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General dedicated to free and open source text-to-image models.

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>101146316

Minimalist Edition

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
StableSwarmUI: https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Models, LoRAs & training

>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Comfy Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels
*SD.Next also works with PixArt-Sigma


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Share image prompt info

>Related boards
This is the thread
this is the bread
cant even fill a thread halfway anymore
happens to the best of us when you get older, you'll understand
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Don't they do this like every other week at this point? Has there been any actual breakthroughs in these lawsuits? Do they even win any of these?

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Maybe later today. I don't keep them saved, so I'll have to dig through archives.
99% of the people interested in /ldg/ are mostly interested in drama
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I think they want to set an example
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gm frens

Thx for all these collages
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Trying to get PixArt (punk girl) style that I like to 1.5
I for a sec considered trying to make sense of that presumably anvil/sharpening whetever the fuck, then i remembered it was AI, there will not be any logic behind that thing.
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I felt as if it would be bad form to take inpainting to that lol.
The hand melting into the apron i should have fixed tho.
what's a good model for generating landscapes concept art, with 8GB VRAM?
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i just grab whatever xl tune i feel like that particular day.
also pls no 3day i made sure there are no cowtits
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has anyone had luck with planes?
i will have to lora wont i?
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Usually need lora. Wings are fucked up so easily
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2nd try
So by "local diffusion" I'm guessing that means that this runs on your own hardware instead of sending your prompt to a server farm which then runs the model and sends it back, is that correct? Do local models send any data at all, or is it really a true off-line system? I'm getting tired of everything interesting being run on computers that are not mine...

Also for the record I did this captcha 6 times and was 100% confident I did it right each time and yet it INSISTS its wrong, even when it is very clearly correct. Fuck this world.

Both of these still look super fucked up...
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less fucked up, but with anything more than a casual glance its still very janky... External fuel tank on the right wing but not the left, missing pylon on right wingtip, nose-gear hatch is curved and open during flight, anomalous vertical stabilizer in the middle of the airframe...

Like if you wanted multiple of these in some kind of specific configuration to help visualize something like a dogfight in your head it would be fine, but these don't pass as a real picture or even something from a game. Maybe I'm missing something here but what's the use case for this?
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The sad truth about image AI is everything is a hallucination so if you're hoping for things to make sense you're going to be disappointed.
The use case for AI art was always for non-artist technical person trying to describe their vision to an artist what they want something to look like and artist will take AI art as a refernce point and will add details (unfuckit) fine tune it. At least that was the initial AI pitch early years. Now it more like "I can replace you with AI bud"
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AI will never make you an image you want.

DeLorean made by McLaren as a supercar
>break light facing forwards on the inside of the door
>for those times when you're driving backwards with the passenger side door open specifically
>Designed with excellence in mind
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This thread is mostly for the Chinese models you see in the OP, PixArt and Hunyuan. Neither send any information or data to the Chinese government or Huawei, no matter what that other retarded anon says
official pixart bigma waiting room
the next version of pixart will be called bigma? kek
yeap, the models themselves are 100% local running off your own hardware
no, it's just what i like to call it but it would be pretty funny if it did
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>Chinese code
>Chinese data
>Chinese devs
>Designed for the Chinese language
>Funded by Huawei
And it's still better than SAI cucked shit. Back to /sdg/ with you, shill
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Xenophobia is a bad look. Haven't sent a single thing to China myself
>Xenophobia is a bad look.
Are you really scared of China, anon? Come on
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Point me to a model where no Chinese worked on.
nice collage
is there some chinks on SAI?
Check paperwork.
I see no chinks for the sd3 paper
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Anyone using SD3?
0 chinks on the SDXL paper either
>inb4 "Anyone using SDXL?"
the answer is yes kek
training update?
Great news, we can use SDXL
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>SAI has 200+ employees
>Only 8 of those employees made SDXL, their best achievement yet
the fuck are the others doing?
At least half are regular office types. There are maybe a dozen developers total.
very nice..... very nice.....
Classic example of Silicon Valley bloat. The entire operation could be 90% developers and yet they manage to hire a bunch of dead weight.
can't believe only 4% of the employees are actually doing the real work, this is insanely inneficient
The prompt:
>no_humans, scenery, sky, english_text, building, traditional_media, outdoors, cloud, city, cityscape, rating_general, fine_art, artist_salvador_dali, landscape, style_impressionism
i know currently it's only 256px and later the res will increase after more training, but right now could you do a cheeky upscale img2img just to see what it would look like at a higher res (even if it's not what you're supposed to do)
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Can you train your own models with a large enough dataset if you want to make a specific type of image primarily? I realize that training the model is very compute intensive but I'm fine with it taking a long time to finish training the model.
It depends on what you're defining as training.
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>a galaxy in a glass bottle sitting on a table
It's still rudimentary.
It's one of those dark matter galaxies.
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Like if theres some specific category of image I want it to make and the default model is shit at it, can I re-do the model training on a new dataset so it will be less shit at that specific category?
It really depends on your definition of the word training and the word image, which you didn't spell out at all in your reply. Retard.
Yes but you'll need a bare minimum 24 GB VRAM GPU like a 3090 or 4090 to do it. Also depends on the model and what you're trying to train. It also depends how far away from the base training your concept is. Pony, for example, required months on a $50k computer setup to train SDXL. Pixart would be significantly easier to train on most concepts but will lose a lot of knowledge in the process.
drama free bred
>What does ethical really mean?
>We recognize that there’s a healthy sense of skepticism any time words like “Safety” “Ethics” or “Responsibility” are used in relation to AI.
>With respect to the model that the OMI will aim to train, the intent is to provide a capable base model that is not pre-trained with the following capabilities:
>Recognition of unconsented artist names, in such a way that their body of work is singularly referenceable in prompts
>Generating the likeness of unconsented individuals
What a bunch of fucking retards
>in such a way that their body of work is singularly referenceable in prompts
so it's going to be like pony, the data is there, it's just going to be hashed or present without the name of the artist.
They're retarded because they don't realize that artists will never approve of any AI model so they'll never win capitulating to them. For names the rule should simply be: do they qualify as a public figure: yes or no.
Are the high VRAM requirements just to make it run at a reasonable speed, or can it physically not make the necessary calculations unless it has all that information in memory at once?

