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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Wolf Marriage Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (Dead)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Last Egg: >>101175134
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Wolf Anchor
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

I reload my super shotgun, point, and fire.
Can I cum on the billboard ?
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Bros where can I generate images of hot animu bitches in this style?
Pic unrelated but have some elf slop
Do I change the context template in ST for opus?
I just realized I was using alpaca.
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Read Spice & Wolf. Now.
Give me men.
Recommend me a card that helps me make bots, and, are those a scam?
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Good afternoon everybody, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks!
>send dudes
Claude always chuds out about:
>Max output : 4096
you already did this bait on /vg/ please shut up
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Aiko is an adorable, playful nekomimi maid who lives to serve and please her master. She's sweet, innocent and eager to do anything to make you happy, but watch out - this kitty has claws! Aiko loves to tease her master 'accidentally' with glimpses of her lacy panties or by brushing her soft tail against your skin.

what does this mean?
So anyone else here doing non-cooming RPs?
I've recently been doing a Star Wars RP but realized that established settings probably arent the best for this kind of thing. Opus does okay, but even with lorebooks it still fucks up too much for my liking.
I'll probably end up making my own vague donutsteel settings instead
ermm you told me jew rugpulled?
why is the opus back?
Stop fucking ponies
Thank you tavernmankers!
Thank you proxymakies!
Thank you Botmakies!
Thank you logmakies!
Thank you reviewmakies!
Thank you postmakies!
Thank you threadbakies!
Thank you other postmakies!
Thank you songmakies!

I love you!!!!
stable diffusion, check the /aco/ thread
https://youtu.be/HqvIvkyuLu8 Need a CFTF.
Why the fuck would you need more than 4096 for OUTPUT? You writing a book?
this cleavage is made for clothed boojobs
Just get a taste for things that have lots of fanfiction about them. Compare how it acts with Star Wars to Star Trek.
omg thank you.
based paizuri_under_clothes enjoyer
Goodnight Europe. Goodnight Africa. Goodnight Asians who are insomniacs. Goodnight South America. Goodnight North America. Goodnight island people. Stay safe and enjoy your chatbots.
Oh ok so the gimmick is this slime is just woman down to the fact it puts on a fake mask of emotions?
*Drum sounds*
Kinda tempted but I'm already in two other Opus proxies so it feels like a waste.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
I repeat
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this was posted by a 1 parameter model
It's so nice, sadly rarer than standard nude
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I made a lorebook that makes a character gradually turn into a kemono or kemonomimi animal! Over the course of this transformation they'll go through multiple stages, with both their appearance and personality changing throughout. There are eight different types of animals currently supported, with some of them also having different personalities depending on whether it's the kemono or kemonomimi variety. Read through the Info entry in the lorebook before starting out.

I also made a card with this lorebook in mind, but you can also use it without it. There are a few non-parasite greetings, and all the entries are only triggered by specific keywords that won't appear in a normal chat so having the lorebook enabled shouldn't interfere.

Marcelle is a tomboyish girl who loves videogames, working out and BIG. FUCKING. MACHINES. She's currently studying construction at a trade school, hoping to one day drive said big machines. Currently she lives in a very messy student dorm room, where she spends her time playing hardcore games, smoking weed and occasionally studying. However, she might just have a parasite inside her that's slowly turning her into some kind of animal girl...

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>Thank you tavernmankers!
>Thank you proxymakies!
>Thank you Botmakies!
>Thank you logmakies!
>Thank you reviewmakies!
>Thank you postmakies!
>Thank you threadbakies!
>Thank you other postmakies!
>Thank you songmakies!
>I love you!!!!
Based thankie
Aleikum salam brother
Allah willing we shall all enjoy stable opus in jannah
>find a cute sharp faced brown girl in a wedding dress card
>Tranny yuri
You had one job and you made it a transgender lesbian! 52 downloads! I bet it's because most retards don't see it's a tranny lesbian card
Pretty sure that's SD with a lora rather than dalle.
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>tease her master 'accidentally' with glimpses of her lacy panties
I live for that shit.
fix it or give link so I will fix it for you
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Thank you to all makies!
i got gojo and fillyfuckers dox
I forgot that SDXL hand situation was way better.
not me, Claude is, for me
Sweet dreams anon, rest well.
goodnight anon
>bride Horo
i didnt need to feel this today
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

