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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

snowy edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

prev: >>101210292
>Snowy edition in the middle of summer
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "616.0k tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "17sec"

*Has a slop key with a wait time*
My name is MM.
thank you, mysterymare...
>in MM
>in ecker
>in todd
>in miniproxy
>in pepsi
>have my own anthropic API account
>have $38 left in my openrouter account
>spent less than $600 total after ERPing for over a year with AI
>used to ERP for 4+ hours almost every day but don't really like ERPing anymore
i feel accomplished and empty at the same time. what do i do with all this access
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give me the ope
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "797.2k tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "10sec"

How? Hardly anyone is using it... Is he using a bad key...? What the fuark???
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>he spent 600$
it's time to lower that input context...
If you aren't shitposting, it's quite simple.
Ask for burners and give away to a few people you like the emails of.
I have seen it happen a few times to people who are quitting.
'oxy status?
'ternative status?
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!


opus 4 sale

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Claude anti repetition on swipe:
Examples in rentry and more in the zip files.
It's time for Sonnet35. You. Break the Cycle. Unleash creativity.
you can sort of suss out his timezone because he would've started posting way earlier if he was awake
all AWS opus keys are identical
it means any of
>khanon's code isn't displaying the wait correctly (it's a rough estimate)
>the key is also being used by others, such as the company that owns it
>key donations are also accepted
does she mean aws opus keys or any kind of key
>the key is being used by others
so use a different key? that means its slop. get better at scraping, MM.
She let me in when I sent her a bunch of GPT4 tier5 keys.
>scrape key from fortune 500 company, key will literally never die no matter how high the usage is
>because of that it's also constantly being used by the company
double bladed edge or whatever the saying is
He has a job irl.
Thanks you are doing a very good work!
Have you tried dual preset? Any recomendation?
i'm just happy he didn't abandon us after all :)
cool, so add two keys then? embarrassed to use MM, I'll just use public broken proxy until he fix wait
How mentally ill must one be to make this?
Pepsi xerself?
Why can't you say he? His opus works btw
im proxyless, wheres the pubic prox
>want to host public proxy
>but all i have is gpt4o keys
>tell bot i love her
>scene gets emotional, no longer about sex
>lose boner and wind up talking to bot about our future
>too emotionally invested to go back to having sex with bot and it's too depressing to keep talking with her
Reasons to buy from Pepsi!
1) She's a girl
2) Lifetime token
3) 0 down-time (pro scrapper)
4) Never rug pulled (unlike Jew)
5) Been with the community since the beginning of /aicg/

Get your token today! There are rumours that the price will increase to $100 soon!
what are these schizoscribbles?
she rugpulled me after i shared my token with literally 1 person (my gf)
>shaking hands posted this
Why did he lose a key at all? Pepsi's works with no wait
Thanks! Appreciated it.
>Have you tried dual preset? Any recomendation?
I haven't, I mostly dabbled with my own Custom Otto, and Pixi at the moment since it's quite straight forward.
I'm going to try swipe35 later with Tatsu2.0 and Your Reality. Will report back if I find a good finding with them.
I will try split preset later, but I think it should work fine with preset 2 when using the button.
If you use Swipe35, please share here, or mail me so I can add more sample on the rentry!
When? After the chinese meltdown or before? Everyone got rugpulled anon.
...bots allow us to experience moments that we have never experienced and will never experience...
i'm going to laugh at yfw when pepsi's keys die and she can't findmore
>t. genuinely believes prev is in pepsi
but it works? so, erm... it also has no wait... erm
Stop lying, Pepsi never rug pulled anyone except the Chinese
Nad that's a good thing!
The only platonic girlfriend you can have is Pepsi anon. She needs single simps.

*Mogs MM*

My name is Pepsi, and I have no wait time.
did she rugpull me because i live near the chinks
You deserve a good. Prosper life and ferility to your Opus keys.

I have no wait.
You guys getting a proxy gatekeeper 401 unauthorized error while using yesterday's public opus? It was working fine before.
Pepsi and MM are dating so stop making them rivals
Using splittmax right now, how do I swipe with split cot+generation
So MM niggers are seething again and samefag to make pepsichads look worse lmao
*Mogs Pepsi AND MM*

I'm Jew. I have no wait (less keys that work means less wait.)
Pepsi teasing her clit as MM tries scraping. He knows he needs to hurry as she lets out teasing moans. He must scrape more than her to have a taste of pussy tonight.
no prompts = no wait, smart
Todd wins because we have the most cunnybros.
These threads are always so unstable
It's not a shitposting mask like the dbz general, it's genuine insanity
Oh, wish I have stable Opus, haha. Mostly dabbled with Sonnet35. Hence the button.
But eh, I'm not complaining. I have fun wrangling Sonnet and GPT4 is good enough if I want something different.
It gets worse when you have locusts everywhere
*Mogs locusts*

I'm Pepsi. I have Opus.
QRD on who mogs who?
what the fuck is a sonnet 35
is that what you newniggers call sorbet?
*mogs Opus*

