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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

Model generations:
>Classic IBM: T40, T41, T42
>IBM/Lenovo Transition: T43, T60, T61 (T42 - T43: significant difference in specs)
>"Classic" Lenovo: T400, T410, T420 (T61 - T400: 4:3 to 16:10)
>Transition to old modern: T430, T440, T450 (T420 - T430: membrane to chiclet)
>Old modern: T460, T470, T480 (T450 - T460: significantly less thick)
>New modern: T490, T14g1, T14g2 (T480 - T490: design change)
>New new modern: T14g3, T14g4, ... (T14g2 - T14g3: second design change)

BIOS replacement:

Additional resources:


##ibmthinkpad on libera
#/tpg/ on rizon
epoxy on my ram and rom
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Thank you, I will keep that in mind. I kind of wanted to get something smaller if possible. I would like to get something that's not a 32 bit cpu if possible.
I kinda wanted small, he sent me this pic and said he can take another one tomorrow (I think he's selling stuff for a family member). This boomer is pretty technically challenged.
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Honestly, for this machine I want it mostly for shitposting and maybe watching some youtube videos. I have my t440p for things like VMs and programming. I just really want a tinier thinkpad truth be told and I've never owned an older model. I've daily'd linux for a bit so I think I'd be okay. Thanks, anon! I'm just hoping to at least have some idea of what he's got before I offer to buy it, but I don't want to miss out if it's something really good. Apparently the price kind of sucks according to some though, so maybe I am better off waiting since I don't "NEED" it. Would just be nice to have an x60 or an x61.
the price is fine imo if it's in good condition, but I'm a leaf and I generally overpay for older thinkpads anyways... but if you're really strapped for cash and want to wait a while to save like $20 go for it
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Do you think the T15g5 marks an era of repairable laptops again or is this a one off thing? What other new models adopted this philosophy?
Kind sirs, I'm needful of your help!

So, I'm a proud thinkpad owner, bios unlocked, but the edge browser has "Managed by your organization" thingy.
I assume it should be a well know condition among thinkbros, what should I do to disable it?
install ganoo loonix
nice wallpaper, haven't seen this one before
what's different about this one compared to all the other nu t models?
Literally the only thing that matters to the drooling retards in /tpg/ - unsoldered RAM. That's it.
I can't do it anons.
My x230 screen is dying and there are no IPS panels on eBay or Amazon or whatever. Maybe somewhere in China but it will be an "IPS" and will come months later.
I wish I could repair+upgrade what I have but spare parts are nonexistent.
Buying newer models is the only way it seems, but it's sad, seeing as there's a bios hack for xx30.
>sebi's last video is a year ago
thinkpads are just a phase
once you graduate from uni you buy new and that's it
search display part number on aliexpress, there are dozen
>Buying newer models is the only way it seems, but it's sad, seeing as there's a bios hack for xx30.
keep it and do fhd/2k screen mod
Spoonfeed be please, what part number did you find?
sad truth cargo cult itt will never accept
I want to buy new but idk what to get.
Everything is gay and retarded.
I almost just want to buy another thinkpad.
T14 Gen 5 AMD looks the most promising.
even some L or E have 2x sodimm slots, 2x ssd slots, dual heatpipes
it just that T has been quite lacking which make the newer g5 seems good
Will they release more config options for the t14g5 AMD? It's honestly a travesty how lenovo is treating the AMD variant versus its Intel variant.
I found something interesting on eBay:
Lies, I'm almost 50 and I dropped out of state university this year, fuck wokeness, I won't stand that to get a teaching license

'ate IBM
'ate Lenovo

Love me my T60 typewriter
Simple as
Unsoldered RAM allows you to import a base unit without RAM, and that will lower import taxes. RAM can be bought locally, and this will ease the pain in your wallet. Besides, you can get a unit with a lower initial payment, and buy RAM later.
I assume this is not related to the thinkpad itself, ask >>>/g/fwt about it.
fresh install? try something other than window, poobro.
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What is the most modern smallest "full featured" business laptop I can get?
By that I mean a decent, replaceable battery, easy to swap in SSDs and RAM, x86-64 CPU, and a good keyboard. Anything under 12" form factor qualifies.
thinkpad x230
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Anyone used this? What can I expect with regards to battery life and fan noise? I really finally want a quiet laptop, without having to resort to Apple.
my x60 seemingly died randomly, had it on shelf idle for like 2 months
doesnt power on with battery, battery doesnt charge (battery indicator occassionaly blinks)
trying to power on without battery and plugged in ac, power on status repeatedly blinks, black screen and nothing else
please help it has 64 bit cpur
Notebookcheck is your only friend. Visit them, they miss you.
>you buy new
They still make them new and they're excellent. Its still a standout platform. At this point for laptops its basically all Thinkpad, Dell, or Apple.
Any tips on what I can do. My Precisions 3551's Quadro P620 GPU is constantly thermal throttling. Going very often from 1000+mhz to 130mhz. And it's making light gaming a stuttery mess.
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Finally upgraded from an i5 T530 to an i7 W530 I got for a steal. However, the W530 came with a 2 prong power cord. How potentially problematic is this? Should I buy a 3 prong or will I be fine? I'm assuming the massive brick has some sort of circuit failsafe that will keep my laptop from frying, but I hate assuming.
Doesn't show the specific model.
The model is right in your link and in your image.
I have a fresh install of windows 10 on a T440s. Should I let windows handle driver updates (they're listed as optional)? Or should I download some lenovo tool for this?
Is it viable to use Linux on a Thinkpad?
Been meaning to try it out and have had a x201T sitting around for years now.
Getting a macbook pro tomorrow
tpg on suicide watch rn
Weren't they always, though?
>same gen i5 to i7
>from acceptable to a mammoth of a laptop
Absolute state of lenovofags
Need a new charger for the W510 but no 90 I need the 135W version cause otherwise it's slow as itoodler it's ok some cheap Amazon or ali version ? Could you help me ?
I got my T420 a eGPU but I haven't found a way to use the internal display. I don’t want to having to plug an external monitor every time, is there any way I can loop back the image? Do I need to modify the hardware?
What OS do you use for thinkpad with only 4GB of RAM?
depends on the model but Void Linux should work just fine
>Is it viable to put sauce on pasta?
That's how retarded you sound
There is some trick about pressing the power button a number of times, I don't remember the details, so I looked for it:
Internal cleaning and repaste.
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I already have one, love it, but is there really nothing newer, even from HP, Fujitsu, or Dell?
What about 13-13.3" sized machines?
Oh okay.
I didn't know, Lenovo puts a lot of shitty bloatware on there so I didn't know if it was locked to Windows or not.

