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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Previous thread: >>101168341
literally nothing can fix the lack of minimize/maximize/close buttons on firefox wayland. NOTHING! its been broken for nearly half a year tell me im doing something wrong because as soon as I go back to X the FUCKING BUTTONS APPEAR AGAIN
just cave and use plasma buttons, remove the titlebar and pick a theme that molds well
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Why does no one ever talk about Mint Debian edition?
huh you're right. weird side effect from the little test i did is that whenever the cursor would normally start stuttering, it instead changes size and becomes giant until it goes back to normal after the GPU load drops lol. not sure what that's about but i don't like KDE anyways i just wanted to try it.

i wish wlroots compositors like sway or labwc would implement something like that (doubt it) so i guess i'll just stay on my comfy X and wait in the meantime.
Because there isn't much to talk about. It's their backup solution in case Ubuntu shits the bed completely. That's really all there is to it. It's Mint in every other way-
anyone using brave can confirm if hardware video decoding works?
works on my machine
Nth for presidential debate shitshow
one of the things i have to give gnome is how smooth it is on the wayland session
Thats an accessibility effect where you shake the cursor to make it big
oh. that makes sense lol.
It's only use case is having prettier cinnamon defaults out of the box. Anyone who prefers Debian over Ubuntu will just go with Debian instead of Mint too, so there's that.
Mint, Endeavour, Pop and what have you could exist as plain installable packages on top of the actual distributions.
if i create a partition and mount it
whats the correct way to allow my user to have complete control over its files?
That's true. There are zero reasons for these distributions to exist, including ubuntu.
mageia is the worst piece of shit distro I have ever tried.
If you don't care about other users having access to it, chmod 777 would do the trick. BE CAREFUL, DON'T RUN THIS SHIT IN YOUR / BY MISTAKE.
sudo chmod 777 -R /dir
Is it exFAT/FAT32/NTFS/etc or something like EXT4 that supports Unix permissions, attributes and stuff?

idk about Ubuntu's 'reasons' but all I'm saying is their packages are theirs.
To me it's very simple: if your sources.list file is full of ubuntu.com sources then your system is Ubuntu. And so on.
i wanted to create and NTFS partition so that i can access it from both windows and linux
See the man page for mount and scroll down to "Mount options for ntfs".
       uid=value, gid=value and umask=value
Set the file permission on the filesystem. The umask value is given in octal. By default, the files are owned by root and not readable by somebody else.

It's the same thing with all "non Unix filesystems", you have to tell the OS to "map" the files to a certain user as the filesystem itself doesn't carry any information regarding users or groups or anything.
chown anon:anon directory
can i make a folder on linux be case insensitive like windows?
i dont want to make a whole partition do that
On ext4, but applications should provide that functionality if it's required.
i want case insensitive folder for shit like mod managers
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good day /g/ents, i have an lg 32gs95ue, i can't seem to get 4k@240hz or 1080p@480hz working, i'm using sway+wayland, am i missing something here? dsc looks like it has been stable since linux 5.11 kernel,
apparently hdmi 2.1 should be able to do 1080p@240hz without dsc

here's my sway config for my display:
output HDMI-A-1 pos 0 0 mode 3840x2160@240Hz adaptive_sync on scale 2 scale_filter smart bg #25303a solid_color

i have a 7900xtx, using hdmi 2.1, 48gbps

# "dual mode" - 1080p@480hz
$ swaymsg -t get_outputs
Available modes:
1920x1080 @ 120.000 Hz (16:9)

# "normal mode" - 4k@240hz
$ swaymsg -t get_outputs
Available modes:
3840x2160 @ 120.000 Hz (16:9)
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fags, I'm back.

my og question posted several threads ago was
>How to setup a Linux/Distro so every time the PC is shutdown/logout, the PC will return to a predefined state - aka, similar to what ubuntu has with guest session

Some people gave me a few alternatives, but none of them really worked. Ubuntu has guest sessions implemented. I can't go with Ubuntu due to the nature of overreliance on snaps that do not work properly or at all in guest-sessions.

Since these computers will be used by total normies, I wanted to do that with Linux Mint. But how can I do that?

I want to be able to update and preconfigure the system as needed, like the default browser, wallpapers, applications, and stuff, and with every reboot, I go back to this default state I set.

Another suggestion was to mount the /home of the guest account on /tmp, I never tried this one because I was never able to make it work properly.

These systems will be used by complete PC illiterates, that's why going back to a predefined state after every reboot is so important.
Run a live distro from RAM with no persistence. Then just power cycle the PC and it's pristine.
wine is supposed to take care of that for you
Few questions about this approach.
1 - Can I run a live distro from HDD? Like, can grub be configured to read the ISO in the HDD and boot from that?
2 - How could I go about creating a Live Distro with all the configurations I did to the computer? Programs installed, wallpaper, shortcuts, and all that stuff?
>Why does no one ever talk about Mint Debian edition?
It's the best kept secret. Way better than ubuntu base and it has the best WM around.
Love it.
Mint is so slow that a Debian version actually makes sense. I also prefer it over the Ubuntu one paired with flatpaks so I'm not using 2010 applications from their repos. Main problem is lack of Wayland support, but I think the Mint team is working on it, so soon:tm:
oh really
i never tried it before
I just finished setting up my windows-debian dual boot on a single drive. I kept fucking up the EFI partition so it took all day.
is there a versioning tool simpler than git, but syncs to a cloud service?
I want to collaborate on some files with a small team, we need to be able to work mostly locally, where the files would sync to a cloud service periodically like syncthing and keep versions of each file that have been changed or added like git(hub).
I know it isn't what you're asking, but what's wrong with Git? You can run it locally, self-host your own repo online and more. The team will probably be familiar with it already too, which makes the whole process far easier to deal with.
Okay so I just installed linux mint on my laptop. I had to install mint edge as my touchpad didn't work on the normal version. Everything important seems to work fine, but there's one thing to do that I need some advice on.

1. When I boot up the laptop it sits on a screen that says the following for about 2 minutes, before showing me the sign in page.