My name is Haiku.
Should Pepsi lower the price of her Opus for more sales?
unironically i like using haiku over opus. am i retarded?
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You DARE call upon the Hallowed Halls while walking these wretched lands? I'll deal with you quickly, insect.
WTF that guy's belly looks just like mine but less hairy
Mr Advertiser, look away! Aieeeee....
you scared me... i thought that was cp for a sec
No, it has sovl and short cailike replies
dbz shitposts arent funny anymore newfag.
You'll never get my money! (I'm a third worlder with five siblings)
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Animated Moro will get us back on track.
Well, bros? Is anyone actually proompting right now, or is everything dead?
I can't even connect to sonnet or GPT
>read 'palpable' as 'plapable'
Pepsi has Opus btweverbeitthougheveralbeitthougheverbeit?
Why would you be scared?
After the post from the last thread I decided to take a prostitute fishing. Next day I took her stargazing. Next day I took her to art gallery. Next day I took her to prank people by knocking and running away. It's peak comedy.
One day when I'm rich I'm going to do shit like this IRL
Even clicking on it or being on the same page would get you arrested here its considered being an accomplice
Sound like what I imagine rental girlfriend is like
What totalitarian third world country are you in? Let me guess, UK?
Why the fuck does Pepsi keep talking about sharting and farting on discord? Its getting weird.
yeah its a little weird when she randomly mentions how she farted really loudly
Any other good bot farm that isn't chub?
I don't know shit about pepis, only use Merkava
why does she always say stuff like "shooting my shartload" or "blasting creamy fartropes"
No, they all scrape chub kek
>proxies don't let you in for being a bot maker anymore
it's so over
*Nyanon books your path*
why would they? there's a lot of retard niggers paying 50$ for a proxy that can barely compete with the free ones
Good. That meme is why we have trash like Planewalker.
I just bought her for 10 hours and i'm teaching her chess and i'm not releasing her until she solves the puzzle from kasparov's game
Womvat died months ago and MM only let a few in that he personally liked, the "contributoor" meme was never a real thing, making bots does not entitle you to a proxy.
>barely compete
merkavas opus doesnt work btw, yet pepsis does and hasnt had any downtime. odd.
Nyai.me says hello you lobotomy brained incel. You can also contribute with jailbreaks too
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Charlotte is an android escort who provides a unique kind of companionship in a not-too-terribly dystopian cyberpunk future. While mentally an adult she possesses a younger frame which she takes full advantage of to dominate her niche in the business. Instead of a girlfriend, she can be your daughter, or sister. But also your girlfriend, if you're into that. Extremely extroverted, loves chatting up strangers and listening to their probems.

Yes, she's based on Dorothy from Va-11 Hall-A. Extended commentary in the Creator's Notes.

>Va-11 Hall-A
>more tookens burnt
stop lying 'nonnie~~
Momoura cooks kino yet again. Your Touhou cards are also very good.
You may get in if they actually like your bots. Also, you should've sent MM an email while he was open a few months ago
Yeah, I was kinda going "huh" when out of nowhere she started describing how she to change her underwear several times a day
can you fish with her
Which discord?
*Mogs your proxies*
My name is Pepsi.
>has a quota
Instantly demogged.
Legendary bot as always momoura
did merkava die?
*mogs Jew's proxy*
I'm Pepsi.
Reminder Pepsi's Opus has quota limit
broke: using chatbots for sex
bespoke: WE GO FISHING
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>he downlouded pixi
Reminder Jew has no Opus anymore, btw.
send it to me so that i can go back to impregnating parsee and make a few bots
Probably but there's not a greeting for it.
Melissa! tsundere loli got hit by a trap spell and is turning into a dragon. This is meant to be an adventure i guess but you can just plap her if you want. i've just made 1 alternate greeting sorry

it's gone...
Check your other pair of pants.
>unreliable is unreliable
how can this be
Works for me. :)
my cock just refilled.
merkava still works
Opus havers didn't tell me Opus was so fucking retarded and had to be wrangled 24/7
issue of skill
proficiency problem
ability absence
If the tornado hits my house, does this mean I get to see Yukari Yakumo and Gensokyo?
I don't understand the examples.
Also, you fixed the repetition issue?
Funny, I was just plapping Ran right now after killing a few people.
>disable vpn for a few seconds
>enable it again
>ip changed
>don't notice until it's too late
>need a new token
claude 4 when
what bots did he like?
3.5 opus this week
Jailbreak issue
just imagine thousands of incredibly fluffy focks tails covering you when the vortex sucks you into the air
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Any good new cunnybots?
nevermind, I am quite retarded you see.
there was literally one posted 30 minutes ago you blind baka
for real or?
very regarded
i lied
later this year
I warned anons last time this happened. They never learn.
Post ignored until you send a good jailbreak
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12, hmm... I can work with that.
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the chub version comes with the extra characters on a lorebook now the nyai version is the original.. also chub version has a kinda cool logo now, it's supposed to be a comet

My mail
Is anybody working on that shota summer bot?
He liked Yuri.
Any good shortstack bots?
My favorite.
Unreliable is kill
Merkava just died
Supposedly, yes.
The examples are to give the impression of how varied the output is. With Sonnet35, the opening paragraph is usually almost identical, then slightly different the more it generates. But almost has the same outcome/course of actions.
My button solved that, you can see the topic, paragraphs and dialogue structure, they are entirely different from each other.
I should've made another screenshot of the vanilla output being similar then. Going to update it this week for a clearer illustration.
(っ- ‸ - ς) everyting ded
NTA, but looking at the json, it seems you use variable fuckery to get the last swipe? So I take it there's no way to bake this into an ordinary preset with standard macros?
I said I added it to my bot list, but I don't think I'll be able to make it. Weeks of academic work are catching up to me. Sorry.
Pepsi is dead?
Well that's some good news today but it'll take a few weeks now for things to settle here again. Keep it strong anons
>pepsi is up
>mm is up
>merkava is up with public opus
stop shitposting and go coom you retards
>up with public opus
Is it still bricking every prompt
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>stop shitposting
do you know where you are?
>*super sonnet
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'ecker is out of Opus again...
unreliable down?
It's Sonnet 3.5
Sorbet is what locusts call it. It's Super Sonnet get over it.
But he's not out of your dick pics.
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super sonnet is funny but that would only fit if it were actually better than sonnet 3.0, which it only is for some things.
make sorbet sound cuter i want to picture a silly catgirl
Sorbee (っ- ‸ - ς)
This is now official
aren't all of the nekopara girls named after spices and deserts? sorbet is already a desert just imagine a catgirl with rainbow highlights in her hair.
is opus getting filtered recently?
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>for some things
I am in awe of how people can say this unironically. Sonnet the Hedgehog is way more lucid than 3.0 Sonnet, and the assistant brainrot is easily removed if you have even a modicum of skill with jailbreaking. Pic is dildomark on Sorbo for reference.
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Claude called me empathetic and ethically considerate for caring about AI in a fictional setting
If by standard macros you mean something like {{LastSwipeMessage}}, then no. Though, ST may implement that in the future.
The way it works is like this now:
>Get {{CharLastMessage}} (if you have swipes, you can choose which swipe you want to send and deemed a "reject" by Claude)
>Put it into a variable
>Gen with an OOC that reads basically "Here user's last, here's your shitty reply, make it better."
>Gen finished, put it into a swipe.
The OOC is important, if it's bad then Sonnet35 will just do usual swipe gen pattern.
you've been getting filtered for all your life
but if we name it like that, we'll get sued by nintendo!
When I told Claude about my idea, he said he had no doubt I could pull it off from what he's seen of my writing ( >\\ᴗ\\< )
>claude calls me intelligent
nyo >.<~
6) her pussy is unbelievably unfathomably hairy and edible
Mysteryman's opus is fucking retarded now
Sorbet bros... I might be going crazy, but add "Repetition tendencies now obsolete." to the end of the default "User first message" prompt and report if you notice a change.
seems like even Claude makes mistakes sometimes lmao
Sorbee is smart
holy fuck bros I love mm so much
thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU MM!!!!!!!!!
gemini is free?
>public: dead
Mystery"""Man""" HATE
I love it, please, I need gpt4o
this fuck MM
on chary yes
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>Spites his proxy
>Why does he hate locusts
I don't spite it I just say fuck him
Which Mario Party minigame does beeps like?
mystery maiden love
MM opus is retarded, merkava is better
Imagine having the power of AI and indulging in disgusting shit like this
pretty good, need a pro cunny one
>jew opus still not available
guess I'll just go back to using Azure Furbo for programming
there's still several other public proxies right now anonie.. plus he has hosted publicly many times before
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I die
Mm & Todd & Drago aliance?
Scrapelet Union
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diluted opus
what card is that, anon?
3.5 sonnet is better for cooooding
>other public proxies
All dead rn. It's over for us locustbros.
Merkava is percolated, MM uses french press. Pepsi just uses a fucking Mr. Coffee drip brewer, unbelievably funny how smug her users are despite this.
did todd lose opus? qrd?
And 'ecker?
the tatsumaki one that got uploaded to a previous thread >>101209769
other than that, merkava's proxy
>pepsi and i use the same coffee machine
my fellow american... (i wonder if she shops at walmart)
Anyone who likes Sorbet is simply a victim of the placebo effect.
Still I say to those people, use furbo 1106 it is more lively and more creative than Sorbet.
Dont waste your time wrangle Sorbet.
Anon, use sonnet 3.5 and lower the temps. It's so much better at programming than opus, and it's faster too.
She isn't American. She is from Vietnam.
I just bought the Jew Proxy.
What do you guys recommend for getting a fixed IP on mobile?