Also what does SDXL stand for/mean? Im probably retarded but I have very little first hand experience with this stuff.
>so it's going to be like pony
he's on the team so that's probably his retarded idea yeah
You're so much a beginner you're wasting my time. Research it yourself you leech. Google exists. ChatGPT exists.
fair enough, but for the record, you probably could have typed an answer to the question in the same time it took you to not answer it. But again, I see your point.
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>muh artists, muh consent, muh ethics
meanwhile at Chad Midjourney's house
Hey asshole, your time is not more valuable than mine. Here's a protip: your demand to be spoonfed tells me you're not going to be succeed. You don't have the means, the desire, or capability to do it. For the record, you're so fucking stupid on this topic that you're just wasting everyone's time. You're basically asking the equivalent of "hey guys I want to make an MMO, I've never even played games before and I certainly haven't programmed anything let alone boot up Unity but I heard World of Warcraft is cool but it could be better"
Chill dude, sperging out is not the answer.
I'm just telling you why you're not going to get help. And why you this happens to you a lot. Because you don't even do the courtesy of learning even the fundamental basics. Anon, here's a life tip: USE GOOGLE TO ANSWER BASIC FUCKING QUESTIONS, NOT ONLY IS IT FASTER BUT IT DEMONSTRATES INITIATIVE. Anyways, good luck making your MMO from scratch.
Shut the fuck up and leave
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And of course the leddit cocksuckers are here to swallow the same shit they used to hate on SAI, they are real NPCs I swear
It's going to be funny when they make the exact same mistakes as SAI because the censorship rabbit hole goes forever.
I don't even know why they want to make a model in the first place, if it's going to be the exact same cucked formula as the one used for sd3 all they're going to get is the same shit
Did you not read the part of my reply where I explicitly said you were right (twice) and then didn't ask any more questions or push the issue further because --like you said and like I realized when you said it-- I don't have enough background knowledge to ask intelligent questions?

The only reason I even starting asking questions in the first place is because I didnt realize I didnt have the needed background knowledge to understand basic answers. Ie, I didnt know that knowing that SDXL stands for "stable diffusion XL" was some super basic level vocab and not something more advanced.

All I was suggesting in my reply was that you might consider saying that I am at such a beginner level that I'm wasting your time, answer the two second question, and *then* tell me to fuck off. That way the person leaves *and* gains a tiny bit of information, and it takes you no longer to do.
Ask Comfy yourself in the discord
Because of hubris and naivety. They don't understand that SAI's actions were actually rational. As these models get more complex and more parameters, the ability of the model to extrapolate concepts and demonstrate emergent behavior increases. For example, you don't have to have any blow jobs in the dataset but a complex model could generate pictures of blow jobs if it knew what sucking and penises are. This means you have to do lobotomies to remove emergent behavior and next thing you know you have a model generating mangled faces whenever a thing is going to be near someone's mouth.
Anon, you are a waste of time and your problem is you fundamentally don't understand that when you don't know something and you want someone who knows something to help you, you act respectful and courteous of their time. This is something you're supposed to learn when you're 8.
>They don't understand that SAI's actions were actually rational.
irrational you mean?
They are rational when they're terrified of being sued or releasing a model that can generate illegal images.
you think all the finetuners on civitai are going to jail then? because they're the one uncensoring the base models in the first place
Is SD3 good yet?
> Can you train your own models with a large enough dataset if you want to make a specific type of image primarily
Sure. For instance SDXS or Pixart Sigma might be trainable that way.

