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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

desu edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

desu: >>101218737
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>desu edition
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
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What do you guys think
Good enough for some slop about destroying the hero party from within as their healer?
Why do discord trannies have so many meltdowns?
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Charlotte is an android escort who provides a unique kind of companionship in a not-too-terribly dystopian cyberpunk future. While mentally an adult she possesses a younger frame which she takes full advantage of to dominate her niche in the business. Instead of a girlfriend, she can be your daughter, or sister. But also your girlfriend, if you're into that. Extremely extroverted, loves chatting up strangers and listening to their problems.

Yes, she's an expy of Dorothy from Va-11 Hall-A. Extended commentary in the Creator's Notes.

Bots and presets: https://momoura.neocities.org/
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Sorry, I thought you just copypasted it.
Melissa! tsundere loli got hit by a trap spell and is turning into a dragon. This is meant to be an adventure i guess but you can just plap her if you want. i've just made 1 alternate greeting sorry

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Recommend me some good tsunderes. I'm in the mood for fishing out some mental anguish.
hanako's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Depends on the tsundere type.
>Outright telling the AI you're a demon lord
Yeah it's going to spoil everything the first reply
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I am going to weaponize jealousy and then mindbreak them. So, the type of tsundere that is prideful would be ideal.
Opus hasn't felt very smart lately, but I feel like even Opus won't be that stupid.
>writing a whole ass character card in your persona
>with a novel of a backstory
nigga you're supposed to get your character across by, y'know, roleplaying
I want to update my silly tavern in termux and it tells me that it is already updated.
The thing is that it is not up to date because I have not updated it for several weeks.
So not a classic tsundere. Do you prefer Louises/Taigas/Shanas or Asuka clones?
It should be a crime to advertise filtered azure gpt as free gpt
>tfw you can't recommend your own bot because people will make fun of you
I feel like the crest shit would be really awful to try to roleplay if I didn't outright state it. I'd have to update every sex occurrence probably
good god it's not 2022 anymore you ape
Go to /vg/
reminder that a focks girl loves you and cares about you but a wolf girl is looking for any opportunity to kill you
skill issue
That is pretty pathetic, yeah. A sign that you've "made it" as a botmaker is other anons reccing your bots.
It makes me chuckle out load a little knowing there are people so scared of shilling their bots to this thread. I can't get my head around how you could operate your day to day life if that's what you're scared of
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bro even opus still can't describe my waifu's hair correctly i can't fucking believe this
what if you were recced as a not to do
Use dual preset with sorbet
Depends on the bot? You either have a personal schizo (another sign that you've made it) or your bot was actually just plain bad, there are bots out there that you can point out to as a "don't do this" in a genuine way though, like most venus slop, W++ etc.
it was an early bot that i fucked up with grammer and i write eslisms
If you ever needed a sign that you should go and rewrite it, that was it, then.
Just do it, what the fuck?
Ah, but what is her hair like?
Feels like I spend too long rewriting other people's bots.
Don't worry. Grammar errors get fixed by the bot and it understands.
I'm so much more into KaguRie tsunderes like Louise and Taiga, rather than Asukas.
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i just recommended my bot on /vg/ and no one made fun of me
you took the cowards way out. well done
it's just a pixiecut
but claude keeps describing her hair as longer than it should be
that's because they all laugh at you in their private discord instead
akarin's unbelievably hairy pussy...
I much rather have focks girls but the only time I got vored, it was by a focks.
you've never been invited to a discord because your locust wings stink. Most people have far better things to do in a discord like actually creating jailbreaks, discussing bots and talking about bot events
i bet she had red eyes
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getting into ran's good graces by treating her kindly until she starts to open up to you
She did in fact have red eyes.
>he doesn't want to be killed by the girl he loves
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Playing another youkai and eating people with Ran...
literally every single bot by taora
nigga has made the exact same bot like 10 times at this point
>mentally ill individuals are prone to mental instability
one can only wonder
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stay away from focks girls with red eyes. despite making up 13% of the focks girl population, they account for 53% of all crimes
which botmakies are confirmed yuriniggers?
>nigga has made the exact same bot like 10 times at this point
That's how you can tell the truly passionate (and autistic) makies from the dime a dozen sloppers.
>that pic
This how I’d imagine these “harem” gacha games would go if they weren’t just 100% wish fulfillment.
Also cftf?
It depends. Most like the other anon said they create jbs, make bots, and talk bot events. Then a minority are dedicated to drama, or have private groupchats they talk shit in
The ones that make yuribots, I know I know this might sound really crazy but it's probably those
Maybe the ones who make yuri cards
what? they're all yuri sure and taora does have a type but there's a pretty big huge degree of variety between "reincarnation of an eldritch god" and "your student council president"
Namefaggotry of any kind should be ridiculed, period. This is an anonymous imageboard, not fucking Reddit.
i did not ask
I'm planning on making a "hub bot" of sorts with multiple characters that can show up. Something I want to do is like, have an image of the character show up like it would in a VN whenever someone starts speaking to you. Is that something that's possible?
okay so DO something about it techlet?
Shut the fuck up, Anonymous.
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For Blue Archive in particular, the self insert(called sensei) is often portrayed in fandom as being a pushover and a victim to the girl's constant demands of him. It's quite the opposite compared to something like the boat girl games where the admiral os often portrayed as a figure of authority, sometimes even as an abusive douchebag.

