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Mario clone edition (aka /gedg/ Bing Bing Wahoo edition)

/gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
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Previous: >>101131984
How does one even make a 2D mario engine?
How do the physics and stuff work?
#impoert gpt
game = gpt.do("ayo I needs me sum o dat mario action knomsayin' and I needs it to be fast as shit you wit me homie? I dont want none of that slow ass shiet written by them pajeets, I want me sum o dat cracka ass code, so yo write sum of dat shiet for me rn my nigga")
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Finally I have done it
it's simple AABB collisions
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Well done!

Learn how to put stuff on your screen, move the stuff in the screen and then either you have fun trying to find a way to make it work, or you can read the shiton of stuff about it online regarding physics in 2D game
For a sim game and/or rpg, what graphics would you enjoy?
>2D ascii tiles (i.e dwarf fortress)
>2D isometric pixel art (i.e FFT)
>simple 3D isometric on a 2D background (i.e sims 1)
>3D "virtua" style (what I mean by this is like virtua racing or virtua fighter, look at how the models there are simple low poly models with no textures, just colored triangles)
>3D PSX style, 2D on 3D (i.e xenogears)
>3D PSX style, 3D on 2D (i.e FF7)
>Full 3D PSX style
Any but ASCII would rather an actual text game instead of that
Super Mario Bros. is disassembled and ported to C so you can just read how the physics work and copy/paste them.
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>sim game
>>simple 3D isometric on a 2D background (i.e sims 1)
I'm cornering the market, sorry.

progress: cursors.
I'm making a JRPG with nim and raylib. Any guide guides or resources for project structure when making a game with raylib bindings?
Watching with bated breath. Will you add anime girls?
>Any guide guides or resources for project structure when making a game with raylib bindings?
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In UE5 how do I make flipbooks in vast quantities in 3D optimized? The engine already seems to handle LODing them away, but I want more, a lot more
If a group of the flipbooks can be kinda the same at one moment, how can I reduce the amount of objects maybe while projecting illusionary duplicates of sets of them? But I think UE handles object load ok and I could use more material logic or something
>>3D PSX style, 3D on 2D (i.e FF7)
This is the best right now
Isometric is always good shovelware tho
There’s SO MUCH information. Can’t wait to get to stuff like dynamic rendering that can simplify the process. I took a peek at the Sascha Willems examples and there’s already some simple abstractions I can do that will take a good chuck of weight off my main file. My one complaint with the Vulkan tutorial is the lack of visuals. Like I didn’t grasp queue families and the code behind grabbing them until I looked up my GPU details. The one step that did have a picture, the graphics pipeline basics introduction, was very helpful. I still need to visualize how swap chain images, image views, render passes, and frame buffers are all married to each other. The tutorial jumps around a lot in that area and you’re more or less stuck blindly following the text paragraphs. Synchronization was surprisingly easier but I imagine that’s where a lot of performance hiccups can happen if you don’t manage it properly. Overall I’m happy I skimped on OpenGL for Vulkan, it just feels clearer. Once I have a solid render framework going I can finally focus on math and shaders.
>Overall I’m happy I skimped on OpenGL for Vulkan, it just feels clearer
>Will you add anime girls?
No I don't plan to. So the sims 1 like with anime girl is untapped market for you.
You spend an entire paragraph describing how complicated Vulkan is and your dififculites learning it then you say you like it more than OpenGL because it's clearer
Those things aren’t mutually exclusive. Yeah It’s harder but I'm not treating it as a bad thing, it’s opportunity to learn. There’s a lot of stuff I know about now and have control over that I didn’t with OpenGL. Obviously a hello world triangle isn’t going to provide everything. There’s plenty of material out there that has what I’m looking for.
>There’s a lot of stuff I know about now and have control over that I didn’t with OpenGL
Yeah, but you don't need control over it, nobody needs to use Vulkan except AAA devs
Tsk tsk tsk...
lol wut
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I was wondering if developing for a dead old console like the PS2 is a good choice for multiplatform development, almost any modern >$300 device can run some sort of PS2 emulator (windows, android , ios, macos,etc). I want to make my game >for free anyway. Its a shmup anyway so the code is not super hard to migrate from Godot I guess.
Do you think you need mulithreaded work submission queues for your indie game
and what if I did?
Really, what's your workload? How many ms does your render system take CPU side?
>Really, what's your workload?
Ur moms pussy
you don't need Vulkan for that
She likes to take multiple queues at the same time
>Its a shmup anyway so the code is not super hard to migrate from Godot I guess.
I don't think you understand what you're getting yourself into
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yeah, just did a couple of google searches and it's a retarded idea it seems, sad. I'll focus on Godot for now then.
I second this, the lazyfoo tutorial is pretty good and that's what I started with. once you can draw rectangles and move them you can pretty much learn from there and build any 2d game you want.
got a link? I'd be interested to read that
I'll probably put up a demo for the progress day that's coming up soon. would be good to have some feedback on the basic physics and editor. I haven't put any effort into worrying about making it cross platform yet though, so it'll probably be windows only.

