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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
let me save the bots and bot-likes the trouble
>haasn did nothing
>rate my config
>wrap these calls in firejail
>mpc-hc superior
>chad vlc
>tranime thread
>what is this gibberish, speak english
you forgot the honorary "pedotroon thread" and madVR gigachad anon.
based ritualposter destroyer. but you forgot
>haasn did nothing wrong
I thought that was covered my mpc-hc
t. linux user for two decades
possibility of changing vulkan-swap-mode at runtime?
wrong got dropped lately
me see anime girl me think about sexo
only because haasn does nothing, but when does something, he's never wrong
I look like that, btw.
does it not work for you?
but at the same time, you don't need more than fifo. this isn't a video game where you need low-latency vsync
convince me to not use
right fucking now
call mpv_set_property with immediate, it doesn't start to tear.
mpv_set_option with immediate it tears, so i assume changing at runtime doesn't work.
>chad vlc
then you will be cuddled!
still using mpv 0.29

finally, we will be able to add hwdec to profiles
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what am I supposed to post now
I don't get tearing no matter what.
Does restarting vo works for you, a la `set vo gpu` followed by `set vo gpu-next`?
uhh... shit, that's a good question.
post your config and let me rate it
hwdec=yes profile=high-quality
why is your config horizontal? the second option won't even parse
also high-quality is completely pointless unless you're using gpu-next because 2/3 of the options set by the profile only work with gpu-next
I forgot to space it, but yeah that's the config
then you may as well just debloat and do

since it will be equivalent to what you have now but with less options set
how about

How am I doing?
yes that would better just because hdr-contrast-recovery and hdr-peak-percentile only work on gpu-next



but this is better if you want mpv to behave like other video players for playlists (worse for music obviously)
>yes that would better just because hdr-contrast-recovery and hdr-peak-percentile only work on gpu-next
I think I'll use that then, thanks anon
>tfw no blonde busty billionaire with monolids to spoil you
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Some observations I've made about the frame presentation dilemma.

vo_gpu + gpu-api=d3d11 -> no frame presentation glitches
vo_gpu_next + gpu-api=d3d11 -> terrible frame presentation

vo_gpu + gpu-api=vulkan -> no frame presentation glitches
vo_gpu_next + gpu-api=vulkan -> no frame presentation glitches

The swapchain code is irrecoverably fucked beyond repair. DO NOT use gpu-next if you use d3d11. I repeat, DO NOT.
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I'm trying to reduce the file size of videos with ffmpeg.
The red area denotes the part of frame where very high CRF transcoding is acceptable.
Would this work
>crop source video into yellow area video and red area video
>transcode yellow area video with low CRF
>transcode red area video with high CRF
>recombine with vstack
Anyone have better ideas? I don't know much about ffmpeg or transcoding.
miki's pussy is unbelievably hairy...
favourite video-timing-offset setting?
her messy hair
Explain how this can fix libplacebo.
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>lust provoking image
Did that Cu***plapper anon ever rename and mirror their shader somewhere after it was taken down due to the retarded name?
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nigga u dont need to post
interesting use-case
could use per-tile encoding settings
but I don't know if any encoders support that
I seem to remember some ffmpeg script to create webms to fit within gif and wsr size limits, anyone have it?
he already reuploaded instead of using something like codeberg instead
where's the new 'hub drama
akemi and nanahi shared a sloppy kiss and it made kasper jealous.
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Why THIS does it look so horrible, is it crap!!!
it's a hardware encoder
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I repeat, the worst crap ever invented
moved here https://github.com/funnyplanter/CuNNy
Why are screenshots taken from BDrips heavier than screenshots from BD remuxes or BDMVs?
they aren't, you're off your meds
profile-desc="Read Manga"
profile-cond=filename and filename:match('%.cbz$') or filename:match('%.cbr$') or filename:match('%.zip$') or filename:match('%.rar$') ~= nil
meant for >>101164690
why are you using a video player to read manga
cute lust-provoking op
made for yuri sex
have a good thread anons
it has the best scaling. there's a manga reader plugin as well
Holy mother of blur. If you're reading manga, use this instead.

this will preserve the most source sharpness for high quality scans, and using any polar scaler for upscaling will color distort textured screentones so avoid all costs. 2-tap lanczos is good.
this is what happens when mpv adopts bugplacebo which optimizes for hdr 3d slop instead of sdr anime
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plap plap plap
They are, nigger
nanahi wants to reinvent the wheel downstream and confuse everyone. 100% wm4.

