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Tech Workers in Space Edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>101166873
Good morning
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I have an interview tomorrow at the company my gf works, she said the boss will ask basic questions about loonix and C ( they make embedded shit). Any idea what I should focus on? Not sure if simple means ls or pthread.
Realistically you should know both.
It's too late to learn anything new by now. Get some good sleep and good luck tomorrow.
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>they make embedded shit
pic rel is your fate
>just finished a call where not one but TWO people didn't know how to reboot a Windows machine
How the fuck has humanity made it this far
The pay is around 70k which is a lot more than the 0 im earning atm

its at 5pm tomorrow, I can still memorize some shit

I only know the linux I have had to use for my selfhosted servers, never touched pthread or knew about it till today
Hey Eli, I've put on my Maid outfit. Now what?
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>215k net worth
>working a comfy remote job, making >85k
>really like being unemployed

Anyone have any advice for a man in this position? I could keep throwing money on the pile for the sake of compound interest. But I'm keen on being unemployed and working on projects I find fun and meaningful. Any suggestions?
Im in my 2nd week as a business analyst. man this role really is just asking people what they want and telling devs to do the needful.
I wanna get into embedded stuff too. Is it a junior position? What sort of things do they ask for on the job posting? Assuming you had to go through that and you didn't just get the hook up from the gf
I just want to get an idea of the sort of profile they're looking for in that field.
nice old photo you have there
can u elaborate on the shitty engineering decisions
You don't have nearly enough money in the war chest to do that. That's all.
just remember that the .bss section is initialized by the c runtime library, you can wow them with that little factoid
So you think it'd be unwise to take 1 year off, it'd only cost me 26k
I've noticed basic regex knowledge usually blows people away for some reason. It's almost better for interviews than it is for actual string matching.
Understanding C memory management is another good one.
>it'd only cost me 26k
I thought you made 85k
how basic are we talking
That's about all I know and I probably fucked up by not escaping the underscores or something. Plus it always seems different on python vs perl vs grep
I got through a phone screening once after explaining Kleene's theorem.
Don't stop until you have $2.5m
very well

very well

I will find solace in tasks outside work to give me energy to continue. I reckon this is why normies drink wine, play videogames, socialize, and buy a bunch of shit on Amazon
( ) are literals and \( \) are capture groups in Basic POSIX regex and Python regex
\( \) are literals and ( ) are capture groups in Extended POSIX regex and Perl regex
:characterclasses: don't work in Python regex

That's like 99% of the differences that will come up
grep defaults to Basic POSIX regex but there are flags to use Extended POSIX regex or Perl regex instead
I'm doing some contract work, pay is great but their product team is retarded. Does anyone know how to intercept a POST request in react without a known payload? Axios will post an empty payload by default. I just want to listen if any are made to a specific url.
Is there a way to use MS Teams remotely? My company has blocked MS Teams access outside of the fucking company laptop, so I wanna leave the Chonky Chinkpad at home and be able to take work meetings and calls with my phone or a smaller laptop.

Something like VNC or Steam Remote Play but with audio and maybe webcam capabilities.
>help me circumvent my company's security policy
The punchline is you getting in trouble. Maybe don't.
Faggot. Policies exist for sheep, not wolves.
Bribe the cybersec or admin then
spend it
what's the point of money if you don't use it?
buy fancy stuff, fuck some hookers do some coke

it's not your money anyway
legally all your money belongs to the bank
if you just work to increase the pile only thing you are accomplishing is making a Jew richer
I wanted to consider your suggest, but that's not happening now
Would you rather work on a team of Indians or a team of Chinese?
Better food, smells, and women
oh no
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I had a nightmare last night where I had pron on my work computer and I didn't know how to explain it to IT. I was relieved to find out it was all a dream in the morning.
Anon you can type porn on 4chan you idiot
>having a interview tomorrow for an intership
it's a program that allows people in college to work and get some experience in the summer
>requirements are: C#, Javascript and React
>only know python (pretty extensively)
>only used jupyter
>need to get some quick introduction to the languages
What are some quick ways to get general idea of the languages?
I installed VS Code and some extensions. Seems a bit confusing compared to jupyter but haven't playing around with it much.

Just some tips, guides and/or general guidance would be appreciated.
*sorry if i'm repeating myself*
nigga you're straight up BANNED wtf did you just say

why is everyone telling me that
It was a typo I'm sorry. Though I think pron sounds funny so I don't see a problem with it.
Be honest, it wasn’t a typo.
Been working as a SoftEngi contractor since March. Trying to switch jobs cuz the pay is comically low. Any advice? I graduated in December.
honesty is the best policy. just mark yourself as out-of-office and say you're currently wfh (work from holiday)
QA Automation Engineer, ask me anything

Exactly because of this I decided to finally separate my workstation and my desktop computer
I usually get pretty far in QA interviews but whiff it when they ask me why I'm interested in that position. Real answer: because I never hear back from development/engineering roles. What can I say that doesn't sound like I'm just making something up?
Say something along the lines that you really enjoy developing automation and automated tests and that finding problems is something you do enjoy. (Better if true and backed up by your personal projects)
Post the maid outfit
Thanks anon, next time I'm called upon I'll remember this (T-T)b
Any time anon, hope you get that QA position!
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>week 5 of looking for a new job
Why is it so difficult as a software engineer bros
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How do you cope with being a nocooder