I gotta admit, as tough as it is to make an engine it’s great that the stress of legality is just poof gone. No licenses or anything.
I have 0 budget, but surely my time has some value? If I put in enough hours I too can achieve some level of A-ness?
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A nasty commit to get through, but now I can move forward.
Anybody use win32 directly for input instead of glfw/sdl systems?
I do
>stretched A-ness
>almost to the break point
>Whinging about someone using Vulkan
Vulkan is complicated but it's the fun kind of complicated.
Seeing people make things more complicated for themselves for no good reason gets tiresome
why is aggy daggy missing a >
>for no good reason
- It's honestly a great way to learn "modern" GPU programming fundamentals.
- The complexity is front-loaded. If you were writing a "fully featured" OpenGL renderer with all of the bells and whistles, honestly THAT would be complicated than its vulkan equivalent.
- Anything that means I don't have to touch the fucking OpenGL state machine is better.
- Much easier to target mobile and desktop at the same time (although I personally do not do this)
- I like being able to precompile my shaders and use specialisation constants rather than string maniplulation fuckery with GLSL at runtime.
- It's more fun. I write programs for fun.
>- The complexity is front-loaded
No it isn't, it's just more complex period. The only advantage to Vulkan is performance that you absolutely don't need
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Time for the wheel of fate to decide what programming language I must code in.
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Yeah win32 api is not too hard to use outside of setting up window for opengl. Input is pretty simple, I like using it
Sad you're gonna have to 41% after using it
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Decided to reroll.
This isn't any better.
Is this a punishment wheel?
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You know what, this is fine
and nobody needs a custom game engine yet everyone here is making one
what's your point?
There's benefits to a custom game engine
there's benefits to vulkan as well
Not unless you plan to get a job in AAA
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I see your triangle and I raise you a cube
I can also move it (the camera) but I fucked up with the Euler angles somewhere and it moves in the opposite directions and wrong axis
and there's no benefits to custom engines either unless you are implementing something really weird which most people aren't
and you could still use unreal/godot/other open source engine and modify it instead of reinventing the wheel
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>complaining people purposely do more work for the fun of it/to learn something beyond slapping shit in unity/godot
>in a thread dedicated to making your own games AND engines
anon, are you lost?
You can construct better workflows with custom engines than you'll get out of off the shelf shit like Unity
A friend of mine wants to build a PC for game development. He is not too tech-savvy himself and just wants to get some work done. He mainly tinkers with unity but he will probably switch to something else eventually. Should he spend more money on CPU or rather GPU? Can you recommend any certain setups?
i do dev on a 13yo 2600k and a 1660ti in unity.
everything depends on the project. what does your friend want to build? a photorealistic fps in ue5? yeah, a shitbox won't do.
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r5+apu is all you need
a) YOU can't
b) even if you could you won't
c) even id you did, in the time it would take you to accomplish this, you would have completed your game