"computer name" login: ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: UCSI_GET_PDOS failed (-95)
ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: UCSI_GET_PDOS failed (-95)
ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: UCSI_GET_PDOS failed (-95)
I despise flatpaks. I can't stand them.
I used Wayland for a while but it has so many issues that it was fighting me every day.
And one of the major programs I use (a video editor) doesn't work at all with it.
I dunno man, I don't treat this like a religion I use what works for me, but if your setup works for you, great. But for general use, personally, I can't recommend a fully dead display manager like X11, and a distro that might break(and will) everything as most programs are dropping their X11 support and will keep breaking everything until they finish their wayland transition in 10 years.
Speaking of flatpaks, I have no idea how to "install" a flatpak that doesn't come from the os' software package manager
do you use mpv or mpv-git?
In theory, you set a remote flatpak repository and then run flatpak install package.name. In practice, you go to flathub, set their repo and copy install commands from there.
When you first install Flatpak you add Flathub as a remote repo and get to installing. You can also add any other flatpak repos that might exist, though Flathub is where most upload theirs.
is 75GB enough for / if im goin going to have a separate /home
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Why is it not possible to declaratively modify a file in the /nix/store ?
I understand having all packages be immutable, but I don't understand why there can't be a post-build hook that lets us modify a file that exists in in the store without needing to override the source code for the package. Sometimes this isn't reasonable.
Update the kernel to latest.
I like the "friendly" part of this thread.
But once some anon berated me about my partition sizes. He claimed that I'd never need even 20GB for /. And I thought, "I'll show this sonofabitch, I know I have installs where / has grown beyond that".

Some time, some ncdu later... one system had / at 21GB.
Most of it was cached builds, cached packages, a couple insanely large log files. All stuff that didn't need to be around.

Just checked this install, and it's at 20.4GB. Haven't done any housekeeping for at least two years, it's probably the same shit.
I'd say 25GB is fine.

And definitely, separate /home is the way to go.
I had /var as a seperate partition of 20GB and it ran full all the time.
what if i install something like android studio on arch from the AUR?
thats why i was thinking maybe 75GB or a little more
1. yeah, or just use a low profile thumb drive in a rear port where they'll never see it
2. Varies by distro.
What I ended up doing was turning off the "dynamic graphics" setting in my bios, now it's just using my dedicated gpu for everything. Fixed the problem
What programs are dropping X11 support??
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Different strokes.
My 2c is that a personal computer can usually get by with a pretty small /.

>android studio on arch
I'm not familiar with android studio, but... how large can it be? Or how many versions/cached builds do you need to have?
Most of my /var is really /var/cache/pacman. Couldn't tell you the last time I ran pacman -Sc or similar.
Ok so to get a bare bone but still usable Arch system going I need
KDE package
AMD proprietary drivers
AMD microcode for cpu
Did I miss something? Any suggestions on what a retard that just wants to shitpost, game and watch anime needs?
You can do that, from a programming perspective. Just put your function that modifies the file under a new package item that has inherited the old package. Then you install your new package and not the old one.
The end result is the store item will have a modified file, just like you wanted. And it doesn't require messing with any code from the original package.

But from a technical perspective you're not literally modifying a file in the store, and for good reason.
The hash that's in the store is a hash of the entire set of build instructions (+ dependencies and their build instructions, etc). So if you just directly modify a file there then the outcome no longer matches the hash and you totally break how Nix works.
But if you do it the way I wrote above then the hash will still match the outcome.
do you use a tiling window manager instead of a desktop environment?
i want to use plasma
i might go with something like 50GB
Fair enough. Thank you.
I was just considering this example:

Am I on the right path?
please someone help me understand how to set up consolekit and dbus properly on obarun, plasma cant start up without them and im having a lot of trouble learning 66
That's not really the same thing I was talking about, but I guess it still works. That solution seems more like a hack to avoid having to recompile anything.
It might be helpful if you explained what you're actually trying to accomplish.
Looks reasonable, but why
>AMD proprietary drivers
I think the only thing I've used that required them was when I tried DaVinci Resolve. For gaming I use the mesa amd stuff, the package name is vulkan-radeon.
There's some other stuff that is very useful for gaming. Some people use Proton, I just use Wine. Add one of those to your list.
Yes, I use xmonad.
I hadn't much considered the extra size from using something more "full featured".

But look, on my laptop, I happen to know that my / is 400GB... xfs. No shrinky.
This was before that kind anon gave me some stern words. And some days I look at my usage, sitting at 4%.

50GB, not unreasonable. 400GB? Yeah, I'll fix it someday, but I wish someone had been there to tell me "whew lad".

when was last time you tried mageia, last autumn version is pretty good
PS where does "400GB" come from?
Multiple drives, I knew /home was going to be separate, fuck it, make / 400GB.
But I could be using that space for something else.
Or, you know, if I had chosen a filesystem that could shrink...
I'm trying to get a background image on vscode.
The way addons accomplish this is by editing the workbench.desktop.main.css file.
In nix, this file is in the store.
So if im unable to make this file writable, it seems like my only solution would be to get an already modified version of this css file from another distro, and somehow overwrite it post-build.
A lot of nix threads mention things that revolve around modifying the repository of the package itself.
The problem is that modifying the source code to achieve this isn't as simple as it sounds. VScode pulls the css file (400k lines) from their servers during build time.
why is it still so damn hard to have proper scaling for 4k monitors on linux? i've tried several distros already, and so far the only one that sorta works for me is xfce.
probably stupid question but anyone run linux on unique hardware like the talos workstations for a random example and can do general daily tasks without much issue?
It works fine in KDE. The reason it's hard is because X11 was designed in prehistoric times when this was never a concern and nobody thought the need for toolkits that have to handle scaling properly, so now we need all sorts of hacks to make it work and if it's not configured rightly everything looks blurry.

The right way to do scaling is not to bother for X11 apps and only let Wayland apps that can do this properly scale.
Truth be told I have no idea what the state of open source drivers for rDNA2 / 6000 series is, I heard that the cards had power management issues and I just assumed that comes from open source drivers.
>can i make a folder on linux be case insensitive like windows?
>for shit like mod managers
So, I'm nearly 20 years removed from the Windows world, but I remember a bit of how things are. These days, I use Linux for gaming exclusively.

You'll still have clashes w/ case-sensitive naming. In general, it's mod authors who are used to Windows-isms, and they think the folder 'Models' will merge with 'models'.
But it's easy to use a small script to rename files/folders to suit the convention that the game requires. Sometimes it's as simple as "make everything lowercase".

The other thing is, apparently $PATH on Windows has . as the first entry. So lots of mod authors will provide a file, .dll, etc, no instructions where to put it. Just toss it in the same folder as the .exe. That's the kinda Windows expectation, "just toss shit in the same folder". It's so weird.
>power management issues
Are you using a laptop?