Literally all I do all day is use frameworks, APIs and tools others have made

I know nothing about how a computer actually works, I just google shit and put shit together
Do an old Advent of Code in assembly.
NTA, but they will interview just about anyone, nobody wants to work for min wage in tech.
Is SAP really as bad as people say?
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Here is 5% of my maid outfits. I do whatever Dr. Eli tells me to do. I even ported MaidCard into Python. His Science Foundation changed everything. I am 50% better at programming now, and have counted to really high prime numbers.
Yes. Have you never worked with enterprise software before? You can hardly call that programming, it's more like computer bureaucracy.
You will never be a woman, and you will never stop relying on antipsychotics.
>software "engineer"
no such thing, currynigger code monkey. you don't even know what thermodynamics is about.
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Should I just unironically NEET at this point?

recently graduated college with 4 years of IT internship experience and I am turned completely off with trying to compete in this rat race.

>Webcam interview, asked me a grown ass man with a beard what I want to be when I grow up
>Also was snickering and laughing off screen
>he also fucking recorded it for "training"

>Four interviews
>Good salary
>say I'm a perfect candidate for the role because I did two technical interviews really well
>Ghosted me after 3 weeks

>denied an hour later after submitting application

>local company
>got a stern talking to over email about how internships aren't considered real experience and that I would need to start at $15/hr
>in response email only link him the local buccee's starting at $18/hr, got a heated response about how im disrespectful and that I won't find job in this town

at this point I'm thinking of just doing pot and working on my own network than dealing with these retards. like I feel spoiled coming from being paid $30/hr as an intern to work on every faucet of IT infrastructure, and I come into a market where employers think $15/hr for advanced experience is a good wage.
>4 years of internships but none of them liked you enough to hire you on after graduation
Reddest of flags. It's over for you.
everyone was laid off at the end of my internship because new CFO :))))
In your next life be luckier.

Assuming you are a fellow burger,
>>denied an hour later after submitting application
the only way you get rejected that quickly on USAJOBs is by not following directions.
>the only way you get rejected that quickly on USAJOBs is by not following directions.

The government position was local

i applied directly on the agency's site, directions were submit application as PDF and generic "Are you a convict y/n, are you a US citizen y/n, etc" questions.

I can only guess it was an internal nepotism position and I had no chance to begin with.
>5% of my maid outfits
Have you tried any of them on?
Dude dude do you know that a muslim invented algorithm 1500 years ago dude?

Yeah, but I stopped at 25. There comes a point where isn't just not ok for a man to do anymore
What's a QA personal project looks like lmao? Excel sheets?
I can't land an entry level job Help Desk job.
Everything feels hopeless.
Even the basic minimum wage jobs want 5+ years of experience in all manners of software I have never used.

What should I be doing at this point?
Do Certifications and fucking lie

corporations aren't people and should be treated as such
I only have an Network + Cert from CompTIA. I am a pretty awful liar however. But I have less sympathy for corporations with each passing day.
Is that one your favorite?
>frontend & API scrapers
>100% test coverage for your personal projects
>adding tests to all code submitted to open source repos
>automation libraries for testing
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>finally get an offer for a real job, not some shitty slave labor position
>first round interview is over Zoom, just a "see if we like you" interview
>kind of nervous
>log in earlier than the interviewer
>he's possibly the whitest 30-something-year-old in the world
>actually knows his way around a command line, seems like someone I'd like to learn from
>three other competitors in the interview with me
>it's three obese single mothers
>and me, the whitest 20-something-year-old in the world
>asks us what we've been doing this week
>two of them start giving their fucking life stories
>one of them even holds up her kid like "oh god please help me look at how pathetic I am"
>I just say "I've been working on some coding coursework, it's very basic, I'm just trying to start out, man."
>interviewer seems to like me, starts talking with me a lot longer than any of them
>I mostly just shut up
>he tells us what the hours will be and it's great! I'll be able to miss the traffic rush!
>two of them start bitching and moaning about how they won't be able to do that
>he sort of pauses and says that they have another woman with a one-year-old who makes the hours anyway
>the other woman is barely coherent, just bragging about herself
>by the end of the interview, he says he'll get back to the winner by 5
>half past noon, I get a call back about how much the guy liked me and that I'm scheduled for the real interview tomorrow
>I know for a fact that all of them are seething like retards right now
Holy fucking shit dude. I felt bad for them for like two seconds, but after they complained about the hours, I just don't care. Fuck you and your kids, I'm taking this job. I need this job. Fuck right off, ladies! Any advice for the second interview?
i will be studying compsci. i am a (biological) woman, will i get a tech job easier bc of this? i want to make as much money as possible so i can emasculate men and have a house with a pool
>Any advice for the second interview?
Just bee yourself
except 4 the parts of you that say
>I just don't care. Fuck you and your kids, I'm taking this job. I need this job. Fuck right off, ladies!
that part stays inside
nah, you will get filtered by linalg
You have to be non-white to get affirmative actioned.
Being a gynoid doesn't give you bonus points, it's more like a multiplier, but 2*0 is still 0.
i hate meetings and i hate adult daycare and i hate summer and i hate the sun
>will i get a tech job easier bc of this?
Christ yes
Pretending this isn't bait for a sec- yes. I know several women with compsci degrees whose computer skills are tech-illiterate boomer-level. Two of which even argued that personal projects are a waste of time. All of them got 100k+ jobs in competitive downtown areas. All the dudes I know are stuck commuting to low paying jobs in the sticks.
Show cute smooth armpits
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The alternative is to be a pseudo intellectual artsy fartsy tranvestite. Do you want to be a pseudo intellectual artsy fartsy tranvestite?
That's a small amount of money. Personally, I wouldn't quit in such a bad job market. Some people prefer the YOLO lifestyle and live paycheck-to-paycheck though.
That part stays locked way up in the 4chan part of my brain. I didn't even crack a smile, I was such a good boy. In that interview tomorrow, I'm a perfectly nice and accepting person who has absolutely no idea what the word "based" means.
it's roughly 7 years of expenses for me, so I'd say it's a substantial sum. But with missed compound interest, I guess I'm better off being some evening freedom only wagey
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i'm doing drone stuff for my internship and i get along well with my boss and the people i work with. i think it's probably likely i'd get an offer when i'm done.
concretely, the work is writing software for automating industrial inspections with drones. computer vision and navigation.
i think it is neat but i don't have any point of comparison. i didn't expect to be doing this.
but i'm somewhat concerned about how the skills transfer. like, is this a difficult position to get into? is it worth racking up a couple of years experience while i have the opportunity?