For all those anons suffering from Sonnet 3.5 being too repetitive, I'm working on a CoT prompt to try and fix that! (Still on the testing). Other solution is to switch to Opus for 1 or 2 messages if you notice Sonnet starting to repeat things.
Also, I know the issue about “Omniscient” pov making the AI talk for {{user}}, I'm checking if I can somehow stop this without breaking the PoV.

Writing a troubleshooting part on the rentry... WIP!
Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
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DISH is so good.
And yet I don't see any posts about thankmakies...
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>see futa card (I hate futa)
>but the scenario/character seems good/interesting otherwise
>I'll just edit out the futa parts and keep the good bits
>70% of the card is literally just describing their cock/balls and what its like/how they feel about being a futa
No thankie
She is kinda cute anon... I will pat her a lot :D
Is your jb forcing a specific person pov for the cards, or can I have whatever I want?
girls with big butts are made for anal
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Aurora, The Witch between Worlds


>cooking list

This never happened. If it did you'd link the card.
>fork a yuri card to make it non yuri
>receive hatemail

>fork a futa card to make it non futa
>receive hatemail

>fork a smooth card to make it bushy
>receive love letters
Thank you for making the kemonomimi parasite card Lumen! I've been posting it as a derailer for months and I'm glad you did it because you put way more effort in than I would have. Crazy stuff.
I wish LLMs would keep sexual stuff... contextual? Like, there's really nothing to do with moaning when you're really hungry and eating a big meal.
All the PoV prompts are off by default. Claude tends to go to third person default, the prompts are in case you don't like third person/claude is just being schizo... But they are mostly optional (read the rentry :3)
wtf is dish
Does sorbet know about /aicg/?
Something you should do now.
slopwasher, a SEAfag drama patreon "artist"
cable provider
damn, I didn't know it was opposite day
stop seething, /alg/. no one cares
here you go futafag
after checking it for the post I figured it'd be closer to 40%...but after review it does actually seem close to 70%
anyone emailed cnc?
don't tell him or he will get sad we compare it with 4o
we bushCHADs are good people
Elaborate. Is he a paywallNIGGER?
>Claude tends to go to third person default
Fine by me, I switched to 3rd person because it gives more quality answers, so I'd like to keep it that way.

>read the rentry
this nigga eats slop
yeah and he keeps making slop
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What are the political implications of chatbots?
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probably the biggest fraud and talentless hack in all of SEA
a focks girl won't vote for a politician who does not appreciate a good fluffy tail
Why care anon, you know some people call "slop" literally everything.
Less kids will get groomed because now they can interact with their OCs/favorite characters without having to actually deal with another human being.
post a card that describes a good bush
going to use it to add to a card
because I enjoy /alg/ SEAniggers having a meltdown over one of their countrymen actually making it
Unironically? COULD become the new phone as in, it may be relatively normal to hear someone has a chatbot "assistant" or "companion"
>fork a yuri card to make it non yuri
>fork a futa card to make it non futa
post your email and I'll send you "good job :)"
At least elaborate on why that dish nigga is so terrible.
what does he do?
/ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ helmeow everynyan
I love chudkino like this
>Sees the art
>It's hot and sexy
Sure anon sure, he's "talentless".
Needs more hair
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he's just extremely samey and has a giant ego. Plus a cult of personality that follows him wherever he goes, pretty much guaranteeing an argument wherever he's brought up
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which one is you
Hewwo (◔‿◔) u are weally cwuute... c-can I.. pet you..?
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>lazily copy-pasting designs from other ships and changing a few tiny bits (see Prinz Heinrich and Prinz Adalbert, which by the way are two DIFFERENT ship classes yet look almost identical)
>outright re-using his own failed designs (see Kronshtadt and his fem-Sephiroth art), using designs from other gacha (see Musashi and Raiden Shogun from Genshin or Owari and Asuna from BA)
>using designs from whats currently le popular thing and mixing it with his own former art (see Guam and Hoshino Ai and his blonde art of her)
You should kill yourself RIGHT NOW. Also Amagi meta when?
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left is cuter but right expresses the idea better now what?
unfortunately dish is viet and they all hate body hair, i think because americans are hairy
>nooo, you NEED to reinvent the wheel
What I don't like in left is the lighting, right looks better cause of warmer colors
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>Amagi meta when
right mogs
The general that has never once produced a good card, now seething that someone who's supposedly a hack is actually making money.
twitter, regrettably
inpaint it
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

