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Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years Edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101145818
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>Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years

Doing your wife.
>Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years Edition
Fortune 500(in a perfect world defense contractor) or networking vendor of some variety
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A new hire an Indian manager started to lay off people and move operations to outsourcers from India.
Why do we allow them to do this?
>Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years
A shallow grave.
>Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years Edition
God Emperor of Mankind
>Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years Edition
Still retired
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Good morning sirs
because there is no we anymore
countries are run by Jews and not to the interest of the people
Should I look only for jobs in C#/.NET? 2 YOE, one in C# and one in Ruby (yuck). I really liked .NET but there seems to be more Java and Python in my cunt, both similar to languages I know I guess, but idk if I'll have any chance at getting a non-grad role in either. I could just try sticking it out for C#, learning Ruby and all its shitty poorly documented libraries on the job at my current job has been a disaster with our dogshit onboarding, really would prefer not to go through that again soon.
So in a few years, it'll be that you either have a master's/PhD in ML and thus a solid career, or you're a replaceable sklearn monkey?
Guess I should start working on that grad school application then.
seeing people trying to start tech careers in their 30s/40s is insane to me like nigga you've had 20 years to pick a career
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Stop being a wagie. Stop wasting your life making someone else wealthy and become a maid instead. Use your talents to make advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research and post it to Public Domain to help technology get advanced more.

We don't get to android women or counting to the Maid Mind Computer Program when so much talent wastes it's life making boring, shitty corporate webapps which amount to CRUD plus roles to let other wagies do paperwork with the app.

Quit your job and put on a maid outfit.
Sorry I was watching anime in my twenties
Holy fuck making a resume is hard. I have been at the same job for 10 years and have done a lot of different projects but there's never been clear cut role changes and nothing happens in clean linear order.
I would never marry a chink.
I'm Canadian applying to US jobs, when it asks if I have work authorization, do you guys put yes? And when it asks if sponsorship for a visa is required, do you put no?
Technically the TN is not a visa for Canadians and just needs a job offer to get it at the border. Feel like answering the above two questions truthfully gets my resume trashed anyways. Also, fuck Canada.
I just say yes to everything, idgaf.
>Are you permitted to legally work in Canada?
>Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
>Do you have any medical conditions which will require special accommodations?
>Do you have a criminal record?
>Have you been convicted of a violent offence in the past 12 months?
>Are you currently registered in the national sex offender database?
>Would you fuck a heavy-set woman with debilitating mental health issues?
>Would you fuck me?
>When can you come over to fuck me?
>...We'll keep your resume on file and let you know if anything comes up.
>That wasn't a question.
>Goodbye, have a nice day.
Thanks, but I'm still a solid two to three years away from developing a mental illness.
The redpill is to make up your job responsibilities to sound a lot like the job you're applying for.
No I am not creative enough to be good at this.
>be me, have common name John Smith
>recruiter from company I want to work at emails me in particular about hiring me for a specific role
>it's a little out of my wheelhouse, but I can figure it out, sure.
>call her
>she admits to me that there's like 50 people with my name in their system and she picked the wrong one
Oh okay fuck you then I guess.
>The redpill
I thought this was standard resume writing advice.
What are the comfiest programming (in the loose sense) jobs? Be it in backend dev, data science, whatever
I don't particularly care about income I just want decent job security and comfort. Eurofag btw
I applied for some faggot job that was way out of my league. I got an e-mail from the recruiter working there, talking to me like he knew me, offering a job paying over 200k AUD. I shot him back a message asking if he'd like to talk tomorrow and never heard anything back.
How do I needful my way into the wide world of IT?
Which position is easiest to get, and what certifications would I need?

Literally nobody:

This app for some reason:
How important is business for professionals?
How can innovative technology affect technology innovation?
What impact can pineapple have on pizza?
How significant is vandalism for monuments?
What's the origin story of wasps?

Wow, thanks for this feature! If you'd asked me how you could enhance my professional networking experience, I definitely would have picked "make it feel like I'm being followed around the Internet by a 7-year-old who's just started regurgitating sentence fragments they picked up from trying to read the Harvard Business Review."

And if you have no idea what I'm talking about then you're clearly not paying enough for LinkedIn
It is, I was trying to be funny. Sorry.
Bros I am off LinkedIn because of their data breach and it just being generally gay.
Is this a mistake?
EU nigga they're all sweatshop tier for 2k eurobucks a month
There’s a large and growing (for now lol) class of people who really hate kids and they are not shy about using the state apparatus to punish kids and the people who choose to have them, even when they aren’t even directly inconvenienced
In my experience any company that primarily services government (municipal or local) is pretty comfy and not very demanding.
Pay is usually comparatively shit, though.
>gave up trying to get a tech job
>start applying for accounting roles
>have two interviews within a month and one looks like they'll offer me a job

Shit why have I bothered putting up with all of these rejections for so long
do you have an accounting degree?
Be born in Hyderabad.
I'm sitting here, wearing a bathrobe with my dick out, watching Seinfeld late into the night. I was going to work on my shit, but I ate myself into a food coma and I haven't been able to escape. I was going to drop acid, but I'm too tired to meet God. Perhaps, I'll do all I was meant to do today tomorrow. For the time being, my blood is high in sodium because the very same meal that has led me into a dreary food paralysis has now given me the drinking habits of a camel. The extra lean burrito mince was generously seasoned with table salt and I'm glad I live in a country where clean drinking water is easily accessible from my own home.
no lol. I just told them I was studying for exams and putting myself through them.
They aren't great jobs but they do have progression at least
I see some companies still have job postings from 3+ months ago. Why aren't they hiring? Are they just getting ready to give the job to a pajeet?
I'm just trying to make my base template at the moment so that I have a starting point for specific jobs.

It's good advice and yet a lot of people don't do it.
what did you even put on your resume to get interviews? I can't even get a fucking interview for a McJob in Canada right now, no idea what the fuck to do with my life at this point
what are you yapping about?
Keep applying with fresh info to prevent them from jeetsoyrcing.
>be ethnic indian but born in US
>really good engineer, don't have an accent unless i want to
>can leverage my skills, experience, and knowledge to get wypipo to hire me
>can leverage being brown and pretend to be fob to get indian managers to hire me
>tfw double employability

seethe whitoids lmaoooooooo
Use it to isis the irs
At least you're not a filthy Muslim. Congrats
>born in US
this is the only thing that matters, but you keep pretending bud.
Made an about section talking about how I'm frustrated with the lack of opportunities in my current industry and how I want to go into accounting because it suits my crossover skills from swe. Then I found some accounting qualifications that I could self-study and put myself through alone and said I was studying those under education. Basically made it sound completely normal and understandable why I was pivoting and it seems to be working
Ironically, you will be passed over because you will want US wages and your ethnic brethren will work for less.
I don't know. It's like dating: The sample size is too low to really get a good understanding of what works.

