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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101170298

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
Cursed thread of questionable avatars
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>mfw Resource news


>Introducing AuraSR - An open reproduction of the GigaGAN Upscaler

>coyo-hd-11m-llavanext: 12m high resolution captioned images prefiltered with multilabel classifiers

>sd-webui-udav2: A1111 Extension for Upgraded Depth Anything V2Resource


>Update and FAQ on the Open Model Initiative

>Civitai Joins the Open Model Initiative

>MG-LLaVA: Towards Multi-Granularity Visual Instruction Tuning

>Stable Diffusion Web UI Temporal Extension: "loopback on steroids"

>A8R8 v0.7.0: Comfy integration adds regional prompting with attention couple & CN masks

>Unified Auto-Encoding with Masked Diffusion

>Aligning Diffusion Models with Noise-Conditioned Perception

>What the RIAA lawsuits mean for AI and copyright

>OpenDiT adds Pyramid Attention Broadcast for Real-Time Video Generation

>Director3D: Real-world Camera Trajectory and 3D Scene Generation from Text

>Q-DiT: Accurate Post-Training Quantization for Diffusion Transformers

>Disentangled Motion Modeling for Video Frame Interpolation
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You're worse than any summer shitposter thread schizo and (D)ani defender.
You pulled a full shift sweeping it up already
>mfw Research news


>MultiDiff: Consistent Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image

>ChronoMagic-Bench: A Benchmark for Metamorphic Evaluation of Text-to-Time-lapse Video Generation

>GaussianDreamerPro: Text to Manipulable 3D Gaussians with Highly Enhanced Quality

>DiffuseHigh: Training-free Progressive High-Resolution Image Synthesis through Structure Guidance

>ConStyle v2: A Strong Prompter for All-in-One Image Restoration

>Human-free Prompted Based Anomaly Detection: prompt optimization with Meta-guiding prompt scheme

>Human-Aware 3D Scene Generation with Spatially-constrained Diffusion Models

>ViT-1.58b: Mobile Vision Transformers in the 1-bit Era

>Evaluating Fairness in Large Vision-Language Models Across Diverse Demographic Attributes and Prompts

>Federated Dynamical Low-Rank Training with Global Loss Convergence Guarantees

>ET tu, CLIP? Addressing Common Object Errors for Unseen Environments

>MOSSBench: Is Your Multimodal Language Model Oversensitive to Safe Queries?

>Exclusive Style Removal for Cross Domain Novel Class Discovery


>Text-Animator: Controllable Visual Text Video Generation

>MotionBooth: Motion-Aware Customized Text-to-Video Generation

>Video Inpainting Localization with Contrastive Learning

>Principal Component Clustering for Semantic Segmentation in Synthetic Data Generation
Death to all pedos
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You're going to trigger his crew, watch out
>t. triggered pedo deflecting
crying about loli on a loli website, really?
>a loli website
That's not what this is retard.
ani is based
Nice Try Ani.
shut up pedo
post your Rouge the Bat images, sonic gooner
>pedos trying to cop a plea
Why did Ani post those images to begin with?
To trigger the everliving piss out of you dumb retard for weeks.
He won.
considering it was an anon catbox and was also a jpg, I don't think it was ani
is debo back on the discord?
God, you dumb shizos are the kinds of people who buy celebrity magazines, hungry for entirely made up celeb drama, don't you.
You're addicted to it.
You people need hobbies
abandon thread
Morning anons
So now we not only have a thread schizo but also a thread pedo
So comfortable
coming back to this general to see whats up after a hiatus.
nice to see that this general has devolved from piss to shit
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do you guys think that if the sd1.5 versions of ourselves saw today's sd3 gens, we would be mindblown? I know sd3 sucks by todays standards but I wonder what would we have thought about them in 2022.....
Why can't the mod just ban the schizo?
because it's not only one anon
Has anyone tested sd-webui-temporal already? Does it hold what the author promises?
Which one?
>singular schizo anon theory
get new material
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Why so quiet?
>best X?
is a very lazy question, unlikely to get a response, why would anyone who knows about face swappers put in any effort to an answer when you haven't put in any effort to the question
do you know of any face swappers? have you tried them? if you know some and have tried them, pose your question like that, "ive tried X face swapper, what are some others i can try?" or try it the other way "X face swapper is the best, prove me wrong"
>Generally this thread is aggressively cruel to anyone seeking to learn or asking about software.
>profoundly retarded and dont do computer good
autistics believe you know everything they know, that's why they are cruel when you act profoundly retarded (in their opinion). don't take anything they say personally, they are like spiders in the sense that they are more frustrated with you than you are with them
>Try online without registration