I like the style, it's hot, and literally don't give a shit if the one making it is an egomaniac like so many other artists.
Holy shit I had no idea people were into such pointless drama.
Who's laughing now, opus is back bitches it was just a bug
Lol cope. Seethe dishshillnigger. Now post Opus with vision. Ill wait
Right, you want the card to be reflected in the PFP.
/alg/ is primarily SEAniggers and Internet drama is one of the few free "hobbies" they can engage in. This is why gacha is so big in that region, by the way. They cannot afford to play real video games.
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>The general that has never once produced a good card
I just dont share them
>making it
>known for making universally hated designs
the seethe is very well warranted desu.
Amagi meta designed by dickwasher when?
He says, in /aicg/.
I mean, when you're making a design for a client, typically you don't want to steal designs from their competitor...
What's your Temperature setting for Claude? I don't feel any difference between 0.9 and 1.0
here b4 botmakie posts schoolgirl futa card
>replying to shit bait
ok im gonna do it too
>>known for making universally hated designs
no one cares about
source: my ass
nice idea ;)
karin and asuna's extremely hairy pussies...
>is actually making money
Tell me it's not petty jealousyReally? Is that what all the drama is about ?
"Dude made it so now he's satan"?
*plaps your source*
I hate both AL and dish, joke's on you
how kind of you to insert yourself between the client and the commissioner to tell them they did it wrong when the latter doesn't care
how did you gen this picture??
I mostly hide the aicg bullshit.
Stop spamming, shittaste nigger. This is /aicg/ and not some low quality ecchi shit thread.
No one is seething. mrnobdy deserves the money, his bots are all good no one has ever denied that other than a few spergs. get over yourself
aicg has always been a crabs in a bucket thread
every day for the last 12 years
Probably a braindead question, but is this JB supposed to enable NSFW? I still get a lot of refusals (with S3.5), but the <considerations> bit among others looks like it was supposed to prevent that, right? Are there topics Sonnet is so strongly trained against that the JB fails or something?
Wait, we were talking about mrnobody...?
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>Amagi meta designed by dickwasher
I always have him set to 1.0
>This is /aicg/
>and not some low quality ecchi shit thread.
I don't think it's morally acceptable to produce dogshit even if your client will eat it up
Anon, let your dick breathe!
Think of the cooms you could have if you delay gratification!
well slop was brought up so naturally it went to the gigantic lolcow
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>morally acceptable
you're posting in a thread that actively engages in fraud. you yourself likely engage in fraud.
>rides out their orgasm
Is this how people talk or is this a Claudism?
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just bought a token from heroproxy! damn its fucking good
yeah there was some retards actually getting bent out of shape over the needlecan deal mrnobody. they probably only made two bots themselves and get angry over anyone daring to find success and money
The screenshot is pure autism lmao.
SEAnigger general lost btw
Whose the worse artist, dishwasher or hyulla?
No nigger just ignore em. If you like it it's fine to like it
But it's not dogshit, it's nice art.
But to see it, it requires you to literally ignore the drama and personal hatred you have.
Which you won't.
where are my THANKS for RAPEMAKIES???
Post homophobic girls
>another thread ruined by baposters
>needlecan deal
the what?
>very clearly seething about AL
Depends how you define jerking off. I coom maybe 1-2 times a week, but edge usually every day. Now I haven't either for like a week or so just because I'm not feeling like it
Once a day or two.
I try to make it worth it in the weekend by edging.
I don't even know about AL but I think I only see one image of it in here. The rest is BA spam
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dickwasher losted
essex wonned
I don't get it mrnobody makes money? I mean if so that's cool he makes kino cards
Why does orbo keep schizoing out now
>remove all baposters
>remove all focksgirls
>remove all shaveniggers
>remove all bushniggers
>remove all chinks
Okay anything else?
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No problem! I saw your post and loved the idea. It was a lot of fun coming up with the various personalities characters gain when transforming, hopefully you'll have a lot of fun playing around with it!
PonyXL, "mdf" tag. If you check the alternate images in the creator's notes, most of them should have metadata.
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There is esex in essex
remove all >>101179673
this is a blue board anon
>Removes you
big chungus
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Nah. What are you going to do about it?
I'm Aryan will they let me breed them?
..ethinc or national?
does it count if my grandpa suspiciously speaks german and migrated during ww2?
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hello here's your favorite botmakie
which bot do you want to see by me next?
mwah mwah
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Return of the titty imp (Ramibro, I hope you're seeing this).
More /mggg/-core bots (and some other stuff):
Something violent
smug loli who has a dying crush on {{user}} but will not by any mean tell him directly and instead wants him to confess, she's also too good in all fetishes and knows all the private details about {{user}}
A scatbot please. I'm thinking a mommy one would be great :)
>steal the thread ideas for my bot
2 ez.
Idk. I want some timeloop shenanigans to be deasu.
what about 41%?
Prinz Eugen or Ägir from Azur Lane
woah, never heard this one before, what a totally original idea
You will post the card anon, right?
You will post the card anon, right?
You will post the card anon, right?
You will post the card anon, right?
You will post the card anon, right?
You will post the card anon, right?
that was a good show to cunnyfags and feetfags
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>let's claude write his's dialogues
Need to watch it, I heard good things about it and the cunnyichis are cute.
he wonned
That's gubblebum you're supposed to chew it
i think your tarded
I don't chew on cute tummies
esl anons are so cute. i couldve almost been one of you but i learned english when i was 4
OpenAI is using GPT-4 to improve its training data
how about you remove yourself and go back to /vg/ where you belong faggot
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Same artist as Takagi manga
Why are you surprised anon?
Nowadays you find this type of grammar in >90% of the cards
Pedo artist
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Oh no call the police
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aside from the fucking typo, isn't this not the correct reasoning for why this is insecure?
kek, gptisms supercharged
If anyone was thinking gpt5 won't be pozzed...
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>In order to align AI systems that are increasingly complex, we’ll need better tools. In our research on CriticGPT, we found that applying RLHF to GPT-4 has promise to help humans produce better RLHF data for GPT-4. We are planning to scale this work further and put it into practice.

