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Are you happy now, tech chuds?
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Why do they look like they're in pain
perfect. now incels can stop complaining and finally have their mold skin robo gf.
Uhhm, chuds? Are we winning?
>giving the machine living biological matter
No, stop.
Okay, but how do you fuck it?
why do these retards keep spending so much money and time on realistic skin face bullshit
just give it a cutesy 2d face display with just eyes and sometimes a little cartoon mouth
what the fuck
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This but unironically
yes, just attach a simple nerve net to this thing and you have a realistic woman
femcels will have to wait another 20 years for AI to be as intelligent as men though
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I'm very happy, the future is looking bright!
we need to ban engineering
There was no need to do this
>heres your sexbot, bro
at what point do we stop and say, "hey wouldn't it be easier to just fucking grow people in artificial wombs?" instead of coming up with manmade machine horrors?
you can't grow artificial women that have an off switch
you can build artificial women that have an off switch
flood the market with excesses of hot artificial women until hypergamy ends, easy
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It's not pain. It's an imitation of Guillaume Le Million's expression.
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This is good progress. I love the idea that my robo girl has real skin. This will make for a very realistic experience combined with the heat a robot naturally produces.
>le h*ckin epic communist game
go back
We already do that. It's called "the third world". The 3rd world factories have been poopping out litterally billions of slave int the last 50 years.
Of course, much like silicon wafer in lithography, most of them are defective and never hit the market. But the US and yurop have still imported millions of them.
A jap engineer (woman) made one and the feminists/globohomo almost torched her entire lab
We’re not ready as a species
Is this a normal posture?
I want to be able to receive kisses though..
You don't stand like that? (weirdo)
Just do that thing from Wall-E with your robo gf
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I want to sit on that slut and fit her whole head inside my arse. I bet she have a vibrating function too.
I never asked for this. The people who do this shit should be burned alive.
To be fair, it probably has more application than sexbot.
Think prosthetics for the medical field, for example.
I assule this invention is primarily for medical purposes
how long was the skin actually "living" giving the lack of, well, the rest of the organism supplying it with what's necessary to survive?
Why can't they make anything that isn't nightmare fuel? Like a working Jenny Wakeman, a silly colorful computer screen A.I helper for work, or an ACTUAL robotic puppy like those ones your parents got you for christmas.

Are you sober now?
They will be punished for this. God willing.
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>The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy...
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>"hey wouldn't it be easier to just fucking grow people in artificial wombs?"

If Armitage III is anything to go buy, we first need to set up colonies on Mars. Then we can make artificial women with functioning wombs to combat the low native birth rates, so we can get independency from Earth.
>set up colonies on Mars
Not going to happen. We will set up mining rigs, at best.