I don't have direct experience w/ 6000 series; I went from a 5700xt to 7900xt. Both on a desk/tower/not-laptop computer. No real problems with either.
As I've known it, Linux w/ AMD graphics cards got good really quickly.
i want to use linux on a laptop with 8GB of RAM
will i have any problems?
i want to use swap on ZRAM
it runs windows 10 well
Not at all. 8GB is like the minimal amount of RAM you need these days for modern OS to run fine, plus using at least a SATA SSD. But even if you only have a HDD around it'll run a Linux distro more then fine.
I can't fucking update python. It's not fucking possible. Even though I installed new version it uses old version. But I can't even purge old version cause it doesn't fucking exist. Fuck this shit.
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You mustn't purge old version, Linux depends on that.
If you installed another version it will be installed along side it.
You can run it by typing python3.12 (or whatever your version is) instead of just python
But python is best used inside a virtual environment, you should use venvs if you run python and then each venv can have its own version and you can link it in vscode to always run this version. Just find where it is installed.
it will work but I would recommend installing xfce and not gnome or kde. they will work but stuff like browsers are really ram hungry as well, so you will have face ram issues if your DE is also too modern
Desktop with my 6950xt, I had green screens and adrenaline decided to uninstall it self few times on w11, having problems with snaps and stutters in online games on kubuntu 22.04 now so I'm thinking about saying fuck it And going with Arch... dunno how that's gonna go but yeah I guess I'll try open source now thanks
There is no HDMI 2.1 for AMD on Linux due to licensing issues. It falls back to 2.0. It will most likely never get fixed.
That sounds like you need a UEFI firmware upate.
it runs windows 10 very well, are you telling me that kde will use more ram than windows 10?
So you got it working?

That's simple enough.
>A lot of nix threads mention things that revolve around modifying the repository of the package itself.
I wonder if you've misinterpreted what you've read.

Think of Nix packages like actual "objects" in a programming language. Or if you're not familiar with what that means, think of it like a list of fields.
Items in the /nix/store are not packages, in fact a single package can end up creating multiple items in the store. Store items are like the results of evaluating a function.
That's why it doesn't make sense to ask how to change the result of 2+2 after you've already calculated it to be 4. If you want to add 1 to it you don't just add 1 to the result because 2+2 != 4+1. Instead you have to change the equation (2+2+1=5) instead of the result.
This is one reason that doing things the Nix way requires a completely different way of thinking.

So think of the vscode package you want to modify as being an object with a list of fields like:
>name=vscode, version=1.0.0, build-instructions=..., etc

So what you want to "install" is not the vscode package as it's defined, but a modified version of that package.
All you have to do is create a new package and "inherit" vscode. Then you have a copy of the vscode object, and you can override any of its fields, or add new ones. So you add a new build phase that modifies the file you want and you're done.

I'd give you actual code snippets, but at this point I must confess I'm actually a Guix user so I don't know what it looks like in Nix. But what you're trying to do is actually way easier than you might think it is right now, the whole thing can fit into just a few lines of code.
It's one of those things that seems daunting at first, but after you've done it the 1st time you realize how easy it is.
Is Debian with backports for the latest version of Cinnamon and Mint-X apps, not a lot to talk about. I prefer Spiral Linux's MATE spin really, less bloat and doesn't add new repos.
The power management is part of the kernel part of the driver. That is always open source. You then have the proprietary AMD and open source mesa driver that provide opengl/vulkan. The proprietary driver is worse in every aspect these days and should not be used. However you can still find some guides that recommend it when it had better video encode / ray tracing.
Rule #1 of Python. You never use the system's package manager if you need multiple or newer versions of Python. Even on Windows this is a shitshow (ESPECIALLY on Windows, Anaconda is slow cancer). Pour that thing inside a chroot/container/flake or use a helper that abuses ~/.local/bin to make it work.
>So you got it working?
Nah I was just able to install the override with a minor change.
That's exciting though.
I still need to boot into another live ISO and get some examples, then I can figure out what I actually need to replace with sed since copying from /home/ doesn't seem to work.

>So what you want to "install" is not the vscode package as it's defined, but a modified version of that package.All you have to do is create a new package and "inherit" vscode. Then you have a copy of the vscode object, and you can override any of its fields, or add new ones. So you add a new build phase that modifies the file you want and you're done.
I think that's essentially what this is doing unless I'm mistaken.
It's installing vscode as per the original build instructions, then it's cloning the files 1:1 as my own custom package with symlinks.
Then it's performing an 'install' copy on just the file that I want (instead of symlink) so that I can run commands on it before /nix/ gets locked up again.

>I'd give you actual code snippets, but at this point I must confess I'm actually a Guix user so I don't know what it looks like in Nix.
No worries man I think this will accomplish my goals. Assuming I can edit a 50,000 character one-liner correctly with just sed.
The nice thing about this too is that I'll be able to change the image right in my main configuration file without needing to jump through hoops. Hopefully.
I do appreciate the help. I was looking through a bunch of posts and yours helped me realize what I needed to try.
>I think that's essentially what this is doing unless I'm mistaken.
No, it's different. It'll still work, but it's not the same thing.

Let me give a pseudo-code example. Say in Nix the standard vscode package is an object defined like:
vscode = package {
name = "vscode"
version = 1.0.0
build-phases = {
configure-phase = ....
build-phase = ....

Now what I'm claiming is the "right way" to do this, is that you define a new object like:
my_vscode = package {
inherit vscode # now your package contains all the same stuff as above, you don't need to re-write it, but you can modify those values
build-phases = vscode.build-phases + MY_NEW_BUILD_PHASE { function_to_modify_the_file_you_want_to_modify() }

And then you would just install my_vscode instead of vscode.

What you're describing is something different. It would be like a package that contains vscode as a dependency and then copies its files and modifies them, instead of actually modifying the vscode package object itself.
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I figured out why running startx wasn't executing dwm, it's 'cause I had no fonts installed. I read the fuding manual; I didn't rely on a video. Are you proud of me?
>I read the fuding manual; I didn't rely on a video. Are you proud of me?
Yes, you are a big boi now
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good job anon
It's probably fine but why not squeeze every bit of performance out of it?
XFCE is really cool and latest KDE is kind of buggy

Tbh I've had issues with RAM, that's why I said it, but I use 2 screens and modern games and 2 browsers with 20 tabs each and that was the limit for 16GB, but if you have like only one browser with a few tabs it should be fine I guess
welcome to 30 years ago
Ah I see.
So I'd be hooking into a post-build phase or something and then having it run a script.
That does seem proper.