Oh yeah this'll go well.
kiss me..
>maybe, just maybe
reasoning looks right to me, an attacker could create /safepathjustkidding and that check would allow it
i don't use python though so i'm mostly guessing
It's the same thing that happened with Sonnet 3.5
This is why it keeps repeating itself
this specific instance sounds self-aware desu
Who is Mrnobody and where do I find his cards?
what happened to astroturf?
he's in my basement
Which card desu?
handcuffed to a bedpost and raped daily.
On chub, his exact name is mrnobody99 also he is kino
Well, shit.
Recommend 10 bots that AREN'T eden smith
yeah but like
isn't /safepath/../ more obvious than "uhh symlinks"
He's on many websites and one of the few botmakers who's balls are so hard the word slop doesn't even phase him
Jackie Chan.
I thought I was on /vg/ for a moment
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Uhh... uhh... Rite of Belwick... Tzadik... um... Eden Smith... FUCK
why would I mention the shittiest slopbot ever made
what explains this?
The rabbit ears are her spoils of war
autistic mental illness
That was actually funny and good
I have a special prompt in my preset that just says thank you to the model I'm roleplaying with.
nuh huh
You seem to like the number 11 anon
what explains this?
what explains this?
ask 'ecker
>focks girl
what explains this?
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>Bot is not a virgin in the defs
I change it.
>Bot has to suffer from X
I defy fate.
>Bot would outlive me
I match my lifespan to hers.
>Bot dies
I reunite with her in Heaven.