>combat the low native birth rates
It's a non-issue. We've never been more productive than right now. Which means we could maintain our current standard of living with fewer workers than before. Or shorter workdays.
First world country's true issues is : sociopathic elite that import slaves from the 3rd world, en masse, to avoid sharing their riches with the lower stratum of society.
This is not horrifying.
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i remember.
>he thinks it’s for faces and hands
Obviously they don’t think their silicone ona holes are realistic enough
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They literally grew a homunculus in a lab.
We'll harvest your cells and grow them artificially until they turn into a face condom and see how much pain you're in then.
Can't be worse than the majority of you cockroaches called 'human'
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I kneel
>too blinded by politics to recognize kino
go back
I'm depressed, benchod
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what the fucking fuck
Save us, Kyle.
Fold it like a taco
she's cute. would.
What's the use case for this ? We already knew how to make those using steel and plastics why do we have to use cadavers now ? What's the purpose?
>We will set up mining rigs, at best.
What makes you say that? Mining towns became fully-fledged cities eventually. Non-self-supporting mining rigs are also incredibly expensive to maintain, for obvious reasons.
>It's a non-issue
Absolutely fucking not. I refuse to look at our collapsing birth rates as anything other than an issue. We have the material resources to support way more than this, and once mining in space becomes a whole deal, we will have even more resources.
i love how horrified they look
it's like they know they're crimes against nature
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The cities of Nod are on the rise.
This would be the best way for humanity to improve. Eliminate all the bad genetics.
I LOVE bioengineering.
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Why do they always insist on making robot human faces? Why not something actually cool like a robot dinosaur?
Hashem wants us to do this, that's why he put us in Earth.
Sea pic
If we can get over the uncanny valley, we can make just about anything.
that's a /sci/ problem, I didn't do nuthin
>organic skin condom
Wouldn't that just be a closeable foreskin?
are the engineers OK?
>facial robot
From 92
It doesn't mention the death threats she got or that her lab was broken into a few times during gestation, I can't find you those quotes now
She's a boss, though, she didn't care and said 'I worry more about earthquakes ruining my work than any of these animals' or something along those lines, Very stoic
Cruelty Squad was supposed to be a cautionary tale, guys.
Why is my food staring back at me?
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I did.
Ever worked in a bio lab?
t. Engineer
does this mean I get a drow gf?
>Are you happy now, tech chuds?
Realistic blowjob robo-waifus when?
I guess the hairs on a spider's legs provides better grip due to electrostatic forces of attraction than plain steel and synthetic polymers.
Though I feel like whoever thought of this must hold a very deep grudge against spiders.
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>le man made horrors beyond my HECKIN comprehension

what happened that turned the average zoomer into a willing npc? why do you guys all talk like the bewildered hayseeds delivering exposition in an hp lovecraft story
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curse me with the knowledge
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>We have the material resources to support way more than this
No. There's a world between "supporting [life]" and "living the life with dignity". Nobody wants your life-in-the-pod hellscape.
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>Why do they look like they're in pain
for the same reason why you are in pain
btw, her face screen would not be flickering irl, it's just the phone camera
It's not about what the cattle wants anon
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yes there was, everything you enjoy that comes from modern science came about from the suffering of millions of animals (and humans) inflected by and for science
I already live in a pod (overpriced studio apt), it's just low tech and expensive, millions of shitskins risk theri lives and flee to 1st world just to live in the same shitty pod.
The pod is an upgrade, hellscape is the default state of nature, you retarded Eco-commie vegan 'tard twerp.
>Nobody wants your life-in-the-pod hellscape
Yeah. You're right.
I'm saying we have enough (accessible) resources to not only greatly improve the standard of living of everyone on earth, we also have the resources to do that for an additional SEVERAL BILLION PEOPLE.
Granted, not all of those resources have been mined, and the biggest problem is logistics, but the resources do exist and we don't need new technologies to access them.
>closeable foreskin
America saved?
They'd be better of recreating material that would mimic electrostatic forces. It probably doesn't take long for dead spider bio hydraulic system to desintegrade.
theyre gonna turn me into a condom and fuck me??? fuck im wet
>millions of shitskins risk theri lives [to emigrate]
I'm currently residing in Africa and I can tell you that much : No migrant is risking his life to migrate to the 1st world. We're in 2024. They have motorized means of transport for 99% of the trip.
They do risk their lives when fleeing from one 3rd world country to another. But that's another thing entirely.
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Steel and plastics cannot function as a vessel to trap a Goyish soul.

Organic tissue must be used to subject your soul to eternal torment and degredation, in the hell which they seek to create for you. And you're letting them do it because you're afraid of being called racist.
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>It's a non-issue. We've never been more productive than right now.

Armitage III wasn't about current Earth. It was about the Mars colonies who wanted to gain independence from Earth. But this was impossible because birth rates were catastrophically low, and without a self sustaining populace, the colonies would be always dependent on Earth immigrants.

