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Rinko edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101152106
Sneed through your ears.
Remember to sneed
third for kilopos endgame
Is there a biggest cumbait than Rinko in chink iems?
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Nezha, because y'all gay.
Averi is the pinnacle of sex.
Tangzu literally never misses in the aesthetics department.
Is that DD made out of an extraterrestrial metal harnessed from asteroids?
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Close but not quite, if it was durable enough to last at least a year then it would be
Even better, pure chinesium.
it must sound $830 better than cheap buds right?
I don't really like giant IEMs that go deep in to my ear, they're rather uncomfortable. Are there any recommended IEMs that have a fit more like TWS buds where they don't go in as deep?
I like the Chu II as they dont go in deep but looking for something with a bit of a higher price tag and performance than $20.
What you are looking for is an earbud, get the blue vidos for 5 bucks tops
I have those and they sound like the $5 I paid for them. Not really looking for ultra dirt cheap chinkshit.
>he didnt eq his vidos
kefine delci
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>Harman target
The USB C version is better.
guess you won't be buying any iems released in the last 2 years then
>he doesn't eq his fotm
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>shartman turdget
i eq my fotm to harman ie 2019 v2. how do you respond without sounding mad?
comfy, shallow, and good LAN -> IE200 -> Meze Alba -> Oxygen
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>Harman with more bass and less treble
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>Harman with more bass
>ear dildos
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Never obsolete.
>blind buy 7hz zero 2
>skip 7hz zero
fuck off crinigger
Both are tuned by cringe.
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>listener preference consistently shows a deep seated hatred for midbass and treble extension
for me it's w-tuning
Gato literally obsoletes all of these with it's comfortable fit.
If it's not Tangzu, I'm not buying. It's that simple.
Jizzaudio is compromised
I don't use chifi to listen to music. I use music to listen to chifi.
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very deep, anon.
you must be a modern-day Confucius.
I use chifi for unsavory purposes.
I collect the waifus and boxes. So far I have 0 because they're stuck in shipping hell.
Redpill me on the Tangzu Wanker
Is it actually the best budget iem out there, or is it just getting shilled
Best under $6000.
curious about this too, especially regarding comfort
what's better above 6000$?
2 wankers.
Nobody asked, Tangzo
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Omg!! Harman?? I nut!!
They look like women earrings
they go perfect with my cyber wuxia getup
sounds kino
I don't buy iems for how they look anon
How do they feel in your ears and how do they sound?
I have this one. Prefer the 3000
Shilled. They're not comfortable, and the included cable is dogshit, easily the worst one I have used by far. It's still a good pos, but you'd need to spend more in accessories to get a good experience.
Looks of an IEM should matter by the way. It is not just about the aesthetics, but rather more so how much the manufacturer care about their product. It showcases the amount of love they put into it. That they want you to cherish it and treat it like a tool that you posess. A piece of technological marvel, which allows you a sonorous glimpse into the artists sovl who may or may not be alive, and may not even be living in your country. All while being at the comfort of your personal space. It is truly analogous to how a good looking camera inspires you to pick it up and go outside for photography. Similarly an IEM which is beautiful, makes you wear them more often which ultimately elevates your music listening experience by the virtue of knowing you are using something that is equisitely crafted.
So what is a good budget one then? I swear people just act like they're all dogshit while everywhere else seems to claim this is the best time ever for budget iems
What's even bad about the cable and what was uncomfortable about them?
You're not immune to placebo/nocebo.
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>I don't buy iems for how they look anon
I'd explain it to you but you just wouldn't get it.
Shitgot 500lm came in
Separation and details are really good, however
Whichever any of you fucking retards who claim this is a "mild V" needs to get their hearing checked.
This is 2017 level chinkshit V. The tuning is all kinds of fucked. Shit made me think of the rock zircon kek
Imagine calling this a "side grade" to hexa, when hexa still has the best, well thought out tuning under $200.
Seriously, hexa will continue to sound good 5 years from now, while all these meme tuned sets will be "obsolete"
blah blah blah repeatfag
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You see I'm not some normie evaluating the bass on some crooning nigger's jazz track. I'm hyper trained and focused on one thing: how cute do the lolis sound? The techs are make or break. My takes are completely objective.
>So what is a good budget one then? I swear people just act like they're all dogshit while everywhere else seems to claim this is the best time ever for budget iems
Something comfortable. A comfortable pos is valuable than a marginally better sounding pos. Zero :2 is my favorite budget pos, but many complain about the shell. Chu 2 is a safe budget option comfort wise.
>What's even bad about the cable and what was uncomfortable about them?
The cable not only felt cheap even compared to other 20 dollars pos but it also irritated my ears. It's the only cable that had caused me physical pain.
Did you change the nozzle? I think the consensus is that two of the nozzles are pretty hot and the third is more reasonable, i forget which but you should be able to look it up on squig.link easily
>So what is a good budget one then?
Epz q1 pro
Much nicer quality shell, cable is fine, tuning is good.
doesn't exist to me
>people just act like they're all dogshit while everywhere else seems to claim this is the best time ever for budget iems
It's a matter of historical perspective. Budget pos is better than ever at that price point, and diminishing returns start faster than ever. Modern sub $100 pos is better than flagships of yesteryear. Travel 20 years back in time and people would shit themselves if you told them there's gonna be $50 planar iems, inflation or not, and nobody seriously cared about trying to come up with more or less industry standard tuning targets making the average pos sound rather consistent out of the box, comparable to other models, give or take a little flavor, not to mention the cheapest and shittiest phone or PC you can imagine lets you run wavelet or equalizer apo or w/e and effortlessly equalize your pos using online repositories of presets and measurements nowadays. This is 4chan so of course everything has to be a piece of shit and people are only gonna focus on the negatives. People are gonna say like, oh Chu 2 has chipping paint, the mystery hole gets clogged, it's a pos, but the truth of the matter is that it mogs ancient iems that people paid insane money for at the time. At no point in history were you getting this much value for this little money.
literally just redeem truthear gate
>good fit
>decent stock tips
>goated kilobuck tier cable
>out of box tuning is perfect for cute anime girls (anime website)
>respond well to eq
>not stacking coupons and redeeming hexa for $40
literally never happened, truthear never gives away coupons
Hexa fucking sucks, retard. At least find a good iem to be annoying about.
If you were a T10 shill, no one would even push back.
Just buy a NiceHcK Traceless and hit Play. Simple as.
when did you accept that there is no good cable?
gate cable is good enough for me
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Thieaudio Prestige LTD
the one that came the delci is actually pretty good
"recessed midrange" nigga just turn up the volume
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My favorite iems. The Supermix has about 7x more techs than the 7Hz Zero.
I'd like to thank the 20 persons that purchased the LTDs from here.
Thank you so much for supporting!
>inverted polarity pos
gave wanker to someone and it blew them away, supposedly. Using earbuds right now. Temperament x10. If this thing had more bass it would be endgame and the only earbuds you'd need, it does 't perform well with certain songs, usually pop and rock it misses. but it just sounds so goddamn clean and more technical than my other buds. It's like a hd600 flathead, now they need to make the hd650

