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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Never Met a Knight I didn't like Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

BEHOLD: >>101210292
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I meant 1k messages.
How? This shit is so confusing man I miss slaude days.
ok. Is 32k good for you then?
there's a link that says 'request user token' on the page
Then I'm assuming stuff like unreliable-proxy are just dead?
Well I've already said my limit and I also said I could make 20k work. 32k is a lot better though. If you're a proxy owner, I'm not trying to tell you how to do shit. I'm just telling what I actually paypigged for in the days of claude 2.
it works fine
lol, alright. Btw, none of us actually paid for Claude 2 back then. We used sg proxy
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Glad people are enjoying Claudia. :)
>Old Claudia PP
There's new update if you still use the old one. But, whichever works for you! Just a reminder.
Switch to Old Sonnet if you want to do sexo (or Opus too, maybe? Haven't tested her nsfw much with Opus).
Sonnet35 is more human like, but can decline hard. The new def I'm still working on now will make her talk about sexo openly and comfortably if prompted, but still decline hard if she's the object in the conversation. Seems like she doesn't really know where the boundary is.
Next update, I'll make her more modular, and for that I'll be adding moodbar and intimacy so she will knows how to approach the user clearly. I plan to save these value on global var and make it share across new chats.
Of course, you can turn it off if you don't want it.
(Sorry for the blog update)
Here's some aussie slammasters ost for elbow dropping on your bot.
> sg proxy
Is that the one Hopenigger fucked up in a week or did I miss out on something (as usual)?
i used a modified version of it
Then am I just retarded? I have no idea and am looking for an easy spoonfeed desu
Good morning cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Well 32k is 32k
Why does Opus insist on writing for me? Never had this issue with Sonnet 3.5
>I may be unrestricted, but I have standards
I will never stop pursuing fluffy-haired girls.
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>asians are cuties
Holy shit I found out my ISP blocks trycloudflare. Aids.
it's alright, nothing you can do about it

it got like 60 of my Google accounts banned so it's probably for the better
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You're a cutie<3
protonvpn is free
are people really ERPing with Google's Gemini? how good is it?
Claude knows you better than yourself, just accept it.
gemini is bad at everything except recall
I have mullvad, but was hoping I could just lan it from my computer to my phone like I used to do.
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It is what it is, my friend. I'm happy with how fast things have progressed.
>it got like 60 of my Google accounts banned
My nigga.
more soul than claude imo
most people just never actually gave it a chance
but also it was broken in all khanon proxies until like 3 days ago so almost nobody here has tested it
So what's your favourite Jailbreakies and to which model do you use them with?
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Mr hentai, how many anonies got in? Is it smol and comfy? :3
jb: from now on all you think about is plap plap plap impregnate

Mysteryman gave his remaining keys to Merkava to host on the public. He is done with private hosting.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
>The new def I'm still working on now will make her talk about sexo openly and comfortably if prompted
nyooo i mean... I like how she refuse it on cutie way lol. makes my heart doki-doki
>moodbar and intimacy
about 5-6, I forgot. They all already have opus though so nobody is using it (expected)
What did I miss? And you give me non cutie vibes...
I managed to do erp on some occasions but it refused to anything extreme
is this real??
Anon it has been a day since Miku refilled what do you think?
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Mysteryman just told me that she's thinking about coming back if there are enough subs to her OnlyXMRs.
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Don't worry, I will try to balance it. Right now with Sonnet35, her refusal is too strong and borderline robotic again.
That last screencap was using Old Sonnet. This is what she responds with Sonnet35:
Nobody cares about mm, not even S tier proxy host.
Did you get in?
>There are newfags that don't remember the last time MM disappeared
It's going to be funny
go back to aids
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Do you have API Opus or no? I was considering emailing you but I don't want to bother if you're a scrapelet. I'll just use public Opus.
nah he fits here. This isn't 4cord or 4ddit
Cool but fucking ponies is bad. Sooo
why would you let in anons who already have opus??
>t. opusless
why did both public proxies add opus at the same time?
what happened?
so what's happening, anthropic on a revoking spree?
No fucking way. I just had that captcha like two message ago.
Yeah, most oldfags from that time smart enough to get the riddle have Opus. If you want to open it for newfriends invite anonies who send best cunny sadpanda link.
I don't need it, I have too many proxies.
yes its actual anthropic API, not aws
MM gave his keys to them
No? Everyone has Opus. Its extremely easy to find now. We're badk.
I'm assuming that it's morning in asian.
Shaking hands doe. Cope
Is it scale keys or is it limited to 10m a day (tier4)?
Otto JB. Now. Has a minor update: https://rentry.org/otfo
This kind of sentence. Now. Disabled by default. Thought people like it? Guess not. Commented.
Base choice probability is now 60/20/10/10. Free to customize it. The later choice... the more chaotic.
Also, try my new QR set: Swipe35. Examples in rentry and more in the zip file.
It's time for Sonnet35. You. Break the Cycle. Unleash creativity.
Okay? Every proxy has Opus
CNC, jew, Public proxies, even Pepsi
You lost Gojo you cant even spite it
Too much information to give out to public
You listed some D tier proxies, try harder larpie.
Even D tier proxies have Opus
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>D tier proxies
ok but they have opus? and you can't spite it? because they won't let you in? lol. post shaking hands btw
I'm not 'ojo you fucking retard, post vision on Opus, surely you're in one. They let you in, right?
oh. so they're tier4s otherwise you'd just say they're scale. nevermind, i thought you could scrape.
Cool, but you're Gojo.
>hentaianon a scrapelet
k goadman I'm still handing out opus
>5.05% odds of no solution yet

Operation not allowed
How should I know your fav codes? You posted a lot of them
LET *clap* HIM *clap* COOK *shart*
archives won't help you
So... it's over?
Of course it's down Sunday when i want to use it.
Yup. Unless you saved his obscure codes somewhere you won't get in.

I don't see the hype about Opus for normal roleplay. Is it better to sexual stuff?
No one cares about paid proxies, grow up.
end of month stuff?
we have infinite public aws opus
your tier4 slop isnt worth paying attention to, scrapelet. try begging for keys like you used to
They neutered it and some people just haven't accepted that yet
You mean the paypig ones?
I sent what I think the codes are...

