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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101165556
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looking to replace my tanchjim ones. I need someone comfortable that i can wear for 10 hours straight. I use cp145 eartips with tanchjim ones and have to swap the iem around, so left iem in right ear etc. This is the way for me to be able to wear them for 10 hours with comfort. Reason im looking to replace them is the lack of isolation in them. I prefer comfort over sound quality.
Add them to the list, or else..
how do they sound compared to cheapbuds like vidos?
is that the new fotm iem? are they at least more comfortable than the tanchjim ones?
Good isolation + comfort is a bitch to find. I would say give up on the isolation and go with truthear gate.
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My Gatos finally arrived. Before I listened to music with them, I eq'd ear canal resonance peaks with the help of a tone generator, like I also did with my other IEMs (Zero 2 and Hexa).

Gatos fit perfectly, they are super comfortable. The stock tips are okay, I'm using the wide bore ones. The cable is indeed good, too. I like the Hexa cable even more, but look at the price difference.

I actually prefer the sound of the Gatos over the Hexas. The lower mids / warmth / note weight is lacking on the Hexas. Which is a real bummer, not only because I just bought them a few weeks ago, but also because they are built so well. The Gatos feel very cheap in comparison, but this shouldn't be a surprise.

I will wait for what people say about the Studio Wankers, and if they are not clearly better or somehow different than the Gatos, I think I'll soon buy another pair of those. Add them to the OP recs, ASAP!
bros I just got the gates
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Bigger than some headpos.
Thoughts about sub kilo, kilo fuck pos? Been looking at hype 10s and monarchs. I feel the diminishing returns is gonna be retarded though. I currently own hola, hexa, nova which I've enjoyed. I had a pair of moondrop aria snow but they weren't great and gave those and my holas to my boomer mom.
Neutral, not warm
Now listen to real gato music
Probably sounds worse than some headpos too.
They're fine, and will most likely be an upgrade if you don't EQ.
I will say that comfort is inversely proportional to price, because most pos >$500 are massive and ergonomically atrocious.
If I already like the way my EA500LM sound, should I EQ them?
It's kind of worth owning one of those if you're really into iems. You should know enough to pick the correct one at that point in life. If you want something similar but not quite, for half the price, the Simgot EM10 is that.
You should try it out. Every IEM can be improved with EQ, but to what degree depends how thorough you are.
yes and yes

skip hype10. monarch mk3 for sure at the price point
you mean this?
Try making them harman: peaking filter, 160 Hz, -2 or -3 dB, Q:0.7071
in a way you already answered your own question
Truthear Gate?
I've heard so much good shit about them I'm considering sending some to the hotel at the end of my trip since they don't ship them here, but then I'd need to get a different pair to use on the flight there or not use any on a 9h flight
Yes, read the EQ guide on squig.link, especially the part about the treble peaks.
Bro these are $20 pos. Don't expect them blow your mind, they're marginally better or marginally worse than the wankers.
If you know how to eq, they are endgame
You should always EQ.
Just Buy a NiceHck Traceless and hit play, Simple Ass.
Hola was already end-game with EQ. without EQ i found them a bit boring though.
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Quite enjoyable I have to say.
my endgame is true endgame, it's omega
basement scientists, why do the final E tips make everything sound darker and chocolatey? mmmm so good with bright stuff, no one other tip can mimic this so far ime
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What songs do you test your new IEMs on??? Is there something special about these songs or is it just the songs you always listen to?
thin tubes = low pass filter.
therefore, narrow bore tips attenuate higher frequencies.
there's more to it, i have a bunch of narrow tips but final type E is more drastic, the material prolly matters the most and this is some japanese secret sauce silicone
I put this on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxYrCSdYY6w
no real meaning to it, but it was the first thing I listened to when I got my decent headphones & the difference was immediately noticeable
nice. ty!
it's songs i've been listening to for a trillion years on all kinds of gear so i have an idea of how they sound regardless of earpos and other factors. i tend to go for songs with a lot of white noise or intense overdrive or supersaw synths to check for resonant dips/peaks, then something subbass focused to dial it in to non-fatiguing levels, then i tame sibilance listening to shouty mastered shit, looking for a happy medium, listen to some shit with busy congested layering to see how the tuning handles lower mids, and repeat the process to make sure changing one thing didn't fuck up another thing. i don't care for natural vocals or real life instruments but i guess you should take that into account if it matters to you. basically i make sure that shit i like to listen to a lot sounds right to me, because there's no point in striving for adherence to imaginary industry standards if it makes my favorite tracks unlistenable, though i do use harman as a starting point and i pick tracks to stress test specific aspects of tuning.
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good advice!
>basically i make sure that shit i like to listen to a lot sounds right to me
now this is what I've never managed to understand... how do you know how a song should sound like??
Unlike the anon above, I mostly focus on instruments more than anything else. More often thatn not if the bass gita, rhythm gita and snare+cymbals sounds correct, then the vocals will fall into their places. Remember, mix separation is almost as important as resolution, one without the other will lead to incoherent and discordant response.
Me personally, I just boost bass and treble by 10dB.
Compared to what.
100gecs on youtube in 144p
>to what
Anything I get, I boost bass and treble by 10dB.
I only listen to real music
what if I give you something that already has 10dB bass and treble boost but you don't know it's boosted?
I don't care, I boost bass and treble by 10dB.
based deaftard
>Have a list of recommended earbuds
>No one in the thread actually recommends it let alone talk about it
How did you missed the vido and temperament and iris and nicehck anon?
>Have a list of recommended IEMs
>Exclude some of the best value options because they have some influencers name slapped on
which is the right thing to do
>our pajeet sharur finally understood that iems are for faggots
It's over bwos...
sure, but I'd still take the zero 2 and zero red over anything else on that list
It's been a year since I bought the perfect pos - epz k5, and ditched audiofuckery for good. I'm free to enjoy the music without thinking about meme squiggles and all those new hype collabs, feels fucking good man.
do you have a preconceived notion of how, say, an electric guitar sounds or should sound like - what kind of guitar timbre sounds full, rich, pleasant, vivacious, not overemphasized in any band, not thin, hollow, shrill, muddy, fatiguing? what kind of guitar sound you've come to expect and enjoy in music as a whole, and not specific tracks going, for example, for a more abrasive or nasal sound on purpose?