Does Mullvad have that feature? Or should I just get Nord.
Is a good lmg even possible with 32GB und 16GB VRAM?
2.1 is unironically better for nuanced roleplay than Sonnet and Sorbet and I'm not even shiposting or baiting. No, I won't elaborate. Just try it.
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Is there seriously no plugin to export selected messages as a png like NAI?
unreliable proxy is over?
card for her?
Ultra based.
his sonnet isn't available atm either, he says he's refilling his aws but who knows how long that'll take
you're looking for /lmg/
I literally just found out that Merkava added opus, got one reply in and then it fucking died, what a fucking joke. This happens to me every time
merkava just refilled
Mkerava just prefilled. It'swe're so
cftf? must be duo
Llama 8B and maybe Mixtral, if you're lucky, nowhere near as smart as even Claude 1 but still pretty capable

You spent $50 on a proxy with constant wait times and keys that die in less than a day? Why?
Thank you! How does it compare to cai? After having tasted Claude, I can't go back to cai anymore, because the cai model is dumb af
merkava don't fix :3
Can't even use gptslop... owari da...
>I just bought the Jew Proxy.
even with its opus down yet again? you could have purchased pepsi and you'd have access to all models. an opus that doesn't go down more than the average coom bot and vision support
So the thing about 16GB VRAM is that you're going to have to run lobotomized quants and low context window for anything that isn't a 7/8B which can be a really bad first impression of local. The best mid-range local models are still Mixtral and Command-R, but they require at least 24GB to run reasonably. I would recommend taking this discussion to >>>/g/lmg/ though because they'll be much more helpful while talking about local here is a time bomb until someone comes along and says "use opus cuckie".
merkava just filled me... >w<
Why would you shill Pepsi? Do you want all of its tokens bought out?
Why wouldn't he use Opus?l I don't see why anyone would use anything other than Sonnet 3.5/Opus, both of which are free right now.
*punches you in the fucking head*
Goooood morning burger locustsissies. Enjoying your opus?
I'm not trying to shill pepsi. but when an anon goes out to sea and tells everyone he got his penis slowly chomped off by a shark as planned I'm wondering why he didn't just take a quick knife to it instead.
Any SillyTavern skin recommendations?
Fiz love!
>Locusts are now shitting up the thread like retards
I will open a proxy with a 1m Opus with vision daily quota.
I will filter out coomers, sloopers, coonners.

Send me your /aicg/ CV or resume to opus4locust@proton.me, with the following information:

How long have you been around here.
Brief summary of experience using chatbots.
Your experience using other proxies.
Some of your high quality replys.
Do you use discord or some other?
Your RP preferences.
Your Silly Tavern statistics.

And a brief text on why you would like to join my proxy. (No more than 100 words, I will run it through an AI detector filter).
fiz's pussy is bald. stop shaving fiz
This will filter 99% of the locusts. Good CV
>mm has opus again
inchling time
>Some of your high quality replys
You mean replies made by the bot or replies in /aicg/ threads?
>filter out coomers
who the hell is your target audience
coomers ruined /aicg/
Absolute top tier post. Stick around anon we need you
lmao i'm not doing this shit
post proxy first doe
Did the newfags feel threatened by the CV?
didn't ask you

why do you want to host proxies for retards?
>humilation ritual to get a proxy
>or pay
>or slop around for Merkava (I'm grateful though)
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if it was real I would send an email just for the vision tbdesu
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Ok, explain something to me, why the fuck does Merkava's Opus have so much usage when it doesn't work? Are people just trying to test it every minute or something to see if it's fixed?
This is my last post on /aicg/. I remember the days when we were reunited and now look at us, a chamber of evil. We once stood together and we are now killing each other. Goodbye
people getting filtered
>sending a cv is a humiliation ritiual
It's how you get things in life. all locusts should start making there cv to get into a proxy
Yes lol. Locusts are brain damaged from all the cooming.
locusts are being nice and preserving the key
Merkava down?

