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Is KDE the best desktop experience?
No, it's full of bloat and too many settings. Unity is my daily driver.
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Screen tearing, the DE.
i use macos so i don't have any faggot problem like that but when i tried using linux xfce was by far the most usable one
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>i use macos so i don't have any faggot problem like that
>joe biden's pc
Skill issue
Personally I prefer simplicity of LXQT + Openbox combo.
No faggy growing cursor and wobbly windows and other shit that nobody asks for.
This would be kino if it used a vector image for the cursor.
I asked for it. We need computers to be more silly.
Default cursor is now svg. New releases should have svgs for custom cursors too
did you edit that image in GIMP? it looks like shit
>Screen tearing
Works on my machine.
Screen tearing was fixed long time ago, but techlet tourists still repeat the same meme, knowing nothing about the subject they talk about.
And back in the days when screen tearing wasn't fixed by default it was a deal of a few terminal commands, so as another anon said
>skill issue
That's actually in the next update
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Already fixed on Fedora KDE 6.1.1
In my experience nowadays the best DE is Xfce and Cinammon.
Xfce with Chicago 95 is
i like cinnamon more than kde
just like linux distros, wayland and xorg, DEs are all the same
stop being autistic
>oh nooo, CHOICEEEEEEE !!!!!!!
>i hate this snappy Qt based UI
>shitty GTKancer better
zoomer spotted
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>Is KDE the best desktop experience?
Yes, it ts better and faster than anything GNOME and GTK based, better and faster than windows and MacOS GUI
Sweet. I turned off the feature so I didn't know...
Rapes your SSD until it dies. Bloated and buggy.
Windows 95-2000 was the best desktop
Fvwm is, but don't tell anybody about it.
>weird resolution
Bruce detected
You're hopelessly underdeveloped
lagde crashma
This is probably a good accessibility feature for those who need it but I think it should be off by default
yeah, everything else is either
>stripped down to the point of being overly limited (GNOME)
>primitive UI (XFCE, cinnamon, MATE, lxqt)
>some experiment nobody uses (everything else)


And before "it's fixed" no it's still not fixed.
>ForceFullCompositionPipeline On
>xfwm compositor off so that my mixed refresh rates monitors work
so it was that easy
It's not the best but it is better
For now I guess
happens to me with KDE and not with XFCE
Reads are free.
Did anyone yet try to wiggle the cursor up to a size where it would cause CPU spikes and ram shortage up to a crash?
holy SOVL
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If Microshit simply put KDE into Windows I'd go back. It's so fucking perfect and all issues are greatly exaggerated.
Installed OpenSUSE TW and now this shit is working like a charm on my RTX A2000 with 550.xx drivers! Fucking finally!
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i have been using gnome since 2017 and i can't imagine using anything else
If you like glassy aesthetics, then there's nothing better. I'm running Fedora Kinoite

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