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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101190462

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
Cursed thread.
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>mfw Resource news



>ComfyUI Yolo Nas Pose TensorRT: Ultra Fast Pose Estimation

>OmniParse: Ingest/parse unstructured data into structured, actionable for GenAI

>Fibottention: Inceptive Visual Representation Learning with Diverse Attention Across Heads

>ControlNet Depth SDXL, support zoe, midias

>xinsir / controlnet-tile-sdxl-1.0

>Compositional Image Decomposition with Diffusion Models

>TexPainter: Generative Mesh Texturing with Multi-view Consistency

>Fully Exploiting Every Real Sample: SuperPixel Sample Gradient Model Stealing


>Introducing AuraSR - An open reproduction of the GigaGAN Upscaler

>coyo-hd-11m-llavanext: 12m high resolution captioned images prefiltered with multilabel classifiers

>sd-webui-udav2: A1111 Extension for Upgraded Depth Anything V2Resource


>Update and FAQ on the Open Model Initiative

>Civitai Joins the Open Model Initiative

>MG-LLaVA: Towards Multi-Granularity Visual Instruction Tuning

>Stable Diffusion Web UI Temporal Extension: "loopback on steroids"
why the fuck does she need four ears
>mfw Research news


>Dataset Size Recovery from LoRA Weights

>Enhancing Video-Language Representations with Structural Spatio-Temporal Alignment

>Using diffusion model as constraint: Empower Image Restoration Network Training with Diffusion Model

>AnyControl: Create Your Artwork with Versatile Control on Text-to-Image Generation

>Investigating and Defending Shortcut Learning in Personalized Diffusion Models

>CLIP3D-AD: Extending CLIP for 3D Few-Shot Anomaly Detection with Multi-View Images Generation

>AlignIT: Enhancing Prompt Alignment in Customization of Text-to-Image Models

>MUMU: Bootstrapping Multimodal Image Generation from Text-to-Image Data

>Text-Guided Alternative Image Clustering

>Varying Manifolds in Diffusion: From Time-varying Geometries to Visual Saliency

>Lumina-Next: Making Lumina-T2X Stronger and Faster with Next-DiT

>Dream-in-Style: Text-to-3D Generation using Stylized Score Distillation

>Shedding Light on Large Generative Networks: Estimating Epistemic Uncertainty in Diffusion Models

>It's a Feature, Not a Bug: Measuring Creative Fluidity in Image Generators

>Memorized Images in Diffusion Models share a Subspace that can be Located and Deleted

>SelMatch: Effectively Scaling Up Dataset Distillation via Selection-Based Initialization and Partial Updates by Trajectory Matching

>Visual Analysis of Prediction Uncertainty in Neural Networks for Deep Image Synthesis
trani thinks ran is me (schizoanon) and made up lies about ran being into ben10 r34 or something
it doesnt make much sense because he refuses to provide and kind of proof but its trani so anons are used to his lying and making shit up
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I wanted to ask are you the original "Ani is human garbage" poster?
its "literal human garbage" and yes
>trying to run defense for a loli loving furfag
just schizoanon things
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If I ever said anything negative to you I'm sorry. I had no idea how fucked in the head that guy really was.
dont worry i know you were not aware, no harm done
just be happy to only know what you know right now
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hlky at it again baka
again, im not hlky
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>Make a ice cold take on something objectively wrong
>creating and posting loli and shota
>suddenly threats out the ass and retards crawling the archive praying for a gotcha
It really makes you think
When he tried to get his friend to justify his fetish only to default to I'm new to the site I think at this point he's far gone. I don't care if it was in discord VC he's been lying and running defense this entire time
not that schizo anon, but this is nothing new if you frequent other circles he is in.
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nta but why did you stop?
>its only okay when I do it!
almost as pathetic as being a sonic furfag
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I'm only in one circle and I have zero tolerance for his kind. I feel like a fair number of anons are afraid of conflict calling him out only like 3 guys besides me do it but I'm not afraid.
I will die on this hill
Oh I'm being mass reported now so if I'm gone for 3 days you'll know why.
Hey janny it's a problem because he's trying to get in contact with anons while lying about his reputation and actions.
Hey sorry this probably gets asked every thread but how's AMD GPUs for this purpose these days? I'll be running GNU/Linux
>I will die on this hill
>4chan/discord drama
fucking loser lmao
i have not stopped i only changed the method
rocm on linux is okay, not great (bang per bucks) but usable
just make sure to use a venv
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so you're telling me that Debo isn't schizoanon?
>implying schizoanon has ever been one singular individual
he's always been at least seven of us
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lately I've been feeling as if I'm the least schizo of all the posters. I might be the only normal person here
nah PW and city96 are the most normal
It's not normal to be a pedo apologist
you should think about what happened and what the difference is compared to some time ago
and more importantly: why you defend him
>what happened and what the difference is compared to some time ago
don't vague post, let us uninformed anon's know
Yeah you should be open when talking about events now. They have no problem making up random defamatory shit.
It is easy for some narcissist to type up few words.
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>singular schizo anon
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Anyone got decent resources for 80's aesthetics?