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>listening to Supermix for a few weeks
>EA500LM sounds slightly veiled now
maybe the female poison chink tuners were on to something judging by how retarded some anons here are
I was about to agree but sorry hexa is fucking trash, you are out of your mind.
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Is there an actual cra upgrade yet?
what other budpos are comparable to this dentpos annihilator?
what do you mean when a pos sounds whaled?
Nope, it's still king
I also am starting to believe based on some recent squig measurements that if you buy a set today it measures pretty damn close to the release version
idk what measurement you're looking at, but the 2024 cra one from OB odio is drastically different.
internal volumes for the driver also seem different on the new revised model
3000 is the one with most bass or balanced one, and 2000 is bassy?
>niggas still don't realize cra(p) tuning can be achieved on nearly any generic chifipos 1dd with some mesh filters
you lot are bloody useless
tbf crapzos are mainly referring to cra(p) treble extension
It's the blazingly fast decay, extended bass with subdued upper mids that made them special. Treble boost is an added plus. Really haven't seen anything else under $100 that managed to achieve it.
no cra is still best at giving you tinnitus
Why brands are so reluctant to venture on that type of tuning then instead of releasing the same shitty neutral.
nigga chifi v-shapes are dime-a-dozen. it just means a resonating peaky less-dampened 1DD.
>tangzu xuan nv
I thought Timmy was on HifiGo payroll. He owes HBB or what?
just another example of hexass sucking. he compared them and like nv better. so for his basic bitch ass that's enough to call a winner
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Is this your definition of v-shape?
Anons, I need to be able to take calls and move around at work while being able to quickly connect to different devices, but I still wanna grove to a wide range of music