Guys I'm new, I don't know anything about image generation..
I need to start using this incredible tools..
Am I going to be able to generate sci-fi images of robots and technology with stable difussion without having to register and install anything?
I want to try the technology before downloading it and installing.
Anon, why do you use ComfyUI?
Debo needs to anon post to get engagement
You don't have to register, and installation is mostly automated.
Not exactly what I meant when i typed "mushrooms cloud" heh
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Pedo supporter detected
you want "mushroom cloud", or "mushroom clouds" for plural
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Testing out a particular artstyle. Don't know why, but it consistently gives female subjects cake.
Does anyone have the webm of that long inpainting session of a woman sitting behind a computer, worker of the year(?) on the background, while a new one is on her knees sucking the boss off?
>Trani is crying
Does anything you prompt have in common with cakes? Ie sweet? For example every time I want to see a bowl cut, I get the subject holding a bowl.
You may not want to admit it but the drama is damn entertaining to read
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leaked footage from the debate. it was prerecorded!
No, Satan. I mean that the women have ass.
how can you tell?
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at one point, trump and his body double tried to team up and the moderator just let it happen. rigged!
still a nice picture
His anon spergout
how could you tell it was him?
You guys need to stop bullying ani
or else what?
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Or imma fuck you up!
very fashionable
burger bitch
I'm too old for you Trani
I wrote:
sci-fi cyberpunk bionic robotic arm prosthesis for humans with black and orange colors..

It generated an image like if I talked to a drunk person xD wtf this shit is difficult
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>Timesteps used per block
aaa that's annoying, awkward to give them all a different name. might as well implement arange kernel, providing precomputed constants for stuff like this just makes it unnecessarily complicated
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show the pic. always fun to see misfires
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they probably ban him daily

No thanks I like it here
is trani still beans?
>It generated an image like if I talked to a drunk person
AI is almost as smart as a drunk person.
schizoanon here
i have yet to get banned unlike a certain bean
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100% a lie. we've seen schizo anons posts get wiped in the past
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It's sad to see the regulars on here don't like each other
have you considered that "schizoanon" is not a single anon or is that still your cope?
he likes to pretend hes not the thread schizo
seems she likes hamburgers a lot
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i am schizo anon
ask me anything
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Not in the same league as the Roman Empire, ancient Greece, Star Wars Legends content, Star Trek, Yuros vs. Amerimutts on /int/, gbfg, the rest of /g/, and the list goes on and on ad infinitum.
You belong in /x/, and your IQ is far too low to produce anything worth reading.
>fuming mad
i think we should decide on a name, feel free to chose or add:
* trani: the classic choice. sounds a bit goofy but is otherwise harmless
* Dani: a darker meaning with some thought in it
* thread pedo: the blatant reality and teams up well with "thread schizo"
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>external monologue
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>singular schizo anon
i hate avatarfaggots so much its unreal. wonder if any of you actually understand why it's problem. are you smart enough to know why?
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too many nogens
The only avatars that are actually a problem are PW and debo
>hating pedos is a position you need to defend on /sdg/
I think we've been seeing it on display for the last several days. It's ego, though, that's at fault here. Being identifiable isn't a problem, but seeking and defending identity in a space like this tends to be
nice try Trani
beat the heat
cool place btw.
it's just tran. there is only one tran
Please be nice to each other. You all post on here daily and still shit fling!
no, fuck you
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I'm not an avatar :)
The saddest thing about this retarded dramafagging is that you're all choosing to forget that prompts are tools. Either you have actually learned nothing in the last two years and remain promptlets or you're being disingenuous.

If the image Ani posted was not shota but merely contained the word shota in the prompt (I haven't seen it) then that means he was not genning shota, but was using "shota" as a guide for the output. If you were trying to create le heckin wholesome chungus cute images (I hate this tranny garbage myself) using a model substantially trained on booru data, you would have to use the word "shota" even if you loathe the porn category and think it's evil. Because that's the word most powerfully associated with the visual you're trying to achieve. Because that's how booru tagging is.