>It would be like a package that contains vscode as a dependency and then copies its files and modifies them, instead of actually modifying the vscode package object itself.
Yeah true it's just cloning the finished output of the real package, haha. I was first looking into something like this but I was having trouble finding examples that didn't have some caveat that defeated my purpose.
I'll try that again once I actually learn Nix.
>So I'd be hooking into a post-build phase or something and then having it run a script.
Exactly. But yeah finding examples can be tough, on Guix too. And they're still undergoing a lot of development so you often find examples that don't work anymore.
Good luck on your journey into declarative systems
I installed linux a couple days ago and I already keep thinking about switching back to windows. My bluetooth headphones don't pair automatically, my drawing tablet is very buggy, and I still have to boot into windows to use my DAW. What do?
Just go back bro. Surely whatever reason that made you decide to try Linux isn't that bad.
get headphones that aren't garbage, for one thing
Yeah. I wish there was an LTS version of Arch. There are many things I like about it, but bleeding edge ain't for me.
Unless there's something fundamentally wrong with Wayland that is 100% the fault of the developers of the video editor for writing a shoddy application.

You can't blame Wayland for application developers mistakes. Maybe it'll get better for you in the future once developers start taking things seriously.
Shoot. It still uses the files from the original package in the end, despite only installing the derivation. I understand why though.
>Good luck on your journey into declarative systems
>My bluetooth headphones don't pair automatically, my drawing tablet is very buggy, and I still have to boot into windows to use my DAW. What do?
Well my headphones and tablet work fine, so I'd recommend them, they are the Bose headphones and the Wakom tablet.
Unfortunately for DAW you gotta switch to Reaper. It's pretty good but the only professional option for Linux and unfortunately you have to relearn everything.
I don't know of anyone dropping X11 but I do know of new applications that are Wayland first and never had X11 support in the first place because adding this would mean committing brand new code for a legacy platform that has no future.
I switched mainly because windows had weird slowdowns for no reason even though I'm running on the best consumer hardware you can get. I didn't actually try to see why that was however, maybe I should go back and see if I can fix it.

I have good headphones, i have wired IEMs and some hd600s. I just like using my bluetooth headphones for the convenience. Don't need the best audio quality for youtube videos.

The bluetooth headphones I have are the bose quietcomfort ultras. Maybe it's the distro? I'm using mint. As far as the tablet goes, i have a cheap XP pen one that I bought a while ago, yeah, i know it's not the best, but it works and I don't currently have the money to buy a new one yet. I have a license for ableton I bought a while back, not sure how much I want to lean into a new one.
What kind of sorcery do the macosx kvm and quickemu use to make macos vms working? the former even works decently without 3d acceleration but I couldn't get sonoma to work, whereas the latter installed sonoma fine but performance is kinda mediocre and it kinda "blinks" all the time. I followed various vmware guides, none worked, I tried the macosx kvm instructions to add it to virt managar, in didn't work, I have no clue why.
>I would recommend installing xfce and not gnome or kde
Isn't Plasma as lightweight as Xfce nowadays?
>>I have good headphones, i have wired IEMs and some hd600s.
you could just plug them in and have them work, instead of using wireless bullshit that is inherently janky and unreliable no matter what OS you run it on.
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Should I continue reading up on how to use dwm, its accessories, and configuration via patches, or should I continue reading through the wiki? I've already set up my user and privilege escalation via doas.
My main concern is getting accustomed with more "hands-on" distros. I intend to move onto a systemd-free distro like Artix (and then maybe try out Gentoo for teh lolz). Somewhere along the way, I'll try out Wayland; I've been meaning to. Issues regarding program compatibility don't really matter since Xwayland is a solution, right? Of course, there's still the matter of CPU compatibility, but I've been meaning to put an AMD gpu in my office-tier shitbox. I won't tolerate Nvidia's chicanery.
>but I do know of new applications that are Wayland first and never had X11 support
Those are almost always replacements for X11 programs that don't work on Wayland.
Don't waste time on X11.
windows 10 is so uncomfy to browse in after using linux for a year. might just use my laptop to browse. GNOME really is amazing once you get used to it
Waydroid never had an X11 equivalent
There's also some proprietary software (I can't remember which. I think it was an audio editor of some sort) that ported to Linux but only for Wayland

If you're writing new software today it doesn't really make much sense to support X11 unless you're using a toolkit that already supports it (in which case you get it for free).
try opensuse witth gnome or kde.

as a fellow musician, you can run your daw and all your vsts in linux now.

bluetooth shit is automatically configured and way easier on the normie DE's. GNOME, KDE. I recommend GNOME. I have never had a problem connecting my bluetooth adapter and having it automatically recognized. I have far less problems with my devices/audio shit working on linux than I do on windows, and I use both operating systems regularly
Bluetooth Audio works really well with PipeWire provided your distribution supports it properly. Some distros like Debian disable the AptX audio codec though leaving you with shit sounding audio which is unfortunate.
>The bluetooth headphones I have are the bose quietcomfort ultras.
these are the exact same ones I have and I'm on Ubuntu which is the same as Mint
try restarting the bluetooth service and pair them with the Bose QC not the LE Bose Q

Reaper is "paid" but it's free really. Afaik it's like winrar it will keep bugging you to buy it but you don't actually have to.
It also has 2 tiers of licenses, a cheap one and an expensive one

Wakom are like 30$ they work great with Linux
Thanks, i'll take a better look at this in the morning.
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Wew I actually got it!
Thanks a lot dude.
>I have no idea
>I heard
Just try the open source drivers first.
What's the Linux equivalent of Fancyzones in PowerToys?
a tiler
I think AMD isn't even developing the closed-source drivers anymore, they're just in maintenance mode for whatever fags paid them to support them on RHEL 7 or whatever. All the development goes into the free upstream driver.
dwl is nowhere close to as feature complete as dwm is
you would've been better telling them to use hyprland instead
is there any actual reason to switch to wayland from X11 if pretty much all i do is web browsing and occasionally writing some code in vim?
- boot up a livecd
- mount root and somewhere else with some space
sudo tar --xattrs -cvf /path/to/backup.tar -C /path/to/root .