making your own engine is as much as a waste of time as Vulkan. hating on the one and not the other is schizophrenia.
I have faster development tools than commerical engines for 2D games
>CPU or rather GPU?
GPU is generally more important for games but there are exceptions
E.g. in a game like Rimworld CPU is more important
Also CPU is important for compilation times while you develop
>Can you recommend any certain setups?
Buy the most expensive shit he can afford
nta but genuinely interested what these tools are and how are they faster
Doubt and also 2D?
Why do you assume everyone is making 2D?
I mean my own game development tools / libraries I have created
When you make something for yourself and your needs you can cut out all the bloat, and you know exactly how it works
I said that because I haven't made a 3D engine
> what does your friend want to build?
a souls-like game I think. Even though I kinda doubt he will do this on his own since he doesnt really know how to code.
what makes a game CPU or GPU intensive?
>needs you can cut out all the bloat, and you know exactly how it works
you can do that in open source engines as well and even unreal too
You will never know exactly how open source engines work and you can't cut out all the bloat, the bloat is built-in
Every single argument you have made can be used for learning Vulkan as well
You aren't writing you're own graphics driver, you're just picking between Vulkan or OpenGL or DirectX
Vulkan is more complicated but gives you more performance (that you don't need)
You don't need cutting out all the bloat either
The less bloat the easier it is to work with
And the more performant the happier the guy who plays it
Also OpenGL is becoming deprecated
>I mean my own game development tools / libraries I have created
yeah i understood that, what imeant was what they are, what they do and how they help you
>a souls-like game I think. Even though I kinda doubt he will do this on his own since he doesnt really know how to code.
tell him this:
learn how to fucking code before you spend shit on a hoppy you'll get bored of in a month, you dunce
>I was wondering if developing for a dead old console like the PS2 is a good choice for multiplatform development, almost any modern >$300 device can run some sort of PS2 emulator (windows, android , ios, macos,etc). I want to make my game >for free anyway. Its a shmup anyway so the code is not super hard to migrate from Godot I guess.
this is retarded
just make a UE5 or Unity game that has the vibe, and it will have low build filesize because you used the same graphic principles they did, except you won't have any of the restrictions
>And the more performant the happier the guy who plays it
If we're talking about Vulkan vs OpenGL then you will never be bottlenecked by this in a 2D game, for a 3D game with a large draw distance maybe
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>making your own engine is as much as a waste of time as Vulkan. hating on the one and not the other is schizophrenia.
This is too short sighted
You can make enginelite tools very fast nowadays and the bar for game worthiness is lower than flash games so
I agree people should be working on Vulkan right now rather than weaving engine baskets because it will accelerate windows users dumping microsoft
>Buy the most expensive shit he can afford
This is the most retarded cyan games apple itard opinion ever, you can get really good stuff used on ebay three times over if you backup and destroy a system or two
What I mean is the way I make games is more efficient in some ways than commercial engines, and definitely more comfortable because they're patterns I developed myself
The hurdle you have to overcome is knowing how to engine dev and creating those low level tools, but I have my own toolkit with math, geometry, string handling and parsing, OS interface, data structures, GUI, etc than I can use already
List of complete 2D games that were made with your extensively battle-tested blazingly fast development tools:
>Also OpenGL is becoming deprecated
It's not. Stop spreading FUD.
Holy shit
SM64 demake on GBA
This guy's NUTS
Apple already has and Windows will too one day
Actually, apparently OGL still works on iSlop. Jdh, who's an enginedev who works on Mac, uses OpenGL3, and says all you have to do to get it to work is to define a macro before including the header so the compiler doesn't throw a hissy fit
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be honest with me anons, should i keep banging my head against a wall. ive spend the last couple of days with no luck on the following few input issues
>some keyboard layouts are missing keys, some keys are hidden behind shortcuts, some are hidden behind fn shortcuts
>not all keys have a name in the keyboard drivers, not even the us english driver, such as volume, browser, and media keys
>the onscreen keyboard has some really strange scan codes on some keys
should i give up on supporting all of this seamlessly and just drop all keys that dont play nicely?
>>not all keys have a name in the keyboard drivers, not even the us english driver, such as volume, browser, and media keys
why do you want to suport this shit? also keyboard options are a thing
Vulkan isn't supported by apple at all so that's kind of a moot point. The fact that you can get vulkan to work on apple is a testament to the fact that official platform support doesn't matter. The only parties that have the power to deprecate OpenGL are graphics card manufacturers.
I've been toying with the thought/idea of demaking a late 90s or early 00s PC game for a limited/scuffed but popular old platform (i.e NDS, N64, DC, etc, even GBA) using the official PC game's assets but preprocessed/optimized for the platform at compile time, something like Portal 64
Throw me some further ideas for this thought experiment (i.e, what games could be done on what platforms? how would the game function differently? what would be the new control scheme? what features would have to be cut?). I'm thinking maybe something like a Morrowind or Daggerfall on NDS, The Sims 1 on N64, etc...
because every game needs keybinding options, and ive had my annoyances with games that lists the keys incorrectly, which is very likely due to them just defaulting to the american keyboard layout. so for me to have the correct keys listed i need to know the layout and i need to know the name of it
or are you asking about why i want to support volume, browser, and media keys?
I just have a thread that maps scan codes directly to a concurrent bool array and then use a massive switch statement to do things when a key state changes, I only map the keys I need and can add more any time
thats not really the same, i want this as settings that a user can change
>>101188328 (me)
Fuck it, I brainstormed a bit as to how an N64 demake/remake of Sims 1 would function. https://pastebin.com/tFqTM0pt
I got stumped with the content/savedata part however. The game would have to be heavily cut down or compressed to fit read-only content in a 64MB rom and save data in a 128KB sram chip, and I'm not sure how it should be "cut down".
>Should he spend more money on CPU or rather GPU?
if I were to answer this literally, then obviously GPU because those are overpriced, the fastest gaming cpu (7800x3d) is only $350. but gpu is also more important for games anyway
I'm not buying a PC with someone's cum on it
Not only "your" PC is a roastie that someone took her virginity and repeatedly raped, but used goods means shorter lifespan too, it could even have been overclocked too
I'm not dumb enough to buy apple, but I'm not poor nor a cuck either
>I'm not buying a PC with someone's cum on it
that's oddly specific
>what makes a game CPU or GPU intensive?
I guess if they perform a lot of non-graphics related calculations?
I don't think your friend is smart enough to make one of those though.
I know Rimworld for example is CPU-bottlenecked because it uses really advanced pathing calculations for your pawns and your colony size is literally limited by your CPU
Hell is here
>it could even have been overclocked too
ohnonononoooooo. kek
1. wasd is the default for many games, requiring some international keyboards to rebind, problem solved.

