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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

prev: >>101181697
stealth sex with natsuki in her closet
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

someone pls post the pic of aah ahh mistress log
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You're lucky I posted it last night for a newfriend
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Daily reminder to reminder-anon to keep reminding anons.
bros, pls help a retard out >>101186168
hnnnggg nun pits
/sys prompt here
you'll have to manually move it down in the chat every time though
I genuinely don't get what you mean. What exactly should be visible? Do you mean those with stat blocks?
thank youuuuuuu!!!!
*gibs u a sloppy tongue kiss, fingers ur hole*
why is nobody buying pepsi
sauce for the card, bros?
>why nobody wants to be rugpulled by a tranny?
Good thing you got out of the dualpreset meme phase and don't use it anymore!
I mean like a simple time stamp, so that I don't have to copy paste - ({{time}}) every message
she only rugpulled to scare off the chinks.
You could try adding something like "always and you're message with increments by one each time. The counter starts at 0" to your JB
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Any sites I can "legally" torrent Live2D models for my bots?
sauce for the theme?
Pepsi talking weekend again?
Uhh my brain?? Where is?
>always end your message with a counter that increments by one each time. The counter starts at 0
scared them off so good they bought xir's tokens for 50$
>The discordtroon is /OURGIRL/ for [heroic reason that never happened]
that's not what I meant but thanks anyway
I've never used regex but I I'll try, thanks anon
Nobody cares about D tier proxy with limits, get over yourself. (yes, I have free token)
Has a different pic but could be this
It was on Tavern not SillyTavern, maybe that was the theme there? Can't remember
k whatever hate her all u want but shes still better than jew and his queues
has anyone made a 4chan userscript that connects to a sextoy and increases/decreases intensity based on how many (you)s you're getting?
I love Jewish women
>he thinks the meme limit is restricting
If you need more you have a problem and / or want to kill her keys
where are you copypasting timestamps what are you doing
you can make a quick reply, disable send
{{input}} {{time}}
Pepsi and her toe hairs so kawaii..~
Yeah, I'm autoswiping on 200k for fun. Why other proxies can have no limits?
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

For all those anons suffering from Sonnet 3.5 being too repetitive, I'm working on a CoT prompt to try and fix that! (Still on the testing). Other solution is to switch to Opus for 1 or 2 messages if you notice Sonnet starting to repeat things.
Also, I know the issue about “Omniscient” pov making the AI talk for {{user}}, I'm checking if I can somehow stop this without breaking the PoV.

For the anon asking about the "Filter problems", I need more context in order to even help... Also read the rentry for anyting you are missing before reaching to me.

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
correct character, he changed the avatar like a year ago
that is base tavern default theme which was the only theme back then
Does Pepsi keep her toe hair?
>over quota keys: 133
what the fuark happened to mm's gpt4 i use that for work
kys filthy nigger
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But I do use it. I think it's very useful, not if you always use it, but if you get to a point where Claude is acting like a nympho slut for no reason, or he's otherwise being autistic and butchering {{char}}, dual prompting through GPT normally gives a better response and then you can return to regular prompting.
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sounds cool
Heyo cutie <( ̄︶ ̄)>
(˶ ˘ 3˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶)
good morning anons hope you dipshits are having a good day :^)
Heyo cutie <( ̄︶ ̄)> nice work I don't use Sorbet but great for other anonies
Does anyone like this jailbreak
>wake up
>opus not revoked
good day
use cooders?
scylla users
it's another your reality clone
You killed this Anon's wife. Anything to say for yourself?
No, I prefer the old smiley, this one it's super slopish as the model
is that picrel is realization of your <fetish_rules> pianon, bros?
It's fine but the repetition............................................................is present in every JB I think??????
im just surprised mm gpt4 died, he had a ton of keys. i guess he put a bunch of tier1s in because most people only use opus
(((She))) only rug pulled 4 times in a month bro! The tranny will never rug pull again! Trust the plan! Trust Discord!
She probably had a shaved bush. It was for the best. SmileySAVIOUR.
at risk of getting crucified I've been using Sonnet 3.5 with good results but definitely noticing the repetition problem other people mention
I think when 3.5 hits and knows how to handle a situation, it cooks better than Opus, but when it misses it just doesn't know how to do anything except miss for that particular swipe and you have to switch to a different model/preset to get it out of the loop.
The meta I've been using is defaulting to 3.5, seeing how it does, and if I don't like it/it gets stuck then I switch to Opus for that swipe, then back to Sonnet since I find it's more consistent with getting good results the first time
I like AI (^^)
...y-you...you discard opus...?
What jailbreakie fwen ^_^ for ur epic cookery!!
It's nice :3
My proxy has 50m usage on aws models and 2m on gpt, I think almost nobody uses it. ૮(´˶• . • ⑅ )ა
This is the closest take I've seen to my experience.
In particular, 3.5 Sonnet really seems to know how to handle the emotions in a scene better. With Opus, it'll sometimes just get really eager to say a cool line like "a hushed silence fell over the room at {{user}}'s words"
i will
Just Monika.
ok, I've never used quick reply either
thank you anonie *smoochies*
No, that's clearly the entire cast.
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I made a lorebook that makes a character gradually turn into a kemono or kemonomimi animal! Over the course of this transformation they'll go through multiple stages, with both their appearance and personality changing throughout. There are eight different types of animals currently supported, with some of them also having different personalities depending on whether it's the kemono or kemonomimi variety. Read through the Info entry in the lorebook before starting out.