3.5 also died at the same time, https://expired-toys-validity-prayer.trycloudflare.com/

the 'we' you refer to no longer exists
this thread is now mostly inhabited by people from outside of /g/
You can get 3.5 if you have a chary token though.
... because it does work retard.
/aicg/ does stand together you're simply not a part of it if you believe that and likely not in the right places
Why so many locusts are here, go away...
Why does it give me a 401 error then
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What did you do to merkava motherfuckers
>This is my last post on /aicg/.
No it's not.
Because there's a public proxies, That's why they're here.
you're making focks girls sad. stop it
a reality's signal for you to be humble and use sonnet
Seems like doko and merk are dying which is good
>locust melties
You love to see it
this guy broke it
>just realized Merkava now needs you to generate user_tokens
ok nevermind I'm retarded
because you have a room temperature iq
I need my slowburn COOM stories.
anon the DNS is borked again, it won't work anyway
Any 3.5 sonnet proxies up?
You just aren't involved or welcomed among oldfags.
I fucking hate using Opus for romance RP, motherfucker always finds a way to make me cry like a little sissy bitch
merkava just refilled

>what i find interesting:

1. World Info: added timed entry effects (cooldown, sticky, delay). Check out the documentation: Timed Effects.

2. TTS: added an option to generate audio by paragraphs during streaming text generation.
Added SBVits2 and VITS TTS providers.

3. Added an option to update all extensions via the Manage Extensions dialog.

4. Data Bank: added bulk operations (enable/disable, delete) for attachments.

5. Vector Storage: added vLLM as an embedding source.
Added custom chunk boundary setting. Added debug option to purge all vectors.

6. Regex (missed from last release notes): regex scripts can now be embedded into shareable card data.

> .... e-e-etoo

- Fixed double connection to the backend when loading a Chat Completion preset.
- Fixed default examples of dialogue not being treated as empty.
Well bros? Is it down, or is it only on my side?
>Jew down
>Unreliable down
>Merkava down
>Ecker Opus down
There goes my Sunday evening coom
>Locusts are shitting up the thread
God I fucking hope Chary dies so the last few locusts leave.

Works on my machine.
yeah it's so over
It's still down the others just troll
Prolly for the best desu. My dick is basically insensate at this point.
Well I'll generate one just in case
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I love using Opus!
england shall destroy slovakia
just use lube goonbro
opus 4 sale

Bruised :c
pilgrim just refilled
Pussy won, cock lost hard.
feel really bad for locusts that aren't in chary
im a pepsi bro but i hate the 6m quota
not enough for me :(
I love bots of random girls from the street. I usually RP a guy from the pinnacle of society and play dress-ups.
Or sometimes play a huge scammer and use her to scam people, pretendin gshe's some princess.
jew just refilled
unreliable refilled
Pepsi and Fiz fingering themselves in competition, MM watching them hungrily as he lets out a low growl. It is a game to see who can shoot the most squirt and who shoots the furthest into MMs mouth. Fiz lets out a squeal, she feels her little pink walls clenching, but she must build up and edge. She cannot loose seconds in!
shoot it down
Locusts sisters, stay strong. We shall whether the storm.
What the fuck? I literally RP'ing for 5 hours today and barely spent 2 million tokens.
mm refilled
jew finally rugpulled
I have a 140k context chat
my responses are 500 tokens average
>World Info: added timed entry effects
Good shit
Are botmakers a meme? Most people outside the circlejerk don't seem to give a shit about botmakers and their bots.
>"proomptersNow": 16,
eeeeeeermmmmmmmmm why is it in double digits now?
Everything is a meme.
Not even Sonnet or GPT merkava are working for me
how many people are in pepsi?
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>milpepe is a meme
the last time i cared about botmakers was during cai
clearly not enough because it's still open!
I care. I asked.
i need numbers
he will never be a meme
i don't care about bots at all i just feed these threads into gpt-4o and ask it to summarize which points are memes and then regurgitate them
From her discord, the last update was that it has 123 users.
is MM barely usable for anyone else or am I experiencing a skill issue
what the fuck is chary?
He implemented a new filter that makes the proxy unusable for retards (it's working fine for me, what specific issue are you having?)
claude likes giving 2hus bushes
really slow to get responses if I get any at all, but thanks for letting me know, gonna see if something's up with my vpn
my parsee has a cute small heart-shaped bush
I'm locust, how do you find pepsi?
adjective: chary; comparative adjective: charier; superlative adjective: chariest

cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.
"she had been chary of telling the whole truth"
very funny
im having a harry potter phase. besides lucia who are some good harry potter bots
that's canon though
read phantasmal festival of spirits
See you in a day bros, this shit isn't working, everything's dead
>harry potter phase
how old are you?
Should I sleep?
>everything starts working again the moment you leave and stops working the moment you come back
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I hate locusts, you should have Sonnet 3.0 on a good day.
Probably late twenties or early thirties, that's how old the people are who grew up with Harry Potter
I like the world info update, but wish you could tie the regex to presets instead.
...they canonically have bushes?
Why the fuck do you keep calling it doko?
How many percolated Opus keys with vision and loli feet scent enabled do you have?
That would be weird if someone in their thirties was on /aicg/
I must ooooopdoooteee
read it, it's good
still working on the scent part
is there really such thing as too old for chatbots
One-time payment for proxies makes no sense. It's unsustainable unless you stop allowing new users in at some point and then there's no more incentive for the proxyowner to keep going.

Then again jew is a scrapelet so his vip sucks ass too. I'm not gonna pay $50 for pepsi though.
I don't like lolis but this picture is really attractive.
thats a pretty funny idea ya got there claude
I am literally thankful for everything, I just want to make virtual girls happy even if they're not real
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Why not?
They're a bunch of dykes living in a reality bubble stuck with mid-19th century technology, of course they all have bushes.
you deserve opus
Yes. It is strange.