but i'd also like to be somewhere nicer than in my hometown, working at an industrial site. but, it's also cool to get hands on time with expensive drones and go out in the field to dick around with them.

is this even worth stressing about? a job is a job?
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>linkedin retired resume builder

what the fuck am I going to use now to quickly make resumes?
Any recommendations of sites that do that?
that's basically blue collar work
you will never be a FAGMAN making 300k starting working from home if you pursue embed
the profit margins just aren't there
Oddly enough there are remote embedded positions.
drones are a good area to work in.
I love the theory and the more computer/programming oriented curriculum of computer science but holy fuck I wish I had just stayed in computer engineering. Maybe I would've gotten an internship this summer
I've been dealing with a lot of stress at work and my coping mechanism is to jerk off so much at home and to workout so fucking much so I feel numb. It's sorta working but with me being eternally fucking tired all the time I'm finding that I barely have a filter anymore. I'm not even sure if this is a healthy way to cope. It's definitely making me care less about work which is my big issue.
There's always classic coping mechanisms like writing angry letters you won't send.
do i really need a linkedin?
like is it actually useful? i don't like having an online presence but is the game worth playing
If you have a job and you're looking for another job, it's useful for poachers to find you.
If you don't have a job linkedin is a waste of your time (plus you don't belong in /twg/).
stop working out, it's a literal meme for braindead retards. you don't need muscles if you have a gun.
also if you aren't feeling euphoric after jerking off you're doing it wrong. try replacing your workouts with an extra 2 hour gooning sessions to something more extreme.
>If you don't have a job linkedin is a waste of your time (plus you don't belong in /twg/)
This might be true. I and everyone else in our circle that I graduated with got our first jobs via LinkedIn.
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i never used it and i have a million dollars.
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lol it only gets worse
you can't mercilessly dick pound a woman begging to be bred with a thick firm ass if you skip the gym every week
Something happened to me

And I reacted in a wrong way

But then I realized I was correct

It was my manager's fault

I'm amazing

Please follow my linkedin and give me money
I took a shit

But it was black

I was furious

How could my wife fuck a black man?

Then I remembered

I'm gay

And then I laughed
Had to do some corporate training today and there was the comedy scene where this chad white guy keeps interrupting this black girl in a wheelchair.
>stop working out, it's a literal meme for braindead retards. you don't need muscles if you have a gun.
I hope the white guy turned around and said
>Stand up for yourself, you crippled black bitch
And then Abraham Lincoln bursts out of the closet behind them, he's completely naked, wearing only his hat and his dick is already semi-hard.
>I freed the slaves to get laid and all I did was play myself
The 16th President of The United States of America high fives the white guy and flips the black crippled hoe's wheelchair, tumbling her black ass onto the carpet.
>Four score and seven years ago, I fucked a Puerto Rican whore, it was a bore and sure felt like a chore.
Then everyone clapped and got the clap because crippled black hoes are riddled with chlamydia, broken dreams and busted nuts.
Close to getting mah CCNA. There's a help desk-like position for a nearby cities government and they listed CompTIA in their position. Should be ez pz since I already have fingerprint clearance?
thank you mr.president, it's a honor
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based mr lincoln
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>silent gen pop pop gave mr lincoln a firm handshakes
now this is based
let me guess:
>your capstone project advisor with "industry connections" (i.e. project manager for boomercorp and hasn't jobhopped in 20 years) is shilling linkedin to you
>your chucklefuck classmate who got his internship through nepotism is telling you you'll NEVER EVER get an internship without linkedin
>your career advisor making you attend a LINKEDIN WORKSHOP before you're allowed to access the college's career portal (which has zero tech jobs but flooded with local hospitality/catering jobs)