But it doesn't matter to you, because you're lying faggots and will use any appearance of misdoing as a cudgel because you hate Ani. I hate Ani too but I have principles, you people absolutely don't. You think you do because you can whip yourself up into a state of phony moral outrage and pretend to yourself that it's for real. That's the sad bit. You can delude yourself when it suits you. You really think you're on a crusade against pedophilia, you can't even see the faggot discord-tier intrigue you're instigating or the petty resentment in your heart that animates it.
nb4 didnt read
>(I haven't seen it)
I just know nobody would be pulling that "we got you in the metadata" shit if the image itself was evidence enough
3 paragraphs and he didn't even see it. Imagine if he had... holy shit.
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I love /sdg/!
be honest you are schizoanon and want it posted in every thread kek
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I dunno what all this drama is about but even though I barely post here(but I do look at all your pics, btw they've been boring lately), I hate Ani because he told me he was going to make some dank animation suite last year and I don't have a dank animation suite this year. He is a gay liar.

If I could have my way he would both be executed along with Emad and everyone still at StabilityAI for dropping the ball, the team at NAI/Midjourney/Dalle for not open sourcing models, Comfy for making a shitty UI, the Ponyfucker for fucking up his model, that other fag you are always shitposting about because drama ruins communities, and everyone who doesn't share prompts because people just wanna prompt. Especially the two twitterfaggots that post here and don't share prompts.

You would all be dead. Only Voldy, Runway, lllyasviel, and the Chinese ML researchers would live.
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The avatarfags would live too*
Ran has ruined /sdg/ forever.
/sdg/ is healing
No he hasn't
>I hate Ani because he told me he was going to make some dank animation suite last year and I don't have a dank animation suite this year
year isn't over yet and he is pushing to a private repo more often
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She looks flat despite those mountains of meat, very strange.
who? me?
>using a model substantially trained on booru data,

You wanna know the fucked up thing?
Some of the tags in boorus are incorrect or tagged by poor observers or ESLs. So that's partially why you'll get fringe results that don't reflect your tags.
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Schizo tier cope
Sorry for not liking lying freaks that post images of children in sexual encounters. I'm sure both your parents and Ani's obvious single mother would agree with me on that stance
Booru tags are really really bad honestly.
>lying again
Can you show me where?
I'll entertain you
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great choice of OP picture baker <3
The only thing triggering me is you going back to the Ran gens
great choice
Also this
Things that shouldn't be generalized under one term are, that lies but one of the problems.
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Stells you should stay out of this, you're backing the wrong horse on this
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck your mom?
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stells doesn't choose a side based on what they stand for or what they're arguing, he just chooses whomevers gens he likes more
>comfy leaves to start his own shit
>falls apart within a week
Oh, good. I was worried his time at SAI might have led to him developing some actual competence and I would have to put up with his presence for longer.
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welcome newfren
so how many anons are in the discord, is it worth to join?
So where was the lie?
>the cuck who only implements stability models (and is busy implementing SD3 at the moment instead of any of the alternatives)

>The company only making closed models

>The guy who abandons all his projects

>>falls apart within a week
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>implying voldy actually does anything other than merge PRs.
he hasn't added a single thing of note in 2 years
hi comfy
Voldy knows that the others aren't worth using yet so he doesn't care. I don't care. No one but Comfytroons care.

Runway made and leaked the early versions of SD so we owe everything to them.

lllyasviel does cool stuff and I've never seen him be annoying(he might be but I dunno).
we don't need any more newfags none of you understand the lore and generally make a mess of things
>trying to derail the conversation
If all you can do is false flag and not be able to back any of your claims, my stock will keep rising
hey that's not very welcoming anon!
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remove it from op then and be happy together?
I'm not backing any horse, I am 'that weird person walking funny trough the mosh pit without anyone touching him'
used to dislike those people but alas,
Ani is a big boy he can 'defend' himself just fine
just shut up
>I'm not backing any horse
>ani is hecking based!!!!
so are you simply retarded
Which makes it extra funny that the first thing he does in months is work hard to add support for a DOA model.
Forge is not faster than A1111 on my machine. In fact, it's 2 seconds slower on average!
I've been on sdg for 3 days now, I'm joining the discord server
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>worked hard
>steals implementation anyways
fucking retard
I looked through like ten threads to try to find what you people are talking about and I can't. I did see one very gross catbox but I have no idea who posted that
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Oh did the poor baby get caught on his bluff?
Stop defending and sweeping that's all I got to say
don't listen to this tard, these threads are the worst when it's the same drama circlejerk for days on end, newcomers are great.