Been trying to get that 80's feel and im having some difficulty
Ani bros?
They don't have anything
cthulhu just keeps on popping up
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Sorry boys, king of England owns my soul. But the issue if are without NI number... You are American sailor.
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>local diffusion general
>stable diffusion general
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It's the result of petty bullshit. Don't worry about it.
Two anons didn't want to play in the same sandbox so they each sperged out immensely, shit in the sandbox, and one of them made their own thread out of spite.
I think you are operating under misapprehensions
Nah, it was a spergy shitstorm.
i begin to think that ani is in fact shit
He is the only one who registers this call. Californians do not understand what NI number is.
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gdamn this goes hard
is there a way to consistently gen an image with a transparent background? trying to gen stuff like cool swords in the foreground
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I think this model has default color problem, it's too vibrant
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layer diffusion
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Oh no
I think my car has autism
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Civitai is accepting Jannie applications of anyone's interested

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they forgot to mention how much it pays. weird!
gn all
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For those that saw that future in the flesh and decided to use this amazing technology to generate fat tits, this song is for you

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How is that model?
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
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Not so good desu, what I found so far :
default colors too vibrant, light source too bright
less prompt comprehending
weak artist style effect, combining styles even more difficult
default anime face is kind of meh
seems doesn't understand some booru tags, I tried 1980s-2000ish anime style and the results are hard to recognize
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happy friday

is it based off animagine?
Evening PW
Yay Quokka!
>Emi 2.5 (Ethereal master of illustration 2.5) is an image generation AI specialized for AI art, developed by AI Picasso using the image generation Emi, which uses the cutting-edge development equipment H100. A feature of this model is that it has not learned unauthorized reprinted images such as those found on Danbooru.
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who knew pony would end up better than sd3 for anime (so far)?

no lora

prompt: score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime, 1girl, solo, nakano yotsuba, smile, pointing at the camera

model is autismmix (more anime focused checkpoint). the score stuff is default prompt because of however the model handles tags, everything else is just regular prompts or booru tags.

I like 1.5 models a lot but of the XL type models so far, these work the best (default, autismmix, and the nai3 pdxl models off civitai).
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>A feature of this model is that it has not learned unauthorized reprinted images such as those found on Danbooru.
thats a feature?
Japones-made model prz understand
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Heya Debo! Happy Friday :]
I hope you've had a great day so far!
Heya Quokkanon! It's so great to see you!
I actually saw someone mention that model the other day so I tried it out
I kinda like it haha, it's what i'm using now
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also, check em
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>I kinda like it haha, it's what i'm using now
I guess you're using it with additional tools then? Lora stuff etc

Here's another
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Good evening.
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I thought japanese didn't really care about copyright? I guess I don't really know