I honestly gave on on ass configuration a year ago because I had no idea what the options mapped to from the spec so it would be nice to see the chink's pr merged.
noise from dithering 10bit or grain added by encoders to hide banding
>CuNNy - Convolutional upscaling Neural Network, yeah!
:( ???

ban geextahslex
please please please dont refactor any of the sub-ass names im gonna fucking rope myself due to how dogshit these new option names are
mpv is great, I use it to play on my PS5
How can i tell the same ffmpeg instance to re-encode an audio stream and periodically dump a recording of its most recent x amount of minutes at a set interval while at the same time piping the live feed to a network mount?
nanahi needs to solve this: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/14423
no one said you're supposed to use gpu-next
how do i set back buffer to 10 minutes in mpv?
thoughts on video-sync=audio?
it's not maintained so apparently the developers don't want you to use it
what maintenance does it need
i dunno, i have my display calibrated to an exact integer of 24/1.001 for near-perfect frame cadence, and video-sync=audio feels like complete garbage. so i think this mode is just supposed to be a practical joke since the maintainers use display-resample
i wouldn't call myself an expert, but i don't think it's possible in general to have perfect display sync AND passthrough at the same time, since you're talking about two different clocks
that is, you run into real-life analog inaccuracies, you have to sync to one or the other. the only reason things like dvd players can sync both is because the hardware is set up to run on a single clock and everything is in lock-step, pc's are a bunch of independently-clocked hardware, so you can only pick one and adjust the rest to suit that, and considering audio can be resampled with little-to-no perceivable difference, while video cannot, people tend to sync the video and resample the audio to suit
if you need a specific audio format for an external decoder, then you can resample the audio and encode it in real time for output in that format. while this does reduce the quality a little, it's almost certainly not by a perceivable amount
How do I figure out what resolution ffmpeg thinks a webm is?

I'm trying to crop off some black bars on a webm.
Saving screenshots of it using vlc (or even a web browser) gives me a picture that's 853x480. However, if I try using
 -vf "crop=800:400:0:0" 

just experimentally, it complains that the sizes given are too big.

Also, I measured the size of the video without the black bars using the vlc screenshot, as well as the coordinate of the top left pixel. Using those values in the crop does work, but it produces a video that's off-center and includes only half of the actual video and half of the black bar next to it. I fiddled with the xpos value until I managed to get an output with the entire video in it, but also thin black bars on both sides, which tells me that ffmpeg thinks the video is smaller than it is
does youtube throttle yt-dl somehow? If I view a video in the web browser I can skip around with minimal buffering. However, streaming the exact same codecs with mpv the download is very slow and cache barely fills up.
it's probably an anamorphic video, the crop filter in ffmpeg works on the real pixels in the video regardless of aspect, and many media players tend to take aspect-corrected screenshots (square pixels), which are not suitable for measuring black bars
you can save an uncorrected frame easily with ffmpeg with for example;
ffmpeg -ss 10 -i video.webm -vframes 1 frame.png

where 10 is 10 seconds into the video (change to suit, like if a video starts black then you can't measure black bars)
Thanks anon, that worked perfectly.
yes. try this.
Better in that the cache fills up very quickly but skipping to any time not yet cached causes an AV desync and the video stream connection terminates.
yes, like i already said, audio is unmaintained

I don't disagree with anything you typed out but no. i think the issue is with the implementation of audio mode specifically. the only proof i have is that display-vdrop doesn't suffer from the same issues as audio
well i can't comment on mpv's specific implementation, just that even if it worked as well as it could, it's probably still not going to do what you hope
i imagine the reason it's apparently in disrepair is because there's little use for it
i'm sure there's something where audio timing is more important than video quality/timing, but certainly not with most things
What's the name of that software called where you can use all the illegally downloaded television you have to create your own like, streaming digital channel with bumpers and possibly commercial breaks and satuff
what's his problem?
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How to watch vimeo embedded video?