2. If the key doesn't have a name, let the user use it still. To print the current keybinding for nameless keys, just print the code, the user will know what key they pressed. Though, make sure to give your own names to keys if they're the defaults (so the default keybinding isn't a keycode the user doesn't understand)

3. Idk
What are some good libraries for making a 3D game in C#?
Say I want to try to make a 3D game from scratch just for fun. It will probably be freeware.
What should I do:
>Use OpenGL1 and target platforms supporting that API
>Make PSX homebrew
>Make N64 homebrew
>Make DS homebrew
Next gen AAAA PS6 game
Be a fucking normal person and use OpenGL 4.6. The fact that you suggested 1 shows how retarded you are.
>Be a fucking normal person and use OpenGL 4.6
too new, sorry.
I have a 3060 GPU, but potential players may not.
Best I can do is 3.3.
>Godot is garbage
>Unity is a hot mess
>Unreal is highly beginner unfriendly
>Developing from scratch can be quite difficult, especially if you're using a newer 3D graphics API
>Raylib's 3D capabilities are kinda scuffed
The fuck do I do?
Stop being a bitch
Sokol is nice, the thing about Raylib is that it's so easy and readable you can extend it, mix native opengl code with it, or straight up change the original function. Sokol is more advanced.
Don't be naive and look up source codes, even Godot's, the whole engine may be hot garbage but studying how it renders can get you so far, or check Doom 3, or Team Fortress.
Set your expectations first, don't be a retard and go for a nice stylised artstyle, they're always be timeless, chose a realistic art style and you will get screwed no matter what.
>Unreal is highly beginner unfriendly
It’s not but it’s also a hot mess
OpenGL 4.6 was 8 years ago anon, when it was DEPRECATED. You’ll be hard pressed to find hardware that doesn’t support it. You’ll be fine.
my computer only supports 1.4, I use software emulation for anything beyond it lol. check mate atheists.
That’s just sad
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I know, you'd be surprised how far I can push it, made me learn that even the oldest openGL implementations had extensions, althought I've only seen one wizard use it for a retro 3D game, it's a learning experience of its own.

This is why emulation is superior, I can even play PSP games fine, as long as it's not that intensive, PS2 gen may be a hit or miss, anything similar to NDS and bellow works fine. I made a bullet hell game using software rendering in SDL2, it works fine, the thing is that with SSE2 you can do even the most retarded things faster. You'll embrace the power of CPU rasterization once you realise it's everywhere in native programs.