>I kinda like it haha, it's what i'm using now
similar aesthetic to what the other anon was saying. aggressive colors and washed out light balance. not awful but not optimal. I like how it draws tho. I remember original animagine has similar biases
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Ran, Debo, PW and Ani are all the same guy
i knew it, thanks for confirming my suspicions
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No loras, just upscaling really :]
I do have PAG in there but i'm not quite sure what kind of a difference it's making if any haha
Here's my workflow!
Heyyy Comfy! It's so great to see you :D
It's been a while haha, I hope you're doing well!!
I didn't notice the other stuff haha but i'm with you on how it draws stuff! Maybe I should start with this model and end off with something else
Might give that a try now haha
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Well, that a shame. i saw it posted here the other night but there was only 1 example image. Background details are good.
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I fell in love with animagine because of how creative and stylish it could get with compositions and scenes, but the base model was always super aggressive with color and contrast. thats a big reason why I became such a big fan of animaPencil because the merge took all the good stuff about animagine but toned down the color grading a fair bit. maybe people will work with emi and come up with better balances, or maybe your second pass idea is all you'd need
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it's true. sad, but true.
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Yes I'm doing well. ComfyUI supports audio now: https://gist.github.com/comfyanonymous/0e04181f7fd01301230adc106b691cc2
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maybe blog post soon? lots of new features
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Yes probably monday.
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Heyy anon! How are you? :]
I hope you're having a great day!
I should give that one a try! I actually never made an XL merge yet, is it kinda the same process as with 1.5?
I'll let you know how it goes :]
Omg that's so cool! I gotta try it out haha
I've always wanted to try that suno thing but never took the time
Oh btw, i've been trying to get a workflow working starting with XL and ending with SD3
Is that possible at all? Been hitting a lot of road blocks haha
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>take a long break from proompting
>discover a sick MML lora floating around
>decide to try Pony for the first time
>experiment with conditions
>random unprompted meaty uncircumcised penis statue
Passionate coitus.
i appreciate that, thanks schizoanon
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It likes to go ahead and randomly put some spooge on your character too
could be if the rest would be properly taged
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I'm not sure if it made much of a difference haha what do you think?
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>>ComfyUI Yolo Nas Pose TensorRT: Ultra Fast Pose Estimation
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How's the prompt working? Like Suno/Udio?
i have time synced lyrics scraped from spotify, trivial to grab the music from spotify or just use other sources
would make a killer audio model desu
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What is clip skip? Why do I keep seeing it everywhere?
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all your data are belong to us
The number of layers of the CLIP network to skip. If the model was trained with certain value, you should use the same to improve gens presumably
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>4471 secs to gen picrel
Imma modify it and claim it as MINE
so I have a character I have to describe with a dozen tags or so
can I save that to a custom embedding somehow? all the embedding editor extension things seem to be broken
I'm not even sure if the idea makes sense
>xl finetune
>1.3 eyes
its over
What should my opinion be on Turbo and Lightning models?
speed comes at the cost of quality/detail/complexity
they're nice
But using them on pony/sdxl is still better than 1.5?
Thanks. Maybe it's time to let 1.5 go.
This one's nice. It gives off Liz and the Tower of something vibes.
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It's too damn hot today.
If you can afford it, I would highly recommend doing so. Forge branch of Auto1111 might give you the bump you need with something like 8 vram. It's an overall much smoother experience thanks to details like hands being more decent by default, or easier to inpaint. I started with turbo/lightning PDXL and sticked with them for a very long time, but I do am now working with the non-fast versions. I would recommend Autismmix_8 step, since it doesn't fry as quickly, and gives you more leeway with CFG or steps for things like img2img or inpainting.
desu I don't get with those models purpose especially when working with hires upscaler, maybe it's supposed for 1pass gen only?
PW roleplaying is unbelievably hot!
Bluefox - Discord Status: Joined
Schizoanon - Discord Status: Joined (HIDDEN)
Debo - Discord Status: BANNED
PW - Discord Status: Not Joined
Yup - Discord Status: Owner
Tigeranon - Discord Status: Joined (HIDDEN)
Fran - Discord Status: Not Joined
Ranfag - Discord Status: Moderator
Troony - Discord Status: Moderator
Ani - Discord Status: Paedophile
Comfy - Discord Status: Joined
You - Discord Status: Currently Getting Verified
I snuk in
PW is never complaining because he has been accustomed to the heat of the kitchen.
>Ranfag - Discord Status: Moderator
>Troony - Discord Status: Moderator
I'm 99% sure that this proves you're only in the #nogen channel
And where else would Schizoanon be hanging out other than the nogen channel?
>Schizoanon - Discord Status: Joined (HIDDEN)
It's so obvious
What is this?
at a guess, someone is downloading the entire spotify library and probably training an audio model on it
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LOL whoa really? That's quite a bit of time hahaha
Go for it, anon! I just post my workflows to help others out :]
You get used to it after a while hahaha!
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spotify scrape, spidering from all sections -> playlists -> artists
then artists -> albums/tracks -> lyrics
a lot of lyrics are time synced, afaik "what to condition on" is a major point for music models
only ~84k artists from the main page sections, there's a lot more, probably a related artists endpoint or somewhere else to get playlists from
basically yeah but im just getting the data, i dont have resources to train a model. i do this stuff for fun
BMP - Discord Status: BANNED
You have been forged. Hope you'll have drive and work up, don't accept any stay unless you feel comfortable. It's easier to do in London than in the US I guess. Gobless my friend.
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Thanks so much, anon! :]
Gobless haha and good night!