i mostly listen to instrumental electronic music so i can't rely on criteria like 'do the vocals sound natural?', 'does the oboe or some shit sound lifelike and believable?', 'do the hi-hats sound like the ones i used to play in the band?', i rely on personal taste the same way i'd rely on personal taste deciding whether my coffee tastes good or bad, or whether my shower is too hot or too cold.

i aim for tuning that makes most tracks in my favorite genres (and from specific time periods favoring a certain style of mixing and mastering) sound the most enjoyable to me - saws, pads, plucked arpeggios should sound the way i've subjectively come to expect them to sound, snares and hats should sound so and so, kicks should sound so and so, bass should be so and so. to me it's about my subjective enjoyment of music and how the tuning meshes with my idea of idk the ideal 909 snare or the ideal 303 bassline, and the interplay between my tuning and specific schools of mastering going for a certain flavor which i may or may not agree with, but you'll likely come up with a different tuning process or workflow or targets depending on your musical preferences and which aspects of music you want to prioritize.
short nozzle plastic trash
gaping nozzle resin trash
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>Temperament and iris 2.0 are not on the list (yet)
obsoleted by gate
You're lucky having wrong opinions is still legal.
I NEED my pos to arrive NOW.
I test all the pos with this album, if it doesn't sound good on this, then nothing will
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>do you have a preconceived notion of how, say, an electric guitar sounds or should sound like
I mostly listen to pop music that's been released in the last 5 years and it's so heavily autotuned and everything's digitally altered that I can't use the same measures to tell if it "sounds right".
Maybe listening to classical music would reveal the flaws in my IEMs better but I'm not classically trained and I don't really know what a violin is supposed to sound like.

I have really hard time judging IEMs based on some song alone...
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how are they gaymousetranny
Nobody ever talks about fiio here. Makes me think they're the real endgame.
Which ones are you talking about
seeing fiio makes me nostalgic because hifiman bundled entry level fiio amps with their pos at one point.
damn, pos lore
Shut up, rat
Bro touch grass. Go to an outdoor festival or renfair and watch cute girls improv on the violin. It's awesome and nobody cares if you're a disgusting spastic.
what do you guys use for burners that you don't care if you lose them on the subway or in a park?
tanchjim zero, jbl endurance run 2 (foul sounding without eq)
blon bl-03
patina is taking over it, slowly
i gotta wait for the kids to go to bed in an hour, honestly fx15 surprised me given it's graph. very nice lively sound.
$25 tws that's an actual pos because i'm paranoid about cables getting snagged on something and deflowering my eardrums
Iris 2.0 €4 with discount depending on sales, i intend to buy a couple every year regardless if i lose any, as long as i get them for this price
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better post measurements you ratfucker
I'll measure your mom's tit sag, how bout that?
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any oracle here?? will it flop??
Sennheiser HD620S is the best transducer I have ever heard. It has everything I look for in a transducer.