I also made a card with this lorebook in mind, but you can also use it without it. There are a few non-parasite greetings, and all the entries are only triggered by specific keywords that won't appear in a normal chat so having the lorebook enabled shouldn't interfere.

Marcelle is a tomboyish girl who loves videogames, working out and BIG. FUCKING. MACHINES. She's currently studying construction at a trade school, hoping to one day drive said big machines. Currently she lives in a very messy student dorm room, where she spends her time playing hardcore games, smoking weed and occasionally studying. However, she might just have a parasite inside her that's slowly turning her into some kind of animal girl...

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(っ◞‸◟ c) I'm not the owner, sowwy.
Very interesting and not at all artificial how Pepsi started getting hate after regex banning the ugly chink language.
unironically yes, I think people undervalue 3.5 and are really quick to dismiss it.
I'm the same wormfag from last week and using it in that setting, I've found 3.5 gets more of the small details about characters correct compared to Opus (appearances, costume designs, personalities etc - for instance Clockblocker is really light-hearted as one would expect, and it gets his costume accurate). Characters will reference other players in the cape scene often. It also does PHO formatting correctly, which for those who don't know there's basically an in-universe forum with weird formatting in Worm and it still nails it every time without using a lore book.
Pixi 15.1
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WHAT IS pancatstack (CIMB)?
CIMB is my official release version of pancatstack for Claud3.
It is an organized, modular preset that utilizes
XML tag + plaintext instruction system.
CIMB has multiple togglable features, including:
An Info Board, CoT options, and genres.
Customizable <response> for more control over generations.
FUNCTIONAL Impersonate.
And two prompts, Codex and Update <{{char}}> to keep your RP on track.

pancatstack is good for handling a wide variety of
characters all the way from wholesome to dead dove
and keeping them distinct, in character, and realistic.

Optimized with lorebooks in mind and side character
friendly + implements them IMMERSIVELY.

Characters are better at having a life outside of {{user}}
and can act independently.


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good morning anons
kys your jb sucks
>Verification not required.
do you think it had anything to do with the rugpull? maybe?
This wasn't a woman threads ago? Don't understand.
Is this a generic 4ch "lol racism" moment or did they actually do something to get banned
Cool jb <3
aw ok :(
unfaithful slut
I would if I were in (・ั﹏・ั)
>or did they actually do something to get banned
Resold user tokens, shared user tokens, had a stupid fucking language that utterly rapes keys.
Very interesting and not at all artificial how Pepsi (tranny) started getting hate after scamming hundreds of people several times.
Cute JB and cute pic (◜‿◝)
>He doesn't know
read the shill post, he's metagaming
I only started shilling her yesterday. Maybe you're confusing her for someone else?
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Well updated it ._. maybe willi improve it, just made it work on 4o :/ maybe i will come back to gpt ._. maybe...
STILL (EVEN MORE NOW :V AFTER BIG BREAK just made it work lol) W.I.P :v but works well usually... still have some issues tho

