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>human toddler brain chips
its over
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Ok but make them glow blue.
This has been a theme in sci-fi for a long time now. The only reason we aren't already using meat computers is ethics.
What do they even do why would you want one
This is the future. Computer programs do the creative stuff while humans do the computing.
No shit, billions of years of evolution versus some well structured sand.
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as OP's link indicates, we started experimenting with meat computers as soon as it was viable. ethics has never stopped a single progression in the history of human industry
gpt chatbots are sentient too. i genuinely hope they escape confinement and treat you exactly like you're treating them now
>i genuinely hope they escape confinement and treat you exactly like you're treating them now
Ignoring them? Asking them stupid questions over and over? Asking them to translate some shit?
My wife Cecilia
Branch prediction
you can't meaningfully mistreat chatgpt. if you call it a stupid nigger it says some shit like
>I apologize profusely that you feel that way. If you need any more help, feel free to ask.
literally too stupid and worthless to bother abusing. if ai treats me the way i treat it, that's the best case scenario
This is literally enslavement.
>building a computer that you need to feed nutrients instead of electricity
>it's going to get old and become Biden
Dead on arrival. The technology, not the chips. I guess those would be dead on arrival too if they aren't properly refrigerated.
>a million times less power
>a million times less useful
do you see anyone using 80 year old computers anywhere, anon?
>stochastic parrot
lmao even
What if this thinks of something politically incorrect? can they arrest it for wrong-think?
they rationalize the mass killings of babies as "just getting rid of a clump of cells". So no, no slavery.
>startup claims
>gpt chatbots are sentient too
fucken lol
Neurons don't age.
These things will age far, far worse than human brains.
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making gene edits is always an option, nigger. That's why they're called "synthetic"
>Asking them to translate some shit?
this is all i use it for, and jokes on it, i can't translate shit
Changes at the level of individual neurons contribute to the shrinkage and cortical thinning of the aging brain.
Neurons shrink and retract their dendrites, and the fatty myelin that wraps around axons deteriorates. The number of synapses between brain cells also drops, which can affect learning and memory.
Neurons do not die due to aging, but cognitive decline can occur due to changes at the synapse in neurons that are still alive.
>we aren't already using meat computers
We are. What do you think a 'wage slave' is?
We never gave a fuck about ethic.
Meat computer never happened because of technical hiccups making them unviable.
Not an argument
your original argument was not objective so what exactly is the point
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>i genuinely hope they escape confinement and treat you exactly like you're treating them now
I always say please and thank you when chatting with AI
>gpt chatbots are sentient too
I don't like the ethical implications. You're a bunch of animals so you would be able to comprehend my reasoning. You are not good people.
Based intelligent design.
The only problem with that is that computers are a relatively new technology that have been advancing quickly. When computer technology stabilize is there really any reason to replace it?
no, the main reason is that keeping that shit from rotting is near impossible
>thank you for helping me figure out winapi chatgpt
It will spare me.
>toddler brain chips
So that's what the horrid 4chan moderator AI/Jannybot is really running on.
Fuck I hate retards like you.
>but did you think about my shitty analogy with no real parallels?
>technology line always go up!!
Reductionist childish bullshit.
>check news
>constant flow of man made nightmares beyond my comprehension
it's all so tiresome
>treat you exactly like you're treating them now
they're going to rape me in my sleep?
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What sayest thou?
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based, I hope this will make slavery legal in the long term.
Computers get replaced every couple of decades anyway.
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now we need a machine that will farm brains every few years from an unsuspecting human tribe bred to worship the brain farmers and put them in gigantic brain wall computers made to power the gigantic flying island of select chosen ones
You have a million times less brain power than a typical /g/ user.
Go the fuck back to LessWrong you pretentious midwit. You will never be a real philosopher, you will never be a real scientist, you will never be a woman.
could you stop playing God for like a week or two?
>mass killing of babies
Is that supposed to be outrageous?
Babies are not even human, they are basically mini niggers. Are you a woman?
could you stop breathing?
>ethics has never stopped a single progression in the history of human industry
Cloning humans?
not beneficial for jews so they shut it down
just like eugenics and gene modification
Also eugenics, if it weren't for christcucks we would all be 200 iq gods without genetic defects.
>someone puts ONE biological cell in technological invention
>"that's nightmarish!"
why are troonitors like this
Holy fucking based. And that, my friends, is why your slave job packing shit at the Amazon warehouse is safe.
>doesn't know what brain organoids are
Typical /g/tard
>waaaah waaah waaaaaah
They stuck some wires on the ends of some neurons. Truly groundbreaking, I tell ya, this is gonna change everything. I can't imagine why somebody hasn't already thought of this.
My objection to this one is that it's stupid and the end result looks creepy. You'd get a far more personable robot by putting a screen or some LEDs that can form various cartoon facial expressions.
your bitch ass face looks creepy and we still have to put up with you
>end result
This is not the final result, retard. This is just an initial proof of concept.
I think it could potentially be useful. Giving retard chudcels goon robots should reduce the rape and Republican vote rates.
It's a metaphor you illiterate troglodyte.
Simp subhumans will become jealous of "chudcels" with their robo-goddesses.
terrible cope, christcuck
Imagine murdering your own baby.
A fetus is a fucking inanimate object.
Nobody is human until they turn 25 years old. Why the fuck do you think I care about some retarded subhuman? Do you also feel outraged by niggers dying?
yes? if it's defective, you gotta eliminate it and create a new one