Limp bass, Honk, Grainy Treble, 4k Dip, Made in China but designed by Nazi's. Even my wife loved them, she loved them so much I got a progesterone oil hand job at the end of the listening session.
a bit rude...
Rogshit horseshit
completely goosemaxxed sound signature
came here from another board for advice a few days ago, ordered another $80 in iems (including wan(k)ers, which i keep giggling about because i'm a manchild)
the vapid shitposting and subjective elitism is unironically kinda comfy, i guess it's probably hard to keep a general afloat on /g/ without it

thank god the chinks keep coming up with stupid names to put on their iems. and how come the best anime character designs out of china come on the box of iems? no comic or cartoon even comes close.
Trannymaxxed sound signature
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you forgot the most exciting feature of closed backs
i dont measure, just hit play and enjoy the music
What else you get?
Did you get the jade wankers?
I bet your mom is black, which is okay. I like my women like I like my ice cream. Thick, cold and tasting of fried chicken
i enjoy quality engineering, not retarded subjective impressions
weird assumptions bro, just saying that the new studio edition wankers will pre/post-obsolete your wankers
CammyFi lol, slutty little femboy. But atleast they don't appease to the chinky companies and lie.
Rotting dogshit, them Germans fell off
>asks for graph to give subjective impressions
ok bud
i want measurements, plain and simple. i can make my own judgements then, and no, i don't give subjective impressions
ratfucker has a small rat brain, go figure
then look them up yourself, retard.
somehow that mousefucker has got the hamster dance stuck in my head. guess i know what i'll be testing my iems to.

the funny name was reason enough to buy them
if there's a chance they might sound good, why not?

i got the jade ones
>Tinhifi T1S
>CCA Trio
>two $5 spare cables for my KZ shitters
have my doubts about the last one, looks kinda bulky, but the idea of being able to placebomax in real time by flicking the switches on the side is appealing

i'll just use them with stock tips, because i looked at some recommended tips and decided not to spend $50 on them without the wisdom of whether they'd fit and on which of my iems
measurements of FR and distortion you dirty sewer dweller
Gaymousetranny please post your impressions soon, it's past my bedtime
>i'll just use them with stock tips
>not redeeming delicious COREIR Al tips
it's not too late, please redeem.
none of the drivers are soldered and you're merely hallucinating the sound and graph readings
My balls are equalised to harman reference room diffuse field response with a 10dB bass shelf at 120hz
I don't know man, this sounds pretty good >>101180513
Chinese company KZ (Knowledge Zenith) has made waves in the audiophile community by allegedly leveraging psychological phenomena like placebo effect and purchase validation to sell their IEMs (In-Ear Monitors) with desoldered drivers. This practice taps into the inherent biases and expectations of audiophiles, who often believe that more drivers equate to better sound quality. By marketing their IEMs as having multiple drivers, KZ creates an expectation of superior audio performance, which can influence listeners to perceive an improvement in sound, even if some of the drivers are non-functional. The placebo effect, a well-documented psychological phenomenon where a person's expectations can influence their perception of an experience, plays a significant role here. Audiophiles, already convinced by the specifications and brand reputation, might perceive enhanced audio fidelity simply because they expect it.

Furthermore, purchase validation comes into play as consumers who have spent money on these IEMs are likely to rationalize their purchase, convincing themselves that the product meets or exceeds their expectations to avoid cognitive dissonance. This psychological reinforcement is powerful; once a consumer believes they have bought a high-quality product, they are more inclined to defend their purchase and perceive it positively, regardless of the actual performance. KZ's strategy of including desoldered drivers can exploit these cognitive biases, maintaining high sales and customer satisfaction despite the questionable practice. This approach raises ethical questions about transparency and honesty in marketing within the audiophile industry.
the techs are stored in the silica
Don't shoot the messenger nigger
500USD but I don't see a point in paying more than 20 for some single drive in ear microphone that I will use in the office to drown out the boomers

>Intended use (media, source, environment)
Drowning out boomers talking about their fifth property purchase in the office

>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
White man's music such as classical and metal