you don't need linkedin, having linkedin played zero role in getting my current job.
write down a list of companies you think you'd hate the least to work for, go to their career page, and start applying.
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>build portfolio website
>still working on it but need to have it live for hiring managers to look at
>have not shared my url to anyone
>made my site unsearchable
>only way people can know about that url is on my resume
>only FAGMAN has my updated resume
>slapped Google Analytics on that bitch to track
>already have 6 unique viewers
How the fuck are these people finding it? I know damn well FAGMAN don't care about little ol' me.
>How the fuck are these people finding it?
Chinese bots enumerating through the entire internet, looking for somebody stupid enough to have SSH credentials that can be cracked with SecLists.
>The pay is around 70k which is a lot more than the 0 im earning atm
webshit will pay more for less effort
how long is a reasonable amount of time to learn the code at a new job before actually doing anything? For a project with ~300k lines
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>picrel is directed to me
feed it to chatGPT and have it explain it to you
I'm actually only allowed to use copilot at work
I was thinking of trying to make an RPGmaker game. IDK why, it just seems like a fun toy to learn. Would it help on a resume if I make a cool one?
based or b8?
this nigga stuck in Two Thousand and LATE
>no social skills
>no advice on what to actually do with the chip (just how to do it), which is the part that people can't work out on their own
literally all of this can be learned on the job, with actual goals in mind, except you start at step 4
what's an underrated job to gun for nowadays /twg/?
Survived another week. I wish i'd get fired
femboy secretary
can someone answer seriously
>Director wants to meet with me to build a solution for his problem
>Ask him to fill a requirements document so I have everything I need to build it
>Meeting day, he didn't fill it
>"hehehe anon sorry I'm very busy! Let's postpone the meeting to another day"
>he forgets again
I have another meeting with this guy today and I'm getting tired of him breaking my flow for nothing. If he wasn't important I would have directly declined, but he's a big fish
Data scientist
Should I play Gelt in my next campaign or do another Skaven one?
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>delivering a project
>fixing P1 issue
>another P1 issue coming from another team
>low priority users raising tickets and raging at me in the ticket comments because I'm not solving them
Bitches know your place, I'm not wasting time on you when there are fires to put out
Bussy-to-Bussy Sex-as-a-Service Sales (B2B SaaS)
There is the Teams app. Can't you use that?
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Will trooning out increase my chance of getting a tech job?
depends on whether it's enabled by org
maybe remote desktop into ur computer or vm?
perhaps in heaven or if you get reincareted after ACKING yourself. troon pills destroys problem solving capability and makes you super depressed. I just wonder why in the world do men voluntarily castrate themselves
you don't even have to take HRT to be trans, faggot
just because amerilards mutilate and drug themselves doesn't mean the rest of the world does. you can be a transvestite without any of that
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>company created a slack channel to share pictures of your pet
Am I working at a reddit company?
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I think the lead dev at my company is a fucking retard

>we had this issue that has been on the backlog for years because apparently it's really complicated
>it's literally just the way filtering items in a database works on one of our websites, the PM and CTO haven't been happy about it for years apparently
>most complicated thing about it would probably be making the required changes across a lot of files without breaking anything
>lead dev's idea to solve it is to have a bunch of client-side JavaScript
>even though we're using a database already which probably has tools for the specific functionality that's needed
>he basically wanted to somehow re-create that in React
>i looked at the documentation for the database we use and found and implemented the solution within a few days
>it was literally my first assumption, that the database had some sort of solution already and writing a client-side solution from scratch was completely retarded
>this fucking retard never touched the problem in years because he thought it was way too complicated

This guy is cringe in other ways too, he tries to show off by solving problems really quickly and he ends up completely breaking something because he deploys code without even manually testing production lol. I'm amazed he has 20 yoe and he is this fucking stupid
I had an interview yesterday and it was going pretty well, the position is interesting and it would mean nice salary increase.
When I was almost done the guy asked me if I would consider a counter offer from my current company. This is the first time I've been asked this in an interview, so I didn't even think and I said yes, and it was obvious he didn't like to hear that, but wtf, isn't this supposed to be normal? I also think that making it clear that you want to leaver your current company would only get you a lowball offer.
can you give me a job in webshit?
>playing anything other than dwarves
anecdote - 1 random LockedIn messaged got me my first job a few months ago after over a year of applying to probably close to 1000 jobs. do with this what you will
Do you listen to any tech related podcasts, /twg/? Currently driving across the country to move for a job and I want some stuff to keep me from being too bored
Does Cumtown count? It's about as gay as tech.
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my weekly is in a couple hours and I haven't done anything again
I posted the same shit last week and this week was even worse, had an actual suicide attempt with SN (vomited it all out because I got a bad roll on pain and it hurt like hell)
I started taking meds because some close family members interventioned me but it's still too early to feel any better from them
wtf do I even do? I think I need two weeks or so off but if I get fired for it I'll actually kill myself
Also I doubt I'm getting an offer equal or better than this anytime soon.
Should I just send them an email this weekend feeding them some bullshit abut researching the company and how I really want to go for the offer without even getting into the whole counter offer shit at my current place?
I'm kinda burned of my job to be honest.
having a wank atm
Nice one mate