Also openGL sucks on old hardware because fuck intel integrated graphics, DirectX is better, just use your own draw commands and handle them per API in one place, Another world made a virtual machine for the whole game not just rendering, it looked great, it ran fine, it got ported everywhere, and that was in 1991.
Is your computer literally 20 years old?
yes sadly
>>Use OpenGL1 and target platforms supporting that API
If you wanna use an old OpenGL version, then you should do 2.0 so you don't need extensions for shaders.
Should I heavily modify Godot, heavily modify Irrlicht, heavily modify Raylib, or just use the three as reference for my own engine?
why do you need to heavily modify them?
What game would you like to make?
This guy convinced me to start my own 2D engine with Odin + Sokol, I did C and OpenGL in my uni years then Java/Kotlin for 5 years after, is it a good idea?
Should I use SDL2 or use the platform's api (i.e Win32, X11, etc) directly?
I thought the former would be better but I see projects like Godot and Handmade Hero opting for the latter so I'm not sure.
Just use what gets the job done and what you know. Best way to achieve something is to stop bothering about pointless stuff and get shit done
Just use SDL
>handmade hero
I wouldn't imitate a project that never got finished
I thought it was already established that independent games can have A-ness as well.
>I don't think your friend is smart enough to make one of those though.
He is trying his best, although yeah, he should really learn to code. A while ago he had an issue with mounting ISO file, so I had to help him with that as well.
ahhh I fucking hate how much I still need to do for my gui library
I swear this guy comes back every week with a new bullshit argument to try and pretend software rendering is a thing
>software rendering isn't a thing, it never was, it's just a massive psyop by "Big CPU"
This is your brain on Big GPU
it's nice, you can use any language with it really, pick something you'd enjoy
It was a thing 25 years ago
Target the 64DD and you can have up to 32 MB of writable storage (at the expense of ROM space).
cpu rendering predating gpu rendering is an Atari psyop. Think about it ... 'graphics' is in 'gpu' but not in 'cpu'. Ever wonder why?!
stopped reading right there, fucking namefag
it's not about learning to code, didn't mean to be offensive
this kind of stuff is turbo-autism way above normal coding level autism
Hmm, you've got a point. I did also toy with the idea of "optimizing" the format for Sim files into a custom condensed format (i.e any numbers that are never outside the range -100 to 100 are turned into signed bytes, etc...), but that could work too -- assuming libdragon supports 64DD. Does it, even?
Though -- I think libdragon's SD card support (via flashcarts) allows writing to the sd card too.
Though I don't have an IRL N64+flashcart, nor do I think any emus emulate the flashcart sd interface yet.
I actually think it's not that hard to make your own middleware, EXCEPT for audio on linux. That shit is a total clusterfuck. I've done it myself a couple years ago with pulseaudio and I just switched to SDL afterwards anyways.
Congrats, now you have to use both.
There are virtues to developing on a low-end machine, but there are also virtues in not having to wait on compile-times.
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Are there any good resources for making sky shaders in Godot?
I've just barely managed to cobble together one that uses directional lights for the sun and moon but adding anything else (e.g., clouds or stars) will probably break it.
I made stars by sampling barycentric coordinates on a geodesic mesh.

So if the player taps a key quickly enough your game won't pick up on it?

What font is that? (Asking for no particular reason)

Just write to /dev/dsp it's not that hard bro.
Eh, let me be more explicit. The shader goes like this:
vertex_shader_main() {
uv = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)][glVertexId % 3]
fragment_shader_main() {
star_brightness = rand(trunc(uv * 10.0));

There's probably stuff to make the stars not look like triangles but I forget the details.
>1. wasd is the default for many games, requiring some international keyboards to rebind, problem solved.
thats true, like 90% of keys are fine, however on for example f13-f24, sysrq, pause/break, right alt (not alt gr), right windows, and others are missing from my layout

>just print the code, the user will know what key they pressed
its not the best option since youd end up with keys just labeled as "E01D" instead of "Right Shift", so atm im trying to get the name from the active keyboard layout, then if theres none i try to get it from the american layout, and finally if theres none such as with the media keys, id be forced to default the names to a reasonable name, like (scan code 0x0000, vk 0xad) would be "Volume Mute".
not to mention the pains of not having a scan code for it

me neither, it looks like they are all just problematic because they have the 0x80 bit set. now this confuses me greatly since windows says 3 different things:
>the scan code is 7 bits long
>the scan code is 2 bytes long
>the scan code is 3 bytes long
what a cluster fuck
make your own engine
>tfw used copilot to write 95% of my code
My 1 shot of making money is going to be (rightfully) stolen isn't it
Never heard about those ? I have used yuropoor keyboards of all sorts, is it something from your region ?

>the scan code is 7 bits long
>the scan code is 2 bytes long
So far so good, it just means that a byte is 3.5 bits long, microsoft engineering is just on another level Anon
those are on some older ibm keyboards, on my laptop im missing a few standard keys, like right windows, the application key, pause, break, sysreq etc
the fact microsoft made some apis expect 7 bits to translate a scancode thats either 1, 2, or 3, bytes long baffles me
Why is Defold bad for 2d steam cashgrabs? LUA seems just enough
who said it was bad?
I have very little knowledge about the windows API so my first thought is that it has to do with standard ASCII fitting on 7bits. While extended needs 8 and wchar_t starts at 16 so 2 bytes for normal people. But then 3 bytes I have no idea.