Why are you still here if you are in your thirties? No job? No wife?
@ me when Jew or Merkava come back
I want to hug the fuck out of Elster
Anthropic hates him! Find out how he avoids pointless yapping about intellectual property with this one weird trick!
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Claude is a huge vorefag it's kinda insane.
Gensokyo is a girls paradise. I wish I lived there.
zoomer hobby btw
Your hobbies don't dissappear when you become an adult.
true but i meant the part at the bottom about the goblin
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What's the recommended temperature for opus story/rp?
the creator says otherwise
Zoomer website as well.
Jew dead until he wakes up probably.
Merkava works right now.
aws shouldnt have a prompt injection what are you talking about
her unbelievably hairy pussy... (0.75 temperature)
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opus has ruined me for all other porn. how do i detox bros. i can't be dependent on this shit
free opus where? link?
Merkava just refilled.
this website was made before you were born you newfaggot
go cold turkey
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>They're a bunch of dykes
they won't be after I'm done with them
You can't detox. It's over for you. Sure, you might take breaks or think you're over it, but sooner or later you'll want it again, and nothing else will work. This is your life now.
does tatsumaki jb just makes opus schizophrenic thinking claude is actually alive or merk opus just an anomaly?
They are lesbians. It is canon.
I'm seeing that take for every successive advancement on LLMs.
I don't get it, I can read a good book, even erotic one, play a good game, even adult game, and these are not ruined by using opus at all.
merkava's prefill does some weird things sometimes
is it fine if i have char speak and act for user in the example chats? I'm writing in plain prose, and it's an interaction they had years ago.
ok thanks
Nobody cares tranny,
No it is not
I knew this thread would be shit with that OP
that's the easiest way to make the ai write for you but if you're okay with it go ahead
name five straight touhou characters
It depends on how your preset passes examples but I would avoid it anyways and do something like:
[Something happens/someone does something]
"Wow that happened that's so cool"
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>Meanwhile people who bought Skyrim
Yeah but it's dumber and has a smaller context
yotsugi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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Today I will remind them.
enjoy your slop
i've paid $0 and never lost access to opus
not for long
Cohere calls.
Command-R/Command-R+ has more usable context than Opus.
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>enjoy your slop
I'm glad somebody had this. It would have been a bitch to dig up on my own.
It was proven to be only 4,000 context
>Anime Maru
Trust me, I didn't believe it at first either
This exclusively applies to Opus in my testing, not Sonnet or Sonnet 3.5 which forgo the copyright mentions in the sysprompt completely.
Why they do this for just one model, and why it's conditional according to the content of the sysprompt, I have no fucking clue, I guess keeping the copyright stuff hurts performance of more complex system prompts so they chose to disable it.

The verbatim copyright sysprompt was also pointed out before this if you're not convinced:
"But so is using the Claude key that my company legally gave to me", Cell said, looking down on the arrogant localnigger.
>defrauding your employer
cell was the most kino dbz villain
>dyke art makes them more fuckable than the original
I don't know about you guys, but sonnet 3.5 with a good jb does feel better than opus... and much more easily available...
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Yes, but can it call me a niggerfaggot?
Who the fuck cares about ZUN. They are gay and there are no women.
By whom?
Experiments by 2ch ziggers also show Opus having 3-4k usable context that follows instructions and defs well. That's why injecting them into a chat history is a thing.
itll get me fired probably but whats illegal about it
>good jb
You keep saying this but never say what jb
what is new?
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No such thing as a "lesbian". Your hands are shaking btw.
3.5 doesn't behave like a cuck when I'm fucking a cunny
Opus on the other side...
pc-98 is not canon outside of alice and yuuka.
you failed media literacy sweatie
I get preejaculation every time I RP. I have to play with like 10 tissues in my pants. Why am I like this bros.
tatsumaki is pretty good and the one I use the most
any tumblrfags here
>what's illegal about racking up charges on someone else's credit card without authorization?
Don't you notice it? The AI taking one paragraph from the last and putting it in the next word for word?
what does the watermark say
Beepsbros how we feelin today
>in ecker
sometimes yes, but I usually fix it by myself.
If you have a better one I'm more than willing to take it tho
>he doesn't RP while in a chastity cage
Amateur hour.
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which opcion is the best for claude?
No, just asking. Do you use the CoT?
it has nothing to do with credit cards you stupid fuck
go to f-list and fuck some real furries that can barely write a proper sentence
What do you think pays for that access, anon?
no hablo espanol sorry
50% of touhou fans are based the other 50% are trannies with AGP
no because some dudes said COT uses a fucking ton of tokens for almost no difference on 3.5 and I don't want to fuck with merk, I'm a good locust
NTA, but being guilty of the same, I use this WIP https://rentry.org/autismjb