I think the best advice is to just assume you're not invited and fuck off.
Everything I hear tells me Canada is fucked.
Dumbfucks running mad scientist leetcode interviews and being amazed that nobody can solve their esoteric technical questions on the fly. They have no choice but to conclude that their reservoir of talent is poisoned by a swarm of dilettantes who merely posture as "engineers". If only there was an endless stream of candidates who are willing to humiliate themselves by spending over a hundred hours of their own time, painstakingly memorizing elaborate answers and regurgitating them on the fly for a 30k annual salary.

Despite the in-depth algorithmic knowledge this company proudly boasts to have during all 9 interviews, there are several databases containing user passwords saved in plaintext.
Oh, lol, the interview date is like 2 weeks out. That should give my face enough time to heal.... just need to not get any more black eyes between now and then
Congrats, you're based and curry pilled. You get to work for prestigious white man companies and are viewed favourably by their Indian management, no matter what you do.
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i'm actually muslim, but i always get rid of my beard when an interviewer has an indian name, so they can't tell

if an indian manager needs to hire a senior engineer to keep the offshore indian team in check, they'd rather hire someone who can not only do the work, but also knows the language and culture
I was too broad. I have good Muslim friends. Islamists are the issue.
Good pay + good workhours = rare
Good pay + shit workhours = some
Shit pay + good workhouds = some
Shit pay + shit workhours = many
I don't know if it really works this way. I think your first job out of college kind of pigeon holes you and you can't really deviate from whatever track that has.
What do you mean fucked? It's completely ok and normal to give every Indian graduating from a college or uni a two year work permit. It's also completely ok and normal to give 50 000 H1B rejects free work permits to Canada. This is not fucked, it's completely ok and normal.
Any role in a smallish company that has their own product (so no consultancy, no 3rd party clients ecc) and that's not yet been bought out by some bigger company
ok chink
dong hwan ching chong ping pong
yeah agreed
>Get assigned to create new project from the ground up
>Have to write documentation and design the entire thing
>Write the document out, answering all questions, technical and product
>Come up with various optimizations to make this thing work really well
>"good work anon! lets get started"
>Spend 3 weeks working on this thing
>Write all the code myself based on my documentation
>We get right up to the finish line and they want to fundamentally change the design
>They didn't read the document at all
>I have to rewrite everything now

Why do they do this to me
QA Automation Engineer here, ask me anything
Bro wtf start intermittent fasting and stop eating goyslop.
Apologies friend, I was not aware.
>intermittent fasting
I'm running on a calorie deficit and the mince is something I made myself. It was tasty.
>wait to go to work
>repeat forever
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I'm in a peculiar scenario and I'm looking for advice to get myself out of this hole
>get CS degree and get job offer before graduating
>job is engineer position for a state government agency
>they hired me specifically so I could make replacements for their tools, but do other engineering work
>make most of the tools
>new governor comes in and because of literal politics my "engineer" job has been changing
>barely do any engineering work, programming, etc. anymore, almost all day is spent editing grammar and being a glorified beaurocrat
>there's more changes coming
I'm looking for a new job but I don't know if I have enough for my resume
What are some certifications or projects I can do that look good and get interviews?
gentle reminder to keep practicing your skills, work on your personal projects, keep searching new stuff, fuel your autism
the funny thing is that i still do it even after dropping out and being a NEET for a year. I probably am an actual autist retard
it's a wonder that double checking AI output isn't a field unto itself desu

i always lie on applications. it's not illegal and sometimes the employer even lets slip that they DO have a position closer to you/that doesn't require some specific actual license(not a meme cert but like a driver's license or explosives handling certificate or w/e)/etc
>10 years of experience NOC/Networking roles
>expired Network+
>expired CCNA
what’s my best move to get a pay raise?
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>all of my changes for a project were working fine
>main team working on the project had a scope change less than a week before launch
>extra year of data is now being pulled in because of scope change
>my changes now fail because the time to retrieve and process data went from 3 minutes to 10
>tfw getting pulled in to fix it even though it's delaying me working on projects actually on my objectives
>business update because launch is delayed due to scope change (from business)
I hate this place so much bros
>personal projects
man i wish i had the energy for building my own projects. but after programming 8+ hours a day, the last thing i want to do after coming home is looking at more code.
nah I'm just gonna play Satisfactory

>and yet a lot of people don't do it.
it's not because they discount the advice or think it's wrong. it's that it's not worth it to rewrite your resume 500 times a week.
>JuSt AuToMaTe iT bRo
your mad libs shell-written resume is gonna get trashed anyway and even total retards can spot ChatGPT shit. it's a better use of time to just write a general resume per field at most. most people don't even have the diversity of work experience to need more than maybe two resumes -- one for their actual field that sounds good and one that downplays hard for bottom barrel wage slavery
>programming 8+ hours a day

You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to get maybe 2 hours of work done per day
Just do real engineering in your free time
Work is work, you are never gonna do what you really want at work and if you are the kind of guy that has a passion for this stuff, work will surely kill it in myriads of different ways
And it's not worth hunting for the one job that might satisfy your passion, and ignore all other parameters for it, and you already know that even if you get it, it might change, or it might not be what you expected
Just do the stuff you like in your free time
Only thing that matters for work is pay and working hours
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yesterday i closed 3 tickets, 2 bugfixes and one new feature request. if i fall behind i'll have double the work tomorrow. at least the pay here is good
>after programming 8+ hours a day
pathetic. what kind of sweatshop do you work at?
That's actually good advice thanks
But I'm still looking for a new job because I didn't spend a few years getting an engineering degree to correct spelling and punctuation all day, I come home feeling depressed and I don't want to do this my entire life
Plus I think the governor is trying to dissolve my department, which is why he's been making changes so he can say how useless we are, politics are so stupid
Should I even bother trying to apply my current skills in ML frameworks and statistics to quant finance? Or is it such a cutthroat and elite field that unless I spend all my waking hours on it, I'll never be competitive?
Reduce your workload
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what's bizarre is even the indians aren't getting jobs. they all show up with non-accredited degrees and end up working at Dominos. i think there are just genuinely no jobs in canada. the dollar is fucked, natural resources are running out or expensive to extract in the first place, telecoms are too expensive to even have hell desk or call centres, the only province with any artistic industry is Quebec and it's been well cucked by globohomo, land itself is overpriced, and service industries cannot keep an economy afloat. even the meme of going out to alberta for a quick influx of cash is long dead. they dont even import pajeets for it. they just dont even hire.