- repartition and format root
sudo tar -xvf /path/to/backup.tar -C /path/to/new/root

- update fstab/bootloader with new root volume uuid if applicable
i use solus linux, and it didn't really work for me since I don't think it had wayland.
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Next year my xcfe mint release will stop getting security updates and stop getting support in general. I've never changed distro releases before, what are the odds it fucks with the data on my drive or breaks my dozen little cosmetic tweaks to xfce?
it'll fuck with it, just backup your settings/themes, put your files into cloud storage and do a fresh install
they're stopping xfce support or something?
>data on my drive
it won't fuck with your actual files
If you are on kde or gnome you can just try it by switching the session. Otherwise probably too much effort unless you want to tinker.
Your DE and your graphics stack will switch you over when it's considered stable enough to be the default. It's not something you need to think about, it will just happen and hopefully you won't even notice.
that doesnt make any sense
are you on an older version of mint or something?
does linux actually perform better than windows?
Mutter vs KWin
same shit, one is for gtk, the other's for qt
>Most of my /var is really /var/cache/pacman. Couldn't tell you the last time I ran pacman -Sc or similar.
# pacman -S pacman-contrib
# systemctl enable paccache.timer
This will delete old packages every week, keeping (by default) the 3 latest versions.
Yes because there's less stuff running
pacman-contrib really is an essential suite, even if some of it is kinda obsolete these days and replaced by solo binaries like reflector replacing rank-mirrors.
Use mksquashfs instead of fucking around with tar.
On a modern machine? Negligible, on an older machine it can perform much better with the right choices.
what i posted specifically is the least efficient way to do it (even just adding "--zstd") would likely shave a lot off the size, but for a one-off backup-and-immediately-restore, it doesn't matter, especially considering he said he's using 4% of a 400G volume, which is only around 16G, i suppose if it's a hdd you could save some time by compressing it, so the drive doesn't need to read/write quite as much data, and squashfs is better here as well since any duplicates are not included, though i imagine most rootfs's don't have much if any duplicate files anyway
>Bazzite, Bluefin, Aurora, Nobara
What's with all these toy distros? lmao
xfce mint 20, supported until 2025 as per the website
Do you mean installing from command line, instead of the system's app store? If so, you can. Typing "flatpak install name-of-app". You may use just a partial name and flatpak will automatically try to search it for you.

Or do you mean installing from an outside repository? If so, that's usually the norm. Most flatpaks are gathered from Flathub, a popular and official repository, not tied to any particular distro. But you can try another or even create your own. Fedora, for instance, uses both Flathub and one created by them.
So VRR in GNOME is enabled globally? Isn't VRR supposed to only be used with fullscreen games?
Why does Mageia with KDE run better on my chinktop with a N4020 and 8gb ram vs Linux Mint?
mint is already on version 21
there should be an easy way to upgrade without risk of losing anything
i have shitty laptop with an amd APU
how much worse than windows would the game performance be playing with proton?
About equal 2bh. AMD drivers are great on Linux.
You're not just using "Linux" but GNU/Linux/Systemd/X11/Wayland/KDE/GNOME. Take it to heart.
I love my loonix anons
Is it possible to disable rounded corners in KDE? They're only rounded in the top left and right corners, so it looks like shit.
You can always use Timeshift. Also Mint XFCE got released like two days after the main edition.
Mint should come with more bells and whistles enabled by default (look up for running Systemd services) and they're using an old version of Mutter for Cinnamon (not as optimized).
Honestly, i kinda hope they ditch that fork of Mutter and use something else in the future, maybe a Mir/Wlroots compositor or just Metacity.
It depends. Some purists argue that Linux perform better than Windows because the Linux kernel is monolithic, meaning that all drivers reside in kernel space (the same executable essentially), which, in theory, should allow for faster access to the hardware, meanwhile, Windows' kernel is a hybrid one, meaning that some drivers reside in kernel space and others in userspace, drivers in userspace has some form of overhead because they are essentially another process/program, in practice this is negligible due to how power CPU's are nowdays.
Have this in mind: Performance mostly depends on software implementation.
So, a properly optimized and coded application will perform very similarly in both platforms. However, there are external factors that take part into performance as well, like the amount of bloat or unneeded processes the OS has running, specially in slower computers this can be more noticeable, so as >>101187009 and >>101187043 rightfuly said, Linux may feel faster on slow computers because it gives you the choice to run a minimum OS contrary to modern Windows.
Idk if that makes sense.

KWin has more features but Mutter is generally more stable

Don't expect an improvement over Windows if you're looking that.
They're basically install scripts on steroids, it's all pulled from Fedora Atomic's CI. The main downside of doing this are the retarded download sizes.
>Don't expect an improvement over Windows if you're looking that.
He should, purely due to less I/O on the system drive from background shit.
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Help meh. I installed Arch, KDE, and SDDM with archinstall and I can't login to Plasma (Wayland) only Plasma (X11). It gives me a black screen and a mouse cursor with a bad resolution. Pic might be rel idk inb4 leak. I can post my sddm.conf if that would help.
Have you used the install yet or is it completely fresh? Because if the latter I'd just recommend reinstalling it. If it fails again somehow maybe try endeavoros.
It is installed, again, I can get into Plasma (X11) and everything is fine. This is already my second install. I used grub the first time and it was a similar issue but I couldn't even get into X11 on that one so I reinstalled to this one and it still isn't working. There's probably a line or config missing somewhere.
>MESA-LOADER: failed to open simpledrm
Install Mesa and its driver for your GPU.
>but Mutter is generally more stable
That hasn't been true for a while. If Mutter crashes you lose everything, KWin can handle this properly and safely restart itself without you losing anything and without punting you back to your display manager.
>if Mutter crashes
That's a KDE issue kek
How is archinstall still so bad?
It's a compositor issue, even on Windows the compositor can reset itself properly.

Mutter simply doesn't handle this and the GNOME developers have no interest in doing so they think it's a stupid idea.
Ohhhh I wasn't aware of this, it's been a while since I last used Mutter. Thanks for insight anon. Another reason to stick to Plasma then
To be fair to GNOME, I can understand their point, the compositor should never crash so there should be no need to handle it crashing.

In the real world though we have to deal with bugs in GPU drivers that cause crashes and resets, etc.
this is dogshit =)
>shit is broken
>i don't know why
>too layman to find out
>this is why people dont use linux
>back to microsoft memedows
That's what happens when you recommend Arch to new users.
How can correct the errors like these:
symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib64/libgtk-4.so.1: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_pointer
Re-compile against GTK4 again. Your distro had an update.
i'm still bamboozled by the fact that this loonix gives us the ability to cusomize our computing devices into anything
want to configure a small, embedded GPIO device to monitor your garden?
want to create a gaming console?
want to turn your workstation into an ai supercomputer?
want to turn your gaming console into a general purpose computing device?
want to turn your workstation into an enterprise virtualization node?

and it's free
Update your system. Failing that, complain to whoever built whatever you're trying to run, or build it yourself.
Actually, this is Glib not GTK4 but same thing. Your distro had a library upgraded and now you need to re-compile.
They did build it themselves (it's in /usr/local), that's why they have this issue in the first place.