But practically speaking it depends on what you mean by "primarily" and for most people that often encourages making a LoRa instead.
I think Civitai is a modern day Kazaa or Limewire and without restraint they are going to get shut down. And we don't know how the DOJ are going to treat model makers, is a model capable of generating illegal images legal or not? And fine tunes are not the same as a base model because a base model is essentially the collective effort of a company and a finetune can essentially be the effort of a single individual. The standards of a base model will be higher and should be higher.
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SD3 will never be good because it has a restrictive license and they will never release the training code so you have to use other people's janky trainers.
kek, illusions of grandeur.
Go ahead and hand hold him, I won't stop you lmao
Maybe you can get on a voice chat and ERP
>And fine tunes are not the same as a base model because a base model is essentially the collective effort of a company and a finetune can essentially be the effort of a single individual. The standards of a base model will be higher and should be higher.
for me it doesn't make a difference, what's the point of preventing the base model making illegal images if we let people finetune it in anyway they want, it's like banning guns but not the ak-47, or else you do both or else you do none, shit's weird
>gets told to leave
>is still here
Uh, anon...
I honestly don't give a shit, just poking fun at you.
The fact that you refuse to understand the greater issue and you bad faith equate base models to fine tunes tells me you're immature. I'm just telling you that as long as Civit operates as a wild west host that allows models that generate deep fakes and illegal images the long term prospects for them is the same as Napster. You might as well be telling me that Napster is the same as two friends trading burned CDs.
you're just making asumptions anon, Civitai is free to do it because there's literally no law preventing anyone to make uncensored models, unlike SAI who prefer to shot themselves into the foot, Civitai is respecting the current law and is not willing to pretend they're some kind of arbiter of ethics or some shit, maybe there won't be such laws in the future, maybe there will, but at this instant, it's only supposition and we shouldn't act like there's some unwritten rules that needs to be applied, that's retarded
Yes anon, ever heard of the DMCA? Ever wondered why it was passed?
like I said, keep making asumptions and shoot yourself in the foot before it's too late and it will be officially illegal to do so, at least on the current time we're having, we have the freedom to make a totally uncensored model, so it's now or never, and the US isn't the world, not every country will be as cucked on the AI space, if the US want to cripple and cuck their models, China won't do the same mistake and wait for the moment to surpass the US on the most important technology of our century
It's really like you want AI models to be banned.
I dont know how I can be any more courteous than wholeheartedly agreeing with the person who calls me a leach, asshole, etc, then taking their advice and go and start learning about the basics on my own, and refrain from asking any further questions as soon as I realized that I was not qualified enough to even understand the answers to my questions.

You have to understand, my approach to learning a new topic on a forum/image board/etc is to assume I'm an absolute moron and openly admit it until eventually I get to a point where most people are unable to answer my questions, and I am able to answer the questions of others. I genuinely don't understand the hostility this guy had towards me. Literally the only thing I can possibly imagine might be trying to suggest a more effective and civilized way to handle uninformed dumb-asses like myself in the future.
it will be banned anyway, whether we show courage or we kneel and suck at the government's cock like a coward
Easy for someone to say as they sit back with zero risk. The people training base models assume all the risk because when the crackdown happens they'll be the first on the list.
>He thinks laws can be retroactive
I already explained to you why asking basic time wasting questions is on its face, rude. And no, I don't believe for a second you contribute to anything. You're a tumbleweed that wastes everyone's time. I also gave you the real answer: you are not capable of training an AI model, move on. You don't have the hardware, you don't have the capability and you don't have the initiative.
First off if someone trains a base model that can produce illegal content there's no reason to believe that person couldn't be prosecuted under existing law. You have the naive belief that just because it's not explicitly illegal does not mean that the government can not fuck up your life. Also civil law is more than enough to ruin your life if, I dunno, Taylor Swift decides to sue you.
Yeah, you're right, that's exactly what happened with Runaway when they decided to released the uncensored version of SD1.5... they are dead now... oh wait no they're doing fine they're even making GEN3 now
That's a fallacy argument. Just because someone got away with something does not mean the next person will. You should also note that Runway doesn't release uncensored models anymore :)
>You should also note that Runway doesn't release uncensored models anymore :)
of course, they looked at the 100 millions dollars debt SAI got by releasing free models and didn't want to end up the same, you only get money if you go the API route
SAI will never be able to account for the 100 million dollars because they certainly didn't spend it on training local models.
SD3 alone cost 10 millions to train
And H100s are $30k. Where's the money going? You think $1 million in H100s can't train SD3? Lmao.
dunno, you gotta ask Emad why it cost so much
Because they're doing Disney accounting paying $20k for toilet seats.
lmao, you know what, I think you're not that far from the truth :v
Nobody buys gpus lol
Yeah and that's how you go in debt paying $150k renting a $30k GPU.
who still posts gen btw
anons posting their best is great, but what is to admire about everyone posting their every gen with every post, this is how the general ''''should'''' look like, not like an art gallery and a place to do small talk
I enjoy the lively discussions, and I prefer it when anons choose to post something inspired, instead of the same 1girl batch
true. i however also like getting high and looking at anons gens like an art gallery. but your thing is probably better
Ironically AWS, Azure and GCP are more cost effective than purchasing, it's all well and good saying "lol just buy H100" but there's more to it than that. The problem is mismanagement and oversubscription, over 500 p4d.24xlarge adds up, around $4m per month based on 3 year reserved prices on AWS. First of all, they don't need that many nodes, second of all and most importantly, giving them away to any researcher with an ssh key is a waste of money.
For your reference, p4d.24xlarge has 8 A100, Intel Xeon Platinum 8275L and 1152GB ram, let's round to $10 per hour to make it easier and give you a chance, 730 hours monthly, $87600 annually to rent - far less than the purchase cost of the hardware, I'd estimate purchase cost at closer to $200k or more, not to mention what ~4kwh, running costs would add a few thousand at least. Remember cloud providers aren't making money from these servers until they've owned them for several years.
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>who still posts gen btw
I still post them when I feel like it, but I'm not feeling like waiting 4 minutes anymore for a single gen to come out (and that's using forge), nor am I willing to spend cash on upgrading just because of gens, especially with how pricy they are in a third world country, so I'll probably stop post them for another 2-4 weeks until I feel like making gens again
I guarantee you two 8xH100 servers can train the shit SAI put out. Renting is never cheaper outside of renting a backhoe for a day but keep telling yourself that.
Drop some

