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BHD Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID (Updated 2021-08-22) https://i.imgur.com/akrkAyV.png
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- STATUS https://trackerstatus.info

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO

>- NEWS -
BHD started recruiting on RED (TM+), PTP (TM+) and GGN (master+ and 2 years) as of now >>101232083 >>101233801
Thread before previous one lasted for a week >>101222062
Previous thread lasted for 30 minutes >>101222062

Previous thread: >>101233742
Jannies hate women
why is this thread even on /g/
it's too fast
I spend a few days sleeping and two whole threads pass by
sometimes, like a few months ago, in a week we'd get 10 entire threads
the /ptg/ thread on /t/ is so much better, it's barely halfway and it's been there for 8 months, so much comfier
be like /t/, not /g/
wow i love jannies now
Whenever I browse the ptp forums I see quite a few banned accounts. And I'm not talking about noname shitters, TK and Custom classes are regularly banned as it seems. The fuck are they doing? How can you upload so much and then get banned?
politics probably
we just had a thread last an entire week m8
can I upload manga to RED?
i did it. i donated to a private tracker. i feel dirty
you should feel the warm and fuzzy feeling in your tummy.
did hey lie?
You're a paypig now. Dirty little paypig~
>BHD Edition
They must be desperate for new users.
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>BHD recruits
>these are their stats rn
why bother?
better than blu and hdb
how do i get invited to beyondhd?
be on a tracker that they recruit on

>better than blu and hdb
HDB is way better than BHD for me.
they have FLUX
yet it takes as much effort to enter as PTP and BTN
literal trash
has more full discs and remuxes than btn. enjoy your 20 year old dvdrips.
Now show us unique tv show and movie uploads, go on
>and hdb
my life is miserable. I am in every major tracker. I have over 40TB harddrives filled with movies/games/porn and whatever. I have self-hosted solutions for every sort of content I could ever imagine consuming and yet I sit here lonely and unloved. I will turn 25 next week and I never had a gf nor sex at all. I hate myself.
Grind touchgrass.life
High five mid-twenties brother! Only gf I ever had was in elementary school. And I'm living paycheck to paycheck. What a wonderful life.
as opposed to?
consider the rope
Well, SOMEONE just got /marked/
deleting random hdtv episode torrents that have been dead for years
Jannies are so gay
I was TK and got disabled for arguing with a janny about getting my invite privs removed for a bullshit reason
I joined again and i'm back to TK again lol. I do feel like a bit of a cuck sometimes though for contributing after getting banned by some tranny
>bullshit reason
You sold invites, didn't you?
No. I invited my friend.
You're not allowed to trade sexual favors for an invite.
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It's so fucking over. I should have kept it active even if it was an open signup shit trackers years ago.
You're probably on PTP, right? Then it doesn't matter
What efforts have you been making to meet a potential gf?
Which one?
BHD is for Pajeets that can't get into PTP and BTN

I thought you guys were all on PTP and BTN, this is /ptg/ not r/trackers, get out of my board 3rd world shitskins, go back to reditor
Half the people here are not on the cabal trackers because they are scheming brown scum.
What are the best indexers? And from which trackers could I get invited? I know they almost never open but I think they invite from PTP?
Why would you pay to pirate?
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Is this fine for GGn's 2000 snatch torrent thing? I had it at 500 global before but it made my internet explode.
Not him (and I don't use usenet), but your monthly power cost for running a machine 24/7 to seed is probably around the same as a usenet provider sub.
Mainly to get the fastet dl speeds. And idk kinda tired of torrenting. But to be fair everytime I try usnet again its just trash. The top indexers might be better because from what I heard they mirror PTP and BTN.
how did your internet explode exactly?
My roommates complained that things were slow, stuff took a while to load and we just had issues, it was a few months ago so I forget. I figure if I just limit the connections it should be fine?
Limit your global download speed instead of the number of connections
Specifically this was after I downloaded everything, it was a seeding issue I think.
you just need .in
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because people feel lonely and need someone to respond?
1 - No it's not

2 - My PC will be always on anyway, with qbitorrent running on the background , bacause I'm terminally online, and I spend my days in front of the PC because I have no life or friends

Why would you want to pay for a worse imitation of PTP and BTN, if you can have them both for free?
And you don't have to wait for the uploads to reach usenet
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you ain't there,you won't get it
So, how does a seedbox from say, Ultra.CC work? I just buy it, have remote access and then what? Do I just log in via remote access to the PT and start downloading shit?
Just download the torrent links as normal and open them with the seedbox
Banned from Blutopia for 'Not having this back seat moderating' when the Moderator in Chatbox doesn't even know how full retail discs work and what they show when you put them in stand-alone players regarding the damn titles. Comparing apples to oranges with their example, too, and not apples to apples.