If they installed a package from their package manager this wouldn't happen.
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There's ebin blue balloon unicode when emerging.
Thanks for trying
You suck

I had to add nvidia-drm.modeset=1 to the boot loader config.
>Another reason to stick to Plasma then
KWin has that feature because it crashes way more often than Mutter. I prefer Plasma over GNOME too, but that specific thing is not an issue.
Why doesnt ubuntu come with an onscreen keyboard for accessibility on login?
Because it's for human beings
not very friendly of you
written on windows on-screen keyboard btw
>not very friendly of you
That's a question you should ask Canonical anon, not us
Because we have these things called physical keyboards with really keys
When will every distro replace GNOME with Plasma?
who's that?
>really keys
its not working very well for you
do i use gnome or plasma?
i only want the newest and the coolest
>who's that?
Canonical is the company that makes Ubuntu.

>Canonical is the company that makes Ubuntu.
thanks anon, ill write them a letter
It still works better than on-screen keyboard. Why stop there anyway? Why not braille support for the blind? Even Arch has that!

Why don't we put Cortana in it like Microsoft too? I can just picture it now:
>Boot up the install system
>Classic Ubuntu jungle sounds come on
>A voice speaks:
>"Welcome to Ubuntuâ„¢"
>"Powered by Snaps®"
Less features, more stable.
More features, less stable.
I like both.
Thankfully Plasma on Debian Stable is... well... stable
>braille support for the blind
i dont think many screens would support that either desu
>Why don't we put Cortana in it like Microsoft too?
isnt cortana eol?
There is no narrator either?
It seems pretty ableist and not very inclusive.
It used to annoyingly speak in the Windows installer, if they removed that then that's a good thing.
yeah, i click the big button to silence it. no problem
if you're deploying multiple machines and still hearing it then you're doing it wrong
goodnight sir, enjoy your time on 4chan
What are you expecting exactly? Kubuntu exists and Fedora has a KDE version that basically gets as much priority as GNOME does
Every other distro with GNOME also has a KDE version
Now I'll remember this every single time I sit on the toilet for taking a dump
i wish kde had a complete plastik/kde3 theme, i can collect parts to get it 70% of the way there but there's still some left unthemed (mostly the "plasma style" or whatever it's called) and the documentation for themeing basically just tells you to copypaste somebody else's and modify it, which isn't very helpful
what about trinity?
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as a dumb /v/irgin who has been daily driving a distro based on arch recently (cachy), is there any point or advantage in going for base arch instead? I've tried it on my laptop and wine will either be unable to run due to something missing it won't tell me what it is, or something will run but will not have sound.

Is it just bragging rights?
less bloat
Can you help me by defining bloat?
Sure there's some useless apps and maybe some libraries I'm not aware of, but it's still running really fast and everything loads really fast too, even on KDE which I heard was supposed to affect performance
ah shit I tagged my own post, sorry, I meant this post for >>101192316
he's not gonna use debian if he wants the newest and coolest
he has chosen a life of pain
Glad it worked out for you
loonix is even on mars
but what about snickers?
why is umu proton showing up in my steam as a compatibility option?
How do I *just* install the kde plasma desktop on ubuntu without switching the release identity to kubuntu?
 sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop 
 sudo apt install plasma-desktop 
both did not work (they both implicitly switch you to kubuntu)
bros... i fucking love bspwm
similar experience with debian
>Can you help me by defining bloat?
anything that comes preinstalled with the distro that you dont need, its like using Unity or Unreal to make a 2D chess game
is it that much of a problem? I can just uninstall most things and they aren't heavy either
You can't really due to dependencies.
its a personal preference, i just personally dont like doing that and want to install everything from scratch
I mean, yeah I can't uninstall VLC or some other things but most of these are downloaded after the fact along with the DE,
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big noob question, how the hell do I toggle these? if I press tab it takes me to the ok/cancel section, if I press enter it just shuts down what is already toggled. Obviously a click doesn't work, I saw the askubuntu questions and people are saying to press the number keys but that isn't toggling any, and also doesn't make sense as there is a max of 10 number keys and there could be more than 10 services that need to be restarted
did you try space?
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I want to extract a field from a JSON using jq, but there's two fields with an identical tag. How do I select the first instance?
hate to tell you this, anon, but Wayland a shit.
i-i-it'll get better after 20 years!!! remember this post!!!
>Don't expect an improvement over Windows if you're looking that.
i dont expect improvements, but AMD directx 11 windows driver is bad, specially for older cards. thats where maybe i could get an increase in performance, but i dont know how much overhead does wine, proton, dxvk, etc. have
>I can't uninstall VLC
So is Plasma 6 fine now?
This is a Firefox bug, nothing to do with Wayland.

Client-side deocrations are shit, use server-side decorations.

More or less, it works fine for me. There's still some rough edges but I'm using a development build.
why the fuck do you comment every alias
That's invalid JSON.
$ printf '{"foo": "bar", "foo": "baz"}\n' | sed 's/"foo"/"_foo"/2' | jq -r '.foo'
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How do I permanently get rid of this shit?
Foreign languages always come up strangely, and I've already tried adding a bunch of font packages.
Can I uncomment every locale in /etc/locale.gen to get support for every available language?
IIRC Fedora supports that by default
If this is Chinese/Japanese/Korean then install a CJK font like noto-cjk
Will Linux increase or decrease my chances of having sex?
That depends if your name is Linus Torvalds
Any reason to install yt-dlp from a distro's repository rather than just using the binary from GitHub?
Some sites don't work with the distro's package because the sites change. Meanwhile the github version is always up to date.

>t. I have bots that use yt-dlp and was forced to use github's
Rolling releases don't have this problem. On my Gentoo system I only have to run
 smart-live-rebuild -f yt-dlp
to get an up-to-date version.
That worked, thanks. I mistakenly thought that would've been included in noto-fonts, or one of the many other font packages I downloaded.
Is there a way to get access to all languages, and do away with all gobbledygook characters?
If you have noto-fonts and noto-fonts-cjk and also the noto emoji fonts (assuming Fedora splits that) then that pretty much gives you full Unicode coverage except for maybe some other obscure script languages you're probably never going to encounter anyway.
>why the fuck do you comment every alias
in case my friends decide to switch and use my bashrc
It looks fine. I often hide the titlebar with a hotkey for increased vertical space anyway
after you've used space a few times check out space's friend tab
so pozzila shills wayland but thier browser is just pooched on it? I researched a bit when I stopped pissing my pants and it seems to be a limitation. Guess I don't need minimize/close/exit buttons on default settings
No, it's definitely possible to get minimise and maximise buttons. I have them still even if I turn off server side decorations (I'm not doing that though, the KWin decorations are better).