but also the discord is a trap and shouldn't be in the op
I think the discord is based if it eventually results in a big FBI operation that cleans most of the 'notable posters' out
Is the Discord actually an op to dox us?? Now I'm scared :(
> seeking and defending identity in a space like this tends to be
the most salient point in the last month of threads. dont let them jedi mindtrick you with "oh im not an avatar" or "actually its not against the rules :]"
mods need to prune this shit
this is an avatarfag going anon btw
i miss "avatarfags are cancer" anon
Ran is ruining /sdg/ with his SJW bullshit
He was on last night unironically being cancer
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So that's your latest cope?
You do realize the person I'm talking about is a bisexual gooner right?
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I'd call it 'neurodivergent'
but my open opinion differs from either of the extreme opinions, I just like cheering for the one getting hit the most often
no :P I like you both and I think this whole thing is pretty overdrawn, I also like to be difficult
That's an awful lot of large commits from him.
Imagine shilling a DOA stability model for free even more than the employees after the company shits on you and your project lmao.
>So that's your latest cope?
no you are coping you suck ass and people are calling you out
>I'd call it 'neurodivergent'
Then maybe you should hold off on stating your opinions on it or include that caveat so anon knows
>Ad hominem
VERY cute
its funny because if this were reversed, debo would reply with "post a gen so i know who in talking to"
cucked behavior but all those commits are doing is slapping it into gradio. it still doesn't work because he is retarded. glad the good devs left because voldy is a shitcoder riding coattails
it isn't untrue if you have frequent melties you fucking pedo
he's suspiciously silent in all of this
That larp failed
Try harder
unsurprisingly nogenning is how id classify it
Voldy just knows SD3 will be relevant in the future. He's got a 300 IQ.
>Voldy just knows
stopped reading. don't care about some irrelevant retard fucking up implementations since sdxl
why does ran lie so much?
>claims ran lied
>refuses to elaborate
many such cases
that faggot is a human tabloid. gay af
Can you post the lie?
The anon responding to him made a good point
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Cel shading plays NICELY with dreamshaper.
>The anon responding to him made a good point
faggots like you are what enable him. I wouldn't be surprised if it was ranfaggot I'm replying to. >>101174428 he is a pedo
t. comfytroon
fucking kek I knew it
That didn't work last thread even with your obvious samefagging
>still cant point to the lie
>That didn't work
proving he posted sexualized children isn't evidence? what fucking planet are you from?
this didn't age well
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Can you explain in detail how the above claim is valid and how it's the same as a cartoon image of a young boy's genitals being exposed with male bodily fluids all over his body?
prove ani posted the catbox first
We already did he also defended it
ToT link plz
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Can we also laugh at the fact Ani tried to delete the catbox and anon already archived it?
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Thread is going to reach bump limit at this rate.
shut the fuck up
what do you mean?
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All of you shut up and stop fighting.
schizo gonna schitz
death to all pedos
Shortstackism is a disgusting dysgenic fetish for goblinoid mestiza freaks which is worse than pedophilia. But it ISN'T pedophilia so Ran is innocent of these charges.
Are you in the discord?
>this is a controversial statement on /sdg/
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The thread is going to reach bump limit before it reaches image limit.
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imagine caring about things like bump limit or image limit
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any reason to switch to Comfy if A1111 is working decently?
Ok I saw the image. If that's Ani that posted it, they're right about him. Aesthetically repulsive. Though I dislike it intensely, I can tolerate some degree of homosexual boy-love as long as it's tasteful. This was ugly and indefensible.
t. roastie
link it?
what are you doing over there?
You don't want to see it
I don't want to be responsible for promulgating filth. If you really need to judge for yourself, it was near the end of a thread, many threads ago. Just keep going back until you find a thread without results for "pedo" and that's probably where it was.
Can you give a QRD on Ani and Ran's conversation when the catbox drama started?
if you are happy with a1111, why change
is it really that bad?
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can you describe your ideal homosexual boy-love image (so we can have a reference guide of what is acceptable)
thats the point where you "randomly" show up?
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fine fine
< this one is going in the foxhunt folder
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It's right there in the news/resource post: >>101175794
>>Update and FAQ on the Open Model Initiative
Hope this helps.
Not posting enough gens I tell you!
I don't know I guess Call Me By Your Name, although I never saw it.
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Chilling and hanging out