i dont predict some bosnia-ass crisis in the future but it will be a slow burn into american style genuine poverty. in fact it's probably already there. hobos and trannies in the US have nintendo switches and smartphones, up here the most basic phone plan is 90$ a month and doesn't even come with the phone

i was in the UK around this time last year and even there seems less fucked than canada. my canadian funbucks actually went FURTHER in britain than they do here. i was tempted to move there in fact but their "youth" visa expires on your 31st
Can't you just precompute and cache and fix that issue? Even 3 minutes seems too long until you're doing enormous on the fly computations.
Wfh schedule:
Wake up at 10 for the daily, go to nap at 10:30 unless I have other meetings
Set alarm every 30 mins to check if anyone pings me on teams
Wake up at 2, do some work if absolutely necessary otherwise order some food and do my thing

Office schedule:
Go first at 8 sharp so nobody else is there. Take a coffee+smoking break till 9:30 when manager arrives
Do the daily at 10 then go on my "first" smoke break (as far as manager knows) at 10:30 with the guys
Shit around till 11, come back and now it's time to actually do the work for the week
1am I eat lunch with the guys till 2 (stealth smokebreak included)
stare blankly at screen till 3 and time for the last smokebreak
Stare for 30 more mins at screen till 4am when I leave

(If I am really really bored at work I will solve leetcode just copy paste the questions into VSCode so they think I am coding)
what are you, a woman?
imagine being scared of (((cancer))) and calling yourself a man
Better yet, how much project work experience do you have, or has your career so far mostly been break/fix?
Is Polonium good for you?
hitting my iridium vape to own the libs
smoking increases testosterone, tranny.
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you are right on the money with your post, there is no industry in canada, no innovation, no expansion. all investors just choose to pool everything into real estate because why the fuck would you risk your money elsewhere? rising construction costs and oodles of pajeets will ensure that home prices stay very expensive. the problem comes when the money runs out, and nobody buys that real estate. that's a problem for later though, and at that point they can still cash out to some debt collecting real estate firm for a profit. it's so fucked here and I truly have no idea how we will get out of it. the government needs to pretty much abolish corporate taxes and create an insane mecca of investor paradise for there to be any hope, and even that will take decades. I think Ireland is a more apt example, as they were in some really fucking dire straits but their lax tax laws made them a cash haven for many tech companies, and as a result, they were able to glean enormous amounts of capital from fees. I have no idea what the fuck we are going to do with this shithole anon, the cons have just as many ideas as the libs. fuck them both.
genuinely how do I stop the
>hi @anon
I've been opening the message and not replying to show they have my attention but they just never follow up and complain about me
chopping my dick off to own the rights
>video produced in the 80s
>protestant Christian flag
Yeah man, I was raised on enough of this shit to know better. I can't be fooled by this style of shit anymore. My parents raised me in a protestant fundamentalist cult. I'm afraid I must reject anything that the video asserts simply on principle.
All break fix roles
The only project experience i have is with operational processes
I forgot to mention I have a Yellow Belt in lean six sigma if that means anything
>working in the industry for ~4 years
>recently started thinking about working on my own
>freelancing is filled with pajeets charging 1$ per day
>le startup solve problem isn't something i could think of, or care
>building libraries and systems engineering isn't easily profitable, unless big tech company funds ur oss project
I simply don't know what to do. I'm sick of working for others, I really want to get money by my own merits or something. Making the most epic <insert current trend> app is not something im interested in.
I don't know how to get money, i got the skills but oh man i suck at that part
Outside of self studying, is there any courses or programs offered you would recommend for CCNP?
I believe you need to do the CCENT first, correct?
It’s hard to justify spending 1,200$ out of pocket just to take tests
if software was the hard part, you wouldn't see jeets charging a dollar a day to do it. the reality is the technical skills are easy, the business side is a whole different animal, and that is where the difficulty lies. we are the next rust-belt manufacturing employee, offshored to the cheapest country. learn to weld.
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>Recent college IT grad
>College job fairs no longer hire people, they just advertisements
>3 years of experience, previous Internship
>Half of the jobs are fake
>Other half want to pay me $15/hr, even had one retarded woman try to lower it to $10/hr because "internships aren't real experience"
>Current company can't hire interns anymore
>Overheard from my boss how the job market is so shit his son can't get a tech job with an EE degree
>Also heard they're hiring more indian contractors to do their IT work

i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism i love capitalism
tech support monkey at a company that promotes its own people. then just stand out and apply for internal roles. try to do extra projects and integrate it into the support role, to show you are smart enough for whatever specialization you want.
fuck them, you documented well, release the project as described a month ago, start a new "phase 2" project and do the same thing over again.
the whole reason the real estate market is fucked is that land owning corporations can basically just choose to not pay taxes in canada. there are so many retarded loopholes and ways to hide your money when it comes to real estate specifically that canadian land is basically bitcoins at this point

imo "innovation" investing is a trap and just burns money. there needs to be investment into infrastructure and proper laws to limit monopolies so that mundane corporate services like telecoms and transport can be cheap enough to entice corporations to establish themselves here for normal-ass jobs by making it easy to operate anything other than a landlord guild have low overhead. taxes are part of overhead but corporate taxes in canada are not egregiously high and are easy to evade.

encouraging ycombinator esque tax breaks and grants for techbro lunacy will only damage the job market further, since those people basically just hire their friends to make some CRUD SaaS app for a service no one wants or needs, then sells the company for some inflated price even though it has zero cash coming in. it just accelerates bubbling.

>the cons have just as many ideas as the libs. fuck them both.
vote for me for mayor of canada. i will
>execute every Bell and Telus executive
>legalize memes
>bomb the oil sands until it burbles up from the surface instead of having to be washed out of gravel with 90000L of water and 666GW of electricity per once of oil extracted
>bomb calgary just because it sucks
>ban foreign nationals from owning land
>revive the Arrow and sell them to Quebec
>build a giant thruster to steer Newfoundland into Florida
what language / framework do u use
do you hate testing low code shit as much as i do
Ruby and Java
Custom made on top of TestUnit (Ruby) and TestNG (Java), Selenium for frontend and the bundled REST libraries for each