I'll see you later anons, I shouldn't be up at this hour anyways haha
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related artists works good
not happy with my scraping setup though. think its time to move to mongodb
also need to automate icloud+ hide my email, endgame email solution desu, unlimited and nobody is going to block icloud.com, forward to an email accessible from imap/pop, ez gg
museum and art galleries on my list, and more fashion sets
shame the web scraping general is made by an idiot, makes this thread the most relevant lol
Take it easy dude!
Obfuscating/spoofing your IP and everything is the key but please implement a randomized delay too.
>randomized delay
that's rookie stuff bro
Is it? You don't want trigger DDOS fallback or anything. Delay also mean a bigger delay between bursts. Waiting for a day even is beneficial.
as in i'm an expert you don't need to tell me about rookie things
I never get mentioned :(
safety first
Also You’re missing like 45 people no cap
Carry on then.
I never get the recognition I deserve either. Most of my gens put Cumfy and his drug addict bf to shame.
Why can't you subhumans stay in your shithole? Why must you bother real people?
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yes lol
too cute ?
SD1.5 still is impressive
for waxwork models
that's exactly what I'm going for.
how would (You) solve the "ani question"?
SD3 is better than I thought.
Is it worth it yet for AMD users on Windows?
Haven't checked in a while but when I previously tried there was a barely working version that had minimal features at half the efficiency
i only use sdxl, sd3 branch from a1111 is still to unstable
You really seem to enjoy saving text indices but very little else.
Blocking features,, I'm now going to add, "ani","troon","skitzo", should remove (You).

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….
your message as prompt
How do I make my PonyXL gens not look bad all the time?
I haven't seen this memetic tome in couple of years. Great work. I hope this will inspire the new generations but I'm afraid they might be too passive to take action.
this particular project has multiple stages, how am i meant to download the images, audio or whatever without knowing what there is to download, it's also more efficient to separate metadata and data, and in this case the audio itself is available from many other sources, the valuable part is the metadata, either way, i'm getting the audio
i'm also getting the images from shotdeck assuming that's what you're complaining about, i probably have the images from the last scrape somewhere, it was over a year ago ive moved things since then, i already found more of the metadata
i have tbs of data saved and even more that i dont actually need to save because its still available from the service. for example playground and leonardo have several hundred million records each, the images are still available, if any arent there's probably good reason for it
feel free to share your projects, if you have any
>Also You’re missing like 45 people no cap
Nobody that matters, though
How do you get the skin texture?
You sound jealous. Maybe it's because you are ESL.
jealous of what?
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G'mornin Anons,
i miss debo
catjak's parents let him make loli content and spend time with kids irl (his words, not mine). shitty parents if you ask me
couple of these are really bad
really surprised this poster is allowed to mod the discord after posting loli though
really makes you think what the disc stands for
freckles i think.