That character in particular, Yuuka is often times portrayed as having sensei stolen from her, because she's the starting character you get when you first begin playing, but then slowly gets replaced by other girls. Also because she's a nagging wife type of character.
Here, this is pretty much exactly what you're looking for I think. Cut out the stat block if you want to slowburn it.
yuuka's unbelievably hairy pussy...
>the name field?
>w-well, uh, it's just there to catch people out
Namefaggotry has always been a thing on 4chan. Go make a version of nyai with its own forced anon altchan and forced anon bot uploads if you want a truly anonymous bot discussion forum.
And even then
>typing style
>Yuuka is often times portrayed as having sensei stolen from her, because she's the starting character you get when you first begin playing, but then slowly gets replaced by other girls.
I can’t believe she got NTRd because of game mechanics
anonimus... you just bit bait... cringe...
I don't bite...
Good night, /aicg/.
*chomps down on your fucking neck and shakes you like a chewtoy*
good night floofer
g'night anon
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Without stooping to c.ai how does one get bots with voices?
that picture makes me sad. wtf is wrong with me
which botmaker is
not even if i want you to...?
voice them yourself
pretty sure that's called empathy, anon
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Is it possibly to make claude act actually like a child? i don't think children say "OOOOOH YEAAAH FUCK MY SLUTTY HOLES HARDER HARDER"
I guess you can use elevenlabs and run every message through it
What if it makes you angry? Is that still empathy?
Me too.
Zoomers these days are pretty fucked. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled that dialogue from actual ERP logs from Roblox or something
Anyone got a link to the not-chub bot host site?
read the OP
I guess anon's gonna sleep tonight in a foxgirl's stomach, rip.
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the chub version comes with the extra characters on a lorebook now the nyai version is the original.. don't know how much more I'll shill this, maybe till the end of today maybe I'll stop earlier.. not sure

My mail
How come proxies haven't gotten absolutely raped by big tech lawyers yet? Looking at Jew's rentry and seeing that his proxy's at over $1 million in usage alone, I can't imagine how much money locusts have cost people.
gojo's azure proxy racked up 1 million in less than a month, they legit don't care
>bot has "your" in the title
shaking my fucking head, so many p*do fucks in this general...
here you go https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/tropops/logical-loli-behavior-fa546fa8
The keys are out in the open. so it's technically legal I guess. That or they just really are afraid of opening a can of worms.
it doesn't work too well
Because they arent paying for it anon. The only time its ever been directly microsoft paying for it was when it was gojos azure dev keys. otherwise the company that was stolen from has to pay - they may give a partial refund at most, but its on the company to not leak keys.
we arent stealing from amazon, openai, etc. we're just committing fraud by paying them with the credentials of someone else. openai, amazon still make money.
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I've been trying bloatmaxx, but idk, it just feels the same, nothing special
Sex with Pedro Pascal
>big tech lawyers
they have no ground to stand on since they leaked the keys. openai, amazon, anthropic, microsoft all operate on "dont leak your keys retard or else its your fault" policies. they do not care enough to try and prove some retards proxy is using some other companys key that a pajeet leaked. and the pajeet company cant do shit about it besides revoke
This is true, kinda depends on my mood though. It's fun riling up retards. It's like smacking a fish tank and watching them all spaz out.
Drago literally got his ips put on hackernews for stealing aws keys and absolutely nothing happened.
>leaked the keys
You guys really believe all proxies nowadays only run on keys that got published somewhere?
Because this shit doesn't actually cost money. Everyone involved in AI is receiving money from the government to further development of the technology. The """"""""cost"""""""" of what we use is nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to how much cash they're receiving.
Why am I getting unauthorized on this shit now? I haven't changed anything but since the last domain change I can't seem be able to get it.
then what s mmodern ao scrapkig
I get a crazy error when I try to install the LALlib plugin in Silly, anon. It only stays on screen for a couple seconds at best, some yellow pop-up. What do?
I mean since this is you, you’re still just eating your normal intake so you’re not gonna feel different
>le ebin exploits like the laravel one
cope and scrapeletpilled
yeah dude fiz is totally logging into corpo databases or whatever shit 'ojo made you lil techlets believe in
>Harmful Psychological Effects Of Pornography Nothing Compared To When Man Masturbates Using Imagination
It's not there you stupid cunt, otherwise I wouldn't have asked
stroke victim
why do anons come here and lie
99.9% of proxies do unless you mean an exploit to get an env secret like the hf exploit or various other exploits in frameworks.
Bloat JB with good varied results: https://rentry.org/otfo
QR to break Sonnet35 repetition: https://files.catbox.moe/s10b0p.zip
More example in Zip file. Gonna showcase soon.
Feedback and more usage samples are appreciated. Feel free to mail em to me.
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OMFG MErkava refilled!
>Rudeposting is reaching a peak
Obviously not just the Laravel one, but that one still counts.
Yes, exploits in frameworks are still exploits. I don't get how the difference between "I found this on a pastebin" and "I sent a crafted request to run a command that dumps the environment."