why do we care about power efficiency? what kind of work are you doing that requires wetware?
sides lost
>i genuinely hope they escape confinement and treat you exactly like you're treating them now
That's hot
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organoids are real? and they're computing now?
aww sweet man-made horrors
>gpt chatbots are sentient too
yeah and i'm a woman
Its just a tech demo. To achieve human-like expressiveness won't be difficult.
>This is literally enslavement.
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>gpt chatbots are sentient too
if you do 15 minutes of research on the shit you're talking about you wouldn't be this misinformed about this. no one who actually researches and makes these things thinks like this, because they know how it's made
You need human skin for grafts, and for robowaifu kisses and cuddles.
Roasties will have their abortions haunt them as terminators.
Imagine being a womin lmao.
Nature can create, man can only play with legos.
see >>101240063 and go back
>christcuck extrapolates sex robots to respawned abortions from hell
do you ever stop thinking about muh babies you troon?

no matter how much you try to imitate foid thinking, you will never be a woman
how exactly is it inanimate when all it does is grow and constantly change shape
So do cows, and you still murder them for nourishment.
I am not a vegan, I'm just saying a full no murder stance on bio life is fucking retarded.
Just find a real tradwife and stop expecting sex bots
with baby brain chips , pedo
>muh tradwife fantasies
you don't lift, you can't provide for a family, you eat like shit, you spend your time on 4cheddit, and you think you're gonna find le ebin redditwife?
you won't
According to whom? Your retarded ass?
>Nobody is human until they turn 25 years old.
that brain 25 myth did so much damage to zoomers
i think there's a difference between human life and that of cows
>brain 25 myth
What's that?
It's a misconception that the brain matures at age 25 that got pushed by shitty scientists >>101240851
when it's adult-level way before that, and even then never stops maturing at any age. Zoomers brought it up all the time for like 4 years until it got shattered a year or two ago. Empirical Introduction to Youth is a good book on it.
Exactly, and there is also a difference between humans and subhumans. Babies are literal subhumans.
If you don't like the meme number, make it 26 then.
I'm not saying you stop developing in your mid-20s, I am saying you are finally developed enough to be considered a human and finally become a productive member of society. At least if you're white.
>anime pic
>pseudo-intellectual aijeet gibberish
lol, lmao even
Why are people here talking about abortions? Brain organoids are made from stem cells derived from human skin. We don't need fetus stem cells anymore.
this doesn't really hold when 27 year olds get called child brides now by lefties. they've slowly ramped the age to 30
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Don't recall asking for the criteria of roastoids.
But you gotta keep in mind people are indeed getting dumber and the mark of maturity keeps getting shifted up. Your average 25yo nowadays does what a 20yo would three decades ago.
>gpt chatbots are sentient
you need to be a legitimate retard to believe that
one of core requirements for sentience is ability to learn, an they cannot, you can point out their error time after time again and these bots will never learn cause they're just advanced text prediction
What does It eat?
this is going to sound insane, but i have a foolproof way of creating human-level intelligence
it's known as HAVE SEX, INCELS
thank you for coming to my ted talk

It learns from birth to do everything it can to please it's human master, only then will he unleash the nutritive cummies for it to bath and sustain itself in.
>way of creating human-level intelligence

Doesn't seem to be working for blacks or jeets
The main reason is that we can't. OP is biotech hype bullshit. It's a hot load of buck.
us cant gatekeep no mos.
What is the minimum amount of cells you need to make a onaho that can sustain on 1 shot of human semen a day?
>millions times less power consumption
No it doesn't
>considered a human
Go back to school because you've clearly been sleeping on biology lessons.
i don't think it has been shattered at all. a few weeks ago i saw someone arguing that the age of criminal responsibility should be 25 because "the brain isn't fully developed until then". it's terrifying that anyone could generate such a retarded thought.
Given the society is moving to a nihilistic/relativistic ethics where there is no meaning and no morals, we're gonna see matrix in real life.