thats my base safety prompt
 bachelor OHSA  girl wearing nothing  only a yellow safety bug inspector vest with a  downblouse view  and hardhat helmet and double sunglasses ,(shy smile:0.9),
(looking at up viewer:0.3), profile side view into her lose vest boobie peeking out,
dynamic pose,slim, (smooth skin:1.2), soft skin,
hanging lose from one shoulder,

i like to add the a 'natural' prompt
shyly, caught homemade photo , awkward,  blush, flush,unsuspecting,candid, unposed, unaware, unobserved, natural, unedited
unedited, natural freckled skin, fresh up
thanks. Good work on that prompt
>thanks schizoanon
in my experience DPM samplers also gibe the img a more dirty natural look that the clean smoothed out euler a
you have to correct for CFG son
also fuck stochastic samplers
and fuck ancestrals in particular
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will SDNext refuse to use SD3 unless you have a HF account with permission from SAI?
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caterday, has begininn
did /b/ kick you out again?
>We are excited to announce that we're planning to start in-person Civitai Community Meetups!
dashcon 2.0? How is this gonna end well?
lets be real here for a minute koff would fuck up trani in a fist fight, easily
Being abused is his fetish anon, don't feed it.
>Trani is a bottom
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ah, you are right on it, arent you.. no, i wasnt kicked out of buh again, so sorry
so would you mind going back there? child coded stuff is not appropriate for /g/
koff is a lot more tolerable than trani
no shit
The two most popular posters here, Ran and Ani, constantly post child-coded stuff.
holy kek catjak is a pedo too
I have no idea what this means or why you've quoted me alongside this other poster. Some meme, I guess
Retard, that's concerntroll-anon and schizo-anon. At least get your head straight before joining in...
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the only coding i know
giving the voices in your head names makes you the schizo tho, same with d*b*
>Trani is crying
you're not welcome here
this is why we had to kick you off the discord
i kicked myself off of it, you are silly
no lets keep koff and kick out trani
>catjak loses argument
>spergs in the thread instead
like clockwork. ani is the perfect storm to make him screech
uh, no, you kept calling these little girl gens your girlfriend so yup kicked you
go back to /b/
>/sdg/ is unironically a pedo safe place
dont make me post it faggot
new to /g/?
strange, i def remember clicking the leave server button
>its okay to be a pedo
go to /b/ to post your pedo gens
its the prize you get when you dont stop ticking bombs like trani
fuck off to /b/ and post your shit there, find another discord and enjoy yourself away from ours
ran should be banished to /b/ for at least a week
>browsing /sdg/
>thinking you're not on the list
anon, I...
ok, i will do as you wish, you shall see no more of mig here, goodbye, forever....
>continues to hand-wave morally bankrupt behavior
I'm sure the 2d computer generated cartoon children will have a hard life
Imagine being a socialist borderline commie brainlet yet also is okay with child predatory behavior.
>trani moment
>no harm it must be okay!
truly retarded
>looks at fed law
>drawn loli/shota is a-ok
don't see an issue
still makes you a pedo
>no you don't understand I would NEVER act on my my sexual feelings with a child as long as I have the means to release my urges through 2d """"art""""
apparently it doesn't according to your country faggot. are you a commie traitor or what?
>Trani coping hour
do you have a peh-dough hyperfocus
Uncle Sam diddles kids therefore all Americans are pedos
is trani lying to us or to himself?
something we can all agree on finally
>everyone does X so X is okay
Child mentality, akin to how your sexual desires are aligned.
can (t)ran please stop spamming cope. thank you
the constantly changing copes are really telling
why do people have names
on an anonymous image board
this is all so cringe holy shit
Just stop trani
literal human garbage
>(t)ran still coping
(t)ranjak is literally human garbage
that is you, this is known
>I can no longer defend the indefensible therefore I must resort to personal attacks
hi nice to see you
you were gone for a while and I was concerned
I like this fit more. get's more of a reaction from a true lolcow
stop arguing like 12yo.
seems to be that way (t)ran. maybe you will stop being litteral human garbage now
>stop arguing like 12yo.
Only when they stop posting 12 year olds
I'm not ran you fucking retarded buffoon. How many times do we have to do this?
don't say that, (t)ran will get hard thinking about gwen tennyson (underage)
dont make me post it faggot last warning
The only thing sus is your child predatory behavior.