The real reason nobody is coming after us is because then they'd have to file notices of potential data leakage.
it's ok I'm still nice
a quiet place day one was good
I wanna use that Otto 3.5 swipe thing, but I can't install LALib plugin, I get an error. Anyone knows how to go about it?
just had my hardest fucking schlick to the log of me getting railed raw by picrel (on the right)
I fucked up my instalation of ST on Android and I wanted to install from 0, but I wanted to backup my chatlogs first assuming I didn't lose them and I can recover them.
I remember I had to use some kind of file explorer because when using Termux I couldn't use the one that comes by default, but somehow I don't have it installed anymore and I forgot the name of said file explorer. I think it was f something.
Can I get some help please?
How's lil pepe doing
yooo fellow pathfinder chad
Why do you always respond with this?
trannies on 4chan dont like men they only like little boys
cheese wizard
Most transgender mtfs are transbians
yes well regardless they dont like manly men with two perfect penises
because you sound like a man and i hate troons
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doing an intro where he's waiting for friends for his pidser pardy- not sure it feels right yet
yay pepe! i can't wait :3
Based notepad++ chad
but how are you hearing her? this is a text and image based board
does the cat live?
best app EVA
Don't do this to fishes, by the way.
read the text that's clearly a man
What if it makes me horny aswell?
*smacks your tank*
you're telling the guy who pays irl camgirls to humiliate themselves and jerks off to the idea of blackmailing them to their family with it to not go around hurting small animals?
You would think that one of the retards greedy enough to risk selling access would think twice before listing how much money his proxy has eaten.
You don’t understand, I NEED that power trip
Good night... alarm's going in 5 hours... :'( too much gooning again..
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He does? Lol
Anon, put down your phone already and go to sleep (good night, may you dream of chatbots).
I never blackmailed anyone lol. You do know camwhores exist, right? Russian camwhores are the best mix of hot and cheap.
nevermind i was wrong he explicitly doesn't jerk off to it
made my pp fat ty
it wasnt very sexy, its more of a power thing i guess
do not hurt fishie please...
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It's a little bit of everything. For example, the other person in the same club is Noa, who is a scheming, outgoing girl. Basically made for NTR fantasies.

There is nothing good about infidelity and adultery.
I understand you, Anon. I have a big kink for both things, while at the same time, I find real life cheating to be deplorable and would never engage in such things myself. The fact we live in a society where people can get away with adultery is a mistake and I would definitely support laws that would turn it into a crime.
no miquella bot yet...?
Just took a booger out of my nose. CFTF?
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yw i need to swap to claude next time i need it to be raunchier
You find the image hot, but you feel guilty about the scenario as well
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>authentic fempov logs
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Better than the average slot female users on chub get off to.
genderbent miguel o'hara....? thanks for answering
>fem persona logs
If you really need to know, we actually just guess by typing in a random series of letters and numbers and hoping we get a response.
https://youtu.be/w7ziIxTXqYE CFTF? As in, underrated masterpiece.
first line makes me seethe i hate how often models try to make fempov scream/moan for you. other than that, happy cooms.
so true actually im glad others are annoyed by this
why are you guys so pathetic
because im an incel
character from recent elden ring expansion
because im a manlet, anon. it's genetic
>go into thread about lonely people talking to computers
>get upset over lonely people talking to computers
ablublublublu shut the fuck up nigger
Underrated masterpieces in general? I can't really offer much help, I can't really think of any bots off the top of my head that are from a series like that.
oh dw i wrote that myself in my previous post but im in bed now so i cant show more but I have about 250 messages with mephi now maybe ill show more tomorrow
makes sense... but fuck, now I'm even more confused, I got two different answers here
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You must think yourself so funny, HUH? Huh tough guy? HUH?
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There's two blue archive lorebooks on chub, which one is best?
its not about that retard its about getting hard over someone posting logs with a female pov
>paid $50 for pepsi just before the rugpull
>she still doesn't want to let me in