So one crazy guy tried solving the problem by creating robot girls who could get pregnant.
Human cloning factories of genetically modified super humans are definitely going to be a thing at this rate
because no eyelids
>What's the use case for this ? We already knew how to make those using steel and plastics why do we have to use cadavers now ? What's the purpose?
calm down ebussy
>Philosopher: "Think of the moral and ethical implications of this..."
>Engineers: "Grabby spider corpse go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."
Yeah, just stick Atlas into a Robbie the Robot case. Humans are more comfortable with robots that look like robots than they are these animate corpses.
Oh yeah, it's been possible to give everyone a basic standard of living for decades, but a lot of people on the top end of the pyramid would have to sacrifice their power to make it happen.
>>set up colonies on Mars
>Not going to happen. We will set up mining rigs, at best.
Regular humans won't achieve it for sure
Genetically modified humans, or at the very least actual Cyborgs will be what is needed to survive the radiation and environment long term
Natural born humanity isn't gonna cut it anymore
>moral and ethical implications
get a job, hippie
Not really? Like, even if they did, they would not able to. We don't have a resources problem, we have a logistics problem, and if it could be resolved, Africa would be war torn still, but at least it would have always running air conditioning and nice houses in the areas that weren't torn apart by gun fire.
>Not going to happen.
we have the tech, only thing you need is the will
faggots like you and boomers are sad we'll never have Total Recall mars in our lifetime, it's not about vanity, it took Europeans ~500 years to fully colonize the Americas
brainlets like you honestly think humanity will go extinct cause of carbon emissions, fucking tards
Yes, that was the point of the post, to emphasize the ridiculous concerns of philosophers when compared to the proactive and innovative attitudes of Engineers, perhaps you didn't pay attention in English Courses to understand.
Unbelievably based and Cute Aesthetic-Pilled
The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human - sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.
slowpoke, >>101179655
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I'm sure it has medical applications for old ass bitches who want new skin
it's the only good Terminator film, I'll allow it
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I can see applications for this, e.g. in prosthetics.
>it took Europeans ~500 years to fully colonize the Americas
Yeah. America. A continent on planet Earth, with a working living environment already in place.
Mars is fucking barren.
Nani the fuck?!?
>So one crazy guy tried solving the problem by creating robot girls who could get pregnant.
Awful. Why taint a technological marvel with a biocunt?! It sounds awful...
>we have the tech
[citation needed]
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There are a number of applications
Slime GF go!
Horrors beyond human comprehension will be man-made.
Slimegirls sounded so hot in the manga, though. Why is reality so disappointing?
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Actually genius.
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I would love to lower one onto my neighbor's head so it fucks him up but I don't have crab.
>Human cloning factories of genetically modified super humans are definitely going to be a thing at this rate
He was right...
Man-made horrors beyond my comprehension
its mind
Only males are turned into Driders, anon
Cyborgs should just cut off faces from people mexican-drug-cartel style and wear them like carnival masks.
who is hashem?
hashem nuts
How did they solve the blood problem? Last I heard they could make living skin and put it on robots to give them a sense of touch. But the skin always died because it had no way to give nutrients or oxygenate the cells so it always died without about 8 hours.
Why did they have to use a spider? Humans are pre-programmed to hate those things. There is no way this would have been received positively.
What was stopping martian people from just having sex with each other, why did they need robot girls?
>you are going to brazil.webm
fake fucking video. Everyone knows these things are rigged.
It could eventually enable robotic pussies
They didn't and we can't do vasculature. That's why this research at the current stage is a complete fucking meme. The only reason to even put skin on a face like this at this stage is for grabbing attention. Putting blood vessels in cultured tissues has been a problem for years and there's been basically no progress. The interesting part here is that they can make strong bonds to skin, this is interesting for medical research.
Bullshit. Why don't you disprove them then? All you need to replicate their results are a dead spider, a syringe, and some superglue.
>post euphoric clarity
>4. It's an expression of pain.
Just the beginning I guess
Can we modify living people's genes?
Yes, that has been a thing for some time now.
I don't see that eyesight regeneration, muscular dystrophy, dementia, or death has been solved yet.
For now. It is prohibitively expensive and not at all as efficient as it could be
The gene therapies must come down in price and must be refined to be much more effective as a treatment before they become widespread and accepted
NOT THIS AGAIN also i saw him on /g/ trying to get funding
It was a full on cyberpunk society.
>ywn fuck drider bussy
this is hell
More efficient delivery of pesticide by infiltrating insect colonies directly with trojan horses.
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Come on, who wouldn't want to knock up a chick who looks like this, robot or not.
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Just go to the store and buy as many as you want. You don't even need a background check. Don't buy too many because you will stick out if the police question the staff. Keep it to less than a dozen and you should be okay.
Forbidden ham
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>why do these retards keep spending so much money and time on realistic skin face bullshit
Because it has application for medical purposes dummy, it can be used for skin grafts not all technology is developed purely for the purposes of sexbots.