Thanks for answering my question I guess.
Is it worth getting a t40 that I saw for sale? It comes with OS2 warp. Can I even browse the internet with it?
How's the keyboard on newer thinkpads? I want to get a new laptop but I'm not sure where to look anymore. I wanted a framework but the keyboard is shit. I'm afraid the Thinkpad keyboards went to shit also.
How new are we talking? I think the keyboard on my A285 is fine, haven't tried anything newer though.
Like the latest ones. Also, I hate how most laptops use that gay up/down arrow half-key bullshit. That's why I still look at thinkpads.
I'm looking at upgrading to a ThinkPad T16 (Gen 2, AMD) since Lenovo decided to throw a sale out. I run linux mint, and currently have an asus that's starting to give. Is there anything I should know going into a modern thinkpad or is it just the general new laptop concerns?
update, it now "powers on"
now instead of the status led blinking
fan revs up
green poweron status
fan stops
black screen
keyboard does nothing (ex. pressing capslock doesnt toggle its status led)
this did not help, still same
dont have experience with newer stuff, recently i was thinking of switching to x60 from x230
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Anyone with a t14 gen 2 w/mx450 graphics?
the mx450 is essentially a downclocked 1650 with a nerfed memory bus (64bit instead of 128bit)

I want to "overclock" it but msi after burner cannot detect how much power the gpu is using (missing sensor?)

So far I can push the memory clock by 750mhz extra, the core clocks don't really boost all too high - 1515mhz for a piss second then bouncing around between 1100-1300mhz.

The mx150/250 were for great overclocking since you could squeeze gtx 750ti/1030 out of them, but im wondering if my silicone is a dud.

As is with 1080p low, ultra fsr (1.0), I can squeeze 26-40fps out of baldurs gate 3 after fandangling with throttlestop to fix the shitty low clockspeeds of the i7 1185g7 (default never went above 1 ghz vs 2.6 ghz constant after throttlestop.)

I am a lucky shitbag because i snagged this beauty for cocking 200... And there wasn't a damn thing wrong with it.

I intend on using as a "low end" gaming laptop without looking special from 99% of typical nvidia rgb trash-tops that look like they came from leaptech with childish rainbows lights that ramps up their disposable infantile ewaste status.

new here, this is the nicest machine i've used in a decade.
this is the most neet setup ive seen
sorry about the mess, i was at my friends whos came back from hospital. His ear was bitten off, he spent 6 days in hospital where the doctor tried to save it, and they couldn't.

he's been majorly suicidal so i decided to order pizzas, junkfood, beers, and stuff to try and cheer him up. I've binge watched 15 episodes of attack on titan with him form my thinkpad plugged into his flatscreen.

its not my room, i worry about him alot.
>its not my room, i worry about him alot.
its ok we dont judge, we are all neets here
I'm will agree that I am a part-time neet, I have worked in the past on a contract basis. I am between work atm.