>do you hate testing low code shit as much as i do
I hate when devs don't bother testing their code before commit/push to master and not even the basic use case is working.
what is the complaint? "i messaged 'hi' to anon and he didn't say 'hi' back"

thats not your job to say hi to people. tell them the complaint is invalid and to suck your balls
>>be me
>Suddenly all text that should've been green is not green
It feels like 4chan is automatically filtering for us
Anon that doesnt exist anymore and was like half of the CCNA at one point
you copy pasted it incorrectly from archives
Those jobs are filled internally.
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>Going bankrupt in unemployment living off of Chainlink
>Send an email to my dad's friend/old colleague who was CMO at my old company and is CMO at a new company
>Ask her if she has heard any word of any good companies hiring and tell her I was looking for a culture similar to the one we used to work at
>"Hey anon, your resume looks great, you've really built it up over the years. I will get you in here. It's a great culture'
>Sends me employment info today
Did I waste all of my money and go through a deep depression for nothing when I could have done this a year ago?
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>be me
>software dev
>start job with high hopes
>imagine myself coding cool stuff, solving problems, making a difference

>first day
>manager: "we're agile here"
>find out "agile" means daily stand-ups where nothing gets done
>JIRA hell
>tasks keep piling up

>deadlines always tight
>"we need this feature by EOD"
>cut corners, write spaghetti code
>tech debt mountain grows higher and higher

>CEO announces new direction
>"we're pivoting to blockchain AI metaverse NFTs"

>constant reorgs
>new VP of something or other every month
>team reshuffled again
>just start getting used to one set of coworkers, then they're gone

>more outsourcing to "cut costs"
>junior devs in faraway lands
>code quality takes a nosedive
>spend more time fixing their bugs than writing new code

>boss keeps talking about "increasing shareholder value"
>translate: more layoffs, more stress, fewer resources

>burnout city
>working 12-hour days
>weekends? never heard of her

>friends in other industries buying houses, going on vacations
>still stuck in tiny apartment
>barely afford rent

>no end in sight
>every new job just another flavor of the same crap

>sit in front of laptop
>stare at the screen
>all motivation gone

>realize my whole career is just pushing bytes around
>nothing ever really changes
>no impact, no satisfaction

>tfw no hope left

>close vim
>maybe one day I'll find a way out
>but not today

kill me lads. massive mistake taking this career path. should've just taken the medschool pill, at least then i'd make enough money that it makes a difference in my life other than being able to buy food and pay rent.
nepotism > all
After feeding bullshit to a recruiter for over 10 minutes I realized I don't give a shit about this fucking thing anymore.
Even if there's a pay increase maybe I should stay at my current job where I can slack off without problems.
what you drinkin while working /twg/?
I like yerba mate or cold brew coffee
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is the only way anymore to get a job is to be friends with someone who just happens to be hiring?

My friend with no IT experience, and no degree got an sysadmin job that's $35/hr just because she knew the hiring manager

yet my ass with four years of experience and bachelors can't get a job worth shit. i'm only getting call backs from help desk jobs that want $18/hr
>learn to weld
Lmao, misery loves company.
Tea for me
Serious question, do you think yerba tastes good? I can tolerate the taste, but it's just not my thing. Maybe I'd use it to stave off caffeine withdrawals and cut back because I never end up drinking it while I can kill pots of tea.
Colt 45
Nepotism will always get you ahead. Don't be like me where you have no good connections or rats that refuse to help.
me in the bottom
I have mild dandruff, is it possible to even get a job now?
being a female or minority probably helped. if you are a white man it will be tough.
There seems to be a new archetype of software "engineer" that emerged in the last 6 months or so who I will call the "LLM Guy".

They do absolutely nothing at all but babble about LLMs and roleplay like they're "training" one when all they're doing is taking an off-the-sheld pre-trained model and adding slightly more context in the form of prompt """engineering"""

Anyone have one of these clowns at their gig? I made a group joke about integration and this guy thought I meant racial integration. Absolutely zero math background, no degree, LARPing as a PhD in CS from Stanford because middle-management equate running an LLM with being a genius wizard.

I can't even hate the guy, it's an incredibly powerful grift. Management thinks the guy is a wizard and keeps getting promotions and bonuses for basically doing HTTP POSTs to openai.com/api
My unironic advice is to play MTG and make friends with other SW engineers(or whatever your industry is) that can get you a job.
You might laugh at this, but If you have trouble making friends because of social anxiety, going to FNM is a good way to get through that because you can interact with people in a structured way, tournaments are sort of like slowburn speed dating, except for friendship.
I meant ENCOR not CCENT
From what I saw ENCOR+CCNP is around $1200 and that’s on the cheap side
yes, success in life is just how much people like you and how many friends you have. its like the sims
What to do if you can’t benefit from nepotism and you’re a straight white male
I’ll be honest anons I started saying I’m black on my applications to boost engagement
How the fuck do I get a tech job in Canada?
>applying through indeed
>tried linkedin, it's literally just fake corps
>get one (1) interview in manual labour
>the guy just hands me the job?
>follow up all my tech applications
>no responses
>interview tailored by HR workers in my family
>I have past work experience as a softeng
nah the sims is highly unrealistic. in that game you can make money off of non-erotic art
im about to quit my job. its literally a death sentence
>do you think yerba tastes good?
I do but it tastes better with additional herbs like mint, cinnamon, boldo, etc, there are a lot
It has way more caffeine than tea though, which I love
I have already applied to 1236 jobs ALL over Canada, remote or not, Entry, internship, MidLevel, Full-Time, Contract, Part-Time. Know how many interviews I got? One. We need to ban international students from working and then deport the ones already here just in case.
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I have unironically made friends with people online and even met people from IRC irl, however they couldn't help at all because they're either current military or glow in the darks. Most they gave me is generic advice I've heard is the past before.

I've even tried the family nepotism route but I was born with a very shitty family, my brother literally just laughed at me and told me to go apply to jobs instead of helping me out.

After I'm jobless in two months I'll have plenty of time to go back into my hobbies and make more friends though. MTG isn't my thing though, I'll carry losers in CS2 though.
>follow up all my tech applications
bro you pestering hr the second you apply? wdym by that
Be honest retards, is there any point into going to tech events as a new grad to break into the industry? Reddit says yes but I don't trust them.
there's your answer
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how am I supposed to buy a high quality maid dress without wages?
>3 days later
>hey, where am i in the process?
recommended by hr people in my family
all my friends just know somebody who gives them a job, it's fucked up for me
should've just gone into medicine or been a gov drone like my family members.
>unironically believing in reddit
C'mon anon you can do better
There's no point, you just get better and into the industry by doing, posting and applying.
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>Trying to finish my buzzword project that uses AI, AWS, NEXT, you know the drill
>She applies to random embedded job on my behalf
>President wants to interview me
>Forced me to stop my project and buy an arduino to practice instead for a whole week
I'm so looking forward to flopping the interview when he asks me shit about C which I haven't used in like 3 years.
Sew it yourself, man.