Recommend me something with bluetooth and microphone(s) that doesn't sound like shit, please

Budget no more than $500. Used to have Nothing earbuds (ear) and thought they were fine, but that company has absolutely fucked customer support and won't replace my month old buds after one just gave up
>with bluetooth
>and microphone(s) that doesn't sound like shit
Mutually exclusive. Bluetooth in headset mode switches to 24kbit/s audio, and not smart 24kbit like opus, just total dogshit delta modulation from 50 years ago. Maybe try some gaming twshit that uses a dongle, like jbl quantum tws.
All the top row IEMs are collab garbage except wankers lmao. How are they so powerful.

he's fucking lost it
He redeemed?
I'm surprised by how good metal sounds on the EA500LM. Is this a genre they're just good with?
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This stupid target is the only thing that works for me on headphones. Full-range by ear EQ. And it's still only 90% as good as harman ie 2019 with 2dB less lower treble and ear resonances fixed, which I can achieve on any IEM in 5 minutes.
do the chu 2 have the same issues with moisture and getting muted as the originals? are they still worth getting?
I am honestly mostly biased towards them because i really like their aesthetic and the price range, but i want something that isn't going to be broken in a month
They have the same moisture problems, but they implemented a band-aid fix by allowing the user to replace the filter with ease (nozzle can be removed for easy access to the filter)
There's no alternative to CRA though.
this post made me cry i hope you're happy
>they are bad cause they are cheap,
absolute state of IEM fags. for a product that under 20 dollars most of them just work and provide good quality sound.
Weaker filters just produce a rollercoaster, not kilobuck extension like in CRA.
Who are you quoting.
you can only pick one iem brand to sell at a local shop, covering all the way from $20 to $200 iems, with some variety in fit, sound, and aesthetics. what brand do you pick?
unironically tanchjim
bullet pos, bulky pos, slim pos, filters, tips, sources, DSP, good QC, etc etc.
they got the products and the quality.
if the whole letshuoer brand umbrella could apply (+kefine, artti, etc.) then ez. else SIMGOAT
>asking 4chan to do your market research for you
moondrop so you can also sell the miad01 in a bundle
wish I could but they don't ship here
>Chu 2 is a safe budget option comfort wise.
you think the issues are overblown due to how popular it is? (the more popular something is, the more issues will get complained about in total)
how are the tips?
crapzo tinnitus cannon shitters need to shut up
did not know that existed
are there any dap/pmp phones that have smaller screens? like 4" small.
my chu 2's left side is dying, what should i upgrade to?
Chu 3
The superior comfort of flatpos makes it hard to go back to eardildos
also, no wax clogs. Iems get wax on them tips easily. imagine wiping those filthy wax off the tips of iems every day or they will get filled.
fucking hate the feeling of flatties
just feels like i'm stuffing a coin in my ear & wriggling around to get it stuck
What I'd like to see locally is probably shit I'd be reluctant to order blind, brands that get fewer reviews and shilling outside of memes, like Dunu, Soundmagic, Faeaeaeaeeal. What I'd actually pick to sell if I were running a business is probably shit with appealing shell design and decent reviews at many price points, especially budget pos, to cater to normalniggers - Tangzu, Moondrop. What I'd actually do as a consoomer is order well-reviewed shit for less on chinksite anyway.
i didn't like them much at first either but now it feels like there's nothing there
speakers solves this problem
putting earphones in your ear, not much different from putting headphones on your head
I pay two Indians to hold two small speakers close to my ears at all times.
w-shape pos are fun, I enjoy my S12 Pro technical planar
Hexa is not only the best iem in it's price bracket, it also completely mogs the gates for not much more
I stream music from two parrots on my shoulders.
it supposedly has a widely liked tonality with safe yet well-extended treble and forward mids for clear vocals, it also has a wide soundstage, but techs-wise it's shit, noticably worse than the $20 competition
Since they're both harman, how much better are variations compared to iems like the epz q1 pro?
q1 pro is much better than variations.
trying to find what budget IEMs to buy feels like a circle, whenever I feel set on one thing, people say it's shit and to get another one
I swear people can't come to a conclusion as to whether they're all shit or they're all good
the reality is that new popular budget iems mostly represent slight variations on a sound signature that is basically pleasing to everyone. i'd prioritize build and comfort.
Untrained people will listen to the same thing twice and hear two different things.
Trips says moondrop
hello skinny faggots are you still arguing about which tinnitus cannon pos gives you a tiny erection
KZ Krila is rotting dogshit made by crying nigger chinese children
Cra is older than your brand's existence, shrillgot.
if it were higher than $200 i'd say dunu since they don't have much budget stuff, but for $200 and under definitely tanchjim. good looking, well built, comfy, no qc issues, fairly wide variety of sound signatures available.
KZ(I was paid to say this).
Why did you buy that pos, bro(the payment was cancelled).
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And that's a good thing in a world of chaos
It's all about the journey not the destination baby
I'd like to speak put about the MEGA5EST, can't believe the gay niggers headphone.com and DMS and that little gay new yorker cunt recommend this dogshit to people, as soon as I put then in the mud instantly fried my braincells. This treble quality is absolutely fucking aids
the few loliboxes i've tried were uncomfortable
tanch one was uncomfortable as hell
the issues is people can't agree on what's a well built & comfortable option either