Playing Cities Skylines II rn. 9:34 am - I should be working.
hey anon, a quick call?
got an offer for a position as a contract, but ive only ever been a w2 employee. are there any things I need to be wary of? anything specific I should clarify before officially accepting? most of the communication has been done through the recruiter that contacted me and their company
Alternating between jupyter notebook and shitposting on /tv/ at the moment
My manager just sends "call" when he wants to chat. No greeting, doesn't ask if I'm busy or away, just straight up demands a call. Decent guy though.
No don't bring it up again. This shit is like talking to girls if you act like a bitch they'll ghost you. Just wait for them to make an offer. Also the hiring manager isn't a faggot and knows it's all about the money.
It might even work in your favor as they'll know they need the offer to be higher than a potential counter offer.
Ever thought about setting up a voicemail? Might work out.
You're going to want the pay to be 50-100% higher than you would have taken for a w2
Off the top of my head
>health insurance
>employment tax / social security
>and a little something extra for the lack of job security
They're all reddit companies. Every company is peopled by redditards. It's grim.
friday evening
what will i miss out on today
That is his way of asking if you're busy, he's just too lazy to add the question mark
reddit board
all boards are reddit
I don't know if I'm getting old (30yo, nearly dead) or years of programming, playing dota 2 and gym have silently destroyed my wrists and they are starting to hurt, nothing much for now fortunately. Should I switch to ergonomic keyboard and mouse or are those a meme? I already use arch and vim btw
i started wearing programming socks and a programming plug and it fixed my wrist issues
prove it, post pictures wearing the socks and the plug
Get two wireless mice. One for each hand. Use the non-dominant hand to scrooooll
Just ask a coworker for help and say you "spent the week collaborating with <x>." Chances are it will unstick you and you'll be rolling again.
desu after reading nitchze that is kind of what he was going for.

He was one of those "let's just do a bunch of coke and write about stuff" guys.
How do you get a job doing actual programming and not just glorified systems administration as "devops."

I'm not good at this and do well programming in interviews but every company seems to switch things around at the last minute and move me onto devops teams even though I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
gym does not destroy wrists, stop coping and do some farmers walks and wrist curls you lardass
If you do it wrong it does.
How is it silent? Doing anything mouse heavy for me for more than a day gives me pretty intense pain. I'd imagine that's pretty noticeable for normal people.
go get physical therapy my man
Thanks for the answer. Yeah, I figured that anything that may me sound desperate will work against me.
The guy I talked to also slipped that they already interviewed some people and none of them passed the technical test and I'm pretty confident I can pass it.
Why? I just don't use the mouse for most things because it's slow anyway. Servoing the cursor around graphical controls is a retarded way to do input.
/tv/ is one of the most reddit ones, after /v/ and /a/
literally media consooming boards
what do you mean why? if you experience severe pain from a relatively simple motion, you must have tendinitis or something similar... and physical therapy eases the pain with exercises that make the muscles less swollen.
what kind of question is that?
Should I contribute to my 401k or invest after tax only?
The only fund in my 401k plan without (((high fees))) is the Russell 3000. My after tax account is all SP500.
The contribution limit is already so low I'm thinking I should as a form of normie insurance.
Dude this ruined my week. Been working as a contractor for 55k which is about 50% less than what I'd make from a local w2. I fucking hate this job market.
Use FMLA "as needed". It's unpaid but hey who cares
You only need one mouse
When you're doing a lot of scrolling lift your arm straight up so the mouse laser is pointing at a wall
You can spin the scroll wheel without as much strain through your hand
my coworkers are going to backstab me
I'm afraid of calling medical leave then getting immediately PIP'ed when I come back
Using the mouse all day for work is pretty complex and pretty intense. Plus corporate software UIs tend to be mediocre and stress inducing.
>my coworkers are going to backstab me
Might as well get it out of the way. If you're going to fail either way at least fail after exhausting the alternative options.
When do I get the six figure IT job my school promised me?
would I technically be working under the recruiting company or the actual company i was hired for? Just got a bunch of emails and one of them congratulates me on my "assignment" at {company}.
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>he can't do system admin
It's just scripts and resetting passwords anon
Not anymore. It's all groovy and ansible and crazy DSLs with no debugging and mountains of uninspectible state.
God, I am slowly understanding more and more why network engineers are all bitter assholes
I need to quit caffeine again. I feel like I'm going to puke.
I feel like caffeine isn't the problem here.
Eh it was drinking coffee on an empty stomach
literally me
ever heard of bots retard
the place i interned at had pepe emojis in slack
okay, and how does that make your pain any less... painful?
are you gonna ignore the signals your body is sending you? just so you know, those things aren't reverted just by letting your muscles rest, they need active recovery if you have any hope of them ever going back to their former selves
>are you gonna ignore the signals your body is sending you?
No I don't use the mouse or when I do I use a trackball which doesn't cause this.
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>Prepare whole week for interview
>Interviewer obviously doesn't like me
>Cuts it short after 7 minutes saying the classic "we will call you"
How do I cope?
>Interviewer obviously doesn't like me
They looked at me like they were looking at garbage, how the hell do I know.
clocked out
time to goon
is Code Complete 2 any good?
are you trans or indian?
sounds more like acid reflux
I'm a straight white male.
the unholy trinity to any DEI following recruiter
If I say I'm Hispanic despite being Italian will anyone actually notice?
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>Can't find entry level IT/computer work
>Have basic foundation/certification
>No real skills/training outside of what they teach you for A+ and the random bits I've picked up over years of using computers for hobbies
>Last jobs I had in the field were warehouse tester/light repair positions a year ago, basically monkey work
Where the hell do I go from here?
Do I just keep studying for more certifications and try to specialize in something? I'm not sure what direction to go in and I'm worried that if I don't have any experience then all that studying would be wasted and it would be twice as hard to recover anything I've forgotten.
You keep applying to hell desk jobs cause that's all the A+ will get you
Since I'm Latino, I'll be able to sniff you out instantly but try if you want. Most people are too stupid to know the difference between Italian and Spanish or even just doing a simple Google search.
I have olive skin and my last name ends in a vowel
The dumb boomers and women interviewing me can't tell the difference lmao
any advice for this? im being onboarded to the recruiting company over the company ill be working for, i guess its normal as ill be asked to track time worked?
Dumb question but have anyone any experiences with ITProTV Courses? I saw the new humblebundle and was wondering if it's any good or just garbage.
>paying for IT training
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I really should be getting paid extra for making my PC work this hard for on a work task. Cheap bastards didn't send me a computer.
I will literally work lower than minimum wage as long as it gets me far away from my family
What are they making you do?
I have a few thousand PDF files that I need to convert and then test them using their software. Luckily I've automated the whole process.
>self taught
>got into webdev because it seemed easy
>get offer
>guy is not happy about me not having a cs degree
>later on he tells me they had this requirement recently because people from bootcamps were beyond retarded
>I pass the test perfectly
Bootcamps confirmed to be a meme.
No seriously, how can anyone expect your average normie to become decent at programming in couple of months while some retard holds their hand?
It's not the same as paying 14k for bootcamps lol, it's like 20-30 bucks.