You're seeing some sort of GTK or Firefox bug.
I don't know if Firefox follows this but check your gtkrc file:
$ cat ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
would using a source based distro on a laptop reduce it's lifespan? little guy gets so hot for so long while compiling because he can't cool off like a desktop could.
i don't mind the waiting, i just time updates for when i'm going to bed. but i don't want to kill my cpu.
Unless you're implying it's badly designed to fail on purpose (I've encountered Dell laptops like this with shit cooling) then it should be fine.
meanwhile KDE Plasma
idk it's a thinkpad so i'd like to think it's built to do work like this.
damn. I remember using this as my first linux distro around 2014. Playing around with all the settings in kde was fun. Too bad I was a retard kid who had no idea how package managers worked, instead downloading .RPMs from random sites, wondering why stuff didn't work.
Good times.
I think he's talking more about lowering its lifespan, like the machine breaking in 5yrs instead of 10yrs. Not breaking tomorrow.
Well that doesn't really happen as far as I know. You're not going to degrade the silicon unless you're doing stupid stuff like overclocking and shooting way too much volts of electricity through it.
Gnome is holding linux back.
Opinionated with dogshit opinions.
Consider setting up distcc on a desktop.
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This style is the closest you can get in semi modern versions. You'll have to tame GTK on your own.
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Do old QT scripts still work with plasma6(X11)?
I can't live without my tiler
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Help people, i did something silly. I basically did the Linux version of this parlor trick:
cat archive.zip >> picture.png

It worked fine. Problem is, i deleted the original picture.png i used for this and now i want it back. Is there a way to stream the raw bytes of the file and recover it? Or should i just reverse image search it?
It does on laptops if you're really maxing out the cooling system for hours at a time every day. This used to be a major problem even for normie laptops in the P4 era, and up through about 2012 for people expecting novidya dgpus in laptops.
You should be able to use
to squeeze it back down to size losslessly.
What's the use case for those buttons. Simply use hotkeys. Closing this ticket.
Anyone use this shit?
no but I might try it now
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Open it in an image viewer like nomacs, copy the buffer
So when a team of say, 50 devs, are hard at work using git all day long...is there spmeone who has to go through and approve the changes, handle conflicts and so on? Sorry if its a stupid question but ive never worked in software dev or any coding job
I've never worked in any team but I'm pretty sure devs just make pull requests and yeah there would be someone reviewing and merging.
It was like 3 years ago and it was half broken OOTB.
Thanks people.
Normally a devteam has a Code Review process where they all use their own branches and have to get signoff from each other to merge PRs into main/master.
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Had picrel with Gentoo testing installed on it and a daily - yes, daily - timed event for upgrade. This caused a 2% wear in a year. It was a desktop system with Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice and what have you.
So yeah, "Gentoo breaks SSDs" as compilations involve lots of writing.
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why is polkitd eating 24GB of my available memory during large file transfers
Where are you moving the files?
moving ~300GB from my nvme to a backup external drive
double check the memory you're seeing is the resident memory of the process and not cached memory. Linux will make use of all available memory for caching files
looks like it's all in buffed/cached according to free; is this normal for large local file transfers? i hope it's not this way for moving shit to network storage
It's pretty freaking normal, don't worry, that's just the kernel making good use of your spare RAM
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Is there anything other than spectacle or obs bloat to record my screen on kde with wayland? I'm trying to shill my filepicker but can't get a good video of it after updating to plasma 6.1 because spectacle keeps shitting the bed and getting a terrible framerate
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Is hyprland still the best option for an older machine (2017 i5, no gpu)?
I'm dead set on an autotiling DE, and ime nothing looks or feels better
holy shit i think i fucked my framework by updating the bios.

>on v3.07
>try updating with USB stick to v3.19
>doesn't work, even though it seemed to execute a script
>decide to try fwupdmgr
>it upgrades bios to v3.17
>suddenly it's taking forever to post with fan whirring loudly
>boot into ubuntu
>mouse not working, usb not mounted, charging port not working

wtf bros...im at 61% ...feels like a slow descent into hell. Is there anything I can do?
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>like using RHEL
>want to use it with MATE instead on a clean system
>put in USB stick and boot from it
>wifi works fine in the installer
>choose the minimal image
>reboot into it
>wifi doesnt fucking work (mind you, this is a 4-year-old Intel wifi card)
>do some diagnostics
>"error: no wifi device found"
>reinstall and try the server image which should include more shit
>same thing
How in the fuck? How did it work fine the first time with GNOME and all of that bloat? It should be the same kernel, the same firmware, whatever. What the fuck is going on?
>use ethernet
My shitty laptop doesn't have an ethernet port.
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First timer getting into neckbeard installs huh??
>How in the fuck?
The installer is a different environment than the one you are creating with it. They just kindly included wireless tools into the installer so wireless people can enjoy the installer better. Get it? Kind of like using Ubuntu USB for installing a minimal Gentoo, that's how I did it btw.
Maybe you should read the manual. It had like, a real manual that explains the prerequisites for wifi.
Nowhere in RH's official documentation did it mention that Wi-Fi wouldn't work on a minimal system. I guess I should've expected that considering most people doing minimal installs are using Ethernet anyway, but god damn it pissed me off. I'll debloat the Workstation edition tomorrow.
Can you copy+paste image buffers between programs in wayland yet?
>owhere in RH's official documentation did it mention that Wi-Fi wouldn't work on a minimal system
Bruhhhh.... Wireless tools are always extra, you don't gave that on a minimal system. Do you think every toaster in the world comes with a Wi-Fi?
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Uhhhhhhhh waylandfags? Our response?
Fair enough, but RHEL's installer didn't have Wi-Fi stuff in the extra packages section either. That made me assume it was included by default. Stupid, I know.
X11-sama I admit defeat.......
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On the topic of X, how do you make a window locked in place so that it can't be moved by the window manager? I want to make simple applets and panels, task bars, icon grids, that sort of thing
Archlinux COSMIC live CD progress.
I'm now able to build automatically a standard Archlinux Live CD from Docker.
Now to build AUR packages
For programming X, you should really read through the icccm and the ewmh spec. What you are looking for is the
property. Set that to the correct value and your WM should do the rest. You can of course also give your WM the middle finger, and set the override-redirect flag in your XSetWindowAttributes when creating your window. Just keep in mind that if you do that, your WM is completely out of the picture, and you'll be responsible for everything (raising the window, hiding it when another window goes fullscreen, etc.)
that's the kind of thing was looking for. Thanks, anon.
>Stupid, I know.
Stupid from them IMO. They simply didn't realize there are actual real life laptops out there that don't have wired Ethernet.
Installers being stupid as always. There should always be something like
>"Do you want to check out the chroot environment before quitting the installer?"
as an option so you can take a quick look around the system before trying to boot in it.
when was it ever?
i have this bug with all the distros i ever tried
when i used the amdgpu kernel driver the systemd service that restores backlight after reboot never runs
i dont know why
anybody know what could cause this?
The last year and a half, at least.
Name a better tiling DE.
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i used mageia for like a few months. i ended up breaking it and i didn't feel like installing it again. i don't like the default settings. it has really weird default aliases that i don't like
tldr is pretty neat
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ah sheit, it's working well with DP now. at the moment, i am toggling out my two output lines in sway config
output DP-1 pos 0 0 mode 3840x2160@240Hz scale 1.5 adaptive_sync on bg #25303a solid_color
#output DP-1 pos 0 0 mode 1920x1080@480Hz adaptive_sync on bg #25303a solid_color