I've seen people bitch about and praise the chu ii, the tinhifi c2, the TRN Conch, the Tangzu wanker, the zero:2 & the epz q1 pro
OK, so green wankers? Got it.
dilate and eq to wanker curve
i have never seen anyone complain about the wanker dying on them except from actively damaging it
fakeear or mooncock have constant QC issues
Calling others' a newfag when i've been here since vk4 era, just seldomly posting. Nothing back then really stands out other than plastic pos.
That fucking listener guy is a groomer, I caught him trying it with a 16 year old. He'd deny it but I have evidence
You cover to objective foundation with low distortion drivers and EQ. You placebomax with cool faceplates. And you nocebomax against all dubious marketing terms. That's the path to the true endgame.
I warned you bro.
>i've been here all summer
*cover the
16 is 10 years above the aoc in most of the civilized world. ameroid shariah law puritans need to get over themselves.
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any idea which variant you got? idk why mrs didn't comment on this in his review, like was it revised or is the unit variation that insane or what
that would pass as golden sample matching by beyerdynamic qc standards lmao
>golden sample
>there are two samples
That's fresh EST vs old EST. The drivers age with you.
Beyerdynamic is the leading manufacturer of counterfeit Beyerdynamic products. You never even know what kind of internal wiring you'll get.
It was a big fat Asian "chick" with a cheese laced cock
no fucking way do the caps or resistors die that fast
i mean i know they do but you can improve on that with a commercial product
>it does 't perform well with certain songs, usually pop and rock it misses

>it sucks for two of the most popular genres of music but it's so good bros!
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They don't know either.
I haven't seen mentions of it dying but I've seen a ton of mentions the cable is DOGSHIT and several people said they're uncomfortable
They're made in China, who's surprised. The caps are made with gutter oil and chairman Xi's ballgrease
It's electrets. They do discharge. With electret mics the entire sensitivity is reduced, with electret drivers you get this.
i don't get how people just ignore the obvious deficiencies of their pos in any genre? like it's pretty obvious usually?