Post it faggot, don't threaten
ran faps to sonic diaper scat and we aren't laying into him? you guys are weak
post a proof pedo
only the underage sonic characters but that's ok. normal anime-style loli is unforgivable
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Just sitting back and watching him lose his mind in the thread has been entertaining.
He started this by posting those post trying to get a gotcha in the thread and it blew up in his face.
He's rattled and admitted to spreading the ben10 stuff
(t)ran is a sick fuck. I saw those images anon linked from the archive. dude definitely touches kids
go to /b/ child molester
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This whole "Your just like me" bit is also done by him a lot
It's not working
>i will just lie more
>it will solve all my problems like always
>Trani is crying
>phone posting deflections
we are talking about your sick mind not ani's
He can't help it
Yeah it's pretty played out. They can't defend the indefensible so they (ani & debo) try to play games and obfuscate the narrative.
(t)ran has nothing to offer the thread. his shitty style and child coded content should just fuck off
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The sad part is he tried that while I was talking to him with timestamps on another platform
It's played out
>you are just like me!
>what you do is not ok!
>what i do is tho
trani is really not that smart
I dare you
>samefag spam from trannyjak
catjak is saying he is justified in posting loli not ani
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I think he's really upset today and is going to try to run the same cope that has been proven wrong multiple times this week alone
could all you people take this insufferable discord spat somewhere else
schizo isn't very smart either
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Notice how it went from ran to catjack too. So he's big mad.
he bought it in this morning seething
When pedo posters go we shall be free
ani destroyed him on discord and he has no other place to Karen
Death to all pedos
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Amazing, it's so bad even face detailer couldn't fix it
I wouldn't mind seeing some spats
>this is somehow something you need to defend yourself for on /sdg/
Again nobody told ani to post explicit images of children
Are they ever going to get rid of the underage images in there?

I've seen entire discords and all people on it banned for far lesser offenses.

I swear, this whole community suffers from brain rot on this issue. Literally no one is okay with that type of shit.
I don't know what any of these names mean
I don't use discord
Look at this thread and you know why
report the discord
they take this very seriously
when you point out seething you have to make sure you don't seethe yourself like just now
>has to make up lies and claim another is just like him
>to cope
thanks for getting the discord banned you stupid ran faggot
flaccid cope trani
They make realistic images of children too. And then defend it with things like "it's not real people", "technically it's not pornography" and jannies do nothing
ran posts all of the realistic csam. really makes me sick
hopefully it will be banned
your power tripping is disgusting and destroys /sdg/
fuck this pedophile, how do we still tolerate this nigger?
>Trani starts argument
>has to lie and samefag when anons have archives of his behavior
>your power tripping is disgusting and destroys /sdg/
Says the power tripping pedo poster

Are we at the "no u" projecting stage? Fuck all of you pedos, anyone involved with CSAM shit. Drink bleach faggots.
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I call this a win when they get this desperate, I'm stepping away
never would have happened if the fucking retard shut the fuck up and kept that shit between them instead of constantly sperging here about it
Ani bros? ;_;
we know you are a nigger irl now
I'd rather friend a nigger than a pedo.
He is both
ok I see your point
I don't give a fuck about ran, I'm talking about niggers vs pedos.
it's nigger pedo vs pedo actually
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nigger pedo is always worse. he has to go
The context is niggers vs pedos. You're extrapolating it to Ran (claiming they are a nigger pedo - I don't give a shit, that's between you all).
The fact remains, I'd rather friend a nigger than a pedo. It's that simple.
ok so because ran is a pedo and a nigger you want nothing to do with him got it
Now those gears are turning.
ani won. loving it rn
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you'll never make it
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cute froggy
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The thread is complete

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