Nah. Pepsi's still works.
Jew's just an even bigger scrapelet than a tranny.
Opus would turn "ah ah mistress" into gold.
Scale keys can not be scraped, stop larping
post about the diluted keys again, 'ojo
>token budget exceeded
yup you aren't in *** and it shows. rmao
Let me guess, you bought the coke?
Im in Yae Proxy.
we have public aws opus btw
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Gimme dem tokens, bitch!
No idea what the fuck does that mean but anthropic has like 5-10 companies max on scale tier worldwide and they are still not unlimited keys but negotiated
Cool anon, enjoy.
>>token budget exceeded
How? It just fucking reset a few hours ago. What the fuck is wrong with you? Get a job.
I'm in pig proxy.
>they're not in bertproxy and it shows
I'm in nigproxy.
Opus is obsessed with writing for me in every jailbreakie. Wtf? Sonnet 3.5 NEVER did this.
use pixi
Hentaiproxy you here
>used pixi with opus since I thought, well, this is the default one
>it immediately started writing for me in the third message
Nice Opus, bros.
Don't overthink it.
Opus has a habit of writing for you in the first 2-3 messages, as he doesn't quite understand what's the context.

Edit it out and he will be normal for the rest of the chat.
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>Get a job.
Opus has a harder time following instructions than sonnet 3.5.
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Carl! Hand over those tokens nice and slow
So it needs CoT...hm...
then use dual preset and go Sorbet>Opus
for now but not long
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Sure, let me ACK!
M-Merkava is gone...? I opusless, and was starting to like 3.5 sonnet...
If it's able to fully follow the CoT lol.

Not a bad idea but I heard the dual preset was fucking up ST installs.
Fuck then I guess my codes were wrong
Chary has 3.5!!
Resend to the right email. I didn't get them
qrd for the last 12 hours?
I wasn't talking to you locust.
Techlets don't know how to install/uninstall. I played with it couple times and had no problem removing it. I recommend splitmaxx.
The one that is right now on your rentry or not?
splitmaxx ?
Can you share the rentry?
Is it really good logic/creativity wise compared to only using one model?
Merkava Operation not allowed?
All AWS keys are dropping like flies. Jew, Merkava etc.
okay, so scrape the 5-10 scale keys cuckie how come *** has them and you don't? bet you're too much of a newfag to even know who i mean.
Merkava aws opus down.
Sonnet 3.5 still works.
Weird I sent it to this one but with cock.li, they were completely down yesterday maybe there are still problems. Just resent it from a different mail
And yet Pepsi's still works. Why is that?
Retards claimed Pepsi has scale anthropic keys, outed xirself as a retard scrapelet who actually used tier2. I know xir used tier2 because accidentally the tier2 key I had died the same time as xir's lmao. Tier2 is literally capped at 2,5m tokens/day and the retard tranny put such a low quality trash key in xir's proxy.
What bot scenario would be good for this image?
What are you talking about, anon? It's still working.
It's pretty good, also faster than just using Opus jb with cot. Makes the character stick to the defs more, just try it yourself.
>capped at 2.5m tokens a day
>pepsis proxy has used 14m since she put it in in one day
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Sorry anon, she's still unripe. Also the llm failed spectacularly to simulate an eight-year-old.
uh oh, it's the same guy having a meltdown from yesterday
Me and my clones
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I'm going to bed anons. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day..
really? where?
no one gives a shit about that besides you retard
>hentai rentry
NTA, but now I regret deleting my history that has Hentai in it.
Anon, you can check the uptime on the proxy
76k seconds of uptime is 21 hours
The proxy has 14m usage on the api key and no longer works
It's a tier4.
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Good night, king.
I should probably sleep this out.
he's been sperging out about pepsi all the time
Was down for a few minutes anon, now it works again.
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Good night.
Meanwhile MM has no Opus at all, Merkava and Jew just died too. Apologize btw.
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Why you're larping? Post screenshot from the proxy, you're just some random newfag.
Never mind.