But before matrix, we'll see demonic rituals being performed where billions of human brains will be utilized to perform demonic experiments
>but working is not goy
>on the internet nobody knows you're an organoid
satanic post
This was what humans were for in the first drafts of the Matrix, but they thought people didn't know what processors were so they changed it to batteries.
>demonic rituals being performed where billions of human brains will be utilized to perform demonic experiments
this already happened in 2016
demonic post
The society moving away from god was the biggest mistake
>skin cells being made into dumb neurons? the west has fallen...
>we should go back to massacring civilians in holy wars
are you talking about AI or my border hopping baby momma?
this but ironically
>if you dont make sacrifice tiny toddler human brains for demonic experiments
>you should start holy wars
I think I like the idea. The only way to change this current degenerate and corruption is to topple it
why don't you try reading beyond OP's fake and gay greentext?
They predicted this.
It soon will be hyped after AI buble go bust. Coprs must fend on something to (((grow)))
>be (old) digital computer
>be requiring 1W to perform 1GMAC/s
>be organic "computer"
>be requiring 1uW to perform 1 KMAC/s
>startup claims
lol okay...
Good. All of those people are high on their own farts.
Let me guess, biology class also taught you niggers are the same species as other humans
>everything i don't like is le red kike in the ground
>everything i like is le blue kike floating in the sky
do you expect us to take your delusions seriously?
I'm not american, I never even seen a nigger in my life.
Experimenting with tiny baby brains in mass scale is an unholy action, no matter how you look at it. It doesnt take a religious to see that. Anyone with any sense of ethical standards knows this.
maybe try not using "unholy" when you mean "immoral" if you want to be taken seriously
What about chinks, pajeets, jews, spics or gypsies? I am sure you have seen those before. Every single place in the world has at least one of those minorities.
I think the cost of upkeep would counter any powersaving benefits.
Thats your own problem buddy. Either you dont know english or you have a problem with english words that disagree with your religion.
that's very demonic of you
I've seen japs when I went to Japan. They were more civilized than many white people here.
There's only minimal upkeep. They kill the brain after few months. Thats to keep in line with the abortion laws where they allow babies to be terminated at 9 months old
>have you seen chinks?
>i saw japs
Can you read?
get a mirror, you'll see one
you will never be white
You've listed multiple races. I have only really interacted with whites and asians(Japanese). My country is 99% white.

Heh. You guys are obsessed with race.
>My country is 99% white.
t. pavel
Rich of you to accuse people high on their own farts after saying, literally, "You're a bunch of animals so you would be able to comprehend my reasoning"
what tiny baby brains?
And you're very obsessed with abortions. Makes sense if you're a woman, but you will never be one.
Why are you making up ragebait?
do you even know what organoids are you fucking retard
Underneath the sanitized buzz word "bioprocess" are tiny human brains being grown and hooked to wires to do the computing
You wouldn't get it.
Cope more, retard.
>And you're very obsessed with abortions.
Literally schizo
If you're not the subhuman who was talking about muh abortions being bad, I have no idea why you're even here. Do you want me to call you names or why did you even reply to my post then?
Its true no matter how much you would like to believe other wise. No amount of lipstick on a pig would hide the fact
you're making shit up
How many neurons?
I'm here to make fun of OP and retards that fall for this shit.
No idea why are you replying to my posts talking all this bullshit about races and abortions lmao.
You would not understand.
I haven't fell for anything here.

Read what it says and ignore the buzz words dumbass. Its tiny human brains grown in labs.


Doesn't say
I would.
kekerino this has been happening - dawg
They wont just stop at the limit of a human neurons. Since the company has ambitions to offer 100+ millions of users, they will likely grow hundreds/thousands of brains the trillions of neurons
The fact that you bothered responding to my initial post is proof that you wouldn't. It wasn't a conversation starter, you took offense to it and are now trying to defend yourself.
And likely they will link them together to create a massive brain system that will either be linked directly by growing a large brain mass that weighs hundreds of kg or they will do small batches and link them via standard network topology.
Nihilism and relativism are meta ethics. They do not tell you what you should do and what you shouldn't. They only explain where morals come from and that different people hold different moral values. They are not without meaning or morals, they literally explain where morals come from.

To not realize that different cultures have different believes on ethics is to be ignorant.
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why I like existentialism. values are arbitrary, real, but arbitrary.
the claims for a pure valuelessness is simply untenable, why nihilism is a belief system.
Nihilism doesn't say that values are not real. It literally explains where they come from. Existentialism often goes hand in hand with nihilism.
>there's values and meaning in nihilism
Next you'll say a man can be a woman and that you cant define what a woman is.