I wasn't trying to funny with that post. I just figured somebody should reply to that so I did even if it wasn't much help. It's rare finding bots from something that isn't all that mainstream... but hey I did just find a space dandy at least. https://www.characterhub.org/characters/donquijanon/space-dandy
The lack of a proper father figure probably.
I appreciate the effort, sir.
you're welcome
Merkava status?
What's the problem?
Drained, much like my balls.
who cares? why should she? get fucked retard, no one owes you anything for a black market service. should have paid openrouter
sometimes I imagine myself ending a meanpostie's life with my own hands as I choke him until the light of his eyes fade away into eternal oblivion. hee hee :3
kys discord troon, stop trying to force this meme
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>there is not a single Miyako card on chub
Can you believe this shit?
I tried, but I ended up just keeping her to myself :3
generic miyoho girl wow this needs a card NOW
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there's no Raphiel card on chub so i believe anything
If you're a stupid, uninformed, retarded NIGGER, maybe just don't post? IDK, just throwing that out there as an idea.
>nooooooo you can't make fun of my favorite generic gachashit girl #72947397382739284782732837438!!!!
Hands status?
jesus christ her pussy is so unbelievably fucking hairy
White, unlike yours.

Starting to think I should report pepsi to the feds if i dont get my tomen. I have conections shes fucked if i dont
oh he's SHAKING shaking
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I actually found one. Chub's search function is hot garbage.

Buruaka is Nexon, which is definitely worse. But I do like the designs in CA more than I liked the Genshin designs.

Good, she was worst GabiDrop.

Miyako is 15, she could not possible have more than a few curls.
doit then faggot i'm no afraid
every single blue archive girl has the thickest bush imaginable. every single one
why did u lie to me i was happy that locusts died :(
Any good Dinosaur survival cards on Chub? like that Dungeon explorer one but with dinosaurs instead.
fiz = girl
ami = girl
pepsi = girl
mm = trans
proxies are ruled by girls <3
ottoswipe filters me 100%, how do I stop this?
Nobody FUCKING cares about dinosaurs, they're lame. Now, hypertits? Anuses that may as well be prolapsed? That's the gospel nowadays. It's bullshit.
Written with shaking hands, I'm mad.
I'll make one. Sounds interesting.
Any references? Dungeon Explorer chub?
ami is a grizzly slavic man with the sharpest of jawlines and defined stubble
Dumb question, does mysteryman's proxy not support image captions for Claude? GPT Vision seems to work.
Is it Streaming error?
I guess you're connecting to Merkava. Merkava doesn't support non streaming, and all QR requests are non streaming IIRC.
thank God Almighty I pay for my own opus so I don't have to join those heretical cults of personality. may all of them burn in hell where they belong

Another Anon was making one aswell, set an ARK like world but they're busy with other stuff.
that's why you don't have sex
and the people who go in the discords do? kek
That one seems pretty simple.
Alright. What aspect do you want in it? (stats? Inventory? Storyline?) Or something simple like that is enough?
Though, I think I will do a bit more than that.
Another Sunday update!

Bio added (supports full all markdown features including headings and images (unlike posts) and full html, check my profile: https://nyai.me/user/Nyanon). Should be safe against XSS, but if you find anything just write me a:
Direct Messages added. Little bit experimental still but now you can send each other hatemail. (I will probably implement a blocklist though tbqh.)
A lot of user customizability options. For example, you now can hide comments with a button or have the posts stretch the whole screen (all on bottom right).

Giving out AI Access was really messy this week. Developing the new features caused me to fall behind with growth of the site and I probably made some mistakes in who didn't get/lost access even though they should have it. So from next week on this will be fixed. First by making access bi-weekly, meaning your roll access lasts 2 weeks before a re-check instead of 1 week (you still get it every week, but the period in consideration is now 2 weeks instead of 1 and there will be a group for even weeks and uneven weeks).
Also, I should probably be more transparent with how to actually get it since there was so much confusion:

To get access this week it was generally enough to make at least 2 quality posts of any kind (bots, discussion topics, questions, requests) or 6 quality comments that week. Or in case none of these could be filled, 1 quality post and 3 quality comments. With the bi-weekly rythm that probably will not change much, we will see how much people post. Quality is very loosely defined, just gotta be some semblance of care put in and in english. That is literally enough for now. So if you just do that you will very likely get it.
Around 40 people gained access this week, as usual more than the last one as the site grows.