unless you listen to the dryest fucking music on earth
i heard cultivating your seed increases sound quality
I'd fucking kill this faggot while he gives me a progesterone handjob
Comfort is always an individual matter. For example people praise flatpos for their comfort but flatpos always hurt my ears. Cable is shit by modern standards, but not long ago the standard was bulletpos with unbraided non-detachable mega microphonic pube-thin shit.
Speakers are good for every genre, I don't expect anything less from my pos.
I'd batter his tight tranny cunny
of those specific pos the only ones i have are c2 and zero:2 (actually the original zero but afaik the shell is 100% the same). c2 is very solid and premium-feeling but it definitely does hurt my ears with the edges, would not recommend unless your concha is large. it is a highly preferred pos for me sound-wise but i can't wear it for very long and would not want it as my only iem. zero fit is inoffensive and painless but it fits very shallow; i couldn't get a good seal with mine without aftermarket tips.
but yeah it's probably not helpful to just give you two more highly individual impressions lol. here are some generic comments about pos build and comfort
>metal pos are more questionable than plastic pos, depending on the nozzle filter material they may or may not clog from exposure to moisture. that moisture can come from humidity in the air around you or from moisture depositing from your ear canal onto the body of the pos if it's colder than your body temperature. it is not always an issue for all metal pos but for the thick black cloth filters moondrop uses it is. this is never an issue with plastic pos.
>depending on the shape of a metal pos, it may weigh heavily on certain small areas of your ear and make them sore
>nozzle thickness, the thickness of the area just behind the nozzle, and nozzle angle are more important in determining pos comfort than nozzle length
>shallow-fitting pos are almost never uncomfortable but may require trying many different kinds of tips to form a good seal, and longer distance from the eardrum moves the canal resonance to a lower frequency, causing it to be more audible and sharp. eq can mitigate this.
ftm look like this? zamn. i kneel.
Anyone else compared conchas with their bros growing up or just me?
Someone's a bit moody
growing up???
were you fucking nerds out of the womb
I compared my estrogen levels like a normal growing boy
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this is how a proper ftm looks like
the C2 were already at the very back of the list for me but thanks for making them be even further back
the zero:2 seem like an outlier because I feel like for how popular they seem to be, a lot less people talk about them either positively or negatively, it's like nobody here cares about them
nah we only compared wrist and hand sizes
I don't know, looks like a failed experiment to me.
the only measurements we compared were hand and cock sizes ( while jerking each other off obv )
Zamn shawdy, I'd actually tounge punch his fart while he yaps to me about how DT990s align with diffuse field coupled with his sound stage dip ideal response.

I would make him push shit into my mouth like the good little whore he is while I stick an em6l down his tight smelly cockhole. Removing it promptly after I insert it into my ear while blasting backstreet boys. Soon thereafter I ejaculate all over his TLM103 which at that point he has already passed out due. What a cutie pie. Mwah mwah
>he doesn't know
I do indeed not know
It was made by a fish face chinky Singaporean cunt
People hate the gook sellout and always throw a hissy fit when people bring up gear he endorses or is affiliated with. Just look at any post mentioning Hexa. Some of the gear is good but I'm not allowed to say it.
so it's just the other side of brand fanboyism shilling? Hating on something because of who worked on it
stay upset
Don't defend the little covid creator nigga
I'm not a faggot so I don't care about eceleb shit
fwiw i think a lot of people don't have the zero 2 for exactly the reasons i don't which is both having already bought the zero 1 and having already bought some other pos that graphs exactly like the zero 2. there are so many budget releases that are basically excellent that it's hard for any to generate distinct "hype" and not just unanimous mild approval from reviewers who are bored of highly similar excellent cheap pos.
You are not allowed to discuss cringe and his employers. They work together to bring IEMs down to the level of headpos.
Fun fact, crinacles real name is Bryan Thng. What a name
>Expecting any semblance of fidelity from earphones
Fucking retarded biphonic memes
Calm down grandpa.
you need a shrink
reminder to stop giving money to greedy audio products merchants and start listening to more music
it's Corin Ako, his pseudonym is a corruption of his real name
If $20 pos and $500 graphs the same, what exactly is the difference other than the shell?
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With $500 pos you can't really tell how it graphs.
So I'm listening through my Fiio E10K and I'm noticing some electric noise when not playing music? Should I be concerned about that? I have it in low gain and everything so I'm not sure what's causing it.
You got fiio'd. Buy from companies that know how to make low noise devices. Dongs from OP have no noise.
Huh, ok. What's weird is that my dentphones don't have this issue. Or at least I've never noticed it.
It's not weird at all, headphones have lower sensitivity. In a quiet enough room you'd hear it.
theres no difference
Frequency response is part of the fidelity and timbre - but not all of it, I'll explain why:

Housing resonance is one factor. Think of a room - you can't EQ out the resonance. It'll always sound like your room, no matter what. Just like acoustic guitars, with different shapes. The housing affects the tone. And with planars, the driver is large and floppy, making it resonate even more, causing planar timbre.

Another factor is driver material. This affects how the driver itself resonates. You can't EQ fast, punchy bass into a slow, loose-sounding driver. Think of bass guitar strings - they have many harmonic overtones, and different strings (flatwound, round, nickel or steel plated etc) sound VERY different. The harmonics and resonant frequencies change. When a driver vibrates, it can move and resonate differently, based on material.