>friends with military people
Why not also join yourself? It pays pretty well in a lot of countries.
no but those events are sometimes fun/interesting so they're still worth going to
Welp looks like I'm not doing any work today.
>I will call the "LLM Guy".
>They do absolutely nothing at all but babble about LLMs and roleplay like they're "training" one when all they're doing is taking an off-the-sheld pre-trained model and adding slightly more context in the form of prompt """engineering"""
No joke I am trying to be this guy right now.
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>wasn't born into a trust fund
>all of my friends and acquaintances are retarded so can't nepo my way in
>internet software friends I made got laid off
>in an area with zero tech companies
>"sorry anon freelancing doesn't count as experience"

I just want to escape being poor
>get IT degree
>everything learned is forgotten cause you have to do hell desk for a year before doing anything your degree taught
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>Why not also join yourself? It pays pretty well in a lot of countries.

I would love to because I've personally seen the retards they put in the front lines of our nation's cybersecurity, and it appears they allow anyone to get an IT job in the military if their IQ is above 60; however I have autism + meps genesis making it impossible to lie with it pulling a bunch of civie medical records
>I would love to because I've personally seen the retards they put in the front lines of our nation's cybersecurity
Stories pls
I was fucking with you. It's a fair amount of money but is really soul sucking. It's not like the movies, it's a lot more boring.
>m-meps w-will deny me
Idk why people are so afraid of meps. It's just a medical checkup, you're not going to basic. There also isn't some big national database of medical records. It's like getting a gun license: they'll know if you've been committed to a nuthouse but they're not going to know about the time you pooped your pants in 2015.
>"sorry anon freelancing doesn't count as experience"
Lie and say your freelancing experience was when you were working for a company. Make a company up if you have to.
>>get IT degree
I got so lucky to get an engineering job when I graduated since once you get slotted it's so hard to change.
Probably helped that I called it CS IT lmao even though my diploma only says IT and then the school doesn't even offer it anymore.
I put my resume out in a few websites and I'm getting a number of emails/calls from recruiters. I'm happy about it since it goes to show that my resume is fine, but I'm also sort of pissed.

I clearly have 1.5 years professional experience in embedded (closer to 2 if you count my internship) and they're poking me about jobs that have a MINIMUM REQUIREMENT of 5 years of work experience.
Now I'd bet that the recruiters know what they're doing so I am in fact a potential candidate for the position.
But the job descriptions really should not be a 5 year MINIMUM when they have even a chance of hiring someone with 2 years experience.

Minimum requirements are just a total joke. The job will probably end up being outsourced to an Indian claiming 10 years experience when they only have 3 weeks of training anyway.
They're no better than browsing through job listings.
Nothing helps
Just fling out endless applications until you get lucky
>2 years with internship + 4 years of school
Congrats you have 6 years of experience now.
>this job is remote, says LinkedIn
>the job post description says remote
>Apply redirects to their website portal
>"must work on-site"
I'm just reporting these job posts.
I tried doing that but the recruiter called me out and said I'm blacklisted.
>Prof made us use only malloc for 3 years studying C
>Learn you can use calloc for arrays today
Fucking jeets
>new junior developer joins
>wants to rewrite everything from scratch because it's "legacy"
>starts talking about the performance benefits of Rust (we're a JVM shop)
>throws a tantrum when the Tech Lead shuts him down
How do you deal with zoomers in the workplace?
Based Tech Lead
I will have to be on call with local sites visit support. I'm not sure if I should apply to new jobs since it's only been 8 months
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>Stories pls
Alright Anon I'll share a quick couple.

first story

>Join Discord server
>Find out its a bunch of current and ex-military
>Some of the people there were even AT the airport in afghanistan when it fell
>Find out the admins and mods are Space Force Cybersecurity
>They are either: "Femboys", Furries, Gooners, or the like (They post so much porn in this discord server)
>They also post their Training for Cybersecurity
>It's fucking Kahoots with cybersec words or the Security+, half of them don't know what a Network is, let alone what a subnet is for
>Caught a glimpse of even the """Classified""" training one was going through
>It's just a powerpoint slide on how to navigate the linux terminal, with watermarks saying how it should not be shared without clearance
>find out none of them even do work after training
>they tell me they just sit around and do nothing while the contractors do all the work, because the contractors get very mad when they touch anything
>week later get banned for griefing their lethal company game

second story

>second year of college
>Intern for glow in the dark agency
>rotational so I bounce from department to department
>land at cybersecurity for a bit, was hyped thinking I get to touch systems and learn how stuff is actually defended
>incident response
>the guy im shadowing does nothing for 8 hours a day, because I'm the intern shadowing him he has to pretend to read documentation so I don't tell his boss that he's doing nothing
>later learn he just plays league of legends, rarely does anything
>other guys in incident response actually don't know computers that well, they just got hired because their degree was in cybersecurity
>the other parts of the cybersecurity department are literal bureaucrats who just read the news and tell other IT departments to do their jobs
>they are also elitist and say they're not IT, and cybersec is a prestigious job title

approaching 2000 char word limit but you get the idea.
>he thinks you can get a new job after 8 months
need atleast 2 years m8
utilize their passion and enthusiasm, they need some direction so if there is an area that needs improvement, let them loose in a contained area to come up with a solution. depends on where you work though, if its a corporate environment they will just get ground down, so in that case would just quietly tell them to do the minimum at work and spend their creativity on person projects that matter to them
Wait you guys weren’t like that when first starting out?
>that cybersecurity one
Why can't I get a cybersec job then?
He is right tho, not sure if rust is the goat, but using Java in current year is retarded. The only reason Java still exists is because of all the boomer devs (mostly Indians) who only know how to use it.
honestly I have no idea fucking anon. your guess is as good as mine.
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even when java was still relevant beyond maintenance needs, java was, is, and always will be crap
I have 8+ years of total work experience though. I understand what you mean so might wait a full year and see how the market is. I was lied to regarding there being no on call
Working IT with 8 yoe, LOL lmao
How do I prepare for a theory-based interview? Do I just keep rewriting the questions on paper to memorize? I wish it was leetcode goddamit.
Yuh, get me off that gay rollercoaster. What do you do?
>he thinks employers care about being honest
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>working at IT company
>hey, they're looking to hire some college kids! time to pay the help I received forward
>talk to my old professors
>most kids lack the necessary grades but some have it
>have them apply and send me my resume, forward it to my boss, say they're fellow alumni so they're legit