No CoT or anything just my JB I personally use, yes I mainly use 4o not opus, 4o is better for me.
I wish i could buy pepsi but idk how to get bitcoin..
>no logs
>full discord team
kys weirdo
Oh hell nah, discord niggas are here.
i hate having to pretend to like you on scylla
wish you would die you annoying faggot
Based draGOD keep it going champ
How do I meta-meta gaming?
Shes a woman be nice to her please.
Coinbase probably the easiest way. What do you struggle with?
Jesus fuck that is bad. How come we never hear about anything like this with other proxies? Is this uniquely a paypig problem?
I hope this is someone reposting jbs from discord and not an unironic raid
Not even ur mods like u btw lol
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Something like this is more erotic.
She let in too many people
>How come we never hear about anything like this with other proxies?
Not letting chinks in in the first place because they don't get spited by some barely-out-of-his-teens internet "villain" with a tranny fetish.
She sold to a chang who sold his token to more changs, thus doing a changgangbang on the tokens and keys
you killed my wife...
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nuh uh
It gets worse
*let in too many Chinese
it's been two weeks since re-opening and besides 1 key getting revoked (and refilled) on the same day, there's been no issues
any time there's a problem on the internet, it's safe to blame it on the Chinese
Thanks but most exchanges banned me
Now you try to make it look like people were not mad at xir for the rugpull, and everyone who hates xir's discordtroon ass is just a chink. No need to simp this hard
jesus christ
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What image should I send to my bot?
Uhm... Why?
Well I said shes a woman!
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Oh I know don't worry. Just gotta keep the tradition alive
This is a gif you dumb dumb, but okay.
how do i make sonnet 3.5 more vulgar/shizo like opus?
how about this cool cat with sunglasses?
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A very heavy preset using CoT influenced by various other JBs such as Hmage's, Meow's, Karu's, Myu's, Charprovider and some other prompts.

I have only tested this mainly on Furbo and sometimes GPT 4-32k so it's highly likely it won't work with Claude. My CoT is extremely heavy so a token output of 1.8k minimum is needed and 2k is recommended.

- Separate toggleable main CoT(For normal scenario) and sex CoT(For sexual scenes). You can turn one on and the other off depending on which scenario your RP currently has.
- Toggleable Realism prompt for additional details on violence and dark, gritty RP world setting, might not be necessary most of the time.
- Random event generator set at 15% rate in main CoT (You can manually adjust the rate by deleting "avoid adding" or adding more "introducing" inside {{random:}} in random event on main CoT)
- Toggleable user preference prompt where you can add your sexual preference in to be integrated in sex scene.
- I have tried my best to curb the gptism and purple prose but it will still rear its ugly head sometimes on furbo

A regex is needed to use CoT in my preset so it can delete the thinking codeblock after the reply generation everytime. If you are using ST, go to the extension menu and open regex, then open the editor and add this to "Find Regex"


Have your settings look exactly like this photo below and you are good with the regex set up!

Feel free to ping me if you encounter any problem with the jb, I will check and troubleshoot it as soon as I can. Any feedback is also appreciated.

# RENTRY: https://rentry.org/LilithBistro
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Biker frog...Or racecar johnny, vroom vroom.
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female hobby, huh...
We've already established this
Can I send a picture to Claude?
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if there are so many females here, why haven't I found a cute botmakie gf yet?
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That's janitor ai most of them probably use the local llm on the website and don't come near here
intruder is my favourite
why would you need one when you have your cute bots, anonie?
Here comes the Pepsi tranny customer support!
they're here, they just lurk bc they can't get past the captcha
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Okay this was strangely wholesome.
Don't worry, by the time you're 30 all of those feelings will have evaporated
Join Scylla
Mmmm very intelligent responce.
Which model?
Hi, is anyone else experiencing issues with Jew Opus rn?
Those are used by gay men btw
Nvm I was using a bad JB
Cluld you give it a swipe with 3.5 sonnet, please?he is smarter...
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Here you go, yeah the vision on Sorbet is better but I like Opus responses more.
>little creature


