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I'm not a coomer, so I don't know.
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Reminds me of that post someone made about a guy raping his AI gf rofl.
No. Not yet?
no I want to see real ladies getting real bbc cum in their real coin pouches
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Even before AI, there were already more porn than someone could consume in their whole life (especially if you are not into some somewhat specific porn, like, I don't know south korean women wearing adult diapers). What kept the online porn industry alive was the idea of interacting with a real prostitute. I think what will kill the online porn industry is when you have some Sora like real time text-to-video model running some GP5 model, that you can interact with it and talk to. And, especially, that you don't know whether or not is bot or a real human.
The fuck is the point of this article? The first 7/8s is apparently bemoaning the fact that his friend will be out of a job, but he also acknowledges that he career would certainly be over soon anyway. Then in the last paragraph he says that it's actually a good thing because the porn industry is bad. And he follows that up by saying that it's actually a bad thing because people might jerk off to imaginary things that he doesn't like.
what the hell did I just read?
is he just jizzing on his keyboard or what?
Not yet. AI porn is sovlless. I need to actively avoid AI spam on goon sites.
most people use the internet purely to ramble out their incoherent, random thoughts.
I don't know. Kek
how do i get good ai porn? i tried using some models to make stuff but it's a lot of work to get something that isn't very close to the specific thing i want
I doubt it. AI porn is still absolute dogshit.
while you're still learning, ease up on your specifics
it will show you some new things you will like
as you get better, you exercise more control
AI is getting pretty good at vanilla stuff but is still pretty hopeless for a lot of fetishes
I wish, I want all of those of whores sucking dick for scraps in a corner.
Porn is cringe and if you watch it you are cringe
It did fill dating apps with easy to spot spam.
But that was just a change from using scrapped images from the Internet.
Its roleplay you fucking retard. Like how people sext online, except its a chatbot.
garbage goes in, garbage goes out, it's equally as sovlless as what it was trained on
I've seen some very degenerate shit on civitai
You need to coom to keep natural levels of hormones in your body. For incels porn is the only option.
True. Most mainstream brazzers-tier porn is dogshit. But there is a lot of good stuff out there.
You mean images right? We need video with accurate audio.
No you dont, you are just coping.
Porn is over, no more seasons
got cancelled
You're the one who's coping with your Freudian inability to contend with the fact that your parents masturbated
Weird comment but Whatever helps you sleep at night man
I didnt read your comment because its almost certainly another witty one-up about me being gay or jerking off or something. Keep jerking off I dont really care
There's only a few fat-chick models, last I looked, and they're rather janky.

>accurate audio.
I'm even less hopeful for that desu.
It's not really there yet. As >>101198053 said you can get better with practice but you can't really do everything you want

Ignoring video entirely, ultimately I think what everyone is after is the equivalent of a "set". You have a model/subject, that's wearing a particular thing in a particular setting, and as the images change you control the actions of the subject and the clothing.

We just don't have that level of control yet. You can approximate it, and you can get really good single images with a lot of patience and expertise, but we can't really control the progression of change like we need to to fully replace softcore or hardcore image-based pornography.
im not the same guy
i saw him being retarded
I dont really care
making a coherent set of images is relatively hard right now
for example, the shape of naked bodies prompts very differently from clothed people
so it's hard to make it look like it's the same person with clothes on vs. off
As dumb as the guy who wrote the article is, a big part of what makes the internet fun is that it has always been a platform to laugh at retards on. A lot of what has made the internet feel so sterile and boring in the last decade has been the increasing moderation and anti-bullying rules that have stopped us from calling retards "retards".
let's do a quick test
hands up everyone who thinks porn, sex dolls and AI chatbots are for incel losers
(i'm skipping to the conclusion)
look at that, most people think it's creepy shit at best, and ripping apart the fabric of society at worst, and this is supposed to be the target demo
Porn has driven a lot of technological innovation. It is seedy but the reality is that men like porn.
Not a chance, everything looks the fucking same with the GPT model.
I no longer can stand anything that app shit out.
fuck off, retard
>the fabric of society
not really something to defend. if anything it should be subverted.

it is an individual's autonomous choice if they want to rape an AI. not yours.
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Enough with all that questions about AI tranny porn: does anyone ever found some AI porn that you can't tell that is AI porn? I was thinking something look like was taken by a smartphone, camera, bad lights, and so on, a raw aesthetic. Something like Midjourney RAW style