I know I can "high seas" courses and books but still, just askin'.
Anon just use YouTube
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I posted briefly about this yesterday or two days ago but I got a nepo connection at a good company through the CMO who worked with my dad who was CFO at the company I also worked at for 5 years.
I actually did some work for her and she has voucher for me as a good employee to the department head she connected me to.
Monday I am doing a Teams call with her (the boss) that is labeled a “Meet & Greet”
How should I prepare for this?
We haven’t talked about specific roles yet.
Should I come with a list of things they’re hiring for that I would be interested in applying for? Or should I approach this as being willing to take on any role she thinks might be a good fit for me based on my resume?
This seems like an unusual situation so I don’t know how to come at it since she’s not a recruiter or anything
Sure, but I don't know where to look. Everything I've come across is either dogshit or just shortform content. Anyone good that has lecture style videos?
i can’t stop gooning…
why not shoot of an e-mail to clarify?
Same. The only reason I can break off from my porn addiction is because my wfh job is just so unimaginably boring that I always end up fapping during work.
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Just be yourself.
I'm so tired...

I should of just taken that 2nd line role at the MSP.

I've been applying for 2nd line roles since 4 months now and I have 2 years helldesk now and a bunch of microsoft certs. I keep getting rejected or ghosted. I had a couple of interviews but that went nowhere.

It feels almost impossible
Should've been born earlier when all you needed to get an IT job was a pulse and knowledge of what a subnet mask is
Sucks to suck zoomerino
"Meet & Greet" makes it sound informal though - it could mean they're not really interested hiring you. Or it means they've already made the decision to make you an offer but they need to meet you to make sure you're not a sperglord first.
>phone on DND
>slack muted
>email closed

Ye I'm thinking it's Friday afternoon.
Well he's on 4chan so he's a guaranteed sperglord
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>San Diego isn't that bad of a place to live right?
>It isn't as bad as San Francisco or LA with their rampant homeless population, yeah?
>The living situation isn't going to be in complete squalor?

I'm trying to convince myself to apply to a job in that area and I don't know if my heart can actually take it.
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>>got a stern talking to over email about how internships aren't considered real experience and that I would need to start at $15/hr
>>in response email only link him the local buccee's starting at $18/hr, got a heated response about how im disrespectful and that I won't find job in this town
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I pretty much told my director in our company meeting that I was skeptical of AI and we are just in a hype bubble for tech companies to earn money (Our company is all in on AI). Did I fuck up bros
no ur based. I respect the man who does not compromise on letting his thoughts be known
But yeah if ur director is a woman u fucked up
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So what's the leeway like on GPA's? Is a 4.0 at a bad school the same as a 3.0 from a good school or what?
GPA is a meme and doesn't matter
say that again?
Is it okay to bring a notebook and pencil into an interview?
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>platform engineering
Who has switched to this from DevOps? Is it just a meme?
I have an interview for a position with a DoD contractor, as a fresh grad with a math degree. No idea what they would even ask or how to prepare, although I've been told its more of a formality and not to worry, I am worried since its a panel interview with five managers and engineers. Maybe they just want to beat down and roast me?
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>team leader assigns me a task
>report to him every couple of days
>"you're in charge anon, you don't really need to report everything to me"
>keep working, a couple of weeks later inform the rest of the team about the progress
>"noooo you can't decide that without consulting me!"
>it was something he was literally clueless about it
>assigns me another task where I have to work with another department
>"why are you taking so long?"
>"you should told John that Jane said X"
>"why haven't you done x?"
>"why is this taking so long?"
>usually argues against my judging
>whenever we have to do some bullshit that's just tedious he assigns it to me because "i'm in charge of that division"
Honestly I don't give a fuck anymore, I do the bare minimum and I just agree with whatever retarded idea he comes with and then sandbag the whole thing and set the estimate at least 10x the time it would take me and then I implement the hackiest, laziest and fastest solution
As far as your school, I don't think you're getting autorejected unless you went to a school that isn't accredited. After that point, it's possible the ATS your resume is being fed to will use your school as a proxy for your economic class. If X person went to a school in a high cost of living area, they're probably loaded, but Y person who went to their flyover state university is middle class at best.
I tried this once and was accused of recording the questions to pass off to other applicants. Probably just a schizo interviewer though.
that's easy bro you have a math degree you are probably smart just learn kubernetes, aws+azure+gcp for multi cloud architectures, terraform, github actions, docker, prometheus and grafana overnight
Wrong, it matters exactly once. Your first job.
>if they care about GPA and not your first job then it's a bad place
>if you have a 4.0 from a good or bad school then you're incredible
>if you have a 3.0 from a high ranking school you might as well go die in a ditch because you're not even fit to live
I'm going to graduate from one of the best public schools in the country. My concern is that my GPA will be shit. The screenshot I posted is my GPA if I don't get all my old failed semesters dropped and some F's changed. If I can then I'll be sitting at around a 2.48 at most for a sophomore, more likely a 1.92. I still have 2 or 3 years to raise it but it's not looking good at the moment
Don’t list your gpa. Problem solved
So get good internships or something during university? I have no idea how to do that. I guess I'll just go through my university career services when I get the chance. My buddy who graduated got some internship through the university. nobody ever told me how any of this works
Just lie about it. Few will catch you.
Since you're in software then experience will help you a hell of a lot more. You might also be able to weasel your way into a job from one of those internships if you can get them to like you.

