable for sprinting and heavy movements and from a premium brand like shure or westone. The best I could find is generic from jbl for 100€ but I would be willing to spend more.
It just works.
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I am very happy with the gaming headset "Teufel Cage (2020)"
hello saaar
Sennheiser HD 560S
Sennheiser Momentum Sport but OWS is more popular for sports such as Oladance OWS models
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akg earpads are so crap
what's the best replacement that won't change the sound much and will last more than 2 months?
Riddle me this /hpg/
I finally bought a colorimeter, fiddled with it and generated an ICC profile to calibrate the colors of my monitors.
Why doesn't audio equipment have something similar to automate the creation of the best possible EQ profile?
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Another win for hifiman, westerners cant compete
Because the best possible EQ profile depends on the shape of your head. You can buy dummy heads with microphones (as used to make the profiles included with AutoEQ), but those are all based around average heads. If you want the best possible quality you either need to commission a custom dummy head based on a 3D scan of your own head, or learn to EQ by ear.
Now calibrate two different monitor models and look at them side by side.
Lemme guess, you need more
Yeah, you can do a better job adjusting color by eye too. Both are worthwhile skills.
because the headphobe colorimeter costs $500 for chinkshit and $15k for industry standard
read the op
take the meds schizo
i read this list but all i see is 'pos'
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Can't tell if false flag or unintentional hilarity.
are there any simple guides on setting up a DIY 2.1 system? including, setting up a DAC + AMP as well as speaker enclosures, crossovers and subwoofer designs?

I'm especially interested in the subwoofer crossover part. Do I need to get a dedicated crossover for the sub? What if my amp only has left and right channels and no sub? do I need to mix left and right channels together and then lowpass it or do I need a crossover and a dedicated amp for the sub still etc?

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What a shame about the HD600's lack of driver matching. It's too bad you didn't buy an HD650 and EQ it as you should.
HE400SEs with grill mods are cheaper and sound better than any of the headphones in the HD 6## line
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There's no reason you should be adding 10db of bass, if it didn't sound like distorted elephant farts Shitnneseir would've done it already
>implying I add 10db bass
The subbass is lacking even more than 10db on that graph, just admit you were memed into buying those shit cans like a good drone
>I do not hear any difference in bass between L and R channel
lol so it's fucking nothing haha
>The subbass is lacking even more than 10db on that graph
You're either referring to inaudible 10 Hz in which case you're a moron, or you're referring to Harman target in which case you're a jogger.
>if it didn't sound like distorted elephant farts Shitnneseir would've done it already
how would they do it?
Since most of you are too stupid to figure out headphones, I'll explain the truth about them to you.
>frequency response just needs to be close enough since EQ exists and it doesn't even need to be that close
>you will not perceive distortion when boosting the sub-bass of open dynamic driver headphones to where it should be with EQ aside from the most extreme of cases, like $2 airplane headphones
>therefore the primary determinants in choosing headphones should be comfort and build quality
waterfall graphs are far more usefull and telling than regular frequency response graphs. I've had many headphones with great responses but had terribly ringing highs or lows that decayed way to fast leaving a far tinnier and light sounding signature despite what their frequency responses depicted.

Also anyone who dislikes EQing simply on the principle of it not being an intrinsic part of the headphones is a moron.
By tuning it differently so there would be actual subbass without needing to EQ it in, they don't do it because they know the subbass on those cans is just muddy distorted crap
so 490 pro is the endgame, thanks anon
>By tuning it differently so there would be actual subbass
and how do they do that?
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/iemg/ is making fun of us again
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Adjusting the rear port damping, using less leaky earpads, and tweaking the driver's f0
to those who own both planars and dynamics:
do you prefer using your planar or dynamic headphones?
I'm considering jumping straight to electrostats from my collection.
I'm currently using a pair of Beyer DT 177x and HD 6xx headphones regularly, and when I feel like it, going back to either a K701 or K601