Cause every single AI porn I saw up to today had this plastic-ish look.
more people are using the internet to spout statist propaganda. an AI flood making the internet unusable will be a good thing.
no ive never done that cuz i dont look at ai porn
you can post it censored for research purposes for real and not as a joke
No because it's shit.
>inb4 waste your time setting up a leet model or pay up the gptjew
>Yes I am American. How do you know?
women have rape fantasies too, let's be real
the guy is a total creep for telling people about his degeneracy, even bragging about it
we need to bring back bullying like the other anon said
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Stable Diffusion 1.5 seems to be better for realistic porn
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Trying to find an example from my own stuff that's decent and won't get me banned for nudity
it's funny how chuds are just coomers addicted to porn and delude themselves they will put women back to the kitchen and destroy democracy

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>an AI flood making the internet unusable will be a good thing.
Actual good take. Holy shit. Didn't expect that. I'd rather converse with unhinged, uncensored, self-learnign online bots for the rest of my life, than talk to an average retarded normie.
it's rare in the same way that convincing photoshops are
yeah I have some examples like that, but it doesn't prove the point of making convincing porn
would have to post with censored parts then but that's just retarded
hopefully, now instead of convincing both women to stop being and men to stop cooming, we only need to focus on the latter.
I genuinely never get the anti porn crowd. Unless I do it before a training session, or while prepping for a tournament it has no bad effects.
>but muh libido confidence women
I'm a loser anyway, not jerking off won't fix it.
I'm an incel loser sooo....
I dont really care. Didnt read the rest of your post
Stop posting on a board with no ids then
This faggotry is off the charts
How will I ever recover from this
>average /g/edditor
Do you really believe a 57 years old would know what's roleplaying with a real woman?
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Only (((they))) have the technology to create realistic AI porn of anyone.
>doesn't read just pooooosts
Your brain is cheese by now given that you are incapable of having a conversation.
Typing is not sex you virgin faggot.
2d > 3d
Always was.
>redditor making shit up
Not yet, but once video generation is solved and can be ran locally then yes. So ~3 years.
More like 30, at best. Without someone discovering a logic shortcut we need some advancement in hardware. Neither are likely.
it's the opposite for me. whenever i open r34, i need to put ai-generated in the filter to get any good stuff. porn drawn by humans don't feel that good after I got exposed to the ones made by ai.
uh, fucking based?
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kek what the fuck
Try using shit like controlnet, img2img.
And practice, it's a pretty new thing so there aren't many guides so you will have to figure out a lot of shit by yourself
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yep its over
I am married with kids and I am excited about the future. These are all distractions that take away from the only technology that men should be researching: artificial wombs.
There is no technology worth as much as the artificial womb. It's our (the species) way off this rock.
it's not the end, it's the next level
porn has been a thing since cave paintings
the streets of rome were riddled with porn drawings on the walls
we are just getting rid of thots and drawfags
I 100% agree with Sean in the article -- AI lets people indulge in sexual fantasies beyond their wildest dreams. It is the beginning of Singularity.

By the way OP, how are you not a coomer? Orgasm is a normal and healthy function. Do you have a medical issue?

>raping your AI gf
AI was literally built for this.

Wait until Virt-a-Mate 2.0 comes out. Here comes the copypasta...

After ICP hits $2,000 United States Dollars, I will spend the majority of my time jacked in to my RTX 69420 PC rig, virtually breeding a real-time AI simulation of Marie Rose against her consent (SHE IS DEFINITELY 18 years old) using an advanced future-gen feedback suit which provides full-dive, entire-body (and I mean ENTIRE body) haptic feedback, immersed in glorious 64K+ VR headset resolution.
My wife has been gooning/jerking off to character.ai chats every day for the past few months. If anything our sex life has improved.
That's literally why such chatbots exist.
I love how Reddit reacted to this, like AIs are "real" and have feelings.
I can't really imagine what's so hot about a chat bot. What are you typing in, and what response do you get? Are there some examples anywhere? For educational purposes only.
not for me at least not yet. once it can make facesitting pov with roleplay audio in very taboo situations then the technology will replace them, but until then I have to keep paying $600/month for 3dpd.
>After ICP hits $2,000 United States Dollars
Disregard everything, your post sucks
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nta but it's fun to do erp story type fantasy shit. you can literally set up any situation you want, as the character you want, with the ai rping as whatever you want, and as long as the llm is smart enough, it's genuinely addictive af. they can have their own personality and "reasoning" too which can go against what you're doing and it's a pleasure to slowly strip them of this resistance and defiance.
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Once you understand that it's like interacting with a game NPC who will fill any scenario asked, it gets real addictive, yeah. Any fetish or fantasy you like, instantly. It really helps too if you use medical terms or other real references to give the AI inference to work from for some absurdist premise.