>Past gear and your thoughts on them
HD800, the patrician's choice at home
Fiio iems are rotting dogshit, you actual troglodyte. Who groomed you to buy that garbage
nice build qc
Fibaly got my flathead earbud drivers, mx500 shells and braided wire. time to solder and tune to harman.
Actually kill yourself, not even joking
your ears are dead grandpa, redeem KZ PR2 (revised) for extra tinnitus detail
>Follow an arbitrary line guailou!
>Our graphs are totally real and reliable goy!
Werks for me.
Nobody asked
Go back to your cave please.
How do you tune a driver when diy'ing?
you don't, he's retarded and doesn't know shit
no one in their right mind would tune earbuds
Buy Sony MDR-1AM2
again, no filters. just size differences between red and black nozzles. good thing i have the ea500 nozzle tuning kit coming soon.
let us know if there's a difference between the both of them
I would never ask the thread for advice. I would lurk and meme myself into something. Do some people have no agency?
ask /hpg/
compared to fd5, right from the start, i notice that the details are just noticeably clearer. very nice tune. the bass isnt as anemic as i thought it'd be. pure single dd goodness. drums have a longer cleaner decay, as if the sensitivity is higher. not a slow decay either, it's more of a detailed controlled decay. snares dont sound sharp like fd5.
>detailed decay
overall, I'd say there is a clear improvement over fd5. however, fd5 is still good at portraying the classic v shape signature. fd15 is more like a leaner and cleaner version. fd15 isnt harsh at all, the king is back.
yes, like the "coooong" strike of a drum. the note hangs longer without sounding like a cheap pos. i guess that's what counts as techs lol
is the shell shape any different? i loved the build and accessories of fd5 but it basically just being a perfect cylinder that weighs heavily on your outer ear made it so uncomfortable for me, i would never buy another one shaped like that sadly
it's not that different but the angle is different and sits better in my ear. the shell is bigger. about the same in weight I'd say.
Nigger em6l better
my wife said they felt weightless and comfortable.
Do black nozzels tend to be bigger and girthier than white nozzels?
black nozzles are wider, the reds are narrow. but not as narrow as the fd5's red nozzles. those were like shure-tier narrow.
The real question is, how do the techs compare?
why are all the main cable recommendations multi-jack cables? does anyone actually listen via 4.4mm balanced jacks? even then, would anyone actually want to swap from one to the other?
damn, just tried the dc phase linearizer on the walkman and none of my other iems really picked up on the difference but on the fd15 it makes noticeable changes. i guess it really does pick up on lower frequency changes. no smearing of mids/highs whatsoever either. the bass hits lower and fuller.
honestly, the jump in performance is noticeable especially with the lows. the highs are surprisingly clean without harshness. and after seeing how there's virtually no filter on the nozzle, wtf!?!
>does anyone actually listen via 4.4mm balanced jacks?
>even then, would anyone actually want to swap from one to the other?
depending on the devices you have and want to listen from. it makes more sense changing the plug end rather than constantly swapping fragile pins, and is more convenient than having multiple cables.
I guess balanced makes sense from a noise perspective considering most iem cables are twisted pairs. Are there many (mmcx) iem cables where the cable itself is coaxial? Because I have a thing for coax. Kinda want to make headphones with an RCA connector on each ear cup.
"Balanced" has nothing to do with noise rejection in case of iems. It's an industry misnomer for a bridged amplifier configuration that doubles the output voltage at the cost of doubling the output impedance.
Fake and not gay(mousetranny)
Any good 2 pin cables around $5?
Need some to chuck around and lazy wrap without worry
Nothing really blows my mind anymore now that i’ve experienced the pinnacle of audio: $20 POS
I have both zero:red and gate.
I wouldn’t say the gate “obsoletes” red but I do gotta admit it is very enjoyable and lively. Red is very laid back, best most inoffensive tonality ever. Gate is definitely more energetic. The tone and timbre of red is better but it is close. Gate brings out more details.
They trade blows. Both are well executed POS. Red has better fit for me(deeper shell)
The red is terrible, if you can even tolerate it, you don't care about audio quality.
Your pos is terrible, if you can even tolerate it, you don't care about audio quality.
Not a fan of that insane midbass scoop. It’s gonna sound flat and lifeless.
Not saying we all need to shid, piss and cum Harman but pinna is centered around 3khz for a reason, ask God.
too long didn’t read.
But yes in general most people rate expensive gear better solely due to the virtue of it being more expensive. Think about that next time someone rags on a $20 POS. They might be one of these faggots
captcha: PKKK
Hexa mogs the shit out of both
i quite like the kbear 4 core cables on aliexpress. can get two of them for $5 if you use coins
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yes, they're pretty decent for the price. i have a few 2pin/qdc/mmcx lying around, useful for cheap shit like kz.
Epz g1 are my throw around iems
They look good, thanks anon.
I'm 6'2 though so I hope they're on the longer side
>longer side
oh maybe not, every cable i've bought have been 1.2m, and so are these. they should be fine, but they also have a right angle plug so take note of that
doubt you can get custom length cables for $5
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>• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
I got mine today.
You guys are faggots, they sound like cheap chink earbuds.
Why are you promoting this???
actually get seal with them and insert deeper faggot
Are etymotic the most safe bet for someone who has trouble getting a truly good seal with in ears? I have a set of blon a8's but they dont seal anywhere near as good as say my sleeping ear foams and they need a different size tip on each one to fit.
I just want some shit that fits perfect so I can eq it to harman.
Its a stupid meme shilled by 2 furfags, sorry you got scammed.
I usually dont click on videos with women in it buuuut...
>fits perfect so I can eq it to harman.
etymotic insertion depth will drastically affect anything above 3khz. you have been warned
I know how to wear in ears reatrd, but they are shittier than shit tier se215s.
Eh, they are cheap at least, another set of beaters.
i love listening to music on my pos bros
Not only that they have objectively bad advice