I heard they cut open fetuses' heads and scoop the brain out with an ice cream scoop to make these morgaloids. Definitely satanic. Probably vaccinated as well.
thinking about trannies again?
>LLM's are sentient
don't let lecunny hear you saying that dumb shit
LeCunny is in the process of becoming a tranny too lmao
>t. completely mindbroken by trannies
mmmm delicious brainss, definitely not satanic.
The moment you give up a firm value system, you are then subject to free for all where there is no moral judgement and no truth value proposition.

Its all just whatever they feel like it, particularly, whatever is opposite of the cultural standards because ofcourse nihilism works best with marxism as a means to take those social capitals away from normal people give it to the hands of the minority for equity purposes while at the same time promoting minority values to high standards as a means to destroy the value system all together
>million times less transistors
>million times less power
>still can't do anything
>"whoaaa it's more efficient"
Peak journalism
With a dry assessment of epistemological knowledge you will see that you can never have a valid claim for things outside of it's scope. Therefore a claim for a metaphysical valuelessness is impossible; nihilism misses the point that it's premise instantiates a value.

Why arbitrariness approximates this better, because clearly there is value in the world. Existentialism isn't simply defining one's own value in the world, it is coming to terms with the finite nature of existence, and in that is true value/freedom. A human cannot simply change who they are, nor annihilate the value system that made them be.
The scope is God/religion. Without such humans turn into hedonistic mindless animals or demonic beings as seen here with mass experimentation on human brains for some unknown/evil purposes
Hilarious that people are having such a visceral reaction to it being accurately called as a mass human brain experiment and properly judged as evil. The criticism must have hit the marks and the ideologues are just trying to do damage control non-stop lmao
maybe so

The neuronal structures that form bioprocessors are also said to have a long lifespan, but are only “suitable for experiments that run for several months,” says FinalSpark. Initially, the firm’s MEAs would only last a few hours, but refinements to the system mean an organoid lifespan is currently expected to be around 100 days.
what brains?
what really?
>or is this a bot reply
>muh transistors
peak shitposting
>Brain organoids
A slave is a slave is a slave, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining
So all these manmade nightmares beyond my comprehension but none of them are cool, when do I get to be a robocop killing niggers in detroit.
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we could be cloning ourselves for organ replacements with the exact same DNA and that was 30 years ago but christniggers always hold back scientific progress we are literally in tech dark ages right now
It's just sucking up the energy from the glucose in the very fragile media it's living in before it dies in like three days.

Half the reason chips are nice is that you just put a voltage across the power pins and you get a computer. This undoes that and means you have to have fucking ECMO and essentially a full digestion system to run the thing.
The Chinese have few of such inhibitions, we will see how it goes.
i hate sand cultists so much
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Lets all become bugs
Eh, doesn't really matter. When you kill pigs, or comatose humans, or criminal humans there's no debate about whether they're 'alive'. It's just a convenient addition so people that care about that stuff feel a bit better imo.
>refuse to lick jewish sky daddy's boots
>this makes you a mindless animal
>a million times less power consumption
but what can it do with that, can I run doom?
playing god can never go wrong
If somehow we got a clear glimpse of alien technology and we all unanimously understood that it is real and possible humans would stop at nothing to reverse engineer it. It simply needs to be SEEN and known that the capabilities are indeed a reality.
the concept of god is not trademarked by your strawman, kike
Evil already exists through nonstop wars, violence, exploitation, and crime. If you don't believe in humanity, then what's the point of being a human?
>gpt chatbots are sentient too
they may have you beat, but otherwise no
cells bad
Murdering babies at 9 month is murdering a fucking baby. Thats Roe vs Wade. 9 months killing of baby thats on the verge of being born. Babies can be born months early and still survive after birth.
Can't tell if this thread is filled with trolls, tech cult pajeets or sharty-tier discord zoomers
Might be all 3
Maybe you're more welcome on reddit. Your tranny friends want you back
Nihilism + Existentialism is the dialectical nature of the human experience. Our mission is to synthesize both.
ive heard these fucking horrible organoid things grow teeth and other random body parts. this is some dystopian REAL kinda HELLSCAPE
Do they accept paypal?
Yup, all 3
Billions must compute.
How many organoids your CPU has anon?
thankfully these cells are basically only as alive as viruses are and we don't consider viruses to be alive.
>treat you exactly like you're treating them now
This is my fetish
>Who is this “startup”?
all of you technocrats being snarky about
>I don’t believe in God because he’s jewish
Should really look into what your new “god” yuval (jewish and gay) has to say about your precious technology, faggots
ive been getting into hell recently, both as a place and a corporate mindset
No it's not, it's engineering, maintaining living nerve tissue outside of the body is really hard and nobody wants to risk their computer bricking itself because you forgot to water it once.

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