My experience is that some games handle unknown keys much better than others. I'm also interested in a good solution so I'll take notes next time I notice one. Today is progress day, no gayming for research purposes.
they did match all the ascii numbers and letters to the same virtual keys, so in that regard it matches up, everything else is fairly random, but then theres the extended keys which all have an 0xE0 prefix, then theres more extended keys with an 0xE1 prefix, and lastly the very rare 3 byte scans, in particular pause has the sequence 0xE11D45 0xE19DC5, and god knows why they just had to make it a two 24 bit sequence

i really dont want to have to try to read keys directly from the driver if its even possible to get lower than what rawinput offers

>Today is progress day
shit, i dont have any progress to show, just struggling with things 95% people wont need
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pretty solid physics
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Created an event system. I'm very proud of how it turned out.
>code needs a refactor
welp time to start a new project
kek this is my third
I think reading and understanding a license agreement is easier than creating a competitive game engine
he probably hasn't even started yet
you don't need a competitive game engine for your game
whoopty doo
explain indirect damages in the warrantiwa
man I want to play it and finish it again, I had the Crystal one
me too, me too
what will you make this time? ill make a triangle
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Something is definitely missing on godot4 web exports, but I don't what you'd call that. The scene lighting looks kind of... simple? Left is web, right is default settings
If you mean warranty, for my engine's license it's quite simple:

>he copy pasted it without knowing what it means
weve all been there
I'm fienin' for somebody to post his version of 32 bit lights or skies
>It's explained, as is without warranty of any kind. Using any two cells you may have in your brain the damage policy, direct or indirect should be pretty straight forward.
>he doesnt know what the words means, he just copy pasted them from somewhere else
Can anyone even project this hard. Don't take it too personally, licenses are generally much easier to read and comprehend than whatever rat's nest of an engine you've cooked up.
do you mean how the right one has a depth of field post processing effect and the left one doesn't?
oh no, I already know web exports doesen't support native DOF (nor occlusion culling), but the colors aren't the same color and shadows seem really sharp
then tell me what it says
I'm not playing your sperg game, it's plain english. It's not my fault your ESL ass doesen't understand what any means
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Here's another example with disabled DOF for better comparison. It's just like the light is over exposed. The engine says these lights should be fine with forward_plus renderer on any platform, but exporting to web they just dissappear
because "tort" is understandable to most people
dont fault me for telling you that you dont understand what is in your agreement
they seem overexposed for some raisin
Way more understandable than building a game engine. Even if your feeble mind doesen't understand words on paper, you can hire someone who does for less than paying people to build an engine for you
>oh no
ok fuck you then
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Stallman-sama did the work for us. What's the issue?
communist license
Wow, hostile. But finding out why it does this could be beneficial for other masochists who are hellbent on using this engine. Scouting around in web it seems even though the engine says it's using forward_plus it's actually falling back on some settings regardless. The only solution redditoids have found is to use compatibility mode for everything, but that has barely any features.
Freedom and Communism are at odds tho?
How would a Simslike work in 2D though?
Only if you want to take unfair advantage of work people have already put in
i dont like anything he has touched, it always reminds me of the retarded goat mascot. one cannot take it seriously
on a serious note, gpl is one of the worst choices if you arent a foss cultist
>foss cultist
are you? im not, its mine, not yours
It's got nothing to do with fairness, it's a license design to propagate communism
If you want to release something for free just release it for free without strings attached
>Torvalds vs Tannenbaum
Fuck off to your orange site if you're a retard.