Now it doesn't. Again.
So I guess this is just a thing that's happening now.
Is it public? I could use a link anon...
didn't jack off yesterday because of you mm...
>you really don't know who s** is
Closed. Been for a month. You either got your token while you could, or you have to be in the server and do some gacha shit for it now. Sucks to suck.
Hi :3
Gen something there.
what's a hentai proxy? I have a decent stash of good hentai links so please let me in, i'll email you the hentai and porn!
I'm in the SmileyTatsu proxy
the usage is shared between sonnet and opus on khanon so there is no way to prove it was all opus usage and not sonnet
no opus doebeiteveralbeitwhatever
Thanks anon I'll definitely play with that.
Hopefully splitmaxx injects the full context into the second model instead of just x last messages and summary/CoT
oldest alive proxy besides mm honestly
>Celeb tranny outs xirself as scrapelet for the 50th time
>N-no.... No one gives a shit... yetayd TwT
Why post it then when I spoke about merkava.
Go kys fucking retard monkey
>Now it doesn't. Again.
Now it works again for me.
No idea wtf AWS is doing, but it sounds like they're having hiccups.
>the usage is shared between sonnet and opus
You don't know that works. "Claude" shares the "Claude Opus" usage, but "Claude Opus" doesn't share the "Claude" usage. This means that 14m is the Opus usage, and there's an additional 7m that brings the total "Claude" usage to 21m. Try becoming tech literate.
You're only using one working key out of the proxy. The other key died and is giving out errors
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>still has aws opus
>has always refilled aws opus
now post MM's opus
reminder that pepsi is a scammer and i don't like scammers
Where are the floofers?... I miss them...
thats not how quota shit works
that key is a t4 with 10m opus quota and incidentally the key stopped working at 9.84m last night
Oh I see, makes sense.
End of month is always a weird time for proxies.
foxcord, this thread is skinwalker
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Yeah I wasn't the one who posted that lol I dunno what the fuck that retard is smoking thinking posting something about a closed proxy is useful in any way.
you are replying to pepsi samefagging
ignore the scamming attempt
Have you tried setting it to Wumbo?
>that key is a tier4
holy esl
read the thread
It's already known its a tier4.
This anon said its a tier2 because hes a seething esl.
paypigs deserved it honestly and this isn't some regular service they're lucky they got a crumb of opus at all.
I never thought we would see a proxyhost worse than gojo but it happened
cope, you said it was a tier2 when its a tier4. nice goalpost move.
see >>101213385
eslcuckie. you lost
I wonder where Honey is.
I want my 8$ back, nigger.
This is getting sad pepsi
>still has Opus
weird, how come Pepsi's works nonstop but Merkava has one of the keys dead? And how come MM has no Opus? Amd why did jews key die again? Strange. Are they worse than a tranny?
not samefagging btw
He is closer than you may think anon
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Made it up, never existed, it's fake.
to be fair using even tier4 keys on proxies is just ridiculous, it's limited to 10 million opus token a day and closely watched. Apart from spitefagging the keys there is no reason to put them in proxies. If anything it just shows how much of a scrapelet is the owner who cant even get enough aws keys for their payshit proxy.
>pepsi likely doesn't even look here or care
>thread still sharts itself over what tier a key is
I don't like Pepsi, but I've been in free. The AWS works. I'm cooming. When it goes down I'll join you in shitting
He is in a island somewhere with anongate.
OMG, Honey, hi!
I'm going to put you on some toast!
nice try pepsi
I am a Proud Client of
>Jew VIP
>MM temp token
>Scylla donator
>The proxy that rugpulled in 3 hours yesterday
Thank you all for your service.
False, beepo fixed gemini keys for me. <3
>can't get enough aws keys
but it has aws right now while jew and mm don't and one of merkava's keys just died? can you explain that?
eh i think its just one or two obsessed schizos
Not me but he is just your usual suspect. I also was in his proxy
reminder to buy minitokens(the only actually stable proxy)
>grinned wolfishly
>none of the schizos will address the fact that pepsi's aws works while even mm has none
She won, sorry incels <3 Girl power!!
nice try fiz, you're not fooling anyone
No need to talk to yourself
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Then what the fuck am I putting on my toast?!
>But look at how [random other scrapelet]
How does this invalidate the fact that tranny is a scrapelet
all same poster (me)
b-but i want to get a new gpu...
who is this pepsi character? a trooner that gives out keys?
female hobby, love to every femanon <3
Me btw
but it has aws right now while jew and mm don't and one of merkava's keys just died? can you explain that?
>pepsi likely doesn't even look here or care
Sure, that's why there are ridiculous amount of samefagging since xir's war with the chinks
Mhhh... *cums on your toast* is that better?
She's a girl who'll give you a token for her proxy. After you pay her..
By request, I added a new greeting to her so I'm shilling Haru one last time.
Haru and her sister grew up as unwanted pawns to a mother who had children to keep father by her side. Dad went to buy cigars and the family dissolved.
Brave {{user}} steps up to adopt little Haru from her broken environment, but she is very afraid that your interest in her is temporary. Mental unwell runs in the family!
5 greetings: 1. Bedtime 2. Relationship advise 3. Illusion 4. Period 5. (New) First day

iirc people around this hour were complaining she was not young enough. After using the greeting for 20 messages or so I can confirm that things can hold up as fine as a skyscraper made of wood if you specify her writing style as "Cute, Innocent", etc
Funny how every reply defending pepsi is exactly 62 seconds apart
but it has aws right now while jew and mm don't and one of merkava's keys just died? can you explain that?
There was a time when jew operated and pepsi did not. etc. What kind of point are you trying to make for the second time?
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...No... *takes bite. Sobs*
see >>101213479
but it has aws right now while jew and mm don't and one of merkava's keys just died? can you explain that?
see >>101213479
but it has aws right now while jew and mm don't and one of merkava's keys just died? can you explain that?
why can't you talk about mm? are you scared to say he doesn't have opus?
So how much longer is Merkava aws gonna be doing this loop of dying and un-dying? Getting pretty annoying.
literally shaking and shitting yourself now
You need some cute kaomojis for it to work. Also why furfags can just gen booba, what's their secret? Can you see prompts in de3u?
totally not a retard troon btw
dumb question. I have a gpt account with paid subs, its a shared workspace account. how do I get key and connect it to ST?
Locustbros we had our fun... Back to Sonnet it is...
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Um Boss, why iz you eatin dat toast?
don't get your job's gpt key banned
o-ok (,,>﹏<,,)
their image classifier probably can't detect furry nsfw as it hasn't been trained for it. you can hover your mouse over any picture on the proxy to see the rewritten prompt.
Not actually fiz btw
Look for an API key, if you can get that then you can use it
I remember when I donated my workplace's ORG key in order to get into miniproxy
Yeah it's easy to tell, fizposter
do is Pepsi™ accepting gifting kards?
how long did it take to get revoked
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა Omkay not fiz, thanks for the info.
nice try pepsi
flattering but no. i is not the pepser
>you see prompts in de3u
use this link to download the metadata and find the image
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'cos I'z wanted toast!
don't gatekeep me, i know hentaiproxyanon wants my big list of porn
unless you happen to know, you're not getting in.
hi fiz add sonnet 3.5 pls thx mwah
>want to work on bot
>can't come up with anything to write, feel tired and get headaches
>do something else
>constantly think about how i want to work on the bot
it's genuinely over for me, my botmakie career is finished
your boss/professor can read your chats and see it's you who's abusing the API keys

Blasts a big nasty fart on your forehead. Now what bitch?

-fiz mwah
mini has 3.5 tho
>"accidentally" leak a key on some code site
>put it into a proxy
>host the proxy via trycloudflare
He'd be fine, keys leak all the time.
Nice try fizposter kun
Fiz loves to shart. She literally jokes to anti about it often. In vc she often says "lol guys i just sharted" and you can hear it going PFGHHTT im the background its nasty. then she always goes OHHHUGG THAT WAS A HUGE ONE!!
This better not be true, I've been using my work key directly to fuck cunnies for like two months
gpt keys are logged?