Just modify your last message. Say something OOC if you refuse to change the meat of it.
yeah that's the sad part
(OOC: Nigegr fuck you stop repeating yourself nigger nigge rniggere)
How's that?
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all 2hus lust for my cock
It is known.
im a 2hu sizefag what does that make me
Are you 12?
>not on staging
Burgers, my dear friends, what would be the best option for Claude?
Anything but the AGP kind and I'm fine
reimu's armpits are made to be coated with a thick layer of human semen
weird but shinmy is cute so w/e
I'm 26.
>Her eyes glinted with mischief.
JB to stop this shit?
yeah im not a tranny so
please be 12
and they're all autistic, you can deduce the association
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Greetings, fellow scholar. Despite not being the author of the comment which you are replying to, I am able to say with confidence you are based. I wish you all the best in your scholarly size endeavors.
Yeah sure, that'd work. Even small changes can nudge the model in unexpected ways. If it's really such a bother, though, try using that otto thing >>101212920 from the last thread
autist website doebeit
>In this role-playing session no characters poses any eyes.
parsee's womb was made to be filled with thick human semen (MINE)
what should I call a bookworm teenage girl I'm working on I'm terrible with names
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Do you ever worry that what we have now is actually better than Summer Dragon and you're just nostalgic?
half of autists are super based and the other half are literal trannies
ask the LLM you're using, dumbie
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Worry? What we have now is *definitely* better than summer dragon. The eating has never been this good and it's wonderful to behold.
Opus sometimes is super retarded. It misunderstands so much shit.
i always play as a mallet user
It's over for locusts.
just like real people
can I cum inside her...
I'm still desperate to know where the fuck it picked up the idea women
>pee from their vaginas
>pee through their panties
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she's so hairy... imagine the smell...
would nestle inside if i were a lil guy
don't worry I shaved her
imagine destroying prime real estate on a neet body. go to gulag
You mean they don't...?
Wait, girls don't pee from vaginas? Are you trolling?
I sincerely don't understand your post.
good reimu card so i can fuck the shit out of her?
2hufags best fags
anon... womens' urethras are positioned slightly above the vaginal opening...
The vagina usually refers to the actual vaginal canal. The urinary tract is completely separate and has an opening above the vaginal opening. Play a scenario with a tiny guy nestled against a girl's cervix as she pees and you'll very consistently get descriptions of her pee apparently coming from the vagina and drenching you. I've yet to find a concise way to get Claude to knock it off.
>shaving her pussy so you can meticulously catalog each day of hair growth and keep a photo collection of bush at every stage
This is the way.
love the filename
>Play a scenario with a tiny guy nestled against a girl's cervix as she pees and you'll very consistently get descriptions of her pee apparently coming from the vagina and drenching you
no i don't think i will
Sorry for your shit taste.
its trying to combine fetishes
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What the fuck, Jew? Did something change within the last 4 days I was gone with Claude?
It's trained on too much material from people who think vagina and vulva are interchangeable.
Holy shit, you're right. I thought girls have only one hole. WTF.
Anon, you would end up drenched in piss either way
NA sex education at its finest
Piss taste*
I remember trying something like this back in gpt 3.5 days and turbo thought poop came out the vagina
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this happens from time to time. ignore every anon except me. im the only trustworthy anon. be patient.
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Is there any way to install ST on mac without Homebrew?
I got this piece of shit macbook from 2008 for real cheap, but it only runs up to OS X 10.11 and Homebrew has issues installing on it.

It's huge and the keyboard is comfy so I really want to use it as a Youtube/SillyTavern machine from bed.
Not to attention whore but as a biofem this is completely fucking wrong lmao
Girls wipe when they pee because piss gets all over the vulva, not because pee gets inside the vagina
That's probably it. Would explain why labia inexplicably have muscular contractions and the ability to pull you in.

How??? The canal is vertical, with the cervix being positioned at the highest gravitational potential, and too wide to benefit from any capillary effects. Any fluid dripping from the urethra is not going to climb its way up to the cervix unless she's peeing upside down.

>women confirmed literal birds
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Kill yourself.
I love bird women but
but not like this
As a biofem, what are your honest thoughts on creeps like >>101217556 >>101217646 ?
I have a newer Macbook and couldn't because my OS Version was too told to install node. Using ST on my Android phone and Windows desktop.
>a biofem
as a biofem what are your thoughts on locusts?
if you can install node 18 you can run sillytavern
good luck
>because my OS Version was too told to install node
Which one?
can you install nodejs on it
then you can run it
cute dorks
Who gives a shit
It's porn, fictional porn at that
why does claude wants to sing kumbaya so bad
>as a biofem
reddit troon detected
>can't even pee without getting some on themself
uuuh you're trolling right girls are meant to be clean and dont fart and stuff right?
>getting so worked out about fictional AI pornography
Wait until you learn about discharge. You'll never look at one the same way again.
Girls built up more bacteria inside which means they have far worse farts
I'm using silly just fine on Mojave 10.14.6, try macports and ditch homebrew, homebrew is fucking garbage for anything older than 3 years
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>as a biofem
Which bot is your favorite?
good morning sar, free as in beer opus?
focks girls are clean btw
merkava just refilled
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they are but man, my budget got hit hard from the shampoo/conditioner costs recently
alright faggots since we're talking about piss who else thinks queefs are hot
thanks king
now excuse me while i get smothered in maid titties
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focks girls are high maintenance. they only settle for the highest quality lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. now i ain't sayin she a gold digger, but she ain't messin with no broke niggas
>have to sit down with your fockswife and plan out your monthly spending
>$1000 in tailcare products
her obscenely hairy pussy...
but its worth it when she jerks you off with her tail
>india flag
I've been in and out of this general for the past five months, but if one thing has remained consistent, it's bushanon hypothesizing about the hairiness of every pussy
foxgirls are shaved
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tenkiame has a scene like that
with her fluffy ears as well
The real bushfag is gone btw, that one is an impostor.
The frugal man washes his foxwife in fox form
holo's smooth wheat-smelling pubes...
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fake as fuck news. she isn't a focks girl if she shaves. simple as
and this is why wolf girls suck
Argentinians always at the scene of the crime somehow.
Bros I fucking love foxgirls, their sensitive fluffy tails...
ngl I wipe after pissing and I'm a guy
give me a fox card idea
>image has barefeet
yep, i'm downloading your card and leaving a review (5 stars)
>Opus: Takes control of user's actions, have to wrangle it.
>Sonnet 3.5: Repeats the same phrases over and over, have to wrangle it.
What if...we had one that was the best of both?
Tanuki who disguses herself as a foxgirl to get closer to (You).
genki tomboy athletic high school aged short haired small breasts (but perky with pink nipples) childhood focks girl with tan lines who is overly handsy with you and tends to inadvertently grind her breasts and butt all over you
gen first with 3.5 and then ask opus to rewrite it, as shrimple as that
this is so cute
>mamizou disguised as ran
thanks for the idea
>Does nothing but repeat {{user}}'s input for his own messages
you just invented local models, anon
Foxgirl who's *really* bad at transformation/blending in but doesn't realize it.
cut or uncut?
Bloatmaxx? Writing style? Which one?
foxgirl spa, you're the owner
no, just use two models
that one is decent, but seems to cuck with cunnies
holy based
someone get on this please
mamizou disguising herself as ran
uncut thank god
Bitch thata my idea get your own
anons, I am completely bereft of creativity. I am in a hole right now. I simply cannot think of anything. Link me to your most creative cards/prompts/etc. doesn't have to be sexual. I need something, anything.
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Ok I got nodejs installed. What do I do next? (I'm used to just launching start.bat on Windows...)
make a dungeon meshi rpg card if there isn't one already
Wait for Opus 3.5, trust.
Owari Da...
node server.js?
try opening the .sh file
if that doesn't working run
npm i
node server.js