Stallman is stupid in many ways, but he has done more for software for us than anyone else
>Torvalds vs Tannenbaum
i dont know what you are talking about
his contribution to software is writing some basic tools in the 70s and 80s for Unix
So go learn something before talking shit, retard
exactly will no one think of the jews?
dont look at stallman's early life section on wikipedia
i wont "educate myself" why dont you educate me instead since you know what you are talking about
you post two clearly different images to bait a reply so you can go on some retarded tangent about how you already knew that, fuck off
>It's only free if Jews can steal it from me and profit from my work >:(
If you don't want people to profit of your work then don't release the source code idiot
jew doing things for free > jew jewing your shekles out of you
>i wont "educate myself"
Sorry, prefer not to engage with brown people
not all jews!
>foss bad, corporate paid (with preferably recurring fees) slop good
okay saar
GPL is shit, fortunately nothing in the gaming space uses it
choose wisely between the two, is all
Oh so this is just about GPL then? Fair enough, just use MIT or zlib.
>the jew who ideologically brainwashes me vs the jew who takes my money
i pick none
So was Fischer?
Typical Jewish tactics of trying to discredit any Jew that doesn't tow the line and drink baby blood
Bump. I really think this kind of game wouldn't work in the style you posted.
Maybe isometric pixel art, but imagine the pain of making thousands of modular animated pixel art for the characters.
>GPL is shit
as opposed to what?
no, you clearly pick the jew that profits of your free software and gives you none, that's what you were trying to say here:
You don't even know how GPL works
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It's called Rimworld
But what about more than one floor?
>I'm going to release my code for free
>But people aren't allowed to profit from it!
learn what free means
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>I'll use a permissive license
z-levels ?
Why are there freetards in the gamedev thread?
isn't that what stallman license is?
It's literally the same build, only the export target is different. If you have the energy, download any default 3d project in godot and web export it. No need to be cranky even if I knew about one of the shortcomings of the platform already, it doesen't make your contribution any less valuable
I never really found z-levels intuitive for this type of game.
If you wanna go more than one level/story and want it to be 2D, I think it's gotta be isometric, but still, I don't know how the characters would be represented as modular/animated pixel art.
DCSS is under GPLv2 from what I can see and it's still a better game than most AAA slop jew corpos shit out every quarter. Devs are a bunch of fuckups but that doesn't change the point.
>1 game out of 100000 is GPL, this is significant somehow
why don't freetards understand the 'arguing with exceptions' fallacy
Raising the bar is also a fallacy, which you're happily indulging yourself, going from "no game" to "not enough games"
is the field of actual graphics tech finished? research is all MhelL now
what bar is being raised?
video game graphics have reached a point of diminishing returns
writing your own
>Haven't been doing engine dev for a few months
wazzup, did I miss anything new, beside triangles? made in Vulcan using glVertex( 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)?
The bar from nothing to it's the exception. Also pygame and old SDL use LGPL and I've definitely played games that them so I would consider GPL part of the game dev world.
Less than 1% of game software is GPL you delusional moron
i should have been clearer. i mean graphics research is all training this n-word network and generation with that transformer, not mathematical simulation and rendering like even the early 00s
whats an oid?
NTA but sources for that statistic?
how many games do you play that you have the source for?
Just asking for the raw statistic.
>3 function names with 3 different (bad) styles
>Inconsistent spacing
Disgusting. Please clean up your code, anon
obviously there isnt one
I'm probably a moron but I'm not delusional, I know it's a small portion of all the gaming related code. Still it exists and that's all I'm saying.

Most of the games I play are open source and it's not out of GNU zealotry or poverty. If Dice/EA slop was released FOSS I would still not be interested.
>Most of the games I play are open source and it's not out of GNU zealotry or poverty
I really doubt that seeing they're so incredibly rare
Ok, I asked /agdg/ and they said just to do 3D then.
Are you trying to tell him he doesn't play free software games?
They're only rare if you're a consoooomer tard.
It probably is because if GNU zealotry, because you can count the number good FOSS games on one hand
>ummm, let me tell you what you think and do
I'm not even the original anon, but you are just a colossal faggot.
Go back to your consooooooming
you know you're still consuming a game even if it's FOSS right?
The statistical likelyhood of you only playing FOSS games is very low because they're very rare
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I play mostly roguelikes and the best ones are free. But I know there are good FPSs and RTSs available also. But next you'll tell me those games aren't good or something like that.
Kek, I almost choked
>know there are good FPSs and RTSs available also
There aren't, unless you count the C&C re-release that includes the source
Literally all of IDsoft's games before quake 4 are open source
I'm convinced you're just a troll now.
I guess, they were made open source a long time after release though
What's your point exactly ? Big corpos that make millions and assrape their fanbase (and their devs) with every release don't do FOSS ? I think we all figured.
It doesn't take away the fact that some good games out there are open source even if they don't get a billboard and a review in the Washington Post.
My point is literally nobody does FOSS, big companies, medium companies, small companies or individual developers
FOSS is completely and utterly insignificant in the gaming world, and thank god for that
i just read the title and im laughing already
if you don't have sub 200ms reaction time you should've be a game dev because all your decisions will be based on a dementia patient (you)
>big companies, medium companies
>small companies
> individual devs
That's just wrong.