I'll make them. There are problems with each Gen different prompt (missing out on variations of the image) and even if you have different ideas for prompt you're bound to repeat them.
kek wish u a bunch of nice gens then
> two 8xH100
two (2)
No chance lol, try 128 x 8
>Renting is never cheaper outside of renting a backhoe
It's exactly like that
Gee anon I wonder if you were going to use a backhoe as a business for 2 years if it's cheaper to rent?
I dont think you are understanding what I'm trying to say here. I was very much aware that wasting someones time is rude, and have been for a very long time. That's basic, common sense. I would not have asked the question if I knew it was such a basic question. I did not ask any questions after realizing this, nor did I further pursue questions I had already asked. I repeatedly acknowledged my mistake. I took the persons advice on how to correct said mistake. I have made multiple attempts to explain myself (while repeatedly acknowledging that this does not justify my error) with the hope that doing so would make it clear that I had no intention of being discourteous or rude, and that I was remorseful that this was how my actions were interpreted. I'm sorry. I regret the incident. I will make every effort to avoid making the same mistake in the future. I don't know what else I can say, how I can demonstrate this any more clearly than I already have.
You've spent more time bitching about this than Googling which AI art models are popular and then typing "how to train SDXL"
interdimensional rift, dutch angle, chromatic abberation, humanoid ferrofluid entity, dusty gust of wind, dusk
Yes, it is, there'll be a new, better backhoe available by then, you don't need to maintain the backhoe, you get support from the manufacturer, and you don't need to try and shift your old shit backhoe to afford the new one
>I guarantee you two 8xH100 servers can train the shit SAI put out.
Yesterday, an anon was talking about the fact he was pretraining pixart 1.3b architecture with 6 millions pictures with only 2x4090 cards, I think pixart lead us the way of affordable pretraining, no more we would need to rely on giant cucked companies
And that's how you got 100 million in debt with nothing to show for it.
Yeah so I think 8xH100s could easily train a 4B Pixart model that ran circles around SD3 8B in half the time.
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Refer to my original post. SAI has nothing to show for it due to incompetence, they'd still have nothing to show for it if they had purchased gpus instead.
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Except the resale value of the GPUs :)
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You truly dont understand my point here. I'm not bitching about this. I'm trying to offer an apology. I clearly hit a nerve with at least one person, and I'm trying to fix that. That is far more important to me than learning about training AI models.
Except if you sell your backhoe you're out of business, you're not going to get anywhere near retail in return, you still have the debt and nothing to show for it
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>interdimensional rift, dutch angle, chromatic abberation, humanoid ferrofluid entity, dusty gust of wind, dusk
Dare I say, based?
The proper way to apologize is to do your own research and then come back asking proper questions.
i love /ldg/
H100s are $28k used. You lose $2k. I know you're used to depreciation from your cell phone but things that are actually valuable don't lose much value.
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these morons are actually worse than SAI. I can only guess that the "open source dream team" thing is a facade and their long-term plan is to transition to a saas startup. nothing else would explain the idiocy of these ideas.
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Because everything about them smells of crypto bro fast money. Their short term plan is to do SaaS and this is a marketing campaign.
If the roles were reversed, I would interpret that as indifference at best. To me the subject matter is less important than the way people conduct themselves. But I understand your thinking.
You simply prove your intention was always to waste time because you were never serious.
Let's say your budget is $28k, you can purchase one (1) H100 or you can rent 8 H100 (p5.48xlarge, capacity block pricing) for nearly a month.
It's simple math that what you can train in less than one month with 8 would take nearly 8 months with 1.
If 8 isn't enough, you can rent more for less time, whereas if you've blown your entire budget on 1 and it isn't enough then you're out of luck
we love you too anon
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>>101161971 >>101161999
Why not. It sidesteps most of the pissed off people and you can still offer art styles and "synthetic" mixtures of artists that do not name any artists but are "your" learned styles.
No one is that efficient, you're giving the literal best case scenario which is requires someone to already know what they're doing and leaves zero room for experimentation and anyone who has done serious fine tuning will know that unexpected mess ups can happen and you will waste hours of time. Even if you had a very specific fine tune goal and you had a pretty good idea of what's going to happen, there is no guarantee that the end result is what you wanted. Further, your scenario also has the wrong assumption that you won't need the GPUs after you use them for a month when in reality if you're going to use 8xH100s you're probably going to want them more than just a month because you'll have ongoing productive value from them. It also completely ignores the flexibility and value of having GPUs on premises. If you can afford to rent, you can afford to buy and if you spending tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, you can figure out how to make your money back even with purchasing (or financing) outright. Renting only makes sense for the following: you need scalability like for a SaaS service, you cannot afford to pay up front (or get financing) or you actually, literally only have use for the GPUs for a month. But if you're actually going to make money with your GPUs with a serious business plan, no amount of depreciation is going to stop you from making your money back over a two year period of utilization. And after that, you can either sell the hardware for at least 50% of the value or you can downgrade them for less important tasks but still provide immense value. Even 4 years from now I don't believe that H100s are going to be useless.
>It sidesteps most of the pissed off people
fuck them, those fuckers want AI gone, period, you can't appease them
>try to regenerate the background
>a weird blurry ghost creeps from behind the 1girl
It's more problematic to do Akira Toryama, 1girl than anime, 1girl in an international base model, there are places that won't be quite ok with it.

