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Just bought a ThinkPad T480

What Linux Distro should I install ?

It shouldn’t be to complex to install but i wanna customise it a lot I think

I wanna install Ableton if Possible and program a bit in Java and whatch YouTube and that’s it :)))
majaro with KDE
arch with kde if you want a DE or i3wm/hyprland if you want a WM
^ dumb idiot
it legit says "shouldn't be too complex to install" (retard)
let me guess, filtered by archinstall?
artix then. That has a dumbproof installer
still dont see whats wrong with manjaro. great for newbies and dont need to fk around with installers for a day b4 starting.
artix it's a good option
>What Linux Distro should I install?
Obligatory Arch recommendation
>I wanna install Ableton if Possible
I don't know how well Ableton Live would work on Linux. You could try it out as I've seen some install scripts for either Bottles or Lutris but I'd suggest you try Bitwig Studio as the workflow isn't very different than Live's from what I've seen and there's a native version of it that has worked fine for me on Arch. It can also read Ableton Live projects and you can install your VSTs with Yabridge, just remember to install DXVK in the prefix so you can render newer GUIs. I start projects on my Windows work computer and sync them to my Linux desktop and Bitwig loads the projects up just fine, third party plugins included.
Okay this is obviously a troll but I'll still ramble

>It shouldn’t be to complex to install but i wanna customise it a lot I think
Get anything arch-based that helps you with the installation such as endeavour, manjaro etc. the AUR is really heavy on ricing. Don't listen to the brainwashed fags telling shit like artix or anything openRC based for that matter, if you're new to linux systemd is much easier to get a grasp on due to the extra commands it has. I heard that i3 is really easy to config so you'd probably want to go with that too
Forgot to mention, don't fill it up with stickers please, for the love of god. You're still in an experimenting phase so your taste will change a lot. Scratch that, don't put in absolutely any stickers that relate to tech if you want any chances at having a partner, just stick a barely naked woman to it, cannabis symbol and a skateboard
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>What Linux Distro should I install ?
Dubs, and you install RedstarOS.
>It shouldn’t be to complex to install but i wanna customise it a lot I think
There's nothing complex about a distro, unless of course you consider Gentoo. The installation process of something like Arch might take some getting used to, but that's pretty much a similar process that you'd go through with any other distro building it up from a minimal installation. Despite what most 1337fags might have you believe, Arch is a good newfag distro. Good in that it'll accustom you to reading the fucking manual and figuring out shit for yourself. Of course, you have to ask yourself, are you using Linux simply to replace Windows, or do you want to learn how to be a power user on Linux? If the former, go with Debian and do the bare minimum to learn how to use backports. If the latter, go with Arch, then move onto Artix. In the former case, maybe you could do with LMDE or just regular Mint, but I think LMDE's repos are as slow as Debians, and some are hesitant to trust Mint after they got pwned a while ago.
Other anons told me it's gay, so I say it's gay too without thinking much about it. I read something about it on the wiki too, I think.
>unless of course you consider Gentoo
Gentoo is just arch with few extra steps, if you can install arch then you can install gentoo. Especially with stage3 tarballs
hey nice anon! I just got a T480s myself and I'm also trying to install Ableton on it. I don't have high hopes but oh well.

Good luck! (I myself am probably sticking with either Debian or NixOS)
gentoo + dwm
You literally just type "archinstall" and answer the prompts.
Agree that Manjaro has more user-friendly defaults though, even though the distro is bad for other reasons.
How do you install Ableton on Linux ?
Is there a good port ?
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Fast and stable, still enough to customize.

>t. ubuntu user on t480
I was gonna try out wine, I'll try it out this week and see how it goes. Some people have done it
debian with xfce

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