you sound like youre begrudingly agreeing with me. Im looking for something with a solid ass fit without going to spend $100 to get impressions made that also has good measurements so I can eq it.
sure, it's fine for your case (except for sleeping maybe). just be aware of the nuances, etymotics are very much a beast of their own. best to buy from amazon and return them if needed
i love listening to my pos on music bros
Some companies sell bridged amplifiers as balanced, but they aren't the same thing. Bridged amps have two amplifiers outputting the same signal. Balanced amps output inverse phase signals at 2x gain. There are other side effects of this that don't apply to pos, but balanced is supposed to deliver 2x voltage / 4x power.

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You misunderstand "bridged" amps bro. The so called "balanced" is traditionally known as bridged. I've literally made bridged amps with transistors on a pcb.
Bridged doesn't imply BTL you gaslighting scumfuck boomer. Stop backtracking your incorrect terminology like it's someone else's fault.
is there a microphone that hears better than the human ear? so that in a given situation if a human could hear it no matter how faint the microphone could also hear it? assuming perfect monitoring gear 110db etymotics idc
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you true retards never learn, always pushing back
>Owns Shure
>Thinks his opinions on sound quality holds any weight
gaslight, deflect, deny

You can fool people on the internet but you can't fool the man upstairs.
What the fuck is stopping me from EQ'ing 7hz Zero to match 7hz Zero 2 and saving a few bucks?
human ears are fucking horrible, i don't know why you would even begin to think that microphones aren't better at "hearing"
your schizophrenic brain
everyone's been saying that since zero2 was released
I'm bored of my salnotes zero 7hz, what's the logical next upgrade?
>Putting in chinese plastic and silicon in your ears
Couldn't be me
tip rolling
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I love the 7Hz Zero so much. The logical upgrade is the Supermix 4.
yeah they might be horrible but in the ranges we can hear i cannot find a microphone that is anywhere near as good.
bought a normie usb mic and tried my phone neither can pick up something as plainly audible as whispering on the other side of the room.
I need something that can record something that is fucking QUIET
>$20 to $150
When you do get an iem that is tuned similarly but is known for good techs (price is no guarantee), at that point you will know what techs are. EA500LM + EQ is the middle ground with 3-4x more techs. The Supermix has maybe 5-6x more techs. The $50-60 stuff is kind of not good enough to be worth the upgrade.
reminder that techs == price
Btw guys I forgot to take my antipsychotics today just so you know.
>use EQ
>fixed tuning
>improved techs
Be smart, be EQpilled.
>being a techlet
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Some people are colorblind... some people have no attraction to cute drawings... some people actually can't hear words even though they can hear sounds. I think a minority of people can't hear techs. It's possible that this would enrage and confuse them in the context of audio equipment.