Catjak just expressed his disagreement with ani posting a repulsive picture, ani ignored him for the most part. Now catjak labels him a pedo.
appreciated effort
it's not good
Did Ani deny posting it?
>four legs
>disfigured thigh
>discolored eye detailer/mask
actually awful gen, are you partially blind?
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No he didn't, and it's obvious he did.
I didn't post it otherwise there would be metadata
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Ani bros?
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It's about the flavour not the presentation
I don't trust troony
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Ani bros?
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SDXL images take forever to generate but that may be more a consequence of my hardware than whatever UI I'm using
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it is slower but you are more likely to get a useable image
It takes a while, patience
Finally feel like I know how to use SD prompt wise but how can I get my upscale to look this clean?

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TiledDiffusion w/ Noise Inversion on, 1.25-2x scale, .2-.5 denoise, repeat two or three times
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Does Forge not support this?

Wow thats so cool looking
i added anime-like to the painting prompt
>Does Forge not support this?
no clue, a1111 definitely does. Can do it with comfy too but the workflow is a bit of a clusterfuck
>Ani in the bunker trying I draft a new excuse
It's not looking good for Ani rn
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I love the style, even though I usually don't do much anime stuff. But this is a cool mix.

Seems like there's mixed info on Forge doing so. Wish I knew since your image is super cool.
Whenever I create a realistic character, why does it seem like there’s always a huge spotlight on them? They never seem to blend into the environment without looking bright as hell. Despite experimenting with prompt phrases like: low light, dark lighting, and dark backgrounds, I still face challenges, even with style Loras.
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He's gonna keep talking when they cut his mic
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>Wish I knew since your image is super cool.
wasn't my gen you replied to, I just assume that's what he uses for upscaling. I could always be wrong, but I haven't seen another upscaling method produce cleaner results.

I use a comfy workflow that replicates what the a1111 extension does with noise inversion, which is the real secret sauce to it.

>why does it seem like there’s always a huge spotlight on them?
a lot of models just struggle with true low light scenes, you can use loras like Epinoiseoffset to improve it or download a model that is trained specifically for night style scenes.
SAI actually released a model called CosXL that had a massive improvement on low light stuff, but it never really took off
Ani bros? ;_;
It's over
why are generative ai threads so schizo
wheres debo
its probably the same handful of schizos in each one.
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do they really not know or are they trolling?
ani is based
whoops sorry!

Man that one you did is super cool also, like the color contrast! Gonna look up that Lora right now, I think. I'm gonna try my best to mess around and hopefully make the spotlight effect disappear. It's really annoying trying to make a cool scene that has such weird lighting.
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Comfyui is working super well for me for everything but inpainting. I wish there was a setup that just worked like a1111 inpainting for SDXL.
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there's a few custom nodes that try to improve on the inpainting experience. you could try looking at whats in the node manager and try some out to see if any of them bring you closer to what you want
i miss schizo anon
I've fucked around with most of it and none of it really give the results i want, so far.
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thats a shame. inpainting has always been one of comfyui's weakest points, sadly. maybe it'll be a high priority thing for comfyorg
lots of fucking around but probably have svd compiling soon:tm:
makes sense why the project is basically abandoned by Meta and why they never bothered implementing anything more than basic models desu
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And with that I'm going to sleep.
Good night.
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you're gonna miss the debate but gn
Thanks, I can't get black tape project stuff working at all though
wait the debate is today/evening?
slo-Joe is actually gonna go on a stage and talk?
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yep. its gonna be exciting to see whos brain is more melted
9pm eastern today
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Apparently one of his conditions for doing the debate is they are going to sit instead of stand...
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They'll probably have him hopped up on drugs before he goes on stage
>9pm eastern
in two hours ?
It's Dead, Jim
good I want that state of the union sassy joe
mmh! although I am a Trump fan
oh 100%, just which one, and which 'Biden' do we get to see
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>which one
It's probably some obscure designer drug(s)
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but i dont want to go to the next schizo thread ;_;
just post it you fucking drama slurping faggots
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Pony or SDXL for realism/photorealism?
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Not sure if any fine-tune of pony is good with realism.
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that's right bitch clean it up
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Thanks to everyone who helped filling up the images of the thread.

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