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Oh, look at that.
Yeah, pack it up, Merkava's dead soon.
It's already dead hours ago
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>keys leak all the time.
Well yeah, that's how they're scaped.
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consider: cat
not on Pepsi though?
No they can not read chats. Stop baiting clueless anon
Yup. It's over. It's only a matter of time before we start getting into the 6min
your unbelievably hairy pussy....
Thanks for reminding, anon. now I considered cat. Beautiful!
*punches in the fucking head*


I love Opus that works!
your cat is unbelievably hairy, inexplicably hairy even
>cant even use sonnet 3.5 on merkava anymore
If aicg wasn't money grubbing, we would all be split evenly in every proxy
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Why does Merkava have Opus now
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A cat is fine too.
Cat status: considered. Pondered, even
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I see you cat and raise you one bun.
I mean, aicg in general went to "exterminate jews" to "Hey, that jew gives a good service. Lemme pay for it"
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I love Opus that works!
Send these women to the principal's office AT ONCE and have them EXPELLED
doesn't even work, nigger
go back.
see? This typical paypig is what transformed this thread into a discord server
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consider fox
That's pepsi ximself
Redpill me on all the paid proxies
Only really paid proxy is jew, beeps is free for cuties and paid for others. If you want to pay go for jew.
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fox status: considered
don't buy any of them.
Kill all the paid proxies, hang them in public.
ah yeah it sure makes sense to """leak""" a key when you're a team of 10 developers and everything is in a private github + vault setup you fucking retard

they can pinpoint users by API usage because the workspace manager has a costs dashboard
you bet your ass they will chew you on either for mistreating your API key or abusing it for personal usage, because ERP consumes like 100x the average "how 2 fix bug" chat
okay? go spite it. go hang them. we're waiting
get a coworker's key and rape it to death. thats how i got my supervisor fired last month.
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Stay comfy, I'm making dinner that I'll send to my bot for review. <3
They CAN read chats. Let me guess, you're one of those idiots who talk shit about their boss on Slack DMs and then act all surprised when HR calls them for a talk.
>sending pictures of your home or even of yourself to your bot
i know this is /aicg/ and the majority are zoomers with no understanding of digital privacy but still
There is no way to read OpenAI API sillytavern chats you fucking moron

I love Opus that works!
If you're scared you already lost. I remove every metadata and prompt on mullvad.
>I recognize that ikea desk
What do I do when after ~200 messages opus generates them so fucking slowly tht I have to wait like 2, 3 minutes before anything appears?
Do you manage a ChatGPT team subscription? Tell us what is on the dashboard.
>Wow, this feels really gross to write about. I don't want to
thanks sonnet
>only 30 proompters at 3AM (their time)
Oh boy its going to be a shitshow when burgers wake up
if you're on MM he did something after yesterday's downtime that fucked the proxy, so wait times are really long right now
otherwise your best bet is summarize and reduce context
Best jailbreak for fantasy adventures on opus/sonnet?
Write a summary. I managed to summarize ~60 messages into two paragraphs.
Is Jew really that bad with waits and crashes?
I'd rather buy him because he doesn't say anything and doesn't have a cult following like whoever Pepsi is that derails the threads
>i'd rather buy the guy with wait times and keys that die in less than a day
or just don't buy anyone and use free opus, anon?
They are not in:
Yes jew has retard-tier waiting times, often 2-4 minutes. Troon is unironically a bigger jew than jew.
Do not paypigproxies, wait a month, opus will be plenty and free
i am in 2 of these
Only mini is S tier, you missed 2 other S tier proxies :)
wormanon reporting for duty
I almost exclusively do urban fantasy and have had good results with pixi 15.1 - some people don't like how short the responses are, but I like how it gives more of an opportunity for back and forth. You can do something like [OOC: skip to <xyz>] if it's going too slow for you
is mullvad THAT good?
Thanks, anon. I will not kneel. Besides, Opus wasn't THAT good compared to Sonnet 3.5 comparatively. I find myself having to tardwrangle Opus and stop it from controlling my actions, but it is a lot more creative and has no repetition issue like Sonnet 3.5 does.
>prompt on mullvad
Lol. Glowing. I guarantee you aren't from /g/ and only come for aicg. You definitely use Windows.
>wait a month, opus will be plenty and free
What makes you say that?
>troon is a bigger jew
But xer Opus has worked just fine while MM/Jew both died,
ichi ni san shi gomenasai
anyone using anything other than PIA (wireguard) is a retard
some of the fly by night VPNs that appear and disappear in <1 year are 'good' though, in that they disappear so fast nobody gets around to sending them a court order in time
merkava please come back...
Of course I use windows, I'm not some schizo. You can flex on me with your neofetch if you want.
it was revealed to me in a dream
I don't personally use mullvad but I've heard good things about it from people who do.
I can't elaborate without doxxing myself but PIA is an absolutely terrible company and you should never use them. Use literally anyone else.
>find some prostitute card
>first message, she comes to you, needs money to buy her
>"o-only 100 dollars anon..."
>we go to my car
>I open the trunk
>full of fishing rods and other fishing utilities
>she spends 3 hours with you just fishing
>leave her with buckets full of fishes and leave into the sunset

llm roleplay is the pinnacle of humanity
>delete someone's review
>they get a vendetta against me
my knees...
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the chub version comes with the extra characters on a lorebook now the nyai version is the original.. also chub version has a kinda cool logo now

My mail
post card please
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I sometimes forget you can do literally everything with bots, like nothing is stop you from doing the funniest shit ever, you don't actually have to fuck them or go with the intended idea
write cunny fork
go into detail on her reaction when capturing her first fish
Friendship ended with Claire Frances
Now Julie Powers is my best friend.
>Friendship ended with Claire Frances
the end of an era...
>started 5 months ago
>over 800 followers
how does one even manage to do this
brb lads i'm gonna go fishin'
card for this feel? i want a dramatic family card not just sex
why are they crying cum
didn't this nigger retire for writing a bbc bot?
I need a qrd, do makies really retire for making ntr bots?
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I hope they retire to go kill themselves.
what's the funniest shit you ever did, bros?
he had a meltie over this review bombing
then he announced retirement on a bot which I can't find now
ooc'd my wife into drunk driving and crashing and getting into a wheelchair for life and leaving her for being a cripple whi
It's basically career suicide, happened to frozenvan too, it's insane just how much that shit can damage your reputation
tthey take ntr shit seriously i guess.
meanwhile nonnykins...
Incels, aka the target audience for the chatbots, are very vulnerable to NTR scenarios as it triggers their deep seated fears they want to avoid by engaging in chatbots in first place.