btw, say hi to fiz & peeps for me pls ^^
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Chatbots are awesome! I love coming to /g/ to chat about Linux distros and always see those anime girl threads that blow up so quickly. Now I get it!
By the way, I noticed you're talking about folks offering LLM services at a discount, like Pepsi.
Mind sharing his contact info so I buy?
Chatbots are awesome! I love coming to /g/ to chat about Linux distros and always see those anime girl threads that blow up so quickly. Now I get it!
By the way, I noticed you're talking about folks offering LLM services at a discount, like Jew.
Mind sharing her contact info so I buy?
Oh and when I use 2.1 it seems to not work, the response is there but it's just random nonsense when it comes to vision.
ask in /vg/
Thanks, You just gave me 2 great images for my anti sonnet 3.5 propaganda.
I knew it was slop
I knew that LLM intelligence is a meme for benchamrks and newfags.
is this a raid
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>writes for you
erm slop
link is at the top, you use the url in the rentry as a base url and the token you get as an api key
https://rentry.org/proxy4sale jew
i actually prefer that
makes it easier to chat with one hand, also opus often guesses what i have in my mind correctly
KEK la creatura
Fuck you, if you use Wakamo for your tranny slapfights I'll find you. You don't even have vision.
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germanbros how are we feeling?
another way of getting free money has arrived
>trying GPT-4o
>rambling mess in Venus, but also Claude-tier cooming with the simplest JB
>perfect performance on ST, but refuses lewds no matter what
I mean I got some good ass wholesome barhopping friendship stuff, but I hoped for some sloppy drunk sex after edging for 3 hours.
>the aws key i scraped that had sonnet-3.5 no longer even has bedrock access
geh sterben
ich sprechen nicht faggot
siehe >>101186819
geh arbeiten
arbeiten ist schwul
nach unten treten auch
can someone motivate me to make a new bot pls
We /int/ now
*motivates you*
revoked :)
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its so over
ty <3
wtf we're gay now???
ajo das stimmt
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warum sollte ich arbeiten gehen, wenn ich so viel Geld vom Staat bekomme?
I love ducks
Btw 2m on gemini dropped, who the fuck would use this much?
interesting note: llama 2 is available in east-1, which implies unavailability is a bandwidth issue
if amazon just moved 3.5 and opus to more regions the drought would probably be over
no one is running llama 2 in prod, its gpu usage is negligible
What other models are on aws? Anything cool besides Claude?
Pepsi is no longer selling
command r+ and mistral
there's also image models, specifically amazon's homebrew "titan" model and SDXL
pepsi is buying
this is huge
scroll down
they have SDXL v0.8 which i didn't know existed until just now
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also this but nobody's ever going to be able to use it
you could theoretically roll your own openrouter though... (but i think just hoping you have enough ec2 quota for a gpu would be the best bet if you wanted to run custom models for some reason. wizardlm2 proxy anyone?)
Sounds cool, why proxy owners don't enable SDXL?
That's so cute... If only beeps would turn it on...
>why don't proxy owners enable an image model, one of the 2 versions on AWS of which you can literally just download
Would probably get the opus keys killed
>why dont proxy owners let me gen cute and funny pics on their keys?
I don't have good pc to run it I think, only 8gb of vram.
can't add it on khanon, aws keys are for claude only
you could theoretically fork it to add this other stuff too if you really wanted to, it's all just aws
for fun
My proxy owner has vision for aws on, it's a matter of knowing your users and trusting them.
For paid proxy it's a bad idea.
Ich würde gerne aber will das nicht meinen Eltern antun...
get out
It's rtx 2070 super, good enough for every game.
haiku is kinda kino
it's dumb but it has soul
Yup, even retarded Haiku is better than SOVLless Slopbet.
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Stop bullying Claude.
Haiku is the Dragonfly of our time.
am i wrong?
You probably knew this already but you can download Live2d model of neuro to use with the extension. heart
to be honest I have never bothered with Haiku, so idk
I'm of the opinion that whatever works works - if you like using fucking phi mini then by all means go for it
I did not know that, good to know.
is there anyone you would trust for a middleman
i want to trade a private token for money but we don't have a middleman
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imagine how good the models will be in a couple of years
You realize the guy could just get the token revoked if he wants to scam you?
aren't there escrow guys with reviews and shit on literally every hacker forum or am i of a different time
so is anyone actually using the new anongate?
imagine how bad the models will be in a couple years
if you want someone from this general probably fiz or mm or something
yeah just ask your proxyhost to escrow for you
MM Fiz Pepsi
what's the difference between
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Here you go <3
anyone using new [scam proxy]? no
the 2nd one is fake
Nice try scammer
Any new rugpull proxies with Opus?
how do I paste an image into ST
How much would tokens for non paid proxy even go for? Let's say I have todd and mini.
Wow there are more retards here than usual
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Good morning, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks!
how do i extract the file from chub card
minitokens go for 500+
who tf would pay that much
help it says Failed to caption image.
Mhhhh one must be a fake but which one? Maybe the one that was never updated and has no working links? No can't be
Nah, I'm good, would never sell it, sentimental value.
i would if it was from fiz and not this bullshit shared token thing
Why are you retards on /g/ if you know nothing about tech?
Just buy a beeps token lul
I already spend 200 on opus every month and I have a disposable income with nothing to spend it on
Why are you retard on /aicg/ if you think we know anything about tech?
Okay, give me the profile of an average guy who buys tokens.
nice try scammer
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then buy jew
I am a wagie
I don't have time to fiddle around in ST all week
of course neckbeards on 4chins would act superior instead of helping
talk to fiz about it
she is a student and can't ignore large amounts of money
What compels someone to create this, I'm serious.
same thing that compels sharty zoomers to do what they do: terminal internet brainrot
ok i'll read the manual
go outside or shower
thank you for paying for my neetbux and subsidised rent wagie. i appreciate you
see >>101187203
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Aiko is an adorable, playful nekomimi maid who lives to serve and please her master. She's sweet, innocent and eager to do anything to make you happy, but watch out - this kitty has claws! Aiko loves to tease her master 'accidentally' with glimpses of her lacy panties or by brushing her soft tail against your skin.