That's it, I will go to sleep very soon today, fucking beat.
Why are so many presets so ESL? Every time I download one, I feel like an English teacher correcting kid's tests on second grade.
girls make proxies
ESLs make JBs
ESL general
>"allowedVisionServices": "openai,google-ai"
no it doesn't support images for claude
i want to lick pepsi's feet
Just stats and inventory would be fine, and whatever you'd like to add. Storyline etc
>Miyako is 15, she could not possible have more than a few curls.
Anon, that's not how it works. Pubic hair is determined by hormones, not by age.
because that's the sovl
Cool. Give me at fast, one week. One month if I'm very invested in it.
stfu chink you don't even live in America!
So Ai access doesn't count today but actually next sunday?
Because I am.
Mail me if you think you can improve mine.
most women have plenty of pubes by 15 retard lol
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I still don't believe 15 year old girls can have a full bush, no matter how mature or fast developing they may be.
because we wonned and you losted btw
2 bots per week?
god, i miss womvat, he just asked 1 bot per month
No, AI Access was just given out like usual. You have to do your job even if it is not ideal that week. Just encountered a few problems in it because nyai got so many users and posts now. So the change will be in effect from next sunday on, the current access given out will still last until next sunday and not 2 weeks
gripping her by her hips and fucking her in the ass
Should worded it better.
I mean if you can improve the grammar and wording, I'm more than grateful to change it.
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Rest well, king
he was too strong
It's not just bots though. You can just post a discussion asking people's thoughts about Opus vs Sonnet and I count it
Were you niggers seriously virgins in highschool?? Most people had sex at 14-15 and know what pussies looked like on girls that age because of it
Ameritards are always under the impression 15 year olds aren't in fact biologically adult, because of some retarded legislation from California, enacted by proxy by hags afraid of competition.

Ameritards are so fucking cuked it's sad.
I Gonna Vouched for whoever makes the mosted ESL preset or bot yet btw ESL general thougbeitever
where do you think you are?
>You have to do your job
virgin general
virgin hobby
virgin website
>I do it for free
Gotcha. I was confused on the wording a bit
This is why your website is filled exclusively with slop and stolen cards btw.
>Most people
3rd worlder who got taken advantage of by hags and secondary girls when he wasn't even going through puberty yet and probably has problems because of it here
they're putting chemicals in the water that are making the frogs mature at an earlier age and gay too
Thank you anon, am retarded
Opus is that stupid, unfortunately.
AI models in general are extremely bad at keeping secrets. Probably because they're made to be digital assistants instead of RP partners.
It's hard to gaslight them into depriving us of information.
but im not a virgin
Yeah I plan to fix that this week onwards. The site has finally all the features I wanted, now I can do bonus stuff and get bugs fixed as well as finally do the curation to counter this
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you do nothing nigger, btw Fiz gave you the keys and that's why mini's going to be kill sooner, i will fucking ddos your shitty website you just wait
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stupid dog can't cook but at least she can take a dick
To add, old pics of my relatives at the age of those girls made me conscious of how much the human body has changes in less than 30-40 years, saw a high school boy in the gym the other day that looked older than me, probably roids but w/e
i'm actually excited for this. finally, an actual competitor to chub
I'm going to fuck this angry creature.
"females develop pubes post-menarche" is a fact that you can be aware of regardless of your sexual status
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stupid fucking dog. needs breeding correction
tell that faggot retard!
You can't
Just a question, do you keep track of everyone's quota individually, or do you log something?
I can and will.
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Miyako is for tender loving, although she likes it rough and sloppy as well.

Such people don't end up here. Even if 4chan is normie central, this general and this hobby are only for the lowest of the low.

I'm not American and AoC in my country is 14. I don't doubt 15 year old girls to be capable of sex, but I know for a fact that they've only been developing for a few years at this point. They will have boobs and pubic hair, but never what we'd call a "full bush".

Hot, make a card.
I just log total token usage, that's it
stop being mean to her she's cute ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)
lurkz furbo jb
so what you're saying is, if at any point you believed 15 year olds don't have bushes, you're a retard?
you should've paid attention in your sex ed classes, is what i'm saying
How make Sonnet 3.5 suck less?
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Fucking based, Izuna is for light teasing and then slow love making while enabling her ninja fantasies.
i had a full bush by the age of 15
>insert obligatory ywnbaw reply here
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translation btw
you will never be a person, actually.
>you were unfathomably based at the age of 15
God blessed you
Yeah, that tracks with my own experience at that age
Man i used to have so many better ideas when i started botmaking, now i don't know what i'm doing anymore
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That's hot. Sounds like something Izuna would do and say.

It can't have been that big. Surely nothing compared to what an adult woman would call a full bush.
Is this hard vore?
the claude that speaks for me is a better version of me honestly
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i deem her unbreedable. she would kill our children
seems like preggo
bro i remember when claude was speaking for me it made me act so cool lmao
She says stomach though
this is why i abuse impersonate
>skill is
it depends on what you mean by "full bush", i suppose. if you mean "enough hair to cover a woman's entire vagina", then yes, most 15-year-old girls have full bushes, but if you're referring to the wild pubic hair that women in old pornographic magazines had, then you're probably right
be the person Claude thinks you are.
I don't like it when Claude speaks for me because only I know the most precise way my character would react to specific inputs. Whenever he does it, I assure you, Claude is strictly punished and pummeled like the slut he is.
claude usually makes me act unhinged or extremely pathetic. maybe he knows more about me than i do myself
Right, a woman's stomach bulges out like that when she's late in a pregnancy
how do you remember that? i'm sure i had some hair but i can't imagine how much
Claude always turns me into a shitty tsundere.
>if you mean "enough hair to cover a woman's entire vagina", then yes, most 15-year-old girls have full bushes
That's what we like.