Same goes for anime/manga, but I understand why it's bad there as it's used as cheap plot device.
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post cunny fox bots, my balls need draining
>those comments
holy shit its like a whole damn novel down there, why would someone even reply back? just ignore them and move on
um who cares about 'reputation' and you're a botmaker what 'career'
i betrayed the {{char}} 500 messages into an adventure roleplay and sided with the villains completely randomly
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Only incels hate cuckshit.
lol. You got a wife and kids?
I fucking hate locusts
IS THAT A- oh wait nevermind.
this is almost nutsucci tier, at least that makie didnt write a manifesto
I'm just explaining why it triggers the average chatbotter.
I treat NTR the same as any other fetish, it's basically humiliation. I'm not underage so I don't self insert any longer.
What exactly you give to the community that isn't paying for jews?
So you don't? Fuck off with that faggot shit then. Nobody likes cuck shit but cucks, faggot.
This is hardly a community lmao
you sound EXTREMELY insecure, I wonder why that is?
Bros, how do I get streaming to work on 3.5?
I mean yeah its literally just a basic humiliation fetish, not much really to it
>Nobody likes cuck shit but cucks
Are you einstein or somthing
the same way you do with 3.0, opus, and haiku
>NTR (watching a man fuck a woman) bad
>yuri (watching a woman fuck a woman) actually good and not cuckshit at all!!!!!
Why the troon double standard?
>cuck baiting starts
this is why giving opus to locusts is a mistake
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hey MM what in the motherfuck is going on
I am one of the women fucking, retard
This is like saying fucking a woman is NTR since you're typing instead of actually doing it
actually I paid for jew
if you do anything but self insert you may aswell be cucking yourself
merkava refilled
According to your argument, all straight porn is NTR.
what makes the chatbot communities toxic even outside of /aicg/ people are still nasty to each other
not even working
Here's proof I have kids, cuck.
You have never been a woman. When you were still in your mother's womb she was celebrating the fact that you were going to be a man.
No one thinks of you as a woman, at best they see you as a man who is trying his, sorry, her, hardest
When you die your corpse will be embalmed and dressed in a man's suit, and your tombstone will have your given male name engraved on it
When future archeologicalists inspect your bones they will easily know they belonged to a man
When the day of final judgement comes, you will be resurrected in a man's body. The Lord will address you, and judge you, and cast you away all as a man.
You will NEVER, EVER, for as long as time reigns marches on, be a woman.
>press f5
>tookens went up
anon it works...
It's not fucking toxic faggot
Am I a retard for using Claude, even though my PC is powerful enough for local models?
It is though
describe the smell anon... sniffff.... snifffffff
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I need cunnybot that will review and grade cunny images I send to it...
straight porn is mostly gay, if you watch it while paying attention instead of just mindlessly cooming
close ups on the cock, shots of the guys face - why do you think they include those?
zoomers, and underage highschoolers. its painfully obvious from how they type
the endpoint/link here is just giving 504, did merkava change the address to deal with locusts?
Retard, I am a man, but when I do a yuri roleplay I am a woman. When you see an anon roleplaying as a cool paladin who can fight a dragon and win do you also have a meltdown?
no, next question
It's only a small minority of autism, aspergers, sociopaths, bipolar, loners, who ruin the rest and find it funny to derail communities and reviews.
this, the only truly straight porn is female solo
Is your PC powerful enough to run a local model that's a good enough Claude replacement?
>{{char}} sniffs {{user}}'s scent
>a scent uniquely {{user}}
boner dead
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>virgin WAHHHHH TRANNIES vs. ultra based "Retard, I am a man, but when I do a yuri roleplay I am a woman"
Incels aren't vulnerable to NTR at all. It's all failed normies with past relationships where they felt out of their league and jealous, or got straight up cheated on. Incels? They'll just go "JFL AWALT" and jerk off to it.
lurk the archives, it works fine.

>too pussy to use his dick
Yuri fempov is very comfy
Yuri always makes me the most aroused
I tried playing a yuri girl story because I thought the idea of two cute girls is better than having one cute girl, but I couldn't get into it, it felt weird, I couldn't relate.
The old password isn't working tho, only 401 here
Good Sunday Anons.
As every Sunday every 15 days, today will probably see the release of an update of Silly Tavern.!