>speak to my boss the next week
>>Hey, how did the phone interview with those guys go
>boss iterates that they were all blowhard elitist pricks and full of shit during the interviews
>one actually said that his biggest weakness was that he "works so hard he sometimes forgets to leave until 7 or 8PM"
>another literally didn't have anything other than schoolwork in his git
>a third asked why he needs to code when he's applying for a job in the cafeteria
>most of them asked whether they would be paid (>implying school kids would ever be anything but unpaid interns)

Seriously /g/, why are STEM majors so horrible at job/internship interviews?
Just fund a new company.
this copypasta is stale.
Alright my nigga
>Convinced my father that living in cali would help me get a job
>3 years here, still no job
>Dad probably paid more than 120k sustaining me
>Don't want to move back to our flyover place
>Dad is running out of money
Based IT company expecting the cook to program the smart fridge
This baby, who literally doesn't know how to position the website arrows correctly, funded not one but TWO. https://my-site-three-mauve.vercel.app/

Why haven't you?
Cybersec is overrun with people trying to get in. A lot are IT/CS people trying to escape sinking ships, even more barely know shit about computers but read you can make a huge paycheck. Every job posting gets piles and piles of applicants with various levels of dubious experience that have to be vetted. Generally there's a lot of demand for people who already have good experience but not a lot for entry level stuff.
I'm playing around with quantlib and shit like that but apparently my competition is caletch grads pouring their whole being into this 24/7 since their late teens so eh
YOE on job descriptions is a total wish list and a ballpark estimate at best. Unless there is some kind of structured environment YOE could mean breakneck pace learning something new everyday and then somehow retaining everything perfectly up to the present, to "I spent half of every week cleaning up the repo after idiots and then spent the rest of the time in meetings while having maybe 1-2 hours a day actually coding". They can't just put 'intermediate (whatever)' on the job description and Software Engineer III doesn't mean the same from company to company. And then there is the whole visa thing about having to renew the visa around a certain time frame *cough*three years*cough*
How do we stop them? There has to be a way.
I'm in school for cyber sec right now while I work a boring hell desk job
Unfortunately it's at WGU so it may as well be pointless but whatever
Will this get me a cybersec job?
We mostly write Kotlin
Should I take the scrapepill
I remember having some fun with scrapy and beautifulsoup a while ago
what would you even scrape
It's over. (unironically)
AI is the new silver bullet that will remove the need for entry cybersec jobs.
Only Mid and senior exist with no real way to get the knowledge and experience to instantly jump into those positions. It also doesn't help every college has a Cyber degree that doesn't set up people for success in the area.
And then cert boot camp merit badge collectors are quickly diminishing the value of even having a certificate.
The most obvious one is financial data
Maybe Github to get AWS keys then resell them
I dunno, there's plenty of interesting shit to scrape on the internet
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I lost all steam....I don't think I can keep looking at job posts today. I'm just a useless engineer.
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I didn't even install that shit on my phone.
>>The most obvious one is financial data
like what

it's not like cc numbers are being transmitted in the clear (and anyone stupid enough to shop online with such disreputable sellers not using https probably are poorfags)
Oh no I meant market data

Cybersecurity is an actual joke. It's seems more like a rich person's club rather than an actual job.
The degree will help but >>101162858 is right that many entry level positions are being replaced with automation. To really get into this field you need experience, and not just with cybersec itself. Your helldesk job is actually a good start. Security teams like to hire people who know security fundamentals but have also been in the IT/CS trenches and understand how an IT infrastructure or software pipeline is supposed to work under normal circumstances. These are the people who wind up being the best at injecting security into these processes.
What gives you that impression?
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I just had a call with a potential employer from Linkedin, about a new job that would grant me a salary increase, as well as the chance to work with people from other countries. And you know what? I don't really care. Money is not going to make me happy and I don't like these feeling of always being on the run, chasing something without being sure what it is.
I don't think I have the motivation to start a new job.
I'm in QA but call myself a Security Engineer
>fuzz test
>flood test
>muh cves
>muh nmap
all day errday
there are definitely worse fates than this
>looking for entry level jobs
>CISSP certification is required for all of them

>Number of CISSP members: 147,591

>employers actually think they're going to get one of those 147,591 people who already pay 750$/month to renew their membership to work for them as a minimum wage database janitor

>sometimes they even expect this for LITERAL janitors there to literally clean the floors and empty trash bins

How do employers get away with this?
the CISSP.
98% of developers and 99.9% of tech workers are oblivious to performance issues with software. they'll make something take 8x as long and 10 people will review it and nobody will even mention it.
>AI destroys all entry level jobs
>becomes literally impossible to get experience in anything
>every industry collapses
dont worry all the indians who lie to get a h1b will take over any jobs that require experience :^)
That's why I'm living out of my car and stacking cash and assets.
None of this bullshit is serious.
Fugg I >>101163046 should get my cissp and join the elitist club
I do support for POS systems
I do nothing any company would actually want
What the fuck are you smoking? It's a yearly fee of $135.

CISSP makes cybersecurity seem like a joke and a rich person's club? You're going to have to elaborate on that.

I didn't say shit about AI. Automation in general is reducing the number of entry level jobs, specifically SOAR.
You're helping the community, anon. Thank you.
HR roastie heard the new buzzword acronym and thought it just meant
>good employee
Copied and pasted it on every requisition.
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I thought we were back but I've done 4 interviews and I haven't got a response yet from any and it has been 5 days for some. Glad I still have a job as a monitoring janny but I wanted more money
Every normie out there is learning to code and it's devaluing our Industry. The only way to stop them is to prevent normies from learning to code. How can we do this?

I have a few proposals:
>minify all your code and never leave git(hub) commit comments so normies can't look at your code and tinker
>upload fake versions of books to specifically give bad advice like /ic/ does
>meme magic psy ops to make coding look inherently racist by posting about it on /pol/
>disable h1b trains and call in threats to coding bootcamps
>only hire people with no certs or education to dishearten people who paid money for school and memberships

How else can we prevent normies from learning to code?
should i quit a 70k software engineer job?
why are you so mad at people trying to make a living? Go to your fucking Rust corner and leave us alone
KYS codelet. Your ruination of the Industry will be tolerated NO LONGER.
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>You're going to have to elaborate on that.
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you literally got replaced by a fucking text generator, all those years mastering coding for nothing, my fucking sides