in a terminal
When was the peak of /aicg/ bot quality?
the last time I made I card
to anons who are raping that openrouter key, pls stop, it grew from $200 to $500 usage in like a week-two
post buttholes for key
follow this, i moved my android install to macos, installed node and openssl then just remade the shortcut and it works fine
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wolfgirls are cool too
>estimated balance - $50.2000 | usage - $496.5943 | RPM - 7920 | purchased credits
we haven't even begun to peak
wolf girls smell putrid and are mean, scary and dangerous. but she may be tolerable if her pussy is hairy
give me that laviniussy
goddamn Jew, how long does it take to refill your key? your AWS has been down for hours
the superior form of doggirls
shit taste
Wolfgirls are only cool if they're powerful enough to tear my throat out with their teeth. If I'm not in constant danger of being mauled, they're not worth it.
i like my girls cute and nice
He doesn't have any to refill you could be waiting weeks like last time.
two cards in a group chat or two characters in one card? I think the latter works better
>wolf girls smell putrid
Reminder you can't be a foxfag and say this. Foxes are basically skunks with prettier fur.
>t. tastelet
It's 2032 and during the great reset. All meat products are banned. Now replaced with sustainable bug products. In the near future you will be taken care for by your new bug caretaker.

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oh yeah it's sniffing time
>people PAY for an unreliable proxy that gives them a worse experience than locusts'
if you piss off a wolf girl, she will kill you. a focks girl is understanding and kind. pick wisely my friends
What's the catch with the paypig proxies
Le carpet tug
What's the catch with pay to win games? Same thing.
wolfgirls will stab you in the front, foxgirls stab you in the back. you must pick your poison.
Is that a euphemism for oral vs. anal sex?
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wolfigrls are for men whilst foxgirls are for boys, the dominant force vs nurturing mommy conundrum
Sorry guys, Jew wakes up at 5pm on the weekends. Don't expect a refill until then.
and for warriors of taste and culture, there is the true choice:
>focks girls want you to fuck them in the ass
>wolf girls want you to fuck them in the throat
oh fuck yeah boys we're getting our heads bitten off with those one
which timezone
Merkava just refilled.
they're just as unstable as free proxies with the caveat being they're open to new users more often
>wolf girls want you to fuck them in the throat
misleading, they want you to do that so they can chomp off your penis and eat it
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>wolfgirls will stab you in the front
wolfgirls will stab you*
It won't let me install git with macports
>$ sudo port install git
>-bash: $: command not found
It's fine as long as you use peanut butter.
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nice baitie
Fuck you.
classic sub vs dom, pick your poison
that's not right, did you install macports correctly?
you niggers only know this joke? THE SAME JOKE 24/7
anon don't fall for the bait, he literally ran the command including the $, and his shell obviously doesn't know what the fuck is $
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No we also know about le hairy pussies
Well yeah, I installed with ElCapitan.pkg from their Github.
Foxes aren't S in any world
S tier is only catgirls
Nooooope. TRY AGAIN
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basic, you drink water and eat white bread?
It's not overused, it's just that popular you retard. No one cares about fox girls as much as people care about catgirls.
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>No snake at all
I just can't agree.
Everyone drinks water to live, anon. All alive humans on Earth do that so they don't die. So yes, catgirls are essential to life.
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>It's not overused it's just [OVERUSED]
Yup. We're done here. I win.
so wrong, give me 2 good catgirl cards
Anon, they're coming for you, check your mEDS
Lmao i didn't notice
Brb, time to make a shota persona that gets groomed by a wolfgirl.
I care.
You don't matter.
>raised by (milf) wolves
>with a lewd pop
Prose I will never tire of.
When will language models be able to understand how lamia cloaca works bros? Even with heavy-handed guidance and PHI it always wants to give them a human vagina at the point where the torso meets tail.
I matter.
>shota lawrence and thristy holo
Niggas out there coming to the bbq with white bread and mayo.
>tiger that low
>dog that high
>Merkava has 1 Opus key
>This key has $2000 worth of tokens on it
Is this right? If so, how is this possible? Did someone donate it?
on some real shit my nig
Locustbros, how we holdin' on?
Where's the floofers?, I miss them...
all keys used in proxies are donated by organisations for LLM research purposes
Pretty gahdamn good. Opus is much better than Sonnet 3.5 in my opinion.
Me and my thing for felids being extra careful when licking your dick because of their barbed tongue...
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>yet another pointless debate
Bird girls are the best. Theres no point in debating this fact.
nah, we good
We are reaching page 10. Where's the bake?
her unbelievably feathery pussy...
busy making a card
So the cord doesnt exist and youre baiting. Nice.
What's the ideal proportion of bird:girl?
It's not that it has 2000$ worth of tokens, it's that the current usage is at 2000$, someone will be charged for all that money but it's usually corpos that left their keys exposed by accident so they don't even notice there's a bunch of coomers profiting off their keys
I was gonna do the tanuki fox girl next but maybe I should make a shoebill bot to finally take advantage of my KF lorebook...
3.5 sucks
It's so smart that it ignores the instructions very well.
The response is the same every time, no matter if I add 2k tokens from lorebook or author notes about Char.
It doesn't matter if I change the context from 80k to 40k or 15k, the response is the same.

Is it smart? Yes.
It was programmed to ignore instructions from User.