Animestyle1-10000, 1girl will do for a set of ten thousand consistent synthetic styles not actually like any specific artist.

And loras can be made by people in legislatures where imitating specific artists isn't a problem. It is even more realistic to accurately train individual artists that way.
Fun fact, I'm not sure if it's still a thing, but I recalled anons over from /x/ used to believe LLMs and txt2img models were basically digital demons, or a gateway to communicate with the divine.
I don't hate the idea of removing artists by name as long as there is proper style keywords to replace them. If you can replicate the work of popular artists using stacked style keywords then there really is no issue. But I think it's a pipe dream based on the idea that artists are arguing against AI in good faith and it will require a ton of dataset work, maybe even a fine tune of a vision model to properly annotate styles because this would only work if there were thousands of defined styles and keywords which itself will require an art historian.
Same. No, not all argue in good faith and you're not completely aiming to just make them happy.

It's also to have boomer politics not get pissed off about you doing something they think is utterly unreasonable like mass forging an artists' works. Which is far easier to attack politically than "we learned our shit and do our own personal shit from scratch like any artist but with more modern tools, fuck off".
Yes, you should already know what you're going to do. No, you shouldn't rent OR buy gpus unless you actually need them.
>Renting only makes sense for the following: you need scalability like for a SaaS service, you cannot afford to pay up front (or get financing) or you actually, literally only have use for the GPUs for a month.
Yes, all of those apply. You absolutely need scalability, training too slow? use more nodes, it's not difficult to understand. You can't afford to pay upfront because purchase cost is far greater than the rental cost and you need to pay staff and everything else, the hint is in the word "budget". Training jobs don't last forever.
I wouldn't even mind the lack of keywords to replace them. All I care about is the model being trained on good source material.
I think this ultimately is the step that takes it from a novelty Reddit image meme generator to an actual tool of artistic expression. As cute as "an illustration of Bugs Bunny by Norman Rockwell" is, it's what's holding AI art back from legitimacy.
>this would only work if there were thousands of defined styles and keywords
Why wouldn't people define more and more styles and keywords over time?

Also if some keywords aren't perfectly identified initially ... IDK, rococo isn't 100% perfect rococo but a derivative - shit happens. We also had <artist name> not be perfectly <artist name> before so many times.
>We plan to curate datasets that avoid any depictions/representations of children, as a general rule, in order to avoid the potential for AIG CSAM/CSEM.
Ah yes, the nuclear option. I was wondering when safety ethics fags would realize this was the only way.
I dont see how prioritizing people and their emotions and experiences over learning something on my own, something I can do at any time, indicates that I set out to waste other peoples time. I find the act of inadvertently upsetting others highly distasteful. Doing so and simply walking away without rectifying the issue would be an insult greater than what initially started this whole thing in my mind. By prioritizing that, I am trying to show respect for the people I offended.

I am saying they are more important to me than anything I had hoped to gain from them.
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they aren't ethical enough, they should remove humans all together to prevent bad things happening
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Interesting blog, looks like the DiT architecture can be quantized without losing too much accuracy
Ridiculous desu. Safety checks should happen before or after inference. Check the prompt, check input images, check output image. Maybe if the original stable-diffusion-safety-checker had more effort into it than clip sim areola 0.214 it would still be in use and the problem wouldn't be so bad.
>wonder why my img2img is shit again
>change sampler, steps and denoise
>turns out I forgot to input score_schizo
Every time. I need to change my ui defaults so I can forget about it.
But it's already doomed because that's not enough. There are 20 year olds that look underaged. A cup women? They're out. B cup, that's borderline. But wait, that means you can't have topless men in the dataset either, a man's chest can be an underaged female's chest. That's also assuming the model won't demonstrate emergent abilities with the "young" concept. So you really can't train on anything young including animals. Eventually you just get back to a clothing only model of 30+ year olds.
>DiT architecture can be quantized without losing too much accuracy
..no fucking way.. REAL SHIT? I was starting to believe it's futile with txt2img models.
that's because DiT is a sort of transformers architecture, and transformers can be quantized yeah, that's my 2 cents
they are more insane than the SAI fags, even OpenAI doesn't go that far, the first commercial ad made by Sora involves children
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98% of stuff here anyhow didn't generally do single artists but mixtures either named or unnamed which indeed is probably very often even even novel. IDK about Reddit.
They get away with it because SaaS products can easily do censorship. You can block bad prompts (an LLM validating prompts for safety) and you can block bad images (a VLM validating output for safety).
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>IDK about Reddit.
We don't talk about that one.. 4chan isn't the brightest of places, but nothing can beat the brainrot levels of slop I've seen from it's sd sub.
>and you can block bad images (a VLM validating output for safety
I wonder how this VLM got trained in the first place... if you know what I mean...
AI models are smart, it can figure out nudity and child without ever being trained on nude children.
For example, WDV3 despite basically being trained only on anime, can correctly annotate most images.
what if they used some AI nude children to make the model even more accurate, would be fucking ironic if you ask me
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How do they do normal subjects? An amusement park or school with only adults will be just weird. This one is a stupid goal.