No one should even interview anyone who hasn’t accomplished anything. Ever. Certificates and degrees are not accomplishments; I mean real-world projects with real-world users. There is no excuse for software developers who don’t have a site, app, or service they can point to and say, “I did this, all by myself!” in a world where Google App Engine and Amazon Web Services have free service tiers, and it costs all of $25 to register as an Android developer and publish an app on the Android Market.
I recommend learning carpentry.
>>upload fake versions of books to specifically give bad advice like /ic/ does
Wait, what?
I work in a top company at my country and I haven't done a side project in my life.
Imagine working for free.
>Can't trust people to do their jobs
I'm tired of constantly having to watch out for certain people.
While real-world projects are valuable, dismissing formal education and certificates entirely overlooks their importance. Degrees often provide foundational knowledge and problem-solving skills. Moreover, not everyone has the resources or time to build and maintain personal projects. Interviews should assess a mix of practical experience, educational background, and potential.
I'm tired of having to babysit people that make more than me.
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I feel like I'm getting pushed to move to California. Guys, I don't want to live over there. I don't want to deal with the people. I don't want their state taxes breathing down my neck the first opportunity I get to move out of there. I hate my profession.
why do you care at all? do you hold a significant amount of shares?
I'll kick your ass.
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i think he means the "read loomis" thing. it's a highly complex meme because they recommend "How To Have Fun With A Pencil", which is not only for little kids so it patronizes the person it's being recommended to but also the book itself offers very little practical advice compared to loomis' other works. it focuses more on character design than actually rendering the character and has little practical advice on actually handling a pencil, despite the name. it's an oddity among loomis' works, since most are explicit manuals intended for adults and are more about actual rendering techniques, seemingly being intended as complements to actual art and drafting courses.

furthermore, because it's a meme there's all kinds of mean spirited edits floating around in the same vein as "how to draw owl: draw an oval, then the rest of the fucking owl", but having read that book myself it's really not far off

in fact some say the common "draw the rest of the owl" macro is probably inspired by "How To Have Fun With A Pencil", though similar gags have been made by artists throughout history. if you've ever read any material from the cybsec thread's usual MEGA link, you've probably seen similarly useless books that describe high level concepts in a "fun" way but with a minimum of practical advice. fun reads, but useless manuals
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For me it's jacking off on the clock and watching football.
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when? don't you have extra hours to work because you can't say no to your boss?
Wait, what's actually wrong with that image? Seems like a good guide to me.
Lol, I'm wearing a t shirt I got from my last job. The shirt is basically falling apart... just like the company did
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Doing the minimum sounds like too much work, I'm sure you can do even less without getting fired if your company is big enough. Try it and you'll see
Should I continue learning Java and Spring? Why does Java gets so much shit from everyone?

>inb4 pajeet
Too many "how do I do my job" tickets.
can I call you?
Has anyone swapped from backend to UX here? How hard is it?
>ask for dev job at company for years
>they keep me in QA
>finally they set up an interview for a dev position
>burnt out haven't done any programming in about a year
its over
the ones i hate are the "I want a new computer" ones.
never "my computer is actually broken and actually needs replacement", just "I want two"
mostly because there were never any spare computers to even give. this one chick, I must have gone through ten with her. every time I said "I've got like ten here but they are all in various states of disrepair. none of them work. but if you're desperate you can have one"
"ok lady your funeral"

oddly enough, we had shittons of monitors and no the few people without dual monitors (or more) never asked for more monitors. or even a better monitor. but two screens can be overwhelming to a boomer i guess, I still can't handle three
I just thought of a great scam
>start some shell corp fake llc
>post fake job ad requiring TS SCI but also it's gig work
>hire people with "gumption" to "sponsor" "security clearances"
>say it costs 3-5k for one so they have to work off that debt if they get hired without a clearance
>don't give them any actual work (how are they gonna work without a clearance?)
>sue for debt nonpayment
>if they threaten to countersue threaten to suspend their clearance and get them blacklisted if not jailed for treason
nothing bad could possibly come of this. PetSmart already does it with "reimbursed pet grooming school"
a better scam that doesn't involved defrauding the US government and landing a life sentence:
>blow $20 on an LLC
>make it look really flashy, get some Jeet on fiverr to write a React landing page
>port "jobs" on LinkedIn to blackhole Jeet spam and open actual real positions back to real competent programmers
You still have a leg up on others because you know your company, the software pipeline, the product etc. So what you're a little rusty, just go over your old code, if you're really ready it'll come back to you.
>>>port "jobs" on LinkedIn to blackhole Jeet spam and open actual real positions back to real competent programmers
how exactly does that get me any money
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emacschads, I kneel.
Is it just me or is every employer now demanding TS/SCI for every job? I'm even seeing little one-off webdev "make me a wix site" type gigs saying you need a clearance to even be considered.

Oddly enough, the one interview and test I did get from a courseware company included a lesson on the internal workings of fully auto M16s and they didn't ask for TS/SCI. What gives?
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How often do you NOT work at all?
I've had basically no motivation to do anything at all for last week. Maybe I've spent like 3-5 hours max working on things but I have been mostly just watching YouTube and playing vidya.
How do I get a job?
>what would success look like
bug language
Fresh grad, 6 months applying, no job so far, got offer for Level 1 IT Desk, pay is min wage, would it hurt my resume if I accept?
how the fuck do you write a resume to get past those fucking ATS systems
Hi GPT please grab all the key words from this job description and make me a resume with them.

That simple.
it doesn't matter, the actual humans in hr proudly state that they trash 90% of resumes all the time
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Don't be so quick to worship a false idol.
So vim and pycharm are solid choices overall.
Eclipsesaars though...
>hr roasties will filter you out for not using a hackery looking editor
jesus christ
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>go into job interview
>after pleasantries, first guy makes me do a coding test
>coding test was good, interviewer said you understand the data types but the memory usage and run time could be improved but your code is still impressive
>second interviewer enters, first interviewer tells her that my code was pretty good
>second interviewer sits down and she tells me that the technical assessment is over, she's just here to check if I vibe with the team
>she goes over my resume, says my thesis was impressive (I'm a fresh grad) she asks me to elaborate
>i explain my thesis in detail and she says she doesn't understand some of what I said but she's nonetheless impressed
>everything going smoothly at this point
>she says "you put an interests section here. why the FUCK would you think I care if you play chess or that you love go-karts"
>i tell her my university's placement office suggested that, they said it'd make me look interesting and it could establish some common ground with the interviewers
>she tells me she doesn't have the fucking time for interests and that everyone in the team is expected to be on call 24/7 and "shit like chess and fucking go-karts get in the way"
>i start crying
>i told her "but the other interviewers in different companies liked that I had other interest"
>she tells me to get the fuck out of her office
>i ran out of the room, elevator would've taken a while, i just took the stairs and exited the building covered in sweat and tears
>got into a lyft and I couldn't stop crying, tears dropping into my resume, soiling the paper and making the ink run
>went to my room and put my chess board under my bed cause seeing that makes me cry
skill issue
i just got a job after 3 months and i'm getting paid 146% more
The article is obviously bullshit but if you want to interpret it in any way you should take it as a sign that emacs users are technically competent but insufferable people.
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Thank you anon, may your words be an inspiration.
nah I'm gonna stick with my interpretation. >>101164280 confirms my biases .
>require 666666 yoe with python for a position
>hr roastie sees "pycharm" once
>hr roastie knows python related things are usually "py[word]"
>automatically recommends anyone using it