I've noticed with Truthear Hola, you can improve timbre with EQ, but you can't fix it. The treble is still metallic, no matter how many hours I've spent making EQ profiles. It's sharp and hissy-sounding.
stop self shilling brownoid poo worshipper
In hola there's a very narrow peak around 11kHz.
That guy looks like someone dropped a turd on the camera lens.
retard, those things aren't made with laser precision. they're slapping 5 cent tupperware lids on 5 cent copper coils. the peaks on his unit could be anywhere.
Use your ears. Not being able to EQ something is 100% a skill issue. Sometimes left and right pieces have peaks in different locations so you'll have to listen for them separately.
watch how the retard pivots
nta but kz's iems are made by machines, the proof is in their channel balance, they're using internal welded coils and still using cheap ass plastic film pet for the diaphragm. crazy how nobody here talks about the processes of making the pos they rant about.
Buy a coupler, because you can't seem to EQ by ear.
I've used Sony MH755, CCA CRA, 7hz Salnotes Zero and Moondrop Space Travel and out of the four, Sony Mh755 was my favorite.

Which budget IEM would you recommend me?
Bottom of the barrel headpos like beyers can have audible IMD warbling, on IEMs you can only get it on 1BAs.
techs are stored in the price.
But you have to be aware of the price. Otherwise $5000 headpos sounds like airpods!
ready for anim... headphone pro take?
And I thought calling yourself audiophile unironically was cringe as fuck.
Maybe i phrased it wrong. They don't suck at those genre's, but i have buds that have a bigger rumble on the low bass, these have punchy mid-bass. in the end that's all preference. I like to have a rumble on certain songs/genre's. You can most likely not get better mids for the price.
There's a long distance between 'oh shit this is bad imd' and slight but discernible flavor difference.
basshead is still an underserved segment. cca trio from aliexpress or samsung akg earphones. if you are american, your local walmart should stock the samsungs, beware of buying online there are fakes.
ok... crin already told me this 2 years ago
crin told me he likes my legs
Those are all budget shit. You won't be impressed if you're an audiophile. Try Supermix 4 and an Apple 3.5mm dac if you want to impressed for a modest price.
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Did the chink ship my nova by mule or what? I ordered June 7th.
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remember to eq your iems to jm-1
Don't buy gate, shit is scratch magnet
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scratch these magnuts nigga
pics or gtfo
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i'll get the scratch resistant shrillgot instead.
Remember to kill yourself.
Did you chew that pos?
It's time to buddy-buddy up in here
Also, go ahead and add me to the official /g/ iem server.
I won't shill there I promise
for me it's the ugly bastard
>the taint is a d*scortr*anny groomer
ofc. audiophiles love cables and water is wet. kys
show me an audiophile who doesn't like 12 year olds. that's right. you can't.
Too old.
>everywhere else seems to claim this is the best time ever for budget iems
It's true. We are inundated with quality micro speakers for cheap prices. Critical consumer reviews should discuss pros and cons though. Anons who bicker about xyz or pos have a root point, reasons why a product may not be the top pick for a particular consumer. You need to determine whether an IEM's aesthetics, accessories, and sound is good for you, while keeping in mind potential QC concerns and failure points. No product is scoring some perfect 10 in every regard. These are ultra budget chink IEMs we are talking about. Be realistic, they have their compromises and weak points. That doesn't take away from the sound of budget IEMs being agreeable for most people, they are mostly side-grades of good.
yeah ok "the tranny"

fucking faggot
there is only one way to fight this cancer. remember rei?
you are the cancer, now please. shut the fuck up or return to your gay discord shit
friendly reminder that name is not a trip
sh*t the fuck up tr*pfag
lmaoing at your life
That person using my name isn't even me LMAOOOOO
And just for the record, I never said I was anything else other than a Saint.
lmaoing at your male hands
(you'll never be a woman)
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>anons can't distinguish trip from name and get mad
all me btw
Can confirm, all me
AFormative sirs, continue
Please buy the Truthear Nova endorsed by the industry veteran Sharur
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Please poo in the loo.
>industry veteran
he started with minecraft videos. the instant i saw that i knew never to take him seriously.
First of all, you're just jealous nobody wants to buy -your- EQ settings. Second of all, you will never be a woman.
Any good POS yet?
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What iems would go well with my full rick fit?
see >>101177264
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you're really proud of those ugly iems huh
schläge by dr mengele
okay maybe my initial assumption was inaccurate, it
the freights are on a ship not airplane
iems for when you want everyone to know you're into bestiality
Daily reminder that techs are stored in the comfort and fit
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>mfw when I can't love audio like Sharur
Also works great for real music
get this reddit slop out of my thread
lmao they should have this on their selling page
he actually fucking lost it I can't believe it took him over 2 years