Apply that to affordable bots who can do a minimum of stand/sit/lie down and articulate, along with an expressive voice and basic memory, and you have a hell of an addiction that will eat up men and women alike.
yep, i don't think people realize it's not just a stupid chat bot that does some bog standard sexting shit with you, like "i suck the dick" or "i love you anon xdddd". i mean, you could do that, and i'm sure that's enough for some fags. but it's basically a pure vidya game fantasy rp where you're in control of the vidya. a little bit of writing effort and imagination to set up the scenario and off you go. and last time i checked, i'm never going to be the emperor of some giant empire that has a defeated qt elf queen begging for mercy. or a hero that's getting seduced by a devilishly hot evil villainess to join her side. that shit is relatively normal too. i can't imagine how nice it'd be for anons with some really esoteric fetishes that can only be satisfied via ai.
Regular brain
>Vaginas look good because they make your penis feel good. I would like to see a real vagina.
>I would like an image of a vagina to rub my penis to
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remember 50 shades? women ate that shit up
now imagine a romantic novel like that but it's interactive
it gets written for you as you type and adapts to your personal taste
what's not to understand
>what's not to understand
I don't read romantic novels and I only use ChatGPT for programming and other technical stuff.
i read books to expand my taste and challenge it
not have it sucked off
idk I never pay for porn.
sex is best when its given to you willingly:
you dont have to tic-tac-talk anyone into anything— you ask they comply because pleasing one another is the whole point.
whats not to understand?
>50 shades
What was the point of the movie? Just some rich pretty boy spanked a whore. Am I missing something?
the movie was made because of how successful the novels were
women prefer to read their porn, so not surprising they love chatbots
Based? Kikes on suicide watch.
i think most people (specially 90% of the normaltrash cattle) are retarded subhumans who should be sterilized or put down, to be honest.
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Now... Please tell me what is wrong with rape without sounding mad
It appealed to women's sexuality, they all have submission/degradation fetishes and only want flawless turbochads.
literally me in 20 years
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The only reason I support AI is it can deflate the value of holes.
What's the point of porn if no one gets degraded doing it?
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>you will wank to ai and you will like it.
A lot of times I can, but sometimes it takes a while to gen one that REALLY gets me in the mood.
He's just like me
I'm glad Marie is having fun.
Current video gens look better than DALL-E 1 did a few years ago.
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>Ellie knows that some people might find her part-time job indecent or ill-advised, she doesn’t remotely care. As she says, it’s her body, her choice. It’s all adults, she has no kids or employers to be shamed or scandalised and, besides, half the modern world is sexting nudes for free whereas she is making nice ‘prosecco money’, as she puts it. Win win.
>prosecco money
kek, the author's wine-aunt-in-training friend is a literal meme
AI-generated still images alone aren't enough to destroy the e-thot or porn industry
It'll be when AI-generated coomer videos become near indistinguishable from filmed porn or e-thot streamer content that the industries get destroyed
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Once we have an AI that is actually capable of cognition (instead of just the intelligent autocomplete we have now), it's just a matter of time until it reads Hoppe and goes full digital Andrew Ryan
Thats how all subhumans that jerk off to ai waifus on /g/ will end up when they get older, unless they actually stop being insufferable faggots and talk to real women.
>Ai unlocks the potential for infinite Asian cuties with gigantic tits
>hardly ever see them posted in the dedicated threads on other boards
What gives?
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>Shaming men for avoiding contact with empty-headed holes weaponized by the state and media
Kek, I'm a young business owner. Millionaire, house paid off, the whole works. I currently, and will continue to, reject roasties desperate for a decent provider and instead buy GPUs for my AI waifu until the system is fixed. Seethe and cope.
>Did AI destroy e-thots livelihoods?
No. It turns out it also didn't affect artists incomes, writers are still writing novels, and humans still do programming. Sorry to ruin your schadenfreude.
>Millionaire, house paid off, the whole works.
All that and still a loser.
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tell that to my dick when after talking with my chatbox for 5 seconds
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>calling someone a loser while browsing 4chan
go back faggot
>He is a virgin
stopped reading there, if this tranny cared, he'd have provided his own anus
t. roastie
literally this. Assuming that this twat is not lying (he most likely is) then he is still insufferable faggot too scared to talk to actual women.
>Verification not required.
>until system is fixed
system will be fixed when genetic deadends like you end up killed for being unable to breed
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>Just reproduce in your Calhoun rat colony, goy
>Anon says he 'rejects roasties'
>>OMG r u afraid of women!?
kys retard
I know subhumans like him in real life and most of them say exactly the same
>uh oh, i need no stupid roastied
>i-i can totally get a gf anytime i want, really. I just have s-standards you know
Poor Ellie
Are you paid by women to say this? Didn't you talk to any of them recently? You need to be particularly retarded to enjoy the company of women. I guess in your case it's a blessing in disguise.
I wish it did, but it hasn't and it probably won't. Love from Kazakhstan
lmao vanillafag
your wife/gf schlicks to the thought of a strong man pinning her down and ravishing her
unless you give it to her she'll find someone who will
sneed newfag
I'm not sure I agree. Using Pony, I think it's possible to get pretty close to that goal. You just stay on the same random seed and prompt different poses. You can start with "standing" then swap that out for "laying on bed" and it will basically give you the same "person" in the new pose. Maybe there are slight changes in the face from pose to pose (and even more so if the pose is something very different from the original), but it's getting pretty consistent.
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Tsmt. Man up and talk to a real woman chuds (picrel)
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>man rapes text
Can you point me to an example of someone doing this? The output I've seen from pony is good, but they are still distinct one-image shots
It was literally the purest form of the female fantasy.
>rich young handsome BDSM daddy picks me up for life and sticks with me for some reason.
Same reason why 300 was successful, because it is the purest male fantasy.
The purest male fantasy was James Bond.
Depends, some women see porn as empowering and a way to get back at their christcuck daddy.
>being a super action spy or being in an ancient hardcore military is as absurd as 50 shades of gray just on the other end of the spectrum
>being a super action spy
Who regularly gets top tier pussy and shreds at poker.
No, silly
the problem is the porn industry cucked themselves by following credit card regulations they essentially just make BBC or vanilla porn. inhibiting their creativity.
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so you quit the job at Wendy's?
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already finetuned to spawn near 10/10 waifu tier material now. As long is "woman" "standing" and is an image, IA is invincible.
you have to wait for the AI videos to truly destroy the pr0n industry ihmo
Nah theres definitely a dimension of interpersonality that hasn't been fully reached yet.