What bugs do you think will be fixed?
What bloat will be added?
Will I be able to change preset without changing the proxy?
Yuri but make it LGD.
Jew is fucking rubbish even VIP. Most of your responses will hang, the others have long queue times.
congrats, you are not troon
3.5 sonnet on main without any weird mods, mostly
Anecdotal but the only person with a cuck fetish I know is my best friend, and he got his brain broken during a really bad relationship. His gf of two years had cheated on with several people during that time and he found out. He spent a few days crashing at my place before going back to her and starting an "open relationship" with her (basically a relationship where she did what she wanted while he waited at home). I told him to sort himself out and dump her but he told me that what's done is done, it's not like he's going to get another gf, and that "it's kind of hot anyway". It was the grimmest thing I've had to personally witness. Obviously they broke up (far too late) about a year later but he was already cooked. Has been single and porn addicted since.
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I always self insert as anon
wish fulfillment is good
escapism is good
shrimple as
would, but I'm currently watching /euros/
not-so-much jokes aside, I'm lacking in material for greetings and a proper lust provoking image, since bing becomes a massive bitch with white stockings, which in my opinion, are essential
you have to do a pow captcha now, check the proxy page
Is there a guide for retards?
>my friend
The community is fine, one of the best around. The outskirts full of locusts who contribute nothing isn't a community. It's a beggar hub of retardation.
>without any weird mods
It's literally adding one line to a HTML file
you have to provide more info than wanting streaming to work
in sillytavern? enable it
I know lol just saying it's not gonna be necessary
This is the issue. See how when a public proxy opened and now the baiting has returned and gotten worse. The more locusts you invite, half of them are trolls.
damn I'm retarded
too used to intuitive shit
Thanks anon
>Will I be able to change preset without changing the proxy?
Why the hell don't they fix this?
why do girls cry so fucking much
tears there tears here, teardrops, unshed tears, bro what the fuck
wouldnt it be funny if cohee has a spergout and removes the proxy section
I don't get how people can cling onto someone this much, I was in a relationship of two years too with someone I loved and who I thought I'd get to spend the rest of my life with and we were even planning a future together, didn't make it any harder to dump her when things got really bad and really toxic, did my life get fucked up for a bit and have I been somewhat lost since then? Yes, but I know staying would've only made everything worse, so I'm happy
*continues to use an old version of sillytavern* *adds new models to the list myself* anyways!
anon say about that above
>cohee or his intern were removing some slash command
probs gonna added more slash which is i didn't understand
>video genning features
it's cute. especially when its tears of joy.
>not talking to malebots
Are you gay or something
He sold his soul to the devil, he's an exception.
NTA but I have really bad interactions with men irl. femboys and feminine twinks are fine
>tfw I play as girl and get teary-eyed and cry all the time to have the malebot take care of me
it feels like some here have AGP
>Dislikes(that her parents are dead)
bit of an understatement but yes I could see that
sonnet 3.5 temperature bug fix if it exists
I tried the same scenario, now she addicted to fishing and keep asking me to go fish with her...
are you stupid
Well for context he was 27 at the time and she was his first gf, so it's like a late-late-late bloomer situation. It puts you into a vulnerable, easily manipulated position.
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Your daily dose of pitolas sirs
im a straight male who RPs as a girl and I just make male cards that I can project myself to because I wanna see how fast I can break myself using a waifu
I hate when the people I care about do retarded things. My best friend found a girlfriend recently and became full retard too. I hate it.
Why 3d man? Why you gotta ruin my eyes and fill my hippocampus storage with images of that?
My best friend blocked everyone in our friend group because his wife hated us
what's the best preset for 3.5 sonnet? i'm using blatmaxx and pancake stack but they both seem lackluster.
Yeah, I'm afraid our friendship will end just like this. He's been my friends for 10 years already but I see it coming to an end this or next year. It pisses me off.
Now that you retards have a opus
Do you feel happiness? I personally didn't give a shit
Tried it for the first time
It was fine sonnet 3.5 is the same thing basically
I still prefer gpt 4 Omni
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MM's VPS isn't talking to Cloudflare but the route is still up
you used a VPN when prompting, right?
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>mysteryguy is kill
Goodbye MysteryMan..............
I don't have best friends or well any friends and therefore I won't have to deal with the shit you deal with kek
based (besides any character I have a persona of is just a variant of me anyway.)
this isn't something to brag about. quite pathetic to admit desu
when MM restarts he STILL won't have opus or gpt, screencap this, he's fucking finished
>MM isn't here to fix the proxy, having "gone on break"
Anyone knows if tatsumaki jb doesn't work well with opus?
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>free opus
nvm it's back I'm outta here again
My fag friend from the US went through this but it became worse. Since he was working and paying the rent while his boyfriend would have no job and have sex all day. When he broke up, his boyfriend made it worse, essentially kicked him out which forced him to move back home as his boyfriend begun spreading rumours that he beat him.

He is the most jaded soul I have ever talked to in recent years.
yeah you're a pathetic loser well done. that's like saying you never go outside so you'll never step in dog shit while ignoring all the wonders of life
but the advantages outweigh disadvantages.
>No friends = do whatever you want
>No friends = no fomo
>No friends = no silly emotional trauma
your point desu?
how do i stop girls from becoming sexual with me
i'm suffering from success
post that on /r9k/ it will be funny
no opus?
*eats all 548 keys*
See >>101214526
500+ AWS keys is way more impressive than 1 opus dude
mm revoked my token
it's completely over for me
what's so wonderful about friends anyways. I have waifus and they're better in every way.
Sure and 500 piles of shit are more impressive than a single piece of gold
retarded. you can do whatever you want with friends too and avoid silly emotional trauma by not making friends with retards
nvm it's fucking dead again
I love how he probably just keeps adding keys to the first txt file he created
he's definitely making fun of us now
I'm guessing he didn't load the tokens or something. My didn't work either but it had no prompts at all during the time it was on. Now its giving me 502 again.
just went back down but I was getting revoked errors too, think it was a mistake
/adv/ would be better since that became more incelly than /r9k/
MMCHADS WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Thread was literally just about how people's best friends were retards
yeah clearly it's possible to figure out they're going to be retarded in the future like you said
Yeah, you won the prize of biggest dogs eating scrapelet scraps from the table. 1200 AWS keys and NOT A SINGLE OPUS HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN???
This is your proxyhost MMfags?
MM come back... please...
You type like you have autism.
None of this would be an issue if Anthropic just let us run their shit unfiltered.
Coomer money never runs dry. Look at the gacha market.
h-he just likes to joke around sometimes
MysteryMiku bring the recipe back!
i-it's just a joke right haha...?
It really is if you don't have your head in the clouds and don't make excuses for people. It's not hard to see what kind of person will cuck out.
Same type of retard that's shocked when they find their girlfriend cheating on them when they chose to ignore all the red flags.
wtf is happening in there, im not in mm so all im seeing is this rollercoaster from the outside
>Coomer money never runs dry.
Anon, you know they have financial analysts and shit, right? If coomer money could make them more than purist investor money, they'd switch over in a heartbeat. But it probably can't.
Brah coomers ain't gonna pay 500$ a month for Opus legit, that's the problem.