have one of mine
shartur is right again /iemg/ btfo
Good morning sir.
Techs are stored only in R E A L music.
You aren't ready for real music
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just why aren't western brands this based?
You know you made it when youtube starts recommending you stuff like this
is it really that good?
god no wonder you fags like tinnitus cannon pos if this shit is all you listen to
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yes (with eq)
Send bobs and song

Only real music here
which foam? how can you EQ something that 1mm coupling difference completely changes the FR?
>he doesn't know about local adjustments
it comes with foams, or trig rain
buy it and try it
Local? Half of the FR moves entirely and the other half gets randomized.
>foam degradation changes the sound
>foam thickness/donut changes the sound
>"local adjustments" change the sound
but just eq
Foam more bass
No foam less bass

it ain't rocket science

you could even try a silicon ring + foams if you find bass lacking or the fit is too small
At the time of its release it had no real competition. This was before Hola, only decently tuned IEM was chu and that was thin sounding af by comparison. not nearly as natural of a listen. Zero OG was basically a chu without the 6khz peak(which helped) but was basically the same damn thing. So wankers crushed it in the scene as basically the only warm neutral HD650-ish kinda sound.
now? it has much more competition which is why it’s obviously still good but just not a budget KILLER.

I have Gate and it’s basically an upgraded chu in sound the best way I can describe it. It’s a downtilted chu more or less which does indeed sound good.
even then gate is not like murdering the scene either, but to my ears it beats the wan’er slightly.
tl;dr wan’er is not bad and will never be bad. But there are better options IMO
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lmao even
My mom told me I look pretty handsome (with EQ)
You know you can just install an app and set the hardware volume to 100% right?
>jump through hoops just to use some homosexual ifaggot retard dac
but why?
To listen to real music
I am a woman (with EQ)
>slightly tilt my head while listening to speakerpos
>dentpos positioned slightly differently
>pads slightly more flattened or misaligned
>having hair AT ALL until eventually it falls out due to intervagination dilation and total hormonal destruction
>completely different brir hrtf kfc hdmi comb filtering quantum chakra alignment
oh no insertion depth changes frequency response!
real shitty more like rofl
God I wish I could get the gate over here without having to pay for a proxy
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IEMs don't have these problems.
You can even hear ego crackle of local expensive pos possessors when someone mentions that EQ > anything
I EQ my kilopos so whats the issue
no issue besides wasting hundreds of dollars when chang put it together for 50
Doesn't get any more real than that
As long as you EQ there's no issue. It's when you think something doesn't need EQ you have a problem.
the issue is that you can EQ $5 pos and get virtually the same result
can the 5128 head and torso be achieved natty?
That's the issue, it is only virtual and exists in your head.
i will spend 980 dollars to get a non virtual sound
Its only budget schizos who think their shit doesn't stink, the type of cable memeing snake oil no EQ purist does not exist in iemg. Except GMT, he's the only sourcefag here lmao.
i crush my balls with a golf driver and emit non-virtual sounds
as if there's anything objective about subjective human perception
just ordered the wanker sg. what am i in for?
Let's bust your eardrums and see what you'll hear.
Infinitely low distortion. Infinitely vast extension. And everything in between.
Let's find some gemstone covered with virgin cum and see if it emits special rays improving tech and tonality.
I prefer the Zero 2
in this moment i am euphoric
Because I can get one right now for $8.5 at Walmart and it performs better than chinskshit31337
even comfort wise?
Please order Kefine Delci or Letshuoer D13 for euphoric sound.
based shuoer enjoyer
comfort-wise i am merely elated
Diamond-like carbon and nanoscopic magnetron sputtering process. Is Shuoer the undisputed master of technobabble?
>nanoscopic magnetron sputtering process
That's one way to say they spray black paint on the Tupperware lid
new bread >>101180147
kefine delci

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