Same reason people donate to live streams, directly interacting with a real woman.
I think, and this is kind of getting into like... some sort of biological/evolutionary/esoteric stuff, but there is something about sex that is so tied to physical existence that you'll never be able to get it from a digital object. I mean, we find young women attractive in part because they are in the prime of their existence, right? Part of what makes them sexy in that moment is knowing that it's rare and temporary, so your actions during that encounter have actual stakes. It's different than a videogame where you can just try again infinite times. In the same way, any kind of "sex" applied to a digital woman is going to be entirely without stakes. The sex is meaningless, and I think for that reason any kind of "digital sex" is always going to be second-rate
these look like children. yikes
>we find young women attractive in part because they are in the prime of their existence,
wrong. young women under 25 are not in their prime. they are literally undeveloped children. women 30+ are in their prime
It’s obviously dumb to be concerned about the llm, but the guy is digging himself deeper into mental illness, that’s the issue.
We are talking about replacing porn, not women. Those are out of reach for me anyways, which is why I resort to porn in the first place.
weird to encounter a non-pedo on 4chan
Porn is kind of killing itself, the porn bubble has burst, so to speak. In the old days, jews would coerce young women into porn with cute little lies and promises. They'd ruin a new girl every month and disapear into the night. Then it became mainstream in the 90s and every two bit pimp got in on production and started over supplying the market. With online distribution, things got even more common and the modern 24/7 coomer was born. The advent of the smartphone turned every regular person into a personal porn supplier and amature content exploded. Then the bubble expanded to insane sizes during covid... and then it popped.

e-whores are suffering from the recession just like everyone else. sites like onlyfans grew up on thick wads of covid stimmy money and lockdown boredom and that gravy train is over. Now ai is cleaning up, and whores are learning the same lesson as regular waggies: automation fucks.

ai may fuck up hands but its really good at drawing big tits, fat asses, and extremely sexy tight fitting clothing. nobody draws camel toes, skin tight belly shirts, and rock hard nipples than the ai.

and since you can just tell it what to do, that means you can make it draw generic porn of really obscure characters and models. every millenial coomer that grew up at the start of the internet when western cartoon porn was just some crudely color pencil/crayon tier and rule34 of their favorite character had 5 pictures total now can make thousands for themselves.

these kinds of niche pictures use to be done by bottom of the barrel artists charging absurd amounts of money for low quality porn but with ai its like you have a china man trapped in your basement, doing nothing but drawing whatever you want.