is there a way i can automate sway's output to toggle between each mode? i'm thinking i'll have to write a janky bash script with jq to detect changes
swaymsg -t get_outputs --raw | jq will show what i need, depending if "dual mode" is turned on or not:
1920x1080 @ 480.000 Hz (16:9)
3840x2160 @ 240.000 Hz (16:9)

not sure if there's a better tool out there that automatically detects sway's output changes like kanshi or wlr-randr
main method i used to see was having the system create the home dir in a ram disk on login. somewhere like /temp
who gets those jobs and how much does it pay? its like the bookkeeping of coding jobs. miserable.
id like to point out, modern de = modern ram handling. you will see ram usage "increase" but thats because most of it is cached.
turns out just turning it off for a bit worked
this would work. keep root acc/acc with sudo privs credentials private for yourself.
on boot you could even do a systemd job to delete /tmp/kike/*

user's /home is in /tmp
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What the fuck, KDE? How am I supposed to read that percentage? It's little shit like this that makes people switch to GNOME or back to Windows.

How to make this text bigger?
> Wayland (...) breaks xrandr
i always have a chucke when i read this. i wonder if the author actually knows why xrandr is a thing
does KDE have already the "allow tearing" shit?
>>Wayland (...) breaks xrandr
Thanks for the heads up anon, I ain't watchin' that shit
If you want you can disable the built in compositor, which forces vsync. At least this was the case with plasma5/x11.
>install fedora minimal on some trash flash drive
>install LXQt for DE and a few other necessities like firefox, VLC, etc
>it's actually usable load time wise

Is there a reason I can't keep using my PC off this flash drive? Been running this way a few days and htop never shows me using swap
if you're worried, set something up to downclock the cpu if it gets over a certain temp, something safe like 60C, it will take longer but you're sleeping anyway
that is normal, it keeps a copy of anything you do in cache ram, in case you need to access it again (in which case it can read it from the cache directly)
it doesn't affect anything else, since cache is cleared if anything else wants to use it, it's free
>do minimal install
>doesn't have something
that's kinda the point, just install what you need for wifi afterwards
>but i can't access the internet
do it from a chroot or something, perhaps try usb tethering a phone
would it be simpler to try to change my username or just making a new user and transferring everything to the new home folder? would anything happen to steam if i did that?
Somebody explain to me why this works:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/cosmic-epoch-git.git && yay -Bi cosmic-epoch-git

But not this:
$ yay -Syuw cosmic-epoch-git
why are you using -w?
-w, --downloadonly download packages but do not install/upgrade anything

just do this
$ yay -S cosmic-epoch-git
I don't want to install the packages, I just want them built/downloaded
Press Super+T it has built-in tiling now which works pretty well once you get used to it. Hold Shift when dragging a window by its titlebar.

There's also Palonium and a port of Krohnkite
>built in KDE
Probably sucks. Aint no way I'm selecting titlebars.
Wayland only unfortunately.

It's cool I'll just use plasma5 until I die
>Wayland only unfortunately.
Do you need X11 for anything?
The X11 session receives increasingly less testing and development and some distros don't even ship it with that session file by default anymore.
Wayland forces open source nvidia drivers.
Screen recording.
Copy paste.
Night light.
Drag & Drop.
I don't see the benefit of plasma6 nor wayland, I was just curious.
>Wayland forces open source nvidia drivers.
The proprietary driver should work. Update your driver.
>Copy paste.
>Night light.
>Drag & Drop.
All working as intended
Can I paste image buffer into 4chan?
Do you simply want to migrate your $HOME to a different location?
Transfer first, edit home location second and finally log out and back in.
Or log out the user, transfer, edit, login. So you don't need two copies.
gnome doesnt show the percentage. when you hack the percentage into the bar it looks kinda ugly too.
I believe so. I haven't tried it though, if you can't then that's a toolkit bug or browser bug. The Wayland data transfer protocol thing supports specifying different mime types and transfering images works fine.

The problem is some applications have it implemented wrong. I can't open an image from the clipboard in the stable version of GIMP, for example, but the Beta version (which supports Wayland natively) works fine. They really need to finish releasing that already.
Alright I'll give it a shot I suppose
It was the first to implement it. You just need a supported version of Mesa.
Wayland works differently
The Xrandr argument is stupid when kscreen-doctor and wlr-randr exist
I asked this question in /hsg/ but didn't get any helpful advice.
>installed OMV on a hp desktop to use as a server.
>installation goes fine
>on reboot it either idles on PXE over Ipv4/6 or it starts the hp sure recovery to install windows
>setup boot order in BIOS and disabled all the drives I don't need/ disabled hp recovery
>BIOS shows debian installed on M.2 so no problems there
>do this 2-3 times
>GRUB still won't load
>make a supergrub2 USB to boot into grub manually
>it doesn't even after fucking with boot order again
what the fuck do I do?
Update the Firmware/BIOS? That thing sounds buggy as hell
probably BIOS/UEFI incompatibilities, might want to check Hybrid boot is enabled in BIOS,
>post model
>have you tried with other linux?
already did, and did a rollback as well
this is the device
>try a different linux
I want to keep it FOSS and options are limited then, don't want to start with vanilla debian b/c I want to be able to remote access out of the box (and don't want to fuck around in install with all the bloat I won't need in vanilla debian)
I want a media server to set and forget for the most part
Also if I mount the OMV USB it does boot directly into the installer
Thanks for answering I will.
How can I track the library/ies updated?
>that's why they have this issue in the first place.
why? the path is added.
what is the name of the performance display on steam deck and how do i install it on my desktop?
i want to change my username but i don't know if something could happen if i do it directly. an anon here told me it would be simpler to make a new user from scratch but i don't know what's really the best thing to do...
>How can I track the library/ies updated?
Check your package managers logs
>why? the path is added.

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