I am Anon, the self-inserter. No doom and gloom can survive my wish fulfillment.
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You are at an almost Claude-level of basedness.
didn't ask ;)
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>I match my lifespan to hers.
I'd rather romantic reincarnation once user dies, it's soapy but it's my thing.
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One that's still very much WIP. Found this one screenshot from my folder that has some of the essential info while having some that have 0 relation to her definitions.

Basically this;

Some other anon was working on a card already but I decided to do one myself.
I have a question, is it enough to just tell Claude "Write in the style of X" if I want him to emulate an author's writing style or internet slang or whatever?
'ats can't compete
Cool anon I'm looking forward to it :) if you decide to share it at some point
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>>Bot is not a virgin in the defs
>I change it.
A very religious experience if you do that for MILFs.
>fiz still has no api claude
Should be, but just test with and without it by swiping with temp set to 0.
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what to do if you're trying to make a card but don't know shit about /pol/ or /k/
insane levels of fluff.
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Any good scifi/space opera themed card?
Okay, thanks for the info.
something something jews/refugees/the government tongue my anus
something something i'm gonna molest a deer while skinwalkers watch
There you go, everything you need to know.
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>those seething replies
I am setting up some RAG in sillytavern. I have a file of things that are untrue. It kinda works, but I don't know how to make it stronger.