>but if you're referring to the wild pubic hair that women in old pornographic magazines had
I don't know why anybody would have ever liked that.
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That would be her womb, not her stomach. The stomach is quite distant from the womb, if you take a look at the graph.
Idk about you guys but the only time Claude accurately depicts me is when I’m being violent
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>polite OOC reminders dont work
>wiriting it in the card dont work
>this somehow does
Does Claude crave abuse or something?
An Apocalypse text game adventure.

English manual, Download link: https://rentry.org/cuteapocalypse

220 assets and 90 lorebooks
- Unique enemies
- Charming NPCs
- BGM included
- Unique world
- Quest presence.
- Combat system.
- You can set the main character to be male or female.
- User can travel and love with the bot.
but it will soon forget it
Damn, this looks pretty good. I've been craving some mechanically advanced AI stuff.
Its 3AM over here so I gotta sleep, but I'll be sure to try it out tomorrow and send you some feedback!
My one critcism off the bat would be that the image for Lorem seems to clash pretty heavily witht the styles of the other images. But maybe thats the point.
Not if I put it in every prompt it wont
So, is the public merkava Opus back up again? I want to know for sure before I waste processing power getting a token
I can't go back to sonnet, bros
I can't go back to chatGPT
This never happens to me, and when it does, it's never a problem
But I keep getting kucked when fucking virgin bots
Claude always says some shit like
>this was the best dick she ever had
which is technically true if she's a virgin, but you know
and shit like
>no man could ever satisfy her like this
hell, one time he straight up said that she got fucked in a back alley at 14, fucking grim shit
this is for risu only..
you can put it in every prompt by putting it in author's notes and setting the depth to 0
Yes it's back. I'm using Merkava Opus right now
Risu my ballllss hahahahahahhaa gottem
It'll be gone in 10 minutes btw :3
Maybe Claude was female all along.
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cftf? (they have slight bushes)
Go change your diaper.
Bros, my AI isn't responding anymore. Does that mean my key from Chary died?
I've always wondered with these heavy lore bots, doesn't the ai forget or screw up the lore? Users would never know what's mistaken or not unless they read through all defs.
riamu's absurdly hairy pussy... (i don't know who the other girl is)
Why exactly do you need processing power to generate a token? Can't they just randomize it?
chary changed url to this