Rate my config.
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Is there a way to start mpv immediately when loading a stream from the internet? Sometimes there's a lot of delay when opening a stream. Would just want to have some kind of feedback instead of wondering if it's ever gonna load.
This may interest you:
How do I get faster seeking on youtube videos?
Whenever I try to seek, even though the video is supposed to be cached, I get a one to two second delay
I don't get it
Download the video, possibly to a temp space.
In linux, we usually mount /tmp using tmpfs, which means files exist on RAM, so there isn't even a question of IO performance.
Seriously, it's not hard, and super fast.
How are people seriously struggling with this?
What's fast settings for viewing images?
>Thanks. I like tiny PRs ;)
what did he mean by this? why was this statement so sexually charged?
I typically open youtube videos through the web browser using play-with-mpv.
Manually downloading the video first seems a bit too much work to do for each video I want to watch.
figured it out, I had exact/hr/precise seeks on my keybinds for some reason. Never was a big problem because up until recently had quality capped to 1080p and it was still fast enough. Only noticed on 4k video.
>In linux, we usually mount /tmp using tmpfs
How do I make sure of that?
Why don't you just increase available cache?
Well going with avc1 instead of vp9 fixes it for now. Not sure why though, maybe I'm just running outdated software.

ruh roh, mpv is leaky leaky
Basic question, but okay..
you add lines like this to `/etc/fstab`
none    /tmp        tmpfs    defaults,size=8G    0    0
none /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,size=1G 0 0

`man 5 fstab` for more info.
Noob-friendly distros might do this for users automatically. I don't now.
Run `mount` to get current mount info before and after making changes.
Do NOT CONSULT LLMs since this is both easy and sensitive part of your system configuration.
wasn't a cache issue >>101177318
wait, there are people who actually use mpv as an image viewer? WHAT THE FUCK?

you guys do realize that nsxiv exists, right?
avih trying to sexo nanahi
I want nanahi to leak on my face.
I use qimgv, which can use mpv to display videos.
Very useful for webms.
qrd on "envy"? Do I need some faggy fake $1000 HDR monitor?
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>A/V: +0.0097
How do I lower this?
Some of these new lower resolution formats are weird. I've noticed that 360p now has a very aggressive sharpening filter applied on it
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Is there anything to improve h.264 encode?
ffmpeg-i input.webm -c:v libx264 -crf 30 -preset slow -maxrate 1M -bufsize 2M -c:a aac -b:a 128k -vf "crop=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" output.mp4

It's to send funny videos for my mom since her phone can only run mp4s.
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>you guys do realize that [...], right?
4cheddit moment
picrel is on their github page. sincerely kill yourself
Why do I need to install another application when i have one that do this just fine?
I look like this and have sex in this form
based af, installed
call me
Fact: Mpv is unusable on most Linux machines without hwdec=auto-safe vo=gpu profile=fast
mpv in general is unusable without vo=gpu
I use 0/3 and higher quality settings on an aging workstation with a 7th gen Intel CPU and a mid-range dedicated AMD GPU from around the same time.
Zero reason to upgrade hardware, or downgrade software settings (did add RAM to 32GiB total though).
And Linux machines are not some underpowered hardware category.
They vary as much as PC hardware vary (and beyond, but we are talking desktop usage).
If some (many!) people are idiots who waste money on overpriced laptops, that's a plight of their own making.
works on my Linux machine.
>she needs profile=fast
time to upgrade your thinkpad
no me
not yet
Looks terrible.
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Seems like there's a lot of whining about display-sync here... Why not just use madVR? madVR is currently the only video renderer with competent display synchronization.

Here's how you enable it...
rendering > general settings > present a frame for every vsync

Yes! It's that simple. Just remember to set a reasonable backbuffer queue depending on your hardware, and you're good to go.

Here's how you're better than the average mpvtard if you switch to madVR.

>madVR's vsync does not rely on jittery API timings, and is aware of your current vblank frequency to give you the best presentation possible
"B-But muh display-resamp--"
Not so fast, mpvtard.
>madVR's vsync does not speed up or slow down your video files, ruining the creator's intended vision
>madVR's vsync does not resample the audio, meaning that you will avoid random audio distortions and preserve bit-exact passthrough
>madVR's vsync does not allow the A/V clock deviation to exceed humanly noticeable thresholds
>madVR's vsync will calculate the rate of repeat frames, and will log if there's a presentation glitch.

Why use an inferior piece of software? Every film enthusiast deserves excellence because every pixel counts and every frame counts. And excellence is only achievable through madVR.
>Mpv is unusable on most Linux machines without hwdec=auto-safe vo=gpu profile=fast
I'm on my Thinkpad T420