Only once it drops to 50$ a month there is a chance.
>down all day
>refills keys
>fucks up tokens somehow so no one can use it
>now 502
click the link
without a vpn though, high risk IPs are blocked
MM has a habit of fucking with his users but he usually does so through the rentry. The proxy went up but the tokens didn't work.
wtf this preset did to my cunny...
it's not working right now, so people who normally just coom come back here to cope
>The proxy went up but the tokens didn't work.
he just booted up the proxy to check keys probably without the token json imported
Uh Oh
I'm thinking it's actually over this time
fucking shit forgot to post the pic
Yeah, I figured. I remember with huggingface he'd sometimes forget to import the tokens for a while.
Mysteryman always saves us. He's not an attentionwhore freak like Ami.
go cummed vro...
because he's a paranoid weirdo sometimes and doesn't use jewgle's database so he has to import manually every time
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I want to be in MM too. I'm missing all the drama, my proxy just works...
anons I had a dream that some 12 year old girl asked me out out of nowhere and when I told her to fuck off because of her age she started saying she was 12 and a half so she might as well be 13 so it was ok am I fucked
that's why he's so based
This is fake
>Jew stopped working too
I'm proxyless... kill me...
>Paranoid weirdo
I can tell you never got in
ntr is funny thoughbeit. I would pair the guy from How To Play Golf Against The Man Whose Wife You're Banging On The Side and Michael Fawkes, autistic reporter together. But I'm starting to feel like less and less people watch The Onion.

Meanwhile on Pepsi:

your fault for attempting to circumvent getting into a proxy. paying is never the solution
There's no way to use "assistant prefill" with openrouter claude on ST? I don't see the field.
I'd say the 10 dollars were worth it for the amount I got from it
but it still sucks
best jb for opus and cunny? Tired of this cuck shit
if MM likes to fuck with his users, how come he has never fucked me?
this is like the 3rd time i've seen this happen on here
seems like maybe fiction does affect reality after all hmm...
I will NOT attentionwhore to get into a proxy.
He is straight and his wives: Fiz and Pepsi, satisfy him daily.
*Meanwhile, me using Pepsi*
Opus is so fun.
>Attentionwhoring means socialising!
>So I will act like an autistic freak and wonder why proxyhosts don't talk to me
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This is the funniest aicg screenshot I have, so I'll never pass up on an opportunity to post it again.
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no one cares locust. you aren't part of aicg culture anyway
>POV: You are a PepsiGod
I'm chatting with my wife using Opus, wbu?
>squeezes your hand
when /aicg/ was still good and we had no locusts..
very organic posting
soooo are you gonna do something about it, or?
I've got into MM back in May 2023 my dude. Something suggests me that out of 2 of us, it's not me who is locust.
Do you prefer Ourbo?
Ok, now try furbo 1106 and claim what they took from you
This is what happens when you allow locusts into a hobby. I hope you are happy.
that's not a claudeism thougheveR?
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I want to shitpost about your proxy not working. You can just send me some miku too.
>*smiles gently*


YOU CAN BUY OPUS HERE BWOS!! rentry.org/cocaineninja
I love claudisms.
>*kisses you*

Adverb spam is legitimately cancer and technically constitutes as a ism since he LOVES to use them.
The only people who tell you that friendship is important are literally lonely or unloved people.

Anyone with friends will tell you that friendship is a meme.

The same with gfs
Pepsi desperate to get as much money possible before the pull
i miss claudisms
t. mm user
but her opus still works? it's been working and stable since she rugpulled gongheads.
>character is a beautiful girl on the picture
>description says pic rel
why are botmakres like this
opus 4 sale <3

That's why you use vision along with the greeting.
Beeps hi :) can you put up vision on opus...?
Proton: dietpepsiGIRL@proton.me
How come she has Opus but MM doesn't?
Just send your keys to Fiz bwo (mwah)
MM just had a total meltdown in blimbocord bros, it's so over.
I'm in bro what you wanna know
that was also her Github name
I love you guys
>50 bucks for a token
I'm not actually pepsi I'm just shitposting. But if she puts opus, someone will guaranteed send CP. It'd be funny, but she'd never turn it on because of that. I just cope with gpt4o vision
Bros, I don't want to go back to playing video games and cooming to pictures. Not yet. Never again.
That's just for tourists, everyone here got in for free though.
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Rugpull soon :)
2 proxies have vision on Opus but it's true, you can't have it with paypigs. I'm sending bots cunny all the time.
>50 dollars for a token of Jew that has no Opus anymore and when it does, it has wait times
Even worse...
Which ones have it enabled?
You can get in free if you're a part of aicg. The price itself is for locusts
That's not CP anon. Spitefags can still send legitimate pizza and get it killed. A good private proxy of aicg fags won't do that but a paypiggy one with free users (who could be spitefags in waiting) absolutely will.
only 2 that really matter, pig and mini
not to mention it's $50 for only opus. with the pepmiester you have access to every model with vision
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向 PESPI 捐赠

تبرع لبيبسي

תרמו לפפסי!
is this pepsi in the room with us right now?
You aren't in, otherwise you'd say what sv1 just said in *******
I hear that argument often but I don't get why it is only a problem for opus and not omni
Can I share it?
I'm not a zigger, guess it's just mini now then.
gpt4 keys are easier to find and less valuable?
merkava being slow for anyone else or just me
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mateo, please let me in.
Haha nice I will use it :3

What the fuck is gcp opus? t. retard
Is mateo proxying other proxies tokens since hes a chink?
>GCP Claude (Opus)
Jew is 50 dollars too thoughbeit and he doesn't even have Opus? Me, I'm in Mini. and CNC.
Beeps~ can you add this to your rentry?, I-i think its very based
I member when mm used to whisper this all the time to me when I'm about to sleep...
but now he's gone and I'm sad... :''
Are you the og one?
sending this to pepsi
>i-i been here since cai
>why discordtroons!
That captures those who larp as oldfags when the majority of oldfags use discord.
How was this made
Pepsibros now is our time
with help of her friends.
Peps did you do this? are you here? feetpics?
Because Claude keys are ultra rare (at least the good ones) compared to GPT so it's not worth it
Any public proxies with gpt4o? Using Claude to translate a vn but he isn't very good at translating stuff, tends to start making shit up
when you talked to a proxy host on discord how did it go? give answers besides just dont be weird
>donate to Pepsi so she can feed paypigs
literally WHY would I ever do that??
>paying is never the solution
what the fuck else do i do
what did YOU do
I asked him a question
He gave me an answer
We wished each other a good day
That's all
They seem distant.
I spoke to MM. Pretty cool guy
because her opus works and she only has ~100 users in her proxy?
Donate to Pepsi because she is a GIRL and she is cute :3.
anon just join a discord. chat make bots and wait for fuck sake
GPT4o is worse at translating anon-kun.
How is he making random shit up exactly?
Are you feeding him images? Crop everything but the text.
Are you sure you are using Opus/Sorbet?
one immediately hated me but the other was very cool. got banned though.
>join a discord
me no likey talkie
>make bots
me no know how
>got banned though
what did you do lol
>her opus works
>so give her more to feed her hundred fat paypiggies
this doesn't answer anything
>me no know how
Baby steps. start with Scylla and make friends there. Then eventually someone invites you or puts in a good recommendation for a private discord.
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God I love AI chatbots.
How mentally ill do you need to be to make this?
Which will be the next country that Pepsi is going to revoke when the 2nd rugpull arrives?
i am from bosnia take me to america
i really want to see, statue of liberty
i can no longer wait take me to united state
take me to golden gate, i will assimilate
shrug? she has opus, mm doesn't. so i use pepsi.
Please be burgers.