But this isn't my room, he lives next door. I am hoping he is okay.
They have gotten worse but they're still the best of the bunch. I think they're down to 1.35mm depth now, but idk what the actuation force or bump/feedback is like on the newest ones. The latest one ive had experience with is the T14G2, and those were 1.5mm I think. I don't care for it (versus my T61 or X230) but I'm an ogre who bottoms out the keys on my Model M so I probably have a skewed perspective.
but the battery on it seemingly died after 1 month of idle
it has 98% capacity but doesnt charge, always at 0% with 0:00 time to charge
wish kingsener made x60 battery
whats your x60 battery of choice?
what are cool x60 mods i can do?
i will solder on 16mb rom and desolder mic
whats best screen for x60?
etc etc
They're merely okay. Dell has better keyboards nowadays. But really no laptops have decent keyboards. These are just some of the least crappy options.
humping G40
Does any anons here have experience over replacing 18650 batteries in ThinkPad? I have T480
>Heard one anon replacing the 18650 cells for his original battery like a surgeon (due to security chip)
>Some anons said you can buy bootleg 3rd party laptop battery & swap the cells by yourself easily
The t14g5 are also 1.5mm
Kingsener is great. It's what I use.
>switching to x60
Why though? Seems like a solid downgrade in every aspect, aside from the cool factor.
Know that you won't be opening a sticky with a thousand rolling posts, but these are available (from a web search, I don't use OS/2):
Web browsing is the great resource hog that doesn't allow oldish computers to be used nowadays.
I found a T60 in my garage and am considering using it for college, what upgrades do you think it would need to be able to work well? Also there's some data I want to get off the computer but the XP install won't recognize flash drives or write to CDs, Linux also isn't working because while it can boot off the flash drive it won't load the OS. Any recommendations on either front would be appreciated.
take out the hdd and use a sata->usb adapter (or IDE to usb idk)

does your isp serve xp with network, if you get network download isorecorder and your favorite os and burn to cd
smaller and love 4:3
i made my own linux distro optimized for everything i need and i realized i dont need that good specs
also one thing to consider which i havent confirmed yet
>either use ddr2 which are always ecc for laptops (t60 is the only good thinkpad),
dunno how true but if true thats insane, i wanted old thinkpad with ecc support for so long
x230 doesnt boot at all with ecc (even with 3615qe cpu which supports ecc)
Any issues with T14 gen1 AMD on Linux?
I see several on archwiki but no updates since last year. Secure boot issue is the most alarming, though I can live without it.
upload important files to mega or something if you can access the internet and just download on another machine

T60 max specs is a T7600 and 3GB of ram, good enough for light linux setup, web browsing will probably be choppy on most javascript intensive sites but if you want it for college I'm assuming you want it because it'll be "distraction-free".

The T60 is genuinely peak laptop in every other way except for the specs. The 15" 4:3 version in particular could be configured with SXGA+ and UXGA Flexview (IPS) screens. They are CCFL backlit so if it's been well-used it might be dim and yellowed but I've got a NOS SXGA+ flexview in my T601 frankenpad and it's seriously impressive. They genuinely peaked with these screens and then went back to dogshit TN panels for years after.

If it can boot off the flash drive but won't load the OS it's probably some UEFI incompatibility. On Linux, fdisk the drive and delete any partitions and then type "o" to set the drive to BIOS format I think. And then just "sudo dd ..." the image back to the USB and you should be fine.
Do you use your T601 as a daily driver?
I'm torn between going full Frankie and getting a T480.
I've just built it recently (past month or so) and yeah I've really just slimmed down to 2 main laptops: T601f and W700ds. I use linux with dwm & st on my frankie with intel graphics and a T9300.

A frankie is still quite usable in 2024 surprisingly. I can browse youtube with minimal stuttering/lag, I can play youtube videos fine (usually at 480/720p) with H264ify and ublock origin. This can likely be improved if you get a mobo with nvidia graphics.

If you're comfortable with hardware modding you can even get a QX9300 in a frankie (probably opt for intel graphics so it can run stable). The mod is well documented on the german thinkpad forums.

A nice frankie will cost a decent bit all said and done. A NOS or Grade A+ screen will cost quite a bit. The 14" 4:3 T61 motherboards aren't really common at all anymore either unfortunately. I got mine for a good price luckily. I'd highly recommend it over a T480 if you only need it for basic web tasks and coding/typing.
Any fellow x220 chads? Where do you get your replacement batteries? This old piece of shit still does everything I need it to but the battery only lasts like 2.5hr
find a place to re-cell your current battery if it's a 9-cell
Why lenovo keeps using plastic for supposedly premium T-series? That looks cheap and cracks easily.
Hey I want to get a laptop I can use do a bit of video editing. I don't need to render in 4k fhd is fine.
>Looking to spend less than 1k.
>Looking for screen size 15"+
Can anyone give me a general hardware recommend and also a place to buy at good price?

go to online vendor, look for laptop with fhd screen fifteen incher or bigger 32GB memory atleast i5 or amd-64 equivalent, you probably get like thee options
I wish I knew. At work I was issued an HP elitebook, it's full metal, feels and looks fantastic, even though its repairability is prpbably dogshit compared to thinkpads. Probably corporate customers don't care much about looks.
Wrong, Thinkpads are great when you want a laptop, but cannot really justify spending $800 on something that you might barely use. My laptop from college was a piece of shit toshiba that I really regret getting.
Did Lenovo ever make any X13/X1 yoga with AMD? I'd rather not go with Intlel and really need a pen, but also don't want shit build quality aka L series.
Isn't the t-series the midrange?
L and E are midrange
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All I want is the T14g5 AMD Ryzen 8840U model without a touchscreen. Is that so much to ask for? I hate touchscreens as I hate fingerprints on my screen. B&H has the 8840U model listed with no touchscreen but it's not available yet. Fuck, why can't I customize it like the intelaviv version?
Not to mention an OLED screen option for the AMDpad. I hate these 1080pieces of shit in 2024.
> dual core 2.6GHz stock clock to quadcore 3.0GHz stock clock
>integrated intel graphics to dedicated GPU
>+2 more RAM slots