I'm wondering what people use as their daily pair for listening, since electrostats look like they're quite high maintenance
What are some good bluetooth headphones?
there are no good headphones
In doubt Sony WH1000XM5
I use DC Aeon RT Open mainly, but I keep an old pair of Senn 558s around for casual listening. All planar headsets take a certain amount of effort to wear, and a lot of content just doesn't benefit from super accurate playback.
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I tried 40 headphones with EQ and all but Audeze were bad. I conclude that I do hear the distortion.
>you will not perceive distortion when boosting the sub-bass of open dynamic driver headphones to where it should be with EQ
source: bro it's science
The worst audio devices I've ever heard were sr-009s, sr1a and hd600. I don't even waste my time on non-planars anymore.
I tried a pair of SR-L700s when I was in Japan and the experience was pretty wild
there was all the detail I could possibly want from a song thrown at me at all the same time. compared to recording, it would be like the sound you get from condenser microphones, versus dynamic microphones. It's the reason why I would really like a pair of estats

but I can totally get people who won't like them, just like how I can get people who prefer dynamic mics over condensers

have you tried any other planars?
thinking of trying out maybe the lcdx
Is the O2 amp still a good choice for headphone amp or has something managed to surpass it by now without costing a gorillion dollars?
Get either the jds atom or schiit magni. Both around the same price/performance. $60 for the magni heretic.
are you deaf?
DT 770 pro is not recommended anymore ?

fifine https://aliexpress.com/item/1005006007773971.html
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The perfect headphone doesn't exis...
I've got a sennheiser 560s but now I'm looking for something portable for traveling and everyday commuting and possibly for working out as well
I'm not really familiar with qualifiers like warm, dark, harman, etc but I mostly listen to "post-hardcore" and "post-rock"
budget is about $100
>DT 770 pro is not recommended anymore ?
it's fine if you want something v-shape bright and comfy
jbl 720bt, you can use it wired and bluetooth is way better for working out
Sennheiser's audiophile product manager
>closed-back > open-back
>"latest album by Taylor Swift"
and some employers believe in expensive cables, wild...
O2 is a nice DIY project but that's about it these days
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O2 basically set the minimum standard for commercial amps. It's still good enough for lots of tasks, but any credible product has to measure better.
>closed-back > open-back
That's just basic product knowledge.
>expensive cables
Aesthetics impact how people think things sound.
Closed back = reverb
Absolutely disgusting.
Also, if you live alone, closed back = someone could break in and you wouldn't even hear them. Your smoke detector could go off and you wouldn't even hear it.
>you will not perceive distortion when boosting the sub-bass of open dynamic driver headphones
It's obvious on my DT990s.
Those don't need to be boosted.
>have you tried any other planars?
Yeah I went to an actual headphone shop with DC, Audeze, and Chifiman, but mostly just to satisfy the question of 'is planar different'. I didn't seriously evaluate Audeze because they're even more ungainly and don't have a reasonable stock sound profile.
It's obvious even without boosting.
we told you bro
we told you about beyerpos
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cheap dac amp for my he400se
cs43131, 3.5mm aux, jdsAtom
been using fiio ka11 + usb-c extension and it's loud af at 30% if u want a knob the fiio kb1 is nice
they around the same price here as the q11
is that one good? i see its way more expensive outside
no idea but needing to recharge is lame
i thought i'd just usb C em with a power and data cable and forget about it
the stock cable seems cringe though
If you just left Beyer off this image it wouldn't be so obvious you're a paid Beyer shill.
Buy an ad.
This is glocknade level retarded.
heard the moondrop dawn pro is also good
idk how to tell if it would be loud enough
What is harman-ish ? bassy ?
I hate these god damn headphones so much and it's auto adjusting ANC holy fuck

>A/C kicks on: ANC adjusts
>Turn water on: ANC adjusts
>Talk: ANC Adjusts

There's not even a way to disable the shit in the app either so anytime you do anything you get the PSHHHHHHHHH air noise because the ANC has to fucking auto adjust. Are the Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra or w/e the fuck they're called any better?
i liked these anc just meant void nothingness
i got the sennheiser momentum 4 because i cared about the sound quality but the entire time i ran an old redmi or a samsung phone
neither had aptx HD so the sound quality wasn't actually that much better

if you dislike that anc type get the xm4
The ANC just adjusts the strength and allows the sound in so while the water or AC is running it lets the sound through for some fucking reason. I had the XM4 before the XM5 and the ear pads basically fell to dust. I bough replacements but they were shit adn the OEM replacements were like $50 each.
then qc ultra it is

issue is if you care about sound quality they're likely worse than even the sony ones they run aptx adaptive not downgradeable to aptx HD which means 320 bitrate so if you play flacs instead of mp3 you will hear no improvement unlike sonys ldac or aptx hd
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somewhat close adherence to the harman target, i.e. sub-bass boosted with a clean shelf, and overall even response
bass is boosted but not with a clean shelf

these terms make more sense when you EQ to it or demo stuff.
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after checking i see that dac is good enough
i was about to get the ka13 but its 40$ more so this is a lot mor eworth it

only thing is i read here its got bad bass
whats it like

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