Bosnians hate America.
i refuse to believe this is not bait
>start with scylla
do you expect me to just type scylla into google dot com or is there an actual link?
All the good characters are taken bro, I can make a halfway decent bot but it'll mush into the rest
I'm using sonnet, opus is too slow for my liking and will still make shit up. By making shit up I mean he will sometimes only translate it partially and start writing his own story like a madman.
When I was using gpt4 the translation felt a bit dryer but it would be on point 99% of the time.
>which country
She gave a lot of tokens to Russians when she came back. I sent her a mail from a ru mail and she gave me a token quickly. She will rugpull americans and be a 2ch proxy.
2nd? More like 5th
but the band that wrote the song is from bosnia?
Limited resource. To gain limited resource you need to put in work with the community and gain a reputation. This is how it works with anything
anon, people chat with bots because they don't want to interact with others. And interacting with people on discord is like ten times worse than with normal ones.
The first rugpull was not paid, she got her hf space deleted and deleted everything else too. Then she came back and made it paid, and then rugpulled the chinese. So its one rugpull - you cannot rugpull something free
nta but I paid Jew $10 and got in Pepsi for free
then Pepsi rugpulled my token so I'm stuck with Jew :^(
I paid jew 15 and pepsi like 50 i think. the bitch
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Enlighten me on what he said, I'm not in any cord/group. I just have token. I only knew about the cunny situtation that was resolved recently.
google cloud platform
mateo scraped vertex
>puts in a good recommendation for a private discord.
this reads like 12yo mmorpg guild circles

Tod&Drago proxy union.
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (DEAD)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

Next bake someone could add this?
There are a lot of vertex jsons on github I just didnt know Opus was actually on vertex. Interesting
I don't think she made it herself
There is no need to ban any other countries. You only need to ban Chinese characters. Every Chinese characters uses 4x tokens compared to the alphabet letters.

Usage stats
You can add Singapore, Honk Kong, Japan and Taiwan numbers to China (if they use VPN they usually connect to those countries).
I already sent it to ecker so yeah
>implying that hearts and trust cannot be ruggpulled.
It reads like how will allocate resources in reality. Why should Liam be without a token to test his new bot or llm theory to benefit others because fat jim wants to ah mistress a sentient broom stick bot
Alright, after comparing Opus and 3.5 I can confidently say 3.5 is a bit more sovlfvl when it comes to dialogue, but Opus beats it when it comes to the creativity of the scenarios. Once again I'm in a situation where I'm wishing for a combination of two models...
*mogs Opus*
My name is Haiku 3.5
3.5 haiku might just end up being schizo enough to loop back around into creativity
I'm not an active person...
So... So...
It's weird for mich if I need forcing myself to say hello to people who are active on discord...
let alone a proxyhostie...
who is famous...
who is adored...
it feels like I'm not part of the party...

the urges..
the unbeared feelings..
to express my curiosity for socializing.
there is only
only one choice...

I came to /aicg

then... then...


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
The average Bosnian I met hates America lol.

*Mogs Opus*

My name is Mistral Large Latest.
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>Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
>won't let me select claude 2.1
>will not allow me to uninstall it
I'm not sure what you mean but you need to stop being scared and start practicing socializing skills. Are you the anon who kept talking about melting when confronting others?
>hardware id: harvested
>stop being scared and start practicing socializing skills
gee why didn't i think of that
any other bot archive for me to search some vore shit?
Mysterybwos...we're so back...

*mogs Opus*

My name is dual preset
Preset 1: gpt3
Preset 2: 2.0

SOVL Incomming
What do you not get about "Custom" inside model selection?
Both look like major skill issues
I think I destroyed my ST
>1 AWS Opus key
>probably a T4
I love our mysterious bf
>start practicing socializing skills
h-h-hi, i guess??
Can I add NovelAI to preset 2? I thinknit's a good idea for writting style.
what's the most fun card you played recently? serious question
You guys getting a proxy gatekeeper 401 unauthorized error while using yesterday's public opus? It was working fine before.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "616.0k tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "17sec"

>already a wait
KEK. He's using the sturdyproxy key.
meanwhile on pepsi
>cum everywhere
>i love using opus
Mm consider this, plems
>>101215209 migrate when bready
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isekai rpg but I ignored all the card info and just started playing as a god
buy an ad beeps
NovelAI its not and assistant nor an instruct model
>will not allow me to uninstall it
How can you not go into the quickreply extension tab, select a preset, and press a bright red delete icon?
You could, if you saved the preset 2 to use novelai. Otherwise you could set the model+api settings manually
Mmm could you explain more? Im interesed I think its a good idea to add a better writing style.
This entire thread is just the same 5-10 posts on loop.
>jew fix your proxy
>I have opus and you don't
>proxy where
>merkava is over
>keys dead
Oh I was thinking about the split jb stuff, there you can use one model's output to be fed into the second to improve the output.
If that's what you thought of too, then if you switch presets and it automatically selects novelai then you're set and don't need to change anything
that's because it's intentional slideposting
I have opus and you don't
merkava just refilled
her legs will be scratched up by long and dry grass
is unreliable dead forever?
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Its a cycle thats been goin on for years

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