"from acceptable to a mammoth of a laptop"

I want to make fun of you for being a manlet but anon...they use the exact same chassis.
I really hope you're trolling or indian b/c your smooth brain comment embarrassing as hell Pajeet.
I guess I can always just get a seperate OLED panel and throw it in myself.
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According to the PSREF, the OLED will be an option, so for now, we wait...
A SATA SSD is the best easy thing you can do for it. Educate youeseld about the modded Middleton BIOS to speed up your SATA connection.
You will want to have a working battery for the BIOS update, to avoid the risk of power failure bricking your T60.
I want to buy my wife a used thinkpad. Which model would you recommend for around 250+ USD? I have a bunch of spare NVME drives so don't take storage into consideration.
Shouldn't the ability to take NVMe drives be a consideration? Or are you willing to get a 2.5" SATAIII adapter? T440p/T540p/W540/W541 are a sweet spot. Built tough and are decent workhorses if she doesn't need a lot of processing power. You can get 9-cell batteries for them, too, so potentially plenty of working life after optimizing Windows settings.
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Other companies and the submissive userbase convinced them that they can get away with it.
Things just keep getting worse.

And newer machines probably are too thin to try and reinforce them with JB Weld steel epoxy, too.
Fucking absurd.
Everything is too "disposable". I wish the Chinese would step in with more robust upgrade housings we could move all internals into.
Asus and Lenovo laptops are the some of the last machines not built to be so fragile right now. Though they are a bit on the flimsy side compared to the old T-series machines with Haswell processors.

This gen is dead. It's just a revolving door of oldshit wankery. New pads are out yet nobody talks about them. /tpg/ is a dying breed.
>smaller and love 4:3
Fair enough, I wish more laptops had 4:3 as an option, even 16:10 seems like a niche luxury these days. The Surface Laptop Go series piqued my interest with their 3:2 displays and small size, but I don't know much about them. I love my X230 though.

>i made my own linux distro optimized for everything i need and i realized i dont need that good specs
That sounds really cool, how did you do it and what do you use it for? I've always wanted to dive deeper into understanding linux and taking control over my OS, especially since the open source community keeps fragmenting and becomes more corpo infested with each passing day.
This general is about the old models.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
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The seller had already upgraded it to an i7 3840QM. Impossible to pass up.
shit, meant to reply, i am a dumb.
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How much should I sell an X300 for on eBay? The battery is cooked but everything else seems to work fine.
Feel free to go back to plebbit to circlejerk to hipster netbooks soon-to-be e-waste
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Can I buy ThinkPad even if I don't think?
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Now THAT's an upgrade.
Still, don't forget to use HWMonitor or a similar utility to keep an eye on those CPU temps, that'll tell you if you need mods to help with cooling and other useful bits.
Recently bought a T420 that's been upgraded with a 180 GB SSD and 16 GB of RAM, and I put Windows 10 LTSC IoT on it. Gonna put a 2 TB SSD and a 2 TB HDD into it and put in a new DVD drive, other upgrades to it I should make? picrel is my desktop
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oops forgot to attach the picture
Was thinking of buying the current gen X1 Carbon, but curious as to what the value proposition is relative to the AMD models like the T14S. I never hear anything good about recent Intel processors but I'm not sure how the two devices stack up more generally. Thanks for any help :)
It is now, lol. But that's an engineering/quality evaluation, not what product like Lenovo purports it to be.
Buy her a X series Yoga (X390Y for a specific recco). Women love touchshit/tablets. Don't force your autism onto her.

t. wife has an 11E she won't let go of
/tpg/ has always been about affordable computing and modding. There are nuPads that are affordable and are discussed, but modding is exclusively oldPad.
lol, was that hard drive not formatted? That message seems to indicate it’s still has the group policy from whatever business it came from. Poke around in file explorer and see if you find any noteworthy files.
That’s where am at. I need something portable for occasional use, my desktop is my real workhorse. I already use a company issued T14, so I picked up a used T14 on eBay for personal use. I was really considering a MacBook Air, but could not justify spending $1k+.
Nice, I went older. I rock a t480 that I got for $70 on ebay. I fixed it up, replaced the touchpad, batteries, installed arch. Its been fun. Great little machine.
I had no idea. I don't venture anywhere south of workstation class anymore. None of the T series I had from the last decade were flagship anything, they were middling in most ways.
>I love my X230 though.
same and i will never get rid of it because it has quad core and fhd mod
>how did you do it and what do you use it for?
all it has is development programs + web browser (for research) and communication programs
everything is mounted as readonly and there is no root, there are no passwords aswell, also everything is signed so impossible for malware to persist
my plan was to have os that i dont have to ever update and one that i can use forever, everything is static link so i can copy binaries to different os install and use them there without issues
the os is contained to micro sd card so i can carry it with me everywhere
i use qubes os on my x230 but going to switch there aswell soon
>especially since the open source community keeps fragmenting and becomes more corpo infested with each passing day.
do it, avoid gnome, freedesktop, redhat and all cancer
archive source code of what you use on optical media
keep it forever
here is distro i recommend to take inspiration from atleast partly
I would prefer if it had soldered ddr5x honestly
Mogged by $100 n100 mini pcs
I need to upgrade to something with a discrete GPU for game development stuff but I am too addicted to the ThinkPad's durability. Gaming laptops just feel so flimsy in comparison. I'm almost considering getting a used P series instead even though it's not really optimized for my purposes.
Interesting shit, any idea roughly how long it took you to get from "I want to make my own distro" to actually having it up and running? I know some C but haven't really done much programming or compiling/configuring linux, so I'd effectively be starting from square 1.
Got a T490 from work, I don't like the new thinkpads :(
I still own my T420 that I got in 2018 and have been continuously upgrading and maintaining since. I used it as a student, and as my main computer up until this year when I got a new desktop.
It's fucking great, and better than most new laptops nowadays. The difference in power efficiency compared to modern machines is obvious, but it still rocks.
Machine in question. T420 4236MBG upgraded with:

>i7-3940XM CPU
>Samsung 870 EVO 1TB in main SSD slot
>Sabrent Rocket Nanon 1TB in ThinkMods ExpressCard34 to NVMe adaptor
>Telit LE910-C4 EU 4G/LTE Mobile Broadband modem
>Bigfoot Networks Killer™ Wireless-N 1103 a/g/n 3x3 MIMO WiFi card
>1080p FHD IPS display adapter
>Bluetooth 4.0

Software stack is Gentoo on custom Coreboot with Tianocore UEFI payload.
I'm quite proud of this machine.
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Is there anything more comfy than laying in bed under the gentle light of a thinkpad?
yeah, sitting in a desk with a nice chair and a thinkpad, because lying in bed with a laptop makes my neck hurt after a while
not to mention sweaty balls
Lenovo has a page on their website that shows which thinkpads have been specifically tested to work with Linux. That doesn't necessarily mean that thinkpads not on that list are incompatible, but that Lenovo won't guarantee it. Some newer thinkpads models could have mediatek wifi cards for instance, which don't work with Linux at all.
Sure but are you able to work on it without recharging for more than an hour? It IS a laptop after all.
Can you find good (read: not chinkshit) replacement parts if needed? Compatible IPS screens are scarce, batteries too. Getting a donor thinkpad for chassis in good condition is also tough.
Can you play videos encoded with modern codecs without raping your CPU by software decoding? You have no choice - yt will move 100% to vp9 one day.
Eventually you will be like the vintage cars guys. Maintaining them is total ass so they won't ride then except on a rare occasion. At this point your machine us not a tool anymore, but just a show-off toy, though very few would appreciate an ancient thinkpad.
Will any of these laptops be able to play games in 1080p 60hz?
Yeah, having sex while music plays on your macbook M3 pro
What ones
>T14 Gen 5 AMD
Will we wait 4 more years until used models hit the shelves to finally upgrade?
>Sure but are you able to work on it without recharging for more than an hour? It IS a laptop after all.
2.5 hours on battery while browsing the web/reading pdfs/some youtube
can idle for 4+ hours, can also sleep or hibernate
>Can you find good (read: not chinkshit) replacement parts if needed? Compatible IPS screens are scarce, batteries too. Getting a donor thinkpad for chassis in good condition is also tough.
Everything is chinkshit, even the original parts from Lenovo. Lenovo in fact still sells many of the original parts. For everything else, Aliexpress has it all. I have a stock of spare parts including palmrests, HDD/RAM slot covers, bezels, screws, keyboards, internal antennas and cables
>Can you play videos encoded with modern codecs without raping your CPU by software decoding? You have no choice - yt will move 100% to vp9 one day.
can play h264 on integrated graphics, but even software decoding isn't that bad because my CPU is very powerful. The 3940XM is the most powerful mobile ivy bridge CPU and has no problem decoding 1080p vp9 while also doing other work at the same time
>Eventually you will be like the vintage cars guys. Maintaining them is total ass so they won't ride then except on a rare occasion. At this point your machine us not a tool anymore, but just a show-off toy, though very few would appreciate an ancient thinkpad.
it unironically beats a T490 in performance, while also being a lot cheaper