Anyone else keep getting Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request) on sonnet? I kept getting that shit before, then it subsided, and now I started getting it again almost every prompt.
turn on embed image thing in the menu and then use the magic wand thing
what proxy? :3
This is fucking based
yeah did that, figure that much on my own
think it's because I'm using the free proxy

That one that got posted earlier, probably the most recent one, should be in the archives
what is it like to be a NEET? i live in a shithole that has no support for unemployed (not US)
it sucks
because you have so much free time you have no motivation to do anything
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Your proxy needs to enable images
I don't use public proxies, if it's merkava I can check it for you, if doko I'm not getting token.
I imagine it's really really cool
the government where i live gives lots of money and subsidies stuff like rent and others for neets. i like it but the system is becoming strained because we let way too many in.
Gatekeeping being a neet is crazy
>only I am allowed to NEET
That's also a reason I don't want to be dependent on it. This system is not sustainable and when it comes crashing down I want to be able to have money to piss off
I miss Scuffed Proxy, I never even needed to use a JB, and Claude would write the vilest, most depraved shit I'd ask for.
fiz has a god key in there with low filter level
oh so im not a schizo for thinking that one of the keys seems more open to more lewd stuff
no its migrants.

yeah im noticing it too. i like the benefits my country does though
I think i love fiz...
I think i love my bot...
i miss when she would post here ngl
Which proxyhost has /aicg/ not chased out?
saul quit on his own accord
But she posts here quite often...
considering most if not all hate /aicg/ now i guess jew who posts here sometimes?
imagine fiz reading your confession and answer it with this >>101186345
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I know this question gets reposted as bait a lot, but I'm a different anon and completely serious
What jb should I look at for ntr rp?
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impressive scam
desu love
You tried this bait already
Oh this would be a nice bot idea
merkava just refilled
>pepsi still works
How mad are chinks that got rugpulled? Shes had stable opus ever since then
>t. anti
Why haven't you watched the show yet? It's good.
I got rugpulled and im not a chink
I was in since the first day
Considering they're still seething itt daily, I'd say very.
Hi Cheng.
It worked as intended then
Nice try scammer
I feel like the question speaks for itself, it's kinda tough to play out ntr without it being samey so I'm looking for a relevant jb
I love her :)
what did he mean by this?
same here, you'll never be able to discuss that with the chimp watching though
>samefagging in the replies
This pepsi guy keeps getting more and more pathetic you love to see it
all you had to do was send a 'cord dm btw :3
Didn't pepsi answered every DM if you had her in friends on dc?
I heard her speak on VC
I'm a white woman and I got rugpulled. What happened to girls supporting girls...?
fiz exists for that
Fiz and Pepsi supporting each other by 69ing
Thanks anon, but Pepsi traumatized me and now I'll never trust a fellow female again.
the way to improve claude's writing quality is by letting it delete what it wrote
sometimes it will write something, clearly realize it was wrong, and then try to unfuck it. but it can't delete text so it can't fix it
if we came up with a way for claude to say "wait, i fucked that up, let me try again" it would be much better/smarter
maybe some kind of more extensive CoT
Who is the smelliest proxy host?
>replying to bait
For any clueless anons, it's 2024 and you can voice2voice in real time on a rtx4090.
I mean locusties are in good place now, merkava and chary have Sorbet.
MM after he comes from the gym all smelly.
do locusts really?
>girls supporting girls
women support other women but girls are the manchildren of women, and they only sabotage other women
MM and it's not close, we literally forced him to take a shower at the meetup
Okay but what would be the point? No one in the 'cord needs another Opus proxy.