There is zero reason to not use EQ
bro its almost impossible for the average person to compare two earphones or headphones just sitting at their desk because of the length of echoic memory and what it is that we do even remember.
Things like distortion or detail in bass are inaudible until they get ridiculous. It's all the same.
Everything above it is channel matching, volume/fr.
Perfect seal, channel match, and good measurements are end game regardless of price and no one in this thread is equip to say otherwise.
What's a 'tech'? Technology? We can count technology?
I don't know which placebo to adopt
Werks in muh ears
my echoic memory lasts for 5 years and I can hear 0.000001% distortion at 2hz. git gud fag
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>Werks in muh ears
Based drooling retard shilling outdated garbage
That's because you can't read graphs.
Most people can hear techs. Most people also genuinely hear two different things when listening to the same thing twice, if they can't see what they're listening too. These phenomena are the exact same thing.
literal skill issue
Get better ears.
Patiently waiting for my Xenns Top to arrive
Depends on your budget. Shotgun mics are built for this sort of thing(picking up something from afar). A mic with really low self-noise like rode nt-1a should work more like your ears. Maybe try finding some cheaper or used mics with low self-noise.
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Techxistas I am thinking Kaei Tap2 for tech upgrade.
It has raytheon toobz and muses02 opamp, sounds like a steal for 96$
Post what custom faceplate you selected.
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sugoi, just short of totl techs
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>he doesn't have 6k techs
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Shures have no fox, they're by definition inferior.
Fucking deaf rat retard lmao.
setup lookin clean as hell my nibba sheeeesh
Man, can't wait for them to arrive, it's a big upgrade from my Zero Red, i found the Red so lacking in detail, it's kinda muddy
>Sub 50 dollar
>Plastic construction (can't use metal cause of condensation)
>2 pin, must play well with Moondrop Little whites
>V sound
Anything fit that bill?
If it's anything like the little bear it'll be too noisy for most pos
i fell for the closed dentpos meme because i wanted better isolation. the seal is never just right on both sides and there's a sort of resonance or reverb in low frequencies that makes bass sound blurry and soft no matter how i eq them. not to mention 'budget pos' in the context of dentpos is north of $100. anything cheaper is just e-waste. absolute pos.
>The $50-60 stuff is kind of not good enough to be worth the upgrade.
We planarsisters know you're wrong.
Ngl look cool and have peaked my interest. I reckon most people here who shit on Fiio have never listened to a set before and are just bandwagoning faggots parroting other anons
how fucking retarded are you? look at graphs and make up your mind for yourself. 9/10 of their iems are utter pos. great *clap* they made a non-horrid 1DD @ $150 now. sure get it
I want to gift a friend of mine with his first iem, should i give him the turdear gate or the 7hz zero 2?
if he's a weeb, the Gato, if not, the 7Hz.
gate, never buy cringeshit
only because I just got one, so I have to shill it constantly so I can feel good about my purchase
Is that a butt plug? Why are you playing music through your asshole? Retard
i'll made him choose between the 7hz zero 2, the gato or the wan'er s.g.
i've never listened to any of those but i'm more biased towards the gate too, hope he likes the gift
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>he doesn't play music through his asshole
what matters is that you care about your boyfriend, he'll notice and reciprocate :D
try it out yourself.
he's a good friend of mine, he convinced me to not commit suicide multiple times, i did the same for him, feels like a brother
cheap flatheads > iems in soundstage tech, fight me.
Only speakers have soundstage. If it doesn't sound in front of you it's not a stage. Use headstage or some other cope term.
I'm looking to buy a cheap pair for myself right now & if I could, the gate would be an obvious first pick and I'm still trying to figure out what the second would be
I haven't heard anything good about the gate & I've heard bad things about every other pair, but that might just be because the gate is new.
Either way get the Gate
compare it the kz libra.
iems feel way more "in your head" than flatheads
just an objective difference
>iems feel way more "in your head" than flatheads
you can eq for that
both are in your ears compared to open back headphones & speakers
Hope you got a decent source because high output impedance fucks them up. Also trying out foams like comply or inairs would be a good idea, not a foamfag but they do sound the best with good foams imo.
>not being able to add spatial cues precisely finetuned to your personal hrtf through a parametric eq preset written in notepad purely as an educated guess
Before I decide on keeping the EA500LM, should I try the Supermix4?
i'm getting a fiio ka11 to use with my phone, it appears to be enough.
unfortunately i don't have a dac/amp for my desktop, so i will just plug it on the motherboard until i get a topping dx3+
If Metal is my music of choice which POS should I get?
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I have broken the pins on the cables of my moondrop lan, with what can I replace the cables ? I really like them, thanks for help anons
chu 2 has the same cable
sadly it's impossible to buy good iem cables. Buy a Gato or Chu and steal the cable.
Pls respond.
zero red, anything with a lot of bass and laid back treble

I thought there were compatible cables sold separately by another party, it's a shame :/
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to have to cannibalise a Chu 2
definitely DO NOT buy anything with bass scoop and boosted lower treble ie ea500lm or supermix 4
Faaeal Iris Ancestor or Iris 2.0.
>zero red
I guess I'll try this one. How long does it take for Shenzenaudio to ship something out?
Two weeks?
weeks, months, you can't know for sure
Nice floor.
Ugly desk.