that being said, I do own a 14900KF desktop
T420 with 3940XM (Intel HD4000 integrated graphics) plays World of Tanks in 1080p no problem
Don't get me wrong, I have an x230 with an i7-3920m chip alongside a modern enough ryzen 3k desktop my laptop uses for distcc. But it has a few chassis cracks and broken corners, a dead battery (20% cap left) and a screen is about to die. I would like to repair it all but it all costs 250+ EUR, I might as well buy a used T14 Gen 1 for 400 EUR.
For now my concern is usb-c charging, it sounds convenient, but it is fragile af compared to a barrel port of old 'pads.
250 is less than 400 though, so why don't you do it?
> buy used x280
> read about buggy thunderbolt firmware that executes writes to the controller chip until it's burned out
> try to flash the latest firmware with the official updater
> crashes
> spend hours researching it, you have to install an older Power Manager driver for the firmware updater to work
> the older driver isn't even officially available anymore, you have to paste the file name manually into the URL since it's not linked anywhere
> same problem on the t480
> by the time I try to flash it on my x280 the thunderbolt controller isn't recognized by the system anymore
Lenovo has fallen. Never going to buy another Thinkpad again, piece of shit engineering. If you have any Laptop with a dedicated USB-C controller flash the latest firmware. It doesn't matter if you use it or not, Windows or Linux. It'll eventually burn up. Beware of refurbished/used models.
Thanks fren
Because it is a sinking ship.
Nobody fabricates new parts anymore, all you get are leftovers that disappear over time as 'padfags buy and eventually break them. As they become rare they become expensive, and it makes more sense to buy a more recent model unless you have sentimental attachment to old tech.
you can buy new battery from kingsener which will last entire day and do usb c charging mod you cuck
>how long it took you to get from "I want to make my own distro" to actually having it up and running?
one day, entire build process is contained in 1 shell script
imagine it as:
create linux dirs

then i compile software and install into the dir, turn into iso and thats all
its very easy if you know what programs you want and easier if you can avoid gui stuff
i plan on rewriting the build script in c and making stage 0 compiler bootstrap to be fully independent
It's sad but sometimes you have to just let things die.
all tech is a sinking ship, what's your point?
as I said I also have a latest gen desktop, of course it makes a huge difference
parts for my T420 are still widely available, you can buy a bunch of them off Aliexpress and build a stock that will last you a lifetime
I can literally find everything within 5 minutes on Aliexpress
ignore the poster hes retarded who doesnt know how to search for parts lmao
you can always buy another thinkpad for 50 usd and scrap it for every part you will ever need
QRD on the state of new thinkpads?
I now understand the thinkpad autists complaining about the newer generation thinkpads just getting worse mechanically.
I had the T480s, which from the design is the perfect machine. All the ports you will ned.
>2x USB-A
>2x USB-C
>sim card slot
>audio jack
It is lightweight and made of premium materials and the keyboard is just great.

Now the T14s Gen3, while a good machine objectively, it is a downgrade in many ways.
The keyboard has 1.5mm travel and you can feel the difference and it has some of the keys on the right shrunken down for no real benefit.
Additionally the double-heatpipe system of T480s is just a single-thick heatpipe system in the T14s, making it slightly worse in terms of the thermal management during short bursts.

The only things that are better are, the top firing speakers and the touchpad (which in the T480s you could replace with a glass-touchpad).
Anyone has experience with removing stickers off a laptop? This faggot put a fucking jewgle logo along some motivational stickers
i use isopropyl then wet magic eraser
works atleast for the small intelaviv stickers, no exeperience with big
doesn't have coreboot support though
a big reason why people use thinkpads is their excellent support by coreboot
coreboot allows you to disable the Intel Management Engine, thus closing a huge security hole and privacy concern
ignore all t480 fags
T480 doesn't have socketed CPU, meaning CPU upgrades are nearly impossible
in fact, the T440p is the last model that had socketed CPUs
anything after T440p is un-upgradeable trash
I doubt you can get a cpu much better than 8th gen i5 to work on a t440 tho
The top CPU that the T480 came with was the i7-8650U.
The top CPU that can be installed in a T440p is the i7-4940MX.

The first is a "U" chip, meaning low-power. These are deliberately nerfed by Intel at the factory in order to keep power consumption low.
The 4940MX on the other hand is a version that's deliberately high-power and unlocked for overclocking.

The T480 also has much worse cooling than the T440p, having very thin heat pipes and not much in the way of thermal mass in the cooling system.

In my experience, in a multi-core heavy load scenario, a T420 using the i7-3940XM always beats a T490 using a i7-8565U because the latter throttles instantly and has to lower its frequency to stay below the thermal correction circuit temperature.

It is easy to see something very similar happening with T440p versus T480.
>Now the T14s Gen3, while a good machine objectively, it is a downgrade in many ways.
Performance wise though! The t480 era low power Intel CPUs were a terrible vintage. They've improved those significantly since then, enough to where they're no longer a punishment to use. Even mild workloads sent them reeling.