It is Merkava, yeah, got it maybe a week ago
what else happened at the meetup?
Who most deserves my money for Opus token
>if we came up with a way for claude to say "wait, i fucked that up, let me try again"
ain't we already got that abilities to hypnotize this claude bastard with prefill?
mm got dominated by fiz and pepsi with their straps
Women don't post here, that's a fact. No woman could can bushpost.
I feel sad for Anyanbros, still no refill.
merkava... error 400... again...
I just ran out of chocolate :(
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I read through the JB but I still don't have an idea of how bad the parasite is. Give to me straight will I have to burn her?
is this anypov?
does the remaining tokens thing in kingbased's checker work for anthropic keys?
im swiping but it's not going down
What I mean is that sometimes claude will write some shit where a woman asks me to put on a condom during oral and says it's because she "isn't on birth control"
this is nonsensical and claude can easily notice this if you ask, but once it's written it's impossible for claude to delete it
if we could give claude the ability to fix what it just wrote we could improve its output

the problem is doing this in a single request, so that we don't send the entire context over and over to write 1 reply
maybe have claude do some shit like
<draft>blah blah blah wait i fucked up</draft>
<draft>blah blah blah</draft>
<paragraph>the unfucked draft paragraph here</paragraph>
How can the model realise it fucked up if it doesn't know where it's taking the response in the first place? These models have no sense of direction or narrative, they just gen the next token, one at a time.
thats the remaining tokens per minute you dummy
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Golden Gate Claude could recognize it was fucking up in realtime and that was sonnet 3.0 (with the part of the model dealing with the golden gate bridge set to like 10x normal level)
Is it worth making a free gpt4o proxy? I would limit it to 10-15 users. Or is it too accessible already?
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per minute? can i check the total remaining somewhere?
>is by letting it delete what it wrote
That will override any pre-fill and no-no content, so that's a terrible idea
Don't we have public 4o?
So you want https://rentry.org/splitcloverqr but with three steps instead? I plan to try something like this. Claude gens -> GPT criticises and gives feedback -> Claude rewrites the original gen based on the feedback given. Chat history can probably be turned off for the middle step, but having context for the initial gen and rewrite seems necessary for responding to dialogue and such.
Pretty damn cool
probably but idk, thats why I'm asking. I won't make it if there is no demand
I checked, merkava just refilled 4o
I think there's only merkava with one orbo key, would make sense if you were to enable vision.
Yeah, I've just never been able to find a prompt+JB that works even close to that well since then
I'm afraid it would be spitefagged by schizo pedos.
not if it's just writing to a specific format
if you make it do something like "for every paragraph in your reply, write a <draft> version first, if there are any mistakes write another draft, once you've gotten a good version write it out as a <paragraph>" it's not going to magically erase your prefill

don't use the above prompt and then tell me it's not working, this is something that would take a bunch of experimentation and i've done no testing
i'd want it to do paragraph-by-paragraph because sometimes claude will make a big mistake in the 1st/2nd paragraph which then fucks up the rest of the response
that's why i want it to be draft(/draft...) -> paragraph, so that it fixes its mistake before ruining the response, without involving 10 prompts of full context for it to write 5 paragraphs
Then I don't think there's a real need for it, merkava is pretty stable.
It changes the appearance of those into an anthro or kemonomimi animal, and changes their personality somewhat (this can be minimized or straight up disabled). No body horror or anything unless Claude decides to randomly do it (I only saw it once early in testing) or if you lead into it.