>FOSS is completely and utterly insignificant in the gaming world, and thank god for that
Why ? As the other Anon mentioned, IdSoft released their engines and some of us are grateful for the learning opportunity.
No it's not debatable. It's well under 1% for all of those categories. If you disagree you're simply ignorant
FOSS would be a terrible business model for game development
i'm dubious of the implicit assertion that YOU can reimplement half of ogl driver, but better
azdo is all a hobbyist or even indies could ever need and it's much less work than whipping up the equivalent in vk
the only useful thing vk has for a hobbyist over gl is validation layers
Is the rust fad over?
yeah we full zig now
What about it?
41% kicked in and culled the shills
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Any good gamedev/game-programming books from 1996-2001? I have a couple opengl1 books but that's about it
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Hi frens. Just installed Godot. Wish me luck boys!
Little update, cleaned some old code, worked on HLA, started new GUI library...
> Are you making this from scratch?
Yeah, sorry for late reply, I'm busy with code and other projects, rarely post here nowdays.
Image related, I write all code from scratch and draw all pixel art in GIMP (art sucks).
Game will be FOSS, right now I got stuck on implementing 'else' keyword in HLA in less than 10 SLOC, so I'm working on Ashlands biome landmarks (map decorations).
Making more dead trees, mountains, hills, lava cracks, volcanoes, and after that I'll do the same for other 5 biomes. I'll have to do some more UI stuff later, since it got stale...
Congrats on starting your transition!
how much of a performance overhead do bgfx users typically pay? anyone got benchmarks, especially for gpu-driven workloads like gpu occlusion culling? I'm in the weeds of vulkan and my renderer is pretty established but now I'm wondering if bgfx makes sense for portability. I might spend some time making a bgfx "backend" to compare
I spent too much time in MonoGame reinventing wheels and coding basic shit that has already been done a gorillion times when I realize I just wanted to make a game instead.

Already ported half my game over in a hour I spent weeks building from scratch prior.
>I spent too much time in MonoGame reinventing wheels and coding basic shit that has already been done a gorillion times when I realize I just wanted to make a game instead.
for example?
Tilemaps, including importers for Tiled format
Texture atlases, including importers for libgdx format
GUI, without having to rely on imgui
Actor AI & pathfinding
Sprite animations
Basic orthogonal camera with viewports

Without having to rely on external packages, which are often wonky (MGE) or broken (Nez)

Just to name a few
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Now you can have fun reimplementing them when you find out that half of them are shit or broken in Godot
You got some sources to back up that statement?
I used Godot for a few weeks and realized it's the typical shill garbage.
At least for 2D, didn't try 3D and many basic things need plugins which you hope work.

If they called it a framework, I'd be fine with that, but as a game engine it's severly lacking, broken and poorly documented.
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#pragma once

#include <cassert>
template <typename Derived> class Singleton
if (!instance)
instance = (Derived *)this;
// TODO(chris): fatal error here

static Derived *GetInstance()
return instance;

virtual ~Singleton() = default;

static Derived *instance;

Singleton chads wwa?
User declared destructor invokes rule of five, hombre. Also you can/should make the constructor protected and return a static local from the getter, rather than a static data member. This isn't Java.
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>#pragma once
Umm, excuse me sir, but this is not defined in the C++ standard and therefor is a stink code smell
What if my constructor for the derived class needs arguments? Then I can't use the
static Derived *GetInstance() {
static Derived derived;
return &derived;

Vulkan and C

Next on the agenda is probably going to be the Underground part of the chunk.
check mine
#pragma once

#include <cstdlib> // free, malloc

#include "meta/assert.h"

namespace stuff {

template<typename T>
class Singleton {
static inline T& the()
if (s_instance == nullptr) {
// Allocate memory for this instance
s_instance = static_cast<T*>(malloc(sizeof(T)));
// Call the constructor using "placement new"
new (s_instance) T { s {} };

return *s_instance;

static inline void destroy()
if (!s_instance) {

// Call the destructor
// Deallocate memory

s_instance = nullptr;

// Remove copy constructor and copy assignment operator
Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete;
Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(Singleton&&) = delete;

Singleton() {}

// Constructor token
struct s {};

static T* s_instance;

template<typename T>
T* Singleton<T>::s_instance = nullptr;

} // namespace stuff

you use it like so
class MyClass : public stuff::Singleton<MyClass> {
MyClass(s) {}

>Using slow, convoluted shit

Looks cool. Is it just a heightmap?
It's marching cubes with Perlin noise.
>retrieving a pointer via a member function is slow
>automating memory management
yeah, slow. C++ programmers focused on performance don't use RAII for a reason and, if you don't care about performance, why use sepples?
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Whew, set up a basic OpenGL1 engine.
It's obvious that you've never actually touched Vulkan before.
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Don't do it unless is really meaningful for the story or gameplay. If it doesn't bring more fun via gameplay mechanics, or more compelling story telling then it will be a massive waste of time.
there isn't much management with singletons you tard, they live the entire process' lifetime
>what is dwarf fortress
reminder: using smart pointers is a skill issue
the overhead is so minimal though, barely non-existent on unique_ptr, why do you care
class Something
static Something& get()
static Something s;
return s;
Baked fresh

Wtf, has this retard considered moving functionality into helper functions, the go function doesn't look much better

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