>magic eraser
Just an reminder about those: they are sandpaper and will sand your surfaces away if you're not careful.
Is it worth upgrading a T420 screen from 1366x768 to a 1920x1080?
Yes. The difference is night and day. Not only in resolution, but also in brightness and color vibrance as well.
Arguably the most important thing to do after upgrading CPU, memory and disk.
I forgot to add the reply. NO! To shorten it
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Not a ThinkPad but IdeaPad and still Lenovo.
What's this type of connector called? My IdeaPad allows for an extra hdd but it seems the only way to connect it is this hdd1 tiny piece.
Is this connector easy to find and cheap?
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Look for something like this.
Thank you.
What's the most I should pay for an x60t in the US?
upgraded from x230 to t480s, i dont care about what autists say but the improvement in performance is great, my x230 can barely load modern websites
>my x230 can barely load modern websites
.t computer as chrome bootloader
Anyone know how to get your hands on an x61 in the US? I can never find one in my area.
>my x230 can barely load modern websites
you must have fucked something up tremendously for that to happen
which CPU do you have? how much RAM?
i5 3210m, 6gb ram and yes i use linux but its not helping that much, I don't care about upgrading I don't think its worth it for such an old machine
Is there a huge difference spec wise between T510 and T420?
That should be enough to browse. When was the last time you cleaned it? It might be thermal throttling
its a bit dusty, i replaced the thermal paste about 2 years ago, its running 30-45c at idle
>I have an x230 with an i7-3920m
hes lying retard
who doesnt know how to source new parts, batteries, do mods himself and makes up cpus
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I just fixed an old w540 for my girlfriend and installed Linux on it. I don't have a charger for it, can I get a generic one from Best Buy or do I need a specific one or it won't load up?
T510 is 15" and is a pre-Sandy Bridge processor (T420 has the capability of upgrading to quad core Ivy Bridge). I wouldn't get a T510 unless I had very modest needs.
Make sure its 135w. But yes you can buy 3rd party/chinkshit. The housefire connotation is overblown but it will inevitably get hotter than OEM.
NTA but I heard of someone doing that CPU mod upgrade.
Can the cooling system even handle that much heat? I've thought about doing the AliExpress upgrade with the quad core board but I don't know what it would do to my battery life or how the thermals would be.
What laptop should I get??
Basically it can race to idle fast on short workloads but it can't sustain heavy workloads without approaching thermal cutoff. Battery life should be expected to halve. People that have invested a lot of time and money into it will cope otherwise.

Are the new ThinkPads worth it?
only if you REALLY need the specs
otherwise nah theyre shit
Thanks, I picked one up earlier today and she seems pretty happy. She seems to like Linux too since I told her it'd spy on her a lot less.
Got it
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Just got a new ThinkPad. Bought it without without an OS, but moved my existing Windows install onto it.

What, if any, of Lenovo's own software should I install on this? I'm guessing Vantage. Do they have a special driver/firmware updater?
Vantage should install all of your driver's and shit. The rest of it is bloatware.
Bumping >>101215797 >>101222198. Just want a new laptop with a decent amount of power to do stuff (have a home desktop so it just needs to have enough punch to get stuff done on the go and decent battery life). But not super impressed by any of the new Thinkpads. AMD better than Intel these days but all the AMD ones seem to be crippled in some way? >>101215047
amd would still be uncommon because corporates stick to intel most of the time
>buy expensive new thinkpad
>choose the backlit keyboard option, never had one before
>it arrives
>i hate the backlit keyboard
>no way to disable it on a hardware level
kill me
>problem goes away
the absolute state
>doesn't immediately install anything other than winblows
>doesn't bother to reinstall OS
>attempts to use edge

good fucking lord, anon.
I hope Gen6 features LPCCAM Ram
I just bougth a T61 for 13 dollars, the screen is broke and i think i need to change the fan, what are your thoughts on my purchase?

On all my thinkpads it's always off by default until fn+space
An honest mistake, I am not autistic enough to remember by heart models of components and was away from the laptop. It's 3520m.
>lying retard
>does not know
So being averse to risks of buying chinkshit from god-knows-who far away is somehow bad now? LMAO. And I checked later, that day you just gave the first link from aliexpress, you don't know reputable dealers yourself kek.
Putting a new stick of ram into your ancient thinkpad or buying a ready-for-use FHD mod card from an russke (actual) modder is not "modding", kid
>It's 3520m
Same as mine, that's the best stock CPU option but it's still only a dual core. The only broken part on my X230 is the metal part of the top left screen surround, but I can probably fix that myself with some scrap metal and a bit of riveting or JB weld. Other than that it's pretty mint.
>So being averse to risks of buying chinkshit from god-knows-who far away is somehow bad now? LMAO. And I checked later, that day you just gave the first link from aliexpress, you don't know reputable dealers yourself kek.
there is nothing wrong with aliexpress retard, all batteries are made in china
you can recell batteries yourself
you know the x230 screen is generic screen that is used in multiple things?
>Putting a new stick of ram into your ancient thinkpad or buying a ready-for-use FHD mod card from an russke (actual) modder is not "modding", kid
i designed my own pcb for the screen mod, i designed my own usb c charging pcb, problem skid?
i solder all the components like master hacker i put epoxy on ram and rom
you can keep LMAOING but it wont fix your brain