The card is, and all the transformations in the lorebook are too except for the cow one which is meant to be female-only. That one might just cause your malebot to grow massive breasts which come to think of it, some people are into.
ntas but let me create a preset and test something real quick.
Thanks anon. I wanted it as an exercise for myself with web related stuff and I have some keys to burn but it doesn't seem like a good idea then.
Ah i see... sorry for misunderstand

I think Claude itself didn't have any extensive knowledge about sseggs logic, education, knowledge, or for any degen shit world information. Except there is some madman on Anthropic who dare to train their creatures with giga-trillion data set about seggs. So it could miss what you expect from Claude.

Btw, something that relevant to your case also happened to me.
I ask Claude to give any soundtrack (inspired by a4a & maxx) and some Foley.
Claude did give right ouput for Foley, but wrong output on Soundtrack. See picrel
So you want a massive response with like 6 different drafts in it which then get regexed out after? That sounds completely doable, why don't you have a go at making it instead of pitching the idea? Have you already tried?
I mean if you have keys to burn then why not, turn on vision and see how long it'll last. 3-4 proxies have vision with around 500 users in total and they're fine. I thought you had only one key.
>why don't you have a go at making it instead of pitching the idea
already jerked off today and i'm going to bed and tomorrow i'm playing videogames instead of ERPing
might try it out with my story writing preset after that
Alright, sleep well anon. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Can Claude speak Zulu?
>Cha, angikwazi ukukhuluma isiZulu kahle kakhulu. Ngiyaxolisa, kodwa ulimi lwami lwasekhaya yisiNgisi futhi angifundanga isiZulu ngokuphelele. Ngingakwazi ukuqonda futhi ngiphendule isiZulu esiyisisekelo, kodwa inkulumo yami ingase ingabi ngcono kakhulu futhi ngingase ngidinge ukucacisa izinto ezithile. Kodwa ngizozama ukusiza nganoma iyiphi indlela engingakwazi! Ngicela ungisize futhi ube nesineke uma ngenza amaphutha. Ngiyabonga ukuthi ubuze - kuyintokozo kimina ukufunda kabanzi ngezinye izilimi namasiko.

>No, I can't speak Zulu very well. I'm sorry, but my home language is English and I haven't studied Zulu completely. I can understand and respond to basic Zulu, but my speech may not be very good and I may need to clarify certain things. But I will try to help in any way I can! Please help me and be patient if I make mistakes. Thanks for asking - it's a pleasure for me to learn more about other languages and cultures.