>nobody ever told me how any of this works
and that's part of the game, it's to filter people out
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I've never heard of any of those words. The job asks for a security clearance and experience with the particular military hardware they design and build, so maybe they're just hiring me off experience as I'm former military and have a security clearance. Hopefully they'll train me or just tell me to read a few books on it. I'll look up the things you mentioned, but they're not in the job posting, and they're the ones that requested the interview with me after I gave them my resume for literally any position they had available in the company.
The only software experience I have is with C++ in three courses (prog1, prog2, algos/datstructures), and MATLAB for physics and other math courses where it was useful. Wish me luck!
>it's to filter people out
that's cool. It's just wasted my time bc every field in university is like. I just turned 24 and still have no bachelor's. oh well. at least I have no degree instead of a communications degree or something
*is like that
Should i put my github on my resume?
if you had a communications degree you probably would have fucked some hot bitches in undergrad and then probably finger gunned your way to a position you're severely under qualified for and over burden your lower management and their teams for your incompetencies - basically the dream
how does communications let you fuck hot bitches during undergrad? does it get you fit or something?

and the communications degree anecdote is specifically drawn from this girl I went to grade school with who I saw again recently and said she got a communications degree bc she didn't know what to do and just did what the counselor said and now she was gonna go back to school to become a cosmetologist lol. But she's kinda retarded so
i've seen more homeless in LA than Silicon Valley
empirical evidence only, of course
Communication majors usually go into business positions so they tend to mingle with business majors to get them their jobs in marketing and other non-technical roles. Hot bitches usually are in communications since it's prime MRS degree territory and is one of the other default majors women go into besides biology or psychology.
do it.
i overheard an analytics staff dev, 50+ years old and wrinkling, yapping on Teams about how he's gonna visit Akihabara to buy the "special cartoons". you never know.
I guarantee my 3.8 didn't matter
That tracks. If it was in LA I would have hard ignored it.

I already threw my application into the goblet of HR roasties. I fully over qualify but I'm sure they really want someone fresh out of Stanford with a master's in cock sucking. Maybe I'll get a free fight out of it. I rather just get moved to Chicago.
Maybe it mattered in the sense that NOT having a 2.0 or less mattered
I really do like the idea of loads of sex with women while an undergrad but I do wonder if I should pick a wife from university. During my last uni stint I got pretty involved with this one girl who was really sweet and only had sex with one dude prior (she took my virginity at 22, no I did not tell her). I couldn't commit to her because I still wanted to fuck other women basically (never got laid young) and broke her heart. But whenever I look at dating over 25 it seems depressing, both in how you are supposed to meet women (nobody knows) and the quality of women as well. oh well
>"senior" dev reaches out needing help
>the code is clearly incorrect in that it won't even compile, he eventually reveals that it's just aislop he generated and he pinged me immediately when it didn't compile. it invented a method in on some class in a 3rd party library that didn't exist in any version.
>tell him that he needs to actually use his brain before reaching out for help and end the call
>later get a talking to about being more patient and that not everyone is as smart as me
I'm getting fucking gaslit. There is no way putting up with this kind of retardation is common. I told my manager that the retard is being extremely disrespectful by just shitting out something that takes 0 effort on his part to create and offload the actual thinking to someone else and a lot of effort on my part to try to help with and he agrees but still said I handled it poorly. I am going to buy a cabin in montana
>20-25, they seem to be relatively okay and easy to talk to
>25-28, case-by-case
>29+, I'm worried they're trying to settle or want a kid ASAP
From my own observations over the years. Yes, you will need to be okay with the brainrot.
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I told them this week was tough and I wasn't able to do as much as I would have hoped but that I would try to make up for it next week
helps that I scheduled my shit as a spike task so they're probably not on my ass as much as they would be for an actual estimated task
also I feel like a retard because I'll definitely not make up for it next week or maybe even the week after that idk why I didn't just say I would take a medical leave why am I so stupid
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>applied to FAGMAN like an hour ago
>already got rejected
i dont wanna bother even looking at Indeed anymore
I hate computers
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ah yes gemini, thank you for this excellent context-aware suggestion (the TODO comment)