Gate yeah, i gave someone the hola (told them to ignore the packaging, that the iem makes up for it) and another person (female) a green wanker.
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today im listening to music
Should I use the bass adapter with the ZERO Red?
just eq
use the acog scope
why do you ask other people? try it yourself. if you like it then use it if not then don't, is that simple.
That floor reminds me of my gramma apartment in an old Soviet house.
don't use tws. they emit grandma rays
Listening to real music
just EQ you fucking retard
Dx3+ is definetely an overkill, they are very easy to drive. It sounds total mud bass overload out of my motherboard due to high impedance, normally I run it at 12-13 vol. out of 31 max on a dongle with 1,8V/100mW @ 32 Ohm max output.
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could never be me
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>What the fuck, that is a child!
When tf are people actually getting their hands on wan’er studio edition?
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i asked chang
he said soon...
Man they keep delaying this crap. First it was june 21st…then july 1st. Now it’s july 5th?
you wankers! this better be good
>that shallow insertion
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Here I’ll even help you out tangzu. Since you said this set had less bass I even took the liberty of tuning it for you
You’re welcome.
hit play and enjoy the music
>Dx3+ is definetely an overkill
Yes, but i'm planning on getting a good planar soon to use with, the Arya Stealth. idk why topping used only the 3.5mm on the DX3+ as the headphones output tho.

>It sounds total mud bass overload out of my motherboard due to high impedance
Mine too, sounds like +10 dB on bass and -10 on treble, everything turns into a bass cannon, I have an audio interface too. Tascam US-HR, but que headphone output impedance is high again, 66 Ohmns.
Shut up rat
Nah they'll crank up that uppermids to gato level.
Btw just so you know I've never actually tried a Fiio product before.
the zero red is terrible, so sad that you were another person scammed by truthear/crinacle
you can't fix muddy pillowy bass with EQ, dumbass. you can only remove the bass, which is like curing a disease by killing the patient
The Supermix 4 is an improvement in every area, as long as you EQ both sets to your preferences.
You can fix everything with EQ. Skill issue.
That 2khz peak is the only real flaw with wan’er. it makes me a little nervous that they say “less bass” because the warmth is about on par with an HD650 ie they only would need a fine tune adjustment if even that, like bass is not a freaking problem here.
If they keep that 2khz peak or God forbid…make it worse? PLUS they decrease bass on top of it? You just end up with a chinked shrieky POS
And where did i said i don't eq? Stop assuming shit.

I like them, they are dirty cheap, comfortable to me and i like how they look, i meticulously eq them and they turn out to be vey good actually, the point is, i don't have a parametric eq on my phone
You do, it's called wavelet.
some retard on headfi got mad because i said his fd7 is no different than fd5 besides the diaphragm. most users even preferred fd5 over fd7.
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the anti-truthear schizo feels terrorized every time somebody shows up enjoying their basedears, because it shows his schizo meltdown against good iems has no effects on people who actually owns them (he owns 0 iems btw)
You've got to admit it's hard to take gay rat posts seriously.
the only thing more fragile than a hexa owner's ego is the ea500lm's shell
>muddy pillowy bass
you don't even know what this means. I've never heard a mix engineer use these cringe terms you faggots use, they say things like "sub", "bass", "mids", "treble", "oh there's a masking issue in the 300hz range", "highs are too satured around 8khz", "sub is way too high, drop it one octave". no one says "omg this pillowy bass is not hitting bro", "this sparkle is so amazing!!", "these goopy mids are ruining the track!!!!"
yeah and i've never heard a 10 year old say she has a bomb-ass pussy that just won't quit. cooks and tasters use different terminology, then again i can't expect autistic retards to understand social nuance.
The pro-Turdear Hexzo feels terrorized because everyone who dislikes their products has actually once owned them and heard it for themselves so he loses his only arsenal of jeetposting and calling others poorfags.
I suspect shit source/using the impedance adapter + unfixed kilocent treble.
you have to be a bit of a midwit to be a mix engineer, they probably don't even think about these things
why wouldn't I have some $50 piece of shit? I gave it to my black neighbor, "yo try this!" kek
Untrained listeners are going to say stupid shit. It's just how it goes
Shartur said I have a bomb-ass pussy that just won't quit (after EQ)
Everyone told me it would be bad for he kind of music (Metal, specifically Melodic Death Metal) I listen to so I ended up going with the ZERO: Red on recommendation from an anon.
haven't you been told by your elders, zoom-zoom; to not trust anybody on the interwebz?
Unfortunately Apple doesn't allow you to download shit. I'm gonna buy a shit cheap android just to use as a music player when my Xenns arrive, but Apple being Apple limits the audio quality on non Apple devices, so no flac quality on android and windows with apple music
tws bros where you at
bud bros where you at
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you mean bussy?
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i use this pos. i bought one at random and just press play. fuck it.
based and walmart pilled
enjoy your lithium fire turning your ear canal into a rocket propelled grenade tube
don't make me cry for them
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Better than the $2000 ultimate ears.