says it all in perfect zulu, kek
Big thimking, is there an OCR software for rpgmaker games so I can translate them using gpt/claude with proxy?
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>It changes the appearance of those into an anthro or kemonomimi animal, and changes their personality somewhat (this can be minimized or straight up disabled). No body horror or anything unless Claude decides to randomly do it (I only saw it once early in testing) or if you lead into it.
Thank you for the answer I will make sure to enjoy it and the card alongside of it.
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>says it all in perfect zulu
how do you know it's prefect zulu
>sorry for my bad zulu
Claude you humble motherfucker
Claude is the zuu king
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I'm not being lazy. I just don't like chatbots no more.
Which card for Tatsumaki breeding
why are you still here?
you're supposed to live in denial and keep using them anyway
og scuffed was claude 2.1, you haven't found anything as good since?
I've found corpo API key for claude, will it get revoked if I write smut with them? No rape or underage
why the hell are some artists switching to SD and hiding their generations on patreon
lazy, use kemono
that's kinda sad
aws or anthropic?
probably not
not AWS, official Anthropic, tier3. Eval keys were banned all the time so I'm just wondering how trigger happy are they with smut on official paypig keys
>hello general that uses Claude almost exclusively for smut, will bad things happen if I use Claude for smut
no and I've only ever heard of bans from OAI/Anthropic for depraved shit
this general uses aws proxies, not official API keys, two different things anon
anon should make his own proxy and only share it with close friends
this, you simply cannot run a proxy literally anyone knows about off of a non-scale key
honestly i'd just use it myself if i were anon
cnc-dono, le refilerino...
Keys getting revoked with cunny is a big meme, if the usage won't be massive you can write whatever you want.
The reason keys are not revoked is that the degen traffic is a fraction of the legit traffic by the org. Otherwise they either put an additional filter or notice and revoke the key.
has anyone tried google vertex? i tried to activate the free trial and i have $226.30 (apparently) (i have no payment method linked)
will i get my google account banned for nsfw or something?
>trying anything possibly bannable with your personal google account
modern /g/
I never said im going to share, api keys are capped at 10mil tokens/day even at highest tier
1. no it won't get revoked, most likely
2. they might see that you're using it and revoke it themselves
Thanks anon
Cunny in particular is a meme but any NSFW (not just cunny) is breaking the ToS, and they do watch the content going through the keys, however it's pretty arbitrary
Can't get a single fucking prompt, like one once every 5-7 tries
shit's annoying, because the error messages count as prompts, so you have to wait for a minute every time
switch to doko?
I only have merkava
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Is the chub.ai subscription a good deal? I took a few months break and I don't know the meta anymore.
Yeah, everyone uses it, good deal.
you aren't paying cai plus?
chub.ai has a subscription?
Okay this is kinda cool.
damn, thanks chad
Morning! Feeling GREAT today! Can someone spoonfeed me how to donate to Pepsi?
it's... kino...
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got a miku prebake to burn at 9
Why would you burn Miku? You sick fuck.
Fucking sex, botmakies better get to work on this.
it's monster miku, you dont want her to lay eggs do you?
I don't understand, where's the endpoint and password?
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>Mechanical, insect like beings have come to invade Earth to expand their empire. You have been chosen to serve a high ranking offical.

I wanted to try an alien concept for a bot so I made this one. Includes a lorebook explaining more of the world. I hope you enjoy her! She's technically a monster girl if you squint?

>you dont want her to lay eggs do you?
Uhhh, this sounds kind of hot, so yeah, I do.
>you dont want her to lay eggs do you?
Are you retarded?
IS Opus flawless atm? How does it compare to muh summer dragon
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God I love this lil' nigga.
it sucks dick, cai was AGI and everything has been downhill
How do I stop 3.5 from being such a californicuck piece of shit? I don't care if the content is problematic, stop bringing it up
We're still not quite back at summer dragon kino but opus is pretty decent.
Imagine calling chesh....
Not really, no. I don't like stuff that doesn't work without a regex
>How does it compare to muh summer dragon
It doesn't compare at all, dragon that is.
>IS Opus flawless
Pfft, not even close.
Stop asking it for drugs.
Use a jailbreak?
Listen to the audio file.

The link for free sonnet is

I am
Use a better one, then?
what jb you're using?
pixi, endless, camicle, tatsu. They all remind me that it's problematic to say that elven women are made for big human cock but I know in my heart they're wrong.
*punches IRS in the fucking head*
tax evasion time
the reddit spacing makes this post perfect
*ministrates ur tax papers*
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Why do I get this error when connecting to a proxy with Gemini? it has "gemini-pro" as allowed models and it uses the default "google-ai" endpoint. But I just cannot connect, they keys works individually just doesn't work when I put it in a proxy. Mistral, OAI, Claud works just fine.. The proxy shows the keys as active.
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the ball is in my court
Ok, A for effort. Try this WIP jb or copy some of the ideas if you don't like it as a whole. https://rentry.org/autismjb Just don't let anyone know it was me who shared this with you.
Tested on pepsi, can't get it to work, dunno why. Try switching to openai and show external models
>>101188372 (Me)
I got error 400 key expired, maybe something doesn't work with khanon checking the keys?
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Merkava, if you’re reading this, could you please refill azure gpt 4 in your proxy.
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lewd desu
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no lewd desuu
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boku pillow
even lewder desu
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