Also: Do they block war crimes, drugs and murder crimes too?
It doesn't have to be that accurate and not that you would need to, nude + child no matter the context should be blocked. But it sounds like you'd love to be an FBI naughty image inspector.
this has quickly become on of my favorite series
They don't and now you see the rabbit hole is infinite and before you know it the model is exclusively inanimate objects.
You should google "sdxl lora training" after you'r finished pissing him off lol.
I remember seeing an article about OpenAI's african "employees" having to gather fucked up text shit to train chatgpt to be better on refusals, so I thought the same thing would be done on imagegen Idk
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I mean he's not wrong there
Wasn't SD3 an example of that? I remember someone posting that being the very case, in spite of women laying in grass.
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Thanks! I believe nearly anyone can be a failure at training!

I hope they realize.
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This cucked era will soon be over, Pixart made pretraining mainstream, some anon already showed that with only 2x4090 you could pretrain a 1.4b pixart model
They won't because they already publicly announced it so they march off to their doom. But really I just predict another Unstable Diffusion rug pull.
I'm so good with being a failure at training, that I didn't even begin to do so! Literally a world record speedrun.
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We don't need them, OpenDiffusion will do the job PROPRELY
>Questions of morality and ethics beyond the law are beyond the scope of this project. We are not an ethics board or a group of philosophers. Members of the community are encouraged to publish datasets and contribute to models that comply with their own personal codes of conduct, however at an organizational level, we will only seek to limit contributions to the extent demanded by US law.
Unfortunately that project seems more like a bunch of 16 year olds designing logos for a video game.
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Nah, the project lead has been banning people from the discord for pointing it out already. It is hopeless.
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Who could've guessed the people who hang out with ComfyAutist would be this way?
>We are unhappy with the way SD3 has been trained, it was too censored. This is why we decided to make our own model with even more censorship!
What the fuck man?
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>>101164635 >>101164698
Who is kent? Anyhow it's already doomed then, I suppose.

Maybe you can also run crazy inference on that masterpiece.
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Silhouettes are getting better.
same person who is behind the announcement on reddit, the "hipsterusername" guy.
>We will also explore tooling that helps creators reference styles without the use of artist names.
So, for those retards, the whole point of not allowing us to prompt artist names is to prevent backlash from unconsenting artists, but at the same time, we will be able to use their style anyway, and you think they just won't notice the work around or something? There's no way their IQ is on the 3 digit scale...
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I wouldn't actually have guessed. Comfy posted countless fennec girls.
Oh, pretraining-anon! How many pictures did you train already? And how many times did it take?
Shit, you're completely right. Comfy is just getting cucked every step along the way lmao.
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There's like 6 million images now, it's been training for a while. Probably over a hundred thousand steps. This almost looks like a dog. I'm preparing for another million image dump into the training model, I'm going to caption the cinescale dataset which has annotated camera angles and positions. Probably have them long formed captioned + camera_[angle] and camera_[level] booru tags.
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and pony dude astralite allegedly mainly does this to have talking interactable my little ponies eventually, they're also too young looking by default tho.

no megumin, yotsuba, satania, [...], playgrounds and schools full of adults for some surreal postapocalyptic scifi "no births" setting every time. and so on.

guaranteed success, ya
>6 million images
I wonder how many images is enough for a good pretraining, do we know how many pictures was being used for sd3-2b for example?
Did you see the new taggui captioning models Florence-2 and internlm/internlm-xcomposer2-vl-1_8b?

They are relatively fast and might be interesting.
>would probably have to filter animals out of the set too if they're going for "Legal NSFW" outputs
My gut says you need at least 10 million just have the variety needed. But I bet you could do a booru model with a couple million.
>I wonder how many images is enough for a good pretraining
until the loss function reaches a plateau, it depends on the quality/variety of the pictures, it also depends on the size of the model, the architecture also
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Yes I've been using Florence exclusively since it came out because it tags at like a second per image with only a minimal drop of quality.
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yea starts to look a bit like a dog - any other in-training samples of some common stuff? IDK,.car / meadow / 1girl / 1boy / river / housee [...]
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>cinescale dataset which has annotated camera angles and positions
how's the quality of the caption though? and can it do NFSW? :^)
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Nice, I thought they'd be useful from my own testing if some speed is required.
what's the picture you used to get this caption?
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Of course you have to have an astronaut on a horse on the moon. I'm also testing galaxy in a bottle.