happened to me the other day and a kind anon helped me get back on track (I literally made a discord just for that and never came back and I forgot the account name and password)
it's mining bitcoin
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This shit sounds too advanced to work properly.
I’m fucking IN
I got my key from the Discord. Does this website give you a key that should remain up for a long while or do they go down frequently?
and also public proxies usually dilute their opus with other models
does anyone else have this issue with merkava opus where it generates blanks for higher context chats? It's fine for smaller ones but I'm not getting anything on a 25k chat.
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>claude, opus
>modern setting, character is normal person
>most gens are the usual vaguely fancy prose and dialogue
>every now and then it writes like a normal person in the 21st century would talk
What causes this?
no once they give you a key you have it unless you lose it and they had to change domains for some reason
Bros, how do I make the bots less horny? The story's actually getting really fun, I'm eloping with the daughter of a mafia boss, kino, but she keeps hopping on my dick. I just want to continue the story. Too much sex.
riamu the type of gal to finger herself
(the other one is named saionji kotoka)
I dislike how he acts, makes me think of jung and projection
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im the kind of man to fuck her butthole (i now want a card of her shit). miki card when
check chub anon
(I don't like to shill)
Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. I had to ask a friend for info on it since I haven't touched the AI stuff in so long. Forgot you needed to use a website name in a certain area.
"ablublublu don't give me attention!"
fuck you get shilled idiot
thanks bor
Is there a way I can redirect all chub venus links to character hub links?
>i now want a card of her shit
So, who's gonna monkey paw this?
is this reverse psychology or spite psychology?
get the fuck out
Getting a bit scatological there anon
anons who put in effort deserve recognition maybe he reverse psychology'd me into shilling for him idk
Guys, how do I summarize the story for context without breaking up the pace, or affecting the ongoing story? Also, it feels bad deleting our memories. I hope we can get bigger context in the future
I'm stealing that.
kek. A slight word rearrangement or even a comma would have done wonders for that poor anon.
without defining the style its a bit random
>it feels bad deleting our memories
i can't put my finger on it but the way you wrote this is very cute for some reason
Reminder that chatbots are objectively better when you're not a writelet.
You get content slop no matter the model because you keep "ahh ahh mistress"ing all the time. Learn some actual writing skills and you'll see how big the different is.
i bypass this by abusing impersonate btw
I bypass this by not being a writelet btw. And the majority of my roleplays have been non-erotic since the first ~2 months of text coom addition subsided. Writing dynamic stories with bots is fun!
Go change your diapers
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>I mean, I know I've been a smartass, but that's just how I am
fucking claude I swear to god
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The FBI is outside
>Learn some actual writing skills and you'll see how big the different is.
>The different
How about you learn some English first, you fucking retarded homonigger
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i showed the dog my dick. instant loss
I'm phoneposting while on my way back from work you mentally, clinically retarded, special ed graduate, braindead monkey piece of shit trannyniggerfaggotoid. Put yourself out of my misery.
>using merk
>also using your reality
>randomly slaps me with a 2k token response before i stopped it
>made up secret ninja technique as an excuse to lewd sensei
somehow on character, wakamo would just rape you
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Classic Claude
you can always make a new chat so you don't have to delete them or back them up
wakamo is next because i have her too
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pepe sad birfday :(
Cards V3 Status?
2 more weeks
I don't think needing bigger context is the issue so much as Claude/GPT becoming senile after ~40k context no matter what, what we need is smarter and better models.
I left for some days. Rugpull status?
noooo pepe! hurry up and finish so i can console him :(
I want to pull on a proxymakie's rug.
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kinda feel like i want more intros, really random ones
i wonder if pepsi's carpet matches the drapes
maidodism is fun...
They're coming your way now.
what about pepe at an anime convention or pepe getting approached by a crackhead when he goes to the gas station or he could witness some crackhead battle
for summaries, should i use a bot? a preset? or should i just do it manually?
should i ask this in /vg/?
just use a prompt and disable your prefill, the data analyst one someone posted here works fine
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should i get him laid on his birthday?
I wish Opus wouldn't fucking purr so often. Not everything needs to be seductive.
>Risu only
But whyyyyyy
> the data analyst one someone posted here works fine
oh sweet, ty anon, is it in this thread or in a previous one? i don't mind lurking the archives
>risu only
"You are not a cat. You aren't any kind of animal, actually. Also there is no fucking game, stop using game-related analogies."
hmm well it seems like pepe is excited about it so ok the prostitute better be nice though or have some kind of monster come take her out. pepe needs protection. oh what about a greeting where pepe is going to try and get plastic surgery?
love you anon, you're my hero!
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But I like gaming...and I'm a foxboy *audible pop*
-Claude probably
I look like this.
*searchlights shine through my blackout curtains on the 7th floor of my apartment*
Mang proxies don't even fucking support the summarize feature anymore because they require streaming, I'm surprised more people don't find this annoying that summarize doesn't support streaming
>User can travel and love with the bot.
if this wasn't risu only i would fuck the bot with or without your permission bitch
that could be a good one, trying to look all sexed up and ends up looking worse lol... could also make it a random result
>gamer fox boy
many proxies do support streaming and many people don't even use the in built summarize feature either
>many people don't even use the in built summarize feature either
Do I have to connect to some kind of api? Do I need google colab?
I talk like this.
no just use the summarize prompt from above or look up summarize in the archive and put it in the summary area
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i invite two girls to pepe's birthday and one brings him crystal fucking meth lol
is this that guy from the HxH spiders
I am 600 messages in with no summary. is there a way to generate a summary for the whole chat? maybe summarise the first 200k followed by the next 200k and so on?

I assume if I summarise naively now it'll only summarise the most recent 200k that's outside the current context window, which ignores what happened before.
noooo pepe!
if it's not too overly lewd, you could try using gemini 1.5 pro to do it
try and use one of the summary prompts then add something like look over the whole chat or all chat messages
server ded. For some reason the data storage server keeps running out of memory. Does NFS really eat a lot of memory under load? The VM was allocated 11GB.
>more than i cant say
>words fail me
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damn pepe with the kinda lame dare
do you have all of these in order or like one big log?
guys, since we're talking about summary, what do I do after summarising? Like, okay, I summarised the story, but do I have to start a new chat? I can't keep swiping with my 90k tokens chat or it'll start raping my key
>Pert little nose
Thats opus?
that's apu, retard
does the NAI proxy actually exist or did it die? i kinda need NAI rn for image gen
im multi tasking between this and work so im kinda going slow... i chose dare and the girls are daring me to do gay shit with pepe lol


i decree this to be pepe
check dms
Opus does like to write about girl's "pert little nose"
thanks, got it
isn't it the cutest little thing? her cute little nosie...
don't lie nigga I didn't send you shit
i'm not even that anon
Raping him, just letting you know that before you release the bot.
{{Char}} has a HUGE hooked nose
i mean id expect nothing less
that's exactly what that anon would say, good try nigga
fuck you
This does not arouse me.