heres some dubstep, play this at max volume and hopefully that will shake the stupid loose inside your head
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Hot take:
New ThinkPads > Old ThinkPads
Using a new ThinkPad™ is like fucking a virgin little girl. Rubbing the TrackPoint™ knowing no one else laid their dirty hands on it is the greatest feeling ever.
except the chinks in the factory
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So this started randomly happening today with my T440p. Only thing I've done differently was I used a spare W540 battery yesterday but even after plugging mine in I got this error message. Did I fuck up my charger, my motherboard, or can I just clear my CMOS and I'm good? I did upgrade my CPU (4702mq) a few days ago but it runs the same TDP as my stock dual core and I hadn't had any issues.
flash coreboot or ignore it
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>want a cheap little laptop for school stuff
>started thinking about using two monitors
>specifically i'd like to have a 1920x1080 primary screen and a 1280x1024 secondary one for emails and stuff
>laptop im looking at only has one hdmi port, and it's hdmi 1.4
is it possible? im a bit of a dumbass and cant really grasp all of these hdmi standards because they all seem to overlap and stuff
sorry please spoonfeed me just once
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Issue is it's not charging now, I plan on either libre or core booting down the line but don't have the tools for it yet. If it was just a message and it still charged I could ignore it.
you braindead nigga
try different charger or try charging different thinkpad with your current charger
Only other Thinkpad I have is the w540 which can't be charged by this charger.
my guess is the charger somehow died but no way to know for sure without testing
Pluton is supposed to be TPM, right?
Just bought a new ThinkPad with modern everything, AMD Ryzen 7000 CPU, and TPM isn't detected by Windows.

I went into UEFI BIOS and enabled Pluton and all the other modern botnet shit, also cleared the existing Pluton keys.
Windows still doesn't detect TPM. Halp!
>Pluton is supposed to be TPM, right?
Well, shit. That sucks. Thanks for helping, anon. Guess I better find out what type of voltage I need for a 4702mq. I bought my girlfriend a shitty Best Buy charger in the meantime but I'd rather not use a non original Lenovo charger for my own laptop (double standards, I know).
dunno if this is related but maybe could hint at something
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Picture related drains battery like a motherfucker. I have to actually shut it down, rather than just closing the lid.
>The top CPU that can be installed in a T440p is the i7-4940MX.
Doesn't the motherboard need to be designed for th 4c/8t Haswells? Most T440ps come with dual-core i5s. Presumably they should not be able to take more than an i7-4610 without modifying the motherboard to be able to supply an i7-4810 or i7-4940 with enough power?
You got an i5 or i7? Linux or Winhoes? Wear % of your battery?
How do you faggots deal with a 14 inch laptop? I could only understand if it was strictly for docking but thats also stupid, might as well buy a whole PC

is small pc with built-in battery, how great is that
by using x230 thats how
compact, portable PC with "built-in UPS"'

desktops are too clunky and bulky and are a niche thing these days
i7 Mint. I think it's had some usage.
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try different charger and hope that's it.
What is a good new Thinkpad under 1.7K USD for running linux on with a screen size of 14inch to 16inch.

I want to do numerical simulations with Python and C++, so a large amount of RAM is needed. I also want max compatibility with linux because I won't be using Windowns.

I had a MacBook Air M1, and that thing worked really well but the RAM is capped at 16GB.
My go-to laptop for women is x1 carbon, gen 7 or 8 right now

They want something light that gets good battery life, that's about it.
Are all batteries compatible among T60 and T61 models?
I think the 4:3 ones are different from the widescreen models. But within those classifications they're interchangeable.
It turns out my Lenovo IdeaPad's screen is touchable???
I use Linux 99% of the time and the screen never reacted when I touched it, but I was using Windows just now and when I tried to remove a speck of dust the screen reacted! It freaked me out so I tried it some more. I can touch, select, open, scroll, and more using the screen!
What in the actual fuck, bros?
What is it in my genes that makes me so retarded?
How do I get my touchscreen to work in Kubuntu 22.04?
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>page 9
i'm dumping all my thinkpads now so buy the dip
>page 10
Are the Lenovo V15 really bad? Or like..serviceable? They have great specs and they are super cheap
Lenovo is going to need to hire someone to create custom Thinkpad themed anime girl images if they want to keep this general alive. Everyone else is doing it.
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity
it doesnt matter because i will always be here
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I'm using a MacBook for about a year, but now I want to switch to Linux. Which ThinkPad should I buy, and which models have decent displays?
thinkpad x230
Thanks, but the X230 has a TFT display. I'm looking for one with an IPS screen. Any other suggestions?
it has ips screen, you can upgrade up to 2k screen if you are autistic enough
so sorry man, i've flashed the latest firmware on my x280 and it didn't give me any problem. That feels like bad luck, still fucking Lenovo should have at least put also the original charge port. Fucking CHINESE!
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Bought refurbished picrel (x270) as an experiment for lightweight carrying and doing minimal work on cafés, trains, Airbnbs, etc. when I'm traveling, expecting it to be a piece of shit considering it only has 4GB RAM by default. But I've learned it's way too good for productivity if you simply use it to connect remotely to a beefier server. I love this thing like you wouldn't believe.
I want to double down and toy around with an even smaller ThinkPad that I can hopefully carry on a shoulder bag (no homo). I've been eyeing the x131e but I think even that's too big. Any recommendations?
X1 Carbon has 2.8K OLED 120hz touchscreen display.
Does anyone know what RAM is compatible with the T400s? I was wondering if DDR3 (1.5v) 1333MHz (PC3-10600S) 2x4 would work. I believe the T400s came with DDR3 1060MHz/PC3-8500S 2x1.
will work fine
i prefer ddr3l
Dude I still kind of think anything smaller than 16" is minuscule for practical use.
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