this is true. work is a spook. in north america there is no reason to do anything
Don't Metafags use emacs?
Are we back, sirs?
Well this article would certainly confirm your bias if that's what you want. It doesn't state it explicitly but if you wanted to get a programming job in 2018 (when the article was written) then according to their data your best chance was to be a Mac user programming Python in PyCharm.
sorry I was doing heroin in my 20s
ironically, my roommate has two macbooks. one is his, one is issued. idk what he uses to code but after sneaking peeks at notes he leaves around the house, it's probably something stupid and thus probably either python or JS because they're all 100 level math shit with lots of question marks and occasional mistakes

he makes like three times what I do
isnt it better to quit instead of doing nothing for 3 months and trashing your reputation?
Me on top
who are you quoting
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Can Revature really fine you / sue you or whatever if you leave their training program early?

asking for a friend
I think it's a question asking if it's better to quit than to be caught and fired for doing fuck all for 3 months.

what's the company gonna do? slacking isn't illegal and if you get fired after 3 months that's 3 months of pay you wouldn't have got had you just quit, and quitting will trash your rep too
Did you make an interviewee cry today anon?
I hope he did. Job seekers are all scum.
If you're so good, why aren't you already employed? And if you're not, you must just be lazy.
Technically not required is not required, I put no
Still jobless btw
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>learn to weld.

whoever came up with this meme never actually did it. It fucking sucks and destroys your body, let alone the cancerous fumes. My buddy is in constant crippling back pain from welding for 30 years. Why in the fuck would you ever give up sitting in an air conditioned office or home for that shit, fucking mental.
>quitting will trash your rep too
Maybe but at least you can control the narrative. "I was bored so I quit to spend more time with my sick relative while searching for something more challenging" is better than "I was bored so I sat around until they canned me".
>Maybe but at least you can control the narrative
You can still control the narrative even if you clock-out and get shit-canned for doing nothing. Anon, how naive are you? There are far worse lies being told, Jeets literally make up a decade of experience at fake companies just to get hired. You can lie.
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bros i work remote but have to go to an in-person company conference tomorrow. i haven't talked to another human being IRL in like 3 weeks and i'm scared of spilling my spaghetti in front of my boss tomorrow. what do?
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I'm a terraform+aws wagie and I see some companies asking for python/golang, what do they use it for? learn2code meme is out of control
>and quitting will trash your rep too
how is putting in a few weeks and leaving worse than crashing multiple projects?
You could always badge in, greet spme people, and then dip out. My company has these gay "group outings" that I like to pretend to attend. Great way to get an afternoon of free pto.
wish i could but i can't, i have to take notes in meetings and presentations throughout the day
Do you own shares in the company or something? Who gives a fuck?
No shit you can still try to lie your way out but you're playing defense rather than offense. Sure there's probably some recruiter that will buy it but far more are likely to take a pass on someone who appears to be a risk.
Sounds hellish. I wish you well, anon.
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lmao you think you matter FAR too much. nobody fucking cares, anon. if you Xerox'd your nutsack at your last gig but you're a competent engineer, NOBODY cares.
I think I matter far too much but also some people matter so much they could xerox their nutsack and still get hired anywhere.
I just got out of an interview with someone who literally didn't know what pi is. We just asked him to do some basic geometry (we're a game studio) and he would not believe us when we corrected his figures to reflect that pi is actually 2. What the fuck are they teaching in school these days?
"pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to it's diameter" is far too advanced for 99% of people to understand

it;s befuddling considering how much math most CS undergrads take. starting to think most people just memorize things instead of actually learning anything
Even if you can't understand that much, who the fuck thinks it's anything other than 2? This is shit you learn in grade school.
idk what that is and dont care really. its like middle school math or something?
>we're a game studio
I lost
who tf is doing circle math for a programming job luhmeow this is some next gen boomer filtering
what a useless definition of pi
good job though you recited an elementary school formula
>le ebin chatgpt knowledgedrop
post your git
Do you have a more useful one?
an alternative explanation is you can wrap half half of a circle's diameter around its circumference pi times

are you people retarded? you think you need chatgpt to explain middle school geometry? holy shit, no wonder all you retards are unemployable NEETs
i make 192k/yr with 3 yoe. get cucked idiot
do you know someone its happened to
you, soon
no but they have more money than you so they could do it.
My "basic phone plan" is $30 a month with unlimited text/call/(slow)data
Job market is ass thoughever
>I'm 192k dollars smart
post git and bank account or stfu niglet
nah even your inflated salary isn't as smart as mine poser
yea its just 2
Why do you need geometry to make video games
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>anything other than 2
>yea its just 2

is this a real question
Not really I don't actually give a shit but it still sounds stupid when you can just use Unity and it works fine without having to roll your own crypto
sure but you understand why someone hiring a game dev would like to make sure candidates know basic geometry?
I've been considering dropping off too.
It is just so, so shit and I never use it except to look for jobs. However I've been at the same job for four years and probably won't be changing in this economy.
I don't have any other social media or online presence at all so maybe I should keep it so as to not look like a creep or shyster if I do apply for another job.
Nope. Sounds like anon's company is just reinventing wheels
I haven't seriously used LinkedIn since like 2015 and even then it was deeply unhelpful
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I don't get why zoomers, newfags, and other such n00bs insist on not making new threads until actual slide instead of just at bump limit but it's a faggoty practice that's gotta stop tbqh lads
woman? send me ur session id. im interested. i also have a simmillar schedule.
Depends, I got my current job because a recruiter found me on LinkedIn. I wasn't even looking for jobs and never would have even considered the company but it's the best gig I've ever had. On the other hand now that I have a nice title I'm constantly swamped with invites and messages from salespeople, recruiters looking to place people and fucking randos from 3rd world countries with no reason to connect with me at all.
>/twg/ in the namefield
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should i doordash a burrito or a burger
i've been drinking
obvious troll is obvious
get a life
I'm working on my side project two or three lines per day, just to pad out my GitHub activity
just nuke that non-country already, you'd be taking like 1/10th of the population of india too
>and quitting will trash your rep too
in which fucking world is this even true?
india is not the real world btw

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