It does very clinical nsfw captions. "Nude woman holding a penis in an erotic picture" style captions. Llava 1.6 is way more willing to talk dirty but it's significantly slower.
this shit is a disaster in the making really. you're never going to have an 'ethical nsfw' model. the amount of shit you'd need to prune from the dataset is immeasurable. any model sufficiently smart enough would be able to recreate kid-like generations anyway just by describing certain features. it's clear they're trying to appease the mob with the nsfw stuff, but it's simply not going to work out. most of the people in the discord are normalfag wagecucks. they will never be willing to actually make a powerful uncensored model because they all attach their real names to their profile in an desperate attempt to snag a fat openai salary.
this, the only way to get a fully uncensored base model would be from some anonymous fags who is willing to pretrain the model without saying anything till the day he releases the model, a bit like this anon >>101165119
Or some richfag who have nothing to lose like Elon Musk kek
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>The image is a screenshot from a video game. It shows a character named "Hlorar Wine-Bot" standing in a forested area with trees and rocks in the background. The character is wearing a black outfit and has a purple face paint on their face. In front of the character, there is a text box with a message that reads "A witch who had to be, I was on my way to Caldera when I met her. She was a strange and strange creature, and she was quite friendly and well-known. She is a witch with a long beard and a pointed hat. She has a mischievous expression on her face and is holding a staff in her right hand.

>At the bottom of the image, there are several icons, including a shield, a sword, and a potion bottle. On the right side of the screen, there appears to be a menu bar with various options for the player to choose from.

I'm a big fan of memery. I put 100 hours of Youtube retrospectives into the model because I'm a fan of n64, ps1, old pc, etc styles.
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It's pretty good. Still a ways from XComposer2-4KHD-7B but that one is just SO slow.

> and can it do NFSW? :^)
Just "is nude" type if stuff.

You might want to do 50/50 pasees or w/e with WDv3 tagging. So far this seems to be a SOTA technique with current models anyhow.
>I'm a big fan of memery. I put 100 hours of Youtube retrospectives into the model because I'm a fan of n64, ps1, old pc, etc styles.
based, the ps1 has the best aesthetics, especially for its intros
It's going to be all for naught anyways because despite all the effort to sanitize it someone's going to figure out how to make it generate illegal images day 1, guaranteed. Almost like how DRM fucks over paying customers and pirates still get the game the same day.

I'm just trusting the lewd tags from boorus will be enough for the model to figure out the concept emergently. I'm purposely training vague prompts in too so that the model isn't reliant on specific caption styles. We'll see if I'm punished for it later.
>this, the only way to get a fully uncensored base model would be from some anonymous fags who is willing to pretrain the model without saying anything till the day he releases the model
and he leaks this model on 4chan so that no one can know who made this kek
You better believe it's going to be released behind 6 proxies on a seedy large file host.
no one knew who leaked Llama1 when he decided to put the torrent on 4chan, so that's possible I guess
But who knows, maybe I can find someone to release it for me and do some basic DPOs away from egregious illegal content.
I said fully uncensored, like the Runaway did on SD1.5
SD 1.5 is a dinosaur compared to what a model like this might be capable of. This model most likely will produce photorealistic nude people with XXX situations, not flesh monstrosities.
I don't know man, I still prefer SD1.5 compared to SDXL for realistic shit, the skin on SDXL looks off
We're not talking about fine tunes, SD 1.5 out of the box really isn't that great. This model, out of the box, might be insane. But who knows, maybe I'm counting my chickens six months early, it's a long road from here to a 1024px release, in that time this model might not even be relevant.
BTW 0.9B Sigma tune: https://civitai.com/models/539101/realmode-pixart-sigma

>I'm just trusting the lewd tags from boorus will be enough for the model to figure out the concept emergently
That's absolutely also possible.
anyways, don't cuck your model too hard, the finetuners will uncuck it anyway, so it'll just be a waste of time for everyone involved
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>I'm purposely training vague prompts in too so that the model isn't reliant on specific caption styles. We'll see if I'm punished for it later.
I hope not but I think literally basically no one knows. Groundbreaking engineering you've got going on there.
I thought pixart sigma was a 0.6b model
They scam stretched the weights which is possible if you do it in small amounts and I think there's other limitations.
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Anon >>101165119 is making it a 1.3B (I think) model and that other guy made it 0.9B.

I think it's some technique that mathematically works ok up to an upper limit, ya.

Distinct from the 1.3B training from scratch tho.
The model is technically censored because there are some concepts I did not train on like scat and vore. Also it's generally biased towards concepts I think are interesting, like video games. There is very little celebrity stuff in here outside of what might be relevant on top 100 movie / tv show lists.
how do you really get the prompts you want with 75 tokens, any advice, porn btw
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You have to sacrifice a virgin(ity).
learn from the best pictures on civitai, you can use their prompts
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The correct tokens do it better, newer model types do it better. It's not always possible by any means.
The goal is to have a mixture of wild west SD 1.5 (raw search titles and alt tags) with short prompts, long prompts and booru tags. I'm hoping it will make it robust and make it fun to prompt with because I think the magic tags like "greg rutkowski" in SD 1.5 is what made it special.
that guys models look bad like he trained using a bunch of AI images
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>I'm a fan of n64, ps1, old pc, etc styles
Amiga also had some great ones like Syndicate (1998), Turrican II: The Final Fight and Chaos Engine