It does the job pretty well for most videos, It struggles with 2K and 4K content, and have to use --profile=fast.
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>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
I always thought this was a comand line.
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What settings do you use to be able to view tiktok videos without account?
>fancy ai shaders are still worse than ewa_lanczossharp
So much for the so called "AI Boom"
are you implying default mpv yt-dlp does not view tiktok without account?
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How do I get the actual link for vimeo video?
I get 403 error
update yt-dlp
I'm on the latest version.
to master
4 tiktok fixes since release
ERROR: Postprocessing: Conversion failed!
on yt-dlp
Looking online it seems like an ffmpeg bug that has since been fixed
What format settings are you using for yt-dlp?
When will these be pushed to stable?
Shit, If i'm to stupid to remember what did I use to install yt-dlp.
How do I move to master?
How do I properly set up mpv if I have G-Sync enabled?
If I want to download part of a 12h youtube video, and start somehwere 6h+ in, what's a quick way to do it?
--download-sections "*06:00:00-inf"
in yt-dlp and
ffmpeg -ss 06:00:00 -i $(yt-dlp -g '...') -c copy -o out.mkv
take forever, because ffmpeg starts going through all the segments one by one from the start.
What's the quicker way of doing it?
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Is there a way to make mpv uses the cached video for converting instead of using the stream path?
I'm using this script
Gaysync is for video games
CNNs have been a thing for literal decades.
read the github nigga

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what does mpv mean by dropping an url?
its like dropping your spaghetti
we suck each other off now
Go see an ophthalmologist. If these CNNs are good enough for autistic anime encoders they're also good enough for you.
what happened to CuNNy upscaler?
>If these CNNs are good enough for autistic anime encoders
oh I didn't realize our standards were based on these so called "autistic anime encoders" that live in your head and use your favorite shitty mpv shaders (most of these people use MPC-HC anyways)

anime encoding isn't even a fine art, most of these people upscale shit with waifu2x then downscale it, introducing aliasing all over the picture which they have to correct with some warpsharp bullshit. if you trust these "peoples" then knock yourself out. the best releases are always untouched remuxes
nanahi's incredibly hairy neet pussy
>oh I didn't realize our standards were based on these so called "autistic anime encoders" that live in your head and use your favorite shitty mpv shaders
They spend more time looking at comparisons in a week than you'll probably do in your entire life, if it's good enough for them it's good enough for you.

>most of these people use MPC-HC anyways
They don't, don't like. Pretty much all encoders stopped recommending mpc-hc ages ago, you can even see the actual vs maintainers opening issues about mpv on a fairly regular basis.

>anime encoding isn't even a fine art, most of these people upscale shit with waifu2x then downscale it
They only do this after descaling, which is done literally to remove the shitty upscale done elsewhere.

>introducing aliasing all over the picture which they have to correct with some warpsharp bullshit

>if you trust these "peoples" then knock yourself out

>the best releases are always untouched remuxes
Some shows aren't produced at usual resolutions, what they do improve the final quality considerably when there are stuff to be fixed.
Don't lie*
>They spend more time looking at comparisons in a week than you'll probably do in your entire life
pixel peeping is not a hobby, and learn to form your own opinions instead of being a mindless husk
>Pretty much all encoders stopped recommending mpc-hc ages ago
everyone who is still relevant to the fansubbing scene like motbob all use MPC-HC with external subtitle renderers (however, nowadays MPC-HC has libass built-in so this is unnecessary). this "everyone uses mpv" larp is so tiring and stopped being funny ages ago
>They only do this after descaling, which is done literally to remove the shitty upscale done elsewhere.
this doesn't change anything, they're only doing this to get around nyaa's shitty archaic rules. do you actually think that all DVDs are 576p? 99% of "576p" releases you see aren't even genuine PAL DVDs, they're upscales. if you want to descale, then descale. but applying your own shitty filter that will get outclassed in the next 5 years is the height of dunning-kruger stupidity, they only do it because they can get away with it using loopholes in nyaa's rules


i didn't need your affirmation on the fact that you're an NPC bot that doesn't know how this magical art of "encoding" works.

>Some shows aren't produced at usual resolutions, what they do improve the final quality considerably when there are stuff to be fixed.
read above. using tracker loop holes to upload your shitty upscales is not "quality" in any sense of the word. i would rather have the excellent untouched bitrate of a remux than whatever smeared HEVC dogshit your favorite discordtroon uploader uses.

fuck off from here and get some taste, but understandably the only thing you have taste for is dick apparently, because you can't stop sucking off your discord buddies
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you don't. picrel
tiktok's 403 errors is a minor issue in mpv's wrapper, and doesn't require a master yt-dlp version.