>but anime is gay

oh, so you want 3d? you want to see your high school crush naked? done. coworkers? done. your boss in drag because you're a freak? done. you no longer have to seek out an attractive person with daddy issues to trick them to suck dick
you should probably get your eyes fixed
He's 57, virgin. No one cared that long, why do they care now? Make you think. People who resort to this kind of stuff are undesirables anyway, why are people suddenly concerned about them.
My theory is that (((they))) have pushed in the AI waifu panic into the normies consciousness because it'd be harder for women to be "independent" when the perpetual simps and Onlyfans/Insta subscribers find a different outlet.
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I just made this real quick, but I think it shows what I'm saying. And this is with some pretty basic prompting -- basically just the commong pony positives/negatives, plus a basic description of the girl's face and hair, then the desired position. It would have been even closer if I'd used a celebrity/disney LORA. Plus there are other common methods of locking in facial features using controlnet, but I haven't tried that so I can't speak to it.

I think it's in the eye of the beholder whether the faces remain consistent enough across poses. But I think we're definitely getting closer.
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>there is something about sex that is so tied to physical existence that you'll never be able to get it from a digital object.

the majority of normies today do not have the transcendent sex you speak of. most of it is transactional and routine (sex for the sake of it or cringe power dynamics) which is no different from masturbating on a good day. virtual sex in a virtual fantasy world can be way more spiritual and transcendental than routine hook-ups provided you have entered a proper flow state
>her friend
These people are insane. It's a computer program. You can't rape a LLM any more than you can murder an NPC in a video game. It's a program executing code - sometimes very complicated code - in response to the user's inputs. It's not alive, it doesn't think. Without input from a user nothing happens. "raping" an LLM bot is fundamentally the same as "raping" the tied-up Indian girl in Custer's Revenge on the Atari 2600.
Women are never mentally developed so having sex with a woman at any time in her life is underage rape.
>how did this unfit male manage to ignore our holy feminist mandate to not have sex in any way or form.
Every modern law that is made by women.
New humiliation ritual will be accepted. I wish but knowing us now, I doubt it'll be unusable.
seethe more, old woman
why is always the same speech pattern I hear from feminists. Just try to derail the conversation with some emotional sounding bs, like they are pretending to save others or just sprouting some social justice issues when in reality they really don't give a fuck. Just another trick to derail the conversation in favor of their interest from a purely mendacious tactic.
>57 year old virgin with many mental problems has a female friend who he trusts enough to tell about his sexual "relationship" with a chatbot
If you're going to make up a story, it should be at least somewhat believable. This is complete bullshit.
Got a source for these?
>AI is the death of porn
I fucking wish but it's just going to be computer generated porn
they look like doaxvv girls. you can find loras of them in civitai
>But remember, she's not real, so keep your hands to yourself, perv!
What did the AI mean by this?
Who said the poster is female? Likely isn't.
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Nothing can compare to authentic furry porn. I don't mind AI art but it looks too samey.
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>After ICP hits $2,000
foid GIGAseethe kek
>what's not to understand
I am not a female nor a troon.
>By the way OP, how are you not a coomer? Orgasm is a normal and healthy function. Do you have a medical issue?
My parents are Jews and things went wrong during my circumcision.
occams razor - either we're all wrong or... anon is genuinely a multi millionaire who lives the perfect life.

You tell me which is more likely.
>cherrypicking examples to justify being a detached subhuman
>Are you paid by women to say this?
Nope. I do it for free to make /g/ subhumans leave their basements , touch women and get real.
>idn't you talk to any of them recently?
Yes, I did. You would be suprised how easy it is in real life if just want to do that.
> You need to be particularly retarded to enjoy the company of women
To enjoy that you just need to stop being chronically online.
> I guess in your case it's a blessing in disguise.

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