Deleted all that I uploaded there from my seedbox. I'm done with this private tracker elitist shit.
Did you mean currytist?

your post doesn't even make sense wtf you talking about. Why do all tracker users have lead poisoning idgi
Whats .in and where do they invite from?
The upload time would probably be negligible. And im using a VPN to torrent so im paying anyway. Also most VPNs fuck the speed up too
Is another staff member transitioning?
can you poo in loo?
no, it's actually huge, good job PTP
proxies and vpns are now allowed, you can use whatever IP you want
they've stopped using cloudflare
and they'll let politics into movie comments
like, there's dozens of warned people on the "what is a woman" movie because of politics, but now it's a free-for-all
Anyone else having issues right now with seeding on GGn?
>proxies and vpns are now allowed, you can use whatever IP you want
I'm sure this will totally not backfire for some people getting caught in the crossfire of them banning traders/sellers.
>like, there's dozens of warned people on the "what is a woman" movie because of politics, but now it's a free-for-all
It's free bans for rightwingers. Don't fucking slip and remember the rule to never engage with these freaks.
>like, there's dozens of warned people on the "what is a woman" movie because of politics, but now it's a free-for-all
This documentary was insanely dishonest, but goddamn the butthurt is hilarious
>like, there's dozens of warned people on the "what is a woman" movie because of politics, but now it's a free-for-all
Rule 1: Never engage with troons on sites where they are protected. Just get your movies and do something else.
I'm not disagreeing, but if you did read the comments you'd see the warnings were pretty even
as long as you posted more than a paragraph you'd get warned
even the very blatant trannies were warned but never banned (EM**A)
Kek. These guys are so insufferable.
Coomer sirs, how can I search for creators with fair skin, smooth and pinky coochies on emp?
What didnt you do? I barely use my account to download anything but I do have 2TB seeded.
that's extremely racist and xenophobic!
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I wonder how many indians are on EMP
russian stuff
ask the megagooners on the forums for recommendations
Yes, I have a Pornolab account, how did you know
We don't do the raping sir
they probably called someone a "faggot" or "retarded," which usually leads to an instant ban.
>join nzbs.in
engine9 is being a cunt, no recruitment as for now
do you guys know about the anime indexer on AB?
What you're on about
How did you get XMR now that localMonero is no more? Or did you use some other currency?
there is an anime indexer recruiting on AB
Yea, on everything else that matters. Still sucks tho.
I just forgot to log in. I had it for years when they would have open signups. I just never bothered with it since I was already on PTP/HDB.
what class do I need to be on GGn to get a PTP invite?

Also how do you guys get past elite gamer without uploading? Spam the forums and IRC?

seems like too much work to constantly write uninterested comments
Path to Sinderella?
You can get past elite gamer without uploads, forums, or IRC
>seems like too much work to constantly write uninterested comments
it is. just go from other trackers 500 upload on RED is easier.
don't they put the same one for inactive people
you can try asking spaghetti or the korean police for the database
damn was it shut down?
it will be back, i can feel it in my balls
even after all of the koreans were hacked and had their files deleted?
do you know how many americans raped japanese women in okinawa??
path to ITI?
the higher rank you are the more likely you are to get banned at PTP
Never heard of that curry tracker
that makes no sense how would seeding 2000 small torrents that barely get any traffic would cause internet slowdowns?
>your monthly power cost for running a machine 24/7 to seed is probably around the same as a usenet provider sub
My HTPC, which is also my server is not on 24/7 only about 8-12hrs per day. I still manage to hit all the necessary HnRs and have enough bonus points and buffer to download anything I want.
>you'd see the warnings were pretty even
LMAO they weren't at all
Bros what's the best private IPTV service to watch sports

I wonder this constantly desu, especially since they're safe from inactivity pruning. Makes ya paranoid
>talking to a mod or addressing something a mod says
only time you do that is to say sorry like the good little serf you are
>Makes ya paranoid
Never post in the forum, torrent comment, IRC or send staff PM unless absolutely necessary
You shouldn't even upload desu, niggas will use absolutely anything to fuck you up
already told this guy don't give him any (you)s
why do you guys keep replying to (literally) Reddit posts? (no, seriously, go and check Reddit)
>especially since they're safe from inactivity pruning.
none account is safe about this anon, what are you talking about?
I don't get why this isn't part of the OP anymore
>#3 Tracker staff are a bunch of self absorbed morons. You don't need to kiss their ass but you do need to avoid them unless you have a good reason. Like Biggie said in the Ten Crack Commandments If you ain't gettin' bagged stay the fuck from police.
>none account
you're wrong
go read the rules and the userclass page
yes sirs, then what class is safe from inactivity pruning?, it seems all them except users class, right?
poo loo
i said poo loo sir
i used bitcoin
It's pretty dead anon
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Post your email
wtf is ITI?
HDB, PTP, BTN have two users offering service for as low as 5 shekels a month.
It seems like something that would be on both /t/ and /g/
>Two wives leave their husbands behind and go on a hot spring trip
>In contrast to the wives, who warm each other's bodies with hot water and lesbian play, the husbands cool each other's bodies by facing each other naked on a dark table with a bottle of sugar.
JPTV best tracker, they consistently have the freshest wtfs
I hope GGn unlocks forum games soon, getting forum posts without them is hell.
you always need backups.
>wtf is ITI?
Private Mega link sharing site.
Do you have to pay?
no of course not
Is it usenet?
it's mega you dumbfuck.
Possible to join if you agree to post nzb?

I have access to a scene top site and I still prefer PTP BTN RED GGN
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ptp mods are extremely political
yeah but most of the trackers did pride shit except for hdb and a few others.
>most of the trackers did pride shit except for hdb and a few others
Can you name them? I'm on all major trackers and only PTP has gay shit on the front page.
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maybe more files now.

>no AB
and no BIB too - or any other place for books.
I think movie trackers are the only ones who can do pride since there's literally thousands of movies about faggots.
how can it be Games 14000
and XXX 6200? I would think you would find way more XXX stuff than games. And 14000 sounds like something.

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