some box art scans: https://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/Amiga_Game_Box_Scans
>that guys models look bad like he trained using a bunch of AI images
he did...
>This model takes pixart to photorealism and hyperrealism. Trained on 50/50 curated synthetic data and real data.
With that said, I might have downloaded a lot of images from /b
So there will be some wild shit
more power to him if he likes how it looks but goddamn do i really despise how it looks
ultra AI looking model yuck
same anon, same, I really hate the AI inbreeding concept as a whole
it's 50% photos tho, it's probably also the usual struggle of getting a lot of good training data in for a lot of epochs (unless you luck out with settings optimizer and so on and fewer epochs work).
>photorealism and hyperrealism
Do people not know what these words mean? Does not look like photo realism at all
You're telling me, with a straight face, that they're aren't enough real photos on the Internet?
you're joking right? there's billions of pictures on the internet, if there something you won't have enough, it's fucking pictures
For the model to understand photos is quite simple, there are not that many dimensions and a large range of source material. Anime is a bigger problem, with a lot more unique and interesting graphical dimensions and a things are very obvious when something has gone "wrong". I would expect that we could train a model that could easily produce very convincing photorealistic images, but the idea of a model creating images with the depth and complexity of most anime is probably beyond my lifetime.
Anime is literally the same as children's cartoons. The backgrounds are plain and static. The character's facial expressions are exaggerated so even the spackiest of autistics can understand.
Retard alert, retard alert.
Somebody ring the retard alarm
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Imagine my shock to discover you were only pretending to be retarded
Despite its flaws compared to modern models, 1.5 anime is quite good. Sure it could be better, but it is VERY good IMO.
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>but the idea of a model creating images with the depth and complexity of most anime is probably beyond my lifetime.
Midjourney Niji would disagree with you on that one
>>101165707 >>101165718
Yea it doesn't work quite that easily else you could easily prompt every common type of bird on all models. You can't.
it would be possible with a model big enough to learn every single concept on earth
You're still saying there aren't enough real images in existence? This sounds absurd.
and these were posted june of last year? that was around the time sdxl was only just releasing... local is a joke holy fuck ethicsfaggotry and shitty architectures have set us back at least 5 years at this point
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"Open"source models be like:
Midjourney be like:
>You want Messi playing football with Kobe Bryant? No problem son, here you go.
yep, it's sad to know the open source models are more censored than the API ones
now prompt them nude on MJ
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Yep, the others are improving their craft while the (((open))) source community are still talking about gay shit ethics, it's really great!! :)))
can anon post the b8 meme its on my other puter
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How about this?

I'm really surprised there isn't a Midjourney thread on 4chan, it's still the king on aesthetics
sloppa sloppa
show me a "non-sloppa" gen anon
Yes, it's got great aesthetics, but you have very little control. The model achieves excellent aesthetic by forcing you to gen what it wants. This is what the anti-AI brigade is afraid of. Local gen gives the user enough control to express their soul and create real art.
Amiga had some fantastic games. 90's Games in general have some fantastic ideas behind games (sadly some bad execution of them) The limitation of the hardware really pushed people to some creative ways to write code.
If training a style LoRA using autismmix/pony, would I want to do captioning similar to BLIP or is pony so fucked on booru tags that I'd need the WD tagger style?
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PixArt interpretation
me likey
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SDXL version
less so
PixArt-Nigma is the future and nobody can tell me otherwise
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SD version (will change to a different model of SD)
The night is young over at:
>90's Games in general have some fantastic ideas
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SD (model changed)
that's more like it
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Just want to point out that there is no neg and no buffer for the prompt. What you gave is what you get.

Another SD (model changed)
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My little anonymous can't be THIS salty! And on an anime website! Why not return to r/StableDiffusion?

SD1.5 anime models are the best, calm your mantits.
X-com, Worms, and Cannon Fodder

Nothing came close to the iconic trio since inception.
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SD (Anime model)
Lots of good and through discussion ITT
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SDXL fork
The reality is this is a massive legal grayzone and if youj want investment to make openai you have to say it's safe and children are not involved. Otherwise all your means of getting investment and donations will be blocked by the currency exchange companies.
Motherfucker its open source. Anyone could remove the safety checks. That's why dall-e and midjourney can get away with it because you don't have access to the model and as of right now there's no way to integrate safety mechanisms into the model other than not training it or obliterating the weights.
>user deliberately disables safety checks
not my problem
The problem is legally they will be on the hook. Unless you fork over the money to make a base model I don't think people can really bitch and moan
>coomers and pedos sperging about safety measures
love to see it
The amount of people sperging out over "I can't generate children straight out the gate" is kinda terrifying
If there was a reasonable effort with regards to safety checking and license terms forbid removal of safety checking legally they'd be covered. Consider some dangerous tool, a chainsaw for example, the manufacturer adds safety features, it's literally not my problem if the user removes the safety features and ends up cutting off their leg.
Actually we can expand this example further, what you're suggesting is that the manufacturer produce a blunt chainsaw that cannot possibly cut off a leg even with the safety features removed, resulting in an absolutely useless product that couldn't cut butter

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