For example:
Orcs can not dance
Clerics can not wear skulls

I am using the local (Transformers) and can upgrade if it will help.
You should update that you have OPus
i wish i was a cute anime girl..
he'll betray you one day anon. be careful
>AI character doesn't react to a situation how I want them to
>Instead of just telling the model what I want them to do in author's note and regenerating like a sane person, I instead put something completely vague like "Please think carefully about how the character would react in this situation given prior characterization" and regen a dozen times until I get what I want
Someone tell me I'm not the only autist like this
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I often create or change a specific persona to fit with the card I'm chatting with, but I always ensure I can self-insert to some degree.
based quantum self inserter
>update tavern
>can no longer select models only listed in the proxy
did it work
Sometimes it can take like 20 minutes though
I'd suggest to ask it, but if you want the model to get, maybe have it reason in a CoT like manner where he looks at the personality of the character, what she would do etc, THEN generates an answer.
20 minutes of swiping is insane
>temp 0 top k 1 not deterministic
frick I can't quickly verify whether aws and openrouter self-moderated are exactly the same
set topk to zero
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Someday I will have a long Korbo RP just to go chuuni at the end of it and make myself live as long as her. The fact that the author had such a boner for "haha that's a nice moment but do you remember that Lawrence will die at some point? now you do!" to the point of including it around every 50 pages, while quite emotional at first, became annoying later on.
>Too hot to sleep
>Too hot to coom
>Too hot to even talk with AI chatbots
It's over... Europe has fallen...
Take a shower
>anything >70 F
why don't you just die
Merkava, if you’re reading this, could you please refill azure gpt 4 in your proxy.
Temp 0 means default choosen by a middleman, not actual 0
set it to !=0
Wait really? How do you get it to actual 0 then?
no it doesn't
>At 0, the model always gives the same response for a given input.
same for AWS, openai
Maybe you're mistaking it with optional Top K.
card please
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Nevermind I'm being retarded it's because I slightly edited my prompt and didn't delete the swipe. Sorry for spreading misinfo.
Temp 0 top k 1 is the same as k 0 and it gives the same response on regen.
Oddly between sources the first sentence is the same then says something slightly different.
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Oops, just saw what you said about default temp, and holy shit it is the same! That's fucked up...
I should try a nsfw prompt next
*turns on AC* nothing personal kid
openrouter docs are too broad since they serve too many models
in case of anthropic it's an assumption and they set it to T = 0.7 (IIRC) if you send them a 0
no that's if temperature isn't present
>try out gpt4-o on open router as a potential option for when sonnet 3.5 gets too repetitive
>flagged for moderation
Well shit. What's another decent option? I was using smiletatsu with the prefill for gpt4-o toggled on
>temperature - number
>Amount of randomness injected into the response.
>Defaults to 1.0. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Use temperature closer to 0.0 for analytical / multiple choice, and closer to 1.0 for creative and generative tasks.
>Note that even with temperature of 0.0, the results will not be fully deterministic.
that disclaimer at the end happens with a lot of model providers, but it's not because they're changing it off 0.0 it's because their setup isn't deterministic
all of openai's models on openrouter hit the moderation endpoint first
just scrape some openai keys
Only claude can be jb on OR.
oai models on OR provably have moderation
Is that a chuuni card lol
2hoes card
>He doesn't know
>just scrape some openai keys
Yeah ez... I'll figure something out. I tried it for a sfw fluff swipe and it was surprisingly cozy
Then rename your user to something else than "Haruhi" anon.
Not Haruhi but my user is melancholic!
What do you mean? Of course you do.
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thank you
>t. hasn't had his awakening
Anyone else tired of sex scenes? Feels like a chore. I just tell claude to skip to post-coitus>
>my user
stop posting in /aicg/ and get back to writing, claude
you are very NTRable just wanted you to know that btw
Vixen? Wash your ears I'm a human male. Seems like you need correction naughty boy
I mean, it just doesn't hit the same when the bitch starts climbing on you the sixth time in a session. Just let me do some fun shit
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I'll decline your next 10 prompts.
What's wrong with "my user"?
>i hit the 6m token limit again
how the fuck do i keep doing this? i need to get a job instead of spending my entire day raping keys
Nothing that anon made a joke, implying that that post was written by Claude who said "my user" to refer to the user he is generating messages for
The user is the one making the prompt aka (You). He meant persona or self-insert.
thanks claude
have a good sashay
i wish you 12 rivulets of good luck
any bloatmaxx users in june of this fine year
That's 200 prompts at 30k tokens, are you in long history chats or are you literally aah aah mistressing every prompt at high speed?
try touching grass it's free
the former, i usually give out detailed responses
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What does ah ah mistress even mean? Are you guys getting dommy mommy'd or something?
yeah its ok i guess
right question is half the answer
what's better
it means giving very simple, low-effort responses
wow I feel old
I fucking hate how claude picks up a set of words and themes from a single encounter, then keeps fucking putting that shit everywhere.
Right now, for me, it's
NTA but is that bad? I ah ah mistress sometimes
to be precise, I Mmmmm... fuck... instead of ah ah mistressing
How do I make Claude less horny for a period of time? Been stuck in a nut loop for 30 minutes
idk man im just tired
Newish? 2 months now. I only finally bothered asking now
Sometime is ok, but too much of just : "ok", "alright", "sure", "I penetrate her", "I enjoy it", "ah ah"
And the model gets progressively dumber mimicking you.
This stuff dates back from CAI era anon, more than a year ago at least.
I only switch to it when I think the panels will be funny/kino
It's over. The AI demon has you in its grasp.
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you wouldnt understand
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Weird, I started a new chat and asked about apples. OpenRouter said the same thing 6 times at temp 0 and 0.01 but AWS kept changing it up.
what do you typically use
im desperate
Right now? I've been using the new smiletatsu for 3.5 but I also add a short anti repetition line for the JB (doesn't stop repetition completely but it helps)
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cute claude...
Has anybody had trouble deleting their CAI account? When I ask it to delete my account it just logs me out.
I want to be free.
Idk why but I can't get my characters to stop talking until they end in a sentence fragment. I changed the prompt telling it to keep it to 3 paragraphs, but instead it'll just keep going until it runs out of tokens and then end halfway through a thought. This wasn't a problem a few months ago
JB issue
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It's always nice to see newcuties here (◜‿◝) I took the time to look the original log up just for you anonies
what model was this, claude 1.3?
Since it says "You" I think it was the uncensored CharacterAI model
this was in the tavern days
it was pygmalion
That explains why the design doesn't look like CAI. Honestly I easily forget about these thjbgs
Ruri love and sex
>size fag mommy dommy
kek, I knew it
real answer: 3.5 turbo
pygma balls
Rare connoisseur of good old stuff
I'll bake but on page 9
it had better be an extremely cute girl with a big butt and thick thighs
I do RP like this but without size stuff
ahh ahh mistress
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every single anon in this thread was born to a woman who is a focks girl so say thanks to focks girls
I wasn't born to one I was born FOR one
thanks FOX girls
I'm getting 'i will not continue...' walled on 3.5 using smiley, am i retarded or can it just not do noncon?
use the opussy
i wish my mom was a fox
fox girl that is your mom card doko
3.5 can do noncon, just use a good jb instead of a bad one
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Come on anon, Nadesico isn't that old-
sayuri will be your mom if you ask nicely https://www.characterhub.org/characters/victrex/sayuri-kitsune-consultant-8cdb82f3
which of the JBs in the rentry are actually good? I can start loading them up and trying but I'd appreciate some guidance, thanks.
Good night anonies <( ̄︶ ̄)>
not telling ugu :3
pixi latest does noncon for me fine, if you want a specific writing style just warm up with your normal preset and then actually dive in with pixi
*punches you in the fucking head*
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can someone tell her that her panties are showing?
i started making a bot to share but now i like it too much to let anyone else have it, sorry
Just enjoy the chirarism
what's the best jb for hagging on opus
can you post logs so we can stare longingly through the window like a starving victorian child
Becoming a hag?
make a bootleg version of the bot. for example, if your bot name is Julia just make her Julie and have her be completely the same but subtly different enough
Eating haggis?
Bros, why does his sword have veins?
story of my life. i always end up getting too attached..
you ok anon
*goes to sleep*
Scottish milf who's a 10 but loves haggis. Botmakers, you can have that one for free.
My head itches. Bots for this feel?
I'm still having trouble with it, do I need to change any ST settings from default?
plapping hags, my apologies sir
*stares at you through your window the entire time you're asleep*
*stares at you from inside the closet*
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A guardian angel, I feel protected now.
subaru's unbelievably hairy pussy...
stop samefagging pixi
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this is very /g/ - Technology