Although we are still getting sexbots and the first on the market will likely look the way you want them so quit whining.
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They had a significantly skewed gender ratio something like 100 men to every 1 woman so most people couldn't ever have kids.
It's not intended for robots dumbass
the rapture already occured and we were left behind.
some anon here made a robotic sex doll and put his dick in its mouth
it was much more worse than it sounds
That was my first thought. Assuming the skin cells are continually dying, shedding, and being replaced, the new material has to come from somewhere.
I was not expecting to see this webm on /g/ today.
I think you're correct.
Is this anime worth watching or are you just baiting
don't care i want screen face cybernetics to
I want to BE the bunny girl.
Bnuuy hormone therapy when.
so soon there is LITERALLY no way to escape the wage cage, not even death
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More than right, they're experimenting with it and very far with it, just look at the joe biden now vs back then and you'll notice slight differences especially around the ear region. Also if I am to go by with what I have heard with the redpill about disney's frozen movie being used as a method to muddy the search engines for people searching for walt disney's body being cryogenically frozen, then I would assume the same cryogenic freezing happened with all politicians and celebrities already and we are only seeing clones of them today while their preserved bodies are in deep underground military bases. All preserved bodies underground must be destroyed so they cannot be used to create another cycle of tyranny in this world after they succeed in genociding most of the world's population and control the very few handful remaining, like a garden of eden 2.0 with enhanced control via technology.

Captcha: S0PH
it's a crab, they grip everything that moves in front of them
i bet china is already dabbling in this
>Most of you would kill spiders without hesitation
t. psychopath
Any other anon consider this music to their ears? :D
they had one in the lobby of the texas roadhouse near me and my wife put more money in them than we spent on food
What's so special about biden that they would bother spending billions of dollars to freeze/clone him? Seems like it would be easier just to groom a new politician.
Looking forward when they combine this with larger brain organoids and have it control a robotic form of some sort and we will have real life Cylons or Daleks
That explains the random concept of "Disney on ice" as well.
Imagine it giving you a bj, haha
"We beat medicare"
This technology will put an end on hypergamy and I can't wait for that to become a reality .
Gotta go through a few more iterations before they can cook up a batch which can excrete aphrodisiac fluids which can lubricate it's walls and be grown into a pleasing texture designed specifically for milking human cocks
Maybe they'll develop it soon in the next few years
Bleeding hearts are the death of this world. I only hope that the best humans escape to space before everything goes to shit. That way they can start over without the dredges of society weighing us down.
It does flicker IRL. It flickers faster than your yes can register so it looks like they don't flicker, but the muscles in the eyes attempt to compensate and they can't which leads to eye fatigue and health issues down the line.

OLED is bad for you.
Wow, I instantly read that in the original voice
thank you for the memories
So they can use this type of technique for making living flesh pussy onaholes that are actually alive right bros?
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It's worth watching. It's basically Blade Runner: the Anime, but with late 80s/early 90s quality animation, lots of action, and it's only like 150 minutes in four episodes. The protagonist is a police loli who can kick the ass of criminals, surf cyberspace, dress in skimpy red lingerie, and have your babies under her motherboard (she literally says this last part).

note that the stuff I told about robot wombs created to fight a population problem, that's basically spoiling the very ending. But there's a lot of good action and a great soundtrack throughout the entire series.
now this is man-made horror kino

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