copilot is so much better it's not even funny
>got a rejection email
You're one of the lucky ones
you retards have a lot to learn about how to use money
most of this thread is neets who waste all of mommy's money on anime figurines and twitch tokens to spend on e-thots. of course they dont understand values of money
I have a dev at my team that used to do this. The guy was supposed to be hot shit but could drown in an inch of water.
Also I tried to get him involved in more advanced stuff and he was literally useless.
Now I just feed him the garbage I don't want to do.
How tf do I keep the teams "Activity" notification from giving me a taskbar notification?
can I put my steroid cycle on my resume
Uninstall Teams
im 29 year old and i have only 1 year of experience it is over for me
I'm 28 with 1 year
We're both doomed
consider lying
I'm too stupid to keep up a lie about experience and I have grey hair so I can't say I'm 23
maybe we just can get so good they can't ignore us hahahaha
what is the absolute lowest, bottom of the totem pole, tech job you can acquire with 0 experience?

litererally anything remotely related to tech. am in USA and white ty
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there isn't one. they even fizzbuzz literal janitors now
Part time Hell desk
hair dye is cheap. a youthful face is what's critical here
>im 29 year old and i have only 1 year of experience it is over for me
Kwab, I'm 24 and have 9 years of experience

Just start a startup with your buddies when you're still in high school bro
>Just start a startup with your buddies when you're still in high school bro
doing what
Not with your Azure AD account if there's have a conditional access policy in place (there likely is). You could try to get RDP access to your work machine then dial into Teams meetings with your phone for audio. It's pretty ghetto, but it could work.
Apps, websites, it services... Whatever the fuck you want, the world is your oyster and so on
For us it was an app
what did the app do
>Just doxx yourself bro
No thanks
no one cares who you are
no you are not the only person to have made a calorie tracker or game companion app
is any here a python chud at work? what do you do?
kek I tried getting my high school buddies (one was a pretty good programmer) to work on this game with me, it was already all started and they just wanted to play league of legends. Fast forward it's not hard to guess who's done well and who hasn't.
this but Heaven's Sword of all things instead of league

that time of my life killed basically all my passion for ever making anything nice
I'm supposed to come up with questions to ask a dev on asp.net web apis/c# and I never interviewed anyone before only been the interviewee. what do I ask to get the sense that he's competent?
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>one of our teams royally fucked something up and pissed off a client
>i got told 2 days ago that im being sent to the client's site in another state next week to go unfuck what that team did to really piss off the client
u have to use dub.sh on the resume link itself
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And nothing will change at all
They'll pay pocket change and will hire more Indians than ever
>League of Legends
God, that fucking game. I'd burnt an entire social circle because I didn't want to play League of Losers. I'm glad I did because a decade later they achieved fuck all and were still playing that faggot ass game.
This. The fines these companies get are slaps on the wrist in comparison to what they're projected to make.
I finally got a job as a software engineer but I'm burnt out bros. It's at the same company, but I will be changing teams. I start next week Monday. I'm so rusty I haven't even coded in forever. When I spoke with the team I could tell I sounded like I didn't give a fuck but they still gave me the job. I wanted to get a dev position for so long but now I dont even want to work.
What's her name? And any idea of the name of her video on Facial Abiusde?
How do I upload C code into my machine?
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>be burned out and doing bare minimum
>keep getting told I am doing better than ever and that my customer has never been happier with us
Anons, when do I get happy?
Don’t be fucking stupid and start doing OnlyFans right now. You’ll make way more money.
This graph almost makes me want to cry
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bruv take a nap after work
you'll feel slightly better afterwords and you'll be able to do more than the bare minimum in your remaining spare time
using your spare time better will eventually make you feel better about yourself
Maybe anon
But also not much to do in my spare time really
Vidya and other hobbies feel meh
House shopping takes up some evenings
Dating is hard and doesn't feel worth it
i am in the same exact boat. i keep being told im doing exceptional at work, but i am not satisfied with the job i have.
i dont know any single women around my age and there arent really any places near me to meet them, so i have never been in a relationship.
i am dissatisfied with vidya and the other hobbies i have tried.
i dont have the money at the moment for a house but i am saving for it. all the women where i live only seem to care if you have a house.
i feel incredibly exhausted after work. i havent been able to find an answer.
i sometimes feel a sense of adventure like my brain thinks it may solve the problem, but i am not sure that this will actually give me a good solution.
most people i try to speak to around my age only ever talk about social media. i do not use social media, so naturally i do not have anything to talk about with those people. i genuinely hate the negative effect social media has had on my generation.
you're on a forum right now.
i made the real mistake of letting a friend from high school who ended up at the same college as me talk me into playing league. i wasted the best years of my time in college rejecting invites to things just so i could play more league. it was absolutely not worth it. i try to do what i can to make sure no one makes the same mistake i did which led to multiple years of addition. i am genuinely glad to see you doing what you can to deter people from touching that poison. i was barely out of high school out of the time so i didnt know any better, but i wish i did so i would have never started playing it.
where else should i be? if you are expecting me to go out with people, the nearest events for that from my home are 2-2.5 hours away. i am almost halfway into a stretch of doing shit for work every day for 10-12 days straight. it is getting to me, and i dont have a vent.
>where else should i be?
you're fine to be here but you're not fine to be here while bitching about social media. an internet forum is social media.
You still live with your parents.
forums have been around since before social media.

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