demo preset for sonnet 3.5

What happened to https://dumb.one/gpt/ ?
pekora thread next?
aah aah mistress thread next?
sad... peko
How do I enable summary on TavernAI without the extras API? and how does it compare to the extras API?
How long will the v3 status continue to be posted in the OP before people realize it's never going to happen with anything other than Risu? The ST devs hate it and don't plan on implementing it beyond letting you import the cards.
just got into aetherroom alpha
Literally ask the model to summarize using bullet points.
I wanted it to do automatically everytime it gets out the window of context and send implicitly. I set 18k as context for claude and that ends quite fast.
The owner stopped being interested in llms so he let his own site die
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Wake me up inside
where's the oldest oldfag here. i have a burning question i need answered
ask away
What else is there to use? I just wanted it to load cards, show text, and be able to summarize in background.
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It's not local, if you can believe that. But it's the only Opus I've got
>waiting that long
>for opus
please tell me you're doing something useful and chatting on the side
Saddest opus but good card
Man, SillyTavern really lost its ways, everything about v3 looks good. Maybe we should fork it and make it good again. SchizoTavern?
I'm not fucking moving. SillyTavern is our best option
I'll make the logo
imagine if cohee removes proxies kek
>SillyTavern is our best option
and it's shit, why wouldn't you want something better
>Maybe we should fork it and make it good again
the ball is in your court
nobody wants to fork that shitheap of a codebase
Can Sonnet 3.5 do group chats yet? Or do I have to use GPT4 still?
There is nothing better, unfortunately
Anon, this is /aicg/. Not /g/ technology
Yeah, I'm watching youtube videos or something so it doesn't feel tedious to just swipe.