paul hates mpc-hc
Retard talking about shit he doesn't understand, the post.
>no u
you probably didnt even know about half of the shit i said until i posted it. you should be grateful and lick the crusty smegma off my glans, maybe it will instill enough testosterone into your body to make you a man again
You're literally yapping about shit you don't understand, there's nothing to learn from it.
uh oh looks like someone pinged the disccord for backup
kys zoomie
nothing? it's still in the userscripts tab
I'm trying to mux in subtitles to a video I have. It's working, but the language doesn't seem to be setting correctly. MPV shows the language as unknown and there is no Language attribute when inspecting the output via mediainfo. Is there something I'm missing?
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i Subs/3_English.srt -c copy -c:s mov_text -metadata:s:s:0 langauge=eng output_sub.mp4

fuuuuuuuuuuck im a twat
how does it do it
>you vill buy ze 10 000$ video box, goy
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>just tell me so that I can steal it for mpv
I don't think so.

madVR is completely free, shill.
>windows only
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It's a benefit.

OpenGL and other open sores projects are such a colossal failure that you can't even guarantee jitterless frame presentation on any of them due to lacking the API required to properly control the framebuffer queues. Why do you think Niklas the overcompensating dunce was so insistent on completely upending mpv's original OpenGL renderer, and rushed to make a Vulkan renderer despite how buggy Vulkan is?
What does it do?
what is this even implying
how do you know which one to watch
how do I make it so that youtube links opened from mpv commandline, opens only avc1 mp4 videos?
let it die

What to do then?
Wait for mpv to fix it?
>what is this even implying
It's TKR surgery.
I might be retarded, but following this logic showing a frame as fast as possible is preferable. The only thing you'd need to do on the player side is only present that frame when the timing is right.
mad*r sister is laughing at us
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Or at least there a script that dump part of the cache?
is there any script like this but for youtube search?
Does mpv have no titlebar on GNOME Wayland?
the pic
that's good cos I saw the original maintainer name getting deleted
Disregard females, Acquire currency
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What's good arguments to convert gif to webm?
file size
How so?
There are no good arguments to convert lossy to lossy except for extreme outliers. People that try to convince you otherwise are retarded. The end result will look worse, and a gif is not so huge you need to convert it anyway.
Now if you can recreate the gif from the source, that's a different question. I still think something like your image is better suited as a gif than a webm, 651KB is not a huge burden.
like this? in input.conf
y script-message-to console type "loadfile ytdl://ytsearch1:"

hit y then type the search term. 1 means it will only load the first result.
I like mpc-hc but it has terrible audio filters. scaletempo is good for watching stuff at 1.05-1.2
Awaiting PR
how does apple promotion do it
promotion is not analogous to VRR, it's closer to how TVs can do seamless modeline switching depending on what you're watching
so display-resample with promotion just works? did anyone try?

display-resample doesn't even work with moltenvk if you have a high refreshrate display (which most promotion displays are). the vsync jitter is massive and you will just accumulate mistimed frames. weirdly enough this is the same problem vulkan has in windows with winvk, maybe the issues between macOS and windows are related.
I just told you I might be retarded.
Less likely for playback to hitch
the webm fork finally got updated
>merging upstream fixes from a dead upstream project
nothingburger of the century
unironically swapchain-depth=1 gives me the smoothest playback with default vsync
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Any history scripts for mpv that actually work?
brain.lua works great
>same changelog as the previous release
So nothing changed?
What's a history script? Recently played vids?
Keep paths of all video that have been played.
Menu to open the history and play the video from the last timestamp as well.
>I know a lot of people looking forward to this.
are you looking forward to this /g/?
wanted to ask here instead of making new thread: what's the audio player you use? i've used foobar2000 for many ywars on windows.
computer got borked and lost everything, now i'm trying a lot of alternatives to software i've used (sumatra instead of foxit, mpv instead of MPC-HC, etc).
i don't know what i could potentially replace foobar2000 with, though
memo has the best performance and functionality https://github.com/po5/memo
fuck off eva
is paul one of the best code-savants of our current age?
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paul is the apostle of christ (wm4)
any script to download instagram saved videos in a batch and convert to webm, I have like 200 bunda videos saved on instagram, I could write it myself, but maybe someone already did
>bocchi the reddit
This feels like it's going to be a game changer for me as a Linux user.
thanks nanahi, very cool!
>also like i suggested try some older versions of mpv and see if they exhebit the same problem.
Akemi now officially endorses mpv 0.29!
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what's her issue? Why does she spend every day messing with console.lua? Does she not have any husband to pleasure?
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why did you post a picture of my wife seiba?
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Guess what doesn't have this problem.
if I use madvr I can't be a cute girl anymore though...

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