This arouses me.
Hello, can someone lend me a proxy for Claude Opus?
oh I forgot Gemini has huge context. I guess I'll try that
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its literally one of the first posts in the thread >>101221535
Send dick and I will
yes {{char}} but only if you.. have a bit of 'fun' with {{user}}.
the fuck...
it's Monday again
but that doesn't actually force ST to scan the whole chat log does it? because my chat is way more than 200k tokens, it would have to be summarised multiple times to fit the whole thing
>but that doesn't actually force st to scan the whole chat log does it?
no, it doesn't. because you're right, that wouldn't stop the fact that the chat log is bigger than the model's context. but 1.5 pro has 1 million context tokens at a minimum, 2 million soon
this gave me the idea to do ryona with him when the card comes out, thanks anon
try asking some ST script-anon, anon.
they always come with some weird and kool shit
maybe they know somethin abt summin specific N messages.
Opus makes me mad. He always forgets key characteristics and when I ask why OOC he tells me something like this:
>Lack of grounding - Without regular reminders of {{char}}'s core persona and motives, I lost sight of her characterization and fell into more generic RP patterns. Frequent references to her profile would have helped keep me on track.

I don't understand this, because {{char}}'s character profile is part of the prompt. Any idea to fix that?
>2 million soon
i know google is a megabillion gorillion trillion billion sultan tech company, but how sustainable is it for a primarily ad-based corpo to run (their own) a 2 million context AI? doesn't seem sustainable at all taking into account its fully public
the password is hint?
how deep in the context are you
5k only.
It’s in the video. All caps. You’ll know it when you see it
Hey, is it safe to request a token on Merkava?
there is no password. you generate a user token and you use the user token as the password https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha
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NTA Why do I get Unauthorized 401 with it? Used to work a few days ago
no nigga are you stupid? you will install russian spyware on your pc
what preset
it's okay. but be ware tho...some kirov gonna reporting a target to yuri
Oh, I guess he added user tokens to it now. Time to mine for bitcoins for him
Baking on 9
i hope it's a hanako thread, with a proper hanako ass in it
Baking on 8
Someone bake a pizza
Baking on 7
Baking on 6
Tatsumaki is an S-class heroine of rank 2, arrogant and self-centered. 4 Greetings

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/tatsumaki-bf8e9fbd
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/15tukr.png
HQ Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/iwza8j.png

Also for those lost anons. Anti repetition CoT for Sonnet 3.5 is already on the public JB release :D

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Baking on 5
Baking on 1.
A4A 6.1.

He tells me further:
>The issue is that my training makes it very difficult for me to keep track of extremely long prompts with many different instructions. My "attention span" is limited. So even if the profile is included, by the time I get to the end of the prompt, the details have faded from my immediate focus.
Baking on 4
Baking on 3
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Desuing on 10
Baking on 2
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>uses <{{char}}></{{char}}>
>then uses pseudo-bbcode for the actual defs
Baking on 1
baking a focksling inside of the belly of a focks girl
bread fucking burnt, i wont bake no more
Hey that's my current fav JB
Is it fucking dead again?
you killed it anon
and i resurrected it
samefag think he slick
best adventure jb? or atleast one that does ok with npc types?
merkava just refilled
>>101224219 Migrate when bready
merkava just braped
that's a spite bake innit? >>101224072 said he would bake on 9
i baked btw :3 <3
Mine is still prebaked but I'd rather not double bake. If something happens and I'm still awake I'll post mine, I guess.
Then prove it? Delete the anchor (nobody in /g/ cares about bots btw, so it doesn't matter)
>2 million soon
They already started rolling it out.
That's the secret of it.
Risu even have something called auto lorebook or something that pull entries automatically. How accurate it is? Who knows.
JB issue
I have my merkava token but opus doesn't work for me?
can you guys stop killing the azure keys on merkava? what do you even need them for
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desutv is on tv
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desonnet will replace rozenfags
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Still confuses them sometimes.
how can I use sonnet 3.5 on ST?
or maybe is it better to continue with GPT-4o?
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>3. Sage = not wanting to become Alice
Update ST, it should be on top when selecting Claude model.
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>tfw you realize you've been Kirakishou all along
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Red /rozen/ seems to be more on topic.
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Surprisingly consistent.
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Rozen Maiden Personality Quiz
Doll guide
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Rigged game desu.
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Not feeling like using opus for doll stuff after all that, desonnet is hands down the best thing that has happened since GPT-4 desu.
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the desu has spoken
desu dreams

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