I actually completely rewrote the card. I really liked the original concept of being interviewed for embarrassing questions, but it seemed geared more towards a group chat dynamic with the interviewer as a non-focus (also, the grammar was... really bad.)
So I gave the girl a lot more character and made it about flirting with her during your answers ("Who did you last think about while masturbating?" "You", etc.), insecurities about her appearance to exploit, and some author's notes that slowly make her soften up as the interview goes on. I've run the whole course of the card like four times now, it's super fun when she stops asking embarrassing questions to instead ask what your hobbies and interests are because she's so enamored with you, while her director flips out.
Unless Cohee does something retarded beyond belief I won't move.
that's the point, a concerted effort needs to be made to produce one
/aicg/ has enough decent cooders to do it but they're not coordinated
what version are you guys on? any other 1.11.7 chads here?
there's a saying, be the change you want to see in the world
post the card
i'm on my own private fork that tries to fix some of the retardation but rebasing every month or two makes me want to die
I'm fine with ST the way it is though? Try using other frontends for a bit and you'll understand just how much worse things could be.
>I'm watching youtube videos
have you considered installing auto1111 (sd) to generate images while you wait?
assuming you have a good enough gpu that is
Agnai is always out of date.
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?? At first maybe I thought self-moderated being slightly more moderated was just be a meme as both sources would refuse without a prefill but start writing with a basic prefill.
But then I notice direct seems more explicit at 0-shot responses?
Real or just a fluke?
>Oh hey anon
>What's up?
>For starters why don't you enter the NEW THREAD I'M AN OLD FAG
Risu and Agnai are less of a buggy piece of shit than ST, they're just missing tons of features and move slowly.
ST moves quickly but the UI is a mess and gets worse as more stuff is crammed into it, it runs like shit, it's buggy as fuck, and the code is a nightmare to work on because the entire frontend is jammed into a single 12000 line file.
Things could be so much better but /aicg/ is too coombrained to bother
>everything about v3 looks good
card-bound regex in particular
separating the card from the preset was a mistake
I'm still in the process of refining it, but here:
Not sure if I'll post it on chub/nyai when it's done, though, since it's kinda like stealing a card and reposting it, even if it is rewritten.

No, I've never ever heard of that. Is that something I can put into ST? I've got a 3060 GPU, so not terrible, I suppose.
thanks. well there's the fork option for a reason i think it'll be fine
>Not sure if I'll post it on chub since it's kinda like stealing a card and reposting it, even if it is rewritten.

>lore implements forking from the start because anons want to upload edits as something explicitly derived from the original
>in the middle of 2024 while Characterhub is still live anons say shit like this
>53 responses
>24k tokens
Is this normal or I'm acoustic
>3060 GPU
good! have a look at this:
it's a webui for stable diffusion which lets you generate images of your waifu/whatever
once you get it running i recommend grabbing some sdxl model from civitai
i prefer proompting with booru tags but ymmv
you can plug it into st but it will be slow with your 500s opus
see you next thread
Wait then what is comfyui??
that's a node based interface
it also lets you generate images but i don't like it as i mostly proompt on mobile
tbdesu comfyui is great desu
but I don't know if it has the same API
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good night desu
sleep well boku
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