Initially I doubted you're a real trans rat but you convinced me.
wanna see my penis to be sure?
Not beating the gay allegations.
why must zoomers think about transmissions,happiness and big block chevys all the time?
suggest me the best below $100 iems to consoom
no gay answers
You need to have at least 500$ to have a good experience
name some examples so we can laugh at you
just get fd15
gatos, chu ii, tinhifi c2, TRN Conch, Tangzu wanker, zero:2 & epz q1 pro
if you want good sound, good build, good accessories: truthear hexa or gate
if you're gullible enough to get influenced by poor brownoids who owns no iems: avoid truthear, we're full
it's right there in the op
Daily reminder that techs are stored in your meds
Actually it's other way around. Flabby bass, odd timbre, and closed-soundstaged is stored in your meds. Stop taking them and you'll reach true endgame.
Hexa is a pos. Get over it
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Ehhhh. Only real flaws with Hexa are the lack of bass(subjective), some potential phase/polarity issues, and a slight 8khz peak that isn’t just a coupler resonance.
Other than that it’s basically perfect.
Gato is baby Harman centered around an HRTF that has a canal peak centered around 9-10khz. If your ear cans hits that peak then the gato will slap for you. If not then it sounds off like some reviewers say. For me it’s fine, I actually really like the damn things but my hearing is fricked so whatever.
it has balanced armatures, which automatically makes it dogshit. especially given that they're bellsings, and not even triple reed 29689... that's embarrassing.
Please shit in the toilet, not in the streets.
What do you get out from defending outdated tech.
Why are BA's so hated here?
because when you listen to a good single dd, everything else is dookie. pic: single dd kings
bas belong in hearing aids
Shut up rat
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>sir it has balanced armatures, which automatically makes it dogshit sir
>sir please redeem single DD king instead
>sir do the needful and leave BAs for hearing aids, please sir
My gato is arriving today. Will it replace my McDonald's toy zero :2?
He never listened to a well implemented BA
He thinks KZ's fake BA's are the norm, as he never owned anything more expensive than $5 KZ garbage
Stop projecting, sharur, nobody will buy your novas.
>some potential phase/polarity issues
you retards have to stop with this meme
very few reasons that justify their use. well-implemented BAs can help with midrange and treble tuning, but even then most manufacturers struggle to make competent pos
s12 pro is all you need. ba and dd fags can argue about which technology is second best.
Are dual dynamic drivers better than single dd? Or is it a trick to con people into paying more?
2dd allows for more FR finetuning, and possible impedance gimmicks.
Planars are the only non-pos technology out there.
Timeless clones are actual garbage.
Hey man i’m just the messenger. idgaf about polarity and phase personally, not really that relevant. Only schizos fixate on that kinda stuff but if you truly want the most “accurate” representation and are autistic then idk
how original lol
ive heard plenty of well implemented ba's. u18t, ue11 pro, ragnar, nio, nio 2, plenty others i dont remember the names. i have several others that are being sent to me soon. cant tell when but soon. im part of a tour for new pos.
its all about the implementation. cca duo is a high res pos but you'll get shot down quick for saying anything positive about them. there's no comeback after ridicule.

summerfags, you all have lots to learn and experience.
no one ever claimed CCA Duo isn’t high res, it’s just thin and bright af, no proper bass
What about hybrids? Almost all totl pos uses DD and BA’s

When you see "customized BAs" it's the same shit that KZ uses.
just contrasting on a 2dd pos ive tried. it does need bass and a 400ohm imp adapter is on it's way to save it.
again, implementation is key. mostly preference though, not all ears are the same.
tbf they've been getting good at tuning hybrids. hydro is still on my list to get. i just really needed the fd15.
ferrofluid in faceplate when?
Why do summerfags love BAs so much?
Can confirm. Excellent flow rate and no sore nipples.
Planar is DD's dimwit brother that you can build yourself in a basement. Deaf people are impressed with its treble spikes.
shartur fucking loses it just to project his pajeetry and subsequently shill poova here LMAFOOOO
new bread >>101189713
Still better than BAs though.

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