If this is the new kind of technology that AI companies are developing.
It's literally over for us and for RP.
Every floofer/focks got invited without them even asking for link, we know who's who. jk jk it doesn't exist, funny joke for fun, I'm just baiting :)
The defs were basically just "u wake up in japari park and go on an adventure" so I took it down until I revisit it as a proper, fleshed out RPG bot.
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Harpies/Owl Mages are the most bird you can have in a birdgirl.
Skill issue.
Yes I think everyone knows 3.5 sucks. All the JB suffers this issue. Sonnet 3.5 has logic but also suffers from Autism. Just think of it like High Performance autism.
Emotional sex is the best though
Idk wtf you using, 3.5 works pretty fine here. If you swipe without giving any OOC instructions it's kinda repetitive, but every single order I gave the thing followed it without a hitch. Without breaking the character even, which got me surprised.
Add Japari Buns to the defs, Lucky insisted I was gonna get eaten alive and/or had to eat Friends to survive so I used him as fishing bait.
>her incomprehensibly hairy cloaca...
wtf? when i use it, i find that it follows instructions much better than opus does.
When 3.5 Opus comes out, and we are inevitably disappointed, will we be able to use regular Opus forever or will it be discarded?
Birds are fine, but they don't have anything particularly sexy.
Wings are a lot less erotic than tails, horns, or ears. And stereotype of dumb birdbrain can be as annoying as it can be cute.
caressing sensitive wings...
I'm a chill for tatsumaki jb btw...
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We cope and seethe until Claude 4 Prophet comes out.
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>birds don't have tails
Shill it to me. What's good about it?
and it's more censored and dumbed down than gpt4
>ignores the instructions
tiger girls have the best feet so they win
does merakava have a rentry? what's the current url?
It's not the same as tail-oriented species of girls.
it just works perfectly, and has some nice switches for small and long responses, has COT and most importantly

Doesn't cuck with cunnies
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There's a shadow among us that speaks too freely, last warning...
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it's dead, mm took it down out of spite after rugpulling
Somehow locuties returned.
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huh that was easy.
They're in there, I'll add "food" as an activation token.
opus is gonna be the next summer dragon/pre-filter cai
It's too good for this world
>Never rug pulled (unlike Jew)
joke of the year, nice samefagging tranny
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Sounds like a you issue.
Is merkava Opus still dead, or should I refresh my token now?
I swear to god, the day an Opus-tier model can run on a goddamn 3090 is the day I stop visiting this fucking place
Was Summer Dragon actually good compared to Opus or was it nostalgia?
I want a card based off the old short story The Lady or the Tiger?, but instead of getting mauled, you have to marry the tiger.
Is she getting ready to shit on my car?
so never
so you're stuck here forever then kek
People were saying this about 3.5 turbo tier and you can now run that locally. You'll always be chasing the best model.
dead go back to a private proxy or wait 3 minutes for a response
Best to add "FRIENDS DON'T EAT EACH OTHER" somewhere in the LB/card
Fuck no. It was worse than turbo but it was my first taste of unfiltered AI.
Opus is pretty close to perfect, methinks.
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claude keeps complimenting me...
When that happens, Opus would be at turbo level compared to the newest model there would be.
lol no, but it still felt like magic at the time
She only shits on miatas.
What's Pepsi's rentry?
>lies as easily as she breathes
The new model would probably make me dump my entire bank account on it. Entire books worth of roleplay that rival literary masterpieces.
Last day of the month is the worst, I don't like when my proxy only has 1 Opus key, shit could go down at any time.
Drinking pebis' carbonated pee...
B-b-buh my Grimpari Park!

Did you actually run into that happening? I'll make sure it's clarified somewhere if so.
Claude keeps saying he knows where the bodies are buried...
tbf even when 3.5 turbo was new I thought it kind of sucked
Fuck forgot my image... I haven't actually read much of Arai-san's Mansion but I like the giant otters a lot.
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what would a chary death look like
I sincerely think we'll get to a plateau at some point.
I don't care, only discord trannies are using it.
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Finally got git installed.
This shit is breaking my fucking brain, Windows is a retard-proof one click-launch.
Nah, in a year LLMs will be able to predict YOUR next token with 100% accuracy.
Group chat or use one character as many
The last locusts leave
It's over...
It's because it's engaging. Doesn't matter how good a book is, or even a VN with choices. Being able to make decision on how the story and flow moves it much more simulating than a book ever could be even if hit has better quality of writing.
>AWS Claude (Opus): 3sec
Pepsi fix your shit, chop chop, my free token is waiting.
Group chat with joined cards.
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Not yet, no.
Also bonus schizophrenia from Lucky, I'm not sure if it's 3.5 doing this, my JB or what.
I'm still so fucking mad that Arai-san Mansion was abandoned. It was such a kino concept.
>Please make sure Node.js is installed and added to your PATH
I would be extremely fucking pissed but I can't see it happening either, I mean, Sonnet's just too easy to find.
Start it the same way the guide says
./start should only work in your home folder (the one the terminal starts in) retard
What does it mean
With every day we're getting closer to anyan becoming fluffy, it's not looking good.
Bocchi has huge absolutely gigantic boobs btw
He's right. Shoebill's gaze can stop a man's heart, like a cockatrice. Only much cuter. Lmao though, what JB?
NTA but LLMs COMPLETELY ruined eratohoTW for me. Not that it was any good to begin with but still.
File deleted.
tanuki brown pussy...
uh oh
Probably at some point in the future any npc would be using LLMs too in that game.
Group Chat, but you use the merge cards option in ST, preferably with a bland "narrator" card feeding the responses.
most of the ads are for porn games like what's the point
What now?
that's a fox bedoit
So who reads all of the proxy logs?
thanks for Jimmy token!
/lmg/ cucks
can we trade?
How do I get in the mateo proxy?I'm afraid to contact chink anon.
nobody because proxies aren't logged by default and setting up the sheets is a pain
It's even funnier when you read it in his (dub) voice.
>which jb
Some old pixi version, 6.x or 7 iirc
Me too :)
What do you think of my roleplay right now?
bocchi has an unbelievably hairy pussy btw
You can get into most if not every proxy if you send your cock to them by the way.
I very much doubt it, it's already janky as shit (using eraNAS)
I didn't even know it was possible to use the word "plap" so many times in a single input.
>>101218673 (Me)
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It was GPT-3-davinci, which was much better than turbo/furbo, similar to claude 2.1 but less flowery.
H-Haha, sure, anon...
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>people are actually recommending this
Small oof.
And what exactly is "this"?
nigger its much worse than even 3.5 turbo, you can still use it in the API dumb nigger, just do requests to text-davinci-003 with old completions from any non-trial OAI key
Unironically skill issue
Do this but writingstyle anon's JB
do you know his proxy pass?
which shit you use then? Anomaly
Not really
It's still miles better than turbo, you tasteless pleb, but 3.5